Karting. Description, history of appearance and development

In almost every country you can find special tracks where people enjoy riding small and fast karts. This action was perceived at first as a hobby, but then international rules, classification and certain requirements appeared. So there was a bearing the name "karting". Let's take a closer look at this hobby.

A bit of history

It originates in 1934, when, through the efforts of several municipalities, a mini-kart competition was organized - racing cars in which there was no engine, and they rolled down the mountain. Their speed could reach 50 km / h. Every year the popularity of this action became more and more, and it flourished in the 50s and 60s.

Then military pilots came up with the new kind racing. From simple materials (engines, fuel cans, pipes, chassis) they assembled small cars and rode around the field in their free time. The first kart was designed by Art Ingles and was shown racing in 1956. A couple of years later, the automobile federation recognized that karting is a sport, created a commission and held the first competitions.

Over time, the cards became more powerful and more dangerous. Unfortunately, the design did not guarantee the safety of the rider, so the new models were not affordable. ordinary people, and only professionals remained in the sport.

Types of karting

There are 3 main groups:

  1. Rolling. This species is popular among amateurs and does not have any difficulties. A person comes to a special site - a karting track - goes through a small instruction and receives equipment. Time is paid, and while it goes, you can roll circles. Their number is limited only by capabilities and skill. However, we must remember that a person is engaged in simple rides. Real karting is a serious sport.
  2. Sports with the team. If ordinary kart races do not suit you, then you need to switch to more high level. You need to find a coach and a team. They will help you solve all the problems, pick up equipment, teach you how to drive a kart. Of course, all this will cost decent money and not everyone can afford it.
  3. Athletic without a team. This type of karting is suitable for professionals. It must be taken into account here that the kart is not intended for long-term use and requires frequent repairs.

device card

These small cars can reach very high speeds. It all depends on the type of engine installed and the weight of the kart. Light models can pick up speeds over 120 km / h.

They consist of a frame, steering, seat and motor which is connected to the wheels. The posterior ones are larger in diameter than the anterior ones. The frame must be made of durable material with magnetic properties. Duralumin, titanium and carbon are prohibited here.

Sports cards are structurally different from ordinary ones. In a rental car, the engine is in the back, not on the right. Also in sports, a carburetor engine is used and a certain transmission is installed.

Children's karting

If parents notice that their child is interested in cars, spends little time at the computer, then it may be worth taking him to a special racing area. There are no restrictions on years, and the only condition should be sufficient growth to reach the pedals.

Karting for children has become widespread and does not stand still. On the basis of some clubs, special schools with training sessions are created. Karting is an opportunity to feel like an adult, smell the iron and hot rubber. Experienced instructors will teach you how to drive the car, make the right decisions, feel the speed and bring up the desire to win. In addition, there is a training of all the muscles of the body - from the neck to the legs.

Karting for kids is just as safe as football or any other sport. Of course, scratches and bruises will appear here, but they are also present in any dynamic leisure activities. At first, all the muscles will ache and hurt, but after a couple of workouts, the body will begin to adapt.

Microcars and the track comply with safety requirements, and the equipment protects against bruises. The children's kart is not so powerful, it is equipped with special seats and pedals. There is an opportunity for parents to ride with their child. This will increase comfort and safety, as well as add zest to training. Karting is a sport that is suitable for both children and adults.

Cost and management

For people who are professionally involved in racing, karting is an expensive pleasure. But for amateurs, a small amount is enough to spend 10 or 20 minutes on the track. You can get much more pleasure and adrenaline there than in a bar or at a computer. In addition, the number of laps is not fixed - you can travel a greater distance in one period of time.

The main errors are body deviations, trajectory and braking. When cornering, the body must be tilted outward in order to eliminate the resulting slip as much as possible. The path must be as short as possible. This will help you gain time and get ahead of your opponent.

Kart racing is different from driving a car. The gas lasts as long as possible, and it is necessary to slow down here sharply, and not smoothly, as you are used to driving a car.

