Dig a pool in the country with your own hands. How to build a pool in the country with your own hands from a finished bowl

Not every summer resident is lucky to have his own house near a pond, where after physical work you can relax and enjoy cool water. The rest have to either get into the car and go in search of the nearest river, or make a pool with their own hands in the country. More often they choose the second option, because in addition to relaxation, the pool also provides side benefits:

  • warm, settled water, which can be used to water flower beds and a garden (if you did not add chemical disinfectants to the pool!);
  • the ability to switch children who are passionate about tablets, mobile phones and laptops to a healthier vacation;
  • improvement of the body, etc.

It remains to choose from the many options for stationary pools the one that is suitable for the needs of the family and the landscape of the site.

To simplify the care of the built pool, consider the following points already at the planning stage:

  1. It is better if the pool area has clay soil. It will stop water leakage in case of breakdowns of waterproofing.
  2. Choose a place with a natural slope of the soil. So you make it easier for yourself to dig a pit and immediately decide where to put the drain system.
  3. Tall trees should not grow near the future pool, because their root system, sensing the proximity of moisture, will stretch to the walls of the structure and can ruin the waterproofing. The most "aggressive" are poplar, chestnut, willow. If trees are already growing on the site, then you will have to part with them in advance. It's cheaper than repairing a damaged pool.
  4. Low-growing trees are also undesirable, because you will have to constantly remove the leaves from the bowl, and during the flowering period, the water turns yellow with pollen.
  5. Pay attention to which direction the wind blows most often in your country house, and try to place the pool so that the air moves along the bowl. Then all the dirt and debris will be nailed to one wall, along the edges of which it is recommended to install a drain system.
  6. Try to locate the pool closer to the water supply to make it easier to fill.

Preliminary calculations - sizing

Width and length are determined based on the purpose of the pool. If it is intended for swimming, then a rectangular shape is chosen, making the bowl elongated. If for relaxation, splashing and rest of the whole family, then it is more convenient to communicate in round bowls.

More important criterion- depth. It is believed that in order to feel free, swim easily, turn around under water and jump from the side, you need a one and a half meter depth (and no more!). But ski jumping requires a deeper bowl - at least 2.3 m. True, it is enough to make such a depth in the diving zone, creating a smooth transition from the main size (1.5 m).

If the construction of a pool in the country is intended exclusively for children's recreation, then the depth of the bowl should not exceed half a meter. That's enough for fun games and floundering without health risks.

The most complex design is a combined pool in which everyone will swim. In this case, different depths are created for the children's and adult zones, and both zones must be separated by a solid partition that starts from the very bottom. So you insure against accidental entry of children into the adult zone.

Important! In any pool that has several different depths, it is necessary to make the bottom flat and smoothly transition from one size to another. Sharp jumps in depth are unacceptable for safety reasons. A person, walking along the bottom, can gape and miss the border, beyond which another depth will begin, and in a panic, when the legs instantly go down, the risk of choking is very high.

Choosing a bowl: buy ready-made or make it yourself?

The most time-consuming work is associated with the preparation of the pit and the pouring of the bowl. But manufacturers have figured out how to build a pool in the country faster and easier. They created ready-made bowls that only need to be dug into the ground and fixed. In addition to the obvious plus in ease of installation, ready-made structures are also beneficial in that they are produced in various shapes and colors, which cannot be said about concrete. In addition, during operation, concrete bowls can crack if soil movements begin.

Types of finished bowls: plastic and composite

There are two types of ready-made bowls on sale: plastic and composite. The principle of their installation is absolutely the same. Only differ specifications materials.

The plastic bowl requires additional insulation of the pool walls from the outside

In plastic structures, polypropylene is the main material. It is not afraid of burning out, does not require draining water for the winter, is environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical stress. A smooth surface prevents the formation of plaque and sediment on the walls and bottom. Such bowls do not require additional interior decoration, because they look aesthetically pleasing. The only negative: if the pool is installed in a place where there is no shade, then polypropylene can expand in the heat, which is why the bottom and walls “go in waves”. But as soon as the temperature drops, the bowl returns to its normal form.

