What is online karting. How to make a homemade kart

In childhood, we all loved to play, it was our main occupation and entertainment. Through games, we learned to learn and learn something new every time. The girls liked to play with dolls, but the boys liked to play with soldiers and cars. I remember how we, as little boys, wanted to drive or steer in a real car. And now dreams come true. Now we are working as trainers in the karting section at the House of Creativity, which is on Poklonnaya Hill, and we came here when we were 11-12 years old.

Now a lot of people from the smallest to already respectable uncles like to relax, riding go-karts. Entire families spend their leisure time in karting clubs, getting great pleasure, not even knowing that this is a very serious kind of motorsport. But wait, we, as experienced karters, have found some bugs that we are a little worried about. Firstly, we will drive by car, not ride, and this car is correctly called - cart. This must be remembered. Karting is a kind of motor sport, and kart- a car driven by drivers named kart drivers. But this high rank still needs to be earned with great difficulty, but for now we are just Drivers.

There are now many open

and closed karting tracks. Karting is a hobby that unites whole families and friends. It not only entertains, but also develops a person comprehensively. And we will try to prove it to you on the example of our school. So, let's begin.

How did karting come about? There are very few books about karting in Russian and all of them are mainly designed for future athletes. BUT only every tenth person who loves to ride these cars becomes a real karting athlete, and the rest? The rest continue to enjoy this incomparable pleasure. For them, this is leisure, they devote their free time to karting, their favorite hobby: it’s not boring, it’s interesting, and it’s useful ...

So there is an opinion that karting appeared thanks to American military pilots, who during the Second World War at their air base in their free time from flying had fun riding carts with small motors. Others say that the birth of karting is associated with American boys aged 9-14, who rode down the hills on special carts in the form of wooden boxes. Such carts were controlled with a rope connected to the front wheels. They competed with each other and such competitions were called “races of soap boxes (Soap Box Derby). Or maybe before it was soap boxes? Interestingly, you will not find the word KART in the English-Russian dictionary, but the word CART exists and it is translated just like - “cart”. Their carts were without motors and were then called micromidgets, which translates as "the smallest." Then someone suggested replacing these boxes with a flat steel frame. Further more interesting. Around 1955, an American magazine told about a boy who decided to put a small motor from a washing machine, with a capacity of only 0.75 horsepower, on his “soap box”. This is probably how the first club of the smallest cars was born. The first rules for these machines appear, the so-called technical requirements, that is, the requirements for this technique - microcars. The length of the car was supposed to be no more than a meter and a half, the diameter of the wheel was 30 cm, and the mass of the fueled car was supposed to be no more than 92 kg. Behind, for safety, there were protective arcs, and the riders fastened their seat belts.

And only in 1956, the adult uncle Art Ingels, he was a mechanic, built a go-kart on which the already adult racing driver Daffy Livingston drove. He showed the audience gathered to stare at such a spectacle how simple this machine is and, most importantly, not expensive. Firms for the manufacture of these machines began to appear. The first such company, for the construction of go-carts, was created by Livingston himself and called it the Go-Kart Company. The cars were first called go-cards, and then just cards.

In 1957, the "American Karting Club" appears. This club develops special rules for karting competitions. In 1958, karting moved to Europe (Mickey Flynn, a US Air Force pilot, brought 5 karts to England). England, France, Italy actively began to produce such machines and accessories for them. Unfortunately, there were no uniform requirements and rules, and then the International Automobile Federation (FIA), which considered karting only leisure entertainment, decided to take it under its wing and create the International Karting Commission (CIK). Then everything fell into place. There are clear rules and requirements. And already in 1964, international competitions were held.

Karting came to Russia thanks to foreign magazines. In 1960, such a magazine was brought from France by Viktor Marzhetsky. Karting began to take root in our country. The Russian Motor Sports Federation, even before the appearance of Russian karts in our country, developed and approved the “Rules for holding competitions, classification and technical requirements for kart-type cars”. It was December 3, 1960. In 1961, Yuri Melikov at the stadium named after V.I. Lenin drove on the map along the ice path for almost a whole circle. By the way, Russia is the only country where winter races are held. And Timkart has been in them for many years in a row highest places, being a multiple Champion of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Today, dozens of karting competitions are held annually in Russia. Karting opens up new and talented personalities, both among racers and mechanics. Outstanding mechanics work in our club, they are former athletes Lobanov Sergey, Shevchenko Taras, Starikov Konstantin, Osipov Valery and Roman and others.

And now briefly and by date, do you know?

Briefly by dates:

Since the 30s of the twentieth century - "races of soap boxes" (Soap Box Derbi),(9-15 years).

1951 in Phoenix - 0.75 HP engine

1953 - 25 participants; track racing

1955 - Popular Mechanics magazine article "Make way for micromidgets"

1956 September - Art Ingels built, drove - Duffy Livingston, Pomona. 1.84 kW.

Livingston - "Go-kart company", Ingels - "Caretta"

1957 - "American Karting Club", competition rules

1958 - 5 karts were brought to England, Mickey Flynn of the US Air Force (1960 - more than 100 companies)

1962 - International Karting Commission (ICK), unified sports and technical rules

1964 - the first World Championship - Rome, Italian Guido Sala


1960 - Kursk Palace of Pioneers, Lev Kononov; Kharkov Palace of Pioneers, Vitaly Enin and Eduard Kostenko; Odessa - Fedor Shakhmatov; Latvia – Leonhard Reingold

1960, December - Federation of Automobile Sports (FAS) of the USSR: Competition rules and classification and technical requirements

1961, January - Luzhniki: motorcycle racing on ice, demonstration race on the map, Yuri Melikov

1961, May - the first competition, cycle track in Ventspils, Latvia, 14 athletes

1961 - competitions in Moscow, Tula, Noginsk, Smolensk (cycle track, cinder track)

1962 - the first, Riga, 80 athletes from 8 cities, "car ring"

On TV, on equipped tracks in amusement parks or racetracks, you can see people racing in tiny open cars. It's a breathtaking sight. Almost everyone can try themselves as a racer. For some, karting is so fascinated that it becomes a favorite pastime on long years.

