Fiberglass pool. Do-it-yourself fiberglass (fiberglass) pool: work steps

November 19, 2013

Composite materials are used today in a variety of industries, including for the manufacture of fiberglass pools. Their attractiveness is due to the unique properties of the combination of polyester resins with reinforcing materials.

Therefore, fiberglass pools (fiberglass pools) have low thermal conductivity, resistance to environmental influences (from frost to direct sunlight), and high strength. They are light, reliable, durable, easy to install and operate, and are not subject to rotting and corrosion.

Features of fiberglass pools

The fiberglass pool consists of a one-piece fiberglass bowl. It is produced by contact molding, when polymeric materials impregnated with polyester resin are manually applied to a reinforcing matrix of the desired shape.

As a result, the bowl is multi-layered according to the papier-moche principle. Its main advantage is that it is already ready for use, you just need to install it. In this regard, composite pools compare favorably with stationary pools from monolithic concrete or flexible plastic.

At the same time, their surface is perfectly even, glossy, sealed, without joints and seams, it does not need to be primed, painted or puttied. The color of the bowl is chosen at the production stage. At the request of the customer, it can be almost anything.

Fiberglass pools today are produced not only in Europe, but also in Russia and the CIS countries. Their cost is directly related to the name of the manufacturer, as well as the size and design of the bowl.

Mounting and installation

Fiberglass pools are classified as prefabricated. It all depends on where they will stand. In any case, composite materials are lighter than steel or concrete, which greatly facilitates transportation, installation, operation and repair.

If this is an outdoor pool, you need to prepare a pit for the size and shape of the bowl, if indoor or stationary - make an appropriate retaining structure in the room. An option is to install it on the street, pour the floor and build walls from light (sliding) panels around the entire perimeter.

Since the tightness of the fiberglass bowl is guaranteed by the manufacturer, you can not think about additional waterproofing, limiting yourself to a layer of gravel and river sand. And since it has high thermal insulation properties, you can also save on heaters and a thermal insulation layer. By the way, that is why if on your personal plot groundwater lies in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location of the bath, of all possible varieties, composite pools are the best option.

It is just as easy to install the necessary equipment - a pipe system, aeration, hydromassage, waterfalls, lighting, etc. In total, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will take only five to seven days.

By the way, another advantage of fiberglass pools is the ease of dismantling if you decide to change the shape or color of the bowl. So this is a great choice for those who want to build a pool without the hassle and in the shortest possible time!

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For many, until today, the pool on the site seems to be an inaccessible luxury item. But in fact, this is not entirely true. And they help a lot modern technologies. When deciding to create, you can not worry about the choice of material for its installation. On this moment enough to decide on the type of pool.

Technological scheme of the overflow pool.

After the completion of the creation and decoration of the pool, the site will change beyond recognition, pleasantly surprising and delighting the home.

The scheme of the pool with their own hands.

If you want to make a pool, greatly facilitating the effort expended, then you should focus on such an option as a composite pool. For its construction with their own hands, preparatory work plays an important role. They need to be given even more attention than the installation itself, since the final operational quality, service life and, importantly, depend on the correct implementation of them. appearance the entire area. Taking advantage detailed instructions preparation and installation, you will avoid mistakes.

The sequence of preliminary work steps for creating a fiberglass pool:

  • to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen options;
  • choosing a place for a fiberglass pool;
  • drain in the pool: consideration of equipment and installation;
  • pumps and filters: selection and installation;
  • stairs in the pool made of fiberglass;
  • water heating.

And only after all of the above points, you should proceed to the direct installation of the pool and the final decoration.

Choosing a composite pool: advantages and disadvantages

When choosing materials for creating a pool, first of all, you should decide on its direct purpose. If you plan to use the pool only for children, then you can choose a shallow option. If swimming for adults, then you should choose a large one with the appropriate size and depth. If you want to combine both purposes, then there are options for a bowl divided into parts by depth. Fiberglass bowls allow you to add various fittings: you can create a hydromassage section in the pool.

When planning the construction of a superstructure for use in the cold season, pools must be installed with a permanent fixing on the surface and a podium device or buried in the ground at a selected level.

Of the existing advantages of composite pools, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

Scheme of the device of the pool.

