Methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges 333. Methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances into water bodies

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On approval of the Methodology for the development of standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 23, 2007 No. 469 “On the procedure for approving the standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 31, Art. 4088)

approve, in agreement with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, the attached methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users.

Minister Yu.P. Trutnev

Approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 17, 2007 No. 333

Methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users

I. Purpose and scope

1. In accordance with Article 1 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 2, Article 133; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607; 2005, No. 1, item 25; No. 19, item 1752; 2006, No. 1, item 10; No. 52, item 5498) standards for permissible discharges of substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms (standards for permissible discharges substances and microorganisms) - standards that are established for subjects of economic and other activities in accordance with the indicators of the mass of chemicals, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, acceptable for entry into the environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in the established mode and taking into account technological standards, and subject to which environmental quality standards are ensured.

The methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users (VAT) does not provide for the development of standards for permissible discharges for radioactive substances.

VAT values ​​are determined on the basis of water quality standards for a water body. If water quality standards in water bodies cannot be achieved due to the impact of natural factors that cannot be controlled, then the VAT values ​​are determined based on the conditions for compliance with the established natural background water quality at the control point.

The calculated value of the allowable discharge standard is closely related to the numerical value of the water quality standard for water bodies.

Water quality standards are developed for the conditions of drinking, household and fishery water use, determined in accordance with the current legislation.

3. Water quality standards for a water body include:

general requirements for the composition and properties of surface waters for various kinds water use;

a list of maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of substances in the water of water bodies for drinking and household water use;

list of MPC substances for water bodies of fishery importance.


On approval of the Methodology for the development of standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2007 No. 469 "On the procedure for approving the standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 31, Art. 4088) and k a z s in a yu:

approve, in agreement with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, the attached methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users.

Minister Yu.P. Trutnev

Approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

dated December 17, 2007 No. 333



I. Purpose and scope

1. According to Article 1 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 2, Art. 133; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2005, No. 1, Art. 25; No. 19, Art. 1752; 2006, No. 1, Art. 10; No. 52, article 5498) standards for permissible discharges of substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms (standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms ) - standards that are established for subjects of economic and other activities in accordance with the indicators of the mass of chemicals, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, acceptable for entry intothe environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in the established mode and taking into account technological standards, and subject to which environmental quality standards are ensured.

The methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users (VAT) does not provide for the development of standards for permissible discharges for radioactive substances.

VAT values ​​are determined on the basis of water quality standards for a water body. If water quality standards in water bodies cannot be achieved due to the impact of natural factors that cannot be controlled, then the VAT values ​​are determined based on the conditions for compliance with the established natural background water quality at the control point.

The calculated value of the allowable discharge standard is closely related to the numerical value of the water quality standard for water bodies.

Water quality standards are developed for the conditions of drinking, household and fishery water use, determined in accordance with the current legislation.

3. Water quality standards for a water body include:

  • general requirements for the composition and properties of surface waters for various types of water use;

  • a list of maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of substances in the water of water bodies for drinking and household water use;

  • list of MPC substances for water bodies of fishery importance.
4. When reset Wastewater or other types of economic activity that affect the state of water bodies used for drinking and household purposes, water quality standards or their natural composition and properties are maintained on watercourses, starting from a site located 1 km upstream of the nearest water use point (water intake for drinking and domestic water supply, places for bathing, organized recreation, the territory of a settlement, etc. up to the very place of water use), and in water bodies - in the water area within a radius of 1 km from the point of water use.

In reservoirs and in the downstream of the dam of a hydroelectric power plant operating in a sharply variable mode, the possibility of impact on water use points of the reverse flow in case of a sharp change in the operating mode of the power plant or the termination of its operation is taken into account.

5. When discharging wastewater or other types of economic activity that affect the state of water bodies of fishery significance, the quality standards for surface waters or their natural composition and properties (in case of natural excess of these standards) are observed throughout the entire water use area, starting from the control point ( checkpointcross section of a water stream in which water quality is controlled), but no further than 500 m from the place of wastewater discharge or the location of other sources of surface water pollution (mining sites, works at a water body, etc.).

6. In the case of simultaneous use of a water body or its section for various needs, the most stringent water quality standards among those established are adopted for the composition and properties of its waters.

7. For substances belonging to the 1st and 2nd hazard classes for all types of water use, VAT is determined so that for substances with the same limiting sign of hazard (LH) contained in the water of a water body, the sum of the ratios of the concentrations of each substance to the corresponding MPC did not exceed 1.

8. For wastewater discharges within the boundaries of a settlement, VAT is determined based on the assignment of regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies to the wastewater itself. 1

9. If the background pollution of a water body for some indicators does not allow ensuring the standard water quality at the control point, then the SSS for these indicators is developed based on the assignment of regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies to the wastewater itself.

For those substances for which the increment to the natural background is normalized, the VAT is determined taking into account these allowable increments to the natural background water quality.

Among the natural factors that form the quality of water, factors are considered that are not included in the economic link of the water cycle, including return waters of all types (waste, waste and drainage).

