Correct twine: what is it? Stretching frog exercise Frog pose exercise for a child.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


The word frog - the name of such an unsympathetic and not at all graceful amphibian animal - is very important in physical education, because it is also called the different variations of the Frog exercise, which are incredibly useful for the body. These are special approaches for the legs, the press, stretching for the twine and even one of the asanas in yoga. In addition, the frog pose is very beneficial for women's health- it significantly improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, therefore it helps to avoid problems with the genitourinary system and contributes to easy delivery.

Frog Pose

This name combines several types of physical activity for pumping different muscle groups and correction of different parts of the body. There is a separate exercise Frog for the press, inner thigh, legs. The technique for performing each is slightly different, but all of them, in the process of doing it, involve the adoption of a body position that resembles a frog in shape. These exercises are very popular among professional athletes and dancers. The Frog Pose is also a healing asana from yoga, where there are also several variations of it.

How to sit in a frog

From childhood, we all know the technique of performing frog jumps, when we jump from a squatting position with our knees strongly spread apart. The classic basic frog pose is somewhat reminiscent of the starting position for such jumps. To accept it, you need to squat down, strongly spreading your knees in diametrical directions. Place your hands parallel between your knees, slightly bending your elbows, and then try to raise your pelvis and legs. On the net you can find many video tutorials on how to sit in the Frog correctly.

Frog yoga pose

One of the therapeutic dynamic asanas in yoga is bhekasana or the frog pose. It is an excellent way to massage the abdominal cavity, develop legs, back, knee joints, indicated for gout, rheumatism, venous varicose veins. However, this asana should not be performed by those who suffer from insomnia, have problems with blood pressure, or have suffered spinal injuries.

The classic frog pose in yoga is performed like this:

  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands behind your back, lower your face.
  • As you exhale, stretch your legs, gently bend your knees, gently bringing your heels to the pelvis.
  • Grab your heels with your hands, while inhaling, slowly raise your head and body, bending your lower back and stretching your elbows with your shoulders back.
  • Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, lie back, relax.
  • In addition to the classic version of the asana, which is a little difficult and tough for beginners, there is an easier, simplified way of the frog pose, when only one leg is brought out.

Exercise Frog for stretching

This approach is constantly practiced by ballerinas and gymnasts because the Frog stretch is a very effective preparation for the splits. It is one of the main exercises for developing the flexibility of the body - it helps to quickly stretch the muscles and ligaments, and it makes even deep tight muscles stretch. internal muscles hips. Stretching exercises for transverse twine include the Frog without fail. Stretching for longitudinal twine also often involves the adoption of a frog pose in combination with other basic exercises.

To make a Frog for stretching, you must first get on all fours and rest your hands on the floor, then gently spread your knees very wide, lower upper part body on the floor, while bending the lower back as much as possible. Fix this position for up to 30 seconds, then take the starting position. In the groin area, strong tension should be felt, but in no case pain. Effective stretching for twine it is unacceptable and after suffering injuries of the spine, with inflammatory diseases of the back and joints.

Exercise Frog for legs

It is easy to make legs beautiful and toned if you regularly do the Frog for Legs exercise. With its help, all the muscles of the thighs and lower legs are strengthened, but the knees are heavily loaded, so for people who are not healthy, such approaches are contraindicated. The technique for performing the exercise is not complicated:

  • Squat down, bringing the raised heels together and turning the socks to the sides.
  • Lean your fingers on the floor, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • As you exhale, smoothly straighten your legs without bending your knees, without lowering your heels, without lifting your fingers from the floor.
  • On an inhale, squat back down.

Frog pull-ups

So called effective exercise for the press, which will very quickly help to remove caterpillar folds on the stomach, achieve a slender waist, tone the abdominal muscles. Frog pull-ups are also good for training the legs, but their main value is that when correct execution approaches perfectly worked out each muscle of the abdomen. Due to the strong load on the peritoneum, this exercise is contraindicated in women who have recently given birth, people who have undergone abdominal surgery or have problems with the spine.