Kartodromes in Moscow

In the capital of Russia there are many places where you can take part in this sport. They are designed for both amateurs and professionals. Here is a short list of popular sites:

  1. FORZA Karting.
  2. "Silver Rain - Sokolniki".
  3. Arena G.P.
  4. Le Mans.
  5. "10 inches".
  6. Arena Play karting track.
  7. Karting center at VDNKh.
  8. Karting club "Bega".
  9. Entertainment center "Airplane".
  10. Entertainment complex "Cartland".
Into history karting entered, according to many experts in this sport, in the 30s in the United States. The boys spontaneously arranged competitions on carts without motors, rolling downhill. There is also an opinion that this sport came into life after the Second World War, when at one of the American military bases, pilots competed in riding trolleys equipped with small motors in their free time from flying. Gradually, interest in such competitions grew, they began to be held more and more often, and the designs of carts improved more and more. Soon, the simplest internal combustion engines appeared on them.

The first car most similar to modern karts was built in the summer of 1956 by racing car mechanic Art Ingles and an employee of an oil company in California, Louis Borelli. Testing the kart and convinced of its promise, Ingles and Borelli founded a kart manufacturing company. At the same time, other enthusiasts became interested in the novelty, who, having united in December 1957, founded a karting organization - the American Go Kart Club.

Subsequently, the first technical requirements and the first competition rules based on car racing rules. In particular, even then the widespread method of determining the starting places with the help of control races was used.

The beginning of the sixties of the XX century is the time of the victorious march of karting around the planet, and 1964 is the year of the first World Championship, which was held in Rome.

In the territory former USSR it is believed that the first kart was built in 1960 in Russia. In January 1961 at the stadium. IN AND. Lenin in Moscow held motorcycle races on ice. They were small four-wheeled vehicles without a body. One of them drove almost four laps, the other did not reach the finish line. In May 1961, the very first karting competition took place on the cycle track in the Latvian city of Ventspils, in which 14 athletes participated.

The further development of karting is in close connection with social and technical progress. One of the main directions in the development of this sport is the improvement of technical qualities, the modernization of tracks, etc., which leads to an improvement in sports results.

IN last years karting has become one of the most popular species motor sports. He won universal recognition: from schoolchildren to experienced athletes. Karting is a great school for those athletes who then get behind the wheel of racing cars.

A lot of Formula 1 racing masters started their journey with karting.

Karting is one of the most popular forms of motorsport. Karting became the official form of motorsport in many countries in the early 60s, when the first national and international rules and the Classification and Technical Requirements for racing microcars of the "kart" type were drawn up and regional, national and international competitions(Cups, Trophies, Championships, Championships, etc.). It immediately attracted the attention of the public with its accessibility compared to other motorsports.

Over time, karting has evolved and changed a lot, becoming more and more massive. The level of piloting racers has increased significantly. The stability and dynamics of the karts have also increased, so much is being done to ensure the safety of competitors and spectators. And this is not in vain, because. the maximum speeds of karts of the most massive adult classes around the world (KF1, KF2, KF3, SuperKart, KZ1, KZ2) on various tracks reach from 120 to 200+ km/h, and for children (Mini, Super-Mini) 80-120 km/h , which, in the absence of a body, can be quite dangerous. But in the design of modern karts there are elements that increase safety (metal bumpers skillfully hidden under a plastic body kit), the tracks are designed with the fulfillment of many mandatory safety criteria (numerous safety zones, soft bales in front of the fences, the presence of unauthorized persons on the tracks during competitions is strictly prohibited etc.), as well as the pilots themselves are compulsorily equipped in accordance with international standards. IN this moment It is conditionally possible to distinguish sports summer and winter, as well as rental karting.

Main types of karting

Sports (professional) karting

Winter sports (professional) karting

Rental (amateur, hobby) karting

Karting is a sport and entertainment, kart racing - the simplest racing cars without a body. The speed of the kart (Superkart class) can reach 260 km/h.

One of the existing and, apparently, the closest to the truth opinions about the origin of karting says that its roots should be sought in the USA in the thirties, when a group of boys spontaneously organized competitions on non-motorized carts rolling downhill. As interest in such competitions grew, they were held more and more often, and the designs of carts improved more and more. The logical continuation of this was that they had the simplest internal combustion engine.