Composite bowls are made of fiberglass, which is not afraid of either frost or heat.

Composite structures do not have this problem. The main material in them is fiberglass, which is bound with polymer resins. All the advantages characteristic of plastic bowls are also characteristic of this material. But there is a small "but": the composite is quite expensive.

DIY bowl options

And yet, some summer residents still prefer bowls that are created on the spot, because it is not always possible to find a container with a size and shape that is ideal for a particular landscape, and very large pools (about 10m in length) cause difficulties in transportation. The vast majority of owners make pools for summer cottages with their own hands from concrete. This item is always on sale. If it is impossible to deliver it to the site in the form of a liquid solution, an ordinary concrete mixer is installed, and a mixture is created on site with the addition of sand.

The bowl made of polystyrene foam blocks is easy to install due to the lightness of the material and keeps the water temperature perfectly

It is possible to create the entire bowl from concrete, including the walls, but this requires a long time and a lot of work to install the formwork and pour.

Resourceful summer residents came up with a simpler arrangement of the pool in the country: they kept only the bottom concrete, and the walls began to be made of polystyrene foam blocks or steel sheets. In the first option, the pool turns out to be warm, since polystyrene foam has low thermal conductivity. Steel walls are very easy to install, as they are sold ready-made with everything additional equipment in the form of a facing film and fastening fittings.

Installation of a pool with a finished bowl

Consider how to make a pool in the country using a factory bowl.

Site marking

  1. We carefully measure the bowl delivered to the site.
  2. We mark the place of the future pit on the ground using pegs and a rope. We drive the pegs into the corners of the future bowl, and we stretch the rope between them. The more non-standard shape of the pool, the more often drive in the pegs.
  3. We retreat from the stretched rope by a meter and make outlines around the entire perimeter (cut off the ground, hammer in new pegs, etc.). It is from this markup that you will begin to dig a pit. Such a margin is needed to make it easier to lower the bowl, insulate its walls and create a solid foundation.
  4. We remove the internal markings and proceed to dig the pit.


The pool pit must have a flat and stable bottom, so it is concreted

The pit should be half a meter deeper than the size of the bowl itself. Now we create the base on which we will put the bowl:

  1. Pour the bottom with a 20-centimeter layer of coarse sand and tamp.
  2. We lay out a metal mesh for the fortress along the sand and pour a concrete solution over it, 25 centimeters thick. We wait until dry.

The concrete layer with which the bottom is poured must be reinforced so that it does not crack when the soil moves.

After that, we insulate the pool:

  1. We lay geotextiles over the entire concrete base, and three-centimeter slabs of expanded polystyrene over it. They will insulate the bottom of the pool from the cold ground.
  2. On top of the insulation, lay a thick, durable film.
  3. While the bowl is at the top, its walls should be insulated. outer surface walls are “packed” in expanded polystyrene and insulated with polyethylene.

The outer walls of the bowl are insulated with polystyrene foam to isolate from cold ground

Installing the bowl and connecting communications

  • We lower the prepared bowl to the bottom of the pit.
  • We connect to the bowl all the necessary communications. We put a protective sleeve on the pipes and fix it with adhesive tape so that it does not move during concreting.

Spacers will not allow the bowl to bend when the concrete reinforcement of the pool is poured; And all pipes must be packed in a protective sleeve so that they do not freeze in winter.

  • We concrete the remaining voids between the soil and the walls of the pool as follows:
  1. We install spacers inside the bowl so that the plastic or composite does not bend under the pressure of the concrete mass;
  2. We put the formwork, and lay reinforcement along the perimeter;
  3. The solution is not poured all at once, but in layers: we fill 30-40 cm of water into the pool and raise the concrete to the same height. We are waiting for solidification, then water again - and after that concrete. Thus, we bring the concrete layer to the surface of the soil.
  4. We wait a day until the pour solidifies and only then we remove the formwork.
  5. We fill the voids from the formwork with sand, spilling it with water and ramming it.