There are two options for frog pull-ups:

  1. The classic method involves twisting the body. To do it, you need to bring the soles of the feet together in the supine position, and spread the bent knees as wide as possible. After immobilizing the lower back and pelvis, smoothly twist forward, keeping your hands on your chest or behind your head. Exercise should be accompanied correct breathing: lifting the body - exhale, lowering - inhale.
  2. Maximum load in the first variant, it falls on the rectus abdominis muscles, for enhanced study of oblique muscles, there is a second variation of frog pull-ups - twisting the pelvis. The starting position is the same, only with this approach we immobilize the entire upper body, and raise and twist the pelvis, pulling the knees to the shoulders, straining the abdominal muscles with all our might.

Video: exercise Frog for the press

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This physical exercise familiar to everyone from childhood, the name is somewhat unusual - “frog”. It exists in different options. The simplest one can be done even by a child, while the more complex ones are designed for people with a special sports training. What is the benefit of doing what muscles work and how to perform it correctly - you can learn all this from our article.

Training Options

Exercises with own weight good because they don't require additional equipment. You can improve in them almost endlessly, performing in different ways, accelerating the pace or combining with others. . And all it takes is desire and a little time., no financial costs. That's why these workouts are gaining popularity.

The Benefits of Exercise

Any physical exercise have a huge positive effect on the body as a whole. As for this diverse exercise, then it is no exception:

The ability to choose the appropriate level of load allows you to recommend the "frog" to people different ages and physical training.

Technique for performing different options

To work out the press

Bruce Lee himself included the "frog" in his classes. Today this species crunches are quite often recommended by fitness instructors as an exercise to strengthen the abdominal area. There is also a soft stretching of the hips (the inner part, the most difficult to load).

Stretch work

The purpose of this type of exercise is not only to improve gait and flexibility. The mobility of the pelvis will increase, which reduces the risk of developing many diseases. You have to learn gradually by no means using pressure.

Bow pose (dhanur asana)

  • Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, arms extended along the body.
  • Then you need to take hold of the ankles, lift your legs off the floor as far as possible, tighten your muscles rear surface hips. Stay at the top.
  • Then gradually return to the starting position, while the press must be kept in suspense all the time. 10 repetitions are enough.

Bow pose should be done at the end of your workout to compensate for the effort made during the workout.

Plyometric variant

Perfect for increasing the strength of the legs, "pumping" the buttocks. "Explosive" technique burns calories.

If this "frog" is combined with other plyometric exercises, you can burn a large amount of body fat. But there are a number of important conditions:

  • Do not eat immediately before class, or during exercise may feel nauseous.
  • Training does not exceed an hour, taking into account the warm-up and hitch.
  • Between circles, a pause is necessary so as not to overwork.
  • These exercises work best when combined with strength training.


This species is shown only to people with good physical training. At first, such a “frog” should be done under the supervision of an instructor in order to hone the technique. You should do it on a gymnastic mat.

Masters can perform a rack in a few minutes. For beginners, a dozen repetitions will be enough . Gradually muscle strength will increase.

By regularly doing this simple exercise, like a "frog", you can significantly improve your health. It serves as a preventative varicose veins veins. Maintains muscle tone without overloading them. It develops not only the press, hips, but also stabilizes the pressure.

Frog exercise

Today there are a huge number of exercises aimed at working out different groups muscles. Our attention will be turned to the frog exercise for the buttocks, legs and abs. Various variations of the exercise allow you to work out several muscle groups at once, the main thing is to know the execution technique, taking into account all the nuances.

Frog exercise for stretching

Girls who want to become owners slender legs should pay attention to stretching exercises. "Frog" will in addition improve, strengthen the press and leg muscles. In addition, stretching has a positive effect on health, reducing the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.

How to do the leg stretch frog exercise:

  1. Get on all fours and begin to push your knees out to the sides until there is a right angle between the thigh and lower leg. The pubic bone should be perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Slowly push your pelvis back and lower your forearms to the floor. There should be maximum deflection in the back.
  3. Fix the position for half a minute and return to the PI, and then repeat the exercise several times.

To increase the stretch, you can connect the soles of the feet to each other. At first, it will be difficult to keep them next to each other, so you can ask an assistant to hold the feet.

Frog exercise for the press

This exercise is effective and with its help in a short time you can get rid of the ugly folds on the abdomen, tone the muscles and, if desired, achieve relief. The frog exercise involves all the abdominal muscles at once, but the greatest load is still on the rectus muscle. Perform the exercise in three sets, doing 20-30 repetitions. To get the result, after each approach, the press must burn.

