Crossword on the subject of a dispute of 5 words. Crosswords on a sports theme for elementary school

Crosswords for physical education

Physical culture is not only a culture of movement, but also theoretical knowledge. You can fix and check them with the help of riddles and crossword puzzles. In physical education classes, we introduce children to various sports equipment, sports equipment, with sports. Children receive a wide variety of knowledge.
Best of all, memorization occurs in an involuntary form; poetic forms help to assimilate the material. And it is easy to move from rhyme to questions of riddles - tell a word; continue the offer pick a rhyme So gradually children learn to solve riddles.
Riddles also contain logical chains, that is, the logical thinking of preschoolers also develops.
Riddles and crossword puzzles are very relevant when conducting sports activities and holidays. They can also be offered in tasks for joint leisure of children and parents.
Preschool age is the best time for all-round development, and physical education, games and literature are good helpers.


1. What is this game?
Did the kid run?
The ball is driven by who is faster,
They kill who is more dexterous. (Football)

2. If you win the match
And threw the ball into the net
If the jump is higher than all,
What will you get, friend? (Prize)

3. In the morning we are on schedule
We always do ... (Exercise)

4. When spring takes its toll
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me. (Rope)

5. He always follows the field,
To have a fair game. (Judge)

6. This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just drive harder. (Bike)

7. Yes, I have guys
Two silver horses
I drive both at the same time.
What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

8. Doesn't play by the rules
Even if one player
For the judge to correct him
You need to whistle at ... (Whistle)

9. The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy.
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day long. (Shower)

10. The mesh is tightly stretched,
Next is the goalkeeper.
What is this place
Where is the blow directed? (Gates)

11. The mouse runs on ice
Will I get in, won't I? (Washer)

Dealing with this business
You will become strong, dexterous, courageous
Plus a great figure.
That's what it means ... physical education!



1. To run very fast
Take the bar all the time “cleanly”,
Throw the ball farthest
And, of course, be the first
Every day with friends
Came to _______________

2. He is with you and with me
Walked through the woods.
A friend walking behind
On belts with fasteners.

3. Picked up a stick - do not be shy.
There is no better game than ___________

4 . Here the spectators sit
And a lot of noise...
What is the name of the place?

5 . When spring takes over
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me.

6 . I have two horses, two horses,
They carry me on the water.
And the water is as hard as stone.

7 . Shield with a basket, the ball on the floor ...
We play ________________

8 . He's not a player, but you can't argue with him,
Who whistles the loudest?

9. When the three sports are together,
They are called ________________

10 . Dragged a friend - grip
One hand in the fight ______________

12. Eat carrots, lettuce, oranges,

An athlete needs __________ to be strong.




1. Dragged a friend - grip
One hand in the fight _____

2. He is a rocking chair and a bed
It's good to lie on it.
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shows on weight.

4. We beat the ball with our feet - football,
What about hands? ___________

6. Likes to walk in the forest
Sleep in a tent
And kindle a fire.

7. Hit with a run
Aiming for the goal
Others build barriers.
They chose a green field for battle,
Usually the massacre lasts an hour and thirty.

8. I ride it until the evening time,

But my lazy horse

Carries only from the mountain.

And always on the hill
On foot I walk
And I drive my horse by the rope


3. With a stick we drive it on ice
And we score at the gate.

5. There is a sports game
Her fans are countless.
The ball flies, and the net is in the field,
And in our hands ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist
Climbing uphill _______________

10. A gang of guys went out on the ice,
Sticks on the ice ring loudly.
And the puck flies
We will shout: "OK!"
Games are no better than _________

11. Great football game
Already scored the first _________




2. Two straps hang on me
There are pockets on the back
If you go hiking with me
I'll hang on my back.

4. I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I will not put on the fence,
He will fall on me.

7. The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we run.

10. Throw in the river - do not drown,
You hit the wall - you don't groan.
You will throw the earth -
Will fly upward.


1. I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I don't want to drop.

3. small, distant
Screams loudly
Helping the judge
Tired does not know.