  • monolithic fiberglass pool bowls have high impact and heat resistance, excellent coping with water pressure even at large sizes. The surface practically does not deteriorate from exposure to external irritants and chemical detergents;
  • the possibility of installing the bowl in the pit in areas with high level groundwater;
  • warranty periods for operation reach 20 years;
  • ease of maintenance is achieved due to the ease of cleaning the surface;
  • high hygiene is ensured by the technical features of fiberglass, which repel fungus, mold and algae spores from the surface of the bowl;
  • savings on cleaning chemicals.

Composite pools have disadvantages, but they are so insignificant that they could not be listed, but still:

  • a monolithic bowl will not enter the standard entrance of the finished building;
  • dimensions, shape and color scheme of the surface of the pool can only be selected from the options available for sale.

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Site selection and preparation

Diagram of a plastic pool.

Choosing the right location is an important step in design. The choice of location depends on the type of soil, the direction of the constant winds and the landscape design already existing or still being created. To reduce the cost of cleaning with your own hands, it is undesirable to place the pool near trees and shrubs. The site should preferably have a slope in order to facilitate the installation of a drainage system.

The pool should be located parallel to the direction of the wind. This is done so that dust and leaves that enter the pool accumulate at the opposite wall relative to the direction of the wind. Overflow pipes are also installed there, through which all debris, along with water, will enter the drain system.

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Drainage device in the pool

The type of drain system depends on the expected contamination of the water, the frequency of draining, its volume and the distance to the discharge point. The quality of the drain is ensured by full compliance with the type of pool.

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Types of do-it-yourself systems

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Standard drain system

It involves the discharge of water into the sewer. To do this, you will need to connect the pool drain to the sewer. For this you need:

  • sewer pipes;
  • connecting elements;
  • shovel.

The diameter of the pipes is selected based on the volume of drained water and the desired drain rate. With a minimum distance to the common sewer system, water will drain faster.

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Drainage of water in the garden

Diagram of the devices of the pool device.

If the pool is small and not buried in the soil or is located on a slope, then the drain can be arranged directly on the beds or in the garden of the site. At this method it is enough to attach a hose of the required length to the drain, directing it to a certain place and open the bowl valve. The water will go away by gravity, and new water can be poured into the pool. The use of a medium power pump will put water through the hose under pressure, this will be an excellent source for watering beds or flower beds with warm water.

Draining into a septic tank should not be done in any case, since the drained volume can fill it at a time. Another thing is the drain hole. If it is dug below the level of the depth of the pool, if possible to the sandy layer of the soil, then the water will not only quickly drain, but also quickly absorbed. If the pit is used only for water, then the drain will be of high quality for a long time.

Cleaning and drain automation can be applied in any of the above ways. This will require the installation of pumps and filters.

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Pool pumps and filters

Pool design diagram.

For the normal functioning of the pool there is a comprehensive maintenance system. main element this complex is the pump. He is responsible for the supply and circulation of water. For swimming pools, volumetric or dynamic pumps are used. Each type has its own advantages and functional features. Dynamic pumps are installed in the system above the water level, which allows them to be used in land conditions. Dynamic are installed below the water level in the pool, which ensures their ground-based use in pools installed on the surface of the ground without a foundation pit.

When choosing, you should not chase after a small cost, but choose based on the technical components. The power of the pump must cope with the available volume, while not exceeding it, so that you do not have to make the required settings yourself, thereby compromising its performance.

Almost all pumps are equipped with coarse filters, you can install additional filters to them, which will clean not only small debris, but also impurities contained in the water, you can also install cleaning systems. The first type of systems is overflow, when water is purified in a sump; the second type is a skimmer, the water is cleaned immediately in the device and fed back into the bowl.

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Fiberglass pool ladders

The ladder provides a comfortable and safe use of the pool, made by hand. It is designed not only for launching and lifting, but is also a significant element of decor. That is why it should be chosen along with the pool. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • the safety that it gives during operation;
  • the quality of the connections of this design;
  • the material from which it is made, as far as it is compatible with its purpose;
  • mounting methods and dimensions to be compatible with the selected model;
  • appearance.

Whichever staircase is chosen, it is installed in a well-lit place, with high-quality fastening and with parameters corresponding to the fiberglass pool.

