How does an athletic belt work? Study “Effectiveness of belt use in squats”

The weightlifting belt is an indispensable assistant that will secure your workouts and make them more comfortable. But is this piece of equipment always appropriate, and how to choose the right model? You will learn about this by reading the article.

If you want to achieve results in bodybuilding in the shortest possible time, then in addition to proper training will need additional helpers, one of which is hard athletic belt. It will help keep you safe during heavy-duty activities.

Weightlifting belt

A belt for a bodybuilder is a bandage that is fixed on the belt. This important piece of equipment is indispensable for muscle protection. abdominals from stretch marks and the risk of hernia during weightlifting and powerlifting, as well as bodybuilding. In addition, it is an excellent protection for the spine from hyperextension while lifting an impressive weight.

But here it is important to remember that it is necessary to use a belt when lifting heavy loads during performances, competitions. As for regular workouts, your own muscles the backs must be sufficiently developed to withstand the load without the aid of a belt. The thing is that it is impossible to wear such equipment all the time, otherwise the functions of the girdle muscles will decrease.

The body will no longer include its muscle reserves in the work, because there is an assistant who will do everything himself. If you constantly wear a belt, then the muscle corset will quickly lose its tone. And then the risk of injury to the lower back during the exercise is quite likely.

The mechanism of action is simple: when you tighten the belt on your stomach, the spinal column, as well as the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region, become much more resistant to deformation. The belt for a bodybuilder is indispensable when lifting weights above your head and when performing exercises while standing. But still, in between sets, you need to remove this useful detail.

Powerlifting belt: pros and cons of using

  • Very reliable in terms of the safety of the athlete in the gym.
  • Prevents injury during workouts.
  • Suppresses the fear of getting hurt.
  • You can give your best in training.
  • Can't be worn all the time. Otherwise, it will be addictive.
  • The fabric of which the belt consists is thick enough and does not allow the body to breathe. As a result, an increase in body temperature is possible.

How to choose a weightlifting belt

It is very important to choose a high-quality weightlifting belt - the comfort of training and the durability of the product itself depend on it. Yes, and how effective the training will be, this also has an important impact.

What should be a powerlifting belt:

  1. Fairly wide.
  2. It is best that the material for its manufacture is genuine leather.
  3. The inner lining should also be - it creates comfort during classes.
First of all, you need to choose the right shape for a weightlifting belt for training. Models in which the belt expands in the back area are indispensable when performing exercises when the body bends forward. To do this, the front belt is cut out a little narrower than the back.

Models with a constant width are used for strength exercises that are performed with a straight body. Due to the fact that the front is wide, the body does not lean forward. Such models are ideal for heavy squats. The same goes for the deadlift.

It is best to purchase both types of athletic belt, because during training exercises can be very different in nature. If you decide to choose one, then for bodybuilders the best fit is a model that has extensions from the back. As for powerlifting, in this case it is worth choosing the model that has the same width on all sides.

The girth of the belt at the waist is also important, as well as the overall size. Therefore, it is best to try to put on a belt yourself before buying, or take measurements in advance, using a centimeter as an assistant. It is important that, after fastening the belt, the buckle is somewhere in the middle of the holes for fixing the belt.

Do not forget to find out what material the model is made of - it must be so strong that the belt does not break. In addition to natural leather, leatherette or synthetics can be used. The durability and strength of the element that is responsible for fixing are also important factors when choosing a model.

It is necessary to pay attention to the flexibility and wear of the belt. Models made of several layers of high quality genuine leather are more durable and easily take the desired shape of the body. They are stitched with a zigzag pattern.

The last thing you should pay attention to is the color of the belt and the label depicted on it. It is very important to first make sure that the model you choose meets all the requirements that were listed above.

Video about the sports belt for the back:

There is such a widespread opinion that squatting with a belt is not as cool and effective than without it. It is based on the fact that, for example, without a belt, the abdominal muscles work better. Science is trying to dispel these prejudices.

If you are longtime readers of Zozhnik, then you don’t need to talk about why you need to squat with weights. And if necessary, then after reading which you will begin to squat, if you are not already doing this, in the absence of medical contraindications.

But in squats, as you know, the devil is in the details: the debate about exactly how to squat more correctly and efficiently will never stop. And today we will consider such a small but important aspect as the use or not use of a belt when squatting.

