Who dropped anchor from the Pacific Ocean? Raiders from the Marshall Islands set their sights on the "non-elite" yacht club near Moscow A brief history of the earth.

As representatives of the company of the island state from the Pacific Ocean tried to "put out" the yacht club "Mayak" near Moscow

The most amazing thing in the history of the modest Mayak Yacht Club, which unites enthusiasts sailing of various ages, from very young schoolchildren and students to veterans - this is perhaps what the story is still going on. After all, over the past 25 years, any piece of land in the Moscow suburbs - the club is located on the banks of the Klyazma reservoir - has become a valuable asset, and yachting has turned from a romantic sport into an attribute of premium class life.

But the club "Mayak" did not touch both of these trends. It remains what it was originally in the early 80s, when enthusiasts of the Central Design Bureau of Design Bureau, led by academician V. Chelomey, and students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology created a yacht club, under which they received the territory assigned to the Central Design Bureau of Chelomey. Then it was a real swamp near the village of Kapustino, the territory had to be drained and landscaped on its own. But it was worth it. And more than one generation of people has changed in Mayak, who now cannot imagine life without sailing.

The club has retained a democratic, student format based on pure enthusiasm. There are no expensive motor yachts here that speak of the owners' passion for luxury rather than sport. Today, the club has more than 100 boats, each with a crew of two or three people, that is, Mayak unites several hundred people. Most of them own their own yachts, but young people and students have the opportunity to practice on sports boats belonging to such universities as the Moscow Polytechnic University, MEPhI, MIPT, and the club itself. And together with its other members to improve sportsmanship at Russian and international regattas.

The main competitions are the championships of the universities of the city of Moscow, and we are preparing for them all year long, - says the representative of Mayak Vladimir Valynin. - This is both Moscow State University and Graduate School Economics, and MIPT. We also have a school for yachtsmen, where they issue licenses, just like motorists.

Valynin emphasizes that Mayak is the cheapest club. For universities with their limited budgets, this is very important. And the boats are Olympic class.

Other parking lots are commercial, says Valynin. - They only want to earn money, they don't care about students.

Short story land

This whole story may end in the next few months, because people appeared on the plot of land where Mayak is located, calling themselves representatives of the company that now owns this land. Club members predictably refer to uninvited guests as "raiders"; veterans recall that this is not the first such attempt, the "brothers" came in the 90s, but then the club was recaptured. In various ways, the main of which, of course, is legal.

The land is not owned by the club. This is a federal, that is, state, land. And, since this is the shore of the reservoir - the coastal zone, then, in accordance with the Land and Water Codes, it cannot be used for the construction of cottages in the modern sense or for industrial activities. Yacht club accommodation is one of the few permitted uses.

But back in 1993, the head of the Mytishchi district issued a decree according to which the land plot was leased for 49 years with the right to purchase to a certain CJSC Fort without any encumbrances and restrictions, which a year later took advantage of this right. How could this happen? Here, of course, there is a topic for a separate investigation, which could be dealt with by law enforcement agencies, but the statute of limitations under the Code of Criminal Procedure has expired. Moreover, justice was restored in court. In 1998, NPO Mashinostroenie, the assignee of Chelomey TsKBM, applied to Arbitration court Moscow region and won a lawsuit to invalidate the decision of the head of the administration of Mytishchi, and hence the transaction for the purchase and sale of land. The decision stood in the court of appeal, later the court recognized the right of perpetual use for NPO Mashinostroyeniye.

The question seemed closed, and so it was - in the legal field. But the land has a parallel life.

In 2007, that is, almost 10 years after the defeat in court, Fort JSC held a meeting at which it contributed a land plot to the authorized capital of a certain Presidential Yacht Club LLC. Once again: "Fort" disposed of what did not belong to him, on the basis of a document that was repeatedly recognized by the court as evidence of an illegal transaction. It's like getting a document on the ownership of someone else's apartment, and then selling it to a third party.