How to do the frog exercise:

  1. Accept horizontal position stretching your legs forward. Bend your knees, and then spread them apart, while the feet should be connected to each other.
  2. Pull your feet towards you as much as possible so that your legs eventually form a diamond. Cross your arms over your forearms so that they do not interfere.
  3. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor. Exhaling, twist, lifting the upper body. Fix the position.
  4. Inhaling, slowly return to the PI. Do required amount repetitions.

If you want to increase the load on internal and external

Mandukasana (Frog Pose) requires great care and slowness. In it, like in no other, you just have to sit down and listen to your feelings. Such a skill, acquired on the mat, moves into life: by practicing Mandukasana, you become more humble, attentive, throw words to the wind less and do more.

Execution technique

  1. Get on all fours. Slowly begin to move apart at the knees, feeling intense stretching during inside hips.
  2. Stop when you reach the maximum stretch point. Put your feet on the floor internal parts so that the heels look at each other.
  3. Place your forearms on the floor parallel to each other.
  4. Make sure that you do not have a deflection in the lower back, include the abdominal muscles in the work.
  5. Strive your pelvis back towards your feet.
  6. Relax and take 7-10 calm breaths.

All movements should be soft, smooth, cat-like. Do not try to master the asana by force. It is better to do more often than less, but with great intensity. If you have good stretch, you can move to the floor with a slippery surface, put small towels under your knees and bring your knees together / apart.


  • Inguinal hernia
  • Pain in the back and joints of the legs


Physical aspects: asana perfectly strengthens the muscles of the thighs, makes the legs slim and gives nice shape. Helps prevent diabetes, constipation, and digestive disorders. Promotes weight loss, good metabolism, cleans excess fat from the stomach. The hands work well in the asana, which strengthens the shoulders and abdominal muscles. Mandukasana relieves menstrual pain.

Mental Aspects: The Frog Pose relieves headaches, relieves stress and alleviates depression. It also eliminates toxins that are produced in the body during times of anxiety.

Spiritual Aspects: asana balances the root chakra. Consequently, a person becomes more self-confident, life acquires meaning, he is in the present moment, gets rid of fears, trusts life. It must be remembered that the correct work of the Muladhara chakra is perhaps not the most important, but in any case very important, because it is through it that you can work with the rest of the chakras. Mandukasana also awakens the Kundalini energy.

Benefits of leg stretching exercises for women

A good stretch of the legs is a special pride of the fair sex. In addition to graceful and easy gait, beautiful posture, graceful and toned legs, leg stretching exercises are useful for women also in that with their regular performance significantly improves the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints, improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, reduces the likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, elastic ligaments and a movable pelvis will be very useful to you during pregnancy and will be the key to an easy birth.

It is important that a good stretching of the legs will strengthen the press and muscles of the legs, make them more prominent and attractive.

However, if you haven’t practiced for a long time, you’re unlikely to be able to immediately sit on the twine. Auxiliary stretching exercises for the legs will help prepare for the transverse twine. Today we will talk about one of these exercises - the Frog.

How to do the exercise "Frog" to stretch the legs

This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh and groin area from a sitting position. When performing it, it is important to monitor breathing in order to improve blood circulation in muscle tissue and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients. You should not apply hypereffort: stretch as much as your body flexibility allows. Excessive jerking can lead to unwanted injury.

To avoid this, it is best to do this exercise take turns with a friend who will control the correct technique of the exercise, or with a fitness trainer.

Technique for performing the exercise "Frog"

  1. Get on all fours and slowly spread your knees to both sides so that your lower leg and thigh are at right angles to each other, and your pubic bone is perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Gently push your pelvic bones forward while lowering your forearms to the floor. The back bends backwards as much as possible, the soles of the feet touch each other. It is good if a friend helps to keep the feet on the floor in the correct position.
  3. Lock in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

P.S. There is another lightweight version of the Frog exercise, in which you just need to lie on your back on the floor, spread your knees and shins as much as possible, while connecting the soles of your feet so that there is a feeling of a good stretch in the groin area. This version is suitable for beginners who have not yet managed to master the backbends.