Alfred Hitchcock on the map in the club "Go Kart"

The first car most similar in design to current karts was built in the summer of 1956 by racing car mechanic Art Ingles and an employee of an oil company in California, Louis Borelli. For the manufacture of the frame, Ingles used pipes that were used in the manufacture of racing cars. 2.5 hp engine (1.85kW) was installed behind the driver's seat. After testing the kart and making sure it was promising, Ingles and Borelli founded a kart manufacturing company. At the same time, other enthusiasts became interested in the novelty, who, having united in December 1957, founded the first karting organization - the American Go Kart Club.

Subsequently, the first technical requirements and the first competition rules based on the rules of automobile track racing were developed. In particular, even then the now widespread method of determining starting places with the help of control races was used.
The geography of karting began to expand when, by order of US Air Force officer Mickey Flynn, who was serving at that time in the UK, the Go Kart company sent him five karts in September 1958. For a year and a half, karting became so widespread in England that from February 1960 the periodical magazine "Karting" began to be published with success, which still exists today.

The beginning of the sixties is the time of the victorious march of karting around the planet, and 1964 is the year of the first world championship, which was held in Rome. The Italian G. Sala became the world champion in karting.

The first kart in our country was built in 1960 in the Kursk city palace of pioneers under the guidance of a great karting enthusiast, a graduate of the Kharkov Automobile and Road Institute Lev Kononov, in memory of whom traditional karting competitions are now held annually in Kursk. It was here at the Kursk Palace of Pioneers in the late 50s of the last century that ELMA, an experimental laboratory for small cars, was created.

Original self-made cars "Kursk", "Sputnik", "Comrade" left the walls of the laboratory, and in 1961 the first kart was assembled. Then the rapid development of cartography began, karting competitions were super popular! Thousands and thousands of boys and girls were fond of karting.

But not only cars left the walls of the laboratory. Before you is a photo of a micromotor scooter made by the pupils of Lev Kononov in 1960. Engine - bicycle, up to 50 cubic meters. see. They didn’t know anything about Japanese scooters then ...

Another center of origin was the Kharkov Palace of Pioneers, where since the end of 1960 the karting section under the leadership of Vitaly Enin and Eduard Kostenko has been successfully operating.

In December 1960, karting was already officially recognized when the Federation of Automobile Sports (FAS) of the USSR approved the Rules for the competition, as well as the classification and technical requirements for karts.

In 1961-1963, karting finally gets on its feet in Moscow, Kursk, Kharkov and Odessa, the Latvian and Estonian SSR. In the Latvian SSR, since 1961, the experience of holding karting competitions, which were held on cycle tracks and stadium racetracks, began to accumulate. Thanks to the efforts of the honored coach of the Latvian SSR Leon Reinhold, for a short time karting has developed so much in Latvia that the first all-union karting competition in 1962 was held in Riga. 80 athletes and 8 cities took part in them. The winners were participants from Kursk, who also received a prize for the best kart design in the 50 cm³ class.

A year later, Moscow hosted the first USSR karting championship, which was played according to the biathlon system: a ring race on the site in Luzhniki and a race on the track of the Young Pioneers stadium. The winners were O.Koshits in the 175 cm³ class and V.Stepanov in the 125 cm³ class.
The second national championship brought victories to Estonian racers V. Alliper in the 125 cm³ class and V. Kutsar in the 175 cm³ class. big event in sports life there was also a drawing of the karting prize of the sports society "Kalev" in Estonia.
From the third championship of the USSR, the biathlon system was canceled, and the competitions began to be held only on the ring track, as racing on the cycle track turned out to be unsafe.

In 1964, the first models of karts of the Tallinn car repair plant "Estonia K-1" and "K-2" were presented at the All-Union competitions in Kharkov. In 1965, 100 of these karts were made, which were distinguished by increased frame strength, wider wheels and the presence of brakes on each wheel.

Kursk athletes were also pioneers in winter karting, which began to spread rapidly after the races held in December 1963 in Kursk. The first all-Union winter karting was held on the ice track of the Leningrad motor track with the participation of representatives of 9 cities - Moscow, Tallinn, Odessa, Kamensk-Uralsk, Kaunas, Riga, Kursk, Krasnodar and Leningrad. The test was personal-command. The first place was taken by the team of the city of Tallinn consisting of Juk Reintam and Vello Valing, the second place was taken by the Muscovites, the third - by the inhabitants of Riga. The first 16 participants who won the team races were admitted to the individual competitions.