It remains to ennoble the pool area and let water into it.

For outdoor pools, it is desirable to create a hinged roof that will protect against dirty precipitation, or at least sew an awning with which you will cover the structure when you leave the dacha.

If the arrangement of pools in the country seemed to you a difficult task - buy an inflatable or frame version. These pools are perfect for water recreation, and for the winter you can easily disassemble them and hide them in the attic.

What could be better than a wonderful summer holiday on the shore of a lake or river? It is especially pleasant when such a reservoir is located in the immediate vicinity of the house. Build a pool on your own suburban area- this activity is quite simple and you can do it yourself, although, at first glance, it seems that it is almost impossible.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the ideal location for the pool. Whichever site is chosen, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of connecting the reservoir to engineering communications - the supply and discharge of water. Plus, if desired, lighting, a fountain or a small waterfall. So, you will have to do the connection to the electric / supply.

What to consider when choosing a place

  • Will the root system of plants be damaged?
  • Distance from the "source" to the pool. It is clear that it should be minimal. This will reduce the amount of work and material costs.

Determining the location is simply impossible without a preliminary calculation of the structures of the future reservoir. You can build a frame pool, you can - excavated or composite.

The following set of tools should also be prepared in advance:

  • Roulette;
  • Building level;
  • Cord or rope;
  • Stones of various sizes;
  • Special small stakes;
  • wire for reinforcement;
  • Mesh based on steel wire;
  • boards;
  • Valve that locks the water;
  • Nails and screws with a special coating against rust;
  • Sufficient supply of sand and cement;
  • waterproofing material;
  • shovel;
  • A bar suitable for manual ramming.

In general terms, the instructions for building a pool in the country house look like this:

Location, area and markings

The exact area is determined, as well as the shape of the future reservoir. Dimensions depend on how many people will constantly use the reservoir. A large family needs a fairly spacious design. Practice has shown that the optimal depth of the pool varies from 120 to 180 centimeters, then the length and width can be 400. This is true for an adult. For children - no more than 0.8 m. If we are talking about a summer house, where literally every centimeter counts, then any advice will be superfluous - with the dimensions of the reservoir, everyone is determined by himself.

It is necessary to find the most suitable place for the pool on the site. The space must be open, without trees nearby. Trees are the reason why the pool will always have enough cool water in which fallen leaves float. Of course, it is impossible to locate the pool in low-lying areas, as this will lead to water pollution by rain flows.

Using a tape measure, the construction site is marked out, the dimensions of which in all directions should be 50 centimeters larger than the dimensions of the future reservoir. The boundaries are clearly marked with stakes on which a rope is stretched. The fertile soil layer from the marked area must be completely removed. At the next stage under concrete pool digging a pit of the required depth. It is necessary to ensure that the walls of the pit are perfectly even, and the bottom is about 30 centimeters lower than the desired depth. The bottom, at the same time, should have some slope.

Drainage pit, formwork and concreting

The construction of any pool implies that a layer is laid on the bottom, the thickness of which is from 20 to 30 centimeters. Each of the stacked layers is carefully rammed, after which waterproofing materials are laid on top. Enough good option can be considered bituminous roofing material, which is distinguished not only by reliability and practicality, but also by low cost.

But if you think about the durability of the structure, it is better to use special membranes. With such a canvas, you can immediately cover the entire pit, which eliminates the need to seal the joints of the strips. There are stones on the roofing material, and on top of them - metal rods or steel (plastic) reinforcing mesh.

There is a need not only in the pit, but also in a specialized drainage pit, the depth of which should exceed the depth of the main reservoir. A special drain pipe is placed in the pit, the end of which is located in the pool, after which it is equipped with a valve that makes it possible to close the water. The drainage pit wakes up with a fairly thick gravel layer. Since only dirty water will enter it, and not sewage from the sewer, there are no special requirements for its design. Then a skimmer and overflow system is installed that purifies the water.