10. When discharging heat exchange water from thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and other similar facilities, SSSs are developed at the level of concentrations of normalized substances in the water of a water body at the place of water intake (subject to water use by one water body) or compliance in waste water with water quality standards for the type of water use established at the considered section of the water body - wastewater receiver.

11. The initial information for the development of the VAT project can be obtained from the territorial bodies of Roshydromet or accepted from the data of organizations licensed to perform work related to obtaining the required data.

12. VAT values ​​are developed and approved for existing and projected water user organizations (Appendices 1, 2). The development of VAT values ​​is carried out both by the water user organization and, on its behalf, by a design or research organization. If the actual discharge of the operating water user organization is less than the estimated VAT, then the actual discharge is accepted as VAT. 2

VAT values ​​for designed and under construction (reconstructed) water user organizations are determined as part of the construction (reconstruction) projects of these organizations. If, when reviewing or clarifying the previously established VAT, it turns out that the design discharge value of the water user organization under construction (reconstruction) is less than the calculated VAT, then the design discharge value is accepted as VAT.

13. When developing the SSS, the recalculation of the mass of the substance discharged per hour (g/h) by the mass of the substance discharged per month (t/month) is carried out by multiplying the allowable concentrations of the substance by the volume of wastewater for the corresponding period (Appendix 1).

14. VAT are developed for five years. Revision and adjustment of VAT is carried out before the expiration of their validity period, in the following cases:

with a change of more than 20% of the indicators that determine the water management situation at the water body (the appearance of new and changes in the parameters of existing wastewater discharges and water intakes, changes in the estimated flow rates of the watercourse, background concentration, etc.);

when changing production technology, wastewater treatment methods, discharge parameters;

when approving, in accordance with the established procedure, the standards for permissible impact on water bodies.

15. Revision and clarification of previously approved VAT can be carried out both simultaneously for the totality of water users located in the basin of a water body within the water management area, and individually, for each individual water user (separate outlet).

16. When wastewater is discharged into internal sea ​​waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation VAT is calculated taking into account the degree of mixing and dilution of wastewater with seawater, subject to the requirements and standards of the established type of water use.

17. Criteria for the effectiveness of disinfection of wastewater discharged into water bodies and permissible changes in the composition of water in reservoirs and watercourses after the release of treated wastewater into them are given in Appendix 3.

18. In accordance with Art. 44, 60Water Code of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, No. 23, Art. 2381; No. 50, Art. 5279; 2007, No. 26, Art. 3075) drainage water in water bodies:

Assigned to specially protected water bodies.

Z it is prohibited to discharge sewage and (or) drainage water into water bodies located within the boundaries of:

Zones, districts of sanitary protection of sources of drinking and household water supply;

The first, second zones of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of medical and health-improving areas and resorts;

Fish protection zones, fishery protected areas.

During the operation of the water management system, it is prohibited:

1) discharge into water bodies wastewater that has not undergone sanitary treatment, neutralization (based on the inadmissibility of exceeding the standards for permissible impact on water bodies and the standards for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water bodies), as well as wastewater that does not meet the requirements of technical regulations;

2) to carry out the intake (withdrawal) of water resources from the water body in the amount that has a negative impact on the water body;

3) discharge wastewater into water bodies, which contain pathogens of infectious diseases, as well as harmful substances for which maximum permissible concentrations have not been established.

19. The list of standardized substances is formed on the basis of initial information on the use of substances at a particular enterprise and the analysis of data on the quality of source and waste water. The actual content of pollutants in wastewater is determined as the arithmetic mean of the concentration for the year.

The methodology for developing standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users (VAT) does not provide for the development of standards for permissible discharges for radioactive substances.

VAT values ​​are determined on the basis of water quality standards for a water body. If water quality standards in water bodies cannot be achieved due to the impact of natural factors that cannot be controlled, then the VAT values ​​are determined based on the conditions for compliance with the established natural background water quality at the control point.

The calculated value of the allowable discharge standard is closely related to the numerical value of the water quality standard for water bodies.

Water quality standards are developed for the conditions of drinking, household and fishery water use, determined in accordance with the current legislation.

3. Water quality standards for a water body include:

  • general requirements for the composition and properties of surface waters for various types of water use;
  • a list of maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of substances in the water of water bodies for drinking and household water use;
  • list of MPC substances for water bodies of fishery importance.

4. When discharging wastewater or other types of economic activity that affect the state of water bodies used for drinking and domestic purposes, water quality standards or their natural composition and properties are maintained on watercourses, starting from a target located 1 km above the nearest downstream of the water use point (water intake for drinking and domestic water supply, places for bathing, organized recreation, the territory of the settlement, etc. up to the very place of water use), and in water bodies - in the water area within a radius of 1 km from the water use point.

In reservoirs and in the downstream of the dam of a hydroelectric power plant operating in a sharply variable mode, the possibility of impact on water use points of the reverse flow in case of a sharp change in the operating mode of the power plant or the termination of its operation is taken into account.

5. When discharging wastewater or other types of economic activity that affect the state of water bodies of fishery significance, the quality standards for surface waters or their natural composition and properties (in case of natural excess of these standards) are observed throughout the entire water use area, starting from the control point ( control point - a cross-section of a water stream in which water quality is controlled), but no further than 500 m from the place of wastewater discharge or the location of other sources of surface water pollution (mining sites, works at a water body, etc.) .