Health and comfort are the two main conditions for a happy life. Especially both that, and another is demanded by a modern rhythm of the big cities. Timely rest and attention to your health are important, simply mandatory components of life. And one of the best assistants in the easy execution of both points can be your own pool. Its presence in the house or in the yard is the easiest and most pleasant way to improve your health and relax after a hard day at any time convenient for you.

Fiberglass pools

The fiberglass pool is a model that is gaining more and more popularity at the present time. And there are several good reasons for this. Fiberglass pool bowls have a range of important benefits:

  • This material is high-tech, but at the same time environmentally friendly. It is absolutely harmless, does not affect the quality of water. The fiberglass pool is absolutely waterproof, not subject to structural changes under the influence of moisture. Thanks to this, the bowl will serve for a long time and reliably, it will not crack or deteriorate from constant exposure to water.
  • The material is durable. This property is also very important for pools, especially for those that have a large volume. The pool bowl is constantly exposed high pressure both inside and outside. To withstand such a load, the material must have a sufficiently high strength. Fiberglass does a great job of this.
  • The variety of shapes that can be created using fiberglass is also another advantage. Such pool bowls are distinguished by a variety of design ideas and solutions. In this case, you can get rid of sharp corners, and proper processing will avoid unnecessary slip.
  • Attractive appearance. Fiberglass can be dyed any color. Its texture allows you to create designs that fit any interior.

You can choose any model of the pool that will be the most suitable for your home or cottage, fit well into the interior in size and style, satisfy all technical requirements. If you have any difficulties in choosing, doubts or hesitations in favor of a particular model, you can safely contact professional consultants who will not only explain all the details and differences of each model, but also help you choose the best one for each client individually.

Whether a pool is built in an excavation or above ground, building a pool is a big project, so don't underestimate pool installation in terms of your time, labor, and budget.

  • Types of pools
  • Inflatable pool
  • Composite pool made of fiberglass
  • Frame option
  • excavated pool
  • Manufacturing technology concrete pool
  • Creation of a polypropylene pool
  • Conclusion

Types of pools

There are several types of pools in the country: inflatable, frame, composite plastic and concrete pits (as well as metal and block).

Inflatable pool

Advantages inflatable pool ease of installation and affordability. It can be carried to another place and easily folded. The best of inflatable pools - with a double inflatable bottom. However, there are also disadvantages: inflatable models not durable, susceptible to punctures. They require air pumping and from time to time they should be deflated and then re-inflated.

Composite pool made of fiberglass

Such a pool is much more enduring and durable than an inflatable one. The fiberglass from which the model is created can last half a century, which is several times higher than the durability of an inflatable pool. The composite plastic itself does an excellent job with such "diseases" as corrosion or decay, which are subject to metal or wood. Therefore, today this material is successfully used in yacht building. It is from there that the technology for manufacturing composite bowls was borrowed.

Frame option

- This is a ready-made bowl that can be purchased at the store. The frame pool has a frame structure (frame) or a metal frame, thanks to which the pool bowl perfectly keeps its shape. The frame is electroplated to resist rust and scratches. The advantages of such pools are obvious: large volume, geometrically diverse shape, durability and water savings. And most importantly - such a ground frame structure can be transferred to another place. Its device will do without large and heavy equipment, for example, an excavator for digging a ditch, which will need access to the pool. If the frame pool is not removable and portable, but stationary, which is mounted in the ground, then when right conditions exploitation, he pleases the owners all year round. The only disadvantage of any type frame pool- high cost.

excavated pool

The main difference between an excavated pool and a frame pool is that for the structure, a pit is dug with a depth of 1 to 2 meters and an average area of ​​15 sq. m. This is a stationary structure that cannot be moved, moved or somehow changed its configuration. By the way, you can create any shape of the excavated pool, that is, make its configuration and dimensions at your discretion. And this is the great advantage of the pit pool, as well as the cost, which is much lower than the finished frame version.

Concrete pool manufacturing technology

The creation of a monolithic pit for the pool should be entrusted to professionals. Sometimes up to 8 people are involved in such a process. When choosing a location, you should take into account several important things:
1. the place should be sunny,
2. close-growing trees and shrubs should be avoided: falling leaves and branches will pollute the water in the pool,
3. bearing capacity of the soil (type of soil),
4. groundwater level.

pool drawing

The study of the bearing capacity of the soil and the determination of the level of groundwater must be carried out by a geologist. The pool site should be free of trees and roots. Having drawn the outlines of the future pool, you can begin to determine the contour of the pool on the ground. To do this, drive pegs into the ground where the pit will be. The next step is to remove the excess land around the pool. Then the shape and dimensions of the pool should be determined and the moat adjusted to the chosen configuration. It should be remembered that the optimal depth of the pool is 1.5 m.