Reinforcement bars are placed throughout the entire perimeter of the reservoir, observing a step of 0.3 meters. The indentation from the edge is at the level of 5 centimeters. The rods are necessarily fastened with wire. Please note that the use of a welding machine is not allowed. Overheating of the metal reduces the strength of the mesh and contributes to the development of corrosion. Therefore - only knitting rods. The boards are used to form wooden formwork boards from them. Inside the pit, they must be installed by first measuring 15 centimeters from the wall from the ground.

Although the device of a fixed structure made of expanded polystyrene plates is more effective. In addition to the fact that the material is waterproof, it also performs the function of a "mechanical" protection of the bowl, since soil movements can lead, if not to concrete deformation, then to the appearance of cracks in it. Such foresight will eliminate the likely repair of the reservoir every spring.

Concreting of the pool is carried out with the help. Given the capacity and mass of water, the brand of concrete is selected as for a monolithic foundation - at least M300. Hence cement "400" or "500". The mixture is poured as slowly as possible. The voids that are between the ground and the installed formwork are filled with layers of mortar. After loading the concrete, it must be compacted by expelling air from its structure. In practice, it is enough to pierce the mass with a reinforcing pin over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bowl.

After the concrete mixture has completely dried, you can directly engage in installation work.

Concrete, like any material, partially absorbs moisture. If it is prepared on the spot, then it is advisable to introduce special / additives into the mixture. If purchased, it must be of the “hydrophobic” category. Although it costs a little more, then it will be less likely to have to repair the bowl.

In order to make the bottom of the pool as similar as possible to an ordinary reservoir, it is recommended to use clean river sand. A ten-centimeter layer will be enough.

Features of frame-type pools

Frame-type pools can be built from wood, using aluminum or tin sheets for interior cladding. Of course, aluminum is a much more reliable and aesthetic option. In the process of creating the lower and upper harnesses, pine timber is used, while any thick board can be used for the intermediate part. Giving the structure a sufficient indicator of rigidity is carried out using braces, which are also based on durable boards.

Main advantage frame pool lies in the fact that for the cold season it can be dismantled without problems. The implementation of replacing the water inside the pool is also not difficult. A flexible garden hose is fixed at the bottom of the tank, which will make it possible to use the waste water to water garden plants or lawns.

In the process of building a pool, it is imperative to use a sealant, which is suitable even for an ordinary polyethylene film. Wood must be treated with a component that contributes to resistance to aquatic environment. The price of a frame pool is minimal, but it has a fairly solid appearance and can be inscribed in any landscape.

I wonder what to create a pool with my own hands It is quite possible to use an ordinary PVC film. This is one of the most modern materials, which is characterized by significant operational and external parameters. The film is not afraid of constant operation in the aquatic environment, does not let liquid through, and therefore makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of bowls. Surprisingly, even the presence of cracks on the bowl does not interfere with the film in retaining the entire volume of water. The use of the film is allowed both in the process of reconstruction of the old pool, and in the construction of a new water reservoir, which does not involve excavation.

All parts of the film are easily bonded to each other using temperature welding, which creates the strongest bowl. The installation of the pool is carried out on a pre-prepared base, after which it is rigidly fixed with a frame made of boards.

A fairly popular version of a home-made country pool is a pool based on fiberglass. It is extremely difficult to break this material, it does not require any additional coating. The downside is that the fiberglass pool needs a mandatory supply of all communications. As a pedestal for installation, a concrete base is used, which is characterized by maximum strength.

If we are talking about a small area, then it is better to install an industrial-made pool - an inflatable one. The price for such products depends on their shape, linear dimensions, manufacturer and starts from 1,650 rubles. All construction work will be reduced only to cleaning the territory and leveling the allotted area. Water can be filled/drained with a regular garden hose. By the way, only a “spot” repair will be needed if there is a puncture. This is another 1 “plus”, since it will not take much time to repair the damage.