6. In the case of simultaneous use of a water body or its section for various needs, the most stringent water quality standards among those established are adopted for the composition and properties of its waters.

7. For substances belonging to the 1st and 2nd hazard classes for all types of water use, VAT is determined so that for substances with the same limiting sign of hazard (LH) contained in the water of a water body, the sum of the ratios of the concentrations of each substance to the corresponding MPC did not exceed 1.

8. For wastewater discharges within the boundaries of a settlement, VAT is determined based on the assignment of regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies to the wastewater itself.

9. If the background pollution of a water body for some indicators does not allow ensuring the standard water quality at the control point, then the SSS for these indicators is developed based on the assignment of regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies to the wastewater itself.

For those substances for which the increment to the natural background is normalized, the VAT is determined taking into account these allowable increments to the natural background water quality.

Among the natural factors that form the quality of water, factors are considered that are not included in the economic link of the water cycle, including return waters of all types (waste, waste and drainage).

10. When discharging heat exchange water from thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and other similar facilities, SSSs are developed at the level of concentrations of normalized substances in the water of a water body at the place of water intake (subject to water use by one water body) or compliance in waste water with water quality standards for the type of water use established at the considered section of the water body - wastewater receiver.

11. The initial information for the development of the VAT project can be obtained from the territorial bodies of Roshydromet or accepted from the data of organizations licensed to perform work related to obtaining the required data.

12. VAT values ​​are developed and approved for existing and projected water user organizations (Appendices 1, 2). The development of VAT values ​​is carried out both by the water user organization and, on its behalf, by a design or research organization. If the actual discharge of the operating water user organization is less than the estimated VAT, then the actual discharge is accepted as VAT.

VAT values ​​for designed and under construction (reconstructed) water user organizations are determined as part of the construction (reconstruction) projects of these organizations. If, when reviewing or clarifying the previously established VAT, it turns out that the design discharge value of the water user organization under construction (reconstruction) is less than the calculated VAT, then the design discharge value is accepted as VAT.

13. When developing the SSS, the recalculation of the mass of the substance discharged per hour (g/h) by the mass of the substance discharged per month (t/month) is carried out by multiplying the allowable concentrations of the substance by the volume of wastewater for the corresponding period (Appendix 1).

14. VAT are developed for five years. Revision and adjustment of VAT is carried out before the expiration of their validity period, in the following cases:

with a change of more than 20% of the indicators that determine the water management situation at the water body (the appearance of new and changes in the parameters of existing wastewater discharges and water intakes, changes in the estimated flow rates of the watercourse, background concentration, etc.);

when changing production technology, wastewater treatment methods, discharge parameters;

when approving, in accordance with the established procedure, the standards for permissible impact on water bodies.

15. Revision and clarification of previously approved VAT can be carried out both simultaneously for the totality of water users located in the basin of a water body within the water management area, and individually, for each individual water user (separate outlet).

16. When wastewater is discharged into inland sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, VAT is calculated taking into account the degree of mixing and dilution of wastewater with sea water, subject to the requirements and standards of the established type of water use.

17. Criteria for the effectiveness of disinfection of wastewater discharged into water bodies and permissible changes in the composition of water in reservoirs and watercourses after the release of treated wastewater into them are given in Appendix 3.

18. In accordance with comp. 44, 60 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2006 No. 74-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 23, Art. 2381; No. 50, Art. 5279; 2007, No. 26, Art. 3075) and (or) drainage water into water bodies:

Assigned to specially protected water bodies.

It is prohibited to discharge sewage and (or) drainage water into water bodies located within the boundaries:

Zones, districts of sanitary protection of sources of drinking and household water supply;

The first, second zones of the districts of sanitary (mountain-sanitary) protection of medical and health-improving areas and resorts;

Fish protection zones, fishery protected areas.

During the operation of the water management system, it is prohibited:

1) discharge into water bodies wastewater that has not undergone sanitary treatment, neutralization (based on the inadmissibility of exceeding the standards for permissible impact on water bodies and the standards for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water bodies), as well as wastewater that does not meet the requirements of technical regulations;

2) to carry out the intake (withdrawal) of water resources from the water body in the amount that has a negative impact on the water body;

3) discharge wastewater into water bodies, which contain pathogens of infectious diseases, as well as harmful substances for which maximum permissible concentrations have not been established.

19. The list of standardized substances is formed on the basis of initial information on the use of substances at a particular enterprise and the analysis of data on the quality of source and waste water. The actual content of pollutants in wastewater is determined as the arithmetic mean of the concentration for the year.

II. Methodological basis for calculating the standards for permissible discharges

20. VAT are developed in accordance with the standards of permissible impacts on water bodies (NAI). The development of the SSS for the estimated water management area is given in Section IV for watercourses, Section VI for reservoirs and lakes, Section VIII for inland sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

21. When calculating the VAT for a water management site, the VAT values ​​are set taking into account the maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of substances in places of water use, the assimilating capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances between water users discharging wastewater. take a certain mass of substances per unit of time without violating water quality standards in a controlled site or water use point.

