Regulations on judges. Categories of sports referees

Refereeing is a necessary and honorable activity in competitions in any sport. To ensure refereeing of dance tournaments of various status, sports judges are involved in the sport "Dance Sport", the categories of which determine their professional level. IN Russian Federation six qualification categories of judges in ballroom dancing have been established:

  • third;
  • second;
  • first;
  • all-Russian;
  • WDSF (international).

Order of assignment

The assignment of judicial qualification categories in ballroom dancing begins with “ SMM judge” (judge of sports events). Certification of judges of mass sports is carried out by the regional dance organization in the form of testing. The test contains a number of questions that include the main provisions and documents of the dance sport federation, the rules and the nature of the performance of basic figures.

Third category can be awarded after studying at the College of Judges of a regional structural unit or at a university of physical culture and sports and passing an exam on the “Rules of competitions”, “Skating system” for calculating results and the program of dancing figures in the “associate” volume with their demonstration;

Second And first category assigned sequentially to applicants on the condition that:

  • the presence of refereeing practice in the existing category from 1 year for the second and from 2 years for the first category at competitions at the level of the municipality and the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • after studying at the Collegium of Judges of a regional structural unit or at a university of physical culture and sports;
  • after passing the exam on the "Rules of the Competition", "Skating System" calculation of results and the program of dance figures in the "member" volume for the second and in the volume of popular compositions for the first category with their demonstration.

All-Russian category can be assigned by Rossport to candidates with the practice of judging tournaments of regional and interregional status for at least 2 years, subject to conducting scientific and methodological work and participating in the activities of the main judging panels with a status from the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Important! The judging practice includes only competitions with a quality assessment of “good” and “excellent”.

Recertification to confirm the category of a sports judge takes place every 4 years after passing the certification and examination seminar in the sport “dance sport” for judges.

Required documents

Candidates for the assignment (increase) of the judicial category in the sport “Dance Sport” provide the following types of documents to the Executive Committee of the FTSARR:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • photocopy of passport and diploma of education;
  • a photocopy of the work book (document confirming the experience);
  • 2 photos 3x4 in size;
  • representation of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports (for the All-Russian category).

Based on the results of attestation, the federation issues an appropriate badge and makes a mark in the book of a sports judge. The sign and the book are approved by Rossport.

Referee disqualification

For refusal to perform or dishonest performance of official duties, a judge may be lowered or canceled the qualification category with removal from refereeing (disqualification).

WDSF category

The highest rank, which implies the highest knowledge of the rules, regulations relating to this sport, performing figures and variations, the presence of scientific and methodological experience of an international scale. Can be assigned to a judge of the All-Russian category with refereeing practice international tournaments on the basis of the regulation on the licensing of judges World DanceSport Federation.

It is assumed that a specialist of this level can clearly explain to the dancers and their representatives what exactly are the excesses in the performance of the composition at the competition, while naming the figures and elements correctly. It is also assumed that he is able to competently draw up a protocol in case of disqualification of a dance couple for exceeding the figures performed. Of course, there are exceptions, such as, for example, in October 2015 at the rating tournament SFTS of St. Petersburg.

Publications on refereeing:

Regulations on sports referees

I. General provisions

1. Regulations on sports referees (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with Part 8 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Article 6242; 2008, No. 30 (Part II), Article 3616; 2014, No. 26 (Part I), Article 3376; 2015, No. 27, Article 3995) and subparagraph 4.2.5 of the Regulation on Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 607 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3525; 2013, No. 30 (Part II), Art. 4112, No. 45, 5822; 2015, No. 2, 491, No. 18, 2711).

The position defines:

a) the procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges;

c) the rights and obligations of sports referees.

2. The following qualification categories of sports referees are established in the Russian Federation:

a) sports referee of the All-Russian category;

b) sports referee of the first category;

c) sports referee of the second category;

d) sports referee of the third category;

e) junior sports referee.

3. The assignment of qualification categories of sports judges is carried out for the sports included in the All-Russian Register of Sports, in accordance with the qualification requirements for candidates for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges (hereinafter - the Qualification Requirements).

Qualification requirements are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry).

4. The sports referee officiates official sports competitions or physical culture events in the sports included in the Unified calendar plan of interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events at the proposals of all-Russian sports federations or federal executive bodies that manage the development of military-applied and service applied types sports (hereinafter referred to as federal bodies) or to the calendar plans of physical culture events and sporting events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and sports organizations (hereinafter referred to as the official competition), including in sports among the disabled and persons with disabilities handicapped health, the rules of the sport, approved in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2008, No. 30 (part II), art. 3616; 2014, No. 26 (part I), art. 3376) (hereinafter referred to as the rules of the sport) which, in terms of sports disciplines, do not differ from the sport in which the sports judge the qualification category of a sports referee has been assigned, and for sports, the sports disciplines of which are all-around, and the rules of the sport of which, in terms of individual components of the all-around, do not differ from the sport in which the sports referee has been assigned the qualification category of a sports referee.

II. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges

6. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation over 16 years old in accordance with the Qualification Requirements, for a period of 1 year, and not earlier than 1 year from the date of commencement of sports refereeing.

7. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category" is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who have the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" in accordance with the Qualification Requirements for a period of 2 years, and not earlier than 1 year from the date of awarding the qualification category of sports referee “sports referee of the third category”.

a) citizens of the Russian Federation who have the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category" in accordance with the Qualification Requirements, for a period of 2 years, and not earlier than 2 years from the date of assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category";

b) citizens of the Russian Federation who have the sports title "Master of Sports of Russia international class” or “Master of Sports of Russia” in the relevant sport, in accordance with the Qualification Requirements, for a period of two years.

The qualification categories of sports judges "sports judge of the second category" and "sports judge of the third category" (with the exception of military-applied and service-applied sports) are assigned by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts at the place of residence of candidates for assignment or at the place of registration of a regional of a sports federation that records the refereeing activities of candidates for assignment, upon submission (Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations) (hereinafter referred to as the Submission), certified by the head of such a regional sports federation.

The qualification categories of sports judges "sports judge of the second category" and "sports judge of the third category" in military applied and service applied sports are assigned by the relevant structural divisions of the federal bodies at the location of the structural divisions of the federal bodies, according to the Submission signed by an official authorized by the structural subdivisions of the federal body that keep records of the judicial activities of candidates for assignment.

The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" is assigned by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the region physical education and sports (hereinafter referred to as executive authorities) at the place of residence of the candidate for assignment or at the place of registration of the regional sports federation that keeps records of refereeing activities or at the location of the structural unit of the federal body that keeps records of the judicial activities of the candidate for assignment, according to the Submission certified by the head of such regional sports federation or the head of such a structural unit of the federal body (for military-applied and service-applied sports).

10. To assign the qualification categories of sports referees “young sports referee”, “sports referee of the third category”, “sports referee of the second category”, “sports referee of the first category” local self-government of municipal districts and city districts, structural subdivisions of federal bodies, physical culture and sports organizations specified in paragraph 9 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) within 3 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification Requirements.

11. The following documents are attached to the Submission for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge:

a) certified by the regional sports federation or a structural subdivision of the federal body, a copy of the registration card of the judicial activity of a candidate for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge (Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations) (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Card), containing information on the fulfillment of the Qualification Requirements;

b) copies of the second and third pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in its absence - copies of the pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), authority, the issuer of the document, the expiration date of the document;

c) a copy of the certificate of the “master of sports of Russia of international class” or “master of sports of Russia” for candidates for the qualification category “sports referee of the first category”, in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 8 of the Regulations;

d) 2 photographs 3x4 cm in size.

Soldiers passing by military service upon conscription, instead of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, they provide a copy of a military ID.

All copies of documents required for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges, provided for by this paragraph, must fully reproduce the information of the original document.

12. The Organization, within 2 months from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations, makes a decision to assign the qualification category of a sports judge, to return the Submission and documents, or to refuse to assign the qualification category of a sports judge.

13. The decision to assign a qualification category of a sports referee is documented by a document signed by the head of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Document).

A copy of the Document within 10 working days from the date of its signing is sent to the regional sports federation, structural subdivision of the federal body and (or) posted on the official website of the Organization in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

14. Information on the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee is entered in the Registration Card and certified by the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body that records the refereeing activities of the sports referee.

15. In case of submission to the Organization of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraphs 9 and 11 of the Regulations, the Organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt returns them to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, indicating the reasons for the return.

16. In the event of a return, the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraphs 9 and 11 of the Regulations, eliminate the inconsistencies and re-send them for consideration to the Organization.

