Like a bolt from the blue: Anton Sikharulidze divorced Yana Lebedeva. Anton Sikharulidze and Yana Lebedeva - wedding in Spain Yana Lebedeva daughter of a billionaire biography

One of the most beautiful couples is the Olympic champion in figure skating, and now a State Duma deputy Anton Sikharulidze and Chief Editor Portal Yana Lebedeva announced their engagement. The wedding will take place in October, but for now, the lovers have talked to OK! about feelings, fame and fortune, as well as about what harmoniously formed their relationship

On the summer veranda of the cafe where we meet, despite the hot afternoon, almost all the tables are occupied. Behind one of them, Anton and Yana, almost unrecognizable: he is wearing dark glasses, a funny gray T-shirt with a yellow duck and plaid shorts, she is in a light silk blouse, jeans, completely without makeup, with her hair pulled up. At first glance, they are very different: tall, broad-shouldered Anton and delicate miniature Yana, but as soon as they begin to communicate, exchange touching “baby”, “ma-a-a-s”, you immediately understand that the general type is a secondary matter. Much more important is internal similarity and harmony. And Anton and Yana seem to have reached it.

First of all, let me congratulate you on your upcoming wedding. How did you decide to take such a step? Was it a deliberate decision or did it all happen spontaneously?
Anton: Of course, we have talked about the future many times. And now we have come close to the preparatory stage, we are enthusiastically planning our wedding, we want to make a bright, memorable - in a word, ideal - holiday for ourselves, our family and friends.
Yana: At first, we wanted to have a modest dinner with a small number of guests, but as a result, the list has grown, and now it's such a big story. ( laughing.) We decided where we will celebrate - far from Moscow. And of course, they sew a dress for me - Igor Chapurin, my dear friend, is already hard at work.

Anton, how did you propose?
This, by the way, was a surprise to me.
Anton: I proposed to Yana on the eve of her birthday. Of course, I wanted to give her a ring directly on her birthday ...
Yana: And steal my holiday!
Anton: But then we would have been celebrating two major events on the same day all our lives. And so I decided not to encroach on Yanin's personal holiday. I thought for a long time how to make an offer: on the one hand, just giving a ring and saying good words seemed banal to me, on the other hand, Yana had a premonition of what would happen, and therefore any deviation from the usual course of things would arouse suspicion. ( smiling.) Well, roughly speaking, I come on Friday evening and say: put on a dress, do your hair and let's go to Sparrow Hills! Why all of a sudden, why? I wanted to create an atmosphere of mystery. And so I found a bunch of boxes different size: from largest to smallest. I inserted them one into the other, put a postcard into each, where I described the feelings that I have for my loved one, tied the boxes with bows ... In general, it all took me half a day. In the smallest box, of course, there was a ring and a postcard with the inscription: “Stop. Do not open. Call this number." I expected that Yana would dial this number, come out to me and, looking into my beloved's eyes, I would ask her to become my wife. I instructed the driver to bring Yana a box...
Yana: I tortured the driver for a long time, who sent it. You see, when on the eve of your birthday they send you a huge, literally human-sized box, you immediately think that this is a vase or some other regular gift. But the driver did not give up. Then, when I had already reached the small box, it turned out that my phone was dead, and I could not call the number that was written on the postcard! In general, a slight panic arose, but it was all very nice nonetheless.
Anton: Then she came out to me and here I already said everything I think about it. ( smiling.) And put a ring on her finger.

How long have you been together?
You know, we've already lost count. Somehow we tried to establish a day from which to start the countdown, but we did not determine it. And now we answer like this: seven or eight months.

Under what circumstances did you meet?
Among friends, by chance, as is often the case.

Remember your first impression? What did you think about when you first saw Yana?
I remember every detail, even what she was wearing, what she said...
Yana: I got a tattoo that day and came with my arm wrapped around - probably that's why I remember it. ( laughing.) (Yana has Yanski tattooed on her left wrist - that's what her American friends call her. - Note. OK!.)
Anton: I remember all my feelings, but that day we did not even exchange phone numbers. During our next meeting, of course, I was not at a loss and asked for her number.
Yana: In fact, that meeting might not have happened. I missed my plane to New York and stayed in Moscow for a day. Went to have dinner with friends and met Anton again.

