Vaginal muscle training. Intimate muscle training at home

Hello girls. Today is a note for you. The topic is intimate and does not involve the participation of men. This article was written to me by a girl, a copywriter - I asked her to cover this topic in general terms, since this is not my element and it is somehow inconvenient for me to talk about these topics. But there is a problem, and we will discuss it right now.

Many women want to pump up their intimate muscles for a variety of reasons.

  • Some wish to improve their personal intimate life.
  • Others strive to prepare their bodies as much as possible for the birth of children.
  • And those who have already gone through this wish to recover and tone the female muscles.

Let's find out how to pump up the muscles of the vagina. The article is quite short, as there is not much to say here. Consider only the most effective exercise, get all the necessary tools - and into battle.

Training of intimate female muscles has a name "wumbling" and has a lot of benefits. Very important is a brighter sex life for both partners, the quality and duration of an orgasm increases in a woman.

It also helps to eliminate many gynecological problems, such as menstrual irregularities, polycystic disease, problems with conception. Trained vaginal muscles contribute to easier pregnancy and easy childbirth.

It is also known that with age and after childbirth, the muscles of the female genital organs become more flabby and stretched, which can adversely affect the quality of sexual relations.

Through training intimate muscles improves blood circulation in the pelvis and pelvic organs, prevents prolapse of the uterus and bladder. Also, women with trained muscles do not suffer from urinary and fecal incontinence.

How to pump up vaginal muscles effectively - 5 cool exercises

All these exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time - while in the office, taking the elevator or standing in line. It is completely invisible to others, but nevertheless very effective. Although the first time it is still better to do it at home, in a relaxed atmosphere and fully understand the execution technology.

The most popular technique for training the vagina is called Kegel exercises. These activities affect smooth muscles vaginas and make them more massive. As a result, a woman will be able to better grasp the male sexual organ with them during intimacy.

  1. Contraction and holding of the vaginal muscles. Squeeze the muscles of the vagina and hold them in this state for at least five seconds. Gradually increase the holding time. On average, you should do this exercise for at least five minutes a day.
  2. Rapid muscle contraction (blinking). Strongly tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus, and quickly relax. Start with 20 repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions to 100.
  3. Ejection. This exercise is easier to understand for those who have already become a mother. The movement is similar to attempts, for girls without experience, you need to imagine a foreign object in your crotch and try to push it out with force.
  4. Urinary retention. Also recommended, but for a few seconds. This effective prevention diseases of the genitourinary system, including enuresis.
  5. Breeding legs in the "birch" stance. Lie on your back and stand in a birch stance, as we all did in kindergarten. Then start slowly spreading your legs to the sides, follow the reduction of the legs. Do 6-7 reps per set for 3-5 minutes. Do this exercise slowly and consciously, slowly increase the range of motion of the legs.

Various tools will help enhance the effect of Kegel exercises. Vaginal balls are very effective, they can be inserted and squeezed just during the day, or before training, for example, squats, and combine work on the muscles of the buttocks and vagina.

Many girls are interested in the question of how long it takes to increase the tone of the muscles of the vagina and feel the result. This is individual and depends on many factors, but in most cases you will be able to enjoy the achievement of the goal in 1-2 months.

You can buy a high quality Kegel vaginal trainer HERE or HERE.

Pick up additional STIMULANTS (TOP 3 products):

  1. Some girls use special CANDLES FOR NARROWING THE VAGINAL MUSCLES ("Vagileks"). They help to recover after childbirth and tone the intimate muscles. You can buy HERE (only for Russia).
  2. They also use the mega-popular Vaginal muscle contraction gel ("Virgin Star"). You can buy HERE (available countries - Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan).
  3. I also found an extraordinary working tool HERE. This is a special STICK "DOYAN", which eliminates frigidity, enhances orgasm, narrows the vagina (available countries - Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan).

Choose the right option for you! These tools will enhance the effect of training!

Our body is made up of many muscle tissues, and the vagina is no exception. Flabby muscles of the vagina can give a woman some discomfort and become the beginning of unpleasant changes in the body. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to train the muscles of the vagina.

Relaxation of the vaginal muscles

The muscles of the vagina are located in the pelvic area and perform an important function of supporting the uterus, ureter, intestines and bladder. Weakened muscles can lead to certain disorders:

  • Urinary incontinence. This is usually the first sign of weak vaginal muscles. Quite often, urine leakage can occur during sneezing or coughing.
  • Flabbiness of muscle tissues weakens the maintenance of the uterus, as a result of which its prolapse (and in advanced cases, prolapse) may begin.
  • Weak vaginal muscles can cause severe lower back pain or pressure in the pelvic area.
  • Quite often, this causes problems in the intimate sphere - it is expressed in the inability to enjoy during a sexual act.