17. If a decision is made to refuse to assign the qualification category of a sports referee, the Organization sends a reasoned written refusal to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body within 10 working days, and returns the Submission and all documents.

18. The grounds for refusal to assign the qualification category of a sports judge are:

a) non-compliance of candidates for assignment with the Qualification requirements;

b) violation by the regional sports federation, structural subdivision of the federal body of the deadline for submitting the Submission and documents, provided for in paragraph 10 of the Regulations;

c) violation by the regional sports federation, a structural subdivision of the federal body of the deadline for eliminating inconsistencies in the Submission and documents that caused the return, provided for in paragraph 16 of the Regulations.

having the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" in accordance with the Qualification requirements, for a period of 4 years, and not earlier than 2 years from the date of assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category";

having the qualification categories of sports judges "judge for sports of the republican category" and "judge for sports of the all-Union category" in accordance with the Qualification Requirements, for a period of 4 years.

a) an executive authority (with the exception of military-applied and service-applied sports);

b) a federal body.

21. The submission and documents provided for in paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations are submitted by the regional sports federation or a structural subdivision of the federal body (for military-applied and service-applied sports) to the bodies specified in paragraph 20 of the Regulations, for their subsequent direction to the Ministry .

In the event that the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations are submitted to the executive authority or federal authority, respectively, the executive authority or federal authority, within 10 working days from the date of receipt, returns them to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal authority, indicating the reasons for the return.

In the event of a return, the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, eliminate the inconsistencies and re-send them to the executive authority or federal body (for military-applied and service-applied sports).

22. To assign the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" to the Ministry, within 6 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification requirements, the following are sent:

A presentation certified by the regional sports federation that keeps track of the sports refereeing activities of a sports judge and the executive authority, as well as the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations (with the exception of military applied and service applied sports);

A submission certified by a structural subdivision of the federal body that records the judicial activities of a sports judge, and a federal body, as well as documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations (for military applied and service applied sports).

23. The All-Russian Sports Federation, within 1 month from the date of receipt by the Ministry of the Submission and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations, receives them from the Ministry, considers, and sends to the Ministry an agreed Submission, certified by the head and seal of the All-Russian Sports Federation and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 Regulations, or a justified written refusal to agree, with the attachment of all documents.

24. The Ministry, within 3 months from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations from the executive authority or federal body, decides on the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports judge of the All-Russian category", on the return of the Submission and documents or on refusal to assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category".

25. The decision to award the qualification category "sports referee of the All-Russian category" is drawn up by order of the Ministry, which is signed by the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, and within 5 working days from the date of its signing is posted on the official website of the Ministry in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

26. When assigning the qualification category of a sports referee “sports referee of the All-Russian category”, the Ministry issues a certificate and a badge. The certificate and badge are handed over to an authorized representative of the executive authority or federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) for their subsequent presentation at the location of the executive authority or federal authority.

27. In case of loss or damage of the certificate, the sports judge submits to the executive authority or the federal authority (for military-applied and service-applied sports) an application for issuing a duplicate certificate (hereinafter referred to as the Application). The application must be submitted in an original copy and signed personally by the sports referee. The executive authority or the federal authority sends the Application to the Ministry.

The Ministry within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the Application issues a duplicate of the certificate.

A duplicate of the certificate is handed over to an authorized representative of the executive authority or an authorized representative of the federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) for their subsequent delivery at the location of the executive authority or federal authority.

28. In case of submission of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, respectively, the Ministry within 10 working days from the date of their receipt from the all-Russian sports federation or federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) returns them to the executive authority or federal authority, indicating the reasons for the return.

29. In the event of a return, the executive authority or the federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, eliminate inconsistencies, and re- forward them to the Ministry for consideration.

30. In case of refusal to assign the qualification category of a sports referee “sports referee of the All-Russian category”, the Ministry sends a reasoned written refusal to the executive authority or federal body, and returns the Submission and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations.

31. The grounds for refusing to assign the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" are:

a) refusal to approve the Submission by the All-Russian Sports Federation;

b) non-compliance of the candidate for assignment with the Qualification requirements;

c) violation of the deadline for submission, provided for in paragraph 22 of the Regulations, by an executive authority or federal body (for military applied and service-applied sports) of the Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations;

d) violation of the term for consideration and approval by the All-Russian Sports Federation of the Submission and documents, provided for in paragraph 23 of the Regulations.

32. Qualification requirements must be following structure and content:

Requirements for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges;

Requirements for confirming the qualification categories of sports referees ;

Requirements for compliance with the standards for physical training and the frequency of their delivery (for sports, where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

Practice Assessment Requirements sports refereeing;

Requirements for the inclusion of sports judges in the panel of judges and the main panel of judges;

Requirements for passing theoretical training and passing the qualification test.

32.1. Requirements for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges must contain:

a) requirements for the age of a sports referee, necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee, including the maximum age of a sports referee;

b) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions necessary for the assignment of qualification categories of sports referees (indicating the names of sports refereeing positions), with the exception of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category";

c) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" (indicating the names of sports refereeing positions), with the exception of military-applied and service-applied sports, but not less than :

1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than the All-Russian sports competition during each year of refereeing;

2 (two) official competitions with a status not lower than that of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation as part of the main panel of judges during each year of judging activity;

2 (two) official competitions of a different status, during each year of refereeing;

d) the status and name of official competitions, as well as what is necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" (indicating the names of sports referee positions) in military applied and official - applied sports, but not less than:

1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than the all-Russian sports competition of the relevant federal body during each year of refereeing;

1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than a sports competition of a structural unit of the relevant federal district, Moscow and St. Petersburg as part of the main judging panel during each year of judging activity;

2 (two) official competitions of a different status during each year of refereeing;

e) the number of theoretical lessons as a participant, but not less than 1 (one) in each year of judicial activity;

f) the number of theoretical classes as a lecturer for all qualification categories of a sports referee, with the exception of the qualification categories of sports referees "sports referee of the third category" and "young sports referee", but not less than 1 (one) theoretical lesson in each year of refereeing;

g) the frequency of delivery of the qualification test;

h) the frequency of fulfillment of the standards for physical training necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

i) the experience of sports refereeing, necessary for the assignment of a qualification category.

32.2. The requirements for confirming the qualification categories of sports judges (hereinafter referred to as confirmation) must contain:

a) requirements for the age of the sports referee required for confirmation, including the age limit for the sports referee;

b) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions required for confirmation;

c) the number of theoretical lessons as a participant, but not less than 1 (one) in each year of judicial activity;

d) the number of theoretical classes as a lecturer for all qualification categories of a sports referee, with the exception of the qualification categories of sports referees "sports referee of the third category" and "young sports referee", but not less than 1 (one) theoretical lesson in each year of refereeing;

e) passing the qualification test;

f) the frequency of fulfillment of the standards for physical training necessary for the assignment of a qualification category of a sports judge (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

g) the frequency of confirmation, but not less than:

for the qualification category "sports referee of the All-Russian category" - 1 time in 4 years;

for the qualification category "sports referee of the first category" - 1 time in 2 years;

for the qualification categories "sports referee of the second category" and "sports referee of the third category" - once a year.

32.3. Requirements for the fulfillment of standards for physical training and the frequency of their delivery (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports) should contain:

a) the name of the judicial position for which the delivery of standards for physical training is provided;

b) the name and content of the test;

c) list of those tested physical qualities;

d) units of measurement of the test being performed;

e) rating scale (for men and women separately);

f) the frequency of delivery of standards for physical training.

32.4. Requirements for evaluating the practice of sports refereeing should include:

a) name and rating scale;

b) types of violations (remarks) revealed in the process of judging, affecting the downgrade;

c) requirements for the qualification category of the chairman of the main panel of judges, who evaluates the practice of sports refereeing;

d) the procedure for accounting for estimates.

32.5. The requirements for the inclusion of sports judges in the judging panels and the chief judging panels must contain:

a) the status and name of official competitions;

b) requirements for the qualification category of a sports referee and the number of sports referees necessary to ensure refereeing of official competitions of various status;

c) the basic requirements for the functional duties of a sports referee, indicating the name of the referee position, his subordination and powers.

32.6. The requirements for passing theoretical training and passing the qualification test must contain:

a) the duration (number of academic hours) of theoretical and practical classes, the form of their conduct (seminar, colloquium, round table);

b) requirements for the qualification category of a sports referee - a participant in theoretical and practical classes and the host organization;

c) the procedure for the formation and approval of questions (topics) of the qualification test;

d) requirements for admission to the qualification test or its re-passing and qualification categories of sports referees conducting the qualification test;

e) the procedure for recording information on the passage of theoretical training, passing the qualification test.