In order to prevent such schemes from working, there is an institution of state registration of property rights to real estate. But in our case, the deal to transfer the rights to the site from "Fort" to "Presidential" was officially registered. Moreover, in August of last year, even this laying sold the site to a new owner - the Mirola Limited company, "registered" in the Marshall Islands. And this transaction was also registered, Mirola received documents on ownership, the corresponding changes were made to the USRR and were reflected on the Rosreestr cards.

At the same time, the site with the number 50:12:0060211:25, on which the Mayak club is located both according to the documents and physically, “moved” a little higher, to an abandoned potato field. And on the site of the yacht club, another plot was formed with the cadastral number 50:12:0060212:62, which, according to Rosreestr, already belongs to ... Mirola. The shore of the reservoir suddenly turned into private property, and of course - moved into the category of "settlement land".

It is obvious that the main victim in this unequal exchange is not the Mayak Yacht Club or even NPO Mashinostroenie, but the real owner of the land, that is, the state. This should be remembered by all participants in the special operation, including officials who worked with title documents.

Visitors from the Pacific Islands

Mayak, on the other hand, had not only legal problems. In November last year, representatives of Mirola appeared on the territory of the yacht club, who turned out to be not like natives from the Marshall Islands, but rather like veterans of the wars for the lands near Moscow from the 90s. At the same time, they did not come alone, but accompanied by police officers who, for some reason, decided to protect the rights of an offshore company to land near Moscow.

Mirola demands that the members of the club vacate the site from their property, that is, from the yachts that winter there. Some yachtsmen agreed, but most did not. Firstly, where can you put a yacht in winter? It is also unsafe to transport it, because in the cold the plastic of the case becomes brittle. Secondly, and this main question- Mirola's demand is obviously illegal.

True, both police officers and representatives of the prosecutor's office are trying not to notice this. In response to a request from representatives of Mayak, a response was received in which all the facts were listed in dry legal language, from the illegal alienation of the site in 1993 to the registration of the rights to it by Mirola, and then a casuistic conclusion was made that these legal relations are not within the competence of the prosecutor's office in accordance with Article 52 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

It is interesting how a person speaking on behalf of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region does not know that back in 2014 the relevant powers were returned to the Prosecutor's Office and, moreover, they were obliged to protect state and municipal property from illegal possession by others? - asks the director of the water sports base "Mayak" Igor Rey.

In general, the actions of both civil officials and law enforcement agencies in this situation are very similar to those that occur during a raider seizure. But this requires a serious resource, and usually not only financial. It is clear that "Mirola Limited" is just a sign. The only question is: whose?

petrel neighbors

Of course, we wanted to ask this question to representatives of the offshore company itself, which, it turns out, has an office in Moscow - not far from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station. The correspondent of Novaya Gazeta went to a prearranged meeting, but it turned out that the person authorized to communicate with journalists had left the office by that time and was now ready to communicate only via online correspondence. We sent questions and are waiting for a response.

Members of the club attribute their problems to the fact that their site could attract the attention of their neighbors - the well-known and wealthy yacht club Burevestnik. We sent a request to its owner - Andrey Boyko and received a response through a representative. Andrei Boyko said that “several years ago we were offered to buy out the Presidential Yacht Club, but our legal department did not recognize the documents provided as sufficient.”

In this respect, it must be admitted, Burevestnik's legal department works better than the Mytishchi prosecutor's office and the Internal Affairs Directorate combined.

At the same time, Andrey Boyko confirmed to Novaya Gazeta that the site on which Mayak is located is of interest to his company: “We tried to negotiate with the owner of the land, NPO Mashinostroyeniye, but the negotiations ended in nothing. We offered to buy, rent, and share, but did not meet with mutual understanding.