Study “Effectiveness of belt use in squats”

For the study, experienced athletes were selected who could squat either with at least 1.6 of their own weight (i.e., with their own weight of 100 kg, they could squat with at least a barbell of 160 kg), or with a barbell of at least 125.5 kg of at least for 8 repetitions.

The study itself measured many aspects of the squat: muscle activation, lean angles (to control technique changes), intra-abdominal pressure, exercise time.

In the study, athletes squatted to their pre-measured maximum for 8 reps without a belt. With this weight, the subjects first did squats with a belt, and then without it.

And here are the results obtained by scientists.

Technology doesn't change

The technique of squats with and without a belt did not change among the subjects, the angles of inclination were the same within the error. No regularities and changes in the performance technique were identified.

Abdominal muscles tense equally

In general, there was an increase in intra-abdominal pressure by 25-40% during squats, while there was no decrease in the tension of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen during belt squats.

At the same time, adherents of squats without a belt argue that such squats better load such muscles as the external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdominis, and the transversus abdominis muscle. The reason for this statement, apparently, is that the listed muscles seem to have to tighten more to create such intra-abdominal pressure without a belt. However, the study does not support this argument.

Reducing dead center time with a belt

Putting on a belt reduces the time it takes to get past the “dead” spot when squatting.

Increased tension of the quadriceps and biceps femoris with a belt at the same load

The belt also helps to increase the tension of the quadriceps when passing this dead point, and also activates the hamstrings more during the entire set.

Although subjects were easier to do 8 reps with a belt than 8 reps without a belt with the same weight, the study showed that belt squats were better at activating both the quads and hamstrings.

No difference in back muscle activation was found.

Conclusions and caveats

Overall, this study appears to be more protective of the belt squat. However, the researchers make a series of reservations.

The study was not designed to determine the long-term effect of exercising with or without a belt. However, the results within one day suggest that the long-term effect of squatting with a belt compared to squatting without it may be better. However, this is just an assumption.

The researchers also stipulate that finding that the external oblique does not work harder without a belt does not mean that squats without a belt do not have an effect on the rest of the abdominal muscles, since the activation of other muscles was not checked. However, attach electrodes to internal muscles for their study is very problematic and most likely painful, especially when squatting with a barbell.

The study did not cover people with different power abilities: perhaps the organisms of champions or, conversely, beginners, react to the load with a belt / without a belt in different ways.

Finally, the study did not take into account exactly how the athletes trained before - with or without a belt. After all, it is scientifically proven that the athletes who trained on the simulators showed in the future better result on machines, and those who trained with free weights were better at free weight exercises.

It is possible that if the overwhelming majority of the subjects trained with a belt, then the results with the belt showed a better effect.

In general, the researchers write that more comprehensive studies are required, including the long-term effect.

People who decide to engage in heavy sports simply cannot do without special ammunition. A powerlifting belt is an integral part of any weightlifter's outfit.

It is thanks to the belt that it will be possible to raise maximum weights. In addition, it allows you not to worry about the condition of your spine. A properly selected belt will support and protect the spine from various sprains and injuries.


Before choosing and purchasing a powerlifting belt, you should decide what kind of sport it is, and how it differs from bodybuilding that is familiar to many. The power view sport involves lifting heavy weights. And if in bodybuilding weights are lifted for the sake of building muscle mass and giving the body a beautiful relief, then in powerlifting the cubes on the press are completely unimportant. The only thing that matters here is the sprint.

For any athlete in this sport, proper nutrition, balanced diet, good sports training. And, of course, equipment.

What is the belt for?

During the lifting of the barbell, a very strong load is placed on the spine. In order to avoid trouble and health problems, every powerlifter should have a good supportive support. The best powerlifting belts are, of course, leather. They are much more comfortable, stronger and more durable.

The belt is also mandatory for those who already have some kind of back problems. It will reduce the load on the spine and lower back while lifting the bar, acting as a strong corset.

Sometimes the muscles are not ready for the loads that the next sport competitions. Belts help out here too, allowing you to set your own records, despite insufficient preparation.

It is not recommended to refuse to wear a belt. If you decide to do this, then experts advise to carry out the refusal gradually. Muscles are already used to the fact that they always have support. And if you sharply deprive them of a frame, then they simply will not withstand the proposed load. You can start with a warm-up, doing and exercising without a belt.

How to choose a belt

It is very important when choosing the right size belts for powerlifting. Thin weak, even made of high-quality material, will not be able to provide proper support and protect the spinal muscles. Professional athletes prefer strong and wide belts.