33. Qualification requirements are submitted to the Ministry on paper in two copies and on electronic media.

34. In the absence of the Qualification requirements approved by the Ministry, the qualification categories of a sports referee in this sport are not assigned.




    On approval of the Regulations on sports referees

    Repealed from June 13, 2017 on the basis of
    Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated February 28, 2017 N 134

    Document as amended by:
    (Official Internet portal of legal information, 06.12.2016, N 0001201612060039).

    In accordance with approved (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3525; 2013, N 30 (part II), Art. 4112, N 45, Art. 5822; 2015, N 2, Art. 491, N 18, art. 2711),

    I order:

    1. Approve the attached Regulations on sports referees.

    2. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2008 N 56 "On approval of the Regulations on sports referees" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 19, 2009, registration N 13114).

    3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation P.A. Kolobkov.

    V.L. Mutko

    at the Ministry of Justice
    Russian Federation
    February 9, 2016,
    registration N 41033

    Regulations on sports referees

    by order
    Ministry of Sports
    Russian Federation
    of September 30, 2015 N 913

    I. General provisions

    1. The regulation on sports judges (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed in accordance with Part 8 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 50 , art. 6242; 2008, N 30 (part II), art. 3616; 2014, N 26 (part I), art. 3376; 2015, N 27, art. 3995) and subparagraph 4.2.5 of the Regulations on the Ministry sports of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 607 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3525; 2013, N 30 (part II), Art. 4112, N 45, Art. 5822, 2015, No. 2, Art. 491, No. 18, Art. 2711).

    The position defines:

    a) the procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges;

    c) the rights and obligations of sports referees.

    2. The following qualification categories of sports referees are established in the Russian Federation:
    Part 3 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" .

    a) sports referee of the All-Russian category;

    b) sports referee of the first category;

    c) sports referee of the second category;

    d) sports referee of the third category;

    e) junior sports referee.

    3. Qualification categories of sports judges are assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as candidates) in accordance with the qualification requirements for candidates for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges (hereinafter referred to as Qualification Requirements) for sports included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.
    by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    Qualification requirements are approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry).

    4. The sports judge carries out refereeing of official sports competitions or physical culture events in the sports included in the Unified calendar plan of interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sports events on the proposals of all-Russian sports federations or federal executive bodies that manage the development of military applied and service - applied sports (hereinafter referred to as the federal bodies) or in the calendar plans of physical culture events and sports events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and sports organizations (hereinafter referred to as the official competition), including in sports among the disabled and persons with disabilities health, the rules of the sport, approved in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 50, Art. 6242; 2008, N 30 (part II), art. 3616; 2014, N 26 (part I), art. 3376) (hereinafter referred to as the rules of the sport) which, in terms of sports disciplines, do not differ from the sport in which the sports referee has been assigned the qualification category of a sports referee, and by sports, sports disciplines of which are all-around, and the rules of the sport of which, in terms of individual components of the all-around, do not differ from the sport in which the sports referee has been assigned the qualification category of a sports referee.

    II. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges

    5. The qualification category of a sports referee "young sports referee" is assigned to candidates aged 14 to 16 years. This category expires at the age of 16.
    by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    6. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" is assigned to candidates who have reached the age of 16 after passing the qualification test.

    The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" is valid for 1 year from the date of its assignment.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    7. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category" is assigned to candidates who have the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category", but not earlier than 1 year from the date of assignment of such a category.

    The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category" is valid for 2 years from the date of its assignment.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    8. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" is assigned to candidates who have the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category", but not earlier than 2 years from the date of assignment of such a category.

    The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" is valid for 2 years from the date of its assignment.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    8.1. Candidates with the sports title of "master of sports of Russia of international class" or "master of sports of Russia" are assigned the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the second category" or "sports referee of the first category" in the relevant sport after passing the qualifying test.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192)

    9. The qualification category of a sports referee "young sports referee" is assigned by physical culture and sports organizations at the place of residence of the candidate or at the location of the regional sports federation that records the judicial activities of the candidate, at the request of the candidate, certified by such a regional sports federation, containing information about the last name, first name , patronymic (if any) and date of birth of the candidate, and information on the fulfillment of the Qualification requirements for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge (hereinafter referred to as the Application).
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    The qualification categories of sports referees "sports referee of the second category" and "sports referee of the third category" (with the exception of military applied and service applied sports) are assigned by local governments of municipal districts and city districts at the place of residence of candidates or at the location of the regional sports federation , which takes into account the judicial activities of candidates, upon submission (Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the Submission), certified by the head of such a regional sports federation.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    The qualification categories of sports referees "sports referee of the second category" and "sports referee of the third category" in military applied and service applied sports are assigned by the relevant structural divisions of the federal bodies at the location of the structural divisions of the federal bodies, according to the Submission signed by an official authorized by the structural a subdivision of the federal body that keeps records of the judicial activities of candidates.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category" is assigned by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the executive authorities) at the candidate's place of residence or at the location of the regional sports federation or at the location of the structural unit of the federal body, accounting for the judicial activities of the candidate, according to the Submission, certified by the head of such a regional sports federation or the head of such a structural unit of the federal body (for military applied and service applied sports).
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    10. To assign the qualification categories of sports referees "young sports referee", "sports referee of the third category", "sports referee of the second category", "sports referee of the first category" Application or Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations are submitted to the executive authorities , local self-government bodies of municipal districts and city districts, structural divisions of federal bodies, physical culture and sports organizations specified in clause 9 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) within 4 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification Requirements.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    11. The following documents are attached to the Submission for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge:

    a) a copy of the registration card of the judicial activities of a candidate for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge (Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation) certified by the regional sports federation or a structural subdivision of the federal body (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Card), containing information on the fulfillment of the Qualification Requirements;

    b) copies of the second and third pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a copy of the page of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation containing information about the place of residence of the candidate, and in his absence, copies of the pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the authority that issued the document, the expiration date of the document;
    by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    c) a copy of the certificate of "master of sports of Russia of international class" or "master of sports of Russia" for candidates for the qualification category "sports referee of the first category", in accordance with clause 8.1 of the Regulations;
    (Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    d) 2 photographs 3 x 4 cm.

    Conscripted military personnel, instead of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, provide a copy of a military ID.

    All copies of documents required for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges, provided for by this paragraph, must fully reproduce the information of the original document.

    12. The Organization, within 2 months from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations, makes a decision to assign the qualification category of a sports judge, to return the Submission and documents, or to refuse to assign the qualification category of a sports judge.

    13. The decision to assign the qualification category of a sports referee is documented by a document signed by the head of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Document).

    A copy of the Document within 10 working days from the date of its signing is sent to the regional sports federation, structural subdivision of the federal body and (or) posted on the official website of the Organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

    Copy of Document on decision in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" is not placed.
    by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192)

    14. Information on the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee is entered in the Registration Card and certified by the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body that records the refereeing activities of the sports referee.

    15. In case of submission to the Organization of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraphs 9 and 11 of the Regulations, the Organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt returns them to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, indicating the reasons for the return.

    16. In the event of a return, the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraphs 9 and 11 of the Regulations, eliminate the inconsistencies and re-send them for consideration to the Organization.

    17. If a decision is made to refuse to assign the qualification category of a sports referee, the Organization sends a reasoned written refusal to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body within 10 working days, and returns the Submission and all documents.

    18. The grounds for refusal to assign the qualification category of a sports judge are:

    a) non-compliance of candidates for assignment with the Qualification requirements;

    b) violation by the regional sports federation, structural subdivision of the federal body of the deadline for submitting the Submission and documents, provided for in paragraph 10 of the Regulations;

    c) violation by the regional sports federation, a structural subdivision of the federal body of the deadline for eliminating inconsistencies in the Submission and documents that caused the return, provided for in paragraph 16 of the Regulations.

    19. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" is assigned by the Ministry to candidates:
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    having the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the first category", but not earlier than 2 years from the date of assignment of such a category;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    having the qualification categories of sports judges "judge for sports of the republican category" and "judge for sports of the all-Union category" after passing the qualification test.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" is valid for 4 years from the date of its assignment.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192)

    20. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" is assigned according to the Submission:
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    a) an executive authority (with the exception of military-applied and service-applied sports);

    b) a federal body.

    21. The submission and documents provided for in paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations are submitted by the regional sports federation or a structural subdivision of the federal body (for military-applied and service-applied sports) to the bodies specified in paragraph 20 of the Regulations, for their subsequent direction to the Ministry .

