Educational books on Tibetan medicine (56 pcs.).

Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest medical sciences, it successfully copes with the overwhelming number of diseases. Until recently, Tibet was a closed country, and there was no access for foreigners. The situation changed after 1950 when Tibet was occupied by China. Many Tibetans went into exile around the world, which allowed the spread of the most secret and esoteric medical knowledge. Unique Methods diagnosis and treatment, the availability of therapy make Tibetan medicine the most effective way solutions to many health problems.

* Editor Yuri Parfionovich - Atlas Tibetan medicine. A set of illustrations for a Tibetan medical treatise of the 17th century Blue beryl - 1994\
* Sanjay Jamtso - Practical guide on Tibetan medicine LHAN-THABS in 5 volumes - 1997\
* Thomas Dunkenberger - Handbook of Tibetan Medicine - 2005\
* Andrusenko - Secrets of Tibetan medicine in the practice of Dr. S. G. Choyzhinimaeva - 2010. djvu
* Aseeva - medicinal plants Tibetan medicine - 1985.doc
* Aseeva, Naydakova - Food Plants in Tibetan Medicine - 1991. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Dzeytshar Migzhchan a monument of Tibetan medicine - 1985. djvu
* Bazaron E. G. - Essays on Tibetan Medicine - 1992. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibeto-Mongolian medicine prescriptions - 2001.DOC
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibetan recipe in traditional medicine - 2002. rtf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) - 1991.doc
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 1 - 1991. pdf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 2 - 1991. pdf
* Dr. Alexander Arbuzov - Miraculous Coconut Healing Knowledge - 1999.docx
* Dr. Badmaev - The main guide to medical science in Tibet. Jude-Shi - 1903. pdf
* Dr. Badmaev - Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet. Zhud-Shi - 1991. djvu
* Dr. Badmaev - Tibetan medicine, royal court, Soviet power - 1991. rtf
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Mantra Healing in the Tradition of Tibetan Medicine - 2003.doc
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Ku Nye Tibetan massage manual for professionals and home use - 2009. pdf
* Dudin S. A. - Animal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Mineral raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Reference book of plants - 1993.doc
* Durachenko S. Panfilov A. - Precious Necklace from the assembled medicinal compositions used in daily practice- 1998.DOC
* Yeshi Donden - Introduction to Tibetan Medicine Health and Balance - 2005.doc
* Team of authors - Plants of Tibetan medicine. Pharmacological Research Experience - 1988.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine modern view - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Mongolian medical book. Ontsar-gadon-der-dzod - 2008 .docx
* Kosoburov A. - A new dawn or a brief essence of medicine diagnostic methods - 2006.docx
* Kosoburov A. - An extensive collection of Tibetan recipes - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Recipe of Mencican - 2005.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Technological processing of medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2005.doc
* Lama Yonten Gyaltso - Root Tantra. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 2011. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan Book of Healing - 2003. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan massotherapy- 1995.DOC
* Natalia Sudina - Tibetan monks Golden Recipes for Healing - 2009.doc
* Nevsky Prospekt - Chud-shih. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1999.DOC
* Nikolaev S. M. - Medicine in Tibetan medicine - 1989. rtf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Food plants in Tibetan medicine - 1991. pdf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Tibetan medicine questions and answers - 1998. pdf
* Peme Kunga - Tibetan Medicine - 2009.docx
* Peme Kunga - Acupressure in Tibetan Medicine - 2008. pdf
* Pozdneev A. M. - Textbook of Tibetan medicine. Volume 1 - 1908. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Ontsar gadon der dzod Tibetan medical treatise - 1989. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1992.doc
* Pupyshev V. N. - Tibetan medicine Language, theory, practice - 1991.doc
* Samten - Tibetan Medicine Textbook. New dawn or a brief essence of medicine - 2006.doc
* Dictionary of Tibetan Medical Terms.docx
* Tantra basics.doc
* Tarnuev V. A. - Bloodletting in the traditional oriental medicine- 1995.doc
* Tarthang Tulku - Kum Nye Relaxation - 1994. djvu
* Terry Clifford - The Demons of Our Mind Diamond of Healing - 2003.doc
* Tibetan prescription guide based on the materials of the Tibetan medical treatise Ontsap Gadon der dzod. rtf
* Humnag Lingpa - A stream of nectar that strengthens vital energy. djvu
* Khundanov L. L. - Tibetan medicine (modern commentary).doc
* Tsewang Dolkar Khangar - The Art of Pulse Diagnosis My Mom Taught Me.docx
* Tsydypov Ch. Ts. - Pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine - 1988. pdf

Name: A selection of books on Tibetan medicine (56 books)
Author: Different
Publisher: Different
Release year: Different
Format: DjVu, PDF, DOC, RTF
Genre: Health
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
Number of pages: A lot of
Language: Russian
Size: 564.76MB

Download A selection of books on Tibetan medicine (56 books)

  • Tibetan medicine - illustrated in original texts. Rechung Rinpoche

    Venerable Rechung Rinpoche was born in Lhasa to an aristocratic family and was recognized at the age of thirteen as the Incarnation of the former abbot of Rechung Monastery south of Lhasa. Sheltered by high mountain ranges, Tibetan medicine has maintained an unbroken tradition since its arrival from India in the seventh century.

