Football camp. International football camp "league" near Moscow Children's camp with a football bias

INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL CAMP "LIGA" - this is a unique football project with Dutch traditions, in the training system we use the most advanced standards and methods of Dutch football.

In the camp "LIGA" sports practice is combined with educational and recreational activities, where safety and high quality of recreation are above all, where each child has an individual approach.

Is your child between 7 and 16 years old? Is he into professional football and dreams of becoming a football star? We are ready to help make your dreams come true!

"LIGA" camp is not "for recreation" - it's a camp for achievements!

LOCATION: Moscow region, Pyatnitskoe highway, 38 km from MKAD


1 SHIFT 05/31/2020 - 06/13/2020

2nd shift 06/14/2020 - 06/27/2020

3 SHIFT 06/28/2020 - 07/11/2020

4 SHIFT 12.07.2020 - 25.07.2020

5 SHIFT 07/26/2020 - 08/08/2020

6 CHANGE 09.08.2020 - 22.08.2020


1 SHIFT 06/28/2020 - 07/11/2020

2nd shift 07/26/2020 - 08/08/2020


START package - 46900

PROFI package - 48900

Package "Goalkeeper" - 48900


  • travel: Moscow - camp - Moscow on a comfortable bus;
  • accommodation: 3/4-bed with private facilities;
  • ​food: BUFFET+ afternoon snack and dream book
  • 12 days of exciting football training (practical and theoretical classes):

- 2 training sessions per day START package + final match with awards;

- 3 workouts per day "PROFI" package + final match with awards;

- 3 training sessions per day package "GOALKEEPER" + final match with awards;

  • football equipment of the camp as a gift;
  • pool;
  • participation in sports, creative and recreational activities;
  • medical accident insurance;
  • medical service;
  • work of teaching and coaching staff.


  • pledge - 1000 rubles(guaranteed number retention). Rented before sending to the camp to the leader of the group;
  • laser tag - 500 rubles(optional);
  • bumperball - 5 00 rubles(optional) .

PROFOOTBALL testing (optional) :

  • Testing - 1500 rub.
  • Interpretation of all tests - 1000 rub.
  • Video cutting - 500 rub.

What is testing PROFOOTBALL

Our testing is unique, as most of the tests are carried out according to the Dutch methodology, which we learned during our internship in Holland, including at the professional testing center for athletes (a high-tech center specializing in testing and further development of athletes, including football players).

What is the advantage of testing according to the Dutch method:

A number of tests reflect real actions in football, namely, how quickly a player is able, at a given stage of his development, to respond to changes taking place on the field. Football is getting faster every year, the speed of the game is growing, so players need to react, think and act faster.

For whom:

Our testing is suitable for every footballer who seeks to professionally develop his skills.

Why you need to take tests:

Testing is a unique opportunity to see the potential of a football player, his strengths and weaknesses on this moment, as well as help in choosing the right position on the field. Based on the test results, you can develop a training program.

From what age and level of training:

From 6 years old for athletes of any level and gender.


We use top level equipment (USA, Spain, Germany).

Sensors, contact platform for jumping, Smart Ball and more.

What do you get as a result:

Passing 13 tests

Personal profile with test results

Interpretation of all tests (optional service)

Video cutting (additional service).

How often should testing be done:

2 to 4 times a year. The older and closer to the professional level the athlete, the more often you need to be tested. At each next test, you get a comparative analysis of the results, where you can see the dynamics of skills development.



  • Height and weight;
  • hip girth;
  • Yarkho test - body strength index.

Quickness and response:

  • Sprint for 10 meters - starting speed;
  • Sprint 30 meters - distance (maximum speed);
  • Reaction + speed - the speed of switching attention and speed of movement.

Speed-strength indicators:

  • A jump on two legs allows you to assess the potential strength of the muscles of the legs;
  • Jump on the right / left foot;
  • Five jump (from 12 years old) - determination of the speed-strength training of an athlete.

Ball tests:

  • Smart Ball - impact force;
  • Reaction + technique of working with the ball, how a football player reacts to changes in the game and the speed of actions with the ball;
  • Reaction + technique + accuracy - the speed of response to a change in the situation, including the technique of working with the ball and the accuracy of passes.