The race consisted of five races, and each race of five 400-meter laps. The first place was taken by Chertov, who won all five races, the second by Lytkin, and the third by Kolpakov from Moscow.

For the first time, Soviet kart drivers entered the international arena in 1964, taking part in the draw " crystal goblet", established by the Hungarian Automobile Club to reward the best racer of the socialist countries in the 125 cm3 class. The competition consisted of three stages, held in Berlin, Budapest and Warsaw. The GDR team took the first team place.

In October 19645, the Soviet team traveled to Bologna and Florence for match meetings with Italian kart drivers in the 125 cm3 class with a gearbox. In turn, in July 1966, the Italian team came to the races in Moscow, Leningrad and Riga.
In 1966, individual-team multi-stage competitions for the Friendship Cup of socialist countries were established, in which Soviet kart drivers invariably take part, and recently they have been leaders in both the team and individual competitions.

In the development of karting in our country, the merits of the Honored Worker of Physical Education of the RSFSR, the judge of the all-Union category A.S. Cherkassky - a participant in the motor rally Moscow - Kara-Kum - Moscow in 1933. On his initiative, in 1971, All-Union competitions among schoolchildren aged 9-14 for the prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper were organized and held. The program of these competitions included a practical test of knowledge of the Rules traffic in the traffic police town, figure driving and circuit racing. The competitions were a great success, turning into a real holiday for the kids. Their holding in subsequent years so clearly showed their relevance that by a joint Decree of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Central Committee of the DOSAAF of the USSR, it was decided to make them annual.

In the history of karting, there are cases when a kart was used as a record-breaking racing car. Possessing low resistance to movement, the kart can also be used to break speed records in the class of small cubic capacity, where speeds are not so high that aerodynamic resistance plays a decisive role.

In October 1977, Boris Korsunsky, a student of the participant of the first USSR championships in karting from Kharkov, V. Enin, set the USSR speed record for cars with piston engines with a working volume of less than 250 cm3. Starting from a standstill at a distance of 500 m, he showed average speed 90 km / h on the Chuguevskaya highway.

The Austrian Georg Pletzer carried out an entertaining experiment using a kart to practically test a rocket engine he had built. For the straightness of the course, he installed two identical engines on the sides, and placed a braking parachute between the engines at the back, which, however, burned out in the flames of the engines in the first run. The tester was lucky to escape with only a strong fright. He told reporters that such experiences fill his life with meaning.

In another experiment, with the help of a map, the German physicist and power engineer Laing proved how compact and reliable a steam power plant can be, in which the circulation of steam and liquid takes place. In the hot zone, the liquid turns into steam, which drives the piston. Steam condenses in the cold zone. Then the cycle repeats.

Continuing the glorious traditions of Kharkiv residents and wanting to reveal new possibilities of the kart, in 1974 Yuriy Stebchenko built and exhibited the HADI electric kart. In 1981, for the first time in the USSR, at competitions in the city of Kursk for the prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, on the initiative of A.S. Cherkassky and the correspondent of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda" A.V. Lelièvre held demonstration races on nine electric karts of arbitrary design. Unfortunately, this experience is not yet widespread. The development of karts with an electric motor is hindered by the same reason as electric vehicles - imperfect current sources, batteries.

In the 70-80s in the USSR, karting occupies a strong place in the sports life of young people. In five thousand sections at schools, palaces of pioneers, stations for young technicians, universities, technical schools, factories, research institutes, sports and technical clubs (STK) of DOSAAF, 130 thousand children, boys, girls and adults were engaged in karting under the guidance of three thousand coaches - teachers. 180 tracks (of which, however, the vast majority are temporary) and 33,000 karts were provided to the fans of this exciting and useful sport.

The industrial production of karts of various classes, intended for conducting classes and participating in competitions of all age groups, was also established. The Odessa DOSAAF plant produced Pioneer class cards for children (pictured).

In 1988, the production of karts of the same class was started by the Kama production association of heavy vehicles. The Leningrad production association "Patriot" DOSAAF produced cards for juniors, adults and members of the national team of the country. The Abovyansky DOSAAF plant produced cards for children and juniors. The total number of cards produced per year reached 10,000 at that time!