Karting - what is it?

One of the varieties of car racing on special machines - karts - is called karting. The kart is a small open-type racing car without a body. Its design consists of a frame on which a miniature engine, a seat and wheels are mounted. Kart can reach speeds from 60 to 260 km / h, depending on the type and class of the car. Races are held both on open tracks and in specially equipped places - on karting tracks.

What is the meaning of the word "karting"? It came to Russian from English (carting) and has two meanings:

  • kart racing;
  • venue for such competitions.

That is, a specially equipped track is also called karting.

Map management - even a child can handle it

Karting is an activity for people of almost any age. It is not difficult to manage a rental (amateur) card. It does not have a gearbox, and there are only two pedals - gas and brake. Management is within the power of children, starting from the age of 6, although there are cases when even four-year-olds quite successfully tried themselves in karting.

In many cities there is a popular entertainment - children's karting. What it is? On fairly simple tracks, which are accessible to young fans of auto racing, children compete in races. For them, special children's cards have been created, which are smaller in size than adults, so that the child can sit comfortably and effortlessly reach the pedals. Such tracks can operate on the territory of amusement parks, at auto and karting tracks. Karting for children, like an adult, is a common corporate event.

Although most people associate racing with increased danger, karting is quite safe, especially when it comes to its amateur variety. The worst thing that can happen to a rider is bruises and abrasions, and that is unlikely.

Before the races, riders put on special equipment. For amateur karting, the mandatory minimum is a helmet, overalls and a special neck collar. Professional equipment is also complemented by special shoes, a balaclava, gloves and a number of other accessories.

Sport or entertainment?

Let's try to classify karting correctly. What it is? A full-fledged sport or gambling entertainment? Both answers are correct. There is professional and amateur karting. The fact is that cars in karting have an almost official division into two types. Some cars are designed specifically for sports and are distinguished by a more complex device, increased power, and high-speed capabilities. Professional competitions there are summer and winter karting races, and individual and team races.

Other cars are designed for amateur karting. They are called rentals. These are karts that are used for racing as entertainment. They have easier controls.

Most racing drivers came to professional motorsport from karting.

Why do you love karting?

This activity attracts thrill-seekers. High speed, adrenaline, passion, the will to win - distinctive features karting. Many fans note that racing helps to relieve nervous tension, give a charge of vivacity and optimism.

Recently, corporate karting has become widespread. What it is? Like other events for employees of one organization, kart racing has a number of specific functions. They are able to develop a team spirit in the team, unite employees, increase motivation for new results and achievements. Therefore, the organization of races at karting tracks for employees of companies has become a fairly common occurrence.

Karting is a sport and entertainment, kart racing - the simplest racing cars without a body. The speed of the kart (Superkart class) can reach 260 km/h.

One of the existing and, apparently, the closest to the truth opinions about the origin of karting says that its roots should be sought in the USA in the thirties, when a group of boys spontaneously organized competitions on non-motorized carts rolling downhill. As interest in such competitions grew, they were held more and more often, and the designs of carts improved more and more. The logical continuation of this was that they had the simplest internal combustion engine.

Alfred Hitchcock on the map in the club "Go Kart"

The first car most similar in design to current karts was built in the summer of 1956 by racing car mechanic Art Ingles and an employee of an oil company in California, Louis Borelli. For the manufacture of the frame, Ingles used pipes that were used in the manufacture of racing cars. 2.5 hp engine (1.85kW) was installed behind the driver's seat. After testing the kart and making sure it was promising, Ingles and Borelli founded a kart manufacturing company. At the same time, other enthusiasts became interested in the novelty, who, having united in December 1957, founded the first karting organization - the American Go Kart Club.

Subsequently, the first technical requirements and the first competition rules based on the rules of automobile track racing were developed. In particular, even then the now widespread method of determining starting places with the help of control races was used.
The geography of karting began to expand when, by order of US Air Force officer Mickey Flynn, who was serving at that time in the UK, the Go Kart company sent him five karts in September 1958. For a year and a half, karting became so widespread in England that from February 1960 the periodical magazine "Karting" began to be published with success, which still exists today.

The beginning of the sixties is the time of the victorious march of karting around the planet, and 1964 is the year of the first world championship, which was held in Rome. The Italian G. Sala became the world champion in karting.

The first kart in our country was built in 1960 in the Kursk city palace of pioneers under the guidance of a great karting enthusiast, a graduate of the Kharkov Automobile and Road Institute Lev Kononov, in memory of whom traditional karting competitions are now held annually in Kursk. It was here at the Kursk Palace of Pioneers in the late 50s of the last century that ELMA, an experimental laboratory for small cars, was created.

Original self-made cars "Kursk", "Sputnik", "Comrade" left the walls of the laboratory, and in 1961 the first kart was assembled. Then the rapid development of cartography began, karting competitions were super popular! Thousands and thousands of boys and girls were fond of karting.

But not only cars left the walls of the laboratory. Before you is a photo of a micromotor scooter made by the pupils of Lev Kononov in 1960. Engine - bicycle, up to 50 cubic meters. see. They didn’t know anything about Japanese scooters then ...

