What is the load in sports. Types of sports loads

Victor Nikolayevich Seluyanov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory "Information Technologies in Sports"

Means and methods physical training aimed at changing the structure of muscle fibers skeletal muscle and myocardium, as well as cells of other organs and tissues (for example, the endocrine system). Each training method is characterized by several variables that reflect the external manifestation of the athlete's activity: the intensity of muscle contraction, the intensity of the exercise, the duration of the performance (the number of repetitions - a series, or the duration of the exercises), the rest interval, the number of series (sets). There is still inner side, which characterizes urgent biochemical and physiological processes in the athlete's body. As a result of training process are happening long-term adaptive restructuring, it is this result that is the essence or purpose of applying the training method and means.

Max Anaerobic Power Exercises

Should be 90-100% of the maximum.

- alternation of muscle contraction and periods of their relaxation, can be 10-100%. At low exercise intensity and maximum muscle contraction intensity, the exercise looks like a strength exercise, such as a squat with a barbell or a bench press.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed with maximum speed.

Exercise duration with maximum anaerobic intensity is usually short. Strength exercises are performed with 1-4 repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include up to 10 push-offs, and tempo-speed exercises last 4–10 s.

By doing speed exercises the rest interval can be 45–60 s.

Number of episodes due to the purpose of the training and the state of preparedness of the athlete. In the developing mode, the number of repetitions is 10-40 times.

Determined by purpose training task, namely, that it is predominantly necessary to hyperplase in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria.

Maximum anaerobic power exercises require the recruitment of all motor units.

These are exercises with an almost exclusively anaerobic way of supplying the working muscles with energy: the anaerobic component in the total energy production is from 90% to 100%. It is provided mainly by the phosphagenic energy system (ATP + CF) with some participation of the lactic acid (glycolytic) system in glycolytic and intermediate muscle fibers. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation unfolds, oxygen in this case comes from myoglobin OMV and blood.

The record maximum anaerobic power developed by athletes on a bicycle ergometer is 1000–1500 watts, and taking into account the cost of moving the legs, more than 2000 watts. The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from a second ( isometric exercise) up to a few seconds (speed tempo exercise).

Strengthening the activity of vegetative systems occurs gradually in the process of work. Due to the short duration of anaerobic exercises during their performance, the functions of blood circulation and respiration do not have time to reach the possible maximum. During the maximum anaerobic exercise, the athlete either does not breathe at all, or manages to complete only a few respiratory cycles. Accordingly, pulmonary ventilation does not exceed 20-30% of the maximum.

The heart rate rises even before the start (up to 140-150 bpm) and continues to grow during the exercise, reaching the highest value immediately after the finish - 80-90% of the maximum (160-180 bpm). Since the energy basis of these exercises is anaerobic processes, strengthening the activity of the cardiorespiratory (oxygen transport) system is practically of no importance for the energy supply of the exercise itself. The concentration of lactate in the blood during work changes very slightly, although in working muscles it can reach 10 mmol/kg and even more at the end of work. The concentration of lactate in the blood continues to increase for several minutes after the cessation of work and reaches a maximum of 5-8 mmol / l (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990).

Before performing anaerobic exercise, the concentration of glucose in the blood rises slightly. Before and as a result of their implementation, the concentration of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) and growth hormone in the blood increases very significantly, but the concentration of insulin decreases slightly; the concentrations of glucagon and cortisol do not noticeably change (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Leading physiological systems and the mechanisms that determine the sports result in these exercises: central nervous regulation of muscle activity (coordination of movements with the manifestation of great muscle power), functional properties neuromuscular apparatus (speed-strength), capacity and power of the phosphagenic energy system of working muscles.

Internal, physiological processes unfold more intensively in the case of repeated training. In this case, the concentration of hormones in the blood increases, and in the muscle fibers and blood the concentration of lactate and hydrogen ions increases if the rest is passive and short.

Performing developing trainings of strength, speed-strength and speed orientation with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a week can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since (it is assumed) they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs.

Reducing the duration of the maximum alactic power exercise, for example, reduces the effectiveness of training in terms of increasing the mass of myofibrils, since the concentration of hydrogen ions and hormones in the blood decreases. At the same time, a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in glycolytic MB leads to stimulation of mitochondrial activity, and hence to a gradual growth of the mitochondrial system.

It should be noted that in practice these exercises should be used very carefully, since exercises of maximum intensity require the manifestation of significant mechanical loads on the muscles, ligaments and tendons, and this leads to the accumulation of microtraumas of the musculoskeletal system.

Thus, exercises of maximum anaerobic power, performed to failure, contribute to an increase in the mass of myofibrils in the intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers, and when these exercises are performed to slight fatigue (acidification) of the muscles, oxidative phosphorylation is activated in the mitochondria of the intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers during rest intervals, which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Near-Maximum Anaerobic Power Exercises

The outer side of exercise

Intensity of muscle contraction should be 70-90% of the maximum.

Exercise intensity (series)- alternating muscle contraction and periods of relaxation, can be 10-90%. At low exercise intensity and near-maximal intensity (60-80%) of muscle contraction, the exercise looks like strength endurance training, for example, squatting with a barbell or bench press in an amount of more than 12 times.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed at a near-maximum pace.

Exercise duration with a near-maximal anaerobic intensity, as a rule, there are 20–50 s. Strength exercises are performed with 6-12 or more repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include up to 10-20 repulsions, and tempo-speed exercises - 10-50 s.

The rest interval between series (sets) varies significantly.

By doing strength exercises the interval of rest exceeds, as a rule, 5 minutes.

