Self defense lessons for beginners at home. Simple and effective self-defense techniques on the street

Incredible Facts

Every minute, somewhere in the world there is a lot of crime, and therefore self-defense sometimes becomes a necessity.

Not all people know how to use a gas canister or how to deal with an attack.

These tips will not replace professional self-defense courses, but they can help you get out of a difficult situation.

The use of self-defense

1. How to get rid of plastic handcuffs

Plastic handcuffs are one of the most common restraints for kidnappers, as they are cheaper than metal handcuffs. With your body and determination, you can get out of them.

2. When attacked in an elevator, stop on all floors

Imagine that you have to come home late and find yourself in an elevator with a stranger. Press all elevator buttons to reduce the risk of attack, as it will be more difficult for a person to do this when the door is constantly opening. However, use this method carefully and trust your intuition.

3. If someone is trying to rob and attack you in the house, head to the kitchen

Naturally, first of all, you should call the emergency rescue service (112). Only you know where there are knives, breakable plates and spices that can become potential weapons. If all else fails, start yelling and throwing kitchen utensils to create noise and alert your neighbors.

4. If someone tries to attack you on the street, do not stand still

Even if you are not an athlete or have no self-defense skills, you have the ability to fight back. Inexperienced people tend to be inactive, so remember to use all parts of your body, including your knees, elbows, and legs.

5. Download some security apps

Security applications, e.g. applications bSafe, Shake2Safety, GetHomeSafe, Family Locator may come in handy in emergencies. Such applications will help you create your own secure network with friends and family, tell you where you are, information about the movement of loved ones, or send a help signal to friends.

6. Remember the main pain points

Try to remain calm and pay attention to the position of the attacker to determine the best places to fight back. You only have a few seconds and a few moves before the attacker takes control.

Don't get close enough to punch your nose if you can reach out and kick your knee.

Use your elbows, knees and head to strike.

self defense gas canister

7. Learn how to properly use pepper spray

Do you have pepper spray in your purse but don't know how to use it?

· First of all, it is worth keeping the can close at hand, for example, in a jacket pocket, so as not to waste time trying to find it.

Shout "Stop" or another phrase to distract the attacker.

· Slightly bend your knees and keep at least 15 cm in front of you, pointing at the opponent's face and eyes.

· Focus on the attacker at close range and only spray when ready.

· Spray the can and immediately run away.

Self defense for women

8. How to get out when grabbing a hand

If someone grabs your hand, turn your hand to the side where the opponent's thumb and forefinger meet - the weakest point of the grip.

9. Let your hair down

Attackers can easily grab you from behind by the ponytail or pigtail. If possible, it's best to let your hair down until you arrive at your destination.

10. Keep valuables in a padded bag

It is unlikely that the criminal will want to check there.

11. Shout out loud

The last thing an attacker wants is to attract unnecessary attention. Moreover, shouting will give you a boost of energy for effective self-defense.

Self defense techniques

12. Punch in solar plexus incapacitate the perpetrator

If possible, hit the solar plexus - the most vulnerable place, which will cause pain and the inability to breathe in the enemy.

13. A stylish ring can become a weapon of self-defense.

Sharp rings and other decorations can come in handy in case of an attack.

14. The Guillotine is a basic and easy-to-learn jiu-jitsu move and is effective from a standing position and from behind.

15. Run

If you can run away and avoid the attacker, this is the best tactic.

If you read my articles, studied the basics and principles of self-defense, know the algorithms for entering the entrance, into the car, into the apartment, navigate the crowd, monitor the appearance of all possible dangers ... most likely you will not have any problems with paranoia. Strange? Not at all. Ensuring personal safety is normal and right. Your actions may seem strange or unnecessary to someone - well, that's their problem. It's just that they are not yet in the subject - give them a link to this blog.

Usually the question of how not to become paranoid arises for beginners when they hear some advice on personal safety, divorced from the general context.

