Presentation I love equestrian sport. Presentation on the topic "equestrian sport"

I have a love for horses since childhood 4/23 When I was very young, I often asked my mother the same question: “Well, why am I not a horse?” When it came time to choose a New Year's costume, and I was offered a chic butterfly dress, I sadly agreed, dreaming of a pony costume.

5/23 When my parents and I went to the City Garden in the summer, instead of riding the merry-go-round, I circled the park several times on horseback. The best toys were horses, the best books and the most colorful magazines - also about them ... Now this is my strongest hobby.


Horses are unusual animals: they have beauty, charm, nobility, strength and magic. From communication with horses, a person receives a lot of positive energy, which gives a charge of vivacity and good mood. Folk wisdom says: a horse to a man is wings. Many famous writers and poets spoke about horses. So, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote: “A horse is much more generous than a man, endowed with instinct and physical feelings. True, a person often surpasses her with vision, sometimes with reason. But the horse hears better than cats, it smells thinner than a dog, it is sensitive to the passage of time and to changes in the weather no worse than a rooster; in the memory of places, events and impressions, there is no animal equal to it on earth; she has a sense of pace to the same extent as a circus juggler or a first-class ballerina. I agree with every word of the great Russian writer. 7/23

9/23 Horses are the best way to restore human health. In many countries of the world, special stables have been created at medical institutions, where patients are taught horseback riding, which helps restore the normal functioning of the spine, limbs, and vestibular apparatus.

Classic equestrian sports are dressage ( graduate School riding, Dressage), jumping (overcoming obstacles, Show Jumping) and triathlon (Millitary, Three day event). Other disciplines include horseback riding, speed or distance, sled competitions. At first, they competed one by one, with “arc” horses under the riders (the arc horse galloped next to the arc of the trotter in order to encourage him to run more recklessly, with her presence she introduced the spirit of competition). Subsequently, hippodromes appeared with special tracks in the form of parallel straight lines, along which two or three horses ran at the same time. Later, even more horses began to participate in the race and they ran in an elliptical circle. 10/23

There are also several types of horses for their intended purpose. For leisure use "hobby-class" pleasure horses. For tourism, riding - sports horses, for hippodrome tests - racing and trotting. In Russia, they include a fifth of the 2 millionth horse population. There are about 1.5 million working horses in Russia, although the need for them is three to four times higher. Russia 13/23

The color of the horse is the color of the horse's hairline, as well as the skin and eyes. One of the main individual distinguishing features. Like the colors in cats and dogs, the color in horses is not just a color, but a certain combination of colors, a type of distribution of pigments, which also has a genetic background. If horses have the same coat color, but different skin and eye colors, or the same coat color on the body, but a different mane and tail, then their color may be different. horses 14/23


The horse is classified as a herbivore. On the pasture, she eats from 25 to 100 kg of grass per day. Depending on age and body weight, a horse drinks an average of liters of water per day in summer and 2025 liters in winter. Herbivores need to clean the horse every day: wool - with special brushes, hooves - with a hoof hook. It is very important to behave correctly at the same time: for example, do not squat down, do not go around an unfamiliar horse from behind, do not make sudden movements. 17/23

“Gold will buy four wives, but a dashing horse has no price. He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe. He will not change, he will not deceive…” M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" V. Gusev "Treat" Anichkov Bridge. St. Petersburg "Humpbacked Horse" P. Ershov 18/23 Equestrianism has always been a part of human culture. Many signs, myths, legends and fairy tales, folk songs and poems, paintings and sculptures are associated with horses.