Did you immediately realize that it would be something more than just an acquaintance?
I practically did not have time to analyze the circumstances - everything happened very quickly. But there is a sixth sense, and now it suggested that everything that happens is not just like that.

Did you know something about Anton, his career as a figure skater before they met?
To be honest, nothing at all. ( laughing.) I swear! But we met, and I began to recognize him, and then Anton opened up to me from a new side. Over time, I just realized that this is my man, I fell in love and now I love him madly. ( Anton breaks into a smile like the Cheshire Cat and kisses Yana on the cheek.) I never drew a prince on a white horse, but Anton is my ideal in every respect. Starting with how he cares about me, and ending with how he looks at life, how he thinks. And this is probably my greatest pride - that a man like him fell in love with me.

And how does Anton look at life and how does he think?
He does not try to change me, remake me, does not seek to suppress my, perhaps too emancipated, self. On the contrary, he gives advice on work. I don't feel disadvantaged.
Anton: I recently read the following expression from my beloved Kant: "Education is the improvement of nature." So, nature itself is perfect in Yang, so it makes no sense to improve it. It’s easier for me to look at my wife, enjoy her, and not come up with schemes for how to remake her.
Yana: And further. It seems to me that when you fall in love, a lot of things change in your head. You begin to enjoy what you do well for another person. We are now furnishing the house, and what has always worried me the least now is of great interest. I am pleased to create coziness in our house with Anton, to make our life more comfortable and beautiful. Consciousness is changing. You suddenly realize that you are no longer alone.

Do you share each other's interests? Yana, do you, say, skate?
I don't skate anymore!
Yana: (laughing.) I haven't actually skated since childhood.

What about fashion? For Yana, this is a profession, but for you, Anton?
First of all, I am glad that Yana has an interest in life, which is so strong that it has grown into a profession. I am pleased that Yana is developing, doing what she loves.

But do you choose your own wardrobe?
We went shopping together several times. They chose things for me. For example, we chose these...
Yana: Shorts. ( laughing.)
Anton: I meant to say sneakers! Of course, I listen to Yana's advice, especially since she has good taste. But sometimes you have to make compromises. ( smiling.)

Are compromises necessary when it comes to lifestyle? Athletes usually live in spartan conditions, journalists lead a bohemian lifestyle ... Or is it not at all like that?
No, don't stereotype. We are young people, we live actively, we spend a lot of time at home, with our parents, but we also like to go out with friends and travel.
Anton: And when we part, we send tasty text messages to each other. ( smiling.)
Yana: Yes, and photos!

A couple of years ago, many tried to find out the details of the wedding of one of the most eligible suitors - Olympic champion Anton Sikharuklidze, who prefers not to talk about his personal life. The chosen one of the skater was Yana Lebedeva, the editor of the fashion portal, the daughter of the co-owner of the Sintez group, Leonid Lebedev, who, according to the Finance magazine, ranked 53rd in the Rating of Russian Billionaires.

Anton and Yana in August 2011. The secret of a couple hiding the date and place of their marriage was revealed by producer Alexei Bokov. On his Twitter, he posted a photo of Yana with a magazine in his hands and wrote: “My beauty! Yana on the cover of "OK!" No one knows, but they already signed! Already a wife and husband! Two months later, the official registration of the marriage of Lebedev and Sikharulidze in Barcelona, ​​where they invited the closest friends and relatives.

As it became known to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Anton and Yana recently decided to leave. Former spouses have maintained friendly relations and have not yet commented on the divorce.

“They both do not like to put their personal lives on display, and therefore do not comment on their breakup. To say that this divorce was a shock for all of us is to say nothing! They loved each other so much that it is very difficult to believe that Anton and Yana made such a difficult decision. Fortunately, they dispersed in a civilized manner, without scandals. The decision to divorce was joint. And they are great fellows, that even after the break they maintained warm, friendly relations, ”friends of the former spouses told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Yana Lebedeva was introduced to Anton Sikharulidze by her then lover, Comedy Club resident Tash Sargsyan. The girl literally fell in love with the athlete at first sight. She was not embarrassed by either the age difference or the fact that none of her entourage approved of her choice. The fact is that Yana's decision surprised her friends very much, since Anton is not very suitable for the role of the husband of the "golden" girl. Yana could have more enviable parties, for example, she met with the son of billionaire Boris Rotenberg Roman and Alexei Garber, the son of oligarch Mark Garber.