According to Igor Rey, the financial resource that Burevestnik Group has at its disposal may well be supplemented by administrative resources. In addition, it is well known from media publications that in 2009 Andrei Boyko and his partner Andrei Lomakin were defendants in a criminal case. True, it was not connected with the land and concerned the smuggling of yachts. However, in 2012, the relevant article was decriminalized, and the criminal case in connection with this was discontinued.

Yachtsmen who are well acquainted with the situation on the banks of the Canal. Moscow, they also note that the plot of land on which Mayak is located is far from the only one among those with which strange manipulations were carried out. In total, according to the director of the club, the number of stolen objects from the Canal. Moscow is in the hundreds. Obviously, all this could not have happened without the participation of the security forces and local authorities.

At the moment, representatives of NPO Mashinostroyeniye have filed an application to open a criminal case on the fact of fraud in relation to the land plot on which the water sports base of the Mayak enterprise is located. From a legal point of view, its prospects seem obvious: after all, the site, the deal for which the court canceled, was sold twice.

It is all the more interesting to follow the actions of law enforcement agencies and understand whose interests they will protect - a state that has lost liquid land, or firms from the Marshall Islands.

While working on the publication, a document was received signed by the head of the department for the supervision of legislation in the field of the military-industrial complex of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region A.V. Sinyavsky, stating the absence of legal grounds for the alienation of the land plot in favor of Mirola Limited. Checks are ongoing.

Tatiana Vasilchuk

But the club "Mayak" did not touch both of these trends. It remains what it was originally in the early 80s, when enthusiasts of the Central Design Bureau of Design Bureau, led by academician V. Chelomey, and students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology created a yacht club, under which they received the territory assigned to the Central Design Bureau of Chelomey. Then it was a real swamp near the village of Kapustino, the territory had to be drained and landscaped on its own. But it was worth it. And more than one generation of people has changed in Mayak, who now cannot imagine life without sailing.

The club has retained a democratic, student format based on pure enthusiasm. There are no expensive motor yachts here that speak of the owners' passion for luxury rather than sport. Today, the club has more than 100 boats, each with a crew of two or three people, that is, Mayak unites several hundred people. Most of them own their own yachts, but young people and students have the opportunity to practice on sports boats belonging to such universities as the Moscow Polytechnic University, MEPhI, MIPT, and the club itself. And together with its other members to improve sportsmanship at Russian and international regattas.

“The main competitions are the championships of the universities of the city of Moscow, and we have been preparing for them all year,” says Mayak representative Vladimir Valynin. - This is Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. We also have a school for yachtsmen, where they issue licenses, just like motorists.

Valynin emphasizes that Mayak is the cheapest club. For universities with their limited budgets, this is very important. And the boats are Olympic class.

- Other parking - commercial - says Valynin. “They only want to earn money, they don’t care about students.

A Brief History of the Earth

This whole story may end in the next few months, because people appeared on the plot of land where Mayak is located, calling themselves representatives of the company that now owns this land. Club members predictably refer to uninvited guests as "raiders"; veterans recall that this is not the first such attempt, the "brothers" came in the 90s, but then the club was recaptured. In various ways, the main of which, of course, is legal.

The land is not owned by the club. This is federal, that is, state, land. And, since this is the shore of the reservoir - the coastal zone, then, in accordance with the Land and Water Codes, it cannot be used for the construction of cottages in the modern sense or for industrial activities. Yacht club accommodation is one of the few permitted uses.

But back in 1993, the head of the Mytishchi district issued a decree according to which the land plot was leased for 49 years with the right to purchase to a certain CJSC Fort without any encumbrances and restrictions, which a year later took advantage of this right. How could this happen? Here, of course, there is a topic for a separate investigation, which could be dealt with by law enforcement agencies, but the statute of limitations under the Code of Criminal Procedure has expired. Moreover, justice was restored in court. In 1998, NPO Mashinostroenie, the assignee of Chelomey's TsKBM, applied to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region and won a lawsuit to invalidate the decision of the head of the Mytishchi administration, and hence the land sale and purchase transaction. The decision stood in the court of appeal, later the court recognized the right of perpetual use for NPO Mashinostroyeniye.