Due to the complexity of implementing the VAT calculation for a set of water user organizations, it is possible to use application packages that provide VAT calculations.

When calculating VAT for water users located within the water management area, the following condition must be met:

∑ VAT + ∑Lim ≥ 0.8 NDVchemupr, (1)

where ∑ VAT is the sum of allowable discharge standards for wastewater outlets located within the estimated water management area, t/year;

∑Lim is the sum of limits for the discharge of pollutants with wastewater for wastewater outlets located within the calculated water management area, t/year;

0.8 NDVkhimupr - 80% of the standard of permissible impact on the introduction of a chemical substance for water users with controlled and potentially controlled sources of pollution, t/year.

The remaining 20% ​​of NDVkhimupr are used taking into account the prospects for the development of the territory and the emergence of new wastewater outlets.

Upon reaching:

∑ VAT + ∑Lim = NDVchemupr (2)

the allowable discharge standards are recalculated according to the above principle. Recalculation of VAT is primarily carried out by reducing the values ​​of limits for the discharge of pollutants with wastewater.

22. In the absence of NDV approved in accordance with the established procedure, VAT values ​​are calculated for individual water users.

23. If there is no reliable information on the quality of water above the discharge when calculating the value of VAT, then the background concentrations of chemicals are calculated in the prescribed manner. Prior to the establishment of background concentrations, it is necessary to comply with the regulatory requirements for the composition and properties of wastewater, ensuring that the requirements for the quality of water in a water body are met.

24. When calculating VAT, it is necessary to take into account the technical and economic characteristics of production, the purification system, as well as the recycling or reuse of water for each specific organization.

III. Calculation of VAT values ​​for individual wastewater discharges into watercourses

25. VAT values ​​are determined for all categories of water users as the product of the maximum hourly wastewater flow - ( m 3 / h) on the allowable concentration of the pollutant Snds ( g/m 3). When calculating the conditions for the discharge of wastewater, first, the value of Sds is determined, which ensures the normative quality of water in the control points, taking into account the requirements of the Methodology, and then the VAT is determined according to the formula:

VAT =q SNDs (3)

It is necessary to emphasize the mandatory requirement to link the discharge of the mass of the substance corresponding to the VAT with the wastewater consumption. For example, a decrease in flow rate while maintaining the value of VAT will lead to a concentration of a substance in a water body that exceeds the MPC.

If the background concentration of a pollutant in a water body exceeds the MAC, then the Sds is determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Methodology. Otherwise, the calculation formulas given in Sec. III.

Background concentration of a chemical is the calculated value of the concentration of a chemical in a particular section of a water body located above one or more controlled sources of this substance, under adverse conditions due to both natural and anthropogenic impact factors.

26. The main calculation formula for determining SNDs without taking into account the non-conservative nature of the substance is:

Snds \u003d n (C pdk - C f) + C f (4)

where: C MPC is the maximum allowable concentration of a pollutant in the water of a watercourse, g/m 3;

С f - background concentration of the pollutant in the watercourse ( g/m 3) above the discharge of wastewater, determined in accordance with the current methodological documents for the calculation of background concentrations of chemicals in the water of watercourses;

n - the multiplicity of the total dilution of wastewater in the watercourse, equal to the product of the multiplicity of the initial dilution by the multiplicity of the main dilution (the main dilution that occurs when water moves from the outlet to the settlement site)

n=n n * n o (5)

Taking into account the non-conservative nature of the pollutant, the calculation formula has the form:

Snds \u003d n (C nds e kt -C f) + C f (6)

where: k - coefficient of non-conservativeness of organic substances, showing the rate of oxygen consumption, depending on the nature of organic substances, 1/day;

t - travel time from the place of wastewater discharge to the settlement site, days.

The values ​​of the non-conservative coefficient are taken according to field observations or reference data and are recalculated depending on the temperature and speed of the river water flow.

When establishing VAT on BOD, the calculation formula is as follows:

Snds \u003d n ((Cpdk -C cm) e k 0 t -C f) + C f (7)

where: k0 is the average value of the non-conservative coefficient of organic substances that determine the background and wastewater, 1/day;

Ccm - BOD full - due to metabolites and organic substances washed into the watercourse by precipitation from the catchment area on the last section of the route before the control point with a length of 0.5 daily run.

The value is taken equal to: for mountain rivers - 0.6 0.8 g/m 3; for lowland rivers flowing through the territory, the soil of which is not too rich in organic matter - 1.7 2 g/m 3; for rivers of swamp feeding or flowing through the territory from which an increased amount of organic matter is washed off - 2.3 2.5 g/m 3. If the distance from the wastewater outlet to the control point is less than 0.5 daily run, then it is assumed to be zero.

Determination of the allowable discharge standard for the concentration of suspended solids. Permissible concentration of suspended solids m, in wastewater discharged into the reservoir is determined by the equation (in accordance with sanitary rules):

γQb+qm=(γQ+q)(b+q) (8)

m=p(γQ/q+1)=b (9)

where γ is the mixing ratio determined by formula (22);

Q, q are the costs of river and waste water, respectively, m 3 / day.

When setting VAT on BOD, taking into account the requirements for the content of dissolved oxygen, it is recommended to use the formulas given in the designer's handbook (Sewerage of populated areas and industrial enterprises).