  • Tibetan-English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology. Dr. Tsering Drungtsos

    This extensive Tibetan-English dictionary contains over 3870 entries and over 9000 terms in medicine, astrology and Buddhist terminology including transliteration and phonetics. The book is an authentic source for those who wish to study and know more about the science and philosophy of Tibetan medicine and astrology.

  • Mental illness in the context of Tibetan medicine. Minevich V. V., Dymchikov A. A.

    With a certain risk of getting lost in the wilds of metaphysics, the authors of this work managed to conduct a completely representative analysis of the teachings of various natural philosophical schools in India and China and the currents of Buddhist philosophy presented in Tibetan sources as a starting material for theoretical reasoning.

  • Introduction to Tibetan Medicine. Yeshi Donden
  • Inner strength. C. Kilham

    Hundreds of thousands of people practice the "Five Tibetan Rituals", preferring to practice according to their more modern version, described by Kilham in a small book "Five Tibetan Pearls». A new book Kilham will surprise even connoisseurs of the most different techniques yoga and not only Here, with incredible density, clarity and even humor, the powerful practices and meditations of the East are set forth, many of which are being revealed to the world for the first time.

  • Oriental ways of beauty and longevity. Tserin Padma
  • The main guide to the medical science of Tibet - Zhud-Shi. Badmaev P. A. (Zhamsaran Batmy)

    This edition contains two books of "Zhud-Shi" - the first and second. About a third of the volume, about 80 pages, are the works of Pyotr Aleksandrovich himself. He gives his interpretation of the teachings, as well as historical information about the medical science of Tibet.

  • Two Flowers on the Tree of Medicine - Indo-Tibetan Medicine Teachings on Health and Longevity. Kushnirenko E.Yu.

    The book is dedicated to the teachings of Indo-Tibetan medicine on maintaining health. It tells about how, skillfully using the body received from Nature and parents, "to live to a ripe old age without getting sick." The most important concepts of Indo - Tibetan medicine are set out in accordance with the well-known provisions of Ayurvedic medicine and with the Tibetan treatise "Chzhud - shi".

  • Demonology in Tuvan folk healing. Serenot S.K.

    The book of the famous Tuvan healer of the Buddhist tradition S.K. Serenota is based on great experience the author and his inner vision of the areas of the underground Underworld. These worlds, invisible to ordinary vision, are inhabited by all sorts of demons and entities with negative energy that cause illness in people and provoke misfortunes and cataclysms.

  • Demons of Our Mind: The Diamond of Healing. Terry Clifford

    Where do our personal \"demons\", or those that we perceive as \"external\", how it looks from the level of the body, energies and mind, what are the cures for them - you will learn from this book.

  • Zeitshar migzhan is a monument of Tibetan medicine. Batorova S.M., Yakovleva G.P.

    The book analyzes the range of medicinal plants used in the practice of the Mongolian version of Tibetan medicine based on the material of the Mongolian Tibetan treatise zeitshar migzhan.

  • Diagnosis of childhood diseases by the ears. Dr. Lobsan Dolma Khangkar
  • Doctor Badmaev. Tibetan medicine, royal court, Soviet power. B. Gusev, P. Badmaev

    The author of the first part of the book, Badmaev's grandson, the writer Boris Gusev, using documents and a family archive, tells about the life and work of his grandfather. In the second part, Peter Alexandrovich himself reveals the secrets of Tibetan medicine.

  • Dubtab Medicine Buddha. Root text of the first Panchen Lama Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen
  • Zintig - Drops of Nectar: ​​Notes for Aspiring Physicians. Jamgon Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso

    This text is the main medical work of Kongtrul the Great, who was not only an outstanding spiritual Master, but also a famous physician. Zintig was based on deep knowledge of Kongtrul the Great in the field of medical theory, knowledge of special texts and methods of treatment common in Eastern Tibet, from which he was born, excellent knowledge of terma, special hidden spiritual treasures-teachings, including medical ones, and his own extensive clinical experience.