Another center of origin was the Kharkov Palace of Pioneers, where since the end of 1960 the karting section under the leadership of Vitaly Enin and Eduard Kostenko has been successfully operating.

In December 1960, karting was already officially recognized when the Federation of Automobile Sports (FAS) of the USSR approved the Rules for the competition, as well as the classification and technical requirements for karts.

In 1961-1963, karting finally gets on its feet in Moscow, Kursk, Kharkov and Odessa, the Latvian and Estonian SSR. In the Latvian SSR, since 1961, the experience of holding karting competitions, which were held on cycle tracks and stadium racetracks, began to accumulate. Thanks to the efforts of the honored coach of the Latvian SSR Leon Reinhold, for a short time karting has developed so much in Latvia that the first all-union karting competition in 1962 was held in Riga. 80 athletes and 8 cities took part in them. The winners were participants from Kursk, who also received a prize for the best kart design in the 50 cm³ class.

A year later, Moscow hosted the first USSR karting championship, which was played according to the biathlon system: circuit race on the site in Luzhniki and racing on the track of the stadium Young Pioneers. The winners were O.Koshits in the 175 cm³ class and V.Stepanov in the 125 cm³ class.
The second national championship brought victories to Estonian racers V. Alliper in the 125 cm³ class and V. Kutsar in the 175 cm³ class. big event in sports life there was also a drawing of the karting prize of the sports society "Kalev" in Estonia.
From the third championship of the USSR, the biathlon system was canceled, and the competitions began to be held only on the ring track, as racing on the cycle track turned out to be unsafe.

In 1964, the first models of karts of the Tallinn car repair plant "Estonia K-1" and "K-2" were presented at the All-Union competitions in Kharkov. In 1965, 100 of these karts were made, which were distinguished by increased frame strength, wider wheels and the presence of brakes on each wheel.

Kursk athletes were also pioneers in winter karting, which began to spread rapidly after the races held in December 1963 in Kursk. The first all-Union winter karting was held on the ice track of the Leningrad motor track with the participation of representatives of 9 cities - Moscow, Tallinn, Odessa, Kamensk-Uralsk, Kaunas, Riga, Kursk, Krasnodar and Leningrad. The test was personal-command. The first place was taken by the team of the city of Tallinn consisting of Juk Reintam and Vello Valing, the second place was taken by the Muscovites, the third - by the inhabitants of Riga. The first 16 participants who won the team races were admitted to the individual competitions.

The race consisted of five races, and each race of five 400-meter laps. The first place was taken by Chertov, who won all five races, the second by Lytkin, and the third by Kolpakov from Moscow.

For the first time, Soviet kart drivers entered the international arena in 1964, taking part in the draw " crystal goblet", established by the Hungarian Automobile Club to reward the best racer of the socialist countries in the 125 cm3 class. The competition consisted of three stages, held in Berlin, Budapest and Warsaw. The GDR team took the first team place.

In October 19645, the Soviet team traveled to Bologna and Florence for match meetings with Italian kart drivers in the 125 cm3 class with a gearbox. In turn, in July 1966, the Italian team came to the races in Moscow, Leningrad and Riga.
In 1966, individual-team multi-stage competitions for the Friendship Cup of socialist countries were established, in which Soviet kart drivers invariably take part, and recently they have been leaders in both the team and individual competitions.

In the development of karting in our country, the merits of the Honored Worker of Physical Education of the RSFSR, the judge of the all-Union category A.S. Cherkassky - a participant in the motor rally Moscow - Kara-Kum - Moscow in 1933. On his initiative, in 1971, All-Union competitions among schoolchildren aged 9-14 for the prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper were organized and held. The program of these competitions included a practical test of knowledge of the Rules traffic in the traffic police town, figure driving and circuit racing. The competitions were a great success, turning into a real holiday for the kids. Their holding in subsequent years so clearly showed their relevance that by a joint Decree of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Central Committee of the DOSAAF of the USSR, it was decided to make them annual.

In the history of karting, there are cases when a kart was used as a record-breaking racing car. Possessing low resistance to movement, the kart can also be used to break speed records in the class of small cubic capacity, where speeds are not so high that aerodynamic resistance plays a decisive role.

In October 1977, Boris Korsunsky, a student of the participant of the first USSR championships in karting from Kharkov, V. Enin, set the USSR speed record for cars with piston engines with a working volume of less than 250 cm3. Starting from a standstill at a distance of 500 m, he showed average speed 90 km / h on the Chuguevskaya highway.

The Austrian Georg Pletzer carried out an entertaining experiment using a kart to practically test a rocket engine he had built. For the straightness of the course, he installed two identical engines on the sides, and placed a braking parachute between the engines at the back, which, however, burned out in the flames of the engines in the first run. The tester was lucky to escape with only a strong fright. He told reporters that such experiences fill his life with meaning.

In another experiment, with the help of a map, the German physicist and power engineer Laing proved how compact and reliable a steam power plant can be, in which the vapor and liquid cycle takes place. In the hot zone, the liquid turns into steam, which drives the piston. Steam condenses in the cold zone. Then the cycle repeats.

Continuing the glorious traditions of Kharkiv residents and wanting to reveal new possibilities of the kart, in 1974 Yuriy Stebchenko built and exhibited the HADI electric kart. In 1981, for the first time in the USSR, at competitions in the city of Kursk for the prize of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, on the initiative of A.S. Cherkassky and the correspondent of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda" A.V. Lelièvre held demonstration races on nine electric karts of arbitrary design. Unfortunately, this experience is not yet widespread. The development of karts with an electric motor is hindered by the same reason as electric vehicles - imperfect current sources, batteries.

