15 year old figure skater at the Olympics. How was the fate of Yulia Lipnitskaya? Hormonal imbalance due to medication

Participation in competitions, more and more young and fragile girls come on the ice, whose work, as they say, is like that of steelworkers. Let's give the floor to both the future and established stars of this elegant and tough sport. More and more rigid.

Several frames with rotations and flips, which are performed by five-year-old crumbs, clearly show: in figure skating there was a technical breakthrough.

This is all the magic of preparing for Sochi, Anna Pogorilaya, a multiple winner of the European Championship, is sure, when a scattering of talented girls affects the creative potential of diametrically opposed coaches. The competition is fierce.

“Two years ago, no one could even imagine that the girls would start jumping quads, and the most difficult ones are luts, flips,” Pogorilaya said.

Women's "figurine", as experts say, is a constant choice between complexity and art. Often ultra-complex elements and brilliant skating have minimal chances to coincide in one athlete. Especially in the figure skater.

Our brightest success at the Olympics in Pyeongchang was the performance of the phenomenal Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedeva. Thin, aortic ruptured images of the black swan and Anna Karenina are even stronger than jumping cascades oversaturated with complex elements. And how do they do it?!

Ice, choreography, OFP and SFP. Plus the diligence of the coach, which is passed on to the students. And also high level loads, creating stability in competitions. The technique of Eteri Tutberidze, who trains three of the most successful figure skaters of the current season (Alexandra Trusova, Alena Kostornaya and Anna Shcherbakova), has spread widely throughout the country, turns the sections into figure skating armies, where almost every junior masters complex multi-turn jumps.

Sochi. School of Alexei Urmanov. Renowned trainer. It was to him after the defeat that the champion of 2014, Yulia Lipnitskaya, left. Now parents bring their juniors from all over the country. Competition in Urmanov's school - five people per place.

“There is a crazy race not for those children who are now on the ice, but for their parents. Because almost all the parents who bring their children into sports today are already bringing Olympic champions, that is, they already want each of them to become an Olympic champion. But this is impossible," said Alexei Urmanov, coach, Olympic champion in figure skating, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Little girls on the Olympic ice conquer quarter luts - the most difficult of all. At 12-14 years old, this is not scary. Of course, both Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova look like established athletes next to them. The century of great figure skaters today has been reduced to 17 years.

“I probably wouldn’t want my daughter to have such a career. It’s extremely dangerous for a young body when a girl is formed at the age of 15-16, and she already has such enormous loads on her bone apparatus. And they are still very young, these girls but what will happen to them in 10 years? - asks Tatyana Navka, Olympic champion in figure skating, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

The legendary Tatyana Navka is rehearsing her new show. They go here with big ice. Here you can continue to perform without dizzying stunts, but with amazing grace and subtle drama. In the performance - only young and already very famous faces.

She is not yet in the general rehearsal rental, but Alina Zagitova is on the posters. She came to the show in the wake of the scandal that erupted around her statement "on the temporary suspension of her sports career."

Honored coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova expressed the opinion that she does not believe in the return of Zagitova, but still wishes her great luck, although she regrets it because of the swiftness of her sports career.

Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedeva were also confronted with Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who continue to compete despite their problems.

Evgeni Plushenko spoke next. He did not say anything specific, but hinted that he did not rule out the option of switching Olympic champion to another coach.

The coaching staff of "Khrustalny" has long taught the sports community to the fact that they rarely give comments and interviews, preferring deeds to words. But this time the reaction was harsh and immediate. In the group's Instagram account appeared open letter, addressed to Tatiana Tarasova and Evgeni Plushenko. In particular, Tarasova was reproached for constantly criticizing Zagitova.

The multiple champion lad Natalya Bestemyanova has her own example of a comeback: after a slight health hitch, she experienced a career renaissance.

“It was such a disaster, I was so horrified! It seemed to me that they would kick me out and put in another partner. And I had to stop eating altogether, and this, of course, is very harmful,” recalls Natalya Bestemyanova, Olympic champion in figure skating, honored master of sports of the USSR.

The fact that there are almost no older athletes in figure skating is one of the main reasons why the modern coaching system is so often criticized by mentors of the old Soviet school.

“You need to feel your athlete, to feel what he needs at this moment. It is necessary to live with this athlete with one soul,” Igor Bobrin, European champion in figure skating, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of Russia, is sure.