For example these:

  • Don't talk to strangers
  • Don't let anyone get within arm's length
  • Approaching the car, look around, keep the keys in your hand
  • When entering a dark entrance, stop for a couple of seconds and listen
  • At night, do not wear a hood and headphones

And so on. By themselves, these "bad advice" seem strange and quite fit the symptoms of paranoid thought disorder - suspiciousness, the search for enemies and a hidden conspiracy. But this is only at first glance.

The fact is that all the recommendations of serious professionals in the field of self-defense do not arise from scratch. This is a combination of their personal knowledge and the mass of the experience of other people they have collected, and most importantly, all these recommendations are a logical conclusion from the general concept, from the system of human training. It is as part of the training that they are easily assimilated, integrated into your own personal security system and cease to seem painfully strange.

To put it simply, walk up to your car and look around - for a self-defender, this is the same as washing your hands with soap when you come home from the street.

Taking care of your own safety is completely natural in the realities of modern urban life. The only question is how not to start "paranoid" in the process of learning self-defense. I'll tell you.

Indeed, when a person just starts practicing self-defense, his psyche begins to rebuild. A lot of new material now falls into his field of attention: something that he did not pay any attention to before. The natural habit of being attentive has not yet been formed, and the novice self-defender is looking for a threat in everything. This is possible and quite normal for the initial period of training. And this is where humor comes in!

I will say without false modesty: humor and positive - this is what distinguishes our approach, the methodology of the "Self-defense 100%" club from many schools and self-defense systems. Teaching complex and scary things should be against a generally positive background. This does not mean at all that we are joking all through the workout and designating, say, an impact on the eyes or blows to the groin. Sometimes in training it is both painful and scary. But all the same, we always try to keep and instill in our customers a general positive charge. And humor and positivity are traits of a confident person.

So, if a person trains positively, is confident in himself and constantly improves his self-defense skills, then compliance with security algorithms becomes something like an interesting quest at the time of training.

A peppy self-defender goes out into the street, goes to his car. Approaching, he looked around. He took out the key, looked around again, opened the door, sat down, closed all the locks and started the engine - all this is very interesting and easy to train just like an entertaining educational game. And when it becomes a habit, there will be no question of any paranoia. Only adequate care and common sense.

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We see news about attacks on TV and on the Internet, but we almost always think that this is not about us. That this cannot happen to us. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the attack of bandits.

website I am sure that it is better to be ready for any twists of fate, and I have selected 13 for you useful tips. We hope you never have to use them.

1. Fold your fist correctly

The debate about which is more effective - a fist or a palm, has been going on for a very long time. But more often before the blow, the hand involuntarily folds into a fist. The main thing is to fold it so as not to injure your fingers. Do not stick out your thumb or leave it under four fingers - this can lead to a fracture.

Don't neglect the palm strikes: this strike is more unexpected.

2. How to get rid of ropes

The most important thing to do is to try to leave a loophole - air. If your hands are tied, keep them in a fist, if your torso, take in air by expanding your diaphragm. The more free space left, the higher your chances of being freed.

3. Remember vulnerabilities

A woman has much less physical strength than a man, so you need to work for surprise. The main thing is to strike as sharply and strongly as possible. If you think for a long time or "aim" - the enemy will understand what you are going to do and get even more angry.

4. Use security apps

Take advantage modern methods. Family Locator, bSafe and other applications will help you track the movement of friends and loved ones and, if necessary, signal for help.

5. Come up with a code word

As children, we invent ciphers, new words, and even languages. And this seemingly fun can save a life. If you have the opportunity to talk or write a message, the encrypted "SOS" will show the general situation. And if you go further in puzzles, then your loved ones will find out that you were taken to the north or along the highway, near abandoned buildings, or even along a certain street.

6. Use improvised means

Use any item that can help you. So, the bag can be used as a shield against a knife attack (just don't press it close to the body), and throw a scarf in your face to win a couple of seconds. Umbrellas, bags and even change in your pocket can help. Keys are one of the best tools. Just don't waste your time making brass knuckles out of them.