When performing speed-strength exercises, sometimes the rest interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

Number of episodes

Number of workouts per week is determined by the purpose of the training task, namely, what should be hyperplasticized in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria. With the generally accepted planning of loads, the goal is to increase the power of the mechanism of anaerobic glycolysis. It is assumed that a long stay of the muscles and the body as a whole in a state of maximum acidification should supposedly lead to adaptive changes in the body. However, so far there are no works that would directly show the beneficial effect of limiting near-maximal anaerobic exercises, but there are a lot of works that demonstrate their sharply negative effect on the structure of myofibrils and mitochondria. Very high concentrations of hydrogen ions in MF lead both to direct chemical destruction of structures and to an increase in the activity of proteolysis enzymes, which, when acidified, leave the cell lysosomes (the digestive apparatus of the cell).

The inside of exercise

Exercises of near-maximal anaerobic power require the recruitment of more than half of the motor units, and when performing the maximum work, all the rest.

These are exercises with an almost exclusively anaerobic way of supplying working muscles with energy: the anaerobic component in the total energy production is more than 90%. In glycolytic MFs, it is provided mainly by the phosphagenic energy system (ATP + CP) with some participation of the lactic acid (glycolytic) system. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation unfolds, oxygen in this case comes from myoglobin OMV and blood.

The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from several seconds (isometric exercise) to tens of seconds (speed tempo exercise) (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Strengthening the activity of vegetative systems occurs gradually in the process of work. After 20–30 s, aerobic processes unfold in oxidative MFs, and the function of blood circulation and respiration increases, which can reach a possible maximum. For the energy supply of these exercises, a significant increase in the activity of the oxygen transport system already plays a certain energy role, and the greater the longer the exercise. The pre-start increase in heart rate is very significant (up to 150-160 beats / min). It reaches its highest values ​​(80–90% of the maximum) immediately after the finish of 200 m and at the finish of 400 m. In the process of performing the exercise, pulmonary ventilation rapidly increases, so that by the end of the exercise lasting about 1 min, it can reach 50–60% of maximum working ventilation for that athlete (60–80 L/min). The rate of O2 consumption also increases rapidly at a distance and at the finish of 400 m it can already be 70–80% of the individual MPC.

The concentration of lactate in the blood after exercise is very high - up to 15 mmol / l in qualified athletes. It is the higher, the greater the distance and the higher the qualification of the athlete. The accumulation of lactate in the blood is associated with the long-term functioning of glycolytic MBs.

The concentration of glucose in the blood is slightly increased compared to resting conditions (up to 100-120 mg). Hormonal changes in the blood are similar to those that occur during the exercise of maximum anaerobic power (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Long-term adaptive rearrangements

Performing "developmental" workouts of strength, speed-strength and speed orientation with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a week allows you to achieve the following.

Strength exercises that are performed at an intensity of 65–80% of the maximum or with 6–12 lifts in one approach are the most effective in terms of adding myofibrils in glycolytic muscle fibers, changes are significantly less in PMA and OMV.

The mass of mitochondria from such exercises is not added.

Strength exercises can be performed not to failure, for example, you can lift the load 16 times, and the athlete lifts it only 4-8 times. In this case, there is no local fatigue, there is no strong acidification of the muscles, therefore, with repeated repetition with a sufficient rest interval to eliminate the resulting lactic acid. A situation arises that stimulates the development of the mitochondrial network in PMA and GMA. Therefore, near-maximal anaerobic exercise, together with rest pauses, gives aerobic muscle development.

A high concentration of Cr and a moderate concentration of hydrogen ions can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, and the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs, which stimulate catabolism to such an extent that it exceeds the power of anabolism processes.

Reducing the duration of the exercise near the maximum alactic power eliminates the negative effect of exercises of this power.

It should be noted that in practice these exercises should be used very carefully, since it is very easy to miss the moment of accumulation of excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions in intermediate and glycolytic MBs.

Thus, exercises of near-maximal anaerobic power, performed to failure, contribute to an increase in the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers, and when these exercises are performed to slight muscle fatigue (acidification), oxidative phosphorylation is activated in the mitochondria of intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers during rest intervals ( high-threshold motor units may not participate in the work, so not all the muscles are worked out), which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Submaximal anaerobic power exercises (anaerobic-aerobic power)

The outer side of exercise

Intensity of muscle contraction should be 50-70% of the maximum.

Exercise intensity (series)- alternation of muscle contraction and periods of their relaxation, can be 10-70%. At low exercise intensity and near-maximal intensity (10-70%) of muscle contraction, the exercise looks like a strength endurance workout, such as squatting with a barbell or bench press in the amount of more than 16 times.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed at the optimum pace.

Exercise duration with submaximal anaerobic intensity, as a rule, there are 1–5 minutes. Strength exercises are performed with 16 or more repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include more than 20 push-offs, and tempo-speed exercises - 1-6 minutes.

The rest interval between series (sets) varies significantly.

When performing strength exercises, the rest interval exceeds, as a rule, 5 minutes.

When performing speed-strength exercises, sometimes the rest interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

When performing high-speed exercises, the rest interval can be 2-9 minutes.

Number of episodes due to the purpose of the training and the state of preparedness of the athlete. In the developing mode, the number of repetitions is 3-4 series, repeated 2 times.

Number of workouts per week is determined by the purpose of the training task, namely, what should be hyperplasticized in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria. With the generally accepted planning of loads, the goal is to increase the power of the mechanism of anaerobic glycolysis. It is assumed that a long stay of the muscles and the body as a whole in a state of maximum acidification should supposedly lead to adaptive changes in the body. However, until now there are no works that would directly show the beneficial effect of limiting near-maximal anaerobic exercises, but there are a lot of works that demonstrate their sharply negative effect on the structure of myofibrils and mitochondria. Very high concentrations of hydrogen ions in MF lead both to direct chemical destruction of structures and to an increase in the activity of proteolysis enzymes, which, when acidified, leave the cell lysosomes (the digestive apparatus of the cell).