The vaginal muscles can relax over time due to many factors: childbirth, smoking, excess weight, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, beginning of menopause. In this regard, it will be useful to know how to strengthen the muscles of the vagina.

Wumbling Exercises

Fortunately, if you give up junk food, at the same time reducing weight, refraining from smoking and moving more, then elasticity can be restored. However, this is a long process, and to speed it up, you will need to train the muscles of the vagina.

  1. During urination, try to delay the process by strongly straining your muscles. Repeat three times.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Move forward on your buttocks, tensing them in turn. Runs for three minutes.
  3. Make a "birch tree", supporting your back with your hands. Spread your legs apart and return to the starting position. Do this exercise slowly.
  4. Lie on your back, slightly spread apart bent legs. Within 30 seconds, you should raise and lower the pelvis, then you need to achieve complete relaxation for 10 seconds. Repeat two times.
  5. Stand shoulder-width apart, squat as low as possible and slowly spread your legs apart, trying to feel the tension. Repeat 15 times.

When the exercises are easy to perform, you can increase the number of repetitions of the contraction of the muscles of the vagina. A positive result usually occurs within 5 weeks. In addition, for training, you can do Pilates. This is also a great simulator and a way of wumbling.

Kegel Method

Arnold Kegel is a true professional in his field, who created a set of exercises to help women with urinary incontinence. Its essence is that these exercises can also be used to train the muscles of the vagina. From the beginning of the complex, it is necessary to repeat the exercises 2-3 times, gradually increasing the number. It is best to develop muscle tissue while lying down, and when you already have some experience, they can be done in any position unnoticed by others.

Gymnastics for the muscles of the vagina:

  1. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees and spread apart, hands on your stomach. You can put a small pillow under your lower back. Strongly tighten the vagina (as if drawing something into it), hold it for 3 seconds, relax the muscles. When performing the exercise, breathe deeply and calmly. Repeat 5 times.
  2. For 10 seconds, intensively squeeze and unclench the vaginal tube. Do three sets of 10 seconds. Further, the exercise can be complicated - do 5-7 approaches.
  3. Strongly tighten the vagina, hold for 10 seconds, relax, then repeat the second exercise for 15 seconds, and hold for another 10 seconds.

Another exercise for the vagina: one finger is inserted into the vagina. Then the woman tries to squeeze it as hard as possible.

Charging to get trained muscles can become more effective if you use special vaginal balls that are used as a simulator. They are inserted inside like a tampon, pre-lubricated with a special gel. After that, the woman walks with them for a while. Feelings may not be the most pleasant, but after a while you get used to it.

Positive sides

Every woman who certain period did exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, notes that the result is simply beautiful. In just a while, you can develop them and tone them up. With the help of wumbling, you can achieve a lot:

  • Reduce the size of the vaginal tube (namely narrow);
  • Improve sex life;
  • Get to know your body and needs better;
  • Prepare the body for childbirth;
  • Strengthen the press;
  • Reduce the intensity of pain during menstruation.
  • Improve blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  • Increase sensitivity during intercourse.
  • Get rid of urinary incontinence.

In addition, such gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the vagina helps to reduce visible cellulite, increase libido and improve the overall well-being of a woman.

Inflated and developed vaginal muscles have a positive effect not only on health, but also on sexual life. Exercises contribute to the overall strengthening of the entire muscle belt in the small pelvis.

How to pump up the muscles of the vagina quickly? It is enough to perform the exercises twice a day and after four weeks you can notice a significant result.

Every woman has her own little secrets that make her unique and unrepeatable - something that drives the men around her crazy. It can be a magical look with devils in its depths or an innocent habit of correcting a loose strand. And there is the science of seduction, which appeared many millennia ago ... it was thanks to it that we learned to apply a seductive fragrance to the body, make the skin look like velvet, wear breathtaking stilettos ... One of the components of the ancient science is wumbling - the art of owning intimate muscles. He's an imbecile.

Vumbilding (VUM - short for "vaginal controlled muscles") is a technique for developing the pelvic and other muscles in order to acquire the natural and necessary skills to master them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth and the prevention of various female diseases.

Concubine Exam

So, in ancient China, only empresses and concubines (a little later - geishas) were taught this art - they formed the muscles of the pelvic floor using jade eggs. Love balls or beads were also used by women of the East. Mistresses in the emirs' harems were selected using a simple test: a stone egg on a silk thread was placed in the bosom of the girl and tried to pull it back. Only after the fifth torn thread was the concubine recognized as worthy to please the rich master.