    In the event that the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations are submitted to the executive authority or federal authority, respectively, the executive authority or federal authority, within 10 working days from the date of receipt, returns them to the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal authority, indicating the reasons for the return.

    In the event of a return, the regional sports federation or structural subdivision of the federal body, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, eliminate the inconsistencies and re-send them to the executive authority or federal body (for military-applied and service-applied sports).

    22. To assign the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" to the Ministry, within 6 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification requirements, the following are sent:

    A presentation certified by the regional sports federation that keeps track of the sports refereeing activities of a sports judge and the executive authority, as well as the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations (with the exception of military applied and service applied sports);

    A submission certified by a structural subdivision of the federal body that records the judicial activities of a sports judge, and a federal body, as well as documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations (for military applied and service applied sports).

    23. The All-Russian Sports Federation, within 2 months from the date of receipt by the Ministry of the Submission and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations, receives them from the Ministry, considers, and sends to the Ministry an agreed Submission, certified by the head and the seal of the All-Russian Sports Federation and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 Regulations, or a justified written refusal to agree, with the attachment of all documents.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    24. The Ministry, within 4 months from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents specified in paragraph 11 of the Regulations from the executive authority or federal body, decides on the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge "sports judge of the All-Russian category", on the return of the Submission and documents or on refusal to assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category".
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    25. The decision to award the qualification category "sports judge of the All-Russian category" is drawn up by order of the Ministry, which is signed by the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, and within 5 working days from the date of its signing is posted on the official website of the Ministry in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

    The order of the Ministry on the decision taken in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" is not posted.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192)

    26. When assigning the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category", the Ministry issues a certificate and a badge. The certificate and badge are handed over to an authorized representative of the executive authority or federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) for their subsequent presentation at the location of the executive authority or federal authority.

    27. In case of loss or damage of the certificate, the sports judge submits to the executive authority or the federal authority (for military-applied and service-applied sports) an application for issuing a duplicate certificate (hereinafter - the Application). The application must be submitted in an original copy and signed personally by the sports referee. The executive authority or the federal authority sends the Application to the Ministry.

    The Ministry within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the Application issues a duplicate of the certificate.

    A duplicate of the certificate is handed over to an authorized representative of the executive authority or an authorized representative of the federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) for their subsequent delivery at the location of the executive authority or federal authority.

    The badge is not re-issued.
    (The paragraph is additionally included from December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192)

    28. In case of submission of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, respectively, the Ministry within 10 working days from the date of their receipt from the all-Russian sports federation or federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) returns them to the executive authority or federal authority, indicating the reasons for the return.

    29. In the event of a return, the executive authority or the federal authority (for military applied and service applied sports) within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Submission and documents that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Regulations, eliminate inconsistencies, and re- forward them to the Ministry for consideration.

    30. In case of refusal to assign the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category", the Ministry sends a reasoned written refusal to the executive authority or federal body, and returns the Submission and the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations.

    31. The grounds for refusal to assign the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" are:

    a) refusal to approve the Submission by the All-Russian Sports Federation;

    b) non-compliance of the candidate for assignment with the Qualification requirements;

    c) violation of the deadline for submission, provided for in paragraph 22 of the Regulations, by an executive authority or federal body (for military applied and service-applied sports) of the Submission and documents provided for in paragraph 11 of the Regulations;

    d) violation of the term for consideration and approval by the All-Russian Sports Federation of the Submission and documents, provided for in paragraph 23 of the Regulations.

    III. Contents of Qualification Requirements

    32. Qualification requirements should have the following structure and content:

    - requirements for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges;

    - requirements for confirming the qualification categories of sports judges;

    - requirements for the fulfillment of standards for physical training and the frequency of their delivery (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

    - requirements for evaluating the practice of sports refereeing;

    - requirements for the inclusion of sports judges in the panel of judges and the main panel of judges;

    - requirements for passing theoretical training and passing the qualification test.

    32.1. Requirements for the assignment of qualification categories of sports judges must contain:

    a) requirements for the age of a sports referee, necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee, including the maximum age of a sports referee;

    b) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions necessary for the assignment of qualification categories of sports referees (indicating the names of sports refereeing positions), with the exception of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category";

    c) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" (indicating the names of sports refereeing positions), with the exception of military applied and service applied sports, but not less than :

    1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than the All-Russian sports competition during each year of refereeing;

    2 (two) official competitions with a status not lower than that of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation as part of the main panel of judges during each year of judging activity;

    2 (two) official competitions of a different status, during each year of refereeing;

    d) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the All-Russian category" (with the names of sports referee positions) in applied military and service applied sports, but not less than:

    1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than the all-Russian sports competition of the relevant federal body during each year of refereeing;

    1 (one) official competition with a status not lower than a sports competition of a structural unit of the relevant federal district, Moscow and St. Petersburg as part of the main judging panel during each year of judging activity;

    2 (two) official competitions of a different status during each year of refereeing;

    e) the number of theoretical lessons as a participant, but not less than 1 (one) in each year of judicial activity;

    f) the number of theoretical lessons as a lecturer for all qualification categories of a sports judge, with the exception of the qualification categories of sports judges "sports judge of the third category" and "young sports judge", but not less than 1 (one) theoretical lesson in each year of refereeing;

    g) the frequency of delivery of the qualification test;

    h) the frequency of fulfillment of the standards for physical training necessary for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

    i) the experience of sports refereeing, necessary for the assignment of a qualification category.

    32.2. The requirements for confirming the qualification categories of sports judges (hereinafter referred to as confirmation) must contain:

    a) requirements for the age of the sports referee required for confirmation, including the age limit for the sports referee;

    b) the status and name of official competitions, as well as the number of such competitions required for confirmation;

    c) the number of theoretical lessons as a participant, but not less than 1 (one) in each year of judicial activity;

    d) the number of theoretical lessons as a lecturer for all qualification categories of a sports judge, with the exception of the qualification categories of sports judges "sports judge of the third category" and "young sports judge", but not less than 1 (one) theoretical lesson in each year of refereeing;

    e) passing the qualification test;

    f) the frequency of fulfillment of the standards for physical training necessary for the assignment of a qualification category of a sports judge (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports);

    g) the frequency of confirmation, but not less than:

    for the qualification category "sports referee of the All-Russian category" - 1 time in 4 years;

    for the qualification categories "sports referee of the first category" and "sports referee of the second category" - 1 time in 2 years;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    for the qualification category "sports referee of the third category" - once a year.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 17, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 15, 2016 N 1192.

    32.3. Requirements for the fulfillment of standards for physical training and the frequency of their delivery (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of sports) should contain:

    a) the name of the judicial position for which the delivery of standards for physical training is provided;

    b) the name and content of the test;

    c) list of tested physical qualities;

    d) units of measurement of the test being performed;

    e) rating scale (for men and women separately);

    f) the frequency of delivery of standards for physical training.

    32.4. Requirements for evaluating the practice of sports refereeing should include:

    a) name and rating scale;

    b) types of violations (remarks) revealed in the process of judging, affecting the downgrade;

    c) requirements for the qualification category of the chairman of the main panel of judges, who evaluates the practice of sports refereeing;

    d) the procedure for accounting for estimates.

    32.5. The requirements for the inclusion of sports judges in the judging panels and the chief judging panels must contain:

    a) the status and name of official competitions;

    b) requirements for the qualification category of a sports referee and the number of sports referees necessary to ensure refereeing of official competitions of various status;

    c) the basic requirements for the functional duties of a sports referee, indicating the name of the referee position, his subordination and powers.

    32.6. The requirements for passing theoretical training and passing the qualification test must contain:

    a) the duration (number of academic hours) of theoretical and practical classes, the form of their conduct (seminar, colloquium, round table);

    b) requirements for the qualification category of a sports referee - a participant in theoretical and practical classes and the host organization;

    c) the procedure for the formation and approval of questions (topics) of the qualification test;

    d) requirements for admission to the qualification test or its re-passing and qualification categories of sports referees conducting the qualification test;

    e) the procedure for recording information on the passage of theoretical training, passing the qualification test.

    33. Qualification requirements are submitted to the Ministry on paper in two copies and on electronic media.

    34. In the absence of the Qualification requirements approved by the Ministry, the qualification categories of a sports referee in this sport are not assigned.