19/23 In heraldry, the image of a horse is often used, combining the symbolic qualities of several animals: the courage of a lion, the eyesight of an eagle, the strength of an ox, the speed of a deer, the dexterity of a fox. Heraldry In 1804, a white running horse on a green shield became the coat of arms of Tomsk. On June 17, 1991, the city authorities of Tomsk restored the historical coat of arms of the city

Groves, fields, bushes A veil of snow hid. The horses of my dreams Are rushing into the gray distance. This crazy flight is driving me crazy. The world is waiting for renewal - Winter has come again. The air is so fresh and clean! In the white cascades of the manes of the Wind, a cheerful whistle On the bells motif. May good luck await us And keep us from trouble, Well, the soul - sings Under the clatter of hooves. May God give us many wonderful years. A trail has been laid to the stars among the roads of the Sleigh. A trio of dashing horses Throws snow in the run... Wings of my dream In our crazy age... O. Kuks 21/23

1. In the world of horses. Internet resource: 2. Illustrations. Internet resource: 3. Kuprin A.I. Wheel of Time. Stories. Moscow: BUSINESSSOFT LLC (“IDDK”), Lermontov M.Yu. Hero of our time. M.: ABC, ABC-Atticus, Horses in human life. Internet resource: 23/23

Sharapova D.V. FK-42 Equestrian sport

Equestrian sport is a collective concept, which means sport games using horses. When riding, the rider actively interacts with the movement of the horse. The horse is controlled by shifting the rider's weight, squeezing the hips, and loosening or tightening the reins. The voice of the rider can also influence the movement of the horse, but not all equestrian sports allow this.

1. The history of the appearance of the equestrian variety.

3 thousand years ago, man already knew how to use a horse for riding. In Egypt, the first mention of chariots dates back to the 27th century. BC, in China, the simplest chariots were already 8 centuries earlier, that is, in 2600 BC. The first mention of the participation of horse chariots in Olympic Games ax refers to 680 BC. Such a long antiquity of the presence of chariots among various peoples suggests that their appearance not only influenced the emergence of cavalry, but equally affected the emergence of equestrian sports.

Popular in medieval England, France, Spain and Germany jousting tournaments subsequently turned into equestrian games, one of which - the battle of the sultans - has come down to our days. Many centuries ago there were national games peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia. To this day, these peoples have brought their equestrian games and competitions - horse riding; tskhenburti, chovgan - varieties of modern equestrian polo; baigu - chasing the rider; kyz-kuu - catch up with the girl.

In addition to various equestrian games, more complex equestrian competitions were already held in ancient times, which laid the foundation for those types of equestrian sports that were widely developed in subsequent centuries. First of all, this applies to jumps and runs. The first message about the inclusion in the program of the Olympics in Ancient Greece horse and mule racing dates back to 648 BC.

The prerequisites for the emergence of equestrian sports were the use of horses in military operations. The life of the rider during the battle largely depended on the behavior of the horse, so there was a need for special preparation of the horse: the development of strength, endurance, unquestioning obedience to man. Often, the horse was required to be able to stop abruptly, change gaits, overcome obstacles, gallop over rough terrain, etc. Subsequently, it became the disciplines of equestrian sports.

The modern history of equestrian sport began simultaneously with the revival of the Olympic Games. Equestrian sport was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1900 in Paris. Then the program included a personal championship in overcoming obstacles and long and high jumps. At the games in 1904 and 1908. equestrian competitions were not held.

It has been included in the permanent program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1912. Then, out of 20-30 types of equestrian sports, three were included in the Olympic program: dressage, show jumping (jumping) and triathlon (dressage riding, show jumping and field trials). The rest, such as horse racing, trotting, driving (sledding competitions) and vaulting, although not represented at the Olympics, are very popular, and their fans hold their own international competitions.

It has been included in the permanent program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1912. Then, out of 20-30 types of equestrian sports, three were included in the Olympic program: dressage, show jumping (jumping) and triathlon (dressage riding, show jumping and field trials). The rest, such as horse racing, trotting, driving (sled competitions) and vaulting are not represented at the Olympics, but are very popular. International competitions are held for these types.

In 1921, the International Equestrian Federation was founded, it included more than 110 national federations. Now it consists of 133 national federations. After the Republic of Belarus gained its statehood, it was established in March 1992 and Belarusian Federation equestrian sports. Since its foundation, the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus has been recognized as the only organization entrusted with the right to develop equestrian sports in the country.