In the 70-80s in the USSR, karting occupies a strong place in the sports life of young people. In five thousand sections at schools, palaces of pioneers, stations for young technicians, universities, technical schools, factories, research institutes, sports and technical clubs (STK) of DOSAAF, 130 thousand children, boys, girls and adults were engaged in karting under the guidance of three thousand coaches - teachers. 180 tracks (of which, however, the vast majority are temporary) and 33,000 karts were provided to the fans of this exciting and useful sport.

The industrial production of karts of various classes, intended for conducting classes and participating in competitions of all age groups, was also established. The Odessa DOSAAF plant produced Pioneer class cards for children (pictured).

In 1988, the production of karts of the same class was started by the Kama production association of heavy vehicles. The Leningrad production association "Patriot" DOSAAF produced cards for juniors, adults and members of the national team of the country. The Abovyansky DOSAAF plant produced cards for children and juniors. The total number of cards produced per year reached 10,000 at that time!

Championships and championships of the USSR, Union republics, cities of Moscow and Leningrad, territories and regions were held annually. However, for the mass nature of karting, competitions on a city and regional scale were of great importance. In total, 150 thousand people took part in various competitions held on the territory of the USSR during the year.

Karting was included in the standings of the All-Union and All-Russian Spartakiads and youth games for schoolchildren.

Karting today

The kart has only two pedals: the right one - gas, the left one - brake (at the same time, depending on the type of kart, it happens that the front brakes are manually controlled). It is not always easy for drivers of cars who have sat down on go-karts to adapt to such an algorithm, because the left foot is not used to the sensitive brake pedal. Both the kart's hard stroke and itchy vibrations will seem unusual. If the track coverage leaves much to be desired, then it will shake pretty well, or you can rub calluses here and there. The kart has no suspension - the wheels and rear axle are attached to the frame without any damping elements. The frame spars, of course, work on torsion and bending, but this cannot be called a mitigating factor. The vibrations are caused by the high-speed motor, which is also bolted directly to the frame. From training to training, you get used to these features, as well as to the howl of the engine on the right under the ear.

Of course, dynamics is the first thing you feel in a map. But even more fun is driving the machine at high speed. The wheels of the kart turn after the thought, because there is no steering mechanism and rack as such. Two rods, right and left, are bolted directly to the steering column with the help of hinges.

The steering wheel doesn't turn at all. Combined with the low center of gravity, rigid frame and no suspension, handling is fantastic. Compared to cars, the kart is glued to the pavement. But, of course, for the time being. Like everything else in this life, all the laws of physics apply to it, therefore, having reached a certain point, the rear axle will break into a skid.

Like any sport, karting has its tricks. For example, a different angle of rotation of the wheels relative to the axis. Turning the steering wheel all the way to the left, you can even visually notice that the left wheel is turned out much steeper than the right one. The same happens if you turn the steering wheel to the right. Naturally, depending on the route, these parameters can be adjusted on the spot. This play with wheel geometry allows the kart to literally screw into the turn. It is characterized by oversteer rather than understeer.

It is worth noting that, despite the simplicity of the steering system, small wheels and the modest weight of the car, the kart requires physical training. A couple of circles is enough to feel how the biceps clogged, and even after a second circle, an unprepared person will feel very tired - his hands seem to be filled with lead. In the morning, of course, yesterday's rides will remind you of themselves with muscle pain.

Karting, by the way, is a universal sport for the reason that it can take place in winter. For example, Formula 1 has never been held in the snow, nor has the WTCC touring car. True, winter karting is carried out mainly in northern countries, including Russia, and the main difference from summer season is the use of studded tires.

In traditional karting, tires also have different type and appointment. For dry coverage, slicks without a tread are used. You might think that they are worn out, and athletes are in no hurry to change them. But no, initially it is these tires that have the best grip on the dry pavement of the karting track. In the rain, they put tires with a directional tread that already resemble car tires. By the way, even one type of tire can be different in composition, i.e. softness. The selection of the right rubber depends on the characteristics of the track, and on the ambient temperature, and on the style of piloting.

It’s hard to believe, but boys (and girls, by the way, too) are accepted to the karting school from the age of 9. True, there are athletes even younger, but they are allowed to compete from the age of 9. For karting, of course, you need real motorsport equipment: a helmet, gloves, fireproof overalls, special shoes, a neck collar, a protective vest. Special underwear is also required. In general, everything is like Schumacher.

By the way, Formula 1 racers also sometimes sit down for go-karts and compete with each other. Here on the video is the "Red Baron" himself at such races in 1994:

Is it possible to become a real racer at such a young age? Easily. So much so that you will go round and an experienced civilian driver with a mega experience. Karting is the most ideal foundation for starting motorsports. All the basics of the behavior of a four-wheeled vehicle are laid down in this small, at first glance, frivolous machine. And as you know, in order to become a professional, you need to practice sports from childhood. So it turns out that karting combines such key features: it is accessible to children, it is the first important step in motorsport.

People go karting different ages, and accordingly, cars are divided into groups and classes, which, in turn, distinguish maps by size, weight, engine capacity, etc. It only seems that all maps are equally small. And here it is not. There are more varieties of them than in any other form of motorsport. We will describe them only superficially in order to have an idea of ​​how classes are roughly divided in Kazakhstan. All technical requirements for racing cars spelled out in more detail.

So, the kids are provided with small karts, the engine is also limited in volume. For children from 8 to 12 years old - up to 50 cubic meters. cm, without gearbox (Bastau class). There is a MINI class, it is limited to 60 cc motors without a gearbox - for children from 9 to 14 years old.