The inside of exercise

Exercises of submaximal anaerobic power require the recruitment of about half of the motor units, and in the performance of the maximum work, all the rest.

These exercises are performed first due to phosphagens and aerobic processes. As glycolytic recruitment proceeds, lactate and hydrogen ions accumulate. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation unfolds.

The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from a minute to 5 minutes.

Strengthening the activity of vegetative systems occurs gradually in the process of work. After 20–30 s, aerobic processes unfold in oxidative MFs, and the function of blood circulation and respiration increases, which can reach a possible maximum. For the energy supply of these exercises, a significant increase in the activity of the oxygen transport system already plays a certain energy role, and the greater the longer the exercise. The pre-start increase in heart rate is very significant (up to 150-160 beats / min).

The power and maximum duration of these exercises are such that during their performance the indicators of the activity of the oxygen transport system (heart rate, cardiac output, LV, O2 consumption rate) can be close to the maximum values ​​for a given athlete or even reach them. The longer the exercise, the higher these indicators at the finish and the greater the share of aerobic energy production during the exercise. After these exercises, a very high concentration of lactate is recorded in the working muscles and blood - up to 20-25 mmol / l. Accordingly, the blood pH drops to 7.0. Usually, the concentration of glucose in the blood is noticeably increased - up to 150 mg%, the content of catecholamines and growth hormone in the blood plasma is high (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Thus, the leading physiological systems and mechanisms, according to N. I. Volkov and many other authors (1995), in the case of using the simplest model of energy supply, are the capacity and power of the lactic acid (glycolytic) energy system of working muscles, functional (power) properties of the neuromuscular apparatus, as well as the oxygen-transport capabilities of the body (especially the cardiovascular system) and the aerobic (oxidative) capabilities of the working muscles. Thus, the exercises of this group make very high demands on both the anaerobic and aerobic capabilities of athletes.

If we use a more complex model that includes the cardiovascular system and muscles with different type muscle fibers (OMV, PMV, GMV), we get the following leading physiological systems and mechanisms:

- energy supply is provided mainly by oxidative muscle fibers of active muscles,

- the power of the exercise as a whole exceeds the power of aerobic supply, therefore, intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers are recruited, which, after recruitment, after 30–60 s, lose their contractility, which forces more and more glycolytic MFs to be recruited. They acidify, lactic acid enters the bloodstream, this causes the appearance of excess carbon dioxide, which enhances the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to the limit.

Internal, physiological processes unfold more intensively in the case of repeated training. In this case, the concentration of hormones in the blood increases, and the concentration of lactate and hydrogen ions in the muscle fibers and blood, if the rest is passive and short. Repeated exercise with a rest interval of 2-4 minutes leads to an extremely high accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions in the blood, as a rule, the number of repetitions does not exceed 4.

Long-term adaptive rearrangements

Performing exercises of submaximal alactic power to the limit are among the most psychologically stressful, therefore they cannot be used often, there is an opinion about the effect of these trainings on forcing acquisition sportswear and rapid onset of overtraining.

Strength exercises that are performed at an intensity of 50-65% of the maximum or with 20 or more lifts in one approach are the most dangerous, leading to very strong local acidification, and then muscle damage. The mass of mitochondria from such exercises sharply decreases in all MVs [Khoreller, 1987].

Thus, exercises of submaximal anaerobic power and maximum duration cannot be used in the training process.

Strength exercises can be performed not to failure, for example, you can lift the load 20-40 times, and the athlete lifts it only 10-15 times. In this case, there is no local fatigue, there is no strong acidification of the muscles, therefore, with repeated repetition with a sufficient rest interval to eliminate the resulting lactic acid. A situation arises that stimulates the development of the mitochondrial network in the WMA and some part of the GMA. Therefore, near-maximal anaerobic exercise, together with rest pauses, gives aerobic muscle development.

A high concentration of Kp and a moderate concentration of hydrogen ions can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and some glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, and the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs, which stimulate catabolism to such an extent that it exceeds the power of anabolism processes.

Reducing the duration of the submaximal anaerobic power exercise eliminates the negative effect of this power exercise.

Thus, exercises of submaximal anaerobic power, performed to failure, lead to excessive acidification of the muscles, therefore, the mass of myofibrils and mitochondria in the intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers decreases, and when these exercises are performed to slight fatigue (acidification) of the muscles, oxidative stress is activated in the rest intervals. phosphorylation in mitochondria of intermediate and part of glycolytic muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Aerobic exercise

The power of the load in these exercises is such that the energy supply of the working muscles can occur (mainly or exclusively) due to oxidative (aerobic) processes associated with the continuous consumption of oxygen by the body and the expenditure of oxygen by the working muscles. Therefore, the power in these exercises can be estimated by the level (speed) of remote consumption of O 2 . If the remote consumption of O 2 is correlated with the maximum aerobic power at this person(i.e., with his individual MPC), then you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relative aerobic physiological power of the exercise he performs. According to this indicator, five groups are distinguished among aerobic cyclic exercises (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990):

    1. Exercises of maximum aerobic power (95-100% of the IPC).

    2. Exercises of near-maximal aerobic power (85-90% of the IPC).

    3. Exercises of submaximal aerobic power (70-80% of the IPC).

    4. Exercises of average aerobic power (55–65% of the IPC).

    5. Exercises of low aerobic power (50% of the IPC or less).

The classification presented here does not correspond to modern concepts of sports physiology. The upper limit - the IPC does not correspond to the data of maximum aerobic power, since it depends on the testing procedure and the individual characteristics of the athlete. In wrestling, it is important to evaluate the aerobic capabilities of the belt muscles. upper limbs, and in addition to these data, the aerobic capacity of the muscles should be assessed lower extremities and performance of the cardiovascular system.

