Butterfly hand trainer. Butterfly expander exercises

Good day, dear readers!

Summer is in the air and the beach season is in full swing. Some of you have prepared in advance for the long-awaited vacation, others are frantically trying to find a miracle remedy for perfect figure which can be obtained in three days.

If someone is upset when they find out that such a remedy does not exist, contact me - I won’t find a miracle cure, but I’ll tell you miracle exercises. Then by the next beach season, only the phrases “order a tour by the sea”, “the best resorts and hotels” and “swimwear catalog” will flash in your search engine.

And now I am happy to share with you the very miracle tool that will help you achieve best results. I present to you the butterfly expander exercises for the hips and buttocks, which are simple and highly effective.

Friends, I’m writing specifically for those who need to be reminded that you can’t eat everything all day long and stay slim and fit (unless, of course, you are a happy owner, although it would be nice for them to stick to proper nutrition).

It would seem, what is difficult? And just at this time, your little assistant will greatly complicate the training process for you. But do not lose heart, only the first few sessions will be hard, and then get involved.

It is well known that strengthening the inner thighs is quite difficult, and there are not so many special exercises. I will share with you tips on how you can modify the exercise. There is dynamic and static muscle work. It has been proven that static muscle work causes more calories to be expended.

Bringing your legs together with the expander, try to stay at the maximum point of tension for 3-5 seconds (you can easily increase the time to 30 seconds or up to 1 minute, it all depends on your capabilities), then slowly spread your legs. In no case do not make sudden movements so as not to accidentally injure the muscle or ligaments.

Exercise for the buttocks and the inner surface of the legs

  • Get down on the floor on your back, hold the expander with your hips. Slowly lift the pelvis up, squeezing the "butterfly", linger at the top point for 3-5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. You can perform the same exercise in statics, holding at the top point for the maximum possible time. And soon your buttocks will become like a nut!

  • Take a body position on your side and bend your knees and hold the expander, slowly bring and spread your knees. The secret is the same - stay at the maximum point of tension for a while and do not rush to relax the muscles.

Beauty in the hands

Expander "Butterfly" can be deservedly called a universal thing. It is suitable not only for the hips and buttocks, but also helps to work out perfectly upper part torso.

Raise the expander at chest level, spread your elbows in different sides, slowly bring your hands together, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position. Performing the exercise, you will perfectly strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and back.

Today I shared with you a miracle remedy that will help you get in shape, strengthen muscles and improve strength. I am sure that you will appreciate the "Butterfly". Follow the news. All the most interesting things are ahead of us!

In contact with

Butterfly simulator is sports equipment, whose operation is based on the principle of elastic deformation. The initial task of the simulator was to work out only the adductor muscles of the thigh, but later, it was actively used with the help of various exercises for pumping the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest, etc. The butterfly expander has a design that includes a “head” in which a spring is located and two semicircular levers that are moved apart in different directions. Due to the rubberized coating of the upper part, the simulator does not slip during exercise. Using the simulator at home will allow you to a short time work out the core muscles.

Types of muscles that can be worked out with a simulator

A beautiful body means a lot in achieving success and confidence in own forces and it is equally important for both women and men. Using the butterfly simulator, you can pump absolutely any muscle group in a short period of time. Types of muscles:

  • internal muscles of the thigh;
  • chest muscles;
  • muscles of the upper body;
  • triceps;
  • abdominal muscles.

Achieving great results will require you to daily use simulator for 20-30 minutes a day. The number of repetitions of exercises should be to failure, but not less than 15-20 times. Your training may consist of several stages, of which you can do some of the exercises in the morning, and some in the afternoon or evening. Most importantly, before training, be sure to do a warm-up to avoid injury. If this is not done, the risk of injury increases significantly.

Exercise order

If you want to achieve your goals, you must adhere to the rules, the implementation of which will bring you the desired result. Thus, the butterfly simulator will help you pump:

  1. inner thigh muscles. To do this, you will need to sit on a chair, put your legs together between your knees and hold the expander so that its head is down. Putting your hands on his handles using the strength of your hips to begin the squeeze. The number of times can reach 50, it is possible in several approaches;
  2. chest muscles. We clamp the expander between the forearms, the hands are directed down, after which they need to be squeezed and slowly unclenched and repeated;
  3. muscle group of the upper body. To this end, you need to take the simulator in your hands and lift it up almost vertically, after which, using the muscles shoulder girdle start compressing the simulator.