Young men change to adult race cars of the KF3, Intercontinental A-J, Soyuzny-Junior, Rotax Max-Junior class. Growth and physical development already quite consistent, but engines are limited from 100 to a maximum of 125 cubes. Depending on the class, the age of the riders varies - from 13 to 18 years old - as well as gearboxes.

The most powerful cars in adults - the engine capacity reaches 250 cubic meters. You can join this group from the age of 15 (KF 2, Rotax Max - up to 125 cubes without a box), and all the others, including the free SA 250 class, from the age of 16 (KZ-2, Intercontinental A , SA 250, "Union" - engines from 100 to 250 cc, boxes, depending on the class - either there or not).

If the weight of the pilot does not reach the class (for example, in KZ-2 the curb weight with the pilot should be 175 kg), then additional weights are hung

By the way, in different countries, technical requirements and rules may vary, classes are called differently. But if we consider globally, then everything is about the same.

"What Russian doesn't like to drive fast?" - says a popular saying, although it is rightly attributed to everyone who drives a car or rides on a flat surface of the autobahn. The rules of the road approved speed limits and penalties for reckless drivers. And if you can’t, but really want to take off, then, perhaps, there is no better and safer way than karting.

It all started with a cart

And all this would have remained at the level of fun if it were not for the designer of the Curtis Craft Company, which specialized in the production of racing cars. Art Ingle, that was the name of the designer and former pilot, presented to the public in 1956 at the races a simple open car with a motor, which was dubbed a cart. Translated into English, the word sounds like cart. Subsequently, cars began to be called karts, and races were called karts.

Two manufacturing firms were founded in the USA: the Go Karting Company and Ingles-Borelli. Kart production begins to expand into developed European countries. Thus, five auto-cards bought by a British businessman in 1958 from the Americans grew by 1960 into a hundred card-producing companies. At the same time, the UK launches the Karting magazine.

First cards in Russia

The very first domestic kart came out of the walls of the Kursk city palace of pioneers in 1960, thanks to the experimental laboratory of small cars and master Lev Kononov. Another point of popularization was the Kharkov Palace of Pioneers. The karting section of Eduard Kostenko and Vitaly Enin successfully worked there.

Karting became so wildly popular that such a sport had to be recognized at the official level. At the end of 1960, the USSR Motor Sports Federation takes patronage over it and creates the first provisions and requirements for karting, classification and competition rules. The first all-Union races were held in Riga in 1962, and in 1963 Moscow hosted the first USSR Karting Championship. There was a biathlon system: a circuit race and a track race.

The first champions of the country were O. Koshits and V. Stepanov in the categories of 175 cm 3 and 125 cm 3 respectively. By the age of 70-80, karting becomes the absolute choice of young people. About 130 thousand boys and girls, adults and children are engaged in DOSAAF. For this, 180 tracks and 33,000 karts have been built.

Rise of federations

In May 1960, the International Federation of Motorsport decided that karting is the same kind of motorsport as Formula 1. The International Karting Commission was created, which held the competition. The debut championship took place in 1962 in the capital of Italy. In 1992, the USSR Automobile Sports Federation was replaced by the Russian Automobile Association (RAF), which subsequently, by agreement with the International Motor Sports Federation, allocated the RAF Karting Association to support and promote national sports.

The device of modern karts

The car has two pedals: gas and brake. The brake pedal is quite sensitive, and the ride is harsh compared to a familiar car. No depreciation. The vibration is caused by the speed of the motor, which is attached to the frame. The dynamic movement of the car gives drivers such pleasure that karting becomes a favorite pastime.

A distinctive feature in different photos of karting is such that you can notice a different eversion of the wheels on the front axle when cornering. The more you turn the steering wheel to the left, the more the left wheel turns more than the right. With the right eversion, the same thing happens by analogy. Light weight and ease of steering still requires sufficient physical fitness. Even after a little trekking, the arm muscles get very tired and shoulder girdle, and the attempt to keep the car at speed makes the whole body work in static tension.

Another feature of the card is its all-season. On winter tires, studs and protectors are such that it is great to go karting in winter. Moreover, in the northern countries, they mainly hold winter competitions on fireballs.

Machine classification

What is karting from a technical point of view? This is a dynamic sport that requires new technologies, ergonomic solutions, power and enhanced safety measures. And the mechanics have worked and are working on it all the time. Diverse specifications and opportunities have developed into a single classifier of fireballs. Officially, it sounds like this: "Classification and technical requirements for kart racing cars."

There are four groups:

  • Group 1. It includes cards "Formula A" and "Formula Super A". Similar technical characteristics with small advantages of the second. KF-1 and "Super Kart" belong to the first group, they differ in engine size.
  • Group 2 The second group includes Intercontinental-A-Junior, Intercontinental-A, KZ1, KZ2, Rotax Max and others.
  • Group 3. "Pioneer", "Cadet", "Micro" - these are all fireballs registered in the Russian Automobile Federation.
  • Group 4 Various variations of the Izzy Kart class are characterized by an engine capacity from 50 to 125 cubic meters without a gearbox. There is also an "Izzy Kart Shifter" with a 6-speed gearbox.

Competitive classes

The classes in which athletes compete directly depend on the type of kart:

International classes are represented by cards KF2, KF3, KZ1, KZ2, "ROTAX MAX", IZZY KART". Cars participate in international tournaments.

National classes("Pioneer", "Cadet", "National Junior", etc.) are held at the state level, all fireballs are registered in the RAF.