    V. Rights and obligations of a sports referee

    35. The sports referee has the right:

    a) carry out work to promote the sport and sports refereeing;

    b) to extend the validity of the qualification category of a sports judge upon its confirmation and certification;

    c) conduct theoretical classes, seminars on behalf of the all-Russian sports federation or federal body (for military applied and service applied sports), a regional sports federation or a structural unit of the federal body (for military applied and service applied sports) on the relevant sports (with the exception of sports referees with the qualification categories "junior sports referee" and "sports referee of the third category");

    d) apply for an increase in the qualification category in accordance with the Qualification Requirements;

    e) judge competitions in accordance with their qualification category, wear a badge of judges;

    f) submit proposals to the collegiate judging body to amend the rules of the sport, Qualification requirements in order to improve them;

    g) submit proposals to the main panel of judges, in order to improve refereeing during competitions;

    h) elect and be elected to collegiate judicial bodies;

    i) apply for a duplicate of the certificate in case of its loss or damage.

    36. The sports judge is obliged:

    perform official duties sports referee, which are established by the Unified Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of physical culture and sports", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 15, 2011 N 916n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 14, 2011, registration N 22054), as well as:

    a) have the skills of refereeing in various positions and correctly apply them in practice;

    b) comply with the Qualification Requirements;

    c) carry out refereeing in a qualified and impartial manner, prevent situations that may lead to distortion of the results of the competition;

    d) take measures to prevent and combat unlawful influence on the results of official sports competitions;

    e) perform the duties of a sports referee in a neat judicial uniform, established by the rules of the sport.

    Appendix 1. Submission for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge

    Submission for the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge

    Date of receipt of the submission and documents (date,

    Name of the current qualification category of a sports referee

    Dates of the official competition (from dd/mm/yy


    official status

    Name of the position of sports referee and evaluation of refereeing

    month year)

    to dd/mm/yy)

    Date of assignment of the previous qualification category

    sports referee
    (day month Year)

    Middle name (if any)

    Name of the sport ( sports discipline)

    The subject of the Russian Federation

    Number-code sport

    Address (place of residence)

    Name and address (location) of the organization,

    keeping record of the refereeing activity of a sports referee


    Participation in theoretical classes, passing standards for physical training (for sports where such standards are provided for by the rules of the sport), passing a qualification test, passing certification

    Date (day, month, year)

    Name of the regional sports federation or

    Name of the entity's executive authority

    The decision of the All-Russian Sports Federation:

    structural unit

    Russian Federation in the region

    protocol from "

    federal executive body (for military-applied or service-applied sports )

    physical culture and sports or the federal executive body in charge of the development of military-applied or service-applied sports

    Head of the All-Russian Sports Federation

    Job title

    Surname, initials

    Job title

    Surname, initials

    (Surname, initials)



    (day month Year)

    (day month Year)


    (Surname, initials)

    M.P. (in the presence of)

    Appendix N 2

    Front side. Sports referee activity card of a sports referee

    front side

    Name of the sport (sports discipline), number - code of the sport in accordance with the All-Russian Register of Sports

    The subject of the Russian Federation

    Name of the organization that records the refereeing activities of a sports referee

    Middle name (if any)

    Address (location) of the organization that records the refereeing activities of a sports referee

    Date of birth (day, month, year)

    Starting as a sports referee
    (day month Year)


    Sports rank (if any)

    Address (place of residence)

    contact number

    Place of work (study), position

    E-mail address

    Assignment date (day, month, year)

    Details of the document on the assignment of the qualification category of a sports judge

    Position, surname, initials of the person who signed the document

    Back side

    Reverse side. Practice of sports refereeing, theoretical training, qualification test

    The practice of sports refereeing

    Theoretical training


    Participation in theoretical classes as a lecturer

    Participation in theoretical classes as a participant

    Date of the official competition (day, month, year)

    new official
    al competitive

    official status
    al competitive

    innovation should
    foot judge


    Form (topic) theoretical
    academic lesson

    Date (day, month, year)

    The form (topic) of the theory
    who is busy

    Check date

    N pro-


    Revision of the document, taking into account
    changes and additions prepared
    JSC "Kodeks"


    By decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian

    public sports organization

    0 "style="margin-left:1.0cm;border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

    1. General Provisions

    1.1 . The regulation on sports judges of the STSR was developed on the basis of the law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated December 4, 2007, “Regulations on Sports Referees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001. , No. 56, as well as on the basis of the document “Qualification requirements for sports judges in the sport “Dance Sport””, approved by the decision of the Presidium of the OOSO “Union of Dance Sports of Russia” on April 11, 2012.

    1.2. This regulation establishes the procedure for the functioning of sports judges in the sport "Dance Sport" on the territory of the Russian Federation, the criteria for assigning qualification categories, the content of qualification requirements, the procedure for confirming qualification categories, the procedure for judges to undergo theoretical training and passing qualifying tests, the conditions for the inclusion of sports judges in the referee boards of competitions , as well as the rights and obligations of sports referees of the STSR.

    1.3. The CTSR establishes the following qualification categories of sports judges:

    Sports referee of the international category - MK;

    Sports referee of the All-Russian category - VK;

    Sports referee of the first category - 1K;

    Sports referee of the second category - 2K;

    Sports referee of the third category - 3K;

    Sports referee for mass sports - MS.

    1.4. Changes and additions to this provision may be made by the Presidium of the SCSR at the suggestion of the Council of the HQS (Judges Committee) or the FCS in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation no more than once a year.

    2. The procedure for assigning qualification categories.

    2.1. The qualification category "Mass Sports Judge" is assigned to candidates by the regional Federal Customs Service.

    2.2. Qualification categories, starting from the third, are assigned sequentially (third, second, first, all-Russian, international).

    2.3. The qualification categories "Sports referee of the third category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the first category" are assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports or their authorized bodies on the proposal of regional sports federations. According to paragraph 12 of section 2 "Regulations on sports judges of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia dated 01.01.01 No. 56)

    An application for the award of the International category is submitted to the Presidium of the SCSR by the Regional FCS.

    2.6. According to one result, the referee category can be assigned to two coaches.

    2.7. When , if athletes have moved to another club, their results must be credited to the former coach for 2 years.

    3. Criteria for the assignment of qualifying judicial categories.

    Reached the age of 20 years;

    Visited 1 judicial seminar in the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Passed the qualifying exam;

    Having at least 1 year of experience as a coach, or having a class of sports and dance skills not lower than "A" class.

    By decision of the Presidium of the regional FCS, a mass sports judge has the right to serve competitions among “E” class athletes in the event that dance and sports activities are completed.

    Reached the age of 21;

    Having an education not lower than secondary;

    Finished sports dance activity;

    Having a class of sports and dance skills not lower than "B" class;

    Having at least 1 year of experience as a mass sports referee;

    Attending judicial seminars in the subject of the Russian Federation (1 judicial seminar per year);

    Passed the qualification test;

    Being a coach of the dance and sports club STSR;

    Who raised 2 athletes from "D" to "B" class, or 4 athletes from "E" to "C" class, or sports team- category ensemble Juniors-1

    Winner of the CTSR Championship among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 6 teams, or being the winner of the CTSR Championship among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 4 teams.

    The third judging category can be assigned to a candidate if he was a finalist of the Czech Republic in St, La, 10 dances, or a finalist of the STSR Championships among professionals in St or La 2 years after the start of performances in Professionals.

    The third judicial category can be assigned to a candidate if he has a higher profile education, i.e. a university of physical culture and sports in the specialty "Dance sport", or a university of culture and art in the specialty "Ballroom dance" or "Pedagogy of ballroom sports choreography", or similar.

    Reached the age of 23 years;

    Having the qualification category "Judge of the third category";

    Having experience of judicial practice in the third category for at least 2 years;

    Visited 1 judicial seminar per year in the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Passed the judge's test;

    Submitting the application and questionnaire

    Being a dance coach - sports club STSR;

    Who brought up 2 athletes from "C" to "A" class, or a sports team ensemble category Juniors-2- winner of the PR among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 6 teams, or the winner of the PR among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 4 teams;

    The second judging category can be assigned to a candidate if he was a repeated finalist of the Czech Republic in St, La or 10 dances, a repeated finalist of the STSR Championships among Professionals in St or La. The category can only be assigned sequentially, starting from the 3rd (according to paragraph 7 of section 2 of the Regulations on Sports Judges of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia) Order No. 56 dated 01.01.01

    1 tournament for:

    Championships of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Championships and championships of the municipality.

    line judge - not less than 6 tournaments for:

    Championships of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Dr. official competitions of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Championships and championships municipality;

    Russian competition category A, estimating the group is not lower than class B.

    2 tournaments for:

    Other official competitions of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Russian competition category A.