It is customary to evaluate the aerobic capabilities of muscles in a step test in terms of power or oxygen consumption at the level of an aerobic threshold.

The power of the IPC is higher in athletes with a greater proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers in the muscles, which can be gradually recruited to provide a given power. In this case, as glycolytic muscle fibers are connected, muscle and blood acidification increases, the subject begins to connect additional muscle groups, with oxidative muscle fibers that have not yet worked, so oxygen consumption increases. The value of such an increase in oxygen consumption is minimal, since these muscles do not provide a significant increase in mechanical power. If there are many oxidative MWs, and almost no HMW, then the power of the MPC and AnP will be almost equal.

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms that determine the success of performing aerobic cyclic exercises are the functional capabilities of the oxygen transport system and the aerobic capabilities of the working muscles (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

As the power of these exercises decreases (the maximum duration increases), the proportion of the anaerobic (glycolytic) component of energy production decreases. Accordingly, the concentration of lactate in the blood and the increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood (degree of hyperglycemia) decrease. With exercises lasting several tens of minutes, hyperglycemia is not observed at all. Moreover, at the end of such exercises, there may be a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia). (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The greater the power of aerobic exercise, the higher the concentration of catecholamines in the blood and growth hormone. On the contrary, as the load power decreases, the content in the blood of such hormones as glucagon and cortisol increases, and the content of insulin decreases (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

With an increase in the duration of aerobic exercises, the body temperature rises, which places increased demands on the thermoregulation system (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Maximum Aerobic Power Exercises

These are exercises in which the aerobic component of energy production predominates - it is up to 70-90%. However, the energy contribution of anaerobic (mainly glycolytic) processes is still very significant. The main energy substrate during these exercises is muscle glycogen, which is broken down both aerobically and anaerobically (in the latter case with the formation of a large amount of lactic acid). The maximum duration of such exercises is 3-10 minutes.

After 1.5-2 minutes. after the start of exercise, the maximum heart rate for a given person, systolic blood volume and cardiac output, working LV, O2 consumption rate (MIC) are achieved. As the LP exercise continues, blood concentrations of lactate and catecholamines continue to rise. The indicators of the work of the heart and the rate of consumption of O 2 are either kept at the maximum level (in a state of high fitness), or begin to decrease somewhat (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

After the end of the exercise, the concentration of lactate in the blood reaches 15-25 mmol / l in inverse proportion to the maximum duration of the exercise ( sports result) (Aulik I. V., 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms are common to all aerobic exercises, in addition, the power of the lactic acid (glycolytic) energy system of the working muscles plays a significant role.

Exercises of the maximum duration of maximum aerobic power can be used in training only by athletes with an ATP power at a level of more than 70% of the IPC. These athletes do not have a strong acidification of MF and blood, therefore, in the intermediate and part of the glycolytic MF, conditions are created for the activation of mitochondrial synthesis.

If an athlete has an AnP power of less than 70% of the MPC, then maximum aerobic power exercises can only be used as a repeated training method, which, if properly organized, does not lead to harmful acidification of the athlete’s muscles and blood.

Long-term adaptive effect

Exercises of maximum aerobic power require the recruitment of all oxidative, intermediate and some part of glycolytic MFs, if you perform exercises of unlimited duration, apply a repeated training method, then the training effect will be noted only in the intermediate and some part of glycolytic MFs, in the form of a very small hyperplasia of myofibrils and a significant increase in mitochondrial masses in active intermediates and glycolytic MBs.

Near-Maximum Aerobic Power Exercises

Exercises of near-maximal aerobic power are 90–100% provided by oxidative (aerobic) reactions in the working muscles. Carbohydrates are used as substrates of oxidation to a greater extent than fats (respiratory coefficient about 1.0). main role glycogen of working muscles and, to a lesser extent, blood glucose (in the second half of the distance) play. Record duration of exercises up to 30 minutes. In the process of doing exercises, heart rate is at the level of 90-95%, LV - 85-90% of the individual maximum values. The concentration of lactate in the blood after the limit of exercise in highly qualified athletes is about 10 mmol / l. During the exercise, there is a significant increase in body temperature - up to 39 (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The exercise is performed at or slightly above the anaerobic threshold. Therefore, oxidative muscle fibers and intermediate ones work. Exercise leads to an increase in mitochondrial mass only in intermediate MBs.

Submaximal aerobic power exercises

Submaximal aerobic power exercises are performed at the aerobic threshold. Therefore, only oxidative muscle fibers work. Oxidative cleavage undergoes fats in OMF, carbohydrates in active intermediate MFs (respiratory coefficient approximately 0.85–0.90). The main energy substrates are muscle glycogen, working muscle and blood fat, and (as work continues) blood glucose. The record duration of exercises is up to 120 minutes. During the exercise, the heart rate is at the level of 80–90%, and the LV is 70–80% of the maximum values ​​for this athlete. The concentration of lactate in the blood usually does not exceed 3 mmol / l. It noticeably increases only at the beginning of a run or as a result of long climbs. During these exercises, body temperature can reach 39-40.

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms are common to all aerobic exercises. The duration depends to the greatest extent on the glycogen stores in the working muscles and liver, on the fat reserves in the oxidative muscle fibers of active muscles (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990).

There are no significant changes in muscle fibers from such training. These workouts can be used to dilate the left ventricle of the heart, since the heart rate is 100-150 beats / min, i.e. with a maximum stroke volume of the heart.