Championships and championships of the USSR, Union republics, cities of Moscow and Leningrad, territories and regions were held annually. However, for the mass nature of karting, competitions on a city and regional scale were of great importance. In total, 150 thousand people took part in various competitions held on the territory of the USSR during the year.

Karting was included in the All-Union and All-Russian Spartakiads and youth games for schoolchildren.

Karting today

The kart has only two pedals: the right one - gas, the left one - brake (at the same time, depending on the type of kart, it happens that the front brakes are manually controlled). It is not always easy for drivers of cars who have sat down on go-karts to adapt to such an algorithm, because the left foot is not used to the sensitive brake pedal. Both the kart's hard stroke and itchy vibrations will seem unusual. If the track coverage leaves much to be desired, then it will shake pretty well, or you can rub calluses here and there. The kart has no suspension - the wheels and rear axle are attached to the frame without any damping elements. The frame spars, of course, work on torsion and bending, but this cannot be called a mitigating factor. The vibrations are caused by the high-speed motor, which is also bolted directly to the frame. From training to training, you get used to these features, as well as to the howl of the engine on the right under the ear.

Of course, dynamics is the first thing you feel in a map. But even more fun is driving the machine at high speed. The wheels of the kart turn after the thought, because there is no steering mechanism and rack as such. Two rods, right and left, are bolted directly to the steering column with the help of hinges.

The steering wheel doesn't turn at all. Combined with the low center of gravity, rigid frame and no suspension, handling is fantastic. Compared to cars, the kart is glued to the pavement. But, of course, for the time being. Like everything else in this life, all the laws of physics apply to it, therefore, having reached a certain point, the rear axle will break into a skid.

Like any sport, karting has its tricks. For example, a different angle of rotation of the wheels relative to the axis. Turning the steering wheel all the way to the left, you can even visually notice that the left wheel is turned out much steeper than the right one. The same happens if you turn the steering wheel to the right. Naturally, depending on the route, these parameters can be adjusted on the spot. This play with wheel geometry allows the kart to literally screw into the turn. It is characterized by oversteer rather than understeer.

It is worth noting that, despite the simplicity of the steering system, small wheels and the modest weight of the car, the kart requires physical training. A couple of circles is enough to feel how the biceps clogged, and even after a second circle, an unprepared person will feel very tired - his hands seem to be filled with lead. In the morning, of course, yesterday's rides will remind you of themselves with muscle pain.

Karting, by the way, is a universal sport for the reason that it can take place in winter. For example, Formula 1 has never been held in the snow, nor has the WTCC touring car. True, winter karting is carried out mainly in northern countries, including Russia, and the main difference from summer season is the use of studded tires.

In traditional karting, tires also have different type and appointment. For dry coverage, slicks without a tread are used. You might think that they are worn out, and athletes are in no hurry to change them. But no, initially it is these tires that have the best grip on the dry pavement of the karting track. In the rain, they put tires with a directional tread that already resemble car tires. By the way, even one type of tire can be different in composition, i.e. softness. The selection of the right rubber depends on the characteristics of the track, and on the ambient temperature, and on the style of piloting.

It’s hard to believe, but boys (and girls, by the way, too) are accepted to the karting school from the age of 9. True, there are athletes even younger, but they are allowed to compete from the age of 9. For karting, of course, you need real motorsport equipment: a helmet, gloves, fireproof overalls, special shoes, a neck collar, a protective vest. Special underwear is also required. In general, everything is like Schumacher.

By the way, Formula 1 racers also sometimes sit down for go-karts and compete with each other. Here on the video is the "Red Baron" himself at such races in 1994:

Is it possible to become a real racer at such a young age? Easily. So much so that you will go round and an experienced civilian driver with a mega experience. Karting is the most ideal foundation for starting motorsports. All the basics of the behavior of a four-wheeled vehicle are laid down in this small, at first glance, frivolous machine. And as you know, in order to become a professional, you need to practice sports from childhood. So it turns out that karting combines such key features: it is accessible to children, it is the first important step in motorsport.