  • Agility test without a ball - running speed with a change in directions without a ball;
  • Agility test with the ball - running speed with change of directions with the ball.

The program of the football camp "LIGA" is divided into two levels
"START" and "PROFI":

  • START package. For guys who have just started to discover football, who love football and want to be a little closer to it. The intensity level is medium and includes 2 workouts per day.
  • PRO package. Designed for guys who are not only professionally involved in football clubs, but also for those who do not play in such, while having an average and high level of training. Here the guys are waiting for 3 workouts a day and a higher intensity of each workout.

Excellent conditions of our camp, professional trainers, positive atmosphere, individual approach to each participant, will give your child an unforgettable experience for the whole year.
During the shift, the guys are waiting for 12 days with exciting football training (2-3 training per day) according to a unique method of teaching football and football freestyle.
IN training process involved up to 40 items of various equipment for professional and effective training, such as: balls different sizes, coordination ladders, balancing platforms, weight equipment and much more.

We invite you to feel like a professional and gain important skills for playing football, which are taught in the best European academies, as well as self-confidence. We will prove that everyone can play technical, smart and interesting football! We will give you a piece of European professional football.

The training process is aimed at developing:

FOOTBALL TECHNIQUE - development of individual ball handling skills. Ball speed. Quick legs, fast ball control, creative tricks.

PHYSICAL QUALITIES - speed, agility and coordination will help to solve the most difficult situations.

PSYCHOLOGY OF THE WINNER - We motivate children to believe in their abilities.

TACTICAL TRAINING - individual and team thinking, game understanding.

THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT - history, rules and traditions of football.


  • Unique testing using professional equipment. We will find out the speed of running, the force of the flight of the ball and much more. Twice per shift, your child will have the opportunity to be tested, which will help you choose an individual approach to each participant, taking into account his characteristics;
  • The final part of the camp program will be the final match with a bright festive award and a photo shoot;
  • ​Football equipment of the camp (T-shirt, shorts, socks).



  • Football freestyle training. Football freestyle is gaining more and more attention every day young football players. It is useful to combine this direction with general training and develops such qualities as: agility, coordination with the ball, feeling and control of the ball, creativity and out of the box thinking. No wonder it is practiced in the best European academies, for example, FC Ajax;
  • Coerver Coaching is a global football coaching program inspired by the teachings of Wiel Coerver (a national football award for coaching contribution to the game). According to this method, such world football stars as: Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Arjen Robben, Gareth Bale and others were trained.
  • Approved by the federations of France, Australia, Japan, as well as FC Bayern, Arsenal, Ajax, etc.
  • Cognitive training - the development of thinking, attention and reaction. Such training is an important part of the training process of many European academies.

  • Tournaments:
  1. 1v1 according to the Coerver Coaching system;
  2. Command;
  3. Against coaches

    Testing according to our knowledge gained during an internship in Holland in a professional testing center for football players. Testing takes place 2 times per shift, at the beginning and at the end.

  • Knowledge:
  1. How to properly develop the press, without harm to the lower back and adductor muscles;
  2. How to squat and jump correctly;
  3. How to properly develop your back.

First of all, we lay down the technique of performing physical actions, and not the quantity, which is important for the child's body and reduces the risk of future injuries and health problems in general.

  • We have the widest selection of professional football inventory and equipment, which allows us to make the training process more varied, interesting and effective.
  • Final game with festive awards and photo session.

The camp program is built in such a way that 2-3 workouts take place during the day:

  • At the first training session, the guys are divided into groups by age and, in turn, age groups can be divided into two groups depending on the level of training. Each group goes through certain stations: dribbling, hitting training, feints, passing the ball, etc.;
  • The second training is aimed at consolidating the material covered, game exercises different format and game adaptation;
  • The third training is aimed at individual work with the ball, football freestyle, game tasks and more.

Our trainers in an easy and dynamic way will tell and show, and teach how to:

  1. Run fast and properly distribute your forces;
  2. Reduce stress on joints and ligaments
  3. Save fractions of seconds to complete each action;
  4. Do not be afraid to be a leader and decisive on the field;
  5. How to improve the efficiency of your actions on the field;
  6. Strengthen and develop your athletic abilities;


The main activity of the camp is football, but the guys will not be bored outside of the training process. Our program includes: a swimming pool with a slide; quest games; competitions and tournaments; sport games; creative pursuits; quizzes; films about football and not only; educational and educational games.