Permissible change in water temperature of a water body after the release of treated wastewater into them.

For water bodies for drinking and domestic purposes, the summer water temperature as a result of wastewater discharge should not increase by more than 3 ° C compared to the average monthly water temperature of the hottest month of the year over the past 10 years.

For water bodies for fishery purposes, the water temperature should not rise by more than 5°C compared to the natural temperature of the water body with a total temperature increase of no more than 20°C in summer and 5°C in winter for water bodies inhabited by cold-water fish (salmon and whitefish), and not more than 28°С in summer and 8°С in winter. In the spawning grounds of burbot, it is forbidden to raise the water temperature in winter to more than 2 ° C.

IV. Calculation of VAT values ​​for the water management section of the watercourse

30. Calculation of VAT values ​​for a water management area is determined from the solution of a mathematical programming problem.

31. To form a model of a water body, the watercourse is divided into sections with a constant flow rate, within which all model parameters can be taken constant, the boundaries of the sections are combined with wastewater discharge points, water intakes, tributary mouths, cross-sections in which water quality is controlled, and places of sharp changes in the hydrometric characteristics of the watercourse. If the place of water intake coincides with the place of wastewater discharge or the mouth of the inflow, a separate section of zero length is introduced for this water intake. For each tributary and the main river, in addition to the water quality control sites, it is necessary to indicate the design target at the mouth and the initial target, and the water quality at the source of the river. All sections are numbered sequentially from source to mouth for each tributary and main river. Calculation sections are numbered similarly.

33. The model of a water body according to formulas (30) - (35) assumes complete and instantaneous mixing of river and waste waters and is intended for calculating water protection measures for the future, when it is difficult to take into account the degree of mixing of river and waste waters due to the lack of initial data.

In calculations for the near future, as well as in the presence of the necessary data for long-term calculations, the above-described method of V. A. Frolov - I. D. Rodziller or other simplified methods for calculating dilution can be applied to take into account the degree of mixing of river and waste water (see paragraph .29).

V. Calculation of VAT for individual releases to reservoirs and lakes

39. VAT rates for wastewater discharges into reservoirs and lakes are determined according to the calculation formulas below, similar to the formulas in paragraph 26.

The values ​​of the coefficient of non-conservatism are taken from field observations or from reference data and are recalculated depending on the temperature and current velocity in the reservoir.

The value is taken equal to: for mountain reservoirs - 0.6 0.8 g/m 3; for lowland reservoirs located in the territory, the soil of which is not too rich in organic matter - 1.7 2 g/m 3; for reservoirs located in a swampy area or a territory from which an increased amount of organic matter is washed away - 2.3 2.5 g/m 3. If the distance from the wastewater outlet to the control point is less than 0.5 daily run, then it is assumed to be zero.

When determining the VAT on BOD, taking into account the requirement for the content of dissolved oxygen, as well as when determining the VAT on suspended solids, it is recommended to use the formulas from Section III.

40. If there are stable wind currents in the reservoir, the method of M.A. Ruffel. In calculations by this method, two cases are considered:

a) release into the shallow part or into the upper third of the depth of the reservoir, the polluted jet spreads along the coast under the influence of a direct surface current, which has the same direction as the wind;

b) release into the lower third of the depth of the reservoir, the polluted jet propagates to the coastal strip against the release under the influence of the bottom compensatory current, which has a direction opposite to the direction of the wind.

Method M.A. Ruffel has the following limitations: the depth of the mixing zone does not exceed 10 m, the distance from the outlet to the control point along the shore in the first case does not exceed 20 km, the distance from the wastewater outlet to the shore against the outlet head in the second case does not exceed 0.5 km.

41. If the conditions for the applicability of the M.A. Ruffel, then the calculation of the multiplicity of the initial dilution is performed in accordance with paragraph 27. The calculation of the multiplicity of the main dilution can be performed by the numerical method of A.V. Karaushev.

42. If the wind currents in the reservoir have a regularly alternating direction or the banks of the reservoirs have a restless line, and the release is carried out into the bay or cape, or in winter after freezing there are no wind currents, then the methods described above are not applicable. In these cases, it is necessary to develop, with the participation of specialized research organizations, calculation methods oriented towards solving specific problems.

VI. Calculation of VAT values ​​for a set of releases to reservoirs and lakes located within the water management area

43. The totality of wastewater outlets for a water body is made up of outlets, the wastewater of which is discharged directly into the water body.

44. Rivers flowing into a reservoir should be considered as coastal outlets of sewage. In this case, the concentrations of substances in the mouths of the rivers are determined in advance or are described by an equation of the form (30).

45. VAT for all issues from the considered set are determined from the solution of the problem of mathematical programming. The optimality criterion is the minimum of the total reduced costs to achieve the SSS of the form (29):

49. The matrix describes the internal circulation of biogenic elements in a water body. Since, for water bodies, the time of water exchange, as a rule, exceeds the characteristic time of circulation of biogenic elements in the specified cycle, the group of indicators modeled in it - , ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen should be calculated only jointly. An isolated calculation of these indicators or calculation for an incomplete group can lead to a significant underestimation of the calculated concentrations and, consequently, to the establishment of insufficiently stringent VAT.