    Reached the age of 25 years;

    Having a class of sports and dance skills not lower than A (for athletes completing sports and dancing activities from January 1, 2013);

    Having the qualification category "Judge of the second category";

    Having experience of judicial practice in the 2nd category for at least 2 years;

    attending referee seminars in federal district(1 referee seminar per year);

    Conducted 1

    Passed the judge's test;

    The person who submitted the application and the questionnaire;

    Who brought up 2 athletes from "B" to "S" class, or a sports team-ensemble of the category The youth- winner of the PR among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 6 teams, or the winner of the PR among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 4 teams;

    The first judicial category can be assigned to a candidate if he was a multiple winner of the Russian Championships in St, La or 10 dances or a multiple winner of the STSR Professional Championships in St or La, as well as a winner of the World or European Cup WDSF or WDSF PD in St or La , winner of PE or PM WDSF in the Youth category in St, La or 10 tons.

    Having experience in judicial practice in the position of:

    Chief Judge - not less than 2- x tournaments for:

    Official competitions of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Championships and Championships of municipalities;

    Deputy Chief Referee or Chief Secretary - at least 2- x tournaments for:

    Championships, Cups and Championships of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Championships and Championships of municipalities;

    Russian competition category A.

    Linesman - not less than 3- x tournaments for:

    championships of the federal districts,

    Dr. official All-Russian competitions,

    Cups and Championships of subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Russian competitions of category A, evaluating groups not lower than class A.

    · Judge at the participants, judge - informant, judge for the selection of musical accompaniment or judge for video control and information board - at least 2- x tournaments for:

    Championships, Cups and Championships of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Championships of the Federal District, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Reached the age of 28 years;

    Having a class of sports and dancing skills not lower than S (for athletes who finish sports and dancing activities from January 1, 2013);

    Having the qualification category "Judge of the first category";

    Having at least 2 years of judicial experience in the previous judicial category;

    visiting 1 All-Russian Judicial Seminar per year;

    Conducted 1 seminar on training judges of the previous category;

    Passed qualifying exams;

    The person who submitted the application and the questionnaire;

    Who brought up 2 athletes from "B" to "M" class, or a sports team-ensemble of the category adults- winner of the Czech Republic among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 6 teams, or the winner of the Czech Republic among ensembles, subject to the participation of at least 4 teams;

    The All-Russian referee category can be assigned to a candidate if he was a finalist of the European Championship or World Championship WDSF in St, La or 10 dances, or a winner of the European Championship or World Championship in WDSF PD in St or La, winners of the WDSF PE or PM in the Youth category in St, La or 10 dances, as well as a coach who brought up a pair of finalists of the European Championship, World Cup, PE, PM, starting from the Youth category and above in St, L a or 10 dances.

    Experienced in judicial practice:

    · as part of GSK - not less than 3 -x tournaments for:

    Championships of the Federal District, Moscow and St. Petersburg;

    Championships, Cups and Championships of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Dr. official All-Russian competitions;

    as a line judge - at least 6 -ty tournaments on:

    Championships and Championships of Russia;

    Championships of the Federal District, Moscow and St. Petersburg;

    Dr. official All-Russian competitions;

    As well as Championships, Cups and Championships of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    Russian category A competitions, evaluating groups not lower than S class.

    · As a judge at the participants, a judge - an informer, a judge for the selection of musical accompaniment or a judge for video control and an information board - at least 2 -x tournaments for:

    Championships, Cups and Championships of subjects of Russia;

    Championships of the Federal District, Moscow and St. Petersburg .

    Only competitions with an assessment of quality are counted in the practice of judging.

    judging for "good" and "excellent".

    Raised 2 athletes from "B" to "M" class.

    Having a class of sports and dance skills not lower than M (for athletes completing sports and dancing activities from January 1, 2013);

    Having experience of judicial practice in the All-Russian category for at least 3 years;

    Experienced in judging Championships and Championships of Russia and the Federal Districts of at least 6 competitions;

    Those who fulfilled one of the criteria: raised a pair of finalists of the World Cup or European Championship WDSF in St, La or 10 dances; who brought up the winners of the PM PE in the categories Juniors-2, Youth in St, La or 10 dances; raised a couple of winners of the World Cup or Europe WDSF in St, La or 10 dances; brought up the winners of the World Cup or European Championship WDSF among teams-ensembles; who brought up two athletes who got into the top 50 pairs of the WDSF ranking, provided they were brought up from A class;

    Winner of one of the following titles: WDSF World Cup or European Championship winner in St, La or 10 dances, World Games; winner of the World Cup or Europe WDSF in St, La or 10 dances; World Champion, Europe WDSF in St, La;

    4. Conditions for confirming categories to sports judges.

    4.1. For confirmation referee category"Mass sports" judges need to:

    - attend a referee seminar once a year;

    - have experience of judicial practice at least 6 competitions per year.

    4.2 . For confirmation 3rd judge category judges must:

    Attend an attestation seminar 1 once a year;

    · Deputy Chief Referee and/or Chief Secretary - at least at 2 competitions of the status:

    Championship of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    line judge - at least 10 competitions in total, but not less than 4 competitions of the status:

    Championship of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Dr. official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship, Championship and other official competitions of the municipality.

    FSO competitions that have the right to assign sports categories.

    Refereeing of competitions of a higher status is counted for refereeing

    any of the competitions of a lower status in the same judging position.

    Only competitions with an assessment of quality are counted in the practice of judging.

    judging for "good" and "excellent".

    4.3 . For confirmation 2nd referee category judges must:

    visit attestation seminar once a year;

    Pass the judge's test - 1 once a 2 of the year;

    Have experience of judicial practice as a member of the State Jury in the following positions:

    Deputy Chief Referee or Chief Secretary - not less than 2 -x competition status:

    Federal District Championship;

    Dr. official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    line judge - not less than 10 -ty competitions in total, but no less 4 -x competition status:

    Federal District Championship;

    Dr. official all-Russian competitions;

    Dr. official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Refereeing of competitions of a higher status is counted for refereeing of any of the competitions of a lower status in the same judicial position.

    Only competitions with an assessment of quality are counted in the practice of judging.

    judging for "good" and "excellent".

    4.4 . For confirmation 1st referee category judges must:

    During each year, participate in at least 4 competitions at the municipal level;

    Conduct a seminar on the preparation of the previous judicial category - 1 once a 4 of the year;

    Attend an attestation seminar once a year in the Federal District;

    Have experience of judicial practice as part of the GSK in the position of:

    Chief Judge - not less than 4 -x competition status:

    Championship and other official competitions of the subjects of the Russian Federation,

    Championship, Championship and other official competitions of the municipality;

    Deputy chief judge - not less than 4 -x competition status:

    Championship of Russia;

    Championship and Championship of the Federal District;

    Dr. official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Dr. official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship and Championship of the municipality

    chief secretary - not less than 4 -x competition status:

    Championship and Championship of Russia;

    Championship and Championship of the Federal District;

    Dr. official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    line judge for at least 6 -ty competition status:

    Championship of Russia;

    Championship and Championship of the Federal District;

    Dr. official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Russian competition category A, group with the participation of S class athletes.

    Only competitions with an assessment of quality are counted in the practice of judging.

    judging for "good" and "excellent".

    (This standard is met for 4 or more years)

    4.5. To confirm the sports judges of the category "" it is necessary:

    During each year, participate in judging at least 4 competitions at the municipal level;

    Visit the All-Russian certification seminar - 1 once a year;

    Conduct a training seminar for judges of the previous category - 1 once a 4 of the year;

    Have judging experience:

    in the composition of the GSK for at least 4 -x competition status:

    Championship and Superiority of the Federal District of the Russian Federation;

    Dr. official all-Russian competitions;

    as a line judge for at least 6- ty status competitions:

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of Russia;

    Championship and Superiority of the Federal District of the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg;

    Russian category A competitions, groups with M class athletes.

    The judging of a competition of a higher status is counted as judging of any of the competitions of a lower status in the same judging position.

    Only competitions with an assessment of the quality of refereeing as “good” and “excellent” are counted in the practice of judging.

    5. Conditions for the inclusion of sports judges in the judging boards of official competitions.

    5.1. The following competitions are recognized as official competitions in the STSR:

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of Russia;

    Championship, Cup and Championship of the Federal District of the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg, zonal competitions;

    Other official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Competitions of physical culture and sports organizations (FSO) that have the right to assign sports categories.

    5.2. Sports judges of the CTSR work in the following judicial positions:

    Chief Judge (JJ);

    Deputy Chief Referee (LCS);

    Chief Secretary;

    line judge;

    Judge at the participants;

    informant judge;

    Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Judge and Chief Secretary form main judging panel(GSK) competition.