People go karting different ages, and accordingly, cars are divided into groups and classes, which, in turn, distinguish maps by size, weight, engine capacity, etc. It only seems that all maps are equally small. And here it is not. There are more varieties of them than in any other form of motorsport. We will describe them only superficially in order to have an idea of ​​how classes are roughly divided in Kazakhstan. All technical requirements for racing cars are described in much more detail.

So, the kids are provided with small karts, the engine is also limited in volume. For children from 8 to 12 years old - up to 50 cubic meters. cm, without gearbox (Bastau class). There is a MINI class, it is limited to 60 cc motors without a gearbox - for children from 9 to 14 years old.

Boys are transitioning to adults racing cars class KF3, Intercontinental A-J, Soyuzny-Junior, Rotax Max-Junior. Growth and physical development already quite consistent, but engines are limited from 100 to a maximum of 125 cubes. Depending on the class, the age of the riders varies - from 13 to 18 years old - as well as gearboxes.

The most powerful cars in adults - the engine capacity reaches 250 cubic meters. You can join this group from the age of 15 (KF 2, Rotax Max - up to 125 cubes without a box), and all the others, including the free SA 250 class, from the age of 16 (KZ-2, Intercontinental A , SA 250, "Union" - engines from 100 to 250 cc, boxes, depending on the class - either there or not).

If the weight of the pilot does not reach the class (for example, in KZ-2 the curb weight with the pilot should be 175 kg), then additional weights are hung

By the way, in different countries, technical requirements and rules may vary, classes are called differently. But if we consider globally, then everything is about the same.

M. PODOLSKII, teacher at MADI, coach of the Megafon-motorsport racing team.

It can be very crowded on the karting competition track.

Knots and aggregates map.

Rental cards are protected from all sides by a pipe chipper. A small but powerful engine with automatic transmission accelerates the car to a very decent speed, sometimes up to 80-100 km / h.

Finish flag. Black and white, checkered.

Red flag.

Black and white flag.

Black flag.

Black flag with an orange circle.

Green flag with yellow chevron.

A blue flag with two red diagonals.

Yellow flag.

Yellow flag with red stripes.

Green flag.

White flag.

Blue flag.

It is impossible to calculate how many sports there are on Earth. And not only because sports mean different things to different people. Moreover, ordinary viewers may consider, for example, that Athletics- this is one sport, and experts will say that there are at least four types of jumps. Motor sports are no exception. Someone thinks that races are races, and a knowledgeable person will object: only rallies exist at least the same four types - classic rally, rally-raid, rally-cross and rally-sprint. What about circuit racing? They include special racing cars (for example, in the popular Formula 1 races), and ordinary production cars, and even trucks and lawn mowers. One of the most common and affordable types of car racing is karting. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Karting can be done at any age. IN big cities there are indoor karting tracks where they ride all year round. Cars are rented there, but almost every karting center has racing schools. Children from the age of 5 are allowed to take classes, and after a couple of months they arrange the first races of young pilots. And in sports karting, the smallest "professional" class - "Micro" - has already been mastered by 6-7-year-old racers.

It is believed that the first maps appeared in American military pilots during World War II. Once, the pilots adapted a motorcycle motor to a baggage cart and between flights, having nothing to do, began to drive around the airfield. Then the competition started. In 1956, Art Ingels, a mechanic at Curtis Craft Company, built the first kart similar to modern ones. On a simple frame, he installed a lawn mower engine, made a hand brake and elementary steering. And already in 1957, a karting club was organized in America and the rules for the competition were adopted. Maps appeared in Europe in 1958. In 1960, there were already more than 120 card manufacturing firms operating in England alone.

For some 15 years, karting has conquered the whole world. In 1964, the first official world championship was held. The competitions held in Rome were won by the Italian G. Sala. By the way, in karting they started their sports career almost all outstanding racers. For example, seven-time world champion in Formula 1 Michael Schumacher, four-time world rally champion Sebastian Loeb, multiple winner of international and Russian competitions Alexei Vasiliev.

Why is karting so attractive? Firstly, the machine is easy to manufacture (although when compared with other racing cars) - therefore, it is inexpensive. Secondly, the machine is stable and therefore quite safe. Thirdly, the kart is easy to manage - therefore, almost anyone can ride it.