5. Two new maple
Two-meter soles:
I put two feet on them
And run through the big snows.

6. Stick in the form of a comma
Throws the ball in front of him.

8. All summer stood
Winters were expected.
Waited for the pores
Rushed down the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit
Not an eagle and not a cormorant.
This little bird
It's called _______

11. What is it with Galochka?
thread on a stick,
thread in the water,
Wand in hand.




1. He will lie on the palm of his hand,
Not a clock, but there are arrows,
It will come in handy on the road
You can't get lost anywhere with him.

4. Through this obstacle
I have to jump over
Horses at the races.

5. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for orders from the judge:
"On __________ ".

7. Wind blown into the sea
Swan Wing.
The boy is on guard
He is a sailor on this __________.


2. Sunday day
Deserted at school
Run with the ball
Guys in ___________

3. And from the wind, and from the heat,
Will cover you from the rain.
And how sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? ______________

4. To swim
Learn faster
We need to go to _______.

6. There will be two brothers
Swim in the river:
Come out together
Dive together.
The boat is out of place
They are not allowed to stand.

8. I'm not looking at the first row:
On the edges of the boat stand,
I see horses nearby
There is no figure of their cunning,
Enclosed between horses
Our brave elephants
And there are two more fields,
And on them the king and ___________.

9. Hiking with a backpack
He carries a warm house with him.
Cooking food on a fire
But not in a pot, but in a bucket.

10. He stands at the gate
Protects them from the ball.



1. We dream to score a ball in the basket,
But the opponent is stopping us.
The ball is dribbled on the floor
In the game known ____________.

2. I'm sitting under glass
I look in all directions
You will climb into the forest with me -
You won't get lost along the way.

3. What is this guy?
____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down _________________.

5. From gate to gate
The people run briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets.

6. I don't understand guys, who are you?
Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
- Don't interfere with the game.
You'd better leave
We play _______________.

7. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for orders from the judge:
"On _________________ ".

8. Where Vanya, there we are.
We are fun in the days of winter.
And we are fine today
Bolted to shoes.

9. He's not a player, but argue
You can't with him!
Who whistles the loudest?

10. Eat carrots, lettuce,
An athlete needs to be strong

11. Swimming white goose
Wooden belly,
Linen wing



1. Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how it is treated, he tells him;
Who is sick -
He will offer to take drops,
For those who are healthy
Allow me to walk.

2. This bird is not a tit
Not a goldfinch and not an eagle!
This little bird
It is called _____________.

3. Hiking with a backpack
He carries a warm house with him.
Cooking food on a fire
But not in a pot, but in a bucket.

4. I take a racket in my hands
What a beauty.
Magic ball with feathers
Flying under the sky.

5. I just keep walking
And if I do, I fall.

6. We are your true friends
And we must not be forgotten.
Let's save the kids from a sore throat,
Eat in winter ______________

7. Bent over the river
Their deal is this:
The river will exchange it
Perch on a worm.

8. - Tell me about this:
How did you become a strongman?
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I pick up ________________.

9. He keeps order on the field,
The judge helps and shouts loudly.
But he doesn't need current
Because he - _____________.

10. This riddle is not easy.
I always write through two "K",
Hit the ball and the puck with a club
And my name is ______________.

11. In an open field near a birch
There are stripes on the snow.
The fox came closer
- Somebody's _____________ ran here.


climber. 28. Sports school equipment. 29. Boat touching a turning mark. 30. Training fight in fencing. 31. Attack on the gate of the enemy. 32. Competitions, race of draft trotting horses.


1. End of the race. 2. Type of protection in boxing. 3. Sport equipment hockey goalie. 4. Athlete-runner on long distances. 5. Class of Olympic yachts. 7. Famous domestic hockey goalie. 10. "Weapons" sports referee. 12. The city where XIV took place winter Olympics. 13. Long distance running. 15 Punch in boxing. 17. Sports projectile. 19. Sports team. 20. Olympic champion in pairs figure skating. 22. Competitions, races sports courts. 23. Gymnastic hand apparatus. 26. Ice skating rink. 27. Something without which ice hockey is impossible.