The whole day is filled with games, competitions, master classes, theoretical studies, as well as communication with peers and senior mentors.


08:10 - getting up and cleaning the beds
08:30 - charging
09:00 - breakfast
10.00 - first training group "younger" / theory or event group "senior"
11:30 - the first training group "senior"
12:00 - pool group "junior"
13:30 - lunch
14:00 - quiet time
15:30 - afternoon tea
16:00 - second training group "junior" / theory or activity group "senior"
17:30 - second training group "senior" / theory or activity group "younger"
19:00 - dinner
20:00 - third training for "PROFI" / outdoor games / "START" games
21:45 - dream book
22:30 - lights out

Football Camp "LIGA" is an interesting and useful gift for your child!

GROUP SYSTEM: Each child will enjoy communication in the camp "League" due to the distribution into groups by age. There are 10-12 children per adult. Each child will be covered by attention and care.
For the greatest productivity of classes, training is carried out according to the level of preparation of children.
Every day, events are held within the groups to unite the team, identify leadership qualities, and develop creative skills.

ACCOMMODATION: All participants live in cozy rooms with private facilities, 3/4 people each. The rooms are equipped with beds, wardrobe, bedside tables, bathroom. All rooms are clean and tidy. Rooms are cleaned daily, linen is changed every 4 days.

POWER: 5- one-time (breakfast, lunch, dinner - buffet + afternoon snack and dream book). Also, coolers with hot and cold water are installed in the case.

PEDAGOGICAL COMPOSITION: The teaching staff of the camp are highly qualified specialists who actively use various pedagogical methods. Their creative approach to business, inexhaustible energy, friendly and well-coordinated work make it possible to find an approach to each child.

For many years they give their love to children, taking care of each of them and providing everyone with a comfortable and exciting pastime. They will help children navigate and understand a difficult situation, they will answer any question, they will always be there. Counselors, coaches, teachers who have been trained in counselor schools are not only experienced people, but at the same time young and athletic, the main thing is a well-established team.


Head coach: Player in Strogino, Torpedo, Lokomotiv teams. Has been studying since the age of 16 football equipment(dribbling, football freestyle, feints on the spot and at speed, etc.) He performed with football freestyle at such events as: CSKA home matches, RFU Holiday, Nike CUP, Russia-Germany match. Internships: USA, Texas, Dallas, FC Dallas, Holland, Utrecht Academy, Almere City.
Trainers- Specialists who worked in the Ajax Camps system, who underwent internships at the Ajax Amsterdam "De Toekomst" academy and other European and Russian clubs.

MEDICINE: There is a nurse on campus around the clock. For the period of stay in the camp, children are insured against accidents.

SAFETY: The territory of the camp is landscaped and fenced on all sides. The entire complex is under 24-hour video surveillance and patrolled by security guards.

PARENTS DAY: Since the change in our football camp is short, the parent's day is not provided! But we understand your concern for the child and the desire to see him, bring gifts and change dirty things for clean ones, so we recommend that you come to the camp only on Saturdays during quiet hours, approximately from 14:00 - 15:30, by prior arrangement with the program manager .

TRANSFER: On a trip on a comfortable bus, children will be able to learn the names of each other, decide “who will live with whom”, and have time to get to know the counselors and teachers. Approximate travel time from the landing site to the campsite is 1 hour. We kindly ask you not to drive the children to the camp on your own, as your children risk missing important point acquaintance.

LOCATION ADDRESS: Moscow region, Istra district, Pos. Ognikovo



by car: Drive along the Volokolamsk highway. At 48 km, turn right onto the Moscow Small Ring (in everyday speech - "concrete"). After 6 km, turn left (there is a sign), after the village of Dukhanino, turn right to Ognikovo (there is a sign). It is possible to travel along the Riga, Pyatnitskoye or Leningradskoye highways. The shortest route is along the Pyatnitskoye and Volokolamskoye highways - 38 km from the Moscow Ring Road, the fastest - along the Riga highway (about 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road).