Children's classes start from the "Micro" class and end with the "Izzy Kart 60" class. Characterized by age groups and speed limits.

amateur classes participate in rental kart competitions, that is, any karting center can arrange a championship with its own prize. A feature is the lack of receiving a discharge.

factory classes represent competitions on fireballs of one manufacturer.

Basic Rules

National sports rules karting dates back to 2006. There are eight main points in the rules. They state that the official authorized organizer is the Motor Sports Federation. All karting rules for local competitions must be agreed with the FAS, have correctly completed documentation. The following are the features of the actual check-in. The document says that the regulations should define the starting signal for the participants.

The start line is indicated, which can be from the move or from the spot. The start line from a place is characterized by a line in front of which all fireballs are built. The running start line is the timing reference point. The requirements for the location of signal traffic lights are described. In the event of a breakdown of a traffic light, signal flags are used at the competitions. The following tasks of timing are established by the basic rules of karting: determining the time on control races, timing of each driver and timing of the best time or best lap.

Not only professional athletes, but amateurs should also be aware of the rules for cornering in karting. Correctly set trajectory on turns allows you to keep the speed of the kart and squeeze the maximum out of the car. You need to turn along a gentle curve of the track. If you choose a short path or inside highway, you need to slow down. Professionals advise to enter the turn slowly, and accelerate on the exit. Tactics in turns depends on the track itself. If one turn is replaced by another, then you need to think through the whole path at once, slowing down at the first turns.

Children's karting

When asked what karting is for children and whether it is needed, we can safely answer that this is almost an ideal start for motorsport. Michael Schumacher, Mickey Hakinen started with him. In addition, you can practice from the age of 6. There are corresponding classes: "Micro" (6-9 years old), "Mini" (8-11 years old), "Super Mini" (11-13 years old), "Izzy Kart".

Features of children's karting, perhaps, consist in the weight and displacement of the car. For local competitions, the speed limit of the kart is 40 km/h. Max Speed 100 km/h is allowed in the "Supermini" class for participants aged 11-13.

History map

Many people know the saying, everything ingenious is simple. And it really is. A lot of what was invented and is in great demand today was made by someone from completely unnecessary materials. A lot of vivid examples can be cited, the first thing that comes to mind is karting.

As the story goes, the first kart was invented by American pilots who had nothing to do. Deciding to somehow occupy themselves, they collected a bunch of old rubbish, among which were trolleys, and old engines from low-powered motorcycles, and pieces of pipes, then blinded it all together, and the world's first map turned out. He, of course, was a little like modern maps, but nonetheless. It was sort of the first "Adam" of the Kart tribe.

For American pilots, in fact, it was just a kind of entertainment. Played and forgotten. So, pampering for a couple of minutes. None of them even thought about the fact that karting has a great future ahead, the future of a small car with great capabilities.

Karting - or rebirth

The cards were reborn thanks to Art Ingels, a little-known mechanic of the American company Curtis Craft Company in Glendale in 1956. Their company was engaged in the production of just the same racing cars. One fine day, Art took pieces of old pipes and other pieces of fittings that were at hand, and a motor from a West Band lawn mower. The power of the card he created was 1.84 kW, only two and a half horsepower.

And soon a convenient opportunity presented itself to demonstrate the kart and its capabilities to the public, so to speak, in all its glory. Races were to be held in Pomona, and the demonstration of the kart was just in time. It is clear that he did not take part in the races, he only showed off in demonstration performances. And it was then that the cart gets its current name KART - from the English cart - cart.

Soon a businessman appears on the arena, ready to invest good money in the development of the card. They become Bill Rowles (Bil Rowles), who turned for help to Duffy Livingston (Duffy Livingstone) and Roy Desbrow (Roy Desbrow), who worked at GP Mufflers.

He asks them to look at this machine, realizing that it is the future.

Livingston and Desbrow go along with his ideas, and Drone soon shows up. New type of card. It was named so in honor of the engine, which was taken from a sample of an unmanned aerial vehicle. This device was developed specifically for the United States Air Force.

And already in 1957, the first races with the participation of "carts" took place. They took place in a parking lot in the city of Pasadena.

Bulk kart sales

Realizing that the business is gaining momentum, Rowles creates a new company called Go Kart Manufacturing Co Inc., which begins to create and then sell kart cars.

The kart is getting a bit of a makeover with a cheaper engine borrowed from the West Band rotary gas mower. The cost of one car is one hundred and twenty-nine dollars, but this does not bother buyers at all, on the contrary, there are more and more of them every day. The number of karting fans is increasing exponentially.

The business is doing so well that Rowles is able to buy a five-acre plot of land in Azusa. Where the world's first karting track was soon built.

At the same time, partners Art Ingels and Louis Boreli create a new line of karts under the name "Karette". For a very long time it was one of the most successful kart manufacturers.

So the card begins to create itself. His name is already thundering in all states of America, people liked the machine, winning more and more sympathy.

Cars are starting to be produced by the thousands and thousands, karting tracks are being built all over the country. Already in December 1957, the first official American association "Go Kart" was organized. Next year, the rules, technical and sporting, have already been developed for holding competitions among "small cars".

By leaps and bounds kart rolls across North America and gradually begins to conquer the world.

In September 1958, Go Kart Manufacturing Co Inc. sends five cards to the UK ordered by an employee of the British Isles Air Force.

Soon the whole of Europe is covered by a passion for karting.

Spreading the map around the world

Already by 1960, in the UK alone, one could count about one hundred and twenty firms involved in the construction of karts, as well as various parts of the chassis.

In winter, in February, the first issue of Karting magazine is published. It is worth noting that it is still being produced. The love of karting fans is so great, and their support is also great.