7. Spray can in the right place

It makes no sense to keep a gas canister in your bag if you have a bottomless black hole in there. More often, the attack occurs unexpectedly, and you need to grab the means of protection as quickly as possible. Even the outer pocket is not quite suitable for storing a spray can - after all, even there you need to spend time to unzip the zipper. Keep this tool in your pocket so you can quickly apply it and run away.

8. If grabbed by the hand

You can break out of the grip of the hand by using the "rule thumb': that is, rotate your hand towards the attacker's thumb. But remember that the jerk must be sharp. If the enemy understands your intention, he will squeeze your hand with all his strength. In this case, use your legs: hit in the groin, in the knee and step on the foot with all your might.

9. If grabbed by the hair

One of the most popular methods of attack is by grabbing the victim's hair. This technique is not only painful, but also gives almost complete control over your body. Therefore, first of all, grab the opponent’s arm with both hands: this way you will again take control into your own hands. Then use your legs again. As soon as you feel that the attacker's hand has loosened its grip, let go of yours and run.

10. If grabbed by the neck

The popular “circular leverage” method of getting out of the neck grip is not always productive in practice. You may simply not have enough time or energy. It is better to unexpectedly strike in the groin or poke fingers in the eyes - the pain will weaken the grip of the attacker.

11. In the elevator

Of course, everyone knows not to get on an elevator with strangers. And if someone who is not trustworthy enters when you are already there, it is better to leave. Get in the habit of standing with your back to the part of the wall where the buttons are. It's better to press the button for your "neighbor" than to let him stop the elevator and get stuck with him between floors.

A few more rules to help you

  • Be on the lookout. Because of the music in the headphones total immersion in the phone screen or just the habit of looking at your feet, and not around, you may not notice the intruder. Look around and look back from time to time: if the effect of surprise is missed, the attacker may change his mind to attack.
  • Keep your distance. Try your best not to get pinned against the wall. Even if the enemy is moving towards you, do not go back, but sideways, thereby changing your overall trajectory of movement.
  • Keep your palms in front of you. This is not only a defensive position (just make sure that the hands are at the level of the chin, and the elbows are half-bent), but also "conciliatory". So you say, “Calm down. Take it easy. Let's settle the matter peacefully," but at the same time, we are ready to fight back.
  • The main thing is to run away. Even if you have learned and worked out all the tricks, this does not mean that you have become Elektra. No need to measure physical force with a man, your main task is to stay whole. Therefore, take into account three points: break out of the grip, confuse, run.

Girls are made for love, and "war" is a man's business. And it seems that this statement is basically true, but today, it is not uncommon for the representatives of the “weaker” sex to stand up for themselves. However, how can a girl learn to fight at home if you have never fought before?

Dear girls, girls, ladies, in this article we will give you the specific, necessary information that will help you stand up for yourself.

Let's be frank. That wrestling, that percussion technique is hard to master at home alone. You don't care, at some point you will have to find a companion or go to the section. You can't learn to swim by taking a shower in the bath, you can't learn to drive a car without ever sitting behind the wheel, you can't master the guitar without playing it. However, in this article we will help you shed light on how to learn to fight, help you save a lot of time and provide some great video tutorials on the subject.

In general, how should such an article look like. Probably, first they should say hello to you, introduce themselves as an experienced self-defense instructor, describe several techniques and give parting words.

Would such an article be useful?

In general, most likely, a girl may want to learn how to fight for 2 reasons. The first is when she was offended and needs protection, but there is no one to stand up for her. The second is just a desire to learn how to fight and a love for martial arts.

This article will be divided into 2 parts, first we will give advice to those who just want to learn how to fight, second, to those who need self-defense.

Before moving on to the main topic, let's give you a little encouragement by saying that in 2015, best fighter the planet was named Ronda Rousey. UFC Champion, American Promotion mixed martial arts, attracted great attention and proved to everyone that women's fights are no less interesting and exciting than men's.

This sweet girl, Ronda Rousey, was named Fighter of the Year in 2015.