COMMUNICATION IN THE CAMP: When boarding the bus on the day of departure, parents receive a 24-hour contact phone to communicate with the child and the leader in the camp. Communication with the shift leader during the check-in period is also carried out by the multi-channel number of the DISCOVERY camp. ATTENTION! Only MTS catches the connection on the territory of the camp.



Offered here football camps for children and adolescents can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  • children's football camps for organized groups ( football clubs, commands)
  • summer camps with a football field, hosting groups and just children on tours
  • football camps for children and teenagers, specialized in football, with their own coaching staff, gathering teams of individual children are already in place

All types of football camps (both summer and year-round) are available both in Russia (for example, in the Crimea and Anapa) and abroad - in Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Greece.

Tour operator company SNP (born 1994) offers football camps in Russia and abroad in the 2020 season and will help you make the right choice. We will advise you on the features of the sports infrastructure, the conditions for its provision, prices and group discounts. Just select the desired football camp on this site. And if something goes wrong or you have questions, please contact us and we will try to help you:

FOOTBALL CAMPS(free set of children with accompaniment from Moscow and back)

CAMP Region, Resort FIELD Note
FOOTBALL CAMP Crimea, Evpatoria 105x68m and two fields 45x25m (natural and artificial grass)
OLA BARCELONA Spain, Barcelona 105x66m and 50x30m, artificial grass



CAMP Region, Resort FIELD Note
KAMCHIA Kamchia 60x40m, artificial grass for training in football and mini-football
MISTRAL 2 Saint Vlas 40x20m, artificial turf
AQUALIFE Kranevo 60x40m, artificial turf DOMO SLIDE 50 mm
ROSITSA BALKANIKA Kiten 100x64m, tartan coating
TEEN PALACE Golden shore Three fields 100 x 50m, 35 x 25m, 22 x 42m
ROSITSA REVIEW Review 40x20m, artificial grass
STAR CLUB Sunny Beach 40x20m, natural grass


CAMP Region, Resort FIELD Note
CSP KRYMSKY Crimea, Alushta 105x70m, natural grass 100x52m, artificial grass 3 covered areas 48x24x9 for training: football, futsal, rugby, handball
PROMETHEUS Crimea, Evpatoria 100x50m, natural grass for training in football and mini-football
VITA Anapa, Vityazevo two fields 62x28m, natural grass; two fields 44x22m with artificial turf
PEARL OF RUSSIA Anapa, Vityazevo 100x24m (natural grass), 105x68m (natural grass, herd for 4,000 seats), 42x23m (natural grass)
ENERGY Anapa, Sukko 55x30m (natural grass); 40x20m and 36x18m (artificial grass); 36x18m (in the gym) for training in football, handball and mini-football
SEA BROTHERHOOD Tuapse, Olginka 100x80m, natural grass for training in football and mini-football, four pairs of goals


CAMP Region, Resort FIELD Note
OLYMPIA Greece, Katerini two fields 30x15m, artificial grass (combined into 30x35) for training in football and mini-football
INSTITUTE IGALO Montenegro, Herceg Novi 105x80m natural field and 100x68m artificial
ASTER Spain, Costa Dorada 36x18 football field with artificial turf,
100x60m football field, with earth cover

So, for starters, information for those who are looking for a summer football camp for children who want to play football and improve their skills under the guidance of experienced trainers who are waiting for them directly in the camp.


In this case, we recruiting groups with escort from Moscow and back.

We offer two such summer football camps for children, where training and development of football techniques are carried out by professional coaches from the Barcelona club, Spain:

Organized on the basis of a 4 * hotel complex. Three standard football fields 105x68 m(one with natural and two artificial turf) and two fields for mini-football 45x25 m(with natural and artificial turf of the latest generation). Lighting, drainage systems, watering, etc. - European standard.

Accommodation at the Barcelona Fira 3 * hotel (next to the metro, 15 minutes walk to the beach). Trainings are held on the basis football academy Angela Pedraza - La Bascula Sports Complex with artificial turf football fields. All equipment, dressing rooms, spectator seats, etc. - according to European standards.

These summer football camps in the Crimea and in Spain have a single main organizer - the Spanish football school. Thus, Russian children get the opportunity to learn the techniques of playing one of the world's best football schools. Get master classes from licensed UEFA coaches from Spain.