Intermediate aerobic power exercises

Exercises of average aerobic power are provided by aerobic processes. The main energy substrate is the fats of the working muscles and blood, carbohydrates play a relatively smaller role (respiratory coefficient is about 0.8). The maximum duration of the exercise is up to several hours

Cardiorespiratory indicators do not exceed 60-75% of the maximum for this athlete. In many ways, the characteristics of these exercises and the exercises of the previous group are similar (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Low Aerobic Power Exercises

Exercises of low aerobic capacity are provided by oxidative processes, in which mainly fats and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates are consumed (respiratory coefficient less than 0.8). Exercises of this relative physiological power can be performed for many hours. This corresponds to a person's everyday activities (walking) or exercises in the system of mass or therapeutic physical culture.

Thus, exercises of medium and low aerobic power are not significant for the growth of the level physical fitness, however, they can be used in rest periods to increase oxygen consumption, to more quickly eliminate acidification of the blood and muscles.

1 The concept of the load. Load side.

2. The concept of "volume" and "intensity".

3 Characteristics of training loads.

The term "training load" means the additional functional activity of the organism (relative to the level of rest or other initial level) introduced by the performance of training exercises and the degree of difficulties overcome in this case. At the same time, the external, internal and mental aspects of "training and competitive loads" are singled out.

determined by the volume of hours allocated for a lesson or a series of classes, the ratio of time to training sections; number of training sessions; the number of training sessions of various directions, the length and speed of running the distance, the number of jumps, etc.); share of the intensity of work, in general, its volume, etc. This implies the need to take into account the parameters of the volume and intensity of the load, their ratio and change in the process of training.

The concept of "volume" training load, refers to the duration of its exposure and the total amount of work performed during the individual training exercise or "a series of exercises." concept same "intensity" load is associated with the magnitude of the applied efforts, the intensity of the functions and the force of the load at each moment of the exercise, or with the degree of volume concentration training work in time.

determined by the reaction

body for the work done in terms of heart rate, systological volume, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, oxygen debt, etc.

is determined by the level of volitional and moral tension, emotionality, etc. It is reflected in points that conditionally determine the levels of loads, both in a separate task and in training session(1-3 light load, 4-5 points - average load, 6-8 points - a big load). All sides of the load are interconnected, therefore they are used in unity. The coach uses external and mental loads in planning and control, and internal - to determine the correspondence of the first two possibilities of the organism.

Under the influence of the load, a training effect arises, which can be urgent - as the reaction of the body to one training session, delayed - as a change in the state of the athlete after the target training session, cumulative - as a change in the state after the entire system of training sessions. In a single training session, the load should be logically linked to the training effects of previous and subsequent sessions. Considering the impact of the drugs used on the athlete's body, the following are distinguished: characteristics of training loads:

1. Specificity. It reflects the degree of compliance of the load with the motor structure of competitive actions, the mode of operation of the motor apparatus and the mechanism of energy supply. According to these signs, loads are specific and non-specific, exercises - competitive and auxiliary.

2. Directionality On this basis, loads are distinguished that contribute to the development of individual physical ability, improving technical and tactical skills, mental preparedness, etc. The impact of the load can be selective or complex.

3. duration. Determines the duration of the exercises, which can vary widely - from several to tens of minutes, even hours (marathon). Varying the duration and speed of exercise improves various energy-providing mechanisms: short-term exercise, but at a higher speed, increases anaerobic performance, long-term work, but at a low speed - aerobic.

4. Intensity. Determines the strength of the load effect, since
characterized by the amount of work done per unit of time (speed, frequency of movements, amount of weight, etc.). The intensity varies widely, and therefore the so-called intensity zones are distinguished according to heart rate indicators and the nature of energy supply (the assessment is made in points).

5. Rest. Rationally organized rest ensures the restoration of working capacity after the load and increases its effect. Different duration and different nature (active, passive) of rest between repetitions lead to a different effect with the same load.

During the performance of training loads, the energy supply of working muscles is carried out in three ways, depending on the intensity of work: 1) combustion (oxidation) of carbohydrates (glycogen) and fats with the participation of oxygen - aerobic energy supply; 2) breakdown of glycogen - anaerobic-glycolytic energy supply 3) breakdown of creatine phosphate. In the theory of sports and sports practice, the following classification of training loads is accepted, depending on their intensity and the nature of physiological changes in the athlete's body, when performing the appropriate load:

1st zone of intensity - aerobic recovery (“background loads”: warm-up, cool-down, recovery exercises);

2nd zone of intensity - aerobic developing;

3rd zone of intensity - mixed aerobic-anaerobic;

4th zone of intensity - anaerobic-glycolytic;

The 5th intensity zone is anaerobic-alactate.

Let's look at each intensity zone in more detail.

The first zone of intensity. Aerobic recovery. Training loads in this intensity zone are used as a means of recovery after training with high and high loads, after competitions, in the transition period. The so-called "background loads" also correspond to this zone.

The intensity of the exercises performed is moderate (near the threshold of aerobic metabolism). Heart rate (HR) - 130-140 beats per minute (bpm). The concentration of lactic acid in the blood (lactate) is up to 2-3 millimoles per liter (Mm / l). The level of oxygen consumption is 50-60% of the IPC (maximum oxygen consumption). Duration of work from 20-30 minutes to 1 hour. The main sources of energy (biochemical substrates) are carbohydrates (glycogen) and fats.

The second zone of intensity. Aerobic developing. The training load in this intensity zone is used for long duration exercises. With moderate intensity . Such work is necessary to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as to raise the level of overall performance.

The intensity of the exercises performed - up to the threshold level of anaerobic metabolism, that is, the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles and blood - up to 20 mm/l.; Heart rate - 140-160 beats / min. The level of oxygen consumption is from 60 to 80% of the IPC.

