Amylopectin in bodybuilding. Carbohydrates after a workout

Carbohydrate drinks intended for consumption during and immediately after training are included in the diet of athletes various kinds sports, both speed-strength and requiring the manifestation of general endurance, which is not surprising, since carbohydrates are energy, and energy is a necessary condition for any movement. Similar products are offered to us by many manufacturers. sports nutrition, and their composition is by no means intricate - a mixture of different types of carbohydrates, or even one of them. What exactly can we find on the label with the composition: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, maltodextrin and amylopectin ("Vitargo"). It would seem that it is not so important what kind of carbohydrates we consume during exercise, because all of them will eventually turn into glucose, but not everything is so simple. Features of the metabolism of various carbohydrates and their structure can significantly affect the rate of recovery of the body's energy potential. Let's look at each of the above types of carbohydrates.

Sucrose (in everyday life just sugar) is a disaccharide consisting of two monosaccharides: α-glucose and β-fructose. Sucrose, getting into the intestine, quickly splits into glucose and fructose, which are then absorbed into the blood. Therefore, in its action, sucrose is equivalent to a mixture of 50% glucose and 50% fructose. The presence of fructose in the composition of sugar is its main disadvantage - for reasons that will be indicated below. Other disadvantages include poor portability gastrointestinal tract during the load, the plus is the ultra-low cost and availability - sugar can be bought at any store.

Fructose is a monosaccharide (an isomer of glucose). Fructose metabolism in the body is different from glucose metabolism. Unlike glucose, which serves as a universal source of energy, fructose is not absorbed by insulin-dependent tissues (including muscle), no other cells human body, other than spermatozoa, cannot use it directly. Fructose is able to convert to liver glycogen, but not able to convert to muscle glycogen. In connection with the above, during intense physical exertion, its use in providing energy to muscle activity is small. Fructose is relatively inexpensive and readily available, typically found in the health food section of grocery stores.

Dextrose is nothing but dry glucose. An excellent source of energy during exercise, but much less available than sucrose or fructose. The pharmacy form in the form of tablets is very inconvenient, since these tablets must be used a lot at a time. It should also be borne in mind that at a high concentration in the composition of an aqueous solution (more than 5%), dextrose can cause heaviness in the stomach and belching.

Maltodextrin is starch enzymatically cleaved into large parts (dextrins), but with complete cleavage of maltodextrin, glucose is formed. The advantage is its relatively low rate of breakdown in the digestive system, thereby ensuring a long and uniform supply of glucose into the body. Maltodextrin is cheap to make, easy to digest, causes no stomach problems, and has little to no taste, making it suitable for training drinks, which is why it's so common in a variety of sports nutrition products, especially weight gainers. You can buy it in its pure form only in bags weighing more than 25 kg, intended for the needs of the food industry, or in sports nutrition stores in the form of the so-called. carbohydrate complexes, such as CARBO PLUS from UNIVERSAL NUTRITION, which contains only maltodextrin in its composition.

Amylopectin is a branched polysaccharide formed by glucose residues. It is part of starch (usually 70-90%), and in the so-called waxy varieties of corn, barley, rice, starch consists only of amylopectin. Widely known in the world of sports nutrition under the patent name "Vitargo" (Vitargo®). From the moment that sports scientists from Stockholm found that Vitargo restores glycogen levels after exercise much faster than any other types of carbohydrates and passes through the stomach faster, he immediately got into the diet of professional athletes from a variety of sports. As whey isolate is considered the most valuable among proteins, Vitargo is considered the most valuable among carbohydrates. It has a number of advantages, which led to its wild popularity: it is in the stomach only for a short period of time, it is absorbed very quickly and easily, therefore it does not cause discomfort during physical exertion (which is typical for sugar and dextrose), it can be used in concentration above 5-8%, that is, more than twice the recommended for carbohydrate drinks based on sucrose or maltodextrin, does not absorb water from the body's reserves, but on the contrary, increases the flow of water into the blood, acting as a kind of pump during physical activity athlete. It is interesting that initially Vitargo gained particular popularity among representatives of sports that require the manifestation of general and strength endurance, such as ski race, biathlon, cycling, American football, marathon, and later it was "tasted" by the security forces: bodybuilders and powerlifters. Currently, amylopectin can be found in the composition of various sports nutrition products from a wide variety of manufacturers. Sophisticated manufacturing technology determines the high cost of the product, perhaps this is its only drawback.