Pools in the country have long ceased to be a rarity. Only the sizes of such structures and their shape vary. can be both full-fledged, with full equipment of the appropriate equipment, and small, intended only for bathing children.

Types of country pools and their features

First you need to decide which of the country pools you plan to place on your site. According to the installation methods, they are divided into:

According to the materials of manufacture, pools for summer cottages are divided into products from:

It is better to protect a stationary pool with at least the simplest canopy. In this case, it will accumulate less debris and fallen leaves.

Filtration system

Without a high-quality filtration system, stationary pools for summer cottages in the most a short time just overgrown with mud. Depending on the way the water circulates in them, you can choose any of the cleaning systems:

Monolithic concrete pool for a summer residence

From durable reinforced concrete, you can make both a small swimming pool and a full-fledged one. swimming pool equipped with modern equipment. But in both cases, the process of its arrangement is largely similar. We will describe in detail how to build a pool in the country with our own hands from concrete.

Site selection and site preparation

In order for the water in the pool to warm up as quickly as possible, it is placed in an open space, away from tall buildings and trees that block the sun. The proximity of vegetation is also undesirable because in the fall, crumbling foliage will clog the pool, and it will take much longer to clean it. The growing roots of such powerful plants as poplar, willow or birch can easily destroy even concrete.

The desire to have an artificial reservoir in your own home is familiar to many owners of suburban real estate. It is so nice to splash in the clear and cool water of your own pool on a hot summer day. Water perfectly relaxes the body and relieves fatigue after a busy day.

Do-it-yourself swimming pool construction will help to solve this problem. It has long been recognized that swimming cures many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, improves immunity, helps to get rid of excess weight and just makes you feel better. The presence of its own reservoir emphasizes the viability of its owner and serves as a sign of well-being.

Determining the location of the pool

At the first stage of the construction of the pool, it is necessary to decide where to place it. In solving this issue, an important condition is an elegant combination with the overall design of the house and the entire site as a whole. It is also necessary to ensure that the pool is located near the water supply and the drain well, which is necessary for regular cleaning and water supply of the artificial reservoir. After all, long hoses throughout the site will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Do-it-yourself pool construction is recommended to be carried out in an open sunny area. This is necessary for constant heating of the water. To partially protect the reservoir from the wind, you can place it next to the house or along a high concrete fence. But the pool cannot be located very close to the house. First, no one is immune from leaks. Secondly, pouring over the edge, water can get into the basement and even wash away the foundation of the house.

The best platform for the pool will be clay soil. In case of violation of the waterproofing, the clay will stop the leakage of water.

You should also not place the pool near trees and shrubs. Constant falling leaves will clog the water. This will cause constant cleaning of the pool.

Before the construction of the pool, it is not enough to decide only on its location. The choice of the shape and size of the reservoir is also an important point. Perfect size for the country pool there will be a small pond 4x4 m. With regards to the shape, it is better to give preference to simple options: square, circle, rectangle. After determining the necessary parameters, equipment, tools and materials for the construction of the pool are purchased.

What materials are needed for the construction of the pool:

  • Small gravel.
  • Sand.
  • Cement.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Fittings.
  • Formwork boards.
  • Wire.
  • Sealant.
  • Bars.
  • hydrophilic rubber.
  • Plaster mortar.
  • Facing tiles.


For the construction of the pool, it is necessary to calculate the following systems:

  • water heating (optional);
  • disinfection;
  • filtration;
  • water supply and drainage.

According to the filtration system, pools are divided into two types:

  • skimmer;
  • overflow.

In the first case, special devices are installed in the pools - skimmers, which are able to take the top layer of water, which is the dirtiest. To replenish the tanks with water, holes are located along the perimeter of the walls.

Overflow systems involve the pouring of water from the pool into the side gutters, which are on the same level with the sides. Purified and disinfected water in this case comes from the bottom of the tank.