If you practice this sport professionally, then support from simple thin materials will not work. She simply will not be able to secure her back while lifting the barbell. The normal allowable width is about ten centimeters. This will be the optimal belt for powerlifting, which will help support not only the muscles of the back, but also the abdominal wall.

With a wide belt, you can “pull” the barbell and squat without much concern for your health. Quality leather belt for powerlifting professional athletes generally made to order. Only in this case, the belt does not cut into the skin, does not press and does not interfere with performing the exercises correctly.

If you ask professional weightlifters: “How to choose a belt for powerlifting?”, They will answer: “According to the figure.” It should not interfere, should not press or cause discomfort. As the athletes say, it must merge with your body and become one with it. You should not feel the belt itself while wearing it. Only reliable support of this part of the powerlifter's wardrobe should be felt.


Belts for will be slightly different from those used by bodybuilders. The back wall is enlarged and raised. This allows you to securely fix your back and lower back. The front part will be narrower, which allows you not to experience discomfort and not injure the ribs during the performance of squats with a barbell.

Cheap and expensive belts will also differ. The first, as a rule, are made of low-quality thin synthetic material. They have an uncomfortable and unreliable Velcro fastener. The shelf life of such a fastener is about a year, after which it will be necessary to change either the belt itself or the Velcro. It is suitable only for those who are unprofessional and with low weight.

How to wear

The belt must not only be chosen correctly in the store, but also put on correctly before training. It is recommended to first attach it to the back and only then adjust the clasp on the front. Tighten it should be tight, pressing as hard as possible to the pelvic bones.

It is important to remember that the belt is only used during training or exercise. When you take breaks between sets, it will need to be removed.

Properly selected equipment, as experienced athletes assure, is more than half the success of training. Victory in competitions also depends on high-quality and correctly selected sports ammunition.

I have been asked many times about the weightlifting belt, how much it protects against injury and waist expansion. Perhaps everyone has heard the opinion that squats and deadlifts grow the waist, and the belt prevents this. Everything is not so simple and not so clear.

At runtime basic exercises there is a delay in breathing, straining and increased intra-abdominal pressure. If you put on a belt and increase this same pressure in the abdomen, this will provide stability to the entire lumbar region and reduce the load on the spine. This means you can lift more weight. That's why weightlifting belt are worn by security athletes, because the higher the pressure, the greater the stability of the spine and the safer the conditions, and the more weight the athlete will be able to take. Do you need a belt, let's figure it out.

  1. During squats, the core muscles receive a static load (the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, the extensors of the spine). During traction from the floor, the load falls not only on the buttocks and rear surface hips, but also on the extensors of the spine. During the approach, these muscles tighten, intra-abdominal pressure is created, and if your technique is perfect and your core is strong, then exercising without a belt, you do NOT risk injury.
  2. The belt prevents the development of the core muscles, as it takes on the main work. With a belt, you can take quite a solid weight, but your muscular corset remains untrained. Author Ekaterina Golovina This can result in injury, a pinched disc or a hernia, and not only in gym but also in everyday life.
  3. The task of the belt is to contain intra-abdominal pressure. It does not protect your spine from bad technique. If you pull with a crooked back, then put on at least ten belts - they will not help. Technique comes first, everything else comes after.

As for the waist, since the abdominal muscles receive a load, they obviously grow, but for growth, the appropriate conditions are needed:

  • Surplus. In order for your belly to grow forward and your waist to expand, you must eat with a calorie surplus. On a calorie deficit, nothing will grow. This is impossible.
  • For real big weight. If the weight on the bar is one and a half times your own, or if the weight on the bar is within 80-90% of your one-rep maximum (the weight that you can only lift once), then you can start to worry about the waist. If you squat with 20-30-40-50 kg, then do not fool yourself.

Who needs a weightlifting belt?
1. Athletes-siloviks;
2. Artillerymen;
3. People who do not compete, but every now and then set records for themselves. Why not put this thing on the very approaches in this case?

Who doesn't need a weightlifting belt?
1. Beginners who need to strengthen their core muscles;
2. Athletes who train for their own buzz and do not chase weights;
3. Girls who are afraid to expand their waist and do not work with maximum weights.

If your waist isn't naturally super-narrow, then you can work on your proportions (emphasizing your upper and/or lower body), work on your posture, and aim for an adequately low body fat percentage. From this will be much more sense than from a weightlifting belt.