The question seemed closed, and so it was - in the legal field. But the land has a parallel life.

In 2007, that is, almost 10 years after the defeat in court, Fort JSC held a meeting at which it contributed a land plot to the authorized capital of a certain Presidential Yacht Club LLC. Once again: "Fort" disposed of what did not belong to him, on the basis of a document that was repeatedly recognized by the court as evidence of an illegal transaction. It's like getting a document on the ownership of someone else's apartment, and then selling it to a third party.

In order to prevent such schemes from working, there is an institution of state registration of property rights to real estate. But in our case, the deal to transfer the rights to the site from "Fort" to "Presidential" was officially registered. Moreover, in August of last year, even this laying sold the site to a new owner - the Mirola Limited company, "registered" in the Marshall Islands. And this transaction was also registered, Mirola received documents on ownership, the corresponding changes were made to the USRR and were reflected on the Rosreestr cards.

At the same time, the site with the number 50:12:0060211:25, on which the Mayak club is located both according to the documents and physically, “moved” a little higher, to an abandoned potato field. And on the site of the yacht club, another plot was formed with the cadastral number 50:12:0060212:62, which, according to Rosreestr, already belongs to ... Mirola. The shore of the reservoir suddenly turned into private property, and, of course, moved into the category of “settlement land”.

It is obvious that the main victim in this unequal exchange is not the Mayak Yacht Club or even NPO Mashinostroenie, but the real owner of the land, that is, the state. This should be remembered by all participants in the special operation, including officials who worked with title documents.

Photo: yacht-service.ru

Visitors from the Pacific Islands

Mayak, on the other hand, had not only legal problems. In November last year, representatives of Mirola appeared on the territory of the yacht club, who turned out to be not like natives from the Marshall Islands, but rather like veterans of the wars for the lands near Moscow from the 90s. At the same time, they did not come alone, but accompanied by police officers who, for some reason, decided to protect the rights of an offshore company to land near Moscow.

Mirola demands that the members of the club vacate the site from their property, that is, from the yachts that winter there. Some yachtsmen agreed, but most did not. Firstly, where can you put a yacht in winter? It is also unsafe to transport it, because in the cold the plastic of the case becomes brittle. Secondly, and this is the main issue, Mirola's demand is obviously illegal.

True, both police officers and representatives of the prosecutor's office are trying not to notice this. In response to a request from representatives of Mayak, a response was received in which all the facts were listed in dry legal language, from the illegal alienation of the site in 1993 to the registration of the rights to it by Mirola, and then a casuistic conclusion was made that these legal relations are not within the competence of the prosecutor's office in accordance with Article 52 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

- I wonder how a person speaking on behalf of the Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office does not know that back in 2014 the relevant powers were returned to the prosecutor's office and, moreover, they were obliged to protect state and municipal property from someone else's illegal possession? asks the director of the Mayak water sports base Igor Rey.

In general, the actions of both civil officials and law enforcement agencies in this situation are very similar to those that occur during a raider seizure. But this requires a serious resource, and usually not only financial. It is clear that Mirola Limited is just a sign. The only question is: whose?

petrel neighbors

Of course, we wanted to ask this question to representatives of the offshore company itself, which, it turns out, has an office in Moscow - not far from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station. The correspondent of Novaya Gazeta went to a prearranged meeting, but it turned out that the person authorized to communicate with journalists had left the office by that time and was now ready to communicate only via online correspondence. We sent questions and are waiting for a response.

Members of the club attribute their problems to the fact that their site could attract the attention of their neighbors - the famous and wealthy yacht club Burevestnik. We sent a request to its owner, Andrey Boyko, and received a response through a representative. Andrei Boyko said that “several years ago we were offered to buy out the Presidential Yacht Club, but our legal department did not recognize the documents provided as sufficient.”

