Team run become a reebok man. How to pass the stages of "Reebok

Reebok is taking on the world with a new "Become Human" communications campaign.

"Become human!" Reebok is a bold challenge to the world to change the way people view fitness. The brand supports those who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and train to the limit in order to achieve their maximum potential. This concept is also contained in the brand logo itself - the Delta sign, the three sides of which symbolize the physical, intellectual and social transformations that occur to us through intense training.

Reebok's new campaign focuses on fitness at its peak. And it's not just physical activity- this is what allows you to improve your body, become better and stronger. Whether you're running the Reebok Spartan Race, setting a new PR in CrossFit WOD training, or pushing yourself to the Les Mills BODY COMBAT, Ultimate Fitness is a way to change your life, expand your mind, strengthen your spirit and reach your potential.

In a video to support the campaign, titled "Freak Show", Reebok acknowledges that this mindset can often be confusing to others. But this is the path for those who are ready to become more than they ever imagined by training to their limits.

Jan Martin, Vice President of Global Brand Communications at Reebok, said: “A new generation of athletes has arrived. These are people like us, but for them, achievement and recognition are not expressed in awards, but in the realization that through fitness they transform their lives. We are confident that such athletes will become role models.”

The campaign has created a special section of where every fitness enthusiast can define for themselves what it means to "become human" by taking some exciting and unexpected tests and learning about the effect of intensive training on brain activity. .



An interactive 3D visualizer visually demonstrates how various physical exercise affect brain function. This is a scale with various activities, from the easiest - reading a book, to the most intense - an obstacle race. By moving the cursor from label to label, you get a comprehensive answer about which parts and functions of the brain are activated in each case, and which human qualities the selected load contributes to the development of.


Fitness fans who want to change the idea of ​​true beauty have challenged the glamorous and fake selfies. As part of the "Become Human" campaign, they show themselves in their most exhausted state after a workout, taking lively and honest photos without embellishment and staged poses. You can support activity in social networks using the hashtag #BREAKYOURSELFIE.

The launch of the new campaign will culminate in an epic fitness event for those who are ready to test their limits and challenge the ordinary. February 21, 2015 in Moscow, at Poklonnaya Hill Reebok will host an outdoor obstacle course. Teams of 6 people over 18 years old will take part in the competition. To test yourself for strength on the Reebok track, just fill out a questionnaire on the website WWW.STANHUMAN.RF. Registration starts on February 9th.

Competitors will experience an even more varied and extended track with 12 new challenges for strength, endurance and teamwork. For everyone who comes to cheer for friends or actively relax, numerous master classes will be organized by professional athletes and instructors, as well as DJing and dancing classes that will take place in the Reebok Classic zone. In addition, on the first day of the race in the park will pass concert of the group "Basil" (beginning at 16:00), and on the 22nd of the guests there will be a performance of the group "My Michel" (beginning at 15:00).

Guests of the event will be able to attend Reebok Open Air master classes from international Reebok presenters and the national team Les Mills, as well as workouts in Functional Jam, Hi-Lo Aerobics, House Aerobics and Dance Aerobics (May 21), BODYJAM, GRIT CARDIO, SH'BAM and BODYCOMBAT (May 22), master classes in weightlifting, crossfit and rowing simulator.

In addition, everyone will have the opportunity to learn the basics breathing exercises on the yoga platform (from 11:00 to 16:00), work out mixed martial arts and kickboxing with the leading coaches of the SCS "Kutuzovsky", learn the art of jumping rope and test your strength in the competition in the power of impact from the "Boxing Academy". Also, visitors to the event are waiting for lessons in street self-defense and master classes in acrobatic rock and roll.

Those who believe that accuracy and dexterity are more important than the ability to hit back in close combat should definitely take part in archery competitions that combine the excitement of paintball and the energy of archery sports, and young guests will like the platform with a trampoline, where they can not only jump yourself, but also see how the professionals do it. There is no need to worry about the safety of young athletes - experienced trainers and animators will ensure the safety of those who want to fly too high.

'Become Human 5' will open a series of three big races 2016, which will be held in Moscow. During the year, the competition will also go beyond the capital for the first time and visit six cities of Russia. All updated information will appear on the official website www.becomehuman.rf, as well as on the official pages of the brand in social networks.