There were other options for the exam. Colored water was injected into the vagina of the contenders for the sultan's bed and they had to dance a belly dance, holding the liquid in themselves. Well, the girl held the most important exam on the first night. The “newlywed” sat down on the Sultan, a burning candle or a jug of water was placed on her head, after which, while maintaining immobility, the “examined” had to bring the Sultan to orgasm.

Today, vaginal prowess is often demonstrated in various shows in Thailand. Butterflies fly out of the “secret places” of craftswomen, fish jump out, birds fly out ... Yes, in one night with such a craftswoman, men are ready for anything ...

For women's health and mental health

Vumbilding for many centuries remained an art for the elite, few women knew the knowledge of concubines. Today, hundreds of years later, the situation has changed: specialized schools have appeared, and now every woman can learn to control her internal muscles.

Why is this needed exotic art? It is necessary for

- learn to control the muscles of love, increase their strength and elasticity;

- expand the sexual scenario, diversify intimate life;

— deliver maximum pleasure to your partner (and yourself too!) and become unique for him;

- learn to control your own orgasm;

physiological preparation for painless childbirth and accelerate postpartum recovery;

- take care of your women's health.

Now a little more about the benefits of wumbling

We all know that the female orgasm, as a rule, is not physiological, but psychological in nature, that is, it is based on feelings of intimacy with a loved one. And it's no secret that, according to statistics, most women do not experience orgasm at all during sex. One of the main causes of frigidity is weak, underdeveloped vaginal muscles. When they are “lazy” and do not participate in the process of copulation, the blood circulation in them worsens, and, consequently, the blood flow to the vagina is significantly reduced. Consequently, it becomes impossible to achieve orgasm. And vice versa: by forcing the muscles to work, we bring blood to the pelvic organs and ... enjoy the process.

And that is not all. Doctors say: regular classes wumbling help in the fight against a number of gynecological diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle, wearing (in pursuit of beautiful figure) slimming underwear. For example, the genital or intimate muscles of women sitting at the computer for 6-7 hours are not only in complete relaxation, but, figuratively speaking, “spread over the chair”, that is, they lose their shape, firmness and elasticity.

Numerous fibroids, polyps, prolapse of the pelvic organs, a huge percentage caesarean sections and obstetric vacuum aspiration during childbirth in young people is nothing more than a consequence of weakness, lack of training of intimate muscles. And most importantly: imbuilding has a great effect on the entire female body, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Regular exercise improves bowel function varicose veins veins resolve, and menopause is pushed back for a dozen years.

Train yourself

Wumbling classes, like any kind of self-improvement, are most effective under the vigilant guidance of an instructor. This is the best option. However, you can do it yourself, with books and instructions.

The first rule of the technique is to start mastering it from the basics: you need to monitor your lifestyle, eat right, exercise regularly, get proper rest, etc.

Basic exercises in imbuilding are called Kegel exercises - they are recommended for all women after 25 years of age, and after childbirth they are simply necessary. Exercises, simple, but very effective, allow not only to significantly strengthen the genitals, but also to experience new sensations during sex, to give unique sensations to a partner. And also quickly recover after childbirth, improve your " women Health and the state of the whole organism as a whole. Here are the simplest ones:

1. The first step is "getting to know" your vaginal muscles. All it takes is making sure you have them, they can contract and relax. To do this, when you go to the toilet, try to stop urinating. Feel like you're tense internal muscles? Now you can proceed to the next imbuilding exercises.

2. The second exercise: rhythmically, with force (all other muscles of the body must be absolutely relaxed), strain the intimate muscles for 8-10 seconds. In the first week, you need to do 5-10 contractions 6 times a day. For 6 weeks, the number of contractions should be increased to 50 contractions (also 6 times a day). Then, to maintain tone, you can perform about 20-25 contractions daily. Obviously, this exercise doesn't require a dedicated space or time—that's what's great about it.

3. For the same purpose, vaginal balls are used (they, which came to us from Ancient China, are now available in any store specializing in "erotic" goods). The balls treated with a small amount of lubricant are injected inside and they try to hold at first for at least one minute, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise.

Perhaps this is all that a novice geisha needs to know - you can learn about the details, about new exercises and simulators from many manuals or from professional trainer… Any means are good when you want to bind Him to yourself. The main thing is when you take care of your body. And we women have many ways. Wumbling, by the way, is not the only and not entirely indispensable. Agree, after all, in order to tie a man with his art in bed, he must also be lured to the bed. How? Just! With an alluring look, an unfading smile and ... female cunning!