And after training, you can relax on the beach or in the pool, take a walk around the city or go on an excursion.


The main segment of children's football camps is a type - a summer camp with a football field for children, organized in sports teams with their coaches for training and matches. Choose a football camp that suits your team.

The specialists of our tour operator company SNP have made a selection for you. It included summer football camps in Russia and abroad, located in the Crimea, Anapa, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece.

Children's football camps in Bulgaria 2020

They have all the necessary infrastructure for football training and for relaxing after them, entertaining summer animation programs (Russian and Bulgarian), excursions, etc.

Large modern children's complex 25 km. south of Varna in the nature reserve of the same name. 3-4-bed accommodation with all amenities. 50 m to private sandy beach. Football field covered with artificial grass 60x40m.

Sports complex for organizing gatherings for children's groups 3 km. from Albena. Accommodation in 2-3-bed rooms with private facilities and air conditioning. To the beach 100 m. Covered with artificial grass DOMO SLIDE 50 mm field 60x40m.

Football camps in Russia 2020

Children's football camps 2020 in Russia on summer season in Anapa, Crimea, Tuapse we will start representing from Crimea. The uniqueness of the balneological properties of the peninsula provides ideal conditions for playing, mobile sports. The nature of Crimea heals!

Crimea, football camp 2020

On the Black Sea coast of Russia, we offer a children's camp in the Crimea in Evpatoria, whose sandy beaches are famous for their healing effect.

In an ecologically clean area of ​​Evpatoria - Zaozernoe. Rooms from 2 to 6 beds (comfort in the room). Wide beach 10m. from the hulls. Standard football field 100x50 with natural grass. Several gyms with different equipment and other infrastructure.


Dear young football players and their parents!

We invite you to take part in the X international football training camp of the Academy of Football Excellence "AVANGARD". Throughout the summer, the best football specialists of our Academy will work with football players from all over Russia and from other countries. The football camp program will include new super-efficient exercises from the arsenal of the TOP Academies in Germany, Holland and Spain. The program will be maximally aimed at improving the individual technique of football players, improving their physical qualities, increasing understanding of football and tactical fundamentals. Participation in our football camp will increase the competitiveness of a football player and gain good shape before the new season.

For our football camp, we again chose the city of Sochi. Sochi is one of the 12 cities in Russia that will host matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the summer of 2018. Therefore, the atmosphere in the camp will be even more saturated with football, which will allow the participants of our football camp to immerse themselves in football even deeper. As always, pleasant climatic conditions, mountain and sea air, excellent football fields, excellent sports facilities and comfortable living conditions in the Yunost sports complex await us in Sochi.

The sports complex "YUNOST" has already become a home for our training camp. This sports base has proven itself perfectly and fully meets our requirements, both in terms of accommodation and nutrition for athletes, and in terms of the quality of sports infrastructure and security. In SC "Yunost" there is everything necessary for comfortable living, training and interesting leisure activities for young athletes.

The program of the training camp will include two one-and-a-half-hour training sessions under the guidance of professional trainers- the best coaches of our Academy, daily interesting football seminars, friendly matches with local youth sports schools, control tests and much more. All trainings are held in groups divided by age and level of training, the number of players in the group is 10-15 people. In the training process, the emphasis is on improving the individual qualities of athletes - the development of technical skills and physical qualities. Our task for a short time(11-12 days) to give the players what they do not get in their football schools in training - expanding the arsenal techniques, the development of speed qualities, the development of an understanding of the tactical foundations of football.