About races with testsReebok. Become human"

Races with tests «Reebok. Become Human” is a competition for teams of 6 people (recommended combination of 3 men and 3 women, 4+2 is also acceptable). The distance has a length of 5 to 7 km and includes 10-12 tests, most of which are designed for group performance. The test scheme changes every time, specific tasks become known only on the day of the competition. The technique of performing exercises during the tests is monitored by the judges, the time of passing the route is recorded by the telemetry system. Persons over 18 years of age may participate in the races.

For me, "Become Human 2018" is the first such race with overcoming obstacles. Somewhat similar to fun starts that were at school, but the loads are much more serious. Can't say that I'm not sports man, from childhood was engaged in dancing, volleyball and athletics. But preparation for the World Cup, constant business trips and routine office work have made their own adjustments to sports. Largely because I missed physical activity, decided to take part in the race this year as part of the "Championship" team.

Preparing for the run

As I mentioned above, the race involves serious tests for the body. So, it is very important to properly prepare yourself, to know and feel your body. There are several options.

Some Tips

Since the weather in May decided to please us, the race was held in the open sun and a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius (although sometimes it seemed that even more). Therefore, one of the main tips - do not forget about hats and sunscreen. Water also should not be written off. During the race, you will be offered to freshen up only three times. And then, the first is only before the sixth frontier out of 14 possible. Before the start, be sure to conduct a team warm-up. Try to run with a rope to understand how to place the forces correctly.

Difficulties of the race

There are several tests that have caused particular difficulties for the "Championship" team. What were the mistakes and how to avoid them, I will describe further. It will also help you save time.

The main load in this test goes to the arms and press. This stage cannot be called super-difficult, concentration and teamwork are more important. Task: lie down in pairs on mattresses, tear off the body and legs from the ground, and in this position, without touching the mattress with parts of the body, pass pancakes weighing from 5 to 25 kilograms back and forth four times. The penalty for breaking the rule is a squat.

Error: team members are far apart on mattresses. Because of this, the entire team received 24 additional squats, which affected the performance of the following tasks. How to fix it: take your time doing the exercise, carefully check how far apart you are from each other, try to imitate the transfer of pancakes to a teammate. Only after that indicate to the volunteer that the stage is ready.

At the previous stage, we ourselves created a problem for ourselves, because of which some of the guys got clogged legs and jumped or squatted, they were not able to. And the main load in the test just goes to the leg muscles. Task: jump the distance with a fitball overhead from a sitting position back and forth, at this time the team squats 10 times with a rope overhead.

Error: jumping out with a fitball, with its direction only up. This did not allow jumping forward to overcome the distance. How to fix it: while jumping, keep the fitball above you, but directing it forward. This will make long jump much easier and save you time. Tips: Don't forget to shake and lightly massage your leg muscles when you have a free minute.

Stage number 13.

The horizontal bar and rings - at the end of the entire distance - this is a very powerful load. Here you have to endure with all your might. The qualities of real fighters are manifested. Task: participants must pull themselves up 60 times on the rings from a prone position. At the moment when one performs pull-ups, the rest hang on the horizontal bar.

Mistake: wet hands! How to fix: there are two types of horizontal bars on the test. Those that are lower - without bandages, higher with bandages. It is better to put a person with wet hands on a horizontal bar wrapped with a bandage so that a person falls less often.

In general, I advise everyone to try their hand and run the "Become Human" race. This is not only a sport, but also a fun time with friends or colleagues. Songs and charges are heard at a distance, and teams even sometimes help each other with encouragement. Challenge yourself and trust me, you won't regret it!

Useful and necessary. In particular, she found her embodiment in the mass fitness festival from "Reebok" - "Become a Human". Let's take a closer look at this event and find out what awaits its participants.

What is this

The Reebok Project Become Human is a fitness festival held in many major cities, with a steeplechase as the centerpiece.

The festival provides an opportunity not only to measure strength with other participants, but also to test yourself in teamwork and meet new friends for future joint sports.

How the project appeared and its history

The project appeared not so long ago, only in 2015, but during its implementation, the festival participants covered over 120 km of the race and successfully passed more than 200 tests. Its popularity is growing with each new event. To date, "Become Human" has covered many major cities, uniting like-minded people, attracting more and more new participants and increasing its scale.

Main parts of the festival

Challenge run

One of Reebok's highlights of the Become Human event is the Challenge Run, which is open to anyone aged 18+. This is a competition for teams consisting of six members, and each team must have at least two participants of the same gender.

What kind of trials await the participants becomes known immediately before the race, which gives it additional intrigue. Professional refereeing is involved in evaluating the passage of the route.