When using high-quality filtration stations with additional filters, their installation is carried out immediately. Such filtration systems take up a lot of space, their location is thought out in advance.

Antibacterial water treatment is prerequisite to maintain a healthy water environment. Active oxygen, chlorine, bromine and hydrogen peroxide can be successfully used to kill bacteria. Ultraviolet installations and ozonation also qualitatively purify water.

For the construction of the pool, you can also use the following items decor:

  • sculptures;
  • handrails;
  • stairs and more.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a pool

The construction of the pool consists of several stages. In order for a concrete pool to be safe, comfortable and beautiful, all stages must be thought out in advance. To do this, as a rule, they draw a drawing and perform work strictly according to the scheme.

Pit preparation

Internal waterproofing of the pool

Since water has a destructive effect on materials, the entire resulting structure must be protected from moisture. For internal waterproofing of pool walls, there are many different materials and methods. But the study of their advantages and disadvantages encourages to give preference to the most economical and reliable method of protection - coated insulation.

But before applying the insulating material, it is necessary to plaster the walls of the pool, and apply a self-levelling mixture to the floor surface. After all surfaces have dried, the concrete bowl is cleaned of debris and dirt.

For the arrangement of internal waterproofing during the construction of the pool, it is not enough just to apply a coating material to its surface. Much attention is paid to the joints between the walls and the bottom of the tank. To prevent leaks in these places, hydrophilic rubber is used, which is attached with a sealant. The material expands when exposed to moisture.

Before application waterproofing material the bottom and walls of the pool are treated with a primer. Next, water is added to the dry waterproofing mixture, the solution mixes well. The resulting material is applied with a brush to the inner surface of the pool. The thickness of the waterproofing layer should be approximately 3-4 mm.

Pool wall and floor cladding

For facing the internal surfaces of the pool, the following materials are used:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • porcelain tile.

If a wooden deck with railings is built at the exit from the pool, then sun loungers can be placed on it. Attach folding seats and tables to the railing. The area next to the pool, landscaped in this way, will be an excellent place for guests and owners to relax. And if you add kebabs and soft drinks to all this charm? Your holiday will be unique.

Building a pool from a finished bowl

  1. The bowl sinks to the bottom of the pit.
  2. Necessary communications are installed. The protective sleeve is put on the pipes and fixed with adhesive tape (to avoid displacement during concreting).
  3. To prevent the composite or plastic bowl from bending under the weight of concrete, spacers are installed inside it.
  4. Reinforcement is installed around the entire perimeter and formwork is placed.
  5. Concrete is poured as follows: the bowl is filled with water by 30-40 cm, concrete is poured to the same height. After the solution hardens, water is again poured into the bowl, the formwork is filled with concrete. The concrete layer must be brought to the surface of the earth.
  6. The formwork is removed a day after pouring.
  7. The voids left after the removal of the formwork are filled with sand and compacted with water.

It remains only to fill the pool with clean water, and enjoy the warm, pleasant water.

(19 ratings, average: 4,11 out of 5)

In the summer it is always nice to swim in cool water. However, it is not always possible to go to a river or lake. In this case, the best solution would be to build a pool with your own hands in the country or on the territory of a frequency house. So, you will always have your own reservoir at hand, near which you can have a great time and relax. In the article, we will consider how to build a pool with your own hands.

Features and types of pools

There are many variations on the theme of pools for summer cottages or country houses. But they can be conceptually divided into several main types.

Inflatable pools. Let's start with the simplest option. Its main advantage is low cost and ease of installation. In addition, this model is mobile.

When packed and assembled, it can easily fit in the trunk of a car. And this means that you can take it with you to nature, use it for a bath, or simply install this pool in your house without any problems with your own hands.

Among the modern models of this category can be found containers of various sizes- from mini-pools for giving like children's "paddling pools" to large inflatable structures that are designed for 10 tons of water or more.