Many young footballers and their parents have already been convinced of the quality and effectiveness of the training process, as well as the high level of organization of our football training camps. Since 2013, more than 1,150 athletes and 500 parents have already attended our football camps. Among the participants of our camps are not only students of our Academy, but representatives of the leading football schools and Academies of Russia. Footballers from the Lokomotiv FC Academy (Moscow), Torpedo Sports School (Moscow), Chertanovo Sports School (Moscow), FC FSHM (Moscow), FC Academy come to our camps to train "Dinamo" (Moscow), Academy of PFC "CSKA" (Moscow), Academy of FC "Zenith" (St. Petersburg), Youth Sports School "Wings of the Soviets" (Moscow), Youth Sports School of FC "Tyumen" (Tyumen) , Youth Sports School "Komi" (Ukhta), FC "Adler" (Sochi), Youth Sports School "Krasnogvardeets" (Moscow), Youth Sports School "Lightning" (Moscow), Sports School "Change" (Moscow), Sports School Neftyanik (Surgut), Youth Sports School No. 2, Veliky Novgorod, Youth Sports School No. 6, Yalta, Sports School "Kuntsevo" (Moscow), Youth Sports School of FC "Victoria" (Samara), Youth Sports School of FC "Dynamo" (St. Petersburg), Youth Sports School "Rubin" (Yalta), Youth Sports School No. 10 (Murmansk), Youth Sports School "Irbis" (Yakutsk), Youth Sports School "Sputnik" (Tula Region), Youth Sports School "Yamburg" ( Novy Urengoy), Youth Sports School of FC "Ural" (Yekaterinburg), Youth Sports School of FC "Sevastopol" (Sevastopol), Sports School "Znamya" (Noginsk), Academy of FC "Krasnodar" (Krasnodar) and others

Young football players come to our training camps from different parts of Russia (from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), near and far abroad, we have been visited by athletes from: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astana, Bryansk, Minsk, Vienna, Oslo, Kemerovo, Krasnodar , Sochi, Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Veliky Novgorod, Sevastopol, Kharkov, Samara, Vladivostok, Yuno-Sakhalinsk, Kaliningrad and other cities.

The upcoming training camp will be the tenth one for our Academy, we will try to make it even more effective and interesting, using all the accumulated experience. As always, people will be poisoned to work in our football camp the best coaches of our Academy are true professionals in their field. For 11/12 days, our specialists will be involved in the process 24 hours a day - daily two-time training, organizing exciting leisure activities for children, organizing and monitoring the life of young football players, ensuring the safety of children, holding meetings and thematic conversations, etc. The administration of our Academy will control the whole process and solve organizational issues.

The tasks of our football camp include not only increasing the level of skills of athletes, but also developing in them many necessary for Everyday life qualities: discipline, independence, sociability, self-organization, etc.

Football training camp AFM "AVANGARD" is full immersion football in comfortable conditions - warm Sochi climate, mountain and sea air, professional sports infrastructure, intensive, varied and exciting training with professional football coaches, rich gaming practice, cognitive theoretical classes, excellent sports nutrition, comfortable rooms, interesting communication, new impressions and emotions.

Charge with football with us!

ATTENTION! Seats are limited!

  • Race 1: 05/29/2018 - 06/08/2018 - NO SEATS
  • Race 2: 06/08/2018 - 06/18/2018 - NO SEATS
  • Race 3: 06/19/2018 - 06/29/2018 - NO SEATS
  • Race 4: 07/01/2018 - 07/11/2018 - 1 PLACE LEFT
  • Check ind 5: 07/12/2018 - 07/23/2018 - 6 PLACES LEFT
  • Race 6: 07/24/2018 - 08/04/2018 - 8 SEATS LEFT
  • Race 7: 08/05/2018 - 08/16/2018 - 9 SEATS LEFT
  • Race 8: 08/17/2018 - 08/28/2018 - 7 SEATS LEFT

Football training camp program and participation conditions

Goals and objectives of the training camp (UTL):

  • A significant increase in the football skills of young football players.
  • maintenance sportswear in the offseason.
  • Increasing the interest and motivation of children to play football and sports in general.
  • Increasing the level of discipline and independence of children.
  • General physical strengthening of children.

UTL period:

  • Race 1: 05/29/2018 - 06/08/2018
  • Race 2: 06/08/2018 - 06/18/2018
  • Race 3: 06/19/2018 - 06/29/2018
  • Race 4: 07/01/2018 - 07/11/2018
  • Check ind 5: 07/12/2018 - 07/23/2018
  • Race 6: 07/24/2018 - 08/04/2018
  • Race 7: 08/05/2018 - 08/16/2018
  • Race 8: 08/17/2018 - 08/28/2018

UTL members: pupils of AFM "AVANGARD" and other football schools of the following years of birth: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002.