This competition will help you test your abilities, recharge and feel the team spirit of competition.
The run consists of:

  • long scenic route;
  • exciting tests;
  • pleasant surprises for all runners;
  • strong and unforgettable;
  • interesting acquaintances.

Most of the participants in past events are. Two-thirds of the teams had this composition: four and two. However, things can still change.

Dance and Aerobics Day

As part of the fitness festival, it is planned to hold a day and where master classes from the world's most famous choreographers and prize-winners are demonstrated international competitions By .

Among the dance styles, the following are usually represented - hip-hop, dancefloor, jazz-punk and others.

Important! Do not ignore pre-race preparation, especially if you usually lead a sedentary lifestyle.


The unique LES MILLS fitness training program, which is suitable for both well-trained and beginners, is presented by national teams of LES MILLS trainers. Qualified presentation of the material, positive and excellent results are guaranteed to you.

Yoga marathon

One of the parts of the "Become Human" race is a unique yoga marathon. As instructors, only experienced and highly qualified specialists are involved in it, with the help of which you can reach new level skill and ownership.

There are no restrictions on the level of training here, the site is open to everyone.


The festival provides an opportunity to listen to lectures by well-known experts in the field healthy lifestyle life, authors of progressive fitness methods and recognized experts in the field and.
They will be happy to share their own experience and recommendations that will allow listeners to avoid common mistakes, and answer many important questions.

Master classes

Also during the festival, master classes and open from leading fitness clubs are held. Each participant of the festival is given the opportunity to gain interesting experience and practice new sports skills.

The uniqueness of this festival also lies in the fact that its participants can try themselves in different qualities and get a huge amount of valuable information in one place.

How to prepare for and pass a fitness test

The Reebok Parks program developed by the company allows everyone to go through special events, open classes in parks designed depending on the level physical training and developed skills.

You just need to choose suitable workouts and do it regularly:
  • BMH Start - training for beginners in, without heavy weights;
  • BMH Advanced - team training for future obstacle course participants;
  • BMH Run - training for amateurs in all seasons and weather;
  • BMH - enhanced team training with a prescribed weight will help you become stronger and more resilient;
  • TLAF - an unusual training will allow you to engage in elements of martial arts, only without injuries and sparring.

A vibrant sporting event from Reebok brings to life the great idea of ​​uniting with a similar worldview, striving to be open and lead an active lifestyle.

As a result, this will allow each of them to become a healthy and positive person. If you don't mind joining them, the entrance is always open.

In 2016, the Reebok race is expanding its geography and reaching a new level.

Self-improvement and the desire to become better is not only changing people - in 2016, the Reebok "Become Human" challenge race is reaching a new level, expanding its scope and geography. In the new season, not only residents of Moscow, but also the six largest cities of Russia will be able to test themselves for strength. Already this summer, teams from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan will challenge themselves and compete with others for the title of the strongest. In order to prepare for the races in these cities, Reebok will open training grounds in the parks, where everyone can train for free under the guidance of professional instructors.

Three big races will take place in Moscow this year. In addition, from April to November, a series of competitions “Become a Human. Start”, which will be held every 2 weeks at the central training base (Reebok will open it in the spring in one of the capital's parks). Also, all fitness enthusiasts will be able to continue their training at Reebok venues, which have everything you need for CrossFit, running and mixed martial arts.

Due to the fact that Reebok is expanding the geography of the races, improving the training program, and also opening new equipped training grounds in the capital and regions, participation in the Moscow Become Human races becomes paid. All funds received will be used to develop the project so that in the near future it will cover more cities, and tens of thousands of people in different parts of Russia could become best version themselves in physical, social and intellectual aspects. It is worth noting that already now “Become a Human” is the largest competition of its kind: only for last year more than 2,400 teams took part in the races, and about 30,000 guests attended the events themselves.

*Detailed information about the place and time of the event can be found on the website www.become a human.rf.

About the Reebok. Become human"

Races with tests «Reebok. Become Human” is a competition for teams of 6 people (recommended combination of 3 men and 3 women, 4+2 is also acceptable). The distance has a length of 5 to 7 km and includes 9-10 tests, most of which are designed for group performance. The test scheme changes every time, specific tasks become known only on the day of the competition. The technique of performing exercises during the tests is monitored by the judges, the time of passing the route is recorded by the telemetry system. Persons over 18 years of age may participate in the races.