It is worth noting that karting has become such a "terrible" force in the good sense of the word that even in the Soviet Union the movement of karting begins to develop.

Kursk became the first city that affectionately adopts the fashion for karting. It was in the city Palace of Pioneers that the first Soviet kart was assembled, headed by designer Lev Kononov.

In the city of Kharkov at that time, the karting section began to function successfully, headed by Vitaly Enin and Eduard Kostenko.

On December 3, 1960, the Rules for holding competitions, classifications, as well as technical requirements for karting by the USSR Motor Sports Federation were approved. It is this day that is considered the official day of the beginning of the development of karting in the Soviet Union.

In the next three or four years, karting gains even more fans. He wins love in the cities: Moscow, Odessa, Leningrad, and also begins to develop in the Latvian SSR, the Estonian SSR. All-Union competitions will begin soon. Everyone is happy. And finally, in 1964, the USSR entered the international arena for the first time. Unfortunately, the first pancake turned out to be a lump, the Soviet athletes failed to show off their driving skills.

Karting becomes a sport

Already in the sixties, the kart was rapidly gaining immense popularity among modeling enthusiasts, racers and designers. The success that no one could ever predict for karting has become real. The whole world has fallen ill with this "disease".

Finally, in 1962, the IWC was created - the International Karting Commission, which later becomes the body of the International Automobile Federation.

Karting is recognized at all levels - it becomes a full-fledged car, behind the wheel of which many future Formula 1 world champions grew up.

In 1964, the first 100 cc World Karting Championship was organized. The first world champion was the Italian racer G. Sala. And in subsequent years, Italian athletes dominated the rest of the participants in the karting tracks.

In the following years of the twentieth century, the number of tournaments is growing, day by day the number of people wishing to learn the skill of controlling the "cart" is increasing. Since 1962, karting has become a team sport. Also karting begin to divide by class and age. The cards themselves are beginning to be distinguished by types and types, for example, sports, amateur types of karting appear.

Karting is developing, its design is undergoing many changes, the chassis is also changing - progress has not bypassed karting. They experimented a lot with the landing of the driver, it even came to the point of absurdity - they wanted to place the pilot in horizontal position. There were enthusiasts who cherished hopes for the release of karts with jet engines. And even once they arranged a similar test run - the pilot almost died.

But the development of the kart also had a negative side - since karting became an official motor sport, its production became more expensive, and, accordingly, its retail price also became expensive. Interest from the public gradually began to decline.

And only in 1990, when Italian designers assemble a new prototype kart, called Easykart, the demand for these machines begins to grow. Unlike their predecessors, they are much cheaper.

In Russia, with the collapse of the USSR, unfortunately, interest in the map began to fade.

And only today, in small steps, but in the right way, we are returning to its revival.

So karting is a living legend. Like any car, the kart has a truly fascinating history. A story that continues today.

Karting, like the world, is changing for the better!

Device and types of karting

There are only 3 main types of cards. This sports (summer/winter), amateur and rental. Still, I would not single out the rolling ones separately, but combined them into one group with amateur ones, since in principle there are no differences.

Sports karting- This is a professional machine, which differs both in functional characteristics and in the "stuffing" of the engine.

These cars are designed for experienced drivers who have been involved in this sport for more than a year.

Rental, they are amateur, these are machines for non-professionals. For people who want to feel in the shoes of a real racer. They dream of rushing through the karting track at speed, so that the wind whistles in their ears, and blood boils in their veins, adrenaline jumps, and the heart at a sharp turn erupts every time you fly over it. Rental karts are very safe, and if you follow all the rules of conduct, the trip will be comfortable, from which only good memories will remain. Suffice it to recall the words of the famous Formula 1 driver, Michael Schumacher. When asked how karting differs from Formula 1, he replied that nothing, only speed, but the dynamics, drive and sensations are the same, the same difficulty in driving, the same need to feel the car, the ability to listen to it.

Of course, cards for professionals and amateurs differ in design. Sports cars are equipped with professional parts and assemblies.

For beginners riding at a time, the details are simpler, weaker.

For non-professionals, people who do not understand karting, it may turn out that these cars are primitive, their device is too simple. But this is not really the case. An inexperienced look is stupid.

What to do, to assemble a kart is a trifling matter. Once and done. Wrong.

Kart is not much different from professional racing cars, but at the same time it has a lot of things that make it different and more unique. So what does the card actually consist of?

It is worth noting that karting is a very rapidly progressing technical device, chassis models, for example, change very quickly, some types become unusable, going into the annals of history, others, on the contrary, come to replace them. Therefore, it is worth stopping only at the most basic components of the machine.

The basis of the card is, of course, the frame. And only steel.

The driver's seat, steering wheel, engine are attached to the frame (which side does not matter). Here we can also include the control system - the steering wheel, the control lever, the brake and gas pedals, the gearshift lever, the gear squeezing handle.

Well, the fuel tank, where without it. Fuel tank volumes are calculated from operating conditions.

Each kart seems similar in appearance to the other, as if they are all one stamping. But in reality this is not so. Each kart is unique. Each has its own opportunities and conditions of detention. Karting is a reflection of the soul of its owner!

Map Management

Driving a kart is very easy. Convenient control system, where there is nothing superfluous. It consists of the following elements:

  • Steering wheel;
  • gear lever;
  • Clutch release handle;
  • Gas pedal;
  • Brake pedal.

And nothing more. Everything is extremely simple and at the same time ingenious.

But details, levers, steering wheel, wheels - that's not all. Ninety percent of the effectiveness of control depends on the pilot himself.