Foundation preparation

An important step in the construction of an outdoor pool is the preparation of the foundation in a dug container. Digging the pit should be done with an excavator. In an outdoor outdoor pool, if closely spaced groundwater is found, drainage is required. To do this, along the perimeter of the bottom plate of the pit, pipes are arranged that drain groundwater and external precipitation into the external sewage system. Trenches are also being built around the pit to remove atmospheric precipitation. All these measures are created in order to prevent the flooding of the pool by unwanted waters - groundwater and atmospheric.

Advice :
The device of the bottom plate, as well as the foundation pit itself, is carried out parallel to the device of the foundation of the house. These works are interconnected by technological works on laying communications for the removal of external and groundwater. The entire pipeline system on the site is designed before the construction of the house box. And this is a very important process in the technical arrangement of the site, including the construction of the house. The communications of the entire site function as a single organism, therefore, the construction of a pool on the site next to the erected house requires a special technological process, in which it is important to calculate the depth of the bottom plate in the pit and the method of removing groundwater. Incorrect calculations can lead to deformations not only of the pool, but also of the supporting structures of the house.

After the pit is dug and drainage pipes are laid, you should take care of the electrician on the site and the illumination of the bowl itself inside the pool. Electrical wiring is carried out by a professional electrician. In order to protect the pool from electric currents, grounding should be done.

Bottom leveling and waterproofing

The next step in preparing the base will be leveling the bottom and carrying out waterproofing work. To do this, the bottom is tamped with a layer of sand (gravel, crushed stone) 30 cm high and sheets of roofing material are laid on top of it, the surface of which is then smeared with bituminous mastic with a slight approach to the walls of the pit. Sometimes a 10 cm layer of concrete is laid on a sand cushion. All embedded elements should be installed and checked: nozzles, bottom drain, skimmers, headlights, various cables, pvc pipes etc. The rigidity of the fastening of embedded elements will not allow voids and shifts to form. All this is done before the concrete is poured, because after it is laid, it will be impossible to correct the situation.


Formwork is arranged along the contour of the pit, which can be either wooden (disposable) for complex geometric elements - steps, oval roundings and various non-standard recesses, or metal (reusable). Given the non-standard "broken" nature of the shape of the pool, they usually use disposable formwork (wooden circles and plywood boards). But where most of the pit is geometrically even (rectangular), then you can use reusable metal formwork.


For greater strength, concrete is reinforced with a reinforcing mesh of a periodic profile. For reinforcement, rods 8-10 mm in diameter are used. Horizontal rods are installed in increments of 3cm to 60cm, and vertical rods - from 15cm to 30cm. The reinforcement cage is assembled on a concrete base. The rods in the joints are not welded to avoid metal corrosion, but are tied with steel wire. Then the reinforced mesh is treated with an anti-corrosion compound.


After these works, work on concreting the pit begins. For the phased concreting of the pit, concrete of the required grade is used, namely: strength - not lower than class B15 and water resistance - not less than grade W4. Frost resistance grade - F100-F150. The pool must withstand up to 150 freezing cycles, be durable, waterproof and plastic. Usually, in private pools, phased concreting of the walls of the bowl and the bottom is carried out, given the curvilinear nature of the geometry of the pool.

Bowl waterproofing

The pool is poured with concrete in a continuous way or in two stages. Experts advise the first method, which creates greater strength and solidity of the bowl without "cold joints". But this method requires good construction equipment for uninterrupted supply of concrete from a concrete mixer truck. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork is dismantled, and the walls of the pool are treated (iron process) with a mixture of concrete and water.

After concreting, another layer of crushed stone is laid on the bottom and poured with hydroconcrete, under which a reinforced mesh is laid, and the walls of the bowl are treated with putties and impregnations for tightness. You can use PVC film. For sealing along the contour of the pool, special cords are used. After all these works, the pool is tested for tightness. Pour water into the bowl and observe the condition of the pool for three days. Then the water is drained, backfilled and the pool is finished, for example, with mosaics. All work is carried out at a temperature not lower than + 5 °.