Movement speed in cyclic exercises 50-80% of top speed(on a segment lasting 3-4 seconds, overcome from the move at the maximum possible speed in this exercise). The bioenergetic substance is glycogen.

When performing training loads in this intensity zone, continuous and interval methods. Duration of work during the training load continuous method is up to 2-3 hours or more. To increase the level of aerobic capacity, continuous work with uniform and variable speed.

Continuous work with variable intensity involves the alternation of a low-intensity segment (HR 140-145 beats / min.) And an intensive segment (HR 160-170 beats / min.).

Using the interval method, the duration of individual exercises can be from 1-2 minutes. up to 8-10 min. The intensity of individual exercises can be determined by heart rate (by the end of the exercise, heart rate should be 160-170 beats / min.). The duration of rest intervals is also regulated by heart rate (by the end of the rest pause, heart rate should be 120-130 beats / min.). The use of the interval method is very effective for increasing the ability to deploy the functionality of the circulatory and respiratory systems as quickly as possible. This is due to the fact that the methodology interval training involves frequent change of intensive work by passive rest. Therefore, during one lesson, the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems is repeatedly “turned on” and activated to near-limit values, which helps to shorten the process of working out.

The continuous method of training improves the functionality of the oxygen transport system, improves blood supply to the muscles. The use of the continuous method ensures the development of the ability to maintain high values ​​of oxygen consumption for a long time.

The third zone of intensity. Mixed aerobic-anaerobic. The intensity of the exercises performed should be above the anaerobic metabolic rate threshold (ANOT), heart rate - 160-180 bpm. The concentration of lactic acid in the blood (lactate) is up to 10-12 m-m / l. The level of oxygen consumption is approaching the maximum (IPC). The speed of performing cyclic exercises is 85-90% of the maximum speed. The main bioenergetic substance is glycogen (its oxidation and breakdown).

When performing work in this zone, along with the maximum intensification of aerobic productivity, there is a significant intensification of the anaerobic-glycolytic mechanisms of energy generation.

Basic training methods: continuous method with uniform and variable intensity and interval method. When performing work by the interval method, the duration of individual exercises is from 1-2 minutes. up to 6-8 min. Rest intervals are regulated by heart rate (at the end of the rest pause, heart rate is 120 beats / min.) Or up to 2-3 minutes. The duration of work in one lesson is up to 1-1.5 hours.

The fourth zone of intensity. Anaerobic-glycolytic. The intensity of the exercises performed is 90-95% of the maximum available. Heart rate over 180 beats / min. The concentration of lactic acid in the blood reaches the limit values ​​- up to 20 Mm / l. and more.

Exercises aimed at increasing the capacity of glycolysis should be performed with a high oxygen debt.

The following technique contributes to the solution of this problem: performance of exercises with submaximal intensity with incomplete or reduced rest intervals, in which the next exercise is performed against the background of under-recovery of operational performance.

Performing exercises in this intensity zone can only be interval (or interval-serial). The duration of individual exercises is from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Rest pauses are incomplete or shortened (40-60 sec.).

The total amount of work in one lesson is up to 40-50 minutes. The main bioenergetic substance is muscle glycogen.

Fifth zone of intensity. Anaerobic-alactate.

To increase anaerobic-alactate capabilities (speed, speed abilities) apply exercises lasting from 3 to 15 seconds with maximum intensity. Heart rate indicators in this intensity zone are not informative, since in 15 seconds the cardiovascular and respiratory system cannot reach their even near-maximum operational performance.

Speed ​​abilities in general limited by the power and capacity of the creatine phosphate mechanism. The concentration of lactic acid in the blood is low - 5-8 Mm / l. The main bioenergetic substance is creatine phosphate.

When performing exercises in this intensity zone, despite the short duration of the exercises performed (up to 15 seconds), the rest intervals should be sufficient to restore creatine phosphate in the muscles (full rest intervals). The duration of rest pauses, depending on the duration of the exercise, ranges from 1.5 to 2-3 minutes.

Training work should be performed serial-interval: 2-4 series, 4-5 repetitions in each series. Between series, rest should be longer - 5-8 minutes, which is filled with low-intensity work. The need for a longer rest between series is explained by the fact that the reserves of creatine phosphate in the muscles are small and by 5-6 repetitions they are largely exhausted, and in the process of a longer inter-series rest they are restored.

The duration of training work in one lesson in this intensity zone is up to 40-50 minutes.