In this respect, it must be admitted, Burevestnik's legal department works better than the Mytishchi prosecutor's office and the Internal Affairs Directorate combined.

At the same time, Andrey Boyko confirmed to Novaya Gazeta that the site on which Mayak is located is of interest to his company: “We tried to negotiate with the owner of the land, NPO Mashinostroyeniye, but the negotiations ended in nothing. We offered to buy, rent, and share, but did not meet with mutual understanding.

According to Igor Rey, the financial resource that Burevestnik Group has at its disposal may well be supplemented by administrative resources. In addition, it is well known from media publications that in 2009 Andrei Boyko and his partner Andrei Lomakin were defendants in a criminal case. True, it was not connected with the land and concerned the smuggling of yachts. However, in 2012, the corresponding article was decriminalized, and the criminal case in connection with this was discontinued.

Yachtsmen who are well acquainted with the situation on the banks of the Canal. Moscow, they also note that the plot of land on which Mayak is located is far from the only one among those with which strange manipulations were performed. In total, according to the director of the club, the number of stolen objects from the Canal. Moscow is in the hundreds. Obviously, all this could not have happened without the participation of the security forces and local authorities.

At the moment, representatives of NPO Mashinostroyeniye have filed an application to open a criminal case on the fact of fraud in relation to the land plot on which the water sports base of the Mayak enterprise is located. From a legal point of view, its prospects seem obvious: after all, the site, the deal for which the court canceled, was sold twice.

It is all the more interesting to follow the actions of law enforcement agencies and understand whose interests they will protect - a state that has lost liquid land, or firms from the Marshall Islands.


While working on the publication, a document was received signed by the head of the department for the supervision of legislation in the field of the military-industrial complex of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region A.V. Sinyavsky, stating the absence of legal grounds for the alienation of the land plot in favor of Mirola Limited. Checks are ongoing.

Mytishchi officials and law enforcement officials are on the side of the offshore company of the invaders.

The offshore company Mirola Limited is trying to seize a site on the banks of the Klyazma reservoir, where the Mayak budget yacht club is located, Novaya Gazeta writes. According to the publication, the company obtained the rights to the land illegally on the basis of a document declared invalid by the court.

The Mayak Club was founded in the late 1980s by activists led by Academician Chelomey. Then the swampy area had to be landscaped by the students of Chelomey. However, the fruits of their labors have been used by more than one generation of yachtsmen. On this moment there are more than 100 boats in the club, the crew of each is 2-3 people. Both yacht owners and students of several universities, such as the Moscow Polytechnic University, MEPhI and MIPT, train there.

However, a place with such a favorable location, the commercial potential of which is being wasted, does not give rest to businessmen, in connection with which the seizure of the territory was initiated. This capture was preceded by a story that began in the early 90s. In 1993, the head of the Mytishchi district leased this piece of land for a period of 49 years to a certain CJSC Ford. However, in 1998 NPO Mashinostroenie, the legal successor of Chelomey's TsKBM, went to court and obtained the invalidation of the documents on the transfer of the territory to a private structure.

10 years later, Ford JSC, ignoring the court decision, arbitrarily transferred the land that did not belong to it to a certain Presidential Yacht Club LLC, which, in turn, sold it to the offshore company Mirola Limited. After that, mysterious changes occurred in the maps of Rosreestr - the territory with the Mayak yacht club with the registry number 50:12:0060211:25 mysteriously moved to a potato field, and the plot on the shore received a different number - 50:12:0060212:62. Its owner is the Mirola company. It is noteworthy that the purpose of the site has also changed - now it has moved into the category of "settlement land".

Soon, employees of the Mirola company began to come to the Mayak territory, accompanied by policemen, who demanded that their private property be freed from yachts. Most of the club members refused to comply with their demands.