For Anton Sikharulidze, as well as for Yana Lebedeva, this marriage was the first. Previously, the skater said that going to the registry office was not for him and did not burden himself with a long relationship. Sikharulidze is credited with novels with figure skater Elena Berezhnaya, gymnast and Olympic champion Evgenia Kanaeva, singer Zara, student of journalism at Moscow State University and many pretty models. It is worth noting that all the chosen ones of the athlete were no more than 24 years old. Maybe Sikharulidze is again looking for a younger darling?

Anton Sikharulidze is an Olympic champion in pair figure skating. Today he retired from professional sports, but he does not forget about the ice.

Childhood of a young talent

The titled figure skater Anton Sikharulidze was born on October 25, 1976 in the northern capital of the country. Note that his family was in no way connected with sports. Little Antosha studied at an ordinary comprehensive school. For the first time, the boy began to skate at the age of 4. Somehow, the coach Tatyana Kositsyna drew attention to the boy, who took a talented, in her opinion, student under her wing.

After school, young Sikharulidze went to study at the Lesfag State Academy of Physical Culture in his native St. Petersburg. He graduated from the educational institution successfully.

At the age of 15, Anton had a figure skating partner. She became the athlete Maria Petrova. The couple has achieved considerable success: in 1995-1995, young talents took first place in the World Junior Championships.

"Golden" couple: Sikharulidze and Berezhnaya

Our hero first met his new partner Elena Berezhnaya at the Russian Cup. By the way, before this event, Lena experienced a terrible tragedy in her life. In the winter of 1995, at one of the training sessions, she was injured, after which she miraculously survived. Her former ice partner, Oleg Shlyakhov, inadvertently drove a skate blade into the girl’s head ...

Upon learning of this, Sikharulidze took the injured athlete to his place in St. Petersburg, where he was next to her for the entire postoperative period.

A couple of years later, Anton and Lena began to perform and did it with triumph! They took bronze at the European Championships. Further more. In 2002, at the next Olympics, they became "gold" champions.

On this sports career Anton ended, but he did not say goodbye to the ice. The athlete takes part in various shows, for example, "Stars on Ice", "Ice Age" on Channel One. Here, the singer Glukoza (Natalya Ionova) and the infamous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova become his partners.

Athlete's personal life

Despite many rumors, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze were connected by tender friendship and professional sports. Somehow he had a romantic relationship with the popular singer Zara today, the young gymnast Evgenia Kanaeva. However, he married for the first time only in 2011. His chosen one at that time was the daughter of billionaire Leonid Lebedev Yana. Young people did not live long: in 2013, the couple broke up. A year later, the skater became a father for the first time. The mother of his son was the boutique manager Victoria Shamanskaya. This year, the couple had another son. Whether the relationship between Anton and Vika was legalized is still unknown to the press.

Anton Sikharulidze is a Russian figure skater who became famous for working in tandem with. Athletes became Olympic medalists, two-time world and European champions.

Today he is a successful businessman who is engaged in construction in the energy sector.

Childhood and youth

Russian star figure skating Anton Tarielevich Sikharulidze was born on October 25, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), in a family that was not connected with sports. He studied at a simple secondary school. Papa Tariel Sikharulidze worked as Vice-Rector of the Marine Technical University. Despite his nationality, Anton never visited Georgia in his childhood. The trip to Tbilisi was postponed “for later” every time.

The boy started skating at the age of 4: when he saw a neighbor's boy, he demanded to buy the same ones. Parents bought their son the first skates, which were attached to felt boots with leather straps. This is how it started sports biography Anton Sikharulidze.

At the open skating rink of the Krasny Vyborzhets stadium, figure skating coach Tatyana Kositsyna, who recently graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, drew attention to a capable boy. She opened the way for Anton big sport. After leaving school, the young man entered the Lesgaft St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture, which he successfully completed.

Figure skating

When Anton was 15 years old, the coach decided that it was time for him to move from single skating in pairs. Sikharulidze's first partner on ice was, with whom they won first places at the World Junior Championships for 2 years in a row (in 1994 and 1995).

Anton Sikharulidze met another figure skater and future ice partner Elena Berezhnaya at the Russian Cup stage. Tragedy preceded their joint work. In Latvia, where in the winter of 1995, the athlete, together with her partner Oleg Shlyakhov, began training for the European Championships, an accident occurred: Shlyakhov, performing a rotation, terribly injured the skater, driving the blade of the skate into her head.