  • 2. Means of sports training
  • Lecture 4 sports training methods
  • 1. General pedagogical methods of sports training
  • 2. Practical methods of sports training
  • Lecture 5 patterns and principles of sports training
  • 1. The relationship of patterns and principles of sports training
  • The relationship of regularities and principles of sports training
  • 2. Principles of sports training
  • Lecture 6 sports and technical training in sports
  • 1. Tasks and requirements of sports equipment
  • 2. Technical training facilities
  • 1) Technical means:
  • 3. Formation of motor skills and abilities
  • Motor errors
  • Lecture 7 sports and tactical training of athletes
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "sports tactics". Types of sports tactics
  • 2.Means and methods of sports tactics
  • Lecture 8 physical training of athletes
  • 1.Physical training of athletes
  • 2. General characteristics of physical qualities
  • Lecture 9 education of strength abilities
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "force". Types of power abilities
  • 2.Methodology of education of strength abilities
  • Lecture 10 education of endurance athletes
  • 1. Definition of the basic concepts of endurance
  • 2.Methodology of education of general endurance
  • Lecture 11 education of speed abilities of athletes
  • 1. Characteristics of the main manifestations of speed
  • 2.Methodology of education of speed abilities
  • 2. Using the effect of "accelerating aftereffect" and varying weights.
  • 3. Leading and sensory activation of speed manifestations. The concept of "leading" covers well-known techniques (running after a leader-partner, etc.).
  • Lecture 12 flexibility and the basics of the methodology for its education
  • 1.Characteristics of the main manifestations of flexibility
  • 2. Methodology for developing flexibility
  • Lecture 13 motor-coordinating abilities and the basics of their education
  • 1.Characteristics of coordination abilities
  • 2. Tasks for the development of coordination abilities
  • 3. Methods of education of coordination abilities
  • Lecture 14 mental preparation of an athlete
  • 1. Characteristics of the mental preparation of an athlete
  • 2. Classification of means and methods of mental training of athletes
  • Lecture 15 sports training as a long-term process and its structure
  • 1. The structure of the long-term training of an athlete
  • 2. Methodological provisions for building a long-term training of an athlete
  • 3. Stages of training athletes
  • Lecture 16
  • 2. Orientation and organization of the training session
  • 3. Load in a training session
  • Lecture 17 building microcycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the microcycle
  • 2.Types of microcycles
  • 3. Combination in the microcycle of loads of different magnitude and direction
  • 4. Building microcycles with one-time and two-time sessions during the day
  • Lecture 18 building mesocycles in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of the mesocycle
  • 2. Types of mesocycles
  • 3. Combination of microcycles in a mesocycle
  • Lecture 19 building macrocycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the macrocycle
  • 2. Construction of training in annual cycles (preparatory, competitive, transitional period)
  • Lecture 20 selection and orientation in sports
  • 1. Characteristics of the concepts of "sports selection" and "sports orientation"
  • 2. Selection and orientation at various stages of long-term training of athletes
  • Lecture 21 control in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of complex control in sports
  • 2. Types of control
  • 3. Requirements for control indicators
  • Load and rest as components of sports training

    The concept of training load

    The performance of any training exercise is associated with transferring the body to a higher level of functional activity than in a state of rest or moderate functioning, and in this sense it is a “surcharge”, “loading” or “loading” the organs and systems of the body and causing, if it is large enough , fatigue. So the term means surplus functionbody activity(relative to the level of rest or other reference level), introduced by the implementation of trainingexercise, and the degree of difficulty to overcome.

    The meaning of the training load in general has long been understood: by causing the expenditure of the body's working potentials and fatigue, it thereby stimulates recovery processes, and as a result (if we do not mean excessive loads) it is accompanied not only by recovery, but also by super-recovery of working capacity (supercompensation - A. A . Ukhtomsky and others).

    Compared with the general forms of physical education in sports training, more significant loads are used both in terms of volume and intensity, which is due to the natural relationship between the level of sports achievements and load parameters. Although their ratio is not always directly proportional, the general trend is that the growth of sports achievements, of course, depends on the increase in training loads. The whole experience of the theory and practice of sports gives constant confirmation of this.

    Loads applied in sports training, by their nature can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal), large (marginal); in terms of focus - on promoting the development of individual motor abilities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc. P.; in terms of coordination complexity - to those performed under stereotyped conditions that do not require significant mobilization coordination abilities, and associated with the performance of movements of high coordination complexity; according to mental tension - to more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

    Loads can differ in belonging to one or another structural formation of the training process. In particular, one should distinguish between the loads of individual training and competitive exercises or their complexes, the loads of training sessions, days, the total loads of micro- and mesocycles, periods and stages of training, macrocycles, a training year. .

    There are indicators related to the external and internal sides of the load. The former are quantitative characteristics of the training work being performed, evaluated by its externally expressed parameters (duration, number of repetitions of training exercises, speed and pace of movements, the amount of weight being moved, etc.). The latter, expressing the degree of mobilization of the functional capabilities of the athlete's body during the performance of training work, are characterized by the magnitude of physiological, biochemical and other changes in the functional state of organs and systems due to it (an increase in heart rate, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, stroke and minute blood volume, blood lactic acid in the blood, etc.).

    According to existing ideas, the magnitude of the training load is a derivative of its intensity and volume, and their simultaneous increase can occur only up to certain limits, after which a further increase in intensity leads to a decrease in volume, and vice versa. This implies the need to take into account the parameters of the volume and intensity of the load, their ratio and change during the training process.

    concept "volume" training load refers to the duration of its impact and the total amount of work performed during a single training exercise or a series of exercises (the term "work" here is understood not only in the physicomechanical, but also in the physiological sense). The concept "intensity" load is associated with the magnitude of the applied efforts, the intensity of the functions and the force of the load at each moment of the exercise, or with the degree of concentration of the volume of training work in time (when characterizing the total intensity of a number of exercises).

    One of the most widely considered external indicators of the volume of the load is the time spent on the exercise, i.e. its length over time. The intensity of individual exercises is often assessed by the speed and pace of movements, the amount of external weights overcome, and similar indicators. When assessing the load on the part of functional changes occurring in the body, one of the indicators of its volume is, for example, the total pulse cost of the exercise (the total increase in heart rate during the exercise relative to the initial level) or the energy cost of the exercise (calculated by the additional oxygen consumption for work ), and the intensity indicators are the average, minimum and maximum values ​​​​of heart rate or energy consumption per unit of time (for example, per second or minute).

    The loads used in sports training, by their nature, can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal), large (marginal).

    Three stages can be distinguished in urgent adaptive reactions.

    The first stage is associated with the activation of the activity of various components of the functional system, which ensures the performance of the specified work. This manifests itself in a sharp increase in heart rate (HR), ventilation of the lungs, consumption of O2, accumulation of lactate in the blood, etc.