    5.3. Sports referees of the STSR have the right to serve competitions in accordance with their judicial category.

    The judge for mass sports serves SMM (Mass sports events) and, by decision of the Presidium of the regional FCS, competitions among couples of the “E” class in the event that dance and sports activities are completed;

    The judge of the All-Russian category serves any competitions, except for WDSF competitions;

    The judge of the International category serves any competition, including WDSF competitions.

    5.4. Functional duties and powers of sports referees working in these positions.

    Main judge:

    1. Responsible for conducting competitions in accordance with the current rules and regulations of the competition.
    2. Manages the sports part of the competition.
    3. Conducts briefing of technical services before the start of the competition.
    4. Holds a meeting of the panel of judges.
    5. Approves the regulations of the competition.
    6. Controls or forms the composition of line crews (in accordance with applicable rules).
    7. Has the right to delay or terminate the competition under adverse conditions that interfere with the normal course of the competition.
    8. Has the right to apply disciplinary measures (up to suspension from participation in competitions) to athletes and judges who violate the current rules.
    9. At the end of the competition, he gives an assessment to the members of the GSK and SC, to all services.
    10. Submits a report to the referee board of the federation within a week after the end of the tournament along with the protocols.

    Deputy Chief Judge:

    1. Replaces the chief judge by his order in any of the positions. 2. Monitors compliance with the current rules by athletes (sportswear, acceptable figures, etc.).
    3. Monitors compliance with the code of ethics by linesmen. 4. Follows the work of the judges at the participants, the informant judge, the judge for the selection of musical material. 5. Makes proposals to the chief referee of the competition on the application of disciplinary measures against athletes and linesmen who violate the current rules.

    Chief Secretary:

    1. Responsible for the work of the counting commission.

    2. Follows the registration of participants.

    3. Draws up a competition program, calculates the regulations.

    4. Manages the work of the secretariat.

    5. Conducts instruction on the use of computers (PDAs).

    6. Monitors the correctness of the summed result.

    7. Monitors the timely notification of athletes about the results of each round of the competition, about the timely posting of information or displaying it on screen monitors.

    8. Reports to the Chief Judge.


    1. Evaluates the performance of athletes according to the criteria for evaluating dance couples.
    2. Informs the chief referee, his deputies about the observed violations.
    3. Comply with the rules and regulations for the competition.

    Judge with participants:

    1. Liaises between athletes or their parents and the Ground Jury and Tournament Organizers.
    2. Checks the conditions for athletes before the start of the competition. 3. Manages the service that displays entries.
    4. Conducts athletes for doping control.
    5. Escorts athletes to the medical service in case of illness or injury.
    6. Monitors the behavior of athletes in the competition. 7. Answers the questions of athletes and parents of athletes regarding the course of the competition.

    8. Informs the Chief Judge or Deputy Chief Judge about violation of the rules or injuries of athletes in case they cannot continue to participate in the competition.

    Judge - informant:

    1. Is the announcer of the competition.

    2. Informs athletes and spectators in detail about the progress of the competition.

    3. Represents referee teams

    4. Leads the opening, closing and awarding ceremonies.

    5. Submits to the chief referee of the competition.

    Judge for the selection of musical material:

    1. Selects the musical accompaniment of dances in accordance with the rules.
    2. Plays the musical accompaniment of dances in accordance with the rules.
    3. Submits to the Chief Judge.

    Judge for video control and information board.

    1. Adjusts the work of video monitors and information boards.

    2. Monitors the timely output of the signal to the video monitor and information board.

    3. Instructs the judges to work with video monitors.

    4. Submits to the Chief Judge.

    5.5. Combination of judicial positions at the tournaments described in paragraph 5.1.

    A) Combining the status of the organizer of the competition with any of the judicial positions not allowed.

    b) Combination of the position of Chief Referee (JJ).

    The SG may combine his position with that of the Chief Secretary.

    The SG can combine his position with the line judge in the event of an unexpected illness of one of the judges.

    The GS can combine his position with the position of line judge in case of inconsistency of the judge with the category of athletes performing, as well as in case of insufficient number of judges of the highest categories

    V) Combining the position of Deputy Chief Judge (LCS).

    The USG may combine its position with that of the Chief Secretary.

    The USG may combine his position with the line judge in the event of an unexpected illness of one of the judges.

    The USG can combine its position with the position of line judge in case of mismatch of the judge with the category of athletes performing, as well as in case of insufficient number of judges of higher categories.

    d) Combining the post of chief secretary.

    The chief secretary can combine his position with the position of a video control and information board judge.

    e) Combining the position of line judge.

    Linesman cannot combine his position with any other position.

    f) Combining the position of a judge with the participants.

    The judge at the participants cannot combine his position with any other position.

    g) Combining the position of judge - informant.

    Judge - informant can combine his position with the position of a judge for the selection of musical material.

    h) Combining the position of a judge for the selection of musical material.

    The judge for the selection of musical material may combine his position with the position of a judge-informant.

    5.6. Sports judges are appointed to judicial positions of official competitions in accordance with their judicial categories (for mass sports, third, second, first, All-Russian).

    Sports referee for mass sports can only evaluate sports - mass events (SMM).

    A sports referee for mass sports can only be included in the refereeing boards of the SMM.

    A sports referee for mass sports, by decision of the Presidium of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, may be appointed to work at official competitions in any of the following positions:

    Judge at the participants;

    informant judge;

    To the Ground Jury as USG or Chief Secretary of the competitions of the following status:

    Championship of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship and Superiority of the municipality;

    Other official competitions of the municipality;

    Championship of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship and Superiority of the municipality;

    Other official competitions of the municipality;

    FSO competitions that have the right to assign sports categories

    in the event that athletes of “A”, “S”, “M” classes do not participate in the competition.

    Judge at the participants;

    informant judge;

    Judge for the selection of musical material;

    Judge for video control and information board

    Championship and Superiority of the municipality;

    Other official competitions of the municipality;

    Competitions FSO, having the right to assign sports categories.

    To the Ground Jury as USG or Chief Secretary of Status Competitions:

    Other official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship and Superiority of the municipality;

    Other official competitions of the municipality;

    Competitions FSO, having the right to assign sports categories.

    To the panel of judges as a line judge of status competitions:

    Other official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Championship and Superiority of the municipality;

    Other official competitions of the municipality;

    Competitions FSO, having the right to assign sports categories.

    To the panel of judges to work in the following judicial positions:

    Judge at the participants;

    informant judge;

    Judge for the selection of musical material;

    Judge for video control and information board

    in the event that “S” and “M” class athletes do not participate in the competition, as well as any competitions of a lower status, provided that “S” and “M” class athletes do not participate in them.

    Other official all-Russian competitions;

    Championship, Cup and Superiority of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    Other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation;

    As well as competitions of a lower status.

    To the GSK as a USG or chief secretary of any competition, except for the championship and the Cup of Russia.

    To the panel of judges as a line judge of status competitions:

    Championship of Russia;

    Championship and Superiority of the Federal District of the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg, zonal competitions

    in the event that there are no “M” class athletes participating in the competition, as well as any competitions of a lower status, provided that there are no “M” class athletes participating in them.

    To the panel of judges to work at any competition in the following judicial positions:

    Judge at the participants;

    informant judge;

    Judge for the selection of musical material;

    Judge for video control and information board.

    Judge of the All-Russian category may be appointed chief judge if he is a member of the board of chief judges of the STSR.

    Judge of the All-Russian category may be included in the Ground Jury as the USG or Chief Secretary, or in any position in any competition.

    6. The number of judges included in the team of linesmen.

    At all competitions in dance sport of the Russian Federation, the linear team of judges should include no more than 13 judges. Championship, Cup and Championship of Russia - from 11 to 13 line judges in one team. (at least 9 judges of the VC)

    Championship and Championship of the Federal District of the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg, zonal competitions, other official all-Russian competitions - from 9 to 13 line judges in one team (at least 3 judges of the VC).

    Championship, Cup and Championship of the subject of the Russian Federation, other official competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation, Championship and Championship of the municipality, other official competitions of the municipality - from 7 to 13 line judges in one team.

    7. Rights and obligations of a sports referee.

    7.1. The sports referee has the right:

    a) in accordance with their qualifications and category, judge competitions, wear a breast badge of a judge, as well as a judge's emblem;

    b) conduct seminars and briefings for judges of lower judicial categories;

    c) apply for a duplicate of the referee's book (certificate);

    d) apply for an increase in the qualification category in accordance with the Qualification Requirements.

