All breeds of horses in alphabetical order. Breeds of horses and ponies

Since man tamed the horse, more than one hundred breeds of these animals have appeared in the world. They have different leg strength, body outlines, color, mane length, head shape and other parameters. Representatives of different breeds of horses are completely different from each other. The article contains beautiful, original and rare varieties. A photo and description will help to understand the diversity.

Ancient elite varieties

The horse has earned the characteristics of a beautiful and noble animal. A thoroughbred horse of a prestigious breed is valued at the level of an expensive car. Elite types include:

  • Akhal-Teke;
  • Frisian.

Arabian horse

Arabian horse- a popular hero of old fairy tales, ballads and epics. This is a national treasure of the Eastern peoples. He has his own birth legend. Purebred representatives of the Arabian breed of horses are by far the most expensive. Animals are distinguished by intelligence, ease of training, devotion to the owner, endurance. They are graceful and characterized by a soft step, which does not interfere with the high speed of running. The unprecedented charm of the horses is given by the cock-like shape of the tail. The horses have a neatly planted head, extremely thin, slender legs.

Attention! Arabian horses became the ancestors of various European horse breeds.

Akhal-Teke got its name from the locality of the same name in Turkmenistan. Options :

  • chestnut;
  • black;
  • gray with silver, cream or chocolate hues.


The appearance explains the horse's popular nickname - "golden". Her fur shimmers in the sun. Blue eyes add beauty to the animal. In business, the Akhal-Tekes are quick-witted, fast and hardy - real oriental horses.

friezes bred in the Dutch region of Friesland. It is also an old breed of horse. Today, it is usually used for decorative purposes: photo shoots, cinema, ceremonies, royal carriages. The use in sports and for work tasks is limited due to the small number of purebred livestock.

The color of the horses is predominantly jet black. The mane is thick, flowing in curls. The figure of the frieze is powerful and beautiful. The animals themselves are kind, easily amenable to coach training.

Attention! Distinctive feature friezes - a long woolen edging at the hooves.

Modern decorative horses

According to one of the versions, intentional derivation Azeri horse no one did. Animals appeared in the former Soviet republic. Now these horses are hardy, strong, active and undemanding in food. People use them to move around mountainous areas. Azerbaijani horse amenable to learning. It is customary to keep it in the herd.

American riding horse or the saddlebred has been bred in the US for several decades. The difficult process eventually paid off. The horse most often has a red color that is pleasing to the eye. The wool is glossy and soft. The muzzle of the animal is neat, proportional to the body, the ears are sharp, and the eyes are set wide. According to the estimates of horse shows and ratings, the breeders turned out to be a beautiful breed.

american riding horse

Another representative of the rocks. A native of the Spanish Pyrenees has an ancestor - the Arabian horse - and often found herself in the saddle of European monarchs. It is beautiful to prance on it at the parade and move long distances. The Andalusian horse was harnessed to teams or used in sports disciplines. The horse is distinguished by a gray coat color, high growth, refined body shapes and a proportional head. In movement, he raises his legs high, so he looks graceful.

Rare and unusual varieties

The suit of a horse breed called knabstrupper similar to the coat color of Dalmatian dogs. Black spots on white look original. There are horses with red spots, as well as with a marble or trout suit. In the latter, the speckles are small, find each other and mix with white villi.

Breed Knabstrupper bred in Denmark, but the history of its appearance is vague. Now the spotted variety is considered rare due to declining numbers. The preservation of thoroughbred horses is carried out by a special private organization in Denmark. The body of the horse looks strong and slender.

Horses are classified as rare marwari or Malani, whose homeland is in India. Historians believe that the Arabian horse belongs to the ancestors of the breed. They fought on Malani, traveled, worked in the field, played polo. In the 20th century, the population declined. It was only possible to restore it last years, but even today the export of Marwari from India is limited. Piebald and gray specimens are especially highly valued.

Attention! The strong and graceful horse has unusual ears. They are bent inward, rotated 180° and often even intersect one with the other.

breed Falabella often confused with ponies. However, according to zoological features, this is a horse. The only similarity with a pony is its modest size. There are at least 4 versions of the origin of animals. It is believed that their size was influenced by genetic mutations, a lack of mineral components in pastures, or climate. The horses were bred in the mountainous regions of Argentina.


breeders Iberian horses proud of their purity. The Spanish breed was formed at a stage when the state was under the rule of the Moors. Black horses are born to ride. The characteristics of horses are lightness and speed.

Domestic decorative varieties

Russian horse breeders, commissioned by titled persons, also tried to breed beautiful thoroughbred horses. Notable examples include Orlovsky trotter, in the appearance of which in the XVIII century Count Orlov invested his strength and money. Today, the horse breed is included in the pantheon of the best in the world. Animals have a strong, graceful and light body. While running, they seem ready to take off, so the Orlovites are found in films and in the paintings of famous artists.