    The second stage occurs when the activity of the functional system proceeds with stable characteristics of the main parameters of its provision, in the so-called steady state.

    The transition to the third stage is characterized by an imbalance between the request and its satisfaction due to fatigue of the nerve centers that ensure the regulation of movements and the activity of internal organs, the exhaustion of the body's carbohydrate resources, etc. Too frequent presentation of requirements to the athlete's body associated with the transition to the third stage of urgent adaptation can adversely affect the rate of formation of long-term adaptation, as well as lead to negative changes in the state of various organs.

    Rest as a component of sports training

    The training process, as you know, includes rest. But only then can rest be considered V as a truly organic component of a workout when organized V accordance with its rules. Excessively short or, on the contrary, excessively long rest breaks the structure of training and in such cases turns from its integral component into an overtraining or detraining factor (detraining factor). This raises the problem of optimal regulation of rest in sports training.

    Rationally organized rest (active and passive) performs two main functions in training, which are basically the same: 1) ensures the restoration of working capacity after training loads and thereby allows them to be reused; 2) serves as one of the means of optimizing the effect of loads.

    As a recovery phase, rest in the process of training is rationalized with the help of such means and methods as the use of its various forms (including by switching to a different activity than the one that caused fatigue); complexing in certain variants of active and passive recreation; introduction in the intervals between exercise series of elements of psycho-regulatory training aimed at calming and toning the athlete, restorative massage, thermal effects (for example, short-term warming up V sauna in the intervals between swimming exercises), other hygiene procedures, etc.

    The use of rest as a means of optimizing the effect of training loads is based on the fact that the “aftereffect” of the previous load and the effect of the next one depend on its duration in the intervals between exercises and the characteristics of the content (active or passive). It is known that a sufficiently short rest interval, or "hard" interval, enhances the impact of the next load, since it coincides with the phase of incomplete recovery of working capacity and residual functional activity that remains from the previous load; rest sufficient for a simple restoration of working capacity to the initial level, or an “ordinary” interval, allows the use of a repeated load without reducing, but without increasing its parameters; rest, which creates conditions for "over-recovery" of working capacity, or "maximizing" interval, provides an opportunity to increase the next load, however, the degree of sum

    The highest readiness for performance in competitions and the achievement of high sports results are possible under the condition of modern scientific and methodological support for the entire training system. This is where the concept of "school of sports" comes from, which is understood as the system of training an athlete, which has developed on the basis of the latest scientific data and advanced sports practice.

    Along with the concept of "sport" often use the concept of " Physical Culture"or their combination" physical culture and sports. Sport is an integral part, a major component of physical culture. A number of social functions of physical culture extend to sports. However, not all sports can be attributed to the components of physical culture. This is due to the fact that the term "physical culture" is understood as an organic part of the culture of society and the individual, the rational use of physical activity by a person as a factor in optimizing his condition and development, physical preparation for life practice.

    Sports such as chess, checkers, bridge, model design disciplines are not directly related to the use of exercise as the main means of training for sports achievements.

    Although sport is one of the components of physical culture, at the same time it goes beyond its framework, gaining a certain independence. The sports movement in our country and around the world, as a rule, embraces the practice of mass sports. A multi-million army of children, teenagers, boys, girls and adults, while playing sports, improve their health, get joy from communicating with people, improve in their chosen sports specialization, improve their physical condition, overall performance and achieve sports results in accordance with their capabilities.

    The training load is the amount of training work performed that causes fatigue in the athlete, depending on the degree of difficulty being overcome.

    The concept of "load" implies a quantitative side, defined as "volume of load" and a qualitative side, characterized by intensity.

    From a biological point of view, training load causes the process of directed adaptation of the organism to training influences. The loads used in the process of physical training act as an irritant that causes adaptive changes in the body. The result of the impact of the load is expressed in its training effect, which is determined by the direction and magnitude of physiological and biochemical changes in the body. The depth of the changes that occur depends on the combination of the main characteristics or components of the load:

    1) the intensity of the exercise;

    2) duration;

    3) the number of repetitions;

    4) duration of rest;

    5) the nature of the rest.

    A different combination of these parameters allows you to use different training methods in training.

    The process of adapting the body to the impact physical activity has a phase character. Therefore, there are two stages of adaptation: urgent and long-term. The phase nature of the processes of adaptation to physical loads allows us to distinguish three types of training effects in response to the work performed.

    Urgent training effect, which occurs directly during the performance of physical exercises and during the period of urgent recovery within the first hour after the end of work. At this time, the oxygen debt formed during work is eliminated.

    Delayed training effect, the essence of which is the activation of plastic processes by physical activity and the replenishment of the body's energy resources. This effect is observed in the late phases of recovery (48-72 hours after training).

    Cumulative training effect, or cumulative, is the result of a sequential summation of urgent and delayed effects, repetitive loads. As a result of the accumulation of physical influences over long periods of training (one month or more), there is an increase in performance indicators and an improvement in sports results.

    Small physical loads do not stimulate the development of the trained function and are considered ineffective, i.e. habitual loads do not give a developing effect, they do not give an increase, an increase in the developed quality, and at best they only have a supporting effect. To achieve a pronounced cumulative effect, it is necessary to perform an amount of work that exceeds the value of inefficient loads, i.e. the load should be higher than usual, then we will get a developing effect. A further increase in the volume of work performed is accompanied, to a certain limit, by a proportional increase in the trained function. If the load for a long time exceeds the individual ability to adapt, then a state of overtraining develops, adaptation is disrupted and pathological changes occur.

    The cumulative training effect can have a very different quantitative and qualitative expression, depending on the current state of the body, the sequence of multidirectional training influences, the "traces" of the previous load, the duration of the use of certain means and other factors.