The disadvantages are primarily fragility of inflatable pools: they wear out in just a few years. And also it is impossible not to say about their vulnerability from various kinds of mechanical influences.

Frame pools

They are also fairly simple structures. Their main advantages include mobility and high speed of installation, which, in principle, is characteristic of any prefabricated structures. At the same time, they are more resistant to mechanical damage, unlike inflatable ones. However, inflatable pool the owners will cost much cheaper than the frame. At the same time, the service life of these pools, according to by and large also limited, like every mobile design.

Portable bath pools

These structures consist of a PVC cover, walls and bottom. Given the depth, they can be located simply on flat surface- depth up to 0.8 m, partially - up to 1.3 meters or completely (more than 1.6 m) go deep into the ground.

Their any form can be, but, as a rule, there is an oval, round, in the form of a figure eight. If these structures are square or rectangular, then their corners are certainly rounded.

Such pools are good because they easy to install(especially those that do not need to be deepened) and just connect. Their disadvantage is the tightness of the connecting seams. However, if you buy a swimming pool in the bath of a trusted company, then it will serve you well for many years.

Stationary pools

We must begin with the obvious shortcomings of these designs: of all varieties, they are the most expensive- in terms of not only the arrangement of the pool, but also its further maintenance.

But this is where all the shortcomings end. Since stationary outdoor pools are fundamental structure so to speak, for centuries.

Stationary pools can be with a concrete bowl or already finished. A concrete bowl allows the owner to build any pool at home, even the most bizarre form. At the same time, pool bowls made of composite materials greatly facilitate the process of arranging a pool on the site.

Gallery: swimming pool in the country (25 photos)

Choice of location and optimal size

Because it stationary pool is considered “real”, then in the future we will talk about this particular design. So, when you have decided on the type, you need to think about the size and location of the artificial reservoir itself. For the most part, the choice of location will depend on the wishes of the owner. As a rule, the pool is installed close to recreation area, near the bathhouse, behind the house. But when choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account certain factors:

  • Presence of nearby vegetation. It is desirable that there are no bushes, let alone trees, near the reservoir. Plants are constantly drawn to moisture, and their root system is very strong and can easily break through a concrete thicket.
  • Direction of the wind. Since this summer cottage pool is outdoor, there is a high probability of all kinds of garbage getting into it. In order for you not to encounter dry leaves, scraps of paper, etc. while swimming, it is better if the pool is located on a site protected from the prevailing wind direction.
  • Priming. A lot depends on the properties of the soil. For starters, it is desirable that the soil is clay. In this case, you will additionally receive natural waterproofing. And also during the construction of a stationary bowl, you will need to dig a pit. When the soil is rocky at the chosen place, earthworks can be very time-consuming and complicated, especially if you make a pool with your own hands in the country without the help of special equipment.

When it comes to the size of the future reservoir, in this case there are no special requirements. It will depend from your preference and free space. For example, for swimming along one track, a width of 2.5 m and a length of four meters is sufficient. When two tracks are planned, the width can be increased to 5 meters.

The optimum water depth is 1.5 meters. But in this case, it all depends on the purposes for which you build it. When you have children and the main purpose of the pool is to entertain them, you don't need to make it very deep. And vice versa, when you are a fan of diving, the depth plays an important role.

Construction stages

By and large, the process of building a pool in a country house is divided into the following stages:

As you can see, there is a lot of construction work. Moreover, any of the stages is very important, since it depends not only appearance the whole structure, but also the operating time.

Bowl creation and earthworks

Let's go directly to the main question - how to make a pool in the country with your own hands. If you have decided on the installation location and dimensions, then you can proceed to earthworks. First to the site apply markings. For what you can use a rope stretched on pegs.

Then we start earthworks. This is the most time-consuming stage during construction. You need dig a pit desired depth and size. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the depth, length and width must be made approximately 50 cm more.

This additional space is required for formwork. When the dimensions of the design you have conceived are very impressive, then you need to think about attracting special equipment.