52. The multiplicity of dilution is determined by the formula (3) as the product of the multiplicity of the initial dilution and the multiplicity of the main dilution. The values ​​are determined by formulas (47) (48) or, if the conditions for the applicability of the method of M. A. Ruffel are not met, according to clause 27. The values ​​are determined by formulas (53) - (59) or by the numerical method of A. V. Karaushev.

53. The model of a complex of water protection measures in calculating the SSS of substances into water bodies completely coincides with the previously described model (37) - (39) of a complex of water protection measures for the case of calculating the SSS of substances into watercourses.

54. As a result of solving the optimization problem (29), (60), (61), (34) - (39), the optimal shares of wastewater flow passing through various technological routes of purification and use are determined. After that, according to formulas (41) - (43), the values ​​of discharged wastewater discharges - , concentrations of substances in wastewater - and SSS of substances at wastewater outlets - SSSi, i=1,…..,N are determined.

VII. Calculation of VAT for individual releases into inland sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation

55. Calculation of the VAT of substances for wastewater discharges into the sea is carried out in cases where wastewater is allowed to be discharged into the marine environment, while the VAT values ​​are determined in accordance with paragraph 25 using the formulas below.

56. A release located at a distance of more than 5 km from other releases along the coast line can be considered as a separate (isolated release).

58. The multiplicity of the total dilution is determined by formula (3) and depends on the hydrological conditions of the area where the wastewater outlet is located and its design characteristics. Therefore, when establishing VAT, one should take into account the possibility of optimizing the design of the head and the place of wastewater discharge in order to reduce the cost of wastewater treatment.

59. Known methods for determining the multiplicity of the initial dilution make it possible to calculate its value regardless of the type of outlet (concentrated or scattering), since the outlet designs ensure that there is no mutual influence of wastewater jets in the initial dilution zone.

63. If there is a stable density stratification of the marine environment, models describing the behavior of a jet in a stratified environment can be used to calculate the initial dilution factor.

64. In any case, if the calculated initial dilution factor is less than 1, then it should be accepted for further calculations.

65. Basic dilution factor calculations are based on solving the turbulent diffusion equation and can be performed numerically or analytically.

68. The calculation of the main dilution ratio for discharges of complex configuration, for example, U-shaped, or with the direction of the flow at an arbitrary angle to the axis of the head of the discharge, is considered in detail in the recommendations for calculating dispersive wastewater discharges into rivers and reservoirs.

VIII. Calculation of VAT for a set of releases into inland sea waters located within the estimated water management area and into the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation

69. A set of wastewater outlets can be considered outlets located at a distance of no more than 5 km from each other along the coastline. Taking into account the specific hydrological conditions, the flow rates of discharged wastewater, the need to include a specific outlet in the aggregate can be specified on the basis of calculations of their combined effect on the quality of water in control sites.

70. Rivers flowing into the sea should be considered as coastal discharges of sewage. In this case, the concentrations of substances in the mouths of the rivers are determined in advance or are described by an equation of the form (30), the initial dilution is taken equal to 1, and the length of the initial dilution section is equal to 0.

71. VAT for all outputs from the considered set is determined from the solution of the problem of mathematical programming.

74. The model of a set of water protection measures in calculating the SSS of substances into the coastal zones of the seas completely coincides with the previously described model [(37) - (39)] of a set of water protection measures for the case of calculating the SSS of substances into watercourses.

75. As a result of solving the optimization problem [(29), (88), (36) - (39)], the optimal shares of wastewater flow passing through various technological routes of purification and use are determined. After that, according to formulas (41) - (43), the costs of treated wastewater are determined - , concentrations of substances in wastewater - Сндсi and SSS of substances at wastewater outlets - SDSi, i=1,…..N.

IX. Design conditions

76. Calculation conditions for determining the VAT of substances and the water protection measures that implement them include:

hydrographic and morphometric characteristics of rivers, calculated hydrological, hydraulic and hydrochemical characteristics of river runoff in control and calculated (background, estuarine, etc.) sections, characteristics of self-purification of rivers in the basin;

calculated quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the main components of the river runoff formed in the areas between adjacent sections: underground feeding (runoff) of rivers, surface runoff from industrial and residential (built-up), agricultural (arable) and natural (non-arable) areas of the catchment area;

given or calculated values ​​of the characteristics of water intakes, flow rates and composition of discharged wastewater, depletion of reservoirs, transfer of runoff, pumping of groundwater, etc.;

characteristics of the location of water use points and other economic impacts on the runoff along the hydrographic network, the requirements of water users for water quality;