It's not just about the coaches, but also about how the system of national quotas works. Sometimes countries actually create two national teams. For example, Japan and the United States often send different figure skaters and figure skaters to the Four Continents Tournament - an analogue of the European Championships - and the World Championships. Thanks to this, a greater number of athletes can perform at major starts in the second half of the season. But in Russia this is not accepted.

"Today, the difficulties that are shown in junior competitions are sometimes more serious than in adults. And just this junior squad and goes into serious big competitions,” explained Irina Rodnina, three-time Olympic champion in figure skating, State Duma deputy.

Alina Zagitova ended the season ahead of schedule. Why is everyone arguing about this? Young figure skater Maria Baranova suggests changing the angle of view.

"People put a lot of money on champions and sports. And that's why such conflicts happen. People just need to promote themselves not only in sports, so that everyone says: wow, what a cool Russia!" Baranov said.

Due to an injury, Maria left big sport"veterans" at 10 years old. Laura is training nearby. She is 6. In terms of the complexity of the elements performed, she is about to jump over her friend. We ask: who is the next world champion? They answer, as sincerely as only real athletes can: "It decides the ice."

Where is figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya now? After brilliant victories at the Olympics, awarding the title of Olympic champion, the athlete announced the end of her career in figure skating. What really happened and how is the youngest “golden” winner of Sochi 2014 doing now?


Yulia Lipnitskaya was born in the city of Yekaterinburg on June 5, 1998. Mom Daniela Leonidovna raised her daughter alone. Mother once brought 4-year-old Yulia to the skating rink of the Lokomotiv Sports School in her hometown. In an interview, the Olympic champion admitted that for a long time she could not decide what to give preference to, skates or horses. By the way, Julia still retained her love for equestrian sports.

But the choice was made in favor of figure skating thanks to my mother. The girl's first coach later recalled that the athlete amazed him with her diligence and persistent character. Also, the mentor Elena Levkovets noted the good constitution of the girl for this sport: she has a great combination of jumping and stretching, the reaction and the vestibular apparatus also work well.

A young athlete with her mother moved to Moscow in 2009 to further develop her sports talent. Lipnitskaya falls into the hands of coach Eteri Tutberidze, who will soon grow into a real Olympic champion.

Since 2011, the figure skater has been successfully performing at the Junior Grand Prix, where she won first place. For a whole season, the conqueror of ice was at the top, not giving others a chance to win. In the next season, Julia is already showing excellent results in adult tournaments.

Before the Sochi Olympics, Lipnitskaya earned the title of European champion. At the 2014 Olympics, a free program based on the movie "Schindler's List" was shown. Last news reported that the performance made a splash - he Russian President gave a standing ovation, and Steven Spielberg, the director of the film, wrote his admiring comments in a letter to the athlete.

The Olympic Games brought gold to our country, and Yulia the title of the first single figure skater to win the Olympics.

After triumphant victories in 2014, a decline began to be observed in his career. Lipnitskaya could not get to the European championship, conflicts began with her mother and coach. Everyone attributed the behavior of the athlete to a transitional age, and some suspected star fever in Yulia. The figure skater left Eteri Tutberidze and began to study with another coach. In 2016, the champion severely injured her back and took a long time to recover. Then, information began to appear more and more often that the girl was suffering from anorexia.

Where did Yulia Lipnitskaya go?

Where is figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya now? Such a question can often be heard from the lips of both sports fans and all those who watched the 2014 Olympics, where Yulia showed brilliant results and brought gold awards to the country.

It must be said that after triumphant victories on Olympic Games ah, Lipnitskaya's career went into decline. In 2016, at the Grand Prix stage, she felt severe leg cramps during a performance. The girl tried to skate the program again, but made an unfortunate fall. In the end, she ended up in last place in standings. This circumstance greatly saddened the athlete and all sports observers.

The failures didn't end there. In December 2016, Yulia, returning from training, slipped and fell. As a result, an injury to the hip joint and lower back was diagnosed. Due to health problems, Julia was forced to interrupt the selections for the European and World Championships.

Since then, the athlete has disappeared from the field of view of fans and the public. Even on social networks, she stopped posting pictures and news. For several months, everyone wondered what happened to the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya and where she is now.

A few months later, new photos of the athlete appeared on the Web. On them, the girl was very plump. It turned out that the girl had hormonal changes, and she was suffering from excess. The athlete began to fight the disease. She tried to limit her diet and exercise, but full-fledged sports were impossible. As a result, the struggle to restore its former form ended with Yulia suffering from anorexia.