2. Federation of Equestrian Sports of Belarus

Full name Gramadskae ab "yadnanneBelarusian federation of equestrian sport Public association Belarusian Federation of Equestrian Sports The Belarusian Equestrian Sports Federation was established in March 1992. Olympic Committee Republic of Belarus as the only organization entrusted with the right to develop equestrian sports in the country.

The main task of the federation is to unite all athletes, specialists, amateurs to achieve the highest sports results and the development of equestrian sports in general. Since 1992, BFKS has been a member of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), which was founded in 1921 and unites 129 countries (2004).

The Belarusian Equestrian Federation works in close cooperation with the International Equestrian Federation, and thanks to its assistance, state funding, as well as sponsorship, about 30 republican sports events, 5-8 international competitions and seminars, 10-15 trips abroad.

During this time, the main types of equestrian sports have received the greatest development in the republic: dressage, show jumping, and triathlon. Since 1997, a new fascinating form has been developing in Belarus - horse races, and since 2008 - vaulting. Successes in equestrian sport - the most elitist in Europe - contribute most to the growth of our country's prestige in the international arena. The leadership of the federation is carried out by the chairman together with the executive committee of the federation and the presidium, which are elected at the conference for a period of four years.

Composition of the Presidium of the NGO "Belarusian Equestrian Federation" Chairman Rusy Mikhail Ivanovich - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus First Deputy Chairman Kazakevich Vasily Mikhailovich - Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Deputy Chairmen Mikhadyuk Viktor Arkadyevich - General Director of the institution "RCOPKSiK" Yuranova Natalia Olgertovna - State coach of the national equestrian team of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus Executive Secretary of the NGO "BFKS" Machulskaya Alesya Vladimirovna

3. Competition rules

In dressage competitions (Grand Prix program), the rider and horse must perform various exercises, which are evaluated by the judges on a 10-point scale. The team championship is determined by the sum of the points of the three best team members out of four.

After the "Grand Prix" there is a "Moving" - more than short program. Participation in the "Moving" is limited and is mandatory for 24 athletes with top scores in the Big Prize. The 12 best athletes based on the results of the previous two competitions are allowed to the free program. The individual championship is determined by the sum of the positive points of the three competitions.

In overcoming obstacles, the Olympic program includes 3 show jumping: individual qualifying, team (2 rounds) and personal final (2 rounds). Each participant must overcome a route on a horse, including 12-15 obstacles up to 160 cm high. The result is evaluated in penalty points, which are awarded for the destruction of obstacles, disobedience of the horse, falling, exceeding the time of the route.

Triathlon includes arena riding (dressage according to a simplified program), field trials and overcoming obstacles (12-13 up to 120 cm high). Field tests include the passage of segments A and C - roads and paths, B - steeple chase, D - cross-country (cross-country with obstacles). Participants compete for 3 days on the same horses. The winner in the individual championship is determined by the smallest amount of penalty points received within 3 days of competition. IN team championship the results of the 3 best riders of the team out of 4 are included in the standings.


Judging is carried out by 5 judges located around the arena to evaluate the performance from different angles. Evaluation is made on a 10-point system. Ratings for some of the special difficult exercises doubled. The rider is given a few minutes to get to know the arena before performing the exercises. The start signal is the ringing of the bell.

The size of the competition area is 60 m by 20 m. The area must be level and covered mainly with sand. On it are 12 marks marked with letters, indicating the starting point for performing a particular exercise. After 5-6 riders, the area is leveled with rollers. Five judges sit outside the arena along the perimeter to evaluate the performance from different angles.

During all competitions, the rider must be dressed in a uniform. In dressage - a top hat, white breeches for men, white or yellowish breeches for women, black boots. handkerchief or wide ribbon around the neck are recommended, but a white shirt and tie or high white collar is permitted. As an exception, athletes from the military or police are allowed to compete in their uniforms. English type saddles are used, the horse must have double bits. The spurs must be metal, the mane may be braided. Other decorations are prohibited.