In general, it is no longer possible to say that the fight is not a woman’s business, in MMA today there are a lot of girls who are much more technical and gifted than men. And the question of your skill, it's only a matter of time.

How can a girl learn to fight?

Wrestling and striking technique

The ability to fight can be divided into 2 categories, these are wrestling and striking techniques.

As practice shows, wrestling is much more effective in a one-on-one fight. But if you have several offenders, while you twist one, others will easily take advantage of this.

Striking techniques are less effective in one-on-one fights. However, if you have several offenders, you can break through one, another, third and this will give a greater effect than a fight.

From this we conclude that, ideally, it is worth mastering both wrestling and striking.

Percussion techniques

Boxing, Thai boxing, Kick Koksing, Karate, Wushu Sanda, Taekwondo.

Wrestling techniques

Sambo, Grappling, Jiu Jitsu, Freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, Judo

What can you do at home yourself

Exercise 1

In punching boxing, the most important thing is not the arms, but the legs. It is your legs that determine your distance with your opponent, how agile you are and how quickly you will go on the attack. Try to stand in a boxing stance in front of a mirror and just jump, move your legs, try to strike straight with your hands. You can do this by turning on your favorite music and turning the exercise into a kind of dance. Yes, of course it will turn out awkward, but so step by step, your arm swings will become more confident and suddenly you will realize that the stance is not so awkward.

Exercise 2

Hang a string on the ceiling and tie a small ball to it. The length of the thread should be of such dimensions that the ball touches your nose or a little higher. Start hitting the ball and dodging it as it flies back at you.

Exercise 3

Even professional fighters practice shadow boxing, really very useful exercise! Just get into a fighting stance and imagine how the enemy attacks you, and you leave or defend yourself. Then comes an attack from you. That's how you work.

Exercise 4

Wrestling is a whole science. How to intercept the opponent’s hand in order to go for a choke, how to twist a person and make a pain, how to hook an opponent and throw him over his shoulder, mastering these skills requires a lot of practice with experienced coach. However, if you are now on the floor with a person attacking you, most likely, intuitively you will be able to do some tricks even without ever wrestling before.

First of all, ask yourself how you need to hook a person with your hands so that he would be immobilized or strangle (do not be afraid of this word 🙂) him.

Probably, if your armpit is on the back of the person’s neck, and your hand is on the throat, and if you fix this hand with the second, most likely you will get a choke.

Probably, if you squeeze the person’s neck between your legs, twist your legs in the shin area and tighten your hips, you will also get a choke.

You need to engage in wrestling with at least two people, but in the absence of a person, you can try to make castles with a pillow or a blanket (the main thing is not to fall asleep 🙂).

In general, wrestling is really a very interesting topic! The first thing they teach in wrestling lessons is how to fall properly. IN Everyday life slipping on ice in winter, your body will know how to properly group. In wrestling, you will understand how to properly distribute weight and strength and be able to compete with people bigger than you. And it's fun and cool too! J

Does martial arts hurt?

At first, yes, but then the body fills up, and the pain becomes less obvious. If you go to the section, naturally you will have to stand in sparring and at first you will experience jitters, but after a few months this fear will pass.

How long does it take to learn how to fight?

It all depends on you and it's true!

Studying at home, you still won’t be able to master non-percussion non-wrestling techniques to the end.

Well, really, you just don’t want to lie!

Fighting is the action of at least two people and you still need someone you can spar with.

However, if you went to the section, with a serious attitude, in 3 months you will have the first results. In a year of training, you can easily beat both a girl and a guy of your weight or more who do not have fighting equipment.

Self defense for girls.

Self-defense courses are very popular among girls. You go there, of course you pay a lot of money and they show you how to behave if you are attacked.

Usually, girls who are offended by a tyrant husband at home, girls who were attacked for the purpose of rape, or girls who are offended by strangers, and there is no one to ask for protection, decide on such courses.

There is no sense in such self-defense courses!

They are spoken of. That if the ill-wisher strikes from the right, then you need to expose your shoulder, grab it by the collar, and knock him to the ground.