77. Basic requirements when choosing design conditions:

design conditions should be assigned based on the requirements of water users to the state of rivers (discharges, water quality and their regime) in control points or in areas between them;

the calculated characteristics of the river runoff, its components and the economic activity affecting the rivers due to the asynchrony of their changes, the combination in time and according to the water conditions of the year should be considered;

the calculated values ​​of the river runoff, its components and the impact of economic activity should be balanced along the course of the river, which is achieved with the maximum detail of their consideration;

the calculated water quality in the background and control sites should be determined for the conditions of the characteristics of the discharged wastewater achievable on the best existing wastewater treatment technologies in order to exclude suboptimal use of the assimilating capacity of rivers due to the absence or poor performance of water protection facilities;

the limiting design conditions of rivers must correspond to the values ​​of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics combined in time, taking into account the influence of economic activity, which form the limiting values ​​of the assimilating capacity of rivers for individual normalized substances or their groups in the areas between the control points; it is allowed, with proper justification, to determine the limiting design conditions of the rivers of the basin based on the results of calculations for the most unfavorable seasons (winter, summer and, in some cases, autumn) of a dry year, taking into account, if necessary, years of higher design water content;

design conditions for the design of a water protection facility must correspond to the most unfavorable values ​​of the predicted characteristics of the river receiving wastewater over the period of operation of this facility.

78. To standardize the procedure for selecting the design conditions that form the limiting values ​​of the assimilating capacity of the rivers in the basin, it is necessary to apply the following definition of individual characteristics of rivers and economic factors:

a) the costs of water intake and discharged wastewater - the maximum hourly rates for the limiting seasons of the year for the period of validity of the substances developed by the VAT;

b) compositions of discharged wastewater - corresponding to those achievable on the best existing wastewater treatment technologies;

c) water discharges of rivers in unregulated (non-watered) areas - calculated average monthly years of 95% supply, taking into account the impact of economic activity (it is allowed, with proper justification, to be limited to consideration of the estimated minimum average monthly discharges for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% supply);

d) river water discharges in regulated (watered) areas - equal to the established guaranteed releases (transfers) of water, taking into account the impact of economic activity (not lower than the estimated minimum average monthly discharges for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% supply);

e) the background water quality of rivers - calculated for the conditions of the accepted estimated water discharges for the limiting seasons of the year, the corresponding calculated characteristics of underground and surface runoff, water intakes, hydraulic engineering measures, as well as the flow rates and compositions of wastewater achievable using the best existing wastewater treatment technologies;

f) distances to the alignments - along the fairway in kilometers;

g) flow velocities, morphometric characteristics, mixing and non-conservative coefficients - averaged for sections of rivers between sections adjacent to the flow at the accepted estimated water discharges for the limiting seasons of the year; in the absence of data on the values ​​of the coefficients of non-conservatism for the rivers under consideration, their values ​​can be taken from the reference literature;

h) values ​​of surface runoff - corresponding to the calculated increments of the surface component of the river runoff in the areas between adjacent sections along the flow at the accepted estimated water discharges for the limiting seasons of the year;

i) values ​​(quantity) of atmospheric precipitation - observed monthly in the areas of watersheds between adjacent sections of gauging stations, combined in time with the observed average monthly flow rates of rivers close to the accepted calculated ones for the limiting seasons of the year;

j) values ​​of surface runoff from built-up areas - calculated taking into account their areas, accepted values ​​of precipitation and runoff coefficients;

k) values ​​of surface runoff from agricultural (arable) and natural (non-arable) territories - corresponding to the increments of the surface component of river runoff (minus the costs of surface runoff from built-up areas) in the areas between adjacent downstream sections, taking into account the ratios of runoff coefficients from these types of territories and their areas;

l) compositions of surface rain runoff from built-up areas - calculated in the runoff of rain water at values ​​of the period of a single excess of the calculated rain intensity in the range from 0.05 to 0.1 year;

m) compositions of surface rain runoff from agricultural and natural areas - calculated according to the seasons of the year in liquid and solid runoff of maximum rain floods of 25% probability;

n) values ​​of underground runoff - corresponding to the calculated increments of the underground component of the river runoff in the sections between adjacent sections along the flow at the accepted estimated water discharges for the limiting seasons of the year;

o) drainage flow values ​​- calculated maximum average monthly for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% security;

p) concentrations of substances in drainage waters - the maximum monthly average for the limiting seasons of the year at the calculated values ​​of the drainage flow.

79. The choice of design conditions for water bodies is made similarly to those used for rivers, taking into account the specifics of water bodies.

Specific conditions include:

a) volumes and levels of water in the reservoir - the calculated minimum average monthly for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% security;

b) values ​​of surface and underground runoff from the watershed - corresponding to the calculated modules of the components of the runoff of rivers flowing into the reservoir, or analogue rivers at the minimum average monthly water flow for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% security;

c) the rate of water exchange of the reservoir - calculated for the conditions of years of 95% supply;

d) frequency and speed of winds along the coastal and normal to the coast directions, characteristics of the under-ice water flow;

e) the time to reach the control point - calculated by the shortest distance at top speed transfer of water masses (taking into account the influence of wind);

f) assimilating capacity of the reservoir - calculated at maximum stratification of water masses, minimum mixing coefficients and coefficients of non-conservative substances for the limiting seasons of the year of 95% availability.

80. The following are accepted as design conditions for the coastal waters of the seas:

a) hydrological and hydrochemical data of the water body for the least favorable period;

b) sanitary indicators of the composition and properties of water during the period of its most intensive use;

c) the background concentration of the normalized substance, determined outside the zone of influence of the release (at a distance of more than 5 km from the release) as the arithmetic mean of the concentration of the normalized substance for the least favorable period;

d) the characteristic minimum speed of the sea current, corresponding to the average monthly 95% probability.