Upon learning of the incident, Sikharulidze took Berezhnaya to St. Petersburg, where she was assisted by the best doctors. Anton supported the girl throughout the postoperative period. Hard training, excellent physical data, temperament allowed this couple to achieve high results.

Already in the 1996/1997 season, the Berezhnaya-Sikharulidze couple took 3rd place at the Trophee Lalique competition, and then won a bronze medal at the European Championship. In 1998, the couple performed at the Nagano Olympics. Athletes flawlessly skated the program, but summed up the error at the end of the performance. They took only 2nd place, losing gold to their colleagues from Russia - and Artur Dmitriev.

The Charlie Chaplin program entered the history of figure skating, which Sikharulidze and Berezhnaya skated in the 2000/2001 season as a free program, and then as indicative number. In 2002, this bright couple represented Russia at Olympic Games ah, winning the highest award.

Anton Sikharulidze and Elena Berezhnaya in the Charlie Chaplin program

At the Olympics in Salt Lake City, the situation was tense to the last. Before the performance, during a rehearsal on ice, an athlete from a Canadian couple crashed into Anton Sikharulidze. The Russian narrowly escaped the fall. He only had time to push his partner away and protect Elena from danger. A new injury after a difficult recovery could be fatal for Berezhnaya. This incident confused the audience, but the skaters themselves remained in a collected state.

After brilliant performance there was a scandal involving the Sikharulidze-Berezhnaya couple. The Russian couple, it seemed, should win and get the maximum marks. However, the judges were in no hurry to bring the Russians into unambiguous champions, and in the end everything was decided in their favor by one judicial vote.

The Canadian couple Sale-Pelletier challenged the silver, filed a protest and got the French arbitrator removed, whose decision turned out to be decisive. As a rule, judicial decisions are not changed after the fact, but in this case, Olympic officials decided to award gold medals to both couples. Anton and Elena had to go to the award ceremony for the second time.

Anton Sikharulidze and Elena Berezhnaya left professional sports immediately after the end of the Olympic Games and from 2002 to 2006 toured the United States with the Stars on Ice show. At the end of the contract, they returned to St. Petersburg.

Television and politics

After the end of his career, Sikharulidze began to appear in television programs and shows related to figure skating. He participated in the projects of the First Channel "Stars on Ice" with singer Natalya Ionova () and "Ice Age" paired with a ballerina. In 2010, he appeared in the Channel One project Ice and Fire, paired with singer Zara.

And in 2010-2011, Anton and his former partner Elena Berezhnaya met again on the ice. This time, the athletes became participants in the ice performance "City Lights". They performed the number "Chaplin and the Flower Girl".

Biography of Anton is multifaceted. In the spring of 2005, Sikharulidze tried his hand at the restaurant business, but a year later he went into politics and became a member of the United Russia party, was elected to the State Duma. From 2008 to 2012 - Chairman of the State Duma Committee on physical education and sports.

Anton Sikharulidze in the State Duma

While in public service, Anton helped his coach, who made him an Olympic champion, open a figure skating club in St. Petersburg. ice arena provided by Gazprom, the mayor's office of the city assumed obligations to pay utility bills. By this time, Sikharulidze organized a construction company that was engaged in the construction of panel and monolithic civilian houses. Later he switched to construction in the energy sector.

Personal life

A couple of Sikharulidze-Berezhnaya fans perceived as one. A stately (with a height of 182 cm, his weight reached 76 kg) the athlete and the fragile partner looked harmoniously on the ice. The skaters had a romantic period, but Anton always remained Lena's best friend and figure skating partner.

To the disappointment of the fans of the Sikharulidze-Berezhnaya star couple, their love story did not end with a happy ending. The athletes were close, supported each other, became, according to the skater, each other "brother and sister." Later, each went his own way, warm friendly relations remained.

The couple reunited again in 2014, on the eve of the premiere of the film "". The authors of the sports film almanac, consisting of a number of short stories, found the plot of this couple worthy of filming.

Trailer of the movie "Champions"

Anton often struck up short romances with models, ballerinas, and students. This romantic relationship was constantly covered by the tabloids. In his native St. Petersburg, Anton had an affair with Zarifa Mgoyan, a singer. But the idea of ​​​​marrying came to him only in 2008, when the skater met with a student of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University Nadezhda Obolontseva. They even set a wedding date and invited guests, but the girl never became the athlete's wife.