4. Top Athletes equestrian sport

Viktor Karpovich Asmaev (11/16/1947 - 10/12/2002) - Soviet equestrian athlete, Olympic champion 1980 in team jumping, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980). Alexander Ivanovich Blinov (08/19/1954) - Soviet equestrian athlete, 1980 Olympic champion in team triathlon and vice-champion in individual triathlon. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980).

Valery Yakovlevich Volkov (born July 26, 1947) - Soviet equestrian, 1980 Olympic champion in team triathlon, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980). Champion in the team championship in equestrian eventing at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. In individual competitions, he took 4th place. Currently in coaching.

Constant Octave van Langendonck (Dutch. Constant Octave van Langendonck; February 4, 1870 - 1944) - Belgian equestrian, champion of the 1900 Summer Olympics. Elena Vladimirovna Petushkova (11/17/1940 - 01/08/2007) - Soviet athlete, champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist , two-time champion world in dressage, Honored Master of Sports (1970), sports figure, coach, candidate of biological sciences.

Ibragim Vaskov is a multiple winner of international competitions in triathlon and overcoming obstacles.

Viktor Petrovich Ugryumov - Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the Byelorussian SSR, Honored Worker of Physical Culture, champion and bronze medalist 1980 Olympics, champion of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, champion of the USSR, bronze medalist of the 1978 World Championship, silver medalist of the 1979 European Championship.

state autonomous Educational institution TogliattiSocial Pedagogical College
Presentation on the topic Equestrian Sports Completed by: Students of the Fk-22 group Pozdnyakova Lyudmila Galkina Natalya Togliatti 2016

Horseback Riding
Equestrian sport appeared in ancient times, when riders competed among themselves in speed, courage and agility. Even then, he was part of the Olympic sports, and Alexander the Great, the mathematician Pythagoras, Julius Caesar, and others are considered famous riders.

Where is equestrian sport now popular?
Currently, equestrian sport is widespread in the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe. You can find out where this sport is most popular by looking at which countries win the competition most often. For example, at the Olympic Games, the teams of Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA and Russia most often won. And we can assume that it is in these countries that equestrian sport is most popular.

When did equestrian sport appear in Russia? In Soviet times, equestrian sport began to develop in the 1920s in the Red Army. At the same time, general horse riding competitions began to be held. In the 30s of the XX century, All-Union competitions began to be held for the first time. Gradually, sports societies began to be organized, such as Spartak and Stroitel. From such societies, after some time, athletes moved on to real professional horse races. The run Ashgabat - Moscow was very popular. Soviet equestrian sport in the 50s of the last century was united into a large association. This association became known as the International Equestrian Federation.

What clothes are not at all suitable for classes: Jeans. Yes, they fit snugly to the legs, but they hinder movement and can generally rub the legs with the inseam. Sweatpants are also not allowed to be worn on horseback rides. The fabric from which they are created will form folds. In this case, the leg will be in the wrong position. Any trousers with thick seams

What should be riding clothes? The breeches must be made of natural fabric that fits the figure of the rider and fits snugly to the horse. They can be made from suede. A jumper or jacket should also fit the figure, emphasize its shape and grace, but in no case hamper movements. Outerwear can be any, depending on the season. A light raincoat or coat will do, preferably not fitted.

Show jumping is an equestrian competition included in the program of the Olympic Games. Riders take it in turns to go out onto a flat area and must cover the distance as quickly as possible, which contains about 18 different obstacles (fences, stone walls, water barriers, etc.). At the same time, the judges closely monitor the movement of the horse and rider, fixing mistakes and misses. The winner is the participant whose horse covered the distance the fastest and made the fewest mistakes. Cross-country usually takes place in the forest, where it is necessary to overcome natural obstacles and be able to navigate the terrain.