Creation of a polypropylene pool

It will take more time and cost to create a propylene pool than a concrete structure. Advantages on the face: increased water resistance and durability. So, it is not necessary to waterproof the structure, like concrete. Polypropylene bowls are sold in the store. You can make it yourself by buying sheet polypropylene and heat welding using an extruder. At the cost of a purchased and a home-made pool, they are approximately the same.


Digging a pit is carried out in the same way as for a concrete pool. But the dimensions of the pit should be slightly larger than the bowl itself in order to avoid deformations.
. Lay waterproofing at the bottom of the pit and pour a layer of concrete. Over the years, groundwater infiltration can occur.
. We install a polypropylene bowl in the prepared pit.
. This is followed by the installation of the bottom drain, skimmer and nozzles.
. A mandatory procedure is foam insulation along the edges of the pool.
. For structural stability, the walls of the bowl are reinforced in places with stiffeners.
. The insulation of the drainage pipes is insulated and, for reliability, tied with ordinary tape.
. A water filtration device is installed near the pool, for example, in the basement.
. After laying, checking and connecting communications, they arrange an internal formwork and pour concrete between the formwork and the bowl. Filling is carried out in several stages within 7-8 days, 30 cm per day.
. The space between the formwork and the pit is covered with sand for rigidity. After the final hardening of the concrete, the pool is decorated along the edges from the outside. This can be a mosaic frame, artificial turf or a water-resistant deck board.


Polypropylene is an excellent material for construction, so pay attention to a similar option: polypropylene blocks, no less reliable.


Making a pool today is a simple and complex task at the same time. The main thing to understand is that with a device buried in the ground type outdoor pool it is necessary to arrange drainage for the removal of groundwater and purchase high-quality materials for construction, as a guarantee for the successful functioning of the pool.

Significant simplification of construction water body, the implementation of the most convenient, efficient and attractive option in all respects is possible using finished bowl from high strength material. For this reason, fiberglass pools have already received the widest distribution on the territory of our country. Outstanding performance characteristics make it possible to successfully cover a wide variety of conditions and modes of use, make the products applicable even in the conditions of our country. The service life is practically unlimited due to increased wear resistance. The assembly is also extremely easy. Practical work is reduced to digging a pit, preparatory work, installation, shrinkage, connection, organization of pouring and finishing.

How to choose fiberglass pools

It is logical to start the search for the most suitable variant of a water body with the required parameters of shape, size and total volume. In many respects it depends on the available available territory, possibilities for preparation and installation. Fiberglass pools today are an excellent option, as they have a whole range of advantages over concrete structures, as well as before other types of plastic. First of all, it is worth noting the extremely low thermal conductivity. Together with the tightness of the material, this eliminates the need for additional layers of insulation and waterproofing. Fiberglass pools allow you to achieve excellent results with minimal investment, and our specialists will provide comprehensive consulting support when choosing.

Reviews about us

Due to the nature of my service, I do not have the opportunity to travel to warm countries in winter. For a long time I thought about how to compensate for this unfortunate circumstance. As a result, I ordered a pool with an indoor pavilion in Country Pools. Inside, it retains heat enough to swim, unless it is very cold outside. And the dust that rushes through the air outside does not settle on the water - very convenient.

Semyon Chechelnitsky

I ordered a pool enclosure with a sliding door from Country-Pools. It retains heat very well. In fact, it significantly increases the period of time during which you can swim without additional heating. Actually, if you calculate how much electricity would be spent on this very heating, the benefit of the acquisition becomes obvious.

Margarita Anisimova

What determines the price of a fiberglass pool

An excellent balance of quality, performance, reliability and durability with moderate cost is an integral attribute of the presented products. For a fiberglass pool, the price is usually 1.5 - 2 times lower than for equipment of a concrete version. At the same time, high quality workmanship provides much more significant guarantees of durability after installation than as a result of pouring work. The main segment of investments falls on the material. A high-quality, durable and resilient base, capable of enduring mechanical, thermal and climatic loads without changes, fully justifies the investment, allows you to enjoy the finished object for an almost unlimited period.