For a long time nothing was heard about the Olympic champion. There was information that she was being treated for anorexia in one of the European clinics. Later, this information was confirmed by the girl's mother, Daniela Leonidovna. Also, the mother of the Olympic star in mid-2017 reported another piece of news that shocked everyone. It turned out that Yulia Lipnitskaya was ending her sports career.

Now it became clear what happened to the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya and where she is now. Shortly before this, the girl was awarded the keys to a 2-room apartment in the south-west of Moscow for sports merit. The girl, due to health problems that arose, left her dreams of returning to the ice, stopped sitting on debilitating diets and began to equip her new apartment.

Last news

The news about the departure of Yulia Lipnitskaya from big-time sports caused a wide public outcry. For some time, the girl remained silent and did not talk about the reasons for leaving. A few months later, she gave a candid interview. According to Lipnitskaya herself, 99 percent of her decision to end her career was influenced by health problems, other circumstances were already superimposed from above. For several months, the girl was treated for anorexia, psychologists worked with her, who helped the athlete to prioritize her life.

Soon, Yulia met with the leadership of the Figure Skating Federation and announced her decision to leave the national team. Fans noticed that Julia was very sad at the meeting, it is clear that such a decision was not easy for her.

A little girl in a red dress easily takes off and falls on the ice to the tune from the movie Schindler's List. The next day, she will receive a letter of gratitude personally from director Spielberg for the created image. And experts will say: not a performance, but some kind of effect of the 25th frame. Don't take your eyes off Lipnitskaya.

The youngest single skater who became the Olympic champion in the team event. Tight lips. Sly squint. Fragile but strong. The whole country loved her like that. And here is some unexpected news: Yulia Lipnitskaya is leaving the sport.

The TASS agency quotes the words of the mother of the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya: “Julia informed the leadership of the federation about her plans to end her career back in April, immediately after returning from Europe, where she underwent a three-month treatment for anorexia.”

Before that, there was no talk about such details of Yulia's life. Lipnitskaya, although she did not often give interviews, but if she spoke with journalists, then she was quite open. She told, for example, about the transitional age and, quite the contrary, the fight against excess weight.

“I used to think that the phrase “getting better from the air” is just such a turn of speech, but what happened to me is best reflected by these words,” the athlete said in an interview with Sports.ru.

Last year, again, she did not hide why she missed the Russian Championship in December - an injury, she slipped on the street. However, failures began immediately after Sochi. Ninth place in the Russian Championship, did not qualify for the European Championship. Then Yulia does not go on the ice for almost a year. Returns in October 2015 during a tournament in Finland. Whether she leaves or not, this time Yulia herself is in no hurry to explain.

“She has not yet come to the Federation, she has not yet said that she is leaving, although I have not seen her for a very long time already. A person who would like to return would have already returned,” says coach Tatyana Tarasova.

Tatyana Tarasova believes that fame came to Yulia too early. As a teenager, she took the "gold" of the European Championship, the "silver" of the World Championship, "shot" at the Olympics in Sochi. Then there are the problems of growth, which only hinder growth in sports. Coach Alexei Mishin has a different version: perhaps Yulia set the bar too high and in the end she was just tired.

“I came to the rink and realized that I couldn’t skate anymore. These are the states of the human soul," he says.

Alexei Mishin is the coach of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, once one of Lipnitskaya's main rivals. Tuktamysheva is called a child prodigy in figure skating. From the age of 12, she masterfully and easily performs triple jumps of any complexity. There are enough strong young skaters in Russia today, and again, competition that is not easy to withstand.

"Women's single skating remains the strongest in Russia. We have a very strong position. Following Yulia, Liza Tuktamysheva became the world champion. And now the leadership is very clearly and confidently taken by Evgenia Medvedeva, who has already become two-time champion world,” says coach Ilya Averbukh.

Medvedeva is a pupil of Eteri Tuberidze. It was this coach who once led Lipnitskaya to victory in Sochi. Then Julia decided to change her coach. Passed on to Alexei Urmanov. Moved from Moscow to Sochi. Looking for myself. Perhaps the end of a career is a continuation of the search, suggest in the Figure Skating Federation.

“Maybe they want to study? And at 19, it's not too late to start. So I started coaching at the age of 19,” says Tatyana Tarasova.