Physical education and sports

Horizontally: 3. Skis, 4. Stand. 6. Court. 8. Final. 9. Canoe. 11. Baseball. 14. Isakov. 16. Charging. 18. Spartakiad. 21. Corner. 24. "Well". 25. Ice pick. 28. Rope. 29. Bulk. 30. Asso. 31. Attack. 32. Running.
Vertical: 1. Finish. 2. Slope. 3. Trap. 4. Stayer. 5. "Dragon". 7. Tretiak. 10. Whistle. 12. Sarajevo. 13. Marathon. 15. Swing. 17. Spear. 19. Team. 20. Rodnina. 22. Regatta. 23. Mace. 26. Skating rink. 27. Washer.

Crossword on the subject of "physical education" on the topic "Sports"


2. A sport that is downhill from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a controlled sled

3. This is movement on the ground using vehicles driven by human muscle power

5. One of the types of motorsport is a game of football on motorcycles

7. Arm wrestling.

8. A subspecies of croquet, in which only one hit is given to pass the hoop. Part of the name - similar popular sport game

9. The inventor of the projectile for this sport is the American F. Ragallo. the device resembles a sail or the Greek letter "delta"

11. This is an endurance competition consisting of four disciplines. The winner is determined by the criterion of the minimum time for successful completion of all four stages

12. One of ancient species sports, including competitions on various apparatuses, as well as in floor exercises and vaults

13. best view sports

14. Downhill skiing along a track 450-500 m long, marked with gates

15. The interaction of individuals or groups, teams, in the process of which the desire of the parties to exceed the results of others arises and is realized.

16. It happens: Group, Steam, Jumping

18. Popular team sports game with a ball and a bat, a descendant of cricket

19. Sports game with the ball of two teams of six people each. competitions consist of three or five games

20. Sports discipline, which consists in overcoming the swim in the shortest time of various distances.

22. The collective name of several board games with different rules, as well as a special table on which the game takes place

23. Introduction training, prepares the body for heavy loads


1. Sports team game with a ball, a kind of baseball. The ball is softer than a baseball and has a slower airspeed. Literally from English - soft ball

4. A sport from the class of sports all-around, in which participants compete in five disciplines: show jumping, fencing, shooting, running, swimming

6. The art of composing a dance

8. A subspecies of croquet, translated from English - garden croquet.

10. Board logic game with special figures on a 64-cell board for two opponents

16. In sports competitions in this sport, the object of the competition is the height of the peak, the technical complexity of the route traveled, its nature and length.

17. Gymnastics to rhythmic music, which helps to follow the rhythm of the exercises

21. Team play in which two teams aim to hit the opponent's goal with a rubber ball using their feet and a projectile that is a cross between a club and a racket

Crosswords with answers on the topic "Sport" for younger students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary school MKOU "Mikhailovskaya school" of Kikvidzensky district of the Volgograd region
Material Description: This material is intended for students in grades 3, 4. Can be used by the teacher in the classroom physical education, in extracurricular work on the subject. This crossword can be used in the summer health camp, on the International Olympic Day, June 23.
Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about sports
Tasks: develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive and intellectual abilities of students.

Crossword 1

1. He stands at the gate
And protect the gate.
You hit the gate -
Don't miss the ball...
2. Two spoked wheels, two pedals.
They wanted to ride - their legs stood up on them.
Turned the pedal a little
And the wheels themselves ran.
3. Leaky sieve
Nailed to the handle
They hit the balls.
What is the name of the item?
4. There is a large one, and there is a desktop one,
The athlete is free to choose.
5. The guys have only one skates
They are only summer.
6. They call it that in sports
Field for boxing fights.
(boxing ring)

7. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.
1. We sailed on a boat, twisted with shovels.
Tell me, guys, what are these shovels?
2. Me on Saturday morning mom
I ordered to play scales,
But my friend came to me
And took me to play...
3. There are two boards on the legs.
Take a risk on them.
Roll down from the mountain,
And then stop.
4. The dome in the sky suddenly opened up
And fell to the ground.
5. Ice skating
And he has a club in his hand.
He hits the puck with this stick.
And who will name the athlete?
(hockey player)
6. Ice platform
Very smooth.
(ice rink)
7. If you are friendly with me,
Persistent in training
You will grow up healthy
Hardy and dexterous.
8. Everyone kicks him
And they scurry back and forth.
And kicks and cuffs
Generous, give away a lot.
Crossword with answers:

Crossword 2

Exercise: Consider the items shown. All of them are taken from various sports games. Enter the name of these games in the cells of the crossword puzzle.
Answers: volleyball, hockey, basketball, handball, baseball, football, tennis.