A serious relationship arose between Sikharulidze and a young gymnast, Olympic champion. They had a difference in age, but Anton saw in the athlete a girl who was suitable for the role of the hostess of his house. Over time, the lack of common interests divorced the couple.

Anton went to the crown only in August 2011, when he was 35 years old. His wife was the daughter of politician and Russian billionaire Leonid Lebedev, 24-year-old Yana Lebedeva. A luxurious wedding took place in an old Spanish castle. In 2011, Anton Sikharulidze and Yana Lebedev became the "Couple of the Year" according to Glamor, but this did not save their marriage.

In 2013, the relationship ended in divorce. But soon a fateful meeting took place in the athlete's personal life.

In 2014, 37-year-old Anton Sikharulidze became a father for the first time. The baby was named George. He was born on March 24 in the Lapino elite hospital near Moscow. The boy's mother is 41-year-old Victoria Shamanskaya, who manages the Butterfly fashion boutique in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospekt.

The couple did not immediately register their relationship, Victoria took her husband's surname.

In 2016, Anton became a father for the second time. The second son, born in the summer, was named Victor. Now the skater and his wife Victoria devote all their free time to children. And not only their own. Sikharulidze travels around the country and organizes master classes for pupils of sports schools.

Anton Tarielevich does not maintain a personal Instagram, he is not on other social networks either, so rare photos of the skater only appear on the pages of his colleagues and fans.

Anton Sikharulidze now

Now the former athlete continues to do business. Sikharulidze's company Gazenergoservice LLC closely cooperates with the Russian concern Gazprom. The organization is engaged in the construction of storage facilities, oil and gas production points in the cities of Novy Urengoy, Syktyvkar, Ukhta, Vologda. In 2018, the company entered into an agreement for the additional development of the second experimental area of ​​the Achimov deposits of the Urengoyskoye field. The cost of the state contract amounted to 1.24 billion rubles. During the year, 6 projects were implemented for the amount of 7.8 billion rubles.

Business does not prevent Anton Sikharulidze from passing on his experience to the younger generation. Former athlete supports figure skating schools in the regions. In the fall of 2018, he visited Tula, where the grand opening of the ice rink on the main square of the city took place. The festive ceremony took place ice show, in which the former skater also became a member. Earlier, Anton held a master class for local young talents. For the same purpose, he visited Novomoskovsk.

Awards and titles

  • 1998 - Silver medalist at the Winter Olympics
  • 1998, 1999 - 2-time world champion
  • 1998, 2001 - 2-time European champion
  • 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - 4-time champion of Russia
  • 2002 - Olympic champion

Despite the fact that the skater is approaching his fortieth birthday, children of Anton Sikharulidze not yet included in his plans, although last year he had an unplanned son. Little George was born to the Olympic champion Victoria Shamanskaya. She is four years older than Anton, is engaged in business, lives in St. Petersburg. Victoria met Sikharulidze in Moscow, at one of the parties. A spark of sympathy ran between them, they spent a wonderful time together, as a result of which a child was born.

In the photo - Anton Sikharulidze with his ex-wife Yana Lebedeva

There was no serious romance between them, and therefore Anton is not going to marry his friend. In addition, after talking with Victoria, for whom George became the long-awaited first-born, he learned that she would have left the child anyway. Despite the fact that neither one nor the other is going to start a family yet, the first of the children of Anton Sikharulidze will not be left without attention and care on his part.

The skater introduced Victoria, who moved to Moscow after the birth of George, with his parents, often comes to visit her and her son. Anton met Victoria shortly after the divorce from Yana Lebedeva, which became a real shock for everyone. The family life of a thirty-six-year-old skater with a twenty-six-year-old daughter of a billionaire lasted only two years. Their marriage seemed perfect to everyone - both are beautiful and already successful people, love each other. Yana, the daughter of the co-owner of the Sintez group, Leonid Lebedev, has been accustomed to living in luxury since childhood, but it was not her rich dowry that conquered the bride of the Olympic champion.

According to him, despite the eleven years of age difference, they understood each other perfectly. By that time, Anton had taken up government activities - he was the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, he planned to do business so that his family, including the future children of Anton Sikharulidze, would not need anything. However, they lived with Yana for only two years, and the matter never came to the appearance of children.