Karting is perhaps the only type of motorsport in which there is an almost official division of cars into special sports and rental cars. Sports cars are in most cases more powerful, have two-stroke engines, and sometimes a "real" transmission with a clutch and gearbox. Rolling cars are mainly equipped with four-stroke engines, and instead of a gearbox, they are equipped with a centrifugal clutch (variator).


All kart units are mounted on a frame welded from durable steel pipes with an outer diameter of 35-40 mm. The front, steered, wheels are mounted on the steering knuckles. With the help of a transverse link and a steering shaft, they are connected to the steering wheel. There is no steering gear on the map (a mechanism that helps turn the wheels in "large" cars), so the steering wheel travel is very short, almost like on a bicycle. Turning the steering wheel requires considerable effort, and after half an hour of driving, the hands of inexperienced pilots “fall off”. The pilot's seat is also installed on the frame, and so low that the pilot literally draws his booty on the asphalt. To save the "fifth point", the seat is made strong enough and under it (from the bottom on the frame) a sheet of aluminum, fiberglass or thick aviation plywood is attached.

The motor is placed to the right and slightly behind the seat (most often to the right, but on some models to the left or completely behind). Using a chain or belt drive, the engine is connected to the rear axle. On the cards of the recently introduced DD 2 class (Direct Drive means direct transmission), the motor is mounted on the rear axle and the drive is carried out by its direct rotation through the gear. The rear axle of the kart, unlike the car, is one-piece. It has a brake disc on it. Fuel tank on sports cards they put it under the steering wheel between the pilot's legs, and on rental cars - behind the seat.

The shift lever is located to the right of the seat. The control pedals used to be located in the same way as on a conventional car: in front of the right is the accelerator pedal, a little to the left is the brake. These pedals were controlled right foot. The left foot, as in "adult" cars, "managed" the clutch pedal. But on sports cars, the pilot shifts gears, practically without depressing the clutch, and a quarter of a century ago, the control was transferred to a lever, very similar to a motorcycle, and placed under the steering wheel in the left hand.

On rental cards - simpler: on the right - gas, on the left - brake; there is no clutch pedal and gear lever, and this is not necessary, because the car is equipped with an automatic transmission.

There are no springs or shock absorbers in the suspension of karts. Actually, there is no suspension as such. Because of this, small cars are very stiff, riding them feels like moving on a stool. Therefore, they try to make karting tracks perfectly smooth, everything is removed from the asphalt, even the smallest bumps.

An important element of the kart is the wheels. The anterior ones are always smaller than the posterior ones, both in width and in diameter. The rear ones, on the contrary, are more massive and wide. It is understandable: the main weight of the car and the pilot falls on the rear axle. rear wheels they accelerate the kart, they also slow it down (on the front wheels on many even sports models there are no brakes). By the way, tires for karts, as well as for large racing cars, are made for both dry and rain from a special rubber compound that literally sticks to the track and allows you to take corners very quickly.


You don't need any equipment to go karting. Everything you need is given out at the karting track. And this is a helmet and gloves. In some karting centers, the equipment includes overalls (it is often muddy on the track) and protection for the ribs and neck. Shoes, as a rule, are not given out, so if you are going to the karting track, put on light sneakers or sneakers. For regular classes in a section or club, you must have your own helmet, balaclava, gloves, overalls and special racing boots. If the karting track is located outdoors, then for bad weather, a waterproof cover for overalls or a jacket with trousers, such as those issued to road workers, is necessary. If we are talking about professional karting and participation in official competitions (in Russia they are held under the auspices of the Russian Automobile Federation - RAF), then the equipment is selected only from the permitted, or, as they say, homologated, RAF. The pilot's helmet must meet strict requirements, but such models are quite heavy, and in order to reduce the load on the neck in the event of an accident, they additionally use a special "collar". The pilot's shoes must protect the ankle. Gloves are required.

Kart only looks like a simple cart with a motor. In the range of these cars there are workers who work almost around the clock at rental karting tracks. They give the initial skills to young pilots, infect them with the excitement of a real racing fight. And there are unique samples of modern racing equipment, equipped with the latest technology, stuffed with sensors from spaceships.