Crossword 3

Exercise: Based on the description, determine what kind of sport it is. Write down the words - sports in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Make up a phrase from the letters in the highlighted cells.

1. One of a kind skiing, which includes several disciplines: ski acrobatics, ski cross, mogul, halfpipe, slopestyle. Originally originated as a mixture skiing and acrobatics. (freestyle)
2. A type of luge that requires a steerable sled. On these sleighs they descend along specially equipped ice tracks. (bobsled)
3. One of the most popular species gymnastics. There are three types: jumping, steam and group. (acrobatics)
4. Fans of this sport have to climb mountain peaks, sometimes difficult to access. (mountaineering)
5. Competitions on the water various distances which are held both in pools and on open water. (swimming)
1. Most often this is called cross-country running. However, not everyone knows that some other types of cross-country racing are also called this way. Can be automobile, bicycle, ski, motorcycle. (cross)
2. Those who go in for this kind of sport must be proficient with hand cold steel, strike them (pricks), and also reflect the opponent's blows. (fencing)
3. A winter sport in which the competition takes place on ice. The participants of the two teams alternately "roll" the shells towards the "house" - a target drawn on the ice. The main task is to hit the target as accurately as possible. (curling)
4. In this sport, athletes need special gloves to hit each other. (boxing)
5. In this sport, athletes compete not only in cross-country skiing. After passing a certain distance, the athlete shoots from a rifle. For each miss, he receives a penalty loop, or a penalty time. (biathlon)
6. For this sports game, you need a round target that is hung on the wall. Players throw darts in an attempt to hit the target. (darts)

Compiled phrase: Olympic day .

Great new crosswords about sports, test your knowledge about sports. Maybe you are well versed in Martial Arts, or you are fascinated by team games, or maybe individual ones. Crosswords for every taste, answers are attached!

Check if you are well erudite in sports such as extreme, individual and strength. Solve an interesting crossword about sports.

1. Sport and type active rest, which consists in climbing on natural or artificial terrain.
2. A game that uses rackets and a shuttlecock.
3. extreme view a sport in which a special parachute is used to jump from fixed objects.
4. A game in which the club needs to drive the ball into the hole.
5. A power sport in which they build and develop muscles by doing exercise with weights and using high-energy nutrition.
6. Russian folk sports game. In this game, it is necessary to “knock out” figures by throwing bats from certain distances.
7. Power sport, the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the most heavy weight for an athlete.
8. Game with balls to knock down pins.
9. Playing with rackets and a ball.
10. A sport whose purpose is to climb the tops of mountains.
11. Board game for two players, which consists in moving chips in a certain way through the cells.
12. Sometimes it is easy, but in power types sport is used heavy.
13. Board logic game with special figures on a 64-cell board
14. The game takes place on a special table with the help of balls and a cue.
15. game view sport with ball and racket indoors.
16. Extreme sport, rope jumping from a high object.
17. Variety sports tourism, the meaning is to travel through natural caves overcoming various natural obstacles.

View answer

Answers: 1. Climbing, 2. Badminton, 3. Base jumping, 4. Golf, 5. Bodybuilding, 6. Towns, 7. Powerlifting, 8. Bowling, 9. Tennis, 10. Climbing, 11. Checkers, 12. Athletics, 13. Chess, 14. Billiards, 15. Squash, 16. Ropejumping, 17. Caving.

If you love martial arts, then solving this crossword puzzle about martial arts will not be difficult for you. Or maybe you'll learn something new.