Thus, based on the choice carbohydrate product, which you are going to use during or after your workouts, you need to consider that different types carbohydrates will support the energy of muscle activity in different ways, and your digestive system, which operates “at low speed” during the load, will also react differently to them. It is believed that when using sugar, fructose or dextrose in the composition of the drink, their concentration should not exceed 5%, maltodextrin - 8%, Vitargo - 15%.​

Amylopectin: features of use in bodybuilding

Amylopectin is one of the complex carbohydrates found in dietary starch. In bodybuilding, it is used to increase the influx of energy necessary for growth and development. muscle tissue, muscles. From a chemical point of view, it is a polysaccharide that is formed by several glucose molecules. In food, it can be found in maize, rice, wheat, starch from a plant of the Waxi variety, potatoes, wax varieties of corn. It is of great value to the athlete, so many sports nutrition manufacturers have paid attention to the creation of an additive that is sublimated amylopectin. How effective amylopectin is in improving the performance and nourishing the body of an athlete, how to take it, we will tell in this material.

The action and benefits of amylopectin

Bodybuilders use it to optimize muscle glycogen levels. With this starch-like substrate, various carbon drinks are prepared, which are necessary to increase the energy supply. Thanks to amylopectin:

You can increase the time of work under serious loads.

The body of an athlete is fueled by the necessary substances during exercise.

Muscles recover faster, protein is synthesized more actively.

The main advantages of the supplement can also be attributed to the fact that:

Its molecules take water from the reserves, acting like a pump, thereby increasing the flow of fluid into the vessels and blood, and with it transferring nutrients to the muscles. Therefore, it can be used in combination with additives such as BCAA, and others, which will only benefit their efficiency and speed.

This high-molecular, complex, ultra-fast carbohydrate in cocktails is perceived by athletes much better than maltodextrin or sugar, because it is absorbed in minutes without causing discomfort, excessive satiety, or bloating. And this is very important, because physical exercise with a swollen belly - an extremely unpleasant sensation. Plus, such training will not bring either satisfaction or benefit. Since it is quickly digested, you can drink it immediately before going to the gym during the lesson itself and even after it.

It will not reduce your activity due to the release of insulin, as can happen with sucrose or dextrose, but rather raise it. Suitable even for use with a diet before the competition.

It accelerates the process of fat burning, helps fats break down and be excreted. A sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates contributes to the oxidation of fat cells to end products.

Because of all of the above, it is popular in almost all sports where endurance is important, which is responsible for a stable level of glycogen in muscle tissue.

How to take amylopectin?

Glycemic index sports supplement amylopectin ranges from 100 to 135%, depending on the manufacturer. It is an exception to complex carbohydrates, as it is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which allows it to be treated as a simple carbohydrate when taken.

It is worth using this tool in this way:

One minute intense strength training should go from half to a gram of supplement. Therefore, if your stay in the hall takes an hour, then the drink is prepared with 30-60 g of the product. You can start from the lower limit, gradually rising, and if you have experience and the body perceives well, then you can immediately use an average or high rate (40-60 g).

It must be dissolved in clean water without gas, mixing well so that no sticky lumps remain.

If your goal is to gain mass, then the carbohydrate window is closed with a cocktail, that is, they drink it immediately after completing the loads.

Drink only with this additive or a whole combination of different ones, you can drink a little throughout the entire session. If you come to the training room with a slight feeling of hunger, so that the last meal was two or three hours before, then the entire calorie content of the drunk remedy will go to endurance and energy, without being put off by excessive mass.

If an extremely intense long-term load with very large weights and work on relief awaits you, then it is recommended to take it half an hour before class (30 g) and during (40-50 g).

During the drying period, athletes sometimes use this powder so that they have enough energy not to abandon the training. In this case, no more than 20 grams of the product goes to one session. Also, taking this into account, you should adjust your diet for carbohydrates so that fat burning does not stop.