  • The Art of Pulse Diagnosis My Mom Taught Me. Tsewang Dolkar Khangar
  • Healing by nutrition. Book 1. Nutrition according to the primary elements in Tibetan medicine. Peme Kunga

    Tibetan healing methods and culture proper nutrition, not only help to overcome bodily ailments, but also contribute to the return of a person's personality to the Primordial (Harmonious) state of his consciousness, to the flow of balanced energy, and allow the body to restore longevity and health.

  • Healing by nutrition. Book 2. The Magic of Tibetan Dietetics in Body Weight Correction. Peme Kunga

    This book was not written tutorial for those who simply improve their health, or lose weight, without formed personal motivation, and without the use of physical and spiritual efforts. It describes methods of treatment and correction of the body, very effective, but suitable only for those who are ripe for serious motivation and will not try to outwit themselves, the Laws of Karma, and Nature.

  • Root tantra. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine. Lama Yonten Gyaltso
  • Bloodletting in Traditional Tibetan Medicine. V. A. Tarnuev, G. T. Namsaraeva

    The paper presents one of the most effective therapeutic methods of oriental medicine - traditional oriental bloodletting. Theoretical and practical aspects of its variants - Chinese and Tibetan - are given.

  • Mantra Treatment in Tibetan Medicine. Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

    Mantra treatment in practice introduces everyone to a simple and effective part of Tibetan medicine, the roots of which go deep into antiquity.

  • Treatment with procedures or external treatments. . Translation by Kosoburov A.A.
  • Mongolian healer. Choizhamts

    The medical text Ontsar-gadon-der-dzod was written in Tibetan by the Mongolian physician Choizhamts in the Ikh Khure monastery, which was the headquarters of Bogdo Gegen in Urga, the capital of Mongolia. Work on the text took him about a year and a half and was completed in 1922. The completion dates of the work suggest that this is one of the last authoritative sources on the Mongolian tradition of Tibetan medicine, as long decades of persecution of Buddhism and Tibetan medicine by the authorities and militant atheists followed. Translated from Tibetan by A.A. Kosoburov

  • Mongolian medical book Ontsar gadon der dzod (2nd ed.). Choizhamts

    This book contains a complete translation of the famous Mongolian medical book, which was compiled at the beginning of the 20th century, but still remains one of the most popular and authoritative among Buryat and Mongolian emchi. 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged. Translated from Tibetan by A.A. Kosoburov.

  • Mongolian medical book Chetuy ninnor. Lobsang Choipel

    This book contains a complete translation of the Mongolian medical manual, widely used in the territory of ethnic Buryatia, containing all the information that an emchi practitioner may need to treat most diseases.

  • Handbook of Tibetan medicine. Principles, Diagnosis, Pathology. Nida Chenagtsang

    This book is a unique guide to the theory and practice of the basic diagnostic methods and some of the simple treatments of traditional Tibetan medicine. The rector and founder of IATTM (International Academy of Traditional Tibetan Medicine) Dr. Nida Chenagtsang reveals the secrets of Tibetan medicine and diagnostics in a style accessible to Western readers.

  • Non-drug methods of Tibetan medicine. Fundamentals, diagnostics, moxibustion, acupressure, Ku-Nye massage, mantratherapy. Peme Kunga

    These methods do not require additional conditions in order to systematically and consistently engage in healing practice. The special techniques outlined in this book allow you to quickly develop practical skills in accordance with the Tibetan Buddhist and Bon traditions.

  • The New Dawn, or A Concise Essence of Medicine. Samten. Translated from Tibetan by A.A. Kosoburov

    The presented work contains a translation of one of the most famous textbooks of Tibetan medicine, written by a modern Tibetan doctor, professor of the Lhasa Medical Academy Samten.

  • The New Dawn or Brief Essence of Medicine. Kosoburov A.A.

    The textbook "New Dawn or Brief Essence of Medicine" is the most authoritative and complete modern practical guide to the treatment of diseases common today with the methods of Tibetan medicine; On the pages of this textbook, not only diagnostics and methods of treatment, but also the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases are described in sufficient detail and in an understandable form, including for a European doctor, from the standpoint of both Tibetan and European medicine.

  • The New Dawn or Brief Essence of Medicine: Diagnostic Methods. Khewang Samten Chhog
  • On the study of the pulse and urine. Choizhamts

    From the book \"Treasury of Miracles and Joy\", Mongolia, 1922 (l. 3-76)

  • ONTSAR GADON DER DZOD. Pubaev R. E., Nazarov-Rygdylon V.E.

    The book is a translation from the Tibetan language of a medical essay written in 1921-1922. famous Mongolian doctor Choizhamts. For the first time, the practice of Tibetan medicine is presented: the symptoms of diseases are described and medicinal prescriptions are given.

  • Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet. Jud-Shi. Petr Badmaev

    This book is about how to live in order to be healthy and keep the freshness of the body and clarity of mind until old age. And although on the title page of the original P.A. Badmaev put himself as a translator, in fact he is the author of the book, since two books \"Jud-Shi\" are given in his interpretation, and the rest of the material was written by him personally.

  • Essays in Tibetan Medicine. E.G.Bazaron

    The monograph by E.G. Bazaron provides historical information about the development of Tibetan medicine, a brief description of Tibetan, Mongolian medical monuments, which record the centuries-old experience of medical knowledge of the peoples of the Central Asian region. The author introduces the reader in detail to the methodological aspects of deciphering and identifying diseases.

  • Tibetan medicine approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases. A. Kosoburov

    In this book, the author tried to comprehend and systematize the experience accumulated to date by various schools of Tibetan medicine in the treatment of cancer. In order to better understand the essence of the problem, the necessary information about carcinogenesis and other aspects of modern oncology was also collected.

  • Pulse diagnosis of Tibetan medicine. Ch. Ts. Tsydypov

    The collection shows the great possibilities of pulse diagnostics in obtaining biomedical information about the state of the human body in normal and pathological conditions.

  • Five Tibetan Exercises with Children. Barbara Simonson

    Millions of people have already become acquainted with how wonderfully the five Tibetan rituals influence our condition. Barbara Simonson shows that the Five Tibetans can benefit not only adults but also children. They help relieve accumulated tension and feel great, get up easier in the morning, sleep better in the evening, correct posture, increase the ability to concentrate and eliminate learning difficulties.

  • Wounds and their treatment in Tibetan medicine. Ubasheev I.O., Nazarov-Rygdylon V.E., Batorova S.M.

    The monograph analyzes information from Tibetan medical sources about accidental [acquired] wounds and the principles of their treatment in Tibetan medicine. The characteristic of medicinal raw materials of plant, mineral and animal origin, used for the treatment of wounds, is given. The results of an experimental study of wound healing agents of natural origin on models of musculoskeletal wounds, chemical and thermal skin burns are presented.

  • Recognition of diseases through examination. Pari Sonam Tsering

    From the book \"Healing experience, likened to the nectar of immortality and the elixir of life\"

  • The dawn of endless life. Textbook of Tibetan medicine. First (preparatory) course. Serafim Sidorov

    This textbook of Tibetan medicine and pharmacy is compiled on the basis of traditional Tibetan medical treatises, first of all, "Chzhud-Shi (Four Tantras)", medical books and special prescription guides (Tib. Chzhor). The textbook is the First (preparatory) course, which will be followed by the main theoretical course, and practical, therapy, medical manual, etc. The course is designed primarily for those wishing to study Tibetan medicine both independently and under the guidance of a specialist, or at least to get acquainted with it, as well as for private practitioners. The book will also be useful to specialists in traditional Tibetan medicine, whose number is growing in our country. This growth is due, first of all, to the historical predisposition and rich enough heritage in the field of Indo-Tibetan and Tibeto-Mongolian medicine in our country.

  • Birth, life and death according to Tibetan medicine and the teachings of Dzogchen. Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

    In this book, an outstanding researcher of Tibetan history and culture, Professor Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, sets out the fundamental principles of Tibetan medicine in the context of the three main moments of human existence: birth, life and death, thereby not only showing the important place of medicine in the Tibetan spiritual tradition, but also giving the reader a unique opportunity to benefit directly from this precious heritage.


    A Practical Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment and Healing Using Tibetan Medicine Methods

  • Tantra basics

    1st module with Tibetan fonts

  • Tibetan Book of Healing. Lobsang Rapgay

    This book contains the fundamental principles and practical methods Tibetan medicine. It introduces the teachings on the five elements, twenty properties, three culprits and seven tissues; includes a constitutional typological test, pulse diagnostics, recommendations for healthy eating and behavior. Here you will also find information on herbal medicine, rejuvenation techniques, spiritual practices and a Tibetan healing horoscope.

  • Tibetan medicine. Badmaev Petr

    The outstanding Russian physician and scientist Pyotr Alexandrovich Badmaev not only researched and translated the classic Tibetan medical treatise "Chzhud-shi", but was able to present the basics of Tibetan medical science in a form accessible to the Western reader, which no one before him could do.

  • Tibetan medicine. Peme Kunga
  • Tibetan Medicine (Questions and Answers). S. M. Nikolaev

    The paper discusses the most important theoretical provisions and practical advice Tibetan traditional medicine. Materials are presented on the history of the formation of the Tibetan tradition of healing, as well as the results of research by employees of the Department of Tibetan Medicine in recent years.