Is equestrian sports included in the Olympic sports?????
1) yes 2) no



Are jeans suitable for riding?
1) yes 2) no

varieties of equestrian
Jumping - riding with overcoming

Dressage -
drive a horse
different gaits

Horse racing

Benefits of horseback riding: horseback riding is physical
load on all muscle groups.
During a calm ride, everything is worked out
major muscle groups - respectively, improves
muscle tone of the body. This effect is achieved
like this: a man sitting on a horse, moving along with it,
compelled to instinctively strain different muscles, to
maintain balance and maintain posture.
Muscles are worked out and strengthened,
which are weakened because they usually do not
used (even when
fitness classes).

Benefits of riding - acquisition
First, you learn to interact with a large
living being and learn to understand it. Secondly,
you need to stay in the saddle, keep
correct posture, follow the instructions of the trainer and
to control a horse - and all at the same time. Thirdly, your attention is constantly concentrated,
you are maximally collected and plan all
sequence of their actions.

Benefits of Riding - Balance Training
In medical terms, there is a training of the vestibular
apparatus that is responsible for the balance of our body.
This is achieved by the need to constantly keep yourself in the saddle.
The question arises: why should we, walking on a solid, motionless earth
equilibrium? Well, at least in order to feel great in
any trips and travels: by sea, by bus, train or in
airplane. It is the unbalanced vestibular apparatus and
causes a feeling of drowsiness
weakness, blurred vision
and the nausea that torments
both children and adults.

Benefits of Riding - Graceful Posture
Proper seating on a horse also implies a constant
maintaining posture. After all, the rider must steadily
sit in the saddle, and the horse must feel the rider,
because the back is straight. If you have
there are violations
posture - riding for
you. You will feel the effect immediately
just get off
from a horse, you will be with such
keep walking straight ahead.

The benefits of horseback riding are suitable for almost everyone.
Horse riding is recommended for everyone. This sport is suitable for those
who leads a sedentary lifestyle (at work - at the table, at home - on
sofa). After all, riding stimulates the leg muscles responsible for
for movement.

Some deny themselves the pleasure of riding on
the reason for such fears: “What if I can’t stay on the horse?” This
it is quite possible - but according to the statistics of various injuries - more often get
injury simply by slipping or failing out of a public
transport - than falling from a horse.
Some time ago - the horse was the only means
movement, so you can do it.
"And if the horse throws?" This is also possible. Although usually newbies
put on calm horses, but minimizing the risk will help
properly selected clothing, helmet, carefully read technique
safety, and carefully listened to the instructor's advice.
“And if the horse bites or kicks?”
If you follow the basic safety rules - this is

Rules: when you approach the horse, do it on the left, quietly with
talk to her, draw her attention to yourself, sit down and get off
horses on the left side only, remember to work with
you can only ride a horse on the left side (lead, saddle and
etc.), do not approach the horse from behind, and do not make sudden movements,
bring your hand to the horse's face
smoothly, while talking to her, do not feed the horse with gloves, treat
serve on an open palm.

A little about horses

Horses are unusual animals: they have beauty, charm, nobility, strength and magic. From communication with horses, a person receives a lot of positive energy, which gives a charge of vivacity and a good mood. Folk wisdom says: a horse to a man is wings.

Many famous writers and poets spoke about horses. So, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote: “A horse is much more generous than a man, endowed with instinct and physical feelings. True, a person often surpasses her with vision, sometimes with reason. But a horse hears better than a cat, smells thinner than a dog, it is as sensitive to the passage of time and weather changes as a cock; in the memory of places, events and impressions, there is no animal equal to it on earth; she has a sense of pace to the same extent as a circus juggler or a first-class ballerina. I agree with every word of the great Russian writer.

Equestrian sport includes all types of horse riding competitions. Main types: horseback riding and harness riding. Equestrian sports include: dressage and high school riding, overcoming obstacles, riding on terrain, endurance and speed runs, triathlon (consists of dressage riding, riding over rough terrain and overcoming obstacles).

Identification tests sports qualities horses are included in the under-rider horse test group.