In addition to preparing a drink with only amylopectin, it can also be combined with a number of components. The most popular among famous bodybuilders are cocktails containing:

BCAA - from 15 to 30 g; amylopectin from 50 to 80 g; creatine 10-15 g; glutamine from 10 to 20 grams.

Also, arginine, citrulline malate, beta-alanine and others are often added. In order to find out in more detail which recipe will be most effective in your case, you can seek the advice of professionals in this field.

Contraindications to the use of amylopectin in bodybuilding

This drug should not be drunk with:

Individual intolerance and allergic reaction to components. Pregnant at any time. Breastfeeding mothers Children and adolescents under the age of eighteen.

Before you start improving your body with this complex carbohydrate, you should consult with a trainer and nutritionist. Only they can say with certainty how useful the supplement will be for you and whether its use will bring any harm.

Amylopectin - used in bodybuilding to optimize the amount of glycogen in the muscles. Amylopectin is a complex, high molecular weight, long chain carbohydrate. Simply put, this starch-like substrate provides energy for growth and development. From the point of view of a chemist, it is a polysaccharide formed by several molecules of glucose. Contained in wax varieties of corn, in potato and maize starch, as well as in some varieties of rice and wheat. It is considered as valuable for an athlete as, for example, whey isolate.

Action of amylopectin

Freeze-dried amylopectin in bodybuilding is used to make carbohydrate drinks that are consumed to increase energy levels. He helps:

increase the duration of work under load, provide long workouts;

accelerate muscle recovery, positively affect protein synthesis;

provide nutrition to the athlete during training.

Amylopectin is more comfortably tolerated than traditional drinks with sugar or maltodextrin. It spends very little time in the stomach, is absorbed almost instantly, and therefore does not cause discomfort.

How to take amylopectin

The way how to take amylopectin in bodybuilding depends on the goal. Gaining mass "close" the carbohydrate window with a drink with amylopectin, diluting such an amount of powder that will give about 30 g of carbohydrates or more.

Athletes on the "dry" sometimes use small dosages to ensure the ability to perform training. In this case, the dose is selected experimentally, usually 10-20 g of “net” carbohydrates per training session. In addition, they carry out a correction of the diet for carbohydrates so that the fat burning processes do not stop.

Buy in Tula Amylopectin 1kg without flavor additives from Geneticlab, you can in the sports nutrition store IRONTULA. The availability and current price of Geneticlab amylopectin is always on the website.

Amylopectin is the most widely used carbohydrate by athletes top level, ideal for fitness professionals or endurance athletes. This carbohydrate was scientific research demonstrating its ability to assimilate and recharge glycogen stores faster and more efficiently than any other available glucose polymer formulation on the market.

Amylopectin promotes growth muscle mass, increases energy, improves performance. It prevents, provides instant assimilation of carbohydrates to increase energy levels and replenish muscle glycogen.
Amylopectin charges glycogen faster and more efficiently than any other glucose formulation on the market and is the most recognized carbohydrate professional athletes. This carbohydrate has a very short time in the stomach, does not cause discomfort or upset, and has no side effects. Benefits of amylopectin:

  • Promotes the growth of muscle mass.
  • Increases energy.
  • Improves performance.
  • Prevents overtraining syndrome.
  • Provides instant assimilation of carbohydrates.
  • Rapidly replenishes muscle glycogen.
  • Does not cause discomfort and side effects.

Product Features

Amylopectin is a highly branched polymer of glucose found in plants. It is one of the two components of starch, amylose. It is easily soluble in water.

The reason for their relative speed of digestion is because the enzymes have more access to the glucose subunits in a highly branched structure.

Due to its molecular weight, amylopectin is absorbed by the intestines faster than dextrose or maltodextrin - "fast carbohydrates", which in turn leads to a significant increase in glycogen content.

Amylopectin is a carbohydrate from waxy corn, potato starch, rice, or wheat.

Due to its high amylopectin content, waxy corn is considered an extremely fast-acting carbohydrate and is sold by manufacturing companies in powdered form. Due to the rapid absorption of amylopectin in the body, bodybuilders often use waxy corn for fast post-workout glycogen levels. (Glycogen is the stored form of carbohydrates in muscle tissue).
Some companies claim that waxy corn is absorbed 70-80% faster than other popular sugars such as dextrose or maltodextrin.