What is wumbling? Vumbilding is a workout aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis. Simply put, to strengthen the intimate muscles. First of all, it is necessary to improve sexual relations, as well as for a better course of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, regularly performed wumbling workouts are an excellent prevention of female diseases. The history of wumbling dates back to the time of geisha, who were in perfect control of their intimate muscles. And, as you know, these women were called priestesses of love, those who perfectly comprehended the art of love. In many ways, it was thanks to the skill of owning intimate muscles to perfection that geisha earned their fame.

Indications for wumbling

Who is shown training in the first place? What are they needed for? What problems can be solved?

  • First of all, the indication for the start of wumbling is urinary incontinence, which occurs when coughing, sneezing or lifting weights. Initially, these exercises were invented specifically to combat urinary incontinence.
  • Exercises also help with the occurrence of hemorrhoids and for its prevention.
  • In the event that there is pain during intercourse.
  • In the absence of an orgasm.
  • With displacement of the uterus or prevention of its displacement.
  • Unable to bear the urge to urinate.
  • To avoid painful childbirth. And also classes are an excellent prevention of gaps in childbirth.
  • In order to cure hormonal disruptions.
  • Also, wumbling exercises will be useful for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases.
  • In cases where air enters the vagina during intercourse.
  • In addition, these exercises help prevent uterine cancer.
  • They also allow you to postpone the menopause to a later date. In addition, classes help eliminate all the signs of premenstrual syndrome.

How to start wumbling

If you have only recently learned that such exercises exist, most likely you are wondering where to start to get the best result.

For beginners, it is advisable, first of all, to read as much information as possible and watch the video. Before moving on to practice, you need to be completely savvy in theory, because this will ensure the correct execution of all exercises, which means that it will definitely give positive effect. It is best to consult your doctor before starting exercise. This is necessary in order to exclude pregnancy and all kinds of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. These events are contraindications for wumbling.

You don't need a lot of space to practice. You can train even lying on the couch! And over time, when you fully master all the techniques, you can do the exercises wherever you want - doing homework, walking in the park, or even at work!

First of all, you need to be sure to learn abdominal breathing. With this type of breathing, only the stomach moves, in turn rib cage remains completely motionless. Breathing is even and smooth.

To begin with, learn how to perform the entire exercise technique, at home, lying down, and only then, when you can perform them automatically, without thinking about the correct execution, you can move on to exercises in a standing position. First of all, try to slowly and smoothly squeeze the muscles of the vagina, and then also slowly relax them. In addition, try to slowly pull the muscles of the anus, Special attention not to strain the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen, then also gently relax. Give this preparation from 6 to 12 minutes.

Exercise technique

Tune in to the fact that it will take you about two weeks just to feel your intimate muscles, and 3 to 6 months regular workouts to learn how to manage them. To start all a set of wumbling exercises performed only lying down.

1) First, learn to feel your intimate muscles. To do this, while emptying the bladder, try to stop the process with the help of muscles. When you manage to do this, you will understand exactly which muscles you have to train. However, do not include this exercise in your daily workouts, as there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect - weakening the muscles, and, as a result, urinary incontinence.

2) Smoothly contract the intimate muscles for 5 seconds, then also gently relax. Do the exercise 10 times.

3) Next, contract the muscles to the limit and hold them for 30 to 60 seconds. If at first you are unable to hold the muscles of the vagina to a minimum threshold of time, hold the maximum amount of time possible, adding a few seconds every day. Repeat the entire series of exercises above 4 times.

4) Quickly contract and release the pelvic muscles for 15-20 seconds, then take a break for 15 seconds, and then repeat 4 times.

5) Relax completely, and then tighten the pelvic muscles to the limit 35 times at an average pace. Do three to four sets.

6) Squeeze the muscles to the maximum possible limit for 25 seconds and hold in this position, then take a break for 15 seconds. Do 6 sets.

7) As it were, collect and then release the muscles of the vagina for 120 seconds. At the same time, add 60 seconds every day until you reach 10 minutes 3 times a day.

8) Exercise "Madonna". Take the following starting position. Get on your knees, then place your pelvis on your heels. Take your hands back, focus on your palms, while your knees and legs are apart. Gently raise the buttocks only with the help of muscle efforts abdominals while keeping your back completely relaxed. Gently squeeze your intimate muscles for 35 seconds, then slowly relax. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

9) Exercise "Raising the pelvis". The fulcrum goes to the palms, which are located behind the back. The legs are straightened, stretched forward and slightly apart. Support falls on the palms and feet. Raise the pelvis as much as possible, while the head is thrown back, the neck muscles are not tense. Contract and relax your vaginal muscles as you lower yourself to the floor. 8-12 approaches should be performed.