  • TIBETAN MEDICINE (modern commentary). L. L. Khundanov

    The book will be of interest not only to specialists, but also to a wide range of readers who are concerned about the problems of maintaining health, achieving longevity and preventing diseases.

  • Tibetan medicine. Language. Theory. Practice. . V.N. Pupyshev

    Based on the analysis of original sources, the monograph presents three aspects of Tibetan medicine: linguistic, contextual-conceptual and practical. The semantics of the main terms (ptsa, rlung, mkhris and bad-kan), the concepts doctor, patient, illness are considered. The methods of diagnosis (examination, palpation, questioning) and treatment (diet, lifestyle, drugs, non-drug therapy) are described.

  • Tibetan Medicine: Diagnostic Methods. A.A. Kosoburov

    In the Tibetan medical tradition, the diagnosis of diseases is reduced to the so-called. \"examination of three positions\" and \"examination of three ways\", i.e. through the use of this six, the diagnosis of various diseases is made.

  • Tibetan monks. Golden Recipes for Healing. Sudina N.

    Tibetan medicine is a science, an art, a religion, and a philosophy. She absorbed the knowledge of Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and Buddhism. And yet it remains original and opens a broad view of human health.

  • Tibetan medical treatise Lhan-thabs. All 5 volumes. . Sanjay Jamtso. Translation from Tibetan by A. Kosoburov

    The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in Tibetan medicine. The archive includes all 5 volumes.

  • Tibetan medical treatise Lhantab chengyab danche. Volume 1 Chapters Nos. 1-14. Desi Sangye Gyamtso, Choje Lobsang Wangyel

    2nd edition, corrected and enlarged. Translated from Tibetan by A.A. Kosoburov

  • Traditional and Modern Aspects of Oriental Reflexology. Luvsan Gavaa

    Monograph of a well-known specialist in the field of Oriental medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR Gavaa Luvsan, dedicated to the principles of diagnosis and methods of treatment based on traditional reflexology.

  • Textbook of Tibetan medicine. T. 1. A. Pozdneev

    This book acquaints us with the translation of parts I and II of Chzhud-shih. The translation was made from the Mongolian language into Russian by the outstanding Mongolist Professor A.M. Pozdneev (1851-1920).

  • Chzhud-shi is a monument of medieval Tibetan culture. Nikolaev S.M., Pubaev R.E. (ed.)

    The book outlines the main provisions of Tibetan medicine, presents theoretical guidelines and medicinal raw materials. For the first time in Russian, methods of diagnostics, technology for preparing dosage forms, methods of prescribing and techniques for carrying out various procedures are described. In the introductory article, short review history of Tibetan medicine, highlights the problem of the authorship of the treatise.

  • Chud-shi. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine. Publishing house "Nevsky prospect", 1999

    WHAT "CHJUD-SHI" TELLS ABOUT. The book popularly comments on the main themes of the ancient treatise.

  • Miraculous coconut healing knowledge. Doctor Alexander Arbuzov
  • . Zhabon Yu. Zh.

    "Khogbug" is the most authoritative work on the history of Tibetan medicine. The author is Desrid Sanzhai Chjamtso (1653-1705) - regent of the V Dalai Lama, the most prominent scientist and political figure in Tibet. This work was a fundamental generalization of the history of the development of Tibetan medicine, covering the period of its formation: from mythical times to 1703, the year this book was written. "Khogbug" is a historical-biographical and historical-bibliographical monument unsurpassed in its value. Based on the lines of succession of various medical schools, short and lengthy biographies of Tibetan doctors are described; lists of medical essays, unique in their completeness, are given.

Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest medical sciences, it successfully copes with the overwhelming number of diseases. Until recently, Tibet was a closed country, and there was no access for foreigners. The situation changed after 1950 when Tibet was occupied by China. Many Tibetans went into exile around the world, which allowed the spread of the most secret and esoteric medical knowledge. Unique methods of diagnostics and treatment, availability of therapy make Tibetan medicine the most effective way to solve many health problems.