How to take amylopectin

Bodybuilders Use Amylopectin clean after workout, diluting a portion of the powder with water, and replenish glycogen stores immediately after exercise, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Use the product according to the instructions on the sports supplement label.


Amylopectin Vit. O. Best.

Amylopectin Vit.O.Best is a high purity and quality supplement with amylopectin, a highly effective carbohydrate. Contains 100% pure amylopectin, no other carbohydrates or sweeteners. Promotes accelerated recharging of muscle glycogen. Vit.O.Best is a well-known enterprise engaged in the production of a new generation of products. This company develops innovative formulas and produces high quality supplements with the best raw materials available on the market at a very affordable price.

Max Muscle Sports

MMSN represents the product Max ACM with formula Triple Carb Matrix with three different molecular weight carbohydrates including pure waxy cornstarch (amylopectin), maltodextrin and trehalose. Max ACM is designed to support the production of glycogen, which provides the necessary energy for bodybuilding.

Geneticlab AMYLOPECTIN (amylopectin) 1000gr

Geneticlab nutrition is a manufacturer of high quality products. Amylopectin from this manufacturer in one serving (33 g) contains: B. - 0.1 g; Zh. - 0 g; U. - 28.1 g. In one serving - 112 kcal.


Carbohydrates are especially important for athletes as they provide the energy needed to optimize muscle contraction, and among them, starch is the most digestible and provides a slow release of nutrients to provide energy over a long period of time while avoiding muscle glycogen depletion. For muscle growth, consume amylopectin after training.

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Hi all! This is Andrey, today we continue to collect our pre-workout mixture. Its final component will be a carbohydrate called amylopectin.
Why did I decide to add amylopectin to our pre-workout formula? At first I just added 2 tablespoons of sugar, then I realized that sugar retains water, and this slows me down at the time of training and exercise. Plus, sugar in the process of digestion breaks down into glucose and fructose molecules. Fructose causes many digestive problems (laxative effect and bloating), plus it is practically useless for energy supply to the muscles. For those who want to dry out and who have a tendency to gain mass, amylopectin is more suitable.

Amylopectin is a complex dietary starch carbohydrate that has a high absorption rate. It provides energy without converting to fat and is processed directly into glycogen, and glycogen is an energy source for muscles. Amylopectin does not lead to fat gain.
How can amylopectin be useful for us? It has 3 of the most important qualities: maintaining the duration of muscle work, accelerating recovery, nutrition and energy during exercise.

At what dosages did I test it? I used it pre-workout, adding 2 heaped teaspoons to my pre-workout mix to give a small carb boost to start my workout. Then I mixed about 25 grams in a shaker and drank during training to maintain energy levels during the entire load.

Now let's talk about composition. Any starch (potato, corn, rice or barley) is composed of amylopectin and amylose ( inner part starch grain). The amylopectin I tested is derived from waxy corn and reaches 98 percent, in other words, it's a pure isolated product. I decided to compare the most affordable potato starch and corn amylopectin and found the difference. I threw 25 grams into a shaker and drank during my workout. I can say that potato starch does not completely dissolve and settles. When you drink such a mixture, you feel on easy language roughness. This is the effect of amylose. Amylopectin dissolves completely. Recently I went too far and added not 25 grams, but 40 grams, and the water in the shaker became jelly-like; amylopectin has completely dissolved and turned into a gel, so its absorption rate is much higher.

From my feelings I can say that during a two-hour workout I don’t feel a drop in energy: as I did at the same pace, I do it. There is slight fatigue, most likely related more to the central nervous system and moral fatigue, but I did not feel the physical fatigue of the muscles. Plus, amylopectin can be consumed both before and during training, and after. Many interfere with amylopectin with protein, thereby creating a kind of gainer. The advantage of such a gainer is that you get a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates that will not turn into fat. Carbohydrates do not provoke an increase in the level of pancreatic hormone in the body, everything you drink goes to restore glycogen and spent energy.
On this, the conversation about the components of the pre-workout mixture is almost over. There is a big summer CrossFit Cup ahead, where I will be testing the pre-workout mixture that I have collected in combat conditions. In the next video I will tell you how the competition went, what feelings I got, I will collect everything in one pre-workout mixture. So see you in the next video, bye everyone!

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