Below I would like to give a few lights for those who are just starting to master this type of vehicle.

While driving prerequisite is correct position bodies, hands must be correctly positioned on the steering wheel so that they do not become numb, and you are not distracted, otherwise an unpleasant situation may occur.

Your body must be in a strictly vertical position, your head must be kept as even as possible, in no case should you twist it once again, do not tilt it, otherwise an accident cannot be avoided.

When you drive, you must be as alert as possible and be sensitive to minimal changes in your surroundings.

Drawing up a preliminary schedule in your head is half the battle. The route that you have planned should be firmly planted in your head.

Your body should be concentrated, mind and hands should become one.

Steering wheel, pedals, levers - everything should work together. You must have time to handle all devices.

Remember that karting is a car. Amateur karting is capable of reaching speeds of up to one hundred kilometers per hour. And you need an excellent reaction in order to have time to respond to what is happening.

Go-kart riding is a rather tiring activity, therefore, you need to have good stamina.

Remember, only a persistent person can reach the finish line. Only a strong spirit is able to rise to the pedestal.

Sports and amateur karting

Sports karting is a favorite activity for someone, for someone it is a chance to get into professional racers, say Formula 1. Someone will laugh and say, they compared, they say, a kart and a racing car. And there's really nothing funny about it. Many Formula 1 drivers came to big sport it is from karts, for example, Fernando Alonso, Mika Hakkinen and even the seven-time world champion, the king of Formula 1, Michael Schumacher.

Sports karting is of two types: summer and winter.

Sports classes in karting are divided into international formulas, international classes, and national classes and amateur classes.

What are their fundamental difference? Thus, international formulas are the holding of world racing tournaments according to the system - KF1 ... KF4, KZ1, KZ2. In sports classes

And this means that technically all cars should be the same, no technical excesses.

National classes are competitions that are held on the territory of a single state. And the machines also have to be technically the same. Let's say engines should be only domestically produced. You can bring several classes of competitions in Russia: pioneer, mini, rocket, allied, class E and many others. There are certain age restrictions.

And finally - amateur classes, or as they are also called, hobby classes.

This may include not only sports cards, but also rental class cards.

Rental cards. They are also called amateur. Their main difference from professional sports is in the management and characteristics of the machine itself. The running and technical part of rental cars differs in order from sports ones. So, for example, in sports models the engine is usually located to the right of the driver, this is unacceptable in amateur karts, people can get burned, so they are fixed at the back, where it is impossible for a simple layman to reach while driving. Also, the design of the transport itself is much simpler than that of athletes, because the speeds are lower, there is less “chance” to get some kind of injury when colliding with their own kind.

Management in rental karts is much simpler than in sports ones, but this is justified, because, as a rule, perfect beginners are behind the wheel.

While driving, thanks to the centrifugal clutch, if you suddenly release the gas pedal, the engine will not stall on its own.

On such a machine, a weak four-stroke engine is installed, the power of which reaches a maximum of nine horsepower. Low speed also affects the comfort and safety of these racing cars. Age restrictions are very simple - if your child can reach the pedals with his feet, then welcome to the karting track, a car specially for you, warmed up and "fed" with fuel.

Very often you can find less powerful cars for children. Which, you see, is very convenient and practical. Very often, amateurs organize their own clubs, associations, hold joint championships and tournaments. Their goal is to enjoy the rides themselves.

Speed, thirst for victory, striving, sharpness of the struggle, intensity - all this is typical for both amateurs and professionals. This is their spirit!

Modern world championships in sports and amateur karting

Today, there are a large number of the most diverse karting racing tournaments around the world, both among amateurs and among professionals.

The most popular, of course, are the races of sports masters, but amateur races do not lag behind them, on the contrary, the army of their fans increases every year.

One of the most famous and popular tournaments among sports karts is the tournament. This project was created in 2003 by one of the most prestigious karting companies in the world - IAME and Birel.

Formula 1 drivers Fernando Alonso, currently a Ferrari driver, and Juan Pablo Montoya, a McLaren driver, are actively involved in this project.

Two years later, having won the public in the world, this project began to develop in Russia. Almost immediately, he received universal recognition among both athletes and amateurs.

Winners of national championships get the right to further represent their country on the international arena in the Grand Final tournament, which takes place in Italy, at the most famous and high-quality karting tracks.

Tournaments organized by Super Honda are also no less popular among amateurs. This organization was specially created for those who, for some objective reasons, cannot go in for karting professionally, but nevertheless cannot imagine their life without a breathtaking race.

A distinctive feature of Super Honda is the remarkable fact that they do not just organize races, races, they form a strong backbone, they stick together, forming a single club in which lovers of their work have gathered.

It should also be noted that the world karting championships among athletes are currently held according to a new class system - KF1 ... KF4, KZ1, KZ2.

It should be emphasized that the classes of the KF series are characterized by the use of a two-stroke water-cooled engine with a volume of 125 centimeters cubic. And also without a gearbox. There are also requirements for gas distribution, carburetor. starter (electric), now built into the engine.

The next subspecies is the KZ1, KZ2 series class. Cars entered in this class must have a two-stroke engine, also water-cooled, with a volume of up to 125 cubic centimeters. The number of gears varies from three to six.

The minimum weight of the car and the driver together is one hundred and seventy kilograms. There are age restrictions. The minimum is 16 years old.

There are a lot of tournaments held by various organizations. It is impossible to take part in each, not every athlete is able to withstand such overload. You need to be able to distribute them so that in the end you still get to the pedestal. And be able to drink a sip of refreshing champagne from a golden goblet.