* Editor Yuri Parfionovich - Atlas of Tibetan Medicine. A set of illustrations for a Tibetan medical treatise of the 17th century Blue beryl - 1994\

* Sanzhey Chjamtso - Practical Guide to Tibetan Medicine LHAN-THABS in 5 volumes - 1997

* Thomas Dunkenberger - Handbook of Tibetan Medicine - 2005\

* Andrusenko - Secrets of Tibetan medicine in the practice of Dr. S. G. Choyzhinimaeva - 2010. djvu

* Aseeva - Medicinal plants of Tibetan medicine - 1985.doc

* Aseeva, Naydakova - Food Plants in Tibetan Medicine - 1991. pdf

* Bazaron E. G. - Dzeytshar Migzhchan a monument of Tibetan medicine - 1985. djvu

* Bazaron E. G. - Essays on Tibetan Medicine - 1992. pdf

* Bazaron E. G. - Tibeto-Mongolian medicine prescriptions - 2001.DOC

* Bazaron E. G. - Tibetan recipe in traditional medicine - 2002. rtf

* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) - 1991.doc

* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 1 - 1991. pdf

* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 2 - 1991. pdf

* Dr. Alexander Arbuzov - Miraculous Coconut Healing Knowledge - 1999.docx

* Dr. Badmaev - The main guide to medical science in Tibet. Jude-Shi - 1903. pdf

* Dr. Badmaev - Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet. Zhud-Shi - 1991. djvu

* Dr. Badmaev - Tibetan medicine, royal court, Soviet power - 1991. rtf

* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Mantra Healing in the Tradition of Tibetan Medicine - 2003.doc

* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Ku Nye Tibetan massage manual for professionals and home use - 2009. pdf

* Dudin S. A. - Animal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx

* Dudin S. A. - Mineral raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx

* Dudin S. A. - Reference book of plants - 1993.doc

* Durachenko S. Panfilov A. - Precious Necklace from the assembled medicinal compounds used in everyday practice - 1998.DOC

* Yeshi Donden - Introduction to Tibetan Medicine Health and Balance - 2005.doc

* Kosoburov A. - Medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine modern view - 2006.doc

* Kosoburov A. - Mongolian medical book. Ontsar-gadon-der-dzod - 2008 .docx

* Kosoburov A. - A new dawn or a brief essence of medicine diagnostic methods - 2006.docx

* Kosoburov A. - An extensive collection of Tibetan recipes - 2006.doc * Kosoburov A. - Recipe of Mencikan - 2005.doc

* Kosoburov A. - Technological processing of medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2005.doc

* Lama Yonten Gyaltso - Root Tantra. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 2011. pdf

* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan Book of Healing - 2003. pdf * Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan Massage Therapy - 1995.DOC

* Natalia Sudina - Tibetan Monks Golden Recipes for Healing - 2009.doc

* Nevsky Prospekt - Chud-shih. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1999.DOC

* Nikolaev S. M. - Medicine in Tibetan medicine - 1989. rtf

* Nikolaev S. M. - Food plants in Tibetan medicine - 1991. pdf

* Nikolaev S. M. - Tibetan medicine questions and answers - 1998. pdf

* Peme Kunga - Tibetan Medicine - 2009.docx

* Peme Kunga - Acupressure in Tibetan Medicine - 2008. pdf

* Pozdneev A. M. - Textbook of Tibetan medicine. Volume 1 - 1908. pdf

* Pupyshev V. N. - Ontsar gadon der dzod Tibetan medical treatise - 1989. pdf

* Pupyshev V. N. - Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1992.doc

* Pupyshev V. N. - Tibetan medicine Language, theory, practice - 1991.doc

* Samten - Tibetan Medicine Textbook. New dawn or a brief essence of medicine - 2006.doc

* Dictionary of Tibetan Medical Terms.docx

* Tantra basics.doc

* Tarnuev V. A. - Bloodletting in traditional oriental medicine - 1995.doc

* Tarthang Tulku - Kum Nye Relaxation - 1994. djvu

* Terry Clifford - The Demons of Our Mind Diamond of Healing - 2003.doc

* Tibetan prescription guide based on the materials of the Tibetan medical treatise Ontsap Gadon der dzod. rtf

* Humnag Lingpa - The flow of nectar that strengthens vitality. djvu

* Khundanov L. L. - Tibetan medicine (modern commentary).doc

* Tsewang Dolkar Khangar - The Art of Pulse Diagnosis My Mom Taught Me.docx

* Tsydypov Ch. Ts. - Pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine - 1988. pdf