10) Next exercise performed standing. Legs shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath and tighten the sphincter as much as possible. Then exhale and then relax. The exercise is performed within 4-5 minutes.

11) The next exercise is performed by analogy with the previous one, but the legs are bent. It is a little heavier, but gives a more tangible effect.

12) Exercise "Blink". The emphasis is alternately on the clitoris and sphincter. Tighten and relax both in turn. Spend about 20 minutes practicing several times a day. At first, this will seem very difficult and impossible. However, every day, you will be easier and easier.

Once you have perfected all the technique of performing exercises to automatism, you can perform some of them sitting or even standing. In the meantime, you can continue with your normal activities. For example, in transport on the way to work, or at work.

Vumbilding simulators

Exercises for the development of intimate muscles are certainly very effective. However, it is believed that, by themselves, they will never give such an effect as in joint exercises with special intimate simulators. It is recommended to start learning the art of wumbling from an official representative in your city. He will teach correct execution complex and give recommendations on how to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. As soon as you feel the first success in the classroom, you can safely practice at home. What kind of simulators exist, how do they work, and where can I buy them?

  • The most effective simulator for practicing wumbling and wumfit - simulators by V. L. Muranivsky and O. V. Nikitina. They are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor, develop the vaginal canal, recover after childbirth, become more sensitive, improve blood circulation in internal organs and muscles.
  • Balloons. Special balls designed to be inserted into the vagina and held inside with the help of intimate muscles. You can buy them in intimate shops. Before use, be sure to wash them and treat with an antiseptic. In addition, generously lubricate them with lubricant.

Exercises with balls must be practiced strictly after the permission of a professional wumbling trainer (!!!). Insert the balls into the vagina and hold them without releasing with the help of intimate muscles. To begin with, do the exercise for one to two minutes, gradually increasing the time. A more technically difficult exercise is moving the ball into the vagina only with the help of intimate muscles. Once you learn how to control the muscles, you can do it without much difficulty. The next exercise is pushing the ball out of the vagina one by one using the intimate muscles. And one more exercise - insert the balls into the vagina and, holding the thread, try to pull them out one at a time, while resisting with intimate muscles.

  • Vacuum trainer. A rather complex device, and at first it may seem that it is almost impossible to deal with it. However, each simulator goes detailed instructions. If you deal with it, you can achieve amazing results. After all vacuum trainer recognized as the most effective of all existing. With it, you can get results much faster.
  • cargo simulators. The device is a ball to which you can attach the load. Usually, when training, they attach a bottle into which water is poured. Each time, during classes, you should pour a little more than the previous one. The maximum amount of weight calculated on the simulator is up to 2 kilograms.
  • vaginal expander. This device works in the same way as a conventional manual expander, only intended for training intimate muscles.

In order for wumbling exercises to give a tangible effect, you need to carefully approach the technique of their implementation. You need to train constantly, not missing a single day. After you have learned to feel the muscles well, you must definitely use simulators during training. Only they will help you understand how to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and make them work. It is almost impossible to do this without simulators.

When you feel that everything is working out for you, when you begin to see and feel the effect of the exercises, do not quit. In the event that you stop exercising, after a very a short time the muscles will return to their previous shape, and the exercises will have to be started again.

Only perseverance and regularity will help you train your vaginal muscles. However, the effort is worth it! After all, you will not only improve your women's health, but also present an unforgettable surprise to your sexual partner! Good luck to you!

The issue of strengthening intimate muscles should be of interest to every woman. After all, not only the quality of sexual intercourse depends on this, but also the prevention of some purely female diseases (for example, prolapse of the uterus). This requires strong vaginal muscles. You can achieve their strengthening using various methods. Today we will look at the most effective ways how to tighten the muscles of the vagina.

What signs indicate weakness of the vaginal muscles?

Some women after the birth of a child notice that they have one problem. During coughing, sudden movements or sneezing, urine may be released. This situation is made possible "thanks" to the weakening of the muscles that support the uterus. As a result, she begins to put pressure on bladder, which involuntarily contracts and fluid is released from it.

Weak vaginal muscles, if not exercised, can even cause the uterus to sink so low that it extends beyond the vagina. This becomes noticeable during the passage of a gynecological examination, when the prolapse of the uterus has an early stage. If you ignore the problem, then the woman herself will eventually begin to complain of discomfort - it will seem to her that a foreign body has appeared in the perineum.