Whatever Yulia Lipnitskaya decides, her victory is unique. After the Olympics, the figure skater won something more weighty than a cup, a medal or a figurine - people's love.

Yulia Lipnitskaya took first place in the short and free programs of the team tournament of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, gaining 209.72 points. The figure skater became the youngest champion in history winter olympics.

During the speech of Yulia Lipnitskaya in Ice Palace Iceberg Sports was attended by President Vladimir Putin, who personally congratulated the skater on her victory. The skater Evgeni Plushenko also supported Lipnitskaya.

“Lipnitskaya is a genius. She has a huge future, a gigantic one. Just like Hanyu. These are athletes who have a great future, 10-12 years ahead. I am proud that I skate with such great athletes, ”figure skater Evgeni Plushenko commented on Lipnitskaya’s performance on the air of the Russia 2 TV channel.

“You know, there are two phenomena here. The fact that her parents gave birth to a very talented girl, and the fact that at one time she met a wonderful young coach Eteri Tutberidze, who does her job perfectly, ”said Plushenko’s coach, Alexei Mishin, in an interview with the same TV channel.

“For me, it was a test run. With such a title, it will be easier for me to start in the individual tournament purely morally, because I already have Olympic experience, which is very valuable for me. Still can't believe all of this. In a personal tournament, I will skate better, ”the Sports.ru Internet portal quotes Lipnitskaya as saying.

Yulia Lipnitskaya started figure skating at the age of four. To the sports school Olympic reserve Lokomotiv in Yekaterinburg, the future champion was brought by her mother, Daniela Leonidovna Lipnitskaya. In 2009, the figure skater's family had to make an important decision: in order for Yulia to continue her studies, Daniela Leonidovna moved to Moscow.

“We went to the stages, and it became clear to us that our level is much lower than that shown by the athletes of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Therefore, the question arose with an edge: what to do next? - said Yulia's mother in an interview with the Moscow Skater magazine.

From Yekaterinburg, Daniela Leonidovna and Yulia literally traveled “to nowhere”: in Moscow they had no housing, no relatives, no acquaintances. However, after the trainer Eteri Tutberidze, who teaches at the Moscow sports school Olympic reserve, the difficulties of the Lipnitskys were no longer frightened.

“We arrived, called the owner’s apartment, with whom there was an agreement that we would live with her, but they didn’t pick up the phone there. And now my mother and I are sitting in the car near Auchan, it’s almost night on the street, and we have nowhere to go, and we don’t know what to do, ”Yulia shared with the Moscow Skater magazine.

The support of Daniela Leonidovna, according to Eteri Tutberidze, helps her a lot in preparing Yulia. The fact is that Lipnitskaya's mother travels with her to all competitions and closely monitors her diet and diet. However, the young figure skater herself is very organized. So, Yulia was nicknamed "a girl without nerves" for her calmness during the competition.

“It’s just that Yulia is a characteristic lady, she knows how to keep emotions in her fist. Julia is a very harmonious alloy physical ability, endurance, dedication and diligence. Even general physical training coaches admit that it is almost impossible to combine high flexibility, stretching and ice jumps in one person, ”the first coach of Lipnitskaya, Elena Levkovets, shared in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

By the age of 15, Yulia Lipnitskaya became the European champion, the world champion among juniors, the silver medalist of the Grand Prix final, the silver medalist of the Russian Championship ... Now this is far from complete list victories, the figure skater added primacy in the team tournament of the Winter Olympic Games. Now Yulia is preparing for individual competitions, which will be held in Sochi on February 19 and 20.

The figure skater's preparation is more than thorough. What is one Julia's diet worth! “It’s still very hard for Yulia, she struggles with weight every day. I have never encountered this in my work - she simply cannot eat at all. And I am very sorry that she has to endure so much, but there is nothing I can do about it. She's good at getting through this. When she needs to lose weight, she only eats Squeezy powder - this is fiber that gives energy, ”said coach Lipnitskaya in an interview with the Team Russia Internet portal.

After her performance at the Sochi Olympics, the name of the figure skater (Yulia Lipnitskaya) topped the list of global Twitter trends. Also, more often than others, users are looking for the phrase “Yulya Lipnitskaya”, Russian trends include “Yulya Lipnitskaya”, “Yulya” and “Yulya”, hashtags #Lipnitskaya and #figure skating. We are sure that after the performance in the individual championship, Yulia Lipnitskaya will become even more popular.