Orlovsky trotter

At the end of the 20th century, the breed almost ceased to exist. She was saved by enthusiasts from Russia and France. Now the Oryol trotter is again sold at auctions, exhibited at world competitions. However, the population size has not yet made a qualitative breakthrough.

Other types:

  • Donskaya. On the Don they are proud of the Cossack breed of the same name. The Don horse is strong and beautiful. Red mares are especially valued, whose hair casts a golden sheen. Animals are easy to care for, trainable, loyal.

  1. Arabic type (Arabic, English, Karabakh).
  2. Northern forest type (Finnish, Vyatka, Zhmudka).
  3. Mixed type (Orlovsky trotter, gonter).
  4. Mongolian type (Mongolian, Kyrgyz).

The step group is represented by the following types of horses:

  1. Large working western horses (Belgian, Percheron).
  2. Medium and small working horses (Ardennes, Danish).

Arabian racehorses

This is the best representative of its type of horse. Arabian racehorses were exported to all states with powerful horse breeding industries to improve the quality of local breeds. The homeland of these beautiful horses is Dibiya and the western banks of the Nile, from where they spread throughout Western Arabia.

The growth of the horse is not great - from 1421 to 1510 mm. Its broad forehead has a convex shape, large eyes are very expressive, small ears are very mobile, and wide nostrils are quite large.

Some Important Characteristics of Body Structure Arabian horse are shown in the table:

Anatomical area


Not swan, but light enough

The muscles are well developed


Well developed, sharply defined

Strong have sharply defined tendons

Long and thin

Solid, cup

Most often, horses of this breed have a bay color (up to 35%) and gray (up to 30%). Everything is perfectly transmitted to the offspring of Arabian racehorses beneficial features breeds: strength endurance, low demands and dryness of the body.

English racing Arab type

English racehorses are distinguished by the beauty of slender forms, dry structure, energy and running speed taken from oriental horses, as well as a massive body and high growth, for which local English horses should be thanked.

The growth of animals is from 1,510 to 1,730 mm. The offspring of the English racehorse inherits in full from their parents all their useful properties: high growth, large volume of lungs and heart, dense muscles, strong bones, dry build, ability to energetic and fast run.

Finnish race, northern forest type

These horses are capable of not only galloping fast, but also being used for various agricultural work. Most often, representatives of the Finnish breed have red suit. Their growth ranges from 1,480 to 1,550 mm.

Finnish racing horses are distinguished by a short, thick, well-muscled neck, rounded ribs, muscular and broad back. They have slightly drooping rump, medium-sized heads, and strong, dry legs.

Vyatka racing, northern forest type

Well-built Vyatka racehorses are notable for their small stature and quick running.

The height at the withers of these horses ranges from 1,460 to 1,550 mm. The suit is savras or bulan. A small head on a muscular neck, a stocky body with a broad chest and a long, thick coat complete the look of this powerful horse, which can be used for various jobs where you need to make really big efforts.

Race Oryol trotter of mixed type

The breed was created by crossing representatives of many other breeds Orlov, in whose honor it was, in fact, named. On the territory of Russia, the most popular is the dense type Oryol trotter, - large massive animals with a beautiful head, expressive eyes, a high beautifully curved neck, a wide chest and strong hooves. Their height ranges from 1,550 to 1,740 mm, and their weight is up to 676 kg.

Oryol trotters are distinguished by the beauty of running, great strength, agility and endurance during hard work. At the same time, horses have a very meek disposition.

Mongolian racehorse Mongolian type

The main horse breeding base of the breed is located in the steppes of inner Mongolia, where excellent pastures are located. These horses are very numerous, their number is approximately 16,000,000 heads.

The size of representatives of this breed is not large. Their height is no more than 1220 mm. The typical Mongolian horse has a large head, broad forehead, straight neck, large ears, low, fleshy withers, broad chest, and straight back. The legs of these sturdy little animals are short, strong, muscular and dry.

Kyrgyz racehorse of the Mongolian type

The breed is similar to the Mongolian, but has some differences:

  1. Dryer head.
  2. Higher at the withers.
  3. Moderate neck length, dry and light.
  4. Very hardy.
  5. Not picky about food.

Although the constitution of the horse looks somewhat rough, it is characterized by agility, energy and high running speed. Korma absorbs very well, so in the absence of serious physical activity, against the background of abundant feeding, can quickly grow fat.