Standards for permissible discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies,

submitted for approval (with turnover)

Agreed I approve

Federal Service for Hydrometeorology Federal Agency

and environmental monitoring of water resources

(official) (official)

M.P. ""200g. M.P. ""200g.

(signature) (signature)

Federal Supervision Service

in the field of consumer protection and

human well-being


M.P. ""200g.


State Committee of the Russian

Federation of Fisheries


M.P. ""200g.


Federal Service for Ecological,

technological and nuclear supervision


M.P. ""200g.


Allowable Discharge Regulation(s)

  1. Water user details:


  1. Purposes of using the water body
  2. Place of discharge of sewage and (or) drainage water (geographical coordinates) ___ _______________________________________________________________________
  3. Wastewater category ________________________________________________________
  4. Approved wastewater consumption for establishing VATm 3 / hour
  5. and microorganisms**.

6.1. Approved standard for permissible discharge of substances into a water body.

(dumping of substances not listed below is prohibited)

Release name:

Name of substances

Hazard Class



Approved standard for permissible discharge of substances

Approved standard for permissible discharge of substances

Approved standard for permissible discharge of substances*


* Recalculation in t/year is made by summing t/month.

6.2. Approved standard for the permissible discharge of microorganisms into a water body.

Release name:

** For approval and approval of VAT projects, the following is submitted: an explanatory note containing the hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the water body at the site of the existing or planned wastewater outlet, data on the technological processes that result in the formation of wastewater, the composition of the treatment facilities, the efficiency of treatment, the compliance of work treatment facilities to design characteristics, data on the quality of water in the control section of the water body after the discharge of wastewater, the values ​​of background concentrations adopted for the calculation of VAT, their justification, calculation of VAT.

  1. Approved wastewater properties:
    1. floating impurities (substances) are not allowed
    2. color 3) smells, tastes

4) temperature (ºС) 5) reaction (pH) __________________ 6.5-8.5

6) if the index is not more than 1000 7) dissolved oxygen 4-6 mg / dm 3

8) COD9) BOD total

10) mineralization _______________________________________________________________

  1. Name and address of the organization that developed the draft VAT

Head of the organization

M.P. ""200 g.

VAT approved "" 200 for a period up to "" 200


To the Methodology for the Development of Standards for Permissible Discharges of Substances and Microorganisms into Water Bodies for Water Users


Actual discharge of substances and microorganisms

(name of the water body and water management area)

(with turnover)

1. Details of the water user:


FULL NAME. and phone number of the official responsible for water use, his position

2. Purposes of using the water body

3. Place of discharge of waste and (or) drainage water (geographical coordinates) _____________________________________________________

5. Actual consumption of waste water thousand m 3 / year m 3 / hour

6. Actual release of substances and microorganisms (for the previous 5 years).

6.1. Actual discharge of substances into a water body.

Release name:

Name of substances

Hazard Class

Actual concentration

Actual release of substances

Actual release of substances

Actual release of substances


6.2. The actual discharge of microorganisms into a water body.

Release name:

Indicators by types of microorganisms

Actual content (CFU/100 ml, PFU/100 ml)

Actual discharge of microorganisms




7. Name and address of the organization that developed the draft VAT

Head of the organization

(water user) (signature) Full name

M.P. ""200 g.


To the Methodology for the Development of Standards for Permissible Discharges of Substances and Microorganisms into Water Bodies for Water Users

Criteria for the effectiveness of wastewater disinfection,

discharged into water bodies

Permissible residual levels

Wastewater discharged into water bodies


General coliform bacteria (CFU/100 ml), no more

Coliphages (PFU/100 ml for M2 phage), not more than

Thermotolerant coliform bacteria (CFU/100 ml), no more

Fecal streptococci (CFU/100 ml), no more

pathogenic microorganisms

Specific substances formed as a result of disinfection

Regulated in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules

Permissible changes in the composition of water in reservoirs and streams after the release of treated wastewater into them


Water use goals

economic and drinking needs of the population

household needs of the population

fisheries needs


Water should not contain pathogens, including viable helminth eggs (Ascaris, Whipworm, Toxocar, Fasciola), tenniid onco-spheres and viable cysts of pathogenic intestinal protozoa

Lacto-positive Escherichia coli (LPK) no more

10000 in 1 cu. dm

5000 in 1 cu. dm

Coliphages (in plaque-forming


100 in 1 cu. dm

100 in 1 cu. dm

Water toxicity

Wastewater at the outlet to the water body should not have an acute toxic effect on test objects. The water of the water body in the control section should not have a chronic toxic effect on test objects

Note. A dash means that the indicator is not normalized.

The intensity of wastewater pollution by microbiological indicators

(indicative data)

microbiological indicators

Waste water type

Common coliforms cfu/100 ml

Coliphages PFU/100 ml

Viruses PFU/100 ml

nelly cfu/l

utility stick

Household waste water

Municipal wastewater (ratio of commercial/domestic and industrial wastewater 60:40)

Wastewater from livestock complexes

Effluent from infectious diseases hospitals

Mine and quarry waters

drainage water


storm sewage