How to pump the press and triceps with a butterfly

  • abdominal muscles. lying on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Take a butterfly and place it between your knees leaving one handle in the middle between your thighs and the other handle in front of your face. After that, lift your legs off the floor and squeezing the butterfly, feel a strong tension in the abdominal area, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times;
  • triceps To pump triceps with a butterfly simulator, you should also use a special technique. To do this, you need to put one handle of the expander on the thigh, and put the forearm on top of the second. During the exercise, you need to ensure that the elbow is as close to the body as possible, then you need to press the upper handle to compress the expander, then return to the starting position and repeat again.

Exercise rules

In order to have fit figure and inflated muscles must follow certain rules for performing exercises:

  • regularity. In order to have a sporty toned figure, it is important that the workouts are regular;
  • the duration of the exercises should be at least 20-30 minutes. Fitness classes can be stretched over several workouts throughout the day;
  • do as many repetitions as possible. This means that in order to achieve your goals, you must work "to failure";
  • Proper nutrition plays a very important role when performing exercises on the butterfly simulator, as well as exercising, sports in general. Proper nutrition means that the body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

How long will it take to see results?

It has been noticed that if you regularly perform exercises with a butterfly expander, results in women appear within three to four weeks. This will find its manifestation in muscle tightening and a decrease in body fat. After that, you will need to include butterfly exercises in your daily routine. morning exercises. This will allow you to always keep your body in good shape.

This machine is one of the cheapest and easiest to work out that you can get for home workouts and exercises. The butterfly expander works on compression and allows you to work out almost all muscle groups that work on contraction, including pectoral muscles, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, abs, and even triceps and upper back.

Below I will show you exercises with a butterfly expander that you can perform at home or in gym. Ideally, such training should last at least 20-30 minutes a day in order to achieve good results. The number of repetitions should be done from failure, that is, at least 15-20. Moreover, you can break the training into several parts and spend it during the day. And do not forget to warm up the whole body before exercising.

Inner thigh muscles

This exercise is the most common. Sit on a chair so that your hips can move freely and put your feet together, holding the expander between your knees so that its head is down. Then put your palms on his handles and start squeezing the expander using the strength of your hips. In total, you need to do up to 50 times, you can do it in several approaches.

The same exercise can also be performed while lying on your side.


Hold the expander between your forearms, as shown in the photo. Hands should be pointing down. Now squeeze them together, keeping your elbows as close together as possible. Then slowly release and repeat.

upper body

This exercise is good choice if you want to work out the shoulders and upper chest. Just take the butterfly in your hands and lift it up, almost vertically. Then, using the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, begin to compress the expander. This can be done quickly or slowly, and for more effort, keep your arms as far away from your body as possible.


Put one handle of the expander on the thigh, and put the forearm on top of the second. In this case, the elbow should be pressed as close to the body as possible. Now press the top handle to squeeze the expander. Then slowly return to the starting position.


Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place the butterfly between your knees so that the handle is about half way between your thighs and the other handle is in front of your face, as shown in the photo. Then lift your legs off the floor, squeezing the expander and feeling the tension in abdominals. Slowly return to the starting position.

These Butterfly expander exercises will allow you to work out all the necessary muscles to look slim and fit. Good luck!

This machine is one of the cheapest and easiest to work out that you can get for home workouts and exercises. The butterfly expander works on compression and allows you to work out almost all muscle groups that work on contraction, including pectoral muscles, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, abs, and even triceps and upper back.

Below I will show you exercises with a butterfly expander that you can perform at home or in the gym. Ideally, such training should last at least 20-30 minutes a day in order to achieve good results. The number of repetitions should be done from failure, that is, at least 15-20. Moreover, you can break the training into several parts and spend it during the day. And do not forget to warm up the whole body before exercising.

Inner thigh muscles

This exercise is the most common. Sit on a chair so that your hips can move freely and put your feet together, holding the expander between your knees so that its head is down. Then put your palms on his handles and start squeezing the expander using the strength of your hips. In total, you need to do up to 50 times, you can do it in several approaches.

The same exercise can also be performed while lying on your side.


Hold the expander between your forearms, as shown in the photo. Hands should be pointing down. Now squeeze them together, keeping your elbows as close together as possible. Then slowly release and repeat.

upper body

This exercise is a good choice if you want to develop your shoulders and upper chest. Just take the butterfly in your hands and lift it up, almost vertically. Then, using the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, begin to compress the expander. This can be done quickly or slowly, and for more effort, keep your arms as far away from your body as possible.


Put one handle of the expander on the thigh, and put the forearm on top of the second. In this case, the elbow should be pressed as close to the body as possible. Now press the top handle to squeeze the expander. Then slowly return to the starting position.


Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place the butterfly between your knees so that the handle is about half way between your thighs and the other handle is in front of your face, as shown in the photo. Then lift your legs off the floor, squeezing the expander and feeling the tension in the abdominals. Slowly return to the starting position.

These exercises with a butterfly expander will allow you to work out all the necessary muscles to look slim and fit. Good luck!

Any woman, regardless of age, strives to be irresistible, attractive, have a beautiful, athletic and toned body. What could be better than a slender, chiseled figure, from which men cannot take their eyes off and which others envy so much? But beautiful figure requires a lot of effort and patience regular classes sports and proper, balanced nutrition.

Of course, after a hard day at work, about going to the pool or to the aerobics section in gym and I don’t want to think, but not every modern housewife will decide to store bulky and clumsy exercise equipment at home. The expander, or butterfly trainer, was designed to break this vicious circle. Perform simple but effective exercises with a "butterfly" you can even at home.

Today, to the aid of those who seek to lose weight, comes an inexpensive and relatively small exercise machine, specially designed for weight loss and keeping fit. The work of this special sports equipment is based on the principles of elastic deformation. If you perform specially designed exercises for different parts of the body, the "butterfly" will provide you with more effective result than regular exercises, pull-ups and swings with arms and legs.

Special exercises with the butterfly expander are recommended to be done daily for 20-30 minutes. And before you start them, you need to do a little warm-up to warm up the muscles. As a warm-up, light and well-known exercises for the arms, neck, waist, hips, as well as jumping or tireless running can act.

The effectiveness of exercises with a butterfly expander

Women often feel the most problem area specifically the thigh muscles. After all, the female body is so arranged that body fat“cling” to this area, as well as to the stomach and buttocks. Specially designed "butterfly" exercises will lead your body to positive changes, and the effectiveness this complex exercise is achieved as quickly as possible.

Exercises with the butterfly expander were primarily designed to train this particular zone - the hip zone. For many women who have tried many diets and special workouts to get rid of cellulite, this butterfly exercise has become a real salvation.

Classic performance. This butterfly exercise is recommended for beginners. In a sitting position or on a chair, the simulator should be placed between the thighs with the head down. Then reduce and spread your knees, pressing the levers. The duration of the exercise is 15-20 times in a row.

Complicated execution. Starting position: sit on the mat, without leaning your back anywhere, and work with an expander, trying to maintain balance. With such an exercise with the “butterfly” simulator, the abdominal muscles will also be tensed.

Performing lying down. It is necessary to lie on the mat, and bend your legs at the knees. It is necessary to correctly place the “butterfly” handles between the knees with the head up, and then squeeze and unclench the simulator.

Butterfly expander exercises are very effective for women with problematic inner thighs. The legs will become more slender and beautiful, and the result will not be long in coming.

Butterfly exercises for the upper body

The popular simulator today won the hearts of many of the fair sex with its simplicity and efficiency, which is not to be doubted. With the help of this sports device, you can pump up almost any muscle group. Butterfly exercises will help to work out the muscles of the chest, arms, back, abdomen and other parts of the body.

Exercise with a butterfly simulator for the chest

So, for the chest muscles, the most effective will be next exercise. Starting position - hold the expander between the forearms, pointing the arms down. Effort to reduce the elbows. Gradually unclench and repeat again.

Shoulder Butterfly Exercise

The next exercise with the butterfly simulator is aimed at the muscles of the chest and shoulders. Take the butterfly in your hands, lift it up and start squeezing. The more the arms are extended, the better the effect will be. Such an exercise with a "butterfly" will allow you to develop the muscles of the shoulders and upper chest.

Triceps Butterfly Exercise

This special exercise also based on the ability of the "butterfly" to deform. To start execution, you need to put the handle of the expander on the thigh, lower the forearm on the second handle of the simulator. The elbow should be pressed to the body. Your task is to squeeze the expander by pressing on the top handle. Then gradually loosen the pressure and repeat the exercise. required amount once.

This entire list of exercises with the butterfly expander is designed specifically for those who want to work out all muscle groups and bring their body into good shape. There is a place to store this small simulator in every home. It is important that classes with him should not be many hours - in order to achieve noticeable result it will take no more than half an hour of daily training.

Exercise and proper nutrition

If you think that only with the help of this simulator you can easily and quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms and sagging sides, then you are in a big mistake. Physical exercise Of course, they take unnecessary calories, but you still need to monitor your diet. It should be rational and balanced in order to saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. After all, to perform the same exercises with the "butterfly" you need strength and endurance. Only such an approach to losing weight will give a positive result.