Then, when the pit is dug, you can start making bowl. This stage of work includes the following activities:

  1. The walls and bottom of the pit are well rammed.
  2. A sand cushion is being made. Why a layer of sand 25–40 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and carefully rammed.
  3. A layer of waterproofing is applied over the entire surface of the walls and on top of the pillow at the bottom. Now on the market you can see many materials that are an excellent barrier to water. The most budgetary is the use of bituminous mass and roofing material. These materials have shown themselves well and have been used for a long time.
  4. First, a layer of roofing material is laid over the entire surface (on the walls and bottom, while the walls must be covered with material with a margin to the very top). After that, several (preferably 4–5) layers of bituminous mass are applied.
  5. The next step is the installation of the drain system. This must be done before formwork. How many drain holes to make and in what place depends on the shape and size of the bowl.
  6. Then we construct the formwork, it can be made from improvised materials and proceed to pouring concrete. And be sure to use reinforcement.
  7. The formwork is removed after the concrete mass has set.

Lighting and decoration

Then you need to finish the bowl. But first, you need additional apply a layer of waterproofing.

And also you need to close up all the cracks that have formed so that the water does not leak out and damage the bowl. To do this, you can use mastic, film or impregnating materials.

After installing the waterproofing, proceed to the finishing work. As a rule, to cover the bowl is used tile. This material can easily withstand prolonged exposure to water, is very easy to clean and has an attractive appearance.

In addition to tiles, you can also use modern material, for example, PVC film. Today, manufacturers produce a huge range of this material. It is durable and strong. On this, the construction of the pool, in fact, is completed.

In artificial reservoirs, the water becomes polluted rather quickly and can be a favorable environment for the appearance of harmful bacteria. At the same time, in open pool all the time gets dust, tree branches and fallen leaves.

For small pools build a cover, which will not allow the main part of the garbage to enter. Small particles that have fallen into the pond can be easily removed with a fine mesh net. Algae that formed on the walls, cleaned with a soft bristle brush.

The water in this pool is desirable replace at least once a week. For example, use for watering the garden. To purify water in large pools, the following methods are used:

  • Electrophysical disinfection - the use of equipment for saturating water with silver ions and ozonizers. UV lamps can be used to filter and purify water, they disinfect water by killing mold spores and microbes.
  • Chemical treatment - produced with the help of special substances. As a result, the pH level is normalized and the water is disinfected. The action of chemicals prevents the appearance of algae and eliminates the smallest particles of fat.
  • Physical cleaning - cleaning small and large debris with a net. Constant cleaning with a water filter. Cleaning the inner surface with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.

Features of water purification in the pool

The easiest way to purify water is a water filter. There are three types of systems with different degrees of filtration. sand filter based on finely crushed quartz removes harmful microparticles up to 25 microns in size.

Cartridge filters suitable for medium-sized artificial reservoirs with a diameter of no more than five meters. These filters are equipped with a special valve for getting rid of small debris and a water purification system from harmful elements up to 15 microns in size.

Diatomaceous earth filters are highly efficient and modern systems water purification. Fossil powder, kieselguhr, mountain flour, etc. are used as a cleaning agent. These particles remove the smallest elements up to one micrometer in size.

As compositions for chemical cleaning, means are used based on active oxygen, bromine and chlorine. Chlorine compounds are quite effective, but they need to be observed in a clear dosage. If the doses are exceeded, there is a high risk of damage to the skin and poisoning.

Bromine-based preparations are safer and do not have a pronounced odor. Cleansing with active oxygen is the most convenient and at the same time completely safe for health. The drug is added to the water immediately after filling the pool, taking into account the total volume of liquid.

A pool on a personal plot or in a country house is great place to relax on hot summer days. And building it with your own hands is not very difficult. You can build a reservoir from improvised materials, but it is much more reliable to make it from concrete.

Apply markings, make calculations, dig a pit, fill the bowl and finish. This main stages of work. A little financial investment and effort, and you will have a great vacation spot for the whole family.