  • Race #1 - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011;
  • Check-in number 2 - in all age groups;
  • Arrival number 3 - V all age groups;
  • Race #4 - 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011;
  • Arrival number 5 -
  • Arrival number 6 - 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ;
  • Race number 7 - all age groups;
  • Race number 8 - all age groups.

The following age groups will be formed in each race:

  • 2012 - 2013
  • 2010 - 2011
  • 2008 - 2009
  • 2006 - 2007
  • 2004 - 2005
  • 2002 - 2003
  • Goalkeepers

All athletes are divided into groups (10-15 people for field players and 4-6 people for goalkeepers) according to their age and level of football training.

Athletes born in 2013, 2012 and 2011 are accepted to the camp only if accompanied by their parents.

Location of UTL: Russia, Adlersky district of Sochi, st. Lenina d. 88, Sports complex "YUNOST":

Sports complex "Yunost" specializes in the placement of professional and youth sports teams.

  • Adler district of Sochi;
  • 3 km from the airport of Sochi;
  • 3 km to Olympic Park;
  • 500 m to the center of Adler;
  • 400 m to the Black Sea;
  • 0 m to sports facilities.

Infrastructure sports complex:

  • Hotel 3* "SPORT-HOTEL";
  • Restaurant "Olympia";
  • Two standard football fields with synthetic turf;
  • Playground for playing beach football and volleyball;
  • Athletics stadium;
  • Modern gym For game types sports;
  • Medical block;
  • Saunas with a pool;
  • Conference rooms;
  • The territory of the sports complex is fenced, guarded and under video surveillance.

Accommodation for UTL participants: SK "YUNOST", "Sport-Hotel"

All groups are accommodated in the SPORT-HOTEL Hotel (built in 2013).

The hotel is located directly on the territory of the sports complex.

  • Athletes: 2-3-bed accommodation in rooms with all amenities;
  • Parents: 1-2-bed accommodation in rooms with all amenities, there is the possibility of accommodation in a room of the category "Lux" and "Family" (the cost is agreed additionally on request).

All rooms are equipped with: LCD TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, telephone, Internet (Wi-Fi).
In the room: one, two or three beds (1mx2m), table, bedside tables, wardrobe, combined bathroom, shower, hair dryer.

Daily cleaning, change of bed linen - 1 time in 3 days


Meals will be provided at the Olympia restaurant, which is located on the first floor of the hotel.

For participants of UTL AFM "AVANGARD" four meals a day with cold and hot drinks (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) in the buffet format will be provided.
In the assortment of the restaurant "Olympia" delicious and healthy eating, oriented specifically to athletes: a variety of cold snacks, hot dishes from meat, fish, poultry, hot and cold drinks, fruits and vegetables, fresh pastries.

Training program:

  • Daily morning exercise.
  • Daily two-hour one and a half training sessions according to a program corresponding to a specific age group, incl. improving the technical skills of young football players, improving speed and power characteristics, team and group interactions, etc. Training venues: football field, athletics stadium, beach soccer field.
  • Regular theoretical classes - basics tactical training, improving the mental and emotional state of football players, football "tricks", discipline and self-organization in the training process, etc.
  • Control and test measurements: at the beginning and at the end of the football camp, analysis of the dynamics.

Free time and leisure:

In the time free from training and games, interesting leisure activities will be organized for the participants of the football camp - visiting the beach (swimming in the sea, sunbathing), table tennis, darts, various Board games, quizzes, competitions, watching movies, etc.
In addition, a cultural and entertainment program with an excursion will be thought out and organized.

Cost of participation in UTL:


For pupils of AFM "AVANGARD":

  • Arrivals No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - 41500 rub. for one person
  • Arrivals No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 - 44500 RUB per person

For pupils of other football schools and academies:

  • Arrivals No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - 44000 rub. for one person
  • Arrivals No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 - 46500 RUB per person

If the athlete stays for two shifts or more, then an additional fee of 1200 rubles is paid. for every shift.

An athlete can go to the training camp accompanied by accompanying persons - parents, grandparents, etc.

