Tennis racket weight. What should be a tennis racket? How to choose a racket? Expert advice

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How to choose a tennis racket?

A tennis racket is the most important item in any tennis player's arsenal. The racquet brings to our game everything that we cannot achieve solely through technique.

How to choose from the huge number of rackets on the market the one that is right for you, for your style of play? Where can I find racket parameters and what do they mean?

On the frame of most tennis rackets or in manufacturer's catalogs dedicated to them, the following parameters are indicated: weight, head size, balance, string formula, recommended preload, and sometimes additional frame width, its rigidity and swing style.

The main parameters that should be considered in the first place are the weight of the tennis racket, head size and balance.

Knowing weight, you can understand for the players with which swing this racket is designed. The weight will also indirectly indicate the degree of skill of the player for whom it is intended.

As a general rule, the heavier the racquet, the longer the swing must be in order for the racquet to achieve a certain amount of movement and stability when hitting the ball.

    Racket with a heavy frame:

    Light frame racket:

Separation of rackets by weight*

    up to 265 grams: beginner tennis players - short swing

    up to 285 grams: beginner tennis players - short swing

    265 - 285 grams: Intermediate Ki Players - Short/Medium Swing

    285 - 300 grams: ki and intermediate tennis players - short / medium swing

    > 300 grams: experienced amateurs and professionals - long swing

* racket weight is given without the weight of the strings (15-17 g.)

Head size : another parameter that helps determine the purpose of the racket.

The larger the head, the larger the sweet spot of the racket (sweet spot), while the racket is more comfortable, dynamic, and allows you to give the ball a stronger rotation. The smaller head size allows for better feel and control of the ball, giving better maneuverability with a smaller playing spot.

Head sizes

    MID (short for "midsize") up to 93 inches / 613 cm²

    MP (short for "midplus") from 95" / 632 cm² to 102" / 660 cm²

    OS (short for "oversize") from 104 inches / 671 cm²

Another important indicator is the balance, that is, the balance rackets. For a heavy racket, balance increases its maneuverability if it balanced neutral or in the handle . In a frame with a lower weight, the balance increases dynamics, and also allows you to give the ball more spin if it is balanced in racket head.

Most doubles players who often play close to the net choose racquets balanced in handle. Athletes playing on the back line who prefer aggressive strikes top spin, choose rackets, balanced to the head.

Types of balance*

    balanced to the head - more than 33 cm

    neutral balance - 32 - 33 cm

    balanced in the handle - less than 32 cm

*balance is indicated without the weight of the strings. When setting the strings, the balance may move about 1 cm towards the head.

Stretching scheme (string formula)

This is the ratio of the number of horizontal strings to vertical, distinguish between open and closed versions of the string formula. The open version is a large number of horizontal strings than vertical ones, in the open version there are more vertical strings.

An open string arrangement gives the ball more dynamics and more intense spin, provides greater control, a closed version allows you to control and feel the ball better, while the strings wear out less.The closed string formula requires more skill from the player, so it is recommended for more experienced tennis players with a fast-medium or long swing.

Types of string formulas

    16/18 - open version

    16/19 - open option

    16/20 - closed option

    18/20 - closed option

frame width

The thinner the frame, the more skill the racket requires, it is designed for a player with a long swing. The thin frame allows for better control and feel of the ball. Wide frame allows you to increase the force of impact and the degree of rotation of the ball, recommended for tennis players with a short swing.

Frame width options

    less than 22 mm - thin frames

    22-23 mm - medium frame

    over 24 mm - wide frame

Frame rigidity

Stiffness is a very important element when choosing a racket, knowing this parameter, which is indicated in RA units, you can determine the degree of comfort of a racket. This is a parameter related to the degree of deformation of the racket at the moment the strings make contact with the ball.

The stiffer the racket, the more dynamic it gives the ball. In turn, the lower the RA, the more accurate the racket.

Rigid racquets are more forgiving and are recommended for players with a short to medium swing. The soft frame requires the player to have a more competent position and more accurate shot, therefore it is intended for experienced amateurs and professionals for whom control and feeling of the ball is important.

Types of stiffness

    less than 62 RA (low stiffness) - long swing

    63-65 RA (medium hard) - medium, long swing

    over 65 RA (high stiffness) - short, medium, long swing

Swing Style:

The swing style is determined by the length of the "loop" that we perform with the racket - this is the moment from the beginning to the end of the stroke. The longer and better this movement is completed, the heavier the tennis player can play with a racket. In this case, the player has enough time to give the strike a certain movement dynamics.

Swing types

    short swing

    middle swing

    long swing

Selection of rackets for children and teenagers:
The main rule when choosing a racket for a child is the selection of the length of the racket for height.

    26 inches - height from 140 to 165 cm

    25 inches - height from 125 to 140 cm

    23 inches - height from 112 to 125 cm

    21 inches - height from 100 to 112 cm