1. Brazilian national martial arts, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, playing to music.
2. Japanese martial art, philosophy and unarmed combat sports created by Jigoro Kano.
3. Korean martial art in which the legs are actively used.
4. The art of hand-to-hand combat, the main principle of which is a "soft", "pliable" technique of movements.
5. Soviet look combat sports, as well as a comprehensive self-defense system.
6. Martial arts, in which athletes strike each other with fists in special gloves.
7. Japanese martial arts, in which two wrestlers reveal the strongest on a round platform, the average weight of the wrestlers is 120-130 kg.
8. A French martial art that uses both hands and feet in equal measure, combining elements of Western boxing and kicks.
9. A type of martial arts that combines the technique of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques.
10. Korean martial art, similar to Japanese aikido, but closer to Jiu-jitsu.
11. Modern Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba.
12. A sport created in Japan on the basis of a samurai duel.
13. View of the struggle on the table with hands between two participants.
14. Philippine martial art.
15. Martial arts, the rules of which allow punches and kicks with the use of boxing gloves in the equipment.
16. Japanese martial art, defense and attack system.
17. Modern swordsmanship, the way of the sword.
18. The national sport of Uzbekistan with its own rules, methodology and system for training athletes.
19. A kind of wrestling in which the capture of the opponent's legs, sweeps and active use of the legs when performing any technique are allowed.
20. Chinese martial arts, in a word.
21. A style of kung fu that emphasizes hand-to-hand combat, quick strikes and complete protection. Also in China there is a wushu school under this name.
22. European type of martial arts, in which the athlete must, with the help of certain techniques, unbalance the opponent and press the shoulder blades to the carpet.
23. Ancient martial art of Thailand.

View answer

Answers: 1. Capoeira, 2. Judo, 3. Taekwondo, 4. Jiujitsu, 5. Sambo, 6. Boxing, 7. Sumo, 8. Savat, 9. Grappling, 10. Hapkido, 11. Aikido, 12. Spochang, 13. Arm wrestling, 14. Arnis, 15. Kickboxing, 16. Karate, 17. Kendo, 18. Turon, 19. Freestyle, 20. Wushu, 21. Wing Chun, 22. Greco-Roman, 23. Muay Thai.

Do you know all team sports, solve an interesting crossword puzzle about team sports games.

1. This is not only a team sport, but also an active type of recreation, a game using paint balls.
2. Popular team game and ancient game in Asia, which includes elements of wrestling and tags.
3. Sports game, the purpose of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal.
4. Russian folk team game with a ball and a bat.
5. National sport in Lithuania. The team must throw the ball as much as possible with their hands into the ring with the opponent's net.
6. Playing with the ball 7 by 7 players, almost football, but the ball is thrown into the goal with hands.
7. A sports team game with an oval ball, which the players of each team pass to each other with their hands and feet.
8. Playing with a club, it happens on ice, on grass.
9. A team non-contact sport that is part of a family of games that use a bat and a ball. The game originated in the south of England.
10. A sport in which players ride horses and use special clubs to score a ball.
11. The official name of the two team sports with the ball. In Russia, this sport is most often called mini-football.
12. A sports game similar to netball and basketball, most common in the Netherlands and Belgium.
13. The only card game recognized as International Olympic Committee as a sport.
14. Team sports game with a ball and a bat. The team consists of 9 people.
15. A game in which two teams compete on a special area divided by a net, a ball game. In this game, the following qualities are important: jumping ability, reaction, coordination, physical strength.
16. Team contact sport, using a small rubber ball and stick called a stick.
17. A team sport from the hockey family, it is also called indoor hockey.
18. Team sports game on an ice rink. Each team has 4 players, granite shells are used.

Crossword on the topic "Winter sports" with questions and answers. Ready crossword consists of 10 words, suitable for children and adults. It can be used as a task at thematic matinees, quizzes, or as a physical education task to broaden one's horizons. There are attached files below so that you can download the crossword puzzle and print it (two files, a separate file with questions and a separate file with answers).

Crossword on the topic "Winter sports"

Questions for the crossword "Winter sports":

  1. Olympic sport, downhill sledding.
  2. Two-track sled for descent on the stomach facing forward, and the sport of the same name.
  3. Skiing style.
  4. Wok-….
  5. Winter sport: skiing for air ... .
  6. The most popular winter sport.
  7. A section of the mountainside equipped for winter views sports.
  8. Jumping facility, part of the snowy track.
  9. A person who uses wooden skids on his feet to ride in the snow.
  10. Competitions in which you need to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.