Walking Belgian horse

Large workhorse. Her height is from 1,550 to 1,650 mm, and her average weight is 800 kg. The Belgian breed can have a different suit:

  1. I am nesting.
  2. Redhead.
  3. Chaluyu.
  4. Raven.
  5. Gray.

These horses are distinguished by precocity - by the age of two they can perform any work that is within the power of adult representatives of the breed.

Outwardly, the horse looks very impressive, with a short and thick neck, not too muscular. long back, forked, slightly drooping croup, dry strong legs, with characteristic brushes.

Due to its great strength, the Belgian horse can carry heavy loads while remaining very agile. It has good immunity to colds, is not picky in terms of food, but uses its potential to the fullest.

Walking large Percheron breed

Representatives of this breed are bony, large animals of gray or black color. Their height at the withers ranges from 1540 to 1720 mm. Percherons are distinguished by great strength, mobility and good character.

They have noble heads, bulging wide foreheads, soft ears and lively eyes. A thick mane grows on a long, curved neck. The withers are pronounced, a wide chest, a short ridge, powerful dry hips. The croup is muscular and broad.

One of the biggest Percherons in history was the horse dr. Le Gear. Its mass was 1,370 kg, and at the withers it reached a height of 2,134 mm.

Danish horse

Horses of this breed can be used both for riding and for working with a team. These red animals have a height of 1,550 to 1,650 mm. The head is heavy, the forehead is wide, the eyes are large and the ears are long. The neck has a slight bend, the stomach and legs are quite wide.

The pronounced muscles of the legs, coupled with small hooves and wide joints, provide the animal with grace and grace.

In the annals of Ancient Rus' it was reported that all horses were divided into merciful, bag and leash. These definitions may well be considered the first horse breeds. But we will remember those that are known today.

Merciful, sumptuous, occasional

The princes rode merciful horses, they were sent as an expensive gift for faithful service to their subjects, and only the highest ranks of the princes' squad had the right to own such a horse. Bag horses were used to transport goods - sums, packs, military campaigns. Water horses - marketable, were distinguished by sluggishness, and therefore were only suitable for being used exclusively in carts. The horse in Rus' was valued incredibly highly. So, in the 11th century, Prince Yaroslav the Wise issued a collection of laws in which it was ordered that the person guilty of killing someone else's horse pay 12 hryvnias to the treasury and another 1 hryvnia to the victim. And what is the basis of domestic horse breeding today?

Don horse

Large, unpretentious, bursting with health, like the Cossacks themselves, the Don horses were born for service. Of these, regiments of cavalry and mounted police are formed. Their ancestor is a steppe horse, which the Don Cossacks improved at the expense of Turkish, Persian, Karabakh, Turkmen breeds that came to them in the 18-19th centuries during the Russian-Turkish wars. Then they were crossed with the Oryol breed, with thoroughbred riding and Arabian half-breeds. One of the French generals - participants in the war of 1812 wrote that the horses of the Don Cossacks "are not inferior to them in art and seem to be part of their body."

Orlovsky trotter

The creator of this breed is Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. He dreamed of combining the beauty and grace of Arabian horses with the massiveness and power of Danish, Dutch, Norfolk and Mecklenburg horses in one horse. draft breeds. The ancestor of the breed was the Arabian stallion Smetanka, whom the count bought from the Turkish Sultan for 60 thousand rubles. For comparison: in those days, the groom received 3 rubles a year, and the total income of the state from the horse trade was about 5 thousand rubles a year. Oryol trotters are widely distributed in Russia. They were used, first of all, as rootmen in Russian troikas.

Russian riding

The Russian riding horse can be called the sister of the Oryol trotter. Its creator is also Count Orlov-Chesmensky, and the founders are the Arab Smetanka and the Akhal-Teke stallion Sultan. They were crossed with English Thoroughbred and Arabian mares respectively. The earl-horse breeder sought to create a horse suitable for war and arena riding. By the end of the 19th century, Russian riding, dark colors, graceful, flexible, were frequent winners of not only Russian, but also international exhibitions. After the revolution and the Second World War, the breed practically disappeared, but was recreated in the 80s and 90s.

Russian trotter

If the Russian riding is the sister of the Oryol trotter, then the Russian trotter is his son. This breed developed at the beginning of the 20th century on the basis of the Oryol, crossed with the American Trotter and the Dutch Friesian. The American trotters, although inferior to the Orlov ones in beauty and grace, excelled in speed. Therefore, Russian horse breeders began to cross mares en masse Oryol breed with fast Americans. Their mestizo children began to regularly outperform the Orlov ones, but still turned out to be slower than the American trotters. Over the past twenty years, due to non-systematic crossings of Russian and American trotting breeds, the agility of the horses increased, but their exterior also changed: the breed ceased to be purely Russian. Nevertheless, the Russian trotter remains the most common breed in our country.