Types of equestrian sports

  • dressage
  • show jumping
  • triathlon
  • reining (western sport)
  • driving
  • vaulting

Dressage is the highest school of riding. This is a sport in which the rider must demonstrate: the ability of the horse to move correctly and productively in all gaits at different tempos - from reduced to extended, smooth and rhythmic transitions from one gait to another, correct stance, reining back (moving back), movements with lateral bending, produced special training complex movements (pirouettes, leg change at a canter in 4-1 pace, passage, piaffe). When performing these exercises, the horse must move, maintaining one or another position of his body, corresponding to the number of the program. In dressage, momentum is important - the desire to move forward, complete obedience to the controls, the actions of which should be almost imperceptible.

  • The most massive and popular view equestrian sport - jumping (overcoming obstacles). In this event, a rider with a horse must pass the route, overcoming obstacles installed on it, consisting of separate wooden parts.
  • Show jumping is the youngest type of equestrian competition, it is barely a hundred years old, but it already has many fans. France is considered the birthplace of show jumping. In the fifties of the last century, at the Paris Horse Show, jumping competitions were held for the first time over various obstacles, called “show jumping-ippik”. The active organizers and participants of the first jumping ippik were cadets of the Samyur cavalry school and officers of other countries who were trained and trained there. A great contribution to the development of this equestrian sport was made by the Italian cavalry school in Pinerodo.


  • The most difficult of the Olympic sports equestrian sport is triathlon. These competitions are held for three days. On the first day, riders demonstrate their skills in the dressage show, which is similar to simple dressage programs. On the second day, field trials are held, consisting of road driving, steeple chase and cross country.
  • The main difficulty in these competitions for most participants is the passage of the route over rough terrain. It includes up to 28 deaf, not collapsing when hitting obstacles up to 120 cm high and up to 180 cm wide. Its length is up to 7200 m in competitions for horses aged 5-7 years. For the latter, the height of obstacles in steeple chase and cross-country is 110 cm. On the last day of the competition, after a thorough check of the horses by the veterinary commission for safety, obstacles up to 120 cm high for adults and up to 110 cm high for young horses are overcome according to show jumping rules.


Vaulting(from French voltiger - flutter) - equestrian discipline in which athletes, a couple or a group of athletes perform programs consisting of gymnastic and acrobatic exercises on a horse moving in a circle at a walk or gallop.

An athlete who vaults is called a vaulter. The movement of the horse is controlled by a spar located in the center of the circle (cord).

There are three types of vaulting competitions:

Vaulting individuals

Pair vaulting

Group Vaulting

Horse breeds

Horse breeds are very diverse and numerous: Arabian, Friesian, Icelandic pony, Percheron, Oryol trotter and many, many others.

Icelandic pony


Oryol trotter

The horse is classified as a herbivore. On the pasture, she eats from 25 to 100 kg of grass per day. Depending on age and body weight, a horse drinks on average liters of water per day in summer and 2025 liters in winter. You need to clean the horse every day: wool - with special brushes, hooves - with a hoof hook. It is very important to behave correctly at the same time: for example, do not squat down, do not go around an unfamiliar horse from behind, do not make sudden movements.

horse racing

high-speed competitions

Rules: when you approach the horse, do it on the left, quietly with

talk to her, draw her attention to yourself, sit down and get off

horses on the left side only, remember to work with

you can only ride a horse on the left side (lead, saddle and

etc.), do not approach the horse from behind, and do not make sudden movements,

bring your hand to the horse's face

smoothly, while talking to her, do not feed the horse with gloves, treat

serve on an open palm.

The benefits of horseback riding are suitable for almost everyone.

who leads a sedentary lifestyle (at work - at the table, at home - on

sofa). After all, riding stimulates the leg muscles responsible for

for movement.

Benefits of Riding - Graceful Posture

Proper seating on a horse also implies a constant

maintaining posture. After all, the rider must steadily

sit in the saddle, and the horse must feel the rider,

because the back is straight. If you have

there are violations

posture - riding for

you. You will feel the effect immediately

just get off

from a horse, you will be with such