Karting is the only motor sport that a child or teenager can do. All you need is the permission of a doctor, the consent of your parents - and the world of speed and adventure is open before you. A kart in the right hands allows you to drive very fast. The best sports cars easily accelerate to 200-250 km / h, and in terms of acceleration dynamics from the start, it happens that they are ahead of the cars of the "queen of motorsport" - "Formula 1". But even cars of special children's classes - they are called "Micro", "Mini", "Rocket" and "Cadet" - drive at a speed of 80-120 km / h. Once you learn how to ride a kart, when you're older, you can easily jump into big cars and take on circuit racing, off-road racing, or the pinnacle of motorsport - classic rallying. Yes, and just being a good driver in life will come in handy.

Details for the curious


The speed of the kart depends on the power and speed of the engine. The more powerful the motor, the faster the kart accelerates; the higher the number of revolutions, the greater the maximum speed. But not only these parameters determine the pace of the car. Recall: the engine and the rear axle (that is, the wheels) are connected chain drive. The sprocket in the motor (it is called the drive one) always has 10 teeth, and the sprockets on the rear axle (driven) can be different - from 80 to 83 teeth. The more teeth on the driven sprocket, the better the kart accelerates from a standstill or picks up speed from low to medium. On the other hand, the smaller the driven sprocket, the higher the maximum speed.

Driven sprockets change depending on how difficult the track is. If the distance consists of continuous sharp turns and steep climbs, it is better to put a bigger star (if the pilot is heavy, by the way, too). On tracks with smooth long sections and smooth turns, it is more correct to focus on the “fast” sprocket.

information bureau


There are two types of competitions in karting - circuit racing and winter track racing on ice. We will not dwell on ice races, they are held infrequently, but let's talk about ring races.

Qualifying heats are held to determine the starting order. In competitions of different levels, they can be held in different ways, but the essence remains: the one who drove the official timed lap (or section) faster than others starts first. During the start, no overtaking is allowed before crossing the starting line. Considering that in the most advanced junior class, Rotax Max Junior, up to forty riders start in one race, then when the leaders are already fighting for centimeters of the race track, the tail of the starting peloton is still trailing in the starting area. By the way, the level of professionalism in this class is such that the results of passing the qualifying lap often differ by less than one second for two dozen pilots!

During the race, you can not push, knock the opponent off the track. Be sure to let those who go faster and not interfere with them. The start of the race is given either by a flag or a traffic signal. The start can be given from the spot, as in Formula 1, or from the move.

Judges on the track give the athletes signals with flags. These flags are the same for all types of motorsport, so if you watch the “first formula” races on TV, you will see how the pilots obediently follow the laws of the flag alphabet there.

Finish flag. Black and white, checkered. The size of the cells, alternating in a checkerboard pattern, is 10x10 cm. It is used to notify the competitors about the finish. The signal is given by waving the flag.

The red flag stops the race. Drivers must immediately stop the race, raise their hand and, making sure that the drivers following him have accepted the signal, stop.

Black and white flag. The field of the flag is divided diagonally into two equal black and white parts (in the language of racing drivers - “penguin”). It warns the driver about unsportsmanlike behavior and informs that in the next violation he will be excluded from the competition or race.

Black flag ("black mark", just like the pirates). Informs the driver that on the next lap he must bring his kart to the place specified by the regulations and report to the head of the race.

Black flag with an orange circle. Informs the driver that his kart has a technical problem and that on the next lap he must fix the defect in the repair area, after which he can continue the race.

A green flag with a yellow chevron is a false start.

A blue flag with two red diagonals. The driver must stop the race immediately and return to the closed park.

The yellow flag is a danger signal. Drivers should slow down and be prepared for possible stops. If the judges are actively waving the flag, then the danger is very serious. Overtaking is prohibited in the yellow flag zone.

Yellow flag with red stripes - slippery road. Most often used to signal spilled oil or puddles.

Green flag - the danger has passed. Used in two cases:

To indicate the end of the danger zone (shown motionless) and the place from which overtaking is again allowed;

To give a start to a training session or a warm-up lap. Shown by waving until all cards leave the starting area.

White flag - slow moving kart on the track. When it stops, the white flag is immediately replaced by a yellow one.

Blue flag. Informs a driver behind a lap that one or more faster moving karts are about to overtake him and must give way.