Ticket price for accompanying persons :

Adults and children over 5 years of age (non-athletes):

  1. double accommodation in a 3* Sport Hotel with three meals a day (buffet):
  • Arrivals No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - 32000 rub. for one person
  • Arrivals No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 - 35000 rub. for one person.
  • single accommodation in a 3* Sport Hotel with three meals a day (buffet) - on request , the number of single rooms is limited.
  • Children NOT ATHLETES under 5 years without providing a separate bed - FOR FREE, with the provision of additional space 500 rubles. per day.

    Two adults plus a child NOT ATHLETE from 5 to 14 years old for extra. location:

      • Arrivals No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - 81000 rub.,
      • Arrivals No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 - 89000 rub.

    Athletes 2013, 2012, and 2011 births are accepted to the training camp only if accompanied by their parents.

    Included in the price:

    • Group transfer Airport - "Yunost" - Airport,
    • Accommodation in "Sport-Hotel";
    • 4 meals a day "buffet";
    • Rent of sports infrastructure;
    • Mineral water in training;
    • Washing the form 1 time in two days;
    • friendly games;
    • Educational and training program;
    • Organization of leisure activities for young football players.

    ATTENTION! The cost of the ticket does not include the cost of the road to Sochi and back. Air tickets are paid separately. The cost of air tickets Moscow-Sochi-Moscow: from 11,000 to 17,600 rubles. (depending on arrival). S7 airline.

    If you wish, you can purchase air tickets on your own.

    Payment is made in 2 stages:

    • 50% - within 10 days from the date of application,
    • final payment - until May 15, 2018

    In the summer of 2018 it will be possible to take part in our training camp without accommodation. You can bring an athlete by 9:00 and pick him up after the evening training at 18:30. The cost of a day stay in the camp is 29000/31000 rub. The price includes lunch and afternoon tea. The number of places without accommodation is strictly limited.

    Applications for participation in the UTL are accepted by e-mailcamp@site

    The application must indicate:

    • Full name of the athlete;
    • date of birth;
    • Name sports school, if a pupil of the AFM "AVANGARD", then the name of the department;
    • Specify the number of vouchers - one athlete, or an athlete accompanied by parents. If accompanied by parents, then indicate the number of accompanying persons (if there are children among the accompanying persons, then their dates of birth must be indicated);
    • Specify how tickets will be purchased, i.e. independently or through AFM "AVANGARD".

    Payment is made in 2 installments:

    • 50% of the cost must be paid within 10 days after application;
    • the second 50% of the cost will need to be paid before May 15, 2018.

    ATTENTION! Limited number of seats. Hurry up to apply.

    WITH detailed information about our training camps can be found on the camp's official website

    Ciudad deportiva Real Madrid, Valdebebas, Madrid.

    Children's age:

    Children born in 1997-2004 (Mode "With accommodation").

    Children born in 1999-2006 (Mode "Without accommodation").

    The program of the summer football camp includes races:

    "With accommodation":

    "Without accommodation":


    Training and other activities are held from 9.00 am to 19.00 pm.


    The summer camp program involves the mode "With accommodation" and "Without accommodation". When choosing the mode "With accommodation", children are accommodated on the territory of the residence "Erasmo" of the Autonomous University of Madrid.


    "With accommodation":

    • 1.300 euros (2 weeks),
    • 800 euros (1 week).

    "Without accommodation":

    • 450 euros (5 days).


    Trainings are held on the territory of the sports town football club(12 football fields), the program includes a visit to the Santiago Bernabeu stadium ( home stadium Club Real Madrid).

    Summer football camp of the football club "Atletico de Madrid"

    One of the best football clubs in Spain opens its 5th summer football camp in Segovia this year.


    Los Angeles de San Rafael (Segovia).

    Complejo urbanístico de Los Ángeles de San Rafael, dentro de la Sierra de Guadarrama, Segovia, 35 minutes de Madrid.

    Children's age:

    Children aged 4 to 16 years.

    The program of the summer football camp involves arrivals for 7 days from July 01 to August 11.


    Training and other activities are held from 10.00 am to 19.30 pm.


    The summer camp program involves the mode "With accommodation" and "Without accommodation". When choosing the mode "With accommodation", children are accommodated on the territory of the hotel trypNayade.


    "With accommodation":

    • 495 euros (1 week).

    "Without accommodation":

    • 290 euros (1 week).