    7.2 .The sports referee is obliged:

    a) ensure compliance with the rules of dance sport and the regulations (regulations) on sports competitions;

    b) know the rules of dance sport, comply with their requirements, master the refereeing methodology and apply it correctly in practice;

    c) carry out refereeing in a qualified and impartial manner, excluding errors that may cause distortion of the results of the competition, objectively and timely resolve issues arising during the competition;

    9.5. Organizations that keep records of sports refereeing activities make entries in the record card of sports refereeing activities.

    9.6. When changing the place of residence, the sports referee is recommended to present the referee's book and the record card of sports refereeing activities at the new place of residence.

    9.7. In case of loss of the judge's book and / or satisfaction of the organization that previously decided to issue them, issues a duplicate on the basis of a personal statement of the person who lost the document. The application must indicate the circumstances of the loss of the document.

    OOSO Presidium

    "Dance Sport Union of Russia"


    Criteria for assessing the skill of dance-sport couples.

    This system was proposed at the IDSF (currently WDSF) congress in Stuttgart on August 23, 2009.

    Explanation: This system is used in its entirety only when evaluating the Grand Slam WDSF finals.

    It is also proposed to consider an element of the system - the criteria for assessing the skill of dance and sports couples.

    Establishing new, more precise and more inclusive scoring criteria is being done to give the judges a platform (tool) with which they can assess the skill of the couple in more detail and give a more professional explanation of their assessment in the event of an answer to the appeal or question of the SG.

    Evaluation criteria consist of five components:

    1. MM (DM) - movement to the music;

    2. PB (PB) - position, balance, coordination;

    3. QM (KD) - quality of movement;

    4. PA (PA) - partnership;

    5. CP (CP) - choreography and presentation.

    DM - movement to the music.

    rhythmic structure



    PB - position, balance, coordination :

    position and stance;

    hull lines, shape and design;

    Position in a pair

    moving from position to position;

    · balance:

    static - dynamic

    individual - in pairs

    coordination of movement

    KD - quality of movement.

    · actions:

    Specific for each style (St, Lat).


    Energy flow;


    PA is a partnership.


    interaction without connection;

    · neatness;

    · efficiency;

    · constancy.

    HP - choreography and presentation.

    Well balanced choreography



    Difficulty level

    · atmosphere

    Creativity (inventiveness, creativity);


    · interpretation.


    System of judicial seminars.

    The procedure for passing qualifying examinations and referee tests.

    (under development)

    III. The procedure for assigning qualification categories

    sports referees "young sports referee", "sports referee

    and "sports referee of the first category"

    23. The qualification category of a sports referee "young sports referee" (hereinafter referred to as the qualification category "young sports referee") is assigned to candidates aged 14 to 16 years. This category expires at the age of 16.

    24. The qualification category of a sports referee "sports referee of the third category" (hereinafter referred to as the third category) is assigned to candidates who have reached the age of 16 after fulfilling the requirements for passing the qualification test (exam).

    Having the sports title "master of sports of Russia of international class", "grandmaster of Russia" or "master of sports of Russia" in the corresponding sport.

    27. The qualification category "young sports referee" is assigned by physical culture and sports organizations, organizations that carry out sports training, educational organizations carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports, at the place of residence of the candidate or at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation upon an application certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head of the regional sports federation, containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth of the candidate, fulfillment of the Qualification requirements (hereinafter referred to as the Application).

    The second and third categories are assigned by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts (hereinafter referred to as local governments) at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation on the basis of a Submission certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head of the regional sports federation (with the exception of military applied and service-applied sports).

    The second and third categories are assigned by subdivisions of federal bodies at their location on the basis of a Submission signed by an official, an authorized subdivision of a federal body (hereinafter referred to as an official) (for military applied and service applied sports).

    The first category is assigned by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases of assignment to employees of federal bodies whose belonging to such federal bodies is classified as information constituting a state secret) at the place of the territorial sphere of activity of the regional sports federation or at the location of the federal body's subdivision according to the Submission, certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head of the regional sports federation or division of the federal body.

    27.1. Assignment of the first category in applied military and service applied sports to employees of federal bodies, whose belonging to such federal bodies is classified as information constituting a state secret, is carried out by subdivisions of the federal bodies authorized by the relevant federal bodies on the basis of a Submission signed by an official.

    28. Submission, Application and documents provided for in paragraph 29 of the Regulations for the assignment of the third, second or first category (hereinafter, respectively - documents for the assignment of a qualification category, qualification category) are submitted by a regional sports federation, a division of a federal body or an official to the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, subdivisions of federal bodies, physical culture and sports organizations, organizations providing sports training, educational organizations, carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to jointly as an organization) within 4 months from the date of fulfillment of the Qualification requirements.

    29. The following documents are attached to the Submission:

    A) a copy of the registration card certified by the seal (if any) and signed by the head of the regional sports federation, division of the federal body or official;

    B) copies of the second and third pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as copies of pages containing information about the place of residence of the candidate, and in his absence, copies of the pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing information about last name, first name, patronymic (if any), the authority that issued the document, the expiration date of the document - for citizens of the Russian Federation;

    C) a copy of a foreign citizen's passport or other document established by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 "On the Legal Status of Citizens in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 30, Art. 3032; 2019, No. 30, 4134) (hereinafter - Federal Law N 115-FZ) or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen - for foreign citizens;

    D) a copy of a document certifying the identity of a stateless person in the Russian Federation, issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person, or a copy of another document provided for by Federal Law N 115-FZ or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person - for stateless persons;

    E) a copy of a military ID - for military personnel undergoing military service on conscription (in the absence of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);

    E) a copy of the certificate "master of sports of Russia of international class", "grandmaster of Russia" or "master of sports of Russia" - for candidates who are assigned qualification categories in accordance with paragraph three of clauses 25, 26 of the Regulations;

    G) 2 photographs 3 x 4 cm.

    The paragraph is invalid. - Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated November 11, 2019 N 928.

    30. Based on the results of consideration of documents for the assignment of a qualification category, the organization makes a decision to assign a qualification category, to return documents for the assignment of a qualification category or to refuse to assign a qualification category.

    31. The decision to assign a qualification category is made within 2 months from the date of receipt of documents for the assignment of a qualification category in the form of a document that is signed by the head of the organization.

    32. A copy of the document on the decision taken within 10 working days from the date of its signing is sent to the regional sports federation and (or) posted on the official website of the organization in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

    33. Lost power. - Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated October 26, 2018 N 914.

    34. A copy of the document on the decision taken in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports is not posted on the official website of the organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", and within 5 working days from the date of its signing it is sent to the division of the federal body or handed over to an official.

    35. When assigning a qualification category, the organization issues an appropriate badge and book of a sports judge.

    36. In case of submission of documents for the assignment of a qualification category that do not meet the requirements provided for in paragraphs 27 of the Regulations, the organization within 10 working days from the date of their receipt returns them to the regional sports federation, division of the federal body or official, indicating the reasons for the return.

    37. In the event of a return, the regional sports federation, a division of the federal body or an official, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the documents for assigning a qualification category, eliminates the inconsistencies and re-sends them for consideration to the organization.

    38. The decision to refuse to assign a qualification category is made by the organization within 2 months from the date of receipt of documents for the assignment of a qualification category.

    If a decision is made to refuse to assign a qualification category, the organization, within 5 working days from the date of such a decision, sends a reasoned written refusal to the regional sports federation, a division of a federal body or an official and returns the documents for assigning a qualification category.

    43. The decision to confirm the qualification category is made by the regional sports federation or a division of the federal body within 10 working days from the date of fulfillment of the requirements for confirming the qualification category and is drawn up by a document certified by the seal (if any) and signature of the head or person authorized by the regional sports federation or department of the federal government.

    A copy of the document on the decision taken within 5 working days from the date of its signing is posted on the official website of the regional sports federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and sent to the organization that assigned the qualification category.

    44. Confirmation of the qualification category in military-applied and service-applied sports for employees of subdivisions of federal bodies whose belonging to such subdivisions is classified as information constituting a state secret is carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting state secrets.

    45. A copy of the document on the decision taken in relation to military-applied and service-applied sports on the official website of the department of the federal body in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" is not posted and within 5 working days from the date of its signing is sent to the department of the federal body or handed over to the official.

    46. ​​Information about the assignment, confirmation of the qualification category is entered in the registration card and the book of the sports judge and is certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the head or person authorized by the regional sports federation or a division of the federal body.

    47. Upon confirmation of the qualification category, the badge and book of the sports referee are not re-issued.