Sometimes there may be pain in the lower back, which a woman perceives as a manifestation lumbar sciatica. However, they are also associated with weak vaginal muscles and appear if a woman is in an upright position for a long time.

There are 3 main reasons that provoke stretching of the vagina:

  1. childbirth;
  2. sex;
  3. age.

The vagina is a muscular-elastic organ. Her muscle is tightly folded, but capable of stretching or shrinking under the influence of various factors. These factors include childbearing and sexual activity. The ability of the vagina to contract and stretch can be compared to the mechanism of the appearance of a smile. When a person smiles, facial muscles distort it. appearance and the corners of the mouth stretch towards the ears. But then they can be returned to their original position.


The same thing happens with the vaginal muscles. One of the unique abilities of the vagina is its ability to take in the genitals of the most different sizes. Under the influence of the penis during sex, the vagina is stretched. And if a woman leads an active sex life, then over time the vagina will stretch and the muscles will weaken a little.


However, even the most active sex is not able to weaken the muscles as much as bearing a child and giving birth. The fetus will gradually stretch the vagina as it grows. And the muscles will lose their elasticity over time. After childbirth, the ligaments can be stretched so much that a woman loses the ability to experience pleasure during sex and orgasm. It may even cause pain.


With age, the walls of the vagina weaken and stretch the genitals. Unfortunately, this is a natural process that every woman faces. Of course, such changes make family relationships tense and can even lead to divorce. Therefore, it is the duty of every woman to monitor the condition of intimate muscles.

How to tighten the muscles of the vagina with Kegel exercises?

With the help of a set of exercises, you can make the vaginal muscles elastic and improve the quality of sex. We draw your attention to the so-called Kegel exercises. They were developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel. With their help, you can:

  1. strengthen the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor;
  2. prevent urinary incontinence problems;
  3. prepare a woman for childbirth;
  4. reduce pain during childbirth;
  5. prevent perineal rupture during childbirth;
  6. increase the level of sexual desire;
  7. improve overall health and mood;
  8. restore the elasticity of the vaginal muscles;
  9. strengthen muscles after fast weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  10. get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system or at least reduce their symptoms;
  11. cure vaginismus (contraction of the muscles of the vagina during sex).

Arnold Kegel (German Arnold Henry Kegel, February 24, 1894, Lansing, Allamaki County, Iowa, USA) is an American gynecologist with German roots in the mid-20th century. He was a professor of gynecology in the Department of Medicine at the University of Southern California. In 1952, the scientist developed "Kegel exercises" aimed at training the muscles of the perineum.

How to prepare yourself for Kegel exercises?

Before starting to perform Kegel exercises, a woman needs to learn how to feel the vaginal muscles. You can do it like this:

  1. during urination, spread your legs and abruptly stop the stream. Remember exactly which muscles were involved in this;
  2. perform the same action with the muscles located in the anus - squeeze and relax them;
  3. insert your finger into the vagina and try to squeeze it. The right muscles should curl around your finger. However, the muscles of the back, buttocks or abdomen should not be involved in this process.

It is not possible for everyone to perform these actions the first time. But after a woman learns to feel the muscles, you can proceed to a set of exercises.

Kegel exercises to restore the youthfulness of the vagina

Exercise 1 or Pose "Birch" with weak muscles of the vagina

This exercise is quite difficult, but it is very effective for developing the vaginal muscles. To do this, a woman needs to take the position of "Birch". It is a shoulder stand, in which the straight legs are extended upwards, and the arms support the body in the lumbar or pelvic region.

How to do the exercise:

It will be difficult to accept this position for the first time, so it is advisable that you be helped. Either the husband (boyfriend, girlfriend) or the wall can act as assistants.

Thus, the shoulder blades, head and neck should remain on the mat, while the torso with legs assume a vertical position. Try to keep your body as straight as possible. It is best to resort to the Birch pose in the morning, when the body is relaxed and there is no food in the stomach. It is recommended to eat food one hour after the exercise.

After that, slowly spread and connect your legs. Gradually increase the speed of movements, bringing them up to 5-7 times per minute. In the first week, do the exercise for 30 seconds - 1 minute, then bring the time to 3 minutes.

What difficulties can you encounter when performing the Birch exercise?

To take this position on your own, you need to put a chair behind your head, throw your legs behind your head, put your toes on the seat of the chair, and then begin to slowly level out. The first time, stay in this position for 30 seconds, then bring this time to 3 minutes.