However, when this happens in reality, usually a person begins to get lost and some kind of mess turns out.

The difference between courses and training in the section is that in training you repeat the knowledge gained over and over again. With you, every lesson costs a person in sparring, and even if the sparring is not hard, you still work out the ability to fight, keep defense and strike. You calm down psychologically and no longer see anything unusual in the fight.

Self-defense courses, especially video courses, are a waste of money!

2 most effective ways to protect yourself

However, if you have a problem in the form of a specific offender or just a fear that someone will attack you, there are 2 ways that are very likely to protect you.

  • Kick in the groin

If this is a male offender, a kick in the groin will be a very powerful tool for you. This reducing pain, in which you can not think of anything. Everything is simple, brilliant.

  • stun gun

You are afraid to return home late in the evening, they threaten you, your husband gets drunk and climbs to you.

Would you like to have a hit like Mike Tyson in your arsenal, and without training and playing sports?

In this case, buying a stun gun will be a great purchase.

True, you first need to learn how to properly handle stun guns, they also have their own nuances. Well, in general, having this weapon, you can fight off both one and several hooligans. Unlike a gas canister, it does not depend on the flow of the wind and you will not be imprisoned for using it (if you use it in self-defense.

True, it is worth buying a high-quality stun gun that cuts down. Such, now can cost at least 10,000 rubles. Expensive, but your life and health are even more expensive! Chinese junk for 1000 rubles will not give any effect and most likely will only anger the offender.

How to master the techniques of self-defense, Learn to fight back. (10+)

Physical self-defense against attack and aggression. How to learn

I myself used the mastered techniques only twice, and the second time was more than 10 years after training. But everything turned out great. So I still have a formidable weapon with me.

Your goal is to protect yourself and loved ones

Having decided to start training, you need to clearly formulate a goal for yourself. Do you want to learn how to defend or do you want to improve physical form, exercise cardiovascular and respiratory system, lose weight. Most sections teach martial arts. Possession of them at a professional level allows you to effectively defend yourself, but for professional skills you need many years of training. Amateurish possession of techniques can only do harm. So in such sections you need to either do professional career athlete, or pull up the OFP (general physical training). But you should not expect that the acquired skills will quickly protect you from hooligans.

Criteria for choosing a teacher of self-defense, self-defense

Effective self-defense techniques do not require special physical strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc. Where they actually teach to defend themselves, strength, agility and flexibility are not trained. For self-defense, you need a clear execution of the technique and confidence in what you are doing.

My training took a month. Classes were for 3 hours, every two days. This time is enough to master the basic skills sufficient for defense in ordinary life. The schedule is very important, since it is in this mode that the necessary skills are best developed.

Techniques are practiced on specially trained people. These techniques are really very effective. They cannot be worked on each other. You will just get hurt. In addition, an ordinary, unprepared person will not be able to naturally portray a bully. Faced with real aggression, you will be afraid if during training the opponent behaved differently.

You need to master a very small number of tricks. I know 7. But it is important to hone the techniques to perfection.

Such training cannot be cheap. Only two professionals will work with you for three hours every two days: a coach and a stuntman. The hour of such specialists is very expensive.

No tricks and skills will protect with a guarantee

Having mastered the necessary techniques, you will be able to cope with one person of any size and strength who does not have special training. But a few people or a trained person (and there are also many of them wandering in search of easy prey) will still be a danger.

I'll give you an example. My good friend was in the special forces. Was well prepared. Once a group of drug addicts stuck to him. And while he was teaching them good manners, one standing at a distance shot him and shot through the abdomen. Doctors saved him, but there was little pleasure.

So the main advice is to avoid dangerous situations. There is no point in tempting fate. Even if you are well prepared, there is absolutely no reason to walk dangerous dark paths or deliberately provoke people. Analyze your routes, make sure they are safe or change them to make them safe. Neither weapons nor self-defense techniques will save you, for example, from sniper rifle or grenades.

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