However, despite Mirola's obviously illegal claims, law enforcement officials are on the side of the private structure. Igor Rey, director of the Mayak watersports base, believes that the initiators of the raider takeover have a strong administrative resource. Ray suspects Mayak's neighbors, the elite yacht club Burevestnik, of participating in a criminal scheme. According to Igor Rei, Burevestnik Group has sufficient resources to carry out an operation to seize the territory. In addition, the owner of Burevestnik Andrey Boyko and his partner Andrey Lomakin were involved in a criminal case on yacht smuggling in 2009, but the case was closed in 2012 due to the decriminalization of the article of the Criminal Code. Boyko confirmed the fact of interest in buying Mayak and said that he made an offer to purchase it to its owners, but the deal did not take place.

Local yachtsmen claim that the Mayak case is far from the only one, and the number of captured objects can be in the hundreds.

At the moment, the legitimate owners of Mayak have filed an application with law enforcement agencies to open a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Viktor Remnev

Mirola Limited, an offshore company registered in the distant Marshall Islands, is trying to seize a land plot on the banks of the Klyazma reservoir, where the Mayak budget yacht club is located. This was written by Novaya Gazeta. According to the publication, the company obtained the rights to the land illegally on the basis of a document declared invalid by the court.

The club "Mayak" was created in the late 80s of the last century by TsKBM enthusiasts under the leadership of Academician Vladimir Chelomey and students of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The swampy area near the village of Kapustino provided for a water sports base was drained and landscaped by sailing enthusiasts on their own. But more than one generation of yachtsmen has already enjoyed the fruits of their labors. Currently, more than a hundred boats "moor" in the club, the crew of each of which consists of two or three people. Moreover, both owners of yachts and students of several universities, such as the Moscow Polytechnic University, MEPhI and MIPT, train there.

But such a tasty piece of land, which is of significant commercial value, does not give rest to the quick-witted businessmen who initiated the seizure of the territory of the yacht club. The origins of the conflict lie at the beginning of the "dashing nineties". In 1993, the head of the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region leased this piece of land to a certain CJSC "Fort" for 49 years. But five years later, the legal successor of Chelomey's TsKBM - NPO "Mashinostroenie" - in court obtained the recognition of documents on the transfer of the territory as invalid.

"Lighthouse" on a potato field
After 10 years, Fort JSC, despite a court decision not in its favor, arbitrarily transferred the land that did not belong to it to a certain Presidential Yacht Club LLC, which, in turn, sold it to the offshore company Mirola Limited. After As a result, on the maps of Rosreestr, the territory with the Mayak yacht club somehow "moved" to a potato field, and the coveted coastal plot received a different number. And, of course, the Mirola company is listed as its owner. zone, which, according to the Land and water codes, it is forbidden to use for the construction of cottages or industrial activities, suddenly began to be classified as "settlement land".

"Mirola Unlimited", or lawless people from the Marshall Islands
Soon, employees of Mirola began to come to the territory of Mayak, for greater persuasiveness - in the company of law enforcement officers. The "owners" demanded that their private property be cleared of yachts. Most members of the yacht club refused to comply with the requirements of the "owners".

But, despite Mirola's obviously illegal encroachments, law enforcement officers for some reason act on the side of the "invader". Igor Rey, director of the Mayak watersports base, believes that the initiators of the raider takeover have strong administrative resources. Ray suspects Mayak's neighbors, the elite yacht club Burevestnik, of participating in a criminal scheme. According to Igor Rey, the Burevestnik Group is capable of capturing the territory.

In addition to that, the owner of Burevestnik Andrei Boyko and his business partner Andrei Lomakin were charged with a criminal case on yacht smuggling in 2009, but the case was closed in 2012 due to the decriminalization of the relevant article of the Criminal Code. Boyko confirmed to Novaya Gazeta that he was interested in buying Mayak, adding that he made an offer to the legal owners of the water sports club, but the deal did not take place.

Local yachtsmen claim that the Mayak case is neither the first nor the last, and the number of captured objects can be in the hundreds.

At the moment, the owners of "Mayak" have turned to law enforcement officers with a statement about initiating a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

in detail