What is the use of the exercise "Birch"?

This provision allows:

  • strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and vagina;
  • strengthen the spine;
  • straighten your posture;
  • reduce the amount of salt and fat deposits;
  • make the skin elastic by saturating it with blood;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • improve appetite;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • improve brain function;
  • normalize cardiac activity.

Regular performance of this exercise is an excellent prevention of gynecological diseases. As a result, women will forget about the pain during the menstrual cycle. Such a complex effect on the body makes it possible to improve sexual health and tighten intimate muscles.

If you correctly approach the exercise with the “Birch” position, then it will only bring benefits. But mistakes will negatively affect health. Pay attention to the following rules:

  • relax during the exercise;
  • if you feel uncomfortable, then you do not need to be in this position. Discomfort indicates that the exercise is either performed incorrectly, or the time spent in this position has been exceeded;
  • never twist your neck or head - this will cause injury;
  • do not drink alcohol before doing the exercise;
  • in case of health problems, it is impossible to stay in this position for more than 1 minute;
  • after the end of your stay in this position, lie down on the rug for several minutes, after which you can get up from it. But it is not recommended to jump sharply.


There are some cases when the Birch pose cannot be performed:

  • the presence of an inguinal hernia;
  • menstrual period;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • injury cervical and spine;
  • otitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • high pressure;
  • late pregnancy.

Exercise 2

It is desirable to perform it on the stomach, but it can be done in a different position. Squeeze the groups of intimate muscles, at this time the hips should move slightly forward. The woman's task is to hold the muscles in this position for a few seconds. The sensations that appear will not be very pleasant, but they will disappear rather quickly, since it will not work to keep the muscles in tension for a long time. The muscles of the anus are recommended to be squeezed together with the buttocks.

Such a workout will make the buttocks beautiful and fit.

You should not actively engage in exercises, the first 14 days you need to perform them 1 time per day, not more often. When you feel a slight fatigue, this will be a signal that the exercise should be stopped. Gradually achieve an increase in the number of exercises up to 150 times a day, do them no more than 5 times a week. With their help, you can strengthen the vaginal muscles after 1 month.

Exercise 3

Try to imagine that you are trying to draw a small object inside yourself with your vagina. After you "do" this, squeeze your muscles as hard as you can and slowly count to five. Over time, increase this period to 30 seconds. The exercise is performed every hour, so that after 1 month the muscles of the vagina will be strengthened.

Exercise 4

Tighten and relax your vaginal muscles quickly. Start with 10 times and gradually work your way up to 30 times. Repeat the same situation with the anal muscles.

Exercise 5

Alternate contractions of the muscles of the vagina and anus (20 times).

Exercise 6

Count mentally from 3 to 5. On the count of 3 and 5, contract your vaginal muscles and stop at each position. Then relax them in the same sequence, stopping at the same numbers 3 and 5. Do the same for the muscles of the anus.

Exercise 7

Squeeze and relax the muscles quickly for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets.

Exercise 8

Squeeze and relax the muscles for 5 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds. Do 9 sets of squeezing and unclenching.

Exercise 9

Squeeze your vaginal muscles for 30 seconds, then relax them for 30 seconds. Do 2 sets.

Exercise 10

Tighten your muscles for 5 seconds, then relax them. Do 10 reps.

Exercise 11

Quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times, take a break for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 12

Tighten your muscles for 2 minutes. Then relax them for 2 minutes and repeat the exercise again.

Exercise 13

Tighten and relax your muscles 30 times.

Exercise 14

Tighten your muscles as much as possible for 20 seconds, then relax them for 30 seconds. Perform 5 repetitions.

Exercise 15

Squeeze and relax the muscles for 2 minutes. Every day increase the time by 1 minute until you reach 20 minutes. Do it 3-4 times a day.

Exercise 16

Tighten your muscles as if you were urinating. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds, then relax them.

Exercise 17

Lie down on flat surface and stretch your legs. Tighten your muscles for 10 seconds, then slowly relax them. Do 10 reps.