Educational books on Tibetan medicine (56 pcs.). Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest medical sciences, it successfully copes with the overwhelming number of diseases. Until recently, Tibet was a closed country, and there was no access for foreigners. The situation changed after 1950 when Tibet was occupied by China. Many Tibetans went into exile around the world, which allowed the spread of the most secret and esoteric medical knowledge. the availability of therapy make Tibetan medicine the most effective way to solve many problems with
* Editor Yuri Parfionovich - Atlas of Tibetan Medicine. A set of illustrations for a Tibetan medical treatise of the 17th century Blue beryl - 1994\
* Sanzhey Chjamtso - Practical Guide to Tibetan Medicine LHAN-THABS in 5 volumes - 1997
* Thomas Dunkenberger - Handbook of Tibetan Medicine - 2005\
* Andrusenko - Secrets of Tibetan medicine in the practice of Dr. S. G. Choyzhinimaeva - 2010. djvu
* Aseeva - Medicinal plants of Tibetan medicine - 1985.doc
* Aseeva, Naydakova - Food Plants in Tibetan Medicine - 1991. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Dzeytshar Migzhchan a monument of Tibetan medicine - 1985. djvu
* Bazaron E. G. - Essays on Tibetan Medicine - 1992. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibeto-Mongolian medicine prescriptions - 2001.DOC
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibetan recipe in traditional medicine - 2002. rtf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) - 1991.doc
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 1 - 1991. pdf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 2 - 1991. pdf
* Dr. Alexander Arbuzov - Miraculous Coconut Healing Knowledge - 1999.docx
* Dr. Badmaev - The main guide to medical science in Tibet. Jude-Shi - 1903. pdf
* Dr. Badmaev - Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet. Zhud-Shi - 1991. djvu
* Dr. Badmaev - Tibetan medicine, royal court, Soviet power - 1991. rtf
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Mantra Healing in the Tradition of Tibetan Medicine - 2003.doc
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Ku Nye Tibetan massage manual for professionals and home use - 2009. pdf
* Dudin S. A. - Animal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Mineral raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Reference book of plants - 1993.doc
* Durachenko S. Panfilov A. - Precious Necklace from the assembled medicinal compounds used in everyday practice - 1998.DOC
* Yeshi Donden - Introduction to Tibetan Medicine Health and Balance - 2005.doc
* Team of authors - Plants of Tibetan medicine. Pharmacological Research Experience - 1988.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine modern view - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Mongolian medical book. Ontsar-gadon-der-dzod - 2008 .docx
* Kosoburov A. - A new dawn or a brief essence of medicine diagnostic methods - 2006.docx
* Kosoburov A. - An extensive collection of Tibetan recipes - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Recipe of Mencican - 2005.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Technological processing of medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2005.doc
* Lama Yonten Gyaltso - Root Tantra. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 2011. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan Book of Healing - 2003. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan massage therapy - 1995.DOC
* Natalia Sudina - Tibetan Monks Golden Recipes for Healing - 2009.doc
* Nevsky Prospekt - Chud-shih. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1999.DOC
* Nikolaev S. M. - Medicine in Tibetan medicine - 1989. rtf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Food plants in Tibetan medicine - 1991. pdf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Tibetan medicine questions and answers - 1998. pdf
* Peme Kunga - Tibetan Medicine - 2009.docx
* Peme Kunga - Acupressure in Tibetan Medicine - 2008. pdf
* Pozdneev A. M. - Textbook of Tibetan medicine. Volume 1 - 1908. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Ontsar gadon der dzod Tibetan medical treatise - 1989. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1992.doc
* Pupyshev V. N. - Tibetan medicine Language, theory, practice - 1991.doc
* Samten - Tibetan Medicine Textbook. New dawn or a brief essence of medicine - 2006.doc
* Dictionary of Tibetan Medical Terms.docx
* Tantra basics.doc
* Tarnuev V. A. - Bloodletting in traditional oriental medicine - 1995.doc
* Tarthang Tulku - Kum Nye Relaxation - 1994. djvu
* Terry Clifford - The Demons of Our Mind Diamond of Healing - 2003.doc
* Tibetan prescription guide based on the materials of the Tibetan medical treatise Ontsap Gadon der dzod. rtf
* Humnag Lingpa - The flow of nectar that strengthens vitality. djvu
* Khundanov L. L. - Tibetan medicine (modern commentary).doc
* Tsewang Dolkar Khangar - The Art of Pulse Diagnosis My Mom Taught Me.docx
* Tsydypov Ch. Ts. - Pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine - 1988. pdf

Format: DjVu, PDF, DOC, RTF
Genre: Health
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
Number of pages: Many
Russian language
Size: 564.76 MB

Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest medical sciences, it successfully copes with the overwhelming number of diseases. Until recently, Tibet was a closed country, and there was no access for foreigners. The situation changed after 1950 when Tibet was occupied by China. Many Tibetans went into exile around the world, which allowed the spread of the most secret and esoteric medical knowledge. Unique methods of diagnostics and treatment, availability of therapy make Tibetan medicine the most effective way to solve many health problems.