Russian heavy truck

It is for nothing that he is small in stature: a peasant cannot find a better assistant than a Russian heavy truck. Unpretentious, prolific, early and at the same time energetic, he is able to pull a load weighing up to twenty and even up to twenty-six tons. It is as efficient as a small tractor, but more economical than it. Some experts consider the Russian heavy truck an ideal heavy draft horse.

Breed- a group of animals of common origin, which is characterized by a set of specific traits and properties that are inherited. Animals of the same species, but different breeds, can differ strikingly from each other in type, exterior, body size, and performance.

From the history

In the article " The history of the origin of horses”, we have already mentioned that this species was domesticated around the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. Already by the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. e. we can talk about the emergence of new breeds of horses, specially bred by people.

Some of them, due to their qualities, are used in agriculture for various jobs. In some places, horses of certain breeds are bred as productive animals for meat and milk. A lot of horses with the corresponding breed characteristics perform in equestrian sport and show performances.

Breeds are combined into breed groups according to certain common characteristics. There are several classifications of breed groups. The most used today is the one proposed by Charles Darwin back in 1859. According to it, all breeds of horses are divided into aboriginal (natural, local), factory (artificial) and transitional - depending on the degree of human influence on their creation. A unified classification of horse breeds has not yet been fully developed; there are several variations of it.

Aboriginal breeds, in turn, are divided into steppe, mountain and forest - depending on the natural habitat of horses. Among the factory and transitional breeds, according to the nature of their performance, riding, trotting, draft, riding-draft and heavy horses are distinguished.

Almost every country in the world can boast of its original breed. It is clear that man-made breeds can exist for a very long time, and may disappear over time due to a number of circumstances. So, we will no longer see the Rostopchin riding horse, Streltsy, Black Sea, Herrenhausen, Senner, Flemish, Norfolk and many others.

Currently, there are more than 250 breeds of horses and ponies in the world, bred for a wide variety of purposes. Of course, it is difficult to even list them all, so we will focus only on a few - the most famous and common.

Quarter-mile horses (quaters) - the general name of originally cowboy horses, bred taking into account the specifics of the work of shepherds. Among other features, such horses had to have the ability to exceptionally high-speed jerks on short distances(1/4 mile) and subsequent sudden stops to control the movement of the herd.

Aboriginal horse breeds

These animals are well adapted to the natural conditions of a particular area, are quite versatile, and have a number of average qualities. They are notable for their short stature and great endurance, as they were formed in an environment of year-round life in the open air, often with a lack of food, temperature fluctuations, long transitions, unlike stable horses. As a rule, a person took an insignificant part in the development of such breeds.

Among the mountain native rocks, one can name the Kyrgyz, Altai, Tuvan, Hafling, Karabakh, Hutsul. The forest includes Vyatka, Yakut, Polissya, Estonian, Pechora, Mezen. Bashkir, Kazakh, Mongolian, Canadian, Argentine, Transbaikal, Buryat are considered steppe.

Mustang is not really wild Horse, but feral. According to one version, it was brought to the New World from Europe by colonists back in the 16th century.

These breeds were bred by man specifically for certain economic purposes: military operations, heavy transportation, long journeys, agricultural work, etc. Generation after generation, people selected individuals with certain qualities, created the necessary conditions for their maintenance and training, carefully cultivated the necessary properties and rejected the unsuitable ones. The result is a breed of narrow specialization, very well adapted to the performance of specific tasks. Factory breed horses usually need careful human care.

Horse breeds became Akhal-Teke, Arabian, Thoroughbred, Terek, Ukrainian horse, Yomud, etc. These horses are quite dry, light, with long limbs, energetic, free and very fast movements.

Trotting breeds- Oryol, Russian, American, French, Dutch and other trotters. Their main feature is the ability to move at a fast flying trot for a long time. By the way, most of them were bred not so long ago, in the 18th-19th centuries.

Draft they count Clevelands, Frisians, Torians, Belorussian, Finnish, Voronezh draft teams. These are horses of medium height and massiveness, bred to work in harness. different type, transportation of crews and agricultural work. Their main gaits are the walk and trot.

horse harness horses are slightly heavier in type than riding horses, sometimes have an elongated body. They can equally successfully both carry riding loads and harness to the carriage. These are Budennovskaya, Donskaya, Trakehner, Hanoverian, Kustanai, Kabardian and other breeds.

Heavy trucks- Soviet, Russian, Vladimir, Lithuanian strands, shires, percherons, ardenes, kledesdales, brabancons, suffolks. As the name implies, the main specialization of these massive horses is the transportation of goods over long distances with an unhurried, steady step and an unshakable trot.

Consider, for example and comparison, several native and factory breeds in the table below.

Aboriginal horse breeds


Factory breeds of horses