Intimate secrets of a successful woman

  1. The exercise will be most effective if the woman inhales to draw in the muscles, and exhale to relax them;
  2. to increase the load, it is desirable to change the rate of contractions. So, you can retract the muscles as much, even slightly lifting the body, and by quick contractions;
  3. exercise versatility. They can be made anywhere. You can develop own program workouts. For example, start with 20 strong contractions and 20 weak ones, gradually increasing the load. Their regular implementation guarantees muscle strengthening in the near future;
  4. use of additional items:
  • marble balls. They belong to the Eastern way of training. It is necessary to introduce jade balls into the vagina to strengthen the muscles. With their help, you can learn to move the balls inside the vagina to the right and left and up and down;
  • kegelkisor. It is a metal bell that does not have a tongue. Its length is about 15 cm, there is a ring in the middle. The object is inserted into the vagina before this ring. When the muscles are tense, the latter put pressure on the kegelkisor, and he, in turn, seems to push the muscles out. The resulting resistance greatly improves the effectiveness of the exercise;
  • femton. This is a muscle training program using balance eggs. First you need to introduce the lightest egg, and then move on to using the heaviest. Such exercises can be performed even on the go;5
  • orgastic cuff training. This is the lower third of the vagina, which is a tube that tightly covers the male penis. You can train this part of the genital organs with the help of tension and relaxation of the sphincters of the anus and urethra. This can be done in any setting. A man who discovers an orgasmic cuff in a woman experiences incredible sensations during sex. A well-trained orgastic cuff and vaginal muscles give a woman the opportunity to insert the penis even in a state of weak erection and strengthen it. In Asian countries, women have been training their muscles for many years, thanks to which they can have sexual intercourse without moving their body. To do this, they use only intimate muscles and an orgasmic cuff. This sexual technique is called Nut Cracking;
  • High heels are bad for leg health, but can help strengthen your vaginal muscles. The best option there will be a foot at an angle of 15 degrees to the ground. However, the effectiveness of such walking will be significantly lower than the use of exercises.

Exercise machines for strengthening the vaginal muscles

Kegel paid great attention to the use of a special simulator for performing intimate gymnastics. In its form, this object is a rod shaped like a penis. It has several inserts in the form of a ball or a small rod, at the end of which there is a ball.

Wand Exercise

The woman inserts it into the vagina and clasps it with the muscles as tightly as possible. After that, with her hand, she should get it out of the vagina, experiencing muscle resistance.

Use of vaginal balls

You can buy these products in the store of intimate toys. The ball should preferably be with a cord and a large size. The secret is that weak muscles are easier to train with larger balls, since small toys will not hold the muscles. How to do the exercise:

  1. stand straight, put your hands on your belt, bend your knees slightly, legs shoulder-width apart;
  2. insert the ball into the vagina;
  3. try to squeeze it with various parts of the vagina;
  4. with the help of muscles, try to move the ball from the entrance to the vagina to the uterus;
  5. the exercise must be done slowly, slowly. Muscles have to get used to the changes;
  6. make sure that the ball does not fall out;
  7. without the help of hands, push the ball out of the vagina. If this cannot be done, use a lace;
  8. do the exercise 3 times a day for 10 minutes;
  9. sometimes women get an orgasm during such a workout. Do not be afraid, because this exercise is supposed to bring pleasure.

How to tighten the muscles of the vagina with the help of folk remedies?

With their help, you can:

  1. increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  2. get an orgasm faster;
  3. improve the production of vaginal lubrication for greater arousal;
  4. strengthen the intimate muscles and make the vagina more pleasant for the male genital organ.

There are several options for using folk methods.

Recipe 1


  • oak leaves - 500 gr;
  • mint - 3 sprigs;
  • half a lemon;
  • red wine - 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. mint, lemon and leaves are crushed and mixed with wine;
  2. give the ingredients 7 days to infuse;
  3. after that, soak a clean swab in the tincture and insert it into the vagina for 2.5 hours;
  4. use this method once a day for 10 days.

Recipe 2

Mode of application:

  1. wash the lemon;
  2. cut it into vertical pieces;
  3. insert the pieces into the vagina for 3-4 minutes;
  4. use this technique 1 time in 2 days.

Recipe 3

It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in a solution of potassium permanganate and treat the vagina with it. After that, rinse the genitals with warm water. Follow this procedure 2 times a day.

Recipe 4


  • alder root - 30 gr;
  • white lamb - 70 gr;
  • mint - 50 gr;
  • lime blossom - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. alder root is crushed;
  2. the ingredients are mixed together and poured with boiling water (200 ml);
  3. after the decoction has cooled, take it 3 times a day.

How to tighten the muscles of the vagina: answers from doctors

Vera Elizarova, gynecologist: “Weak vaginal muscles can cause great discomfort in the intimate life of partners. In addition, they cause inconvenience to a woman and can lead to prolapse of the uterus. Therefore, I recommend regular visits to the doctor to prevent muscle weakness. The last resort would be surgery. But to avoid it, you can use the most simple exercises for training intimate muscles. Their advantage is that you can perform exercises anywhere, even at work.