* Editor Yuri Parfionovich - Atlas of Tibetan Medicine. A set of illustrations for a Tibetan medical treatise of the 17th century Blue beryl - 1994\
* Sanzhey Chjamtso - Practical Guide to Tibetan Medicine LHAN-THABS in 5 volumes - 1997
* Thomas Dunkenberger - Handbook of Tibetan Medicine - 2005\
* Andrusenko - Secrets of Tibetan medicine in the practice of Dr. S. G. Choyzhinimaeva - 2010. djvu
* Aseeva - Medicinal plants of Tibetan medicine - 1985.doc
* Aseeva, Naydakova - Food Plants in Tibetan Medicine - 1991. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Dzeytshar Migzhchan a monument of Tibetan medicine - 1985. djvu
* Bazaron E. G. - Essays on Tibetan Medicine - 1992. pdf
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibeto-Mongolian medicine prescriptions - 2001.DOC
* Bazaron E. G. - Tibetan recipe in traditional medicine - 2002. rtf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) - 1991.doc
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 1 - 1991. pdf
* Danzin Phuntsog - "Kunsal-Nanzod" (Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs) Part 2 - 1991. pdf
* Dr. Alexander Arbuzov - Miraculous Coconut Healing Knowledge - 1999.docx
* Dr. Badmaev - The main guide to medical science in Tibet. Jude-Shi - 1903. pdf
* Dr. Badmaev - Fundamentals of medical science in Tibet. Zhud-Shi - 1991. djvu
* Dr. Badmaev - Tibetan medicine, royal court, Soviet power - 1991. rtf
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Mantra Healing in the Tradition of Tibetan Medicine - 2003.doc
* Dr. Nida Chenagtsang - Ku Nye Tibetan massage manual for professionals and home use - 2009. pdf
* Dudin S. A. - Animal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Mineral raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2007.docx
* Dudin S. A. - Reference book of plants - 1993.doc
* Durachenko S. Panfilov A. - Precious Necklace from the assembled medicinal compounds used in everyday practice - 1998.DOC
* Yeshi Donden - Introduction to Tibetan Medicine Health and Balance - 2005.doc
* Team of authors - Plants of Tibetan medicine. Pharmacological Research Experience - 1988.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine modern view - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Mongolian medical book. Ontsar-gadon-der-dzod - 2008 .docx
* Kosoburov A. - A new dawn or a brief essence of medicine diagnostic methods - 2006.docx
* Kosoburov A. - An extensive collection of Tibetan recipes - 2006.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Recipe of Mencican - 2005.doc
* Kosoburov A. - Technological processing of medicinal raw materials of Tibetan medicine - 2005.doc
* Lama Yonten Gyaltso - Root Tantra. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 2011. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan Book of Healing - 2003. pdf
* Lobsang Rapgei - Tibetan massage therapy - 1995.DOC
* Natalia Sudina - Tibetan Monks Golden Recipes for Healing - 2009.doc
* Nevsky Prospekt - Chud-shih. Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1999.DOC
* Nikolaev S. M. - Medicine in Tibetan medicine - 1989. rtf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Food plants in Tibetan medicine - 1991. pdf
* Nikolaev S. M. - Tibetan medicine questions and answers - 1998. pdf
* Peme Kunga - Tibetan Medicine - 2009.docx
* Peme Kunga - Acupressure in Tibetan Medicine - 2008. pdf
* Pozdneev A. M. - Textbook of Tibetan medicine. Volume 1 - 1908. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Ontsar gadon der dzod Tibetan medical treatise - 1989. pdf
* Pupyshev V. N. - Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine - 1992.doc
* Pupyshev V. N. - Tibetan medicine Language, theory, practice - 1991.doc
* Samten - Tibetan Medicine Textbook. New dawn or a brief essence of medicine - 2006.doc
* Dictionary of Tibetan Medical Terms.docx
* Tantra basics.doc
* Tarnuev V. A. - Bloodletting in traditional oriental medicine - 1995.doc
* Tarthang Tulku - Kum Nye Relaxation - 1994. djvu
* Terry Clifford - The Demons of Our Mind Diamond of Healing - 2003.doc
* Tibetan prescription guide based on the materials of the Tibetan medical treatise Ontsap Gadon der dzod. rtf
* Humnag Lingpa - The flow of nectar that strengthens vitality. djvu
* Khundanov L. L. - Tibetan medicine (modern commentary).doc
* Tsewang Dolkar Khangar - The Art of Pulse Diagnosis My Mom Taught Me.docx
* Tsydypov Ch. Ts. - Pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine - 1988. pdf

Name: A selection of books on Tibetan medicine (56 books)
Author: Different
Publisher: Different
Release year: Different
Format: DjVu, PDF, DOC, RTF
Genre: Health
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
Number of pages: A lot of
Language: Russian
Size: 564.76MB