Famous nutritionist Rimma Moisenko about a new book and how to lose weight forever. Japan through the eyes of Rimma Moisenko

Anatoly Volkov

Method features: A blood test is done: according to the characteristics of the reaction of erythrocytes, the so-called immunoantagonist products are detected, to which the blood gives an increased reaction, approximately like allergens. The patient is given a "red list" - he is now forbidden to eat these products for three to four months. Recommended products are included in the "green list", but here, too, everything is not so simple. Volkov himself or one of his employees will certainly cross out all kinds of sugar, honey, grapes (and therefore wine), yeast (and therefore beer) and almost always wheat (and therefore vodka). Then a diet is drawn up: in the morning - fruits and cereals; in the afternoon - cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, fish; in the evening - boiled pork or barbecue. Do not mix proteins and carbohydrates! After some time, a re-analysis and new lists. Although the Volkov method is officially approved by the Ministry of Health, it is not very popular in a professional environment. Volkov himself considers this the cost of competition and the logical price for success. However, it turns out that with the apparent harmlessness of the “red-green” principle, breaking this diet is just as dangerous as carelessly exiting fasting: attacks of acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis occur, and the situation with weight after that becomes even worse.

How it started: Started as a private pediatrician. Following his advice, hundreds of advanced parents scoured the markets in search of rabbit meat and lamb to feed their babies, and colds were treated with ice douches (by the way, quite successfully). If diathesis began in infants, Volkov recommended that nursing mothers do an analysis for hidden food allergies and exclude certain foods from the diet. It was noticed that after that, many women dramatically lost weight and began to feel much better. Actually, this is how the method of cleansing the body by identifying individual food intolerances arose. As for the analysis itself, the author of the methodology is not Volkov at all, but scientists from the biological faculty of Moscow State University.

Known for: The doctor with the "animal" surname has his own zoo in the country. The walls in his clinic are decorated with highly erotic photographs of orchids. Claiming that smoked sausage is a thousand times more harmful than tobacco, Volkov does not deny himself smoking, and he can smoke even during the reception. He still calls for ice douches, giving up pills, and promotes cooking on an aerogrill. "On Acquaintance" willingly gives free consultations.

Circle of patients: At one time, checking the menu against the “red list” was as fashionable as wearing a Kabbalah devotee's red thread on the wrist. A kind of face of the brand "Doctor Volkov" became lawyer Andrey Makarov almost doubled in weight. The fact that they are "losing weight according to Volkov" was told by Galina Volchek and many actors of the Sovremennik Theater. And after rumors that the miraculous changes in the appearance of Anatoly Chubais are also associated with Volkov, almost all public politicians, many big businessmen and journalists went through the clinic on Komsomolsky. As well as the clientele of sports clubs world class and Azbuka Vkusa supermarkets, which have partnerships with Volkov.

Price: Basic analysis (130 products) - 15,000 rubles; for children and members Club of Doctor Volkov a discount system is provided. Testing of exotic products - for an additional fee

Where to find it: Since 2002, he has been the chief physician of the Ecolabmedtest clinic in the building of the Moscow Palace of Youth on Komsomolsky Prospekt, 28

Lydia Ionova

Method features: Apart from individual programs weight loss is group (“How to lose weight? TOGETHER!”) - and this, of course, is something very special. Members (mostly members) of the groups "Slim" or " The Magnificent Seven» support each other in blogs, complain, report lost grams, consult with their doctor about the nuances of cooking diet meals and weighing dietary products, as well as write fairy tales and parables - about how they defeated hated fat in themselves.

How it started: She worked as a sports doctor and nutritionist in fitness centers. She is a cardiologist by profession and a medical psychologist by an additional specialty.

Known for: Lidia Ionova is a certified NLP master and does not hide the fact that she uses Neuro Linguistic Programming in her work with clients.

Circle of patients: Unlike many other nutritionists, Ionova does not refuse to work with diabetic patients, as well as with pregnant and lactating mothers, thereby emphasizing that here she does not just lose weight, but heals by correcting her metabolism.

Price: One-time consultation costs 5190 rubles. (the first one is free). For an additional 730 rubles. body composition (muscle, fat, water in tissues) can be measured. Participation in a group weight loss program - 19,600 rubles, individual programs - up to 177,110 rubles. (includes 13 dietitian consultations, 13 psychologist consultations and 24 massage sessions). There are consultation programs via Skype

How to find it: Since 2002, he has been in charge of the Medical Dietetic Centers Clinic of Dr. Ionova, one of which is located in Tomsk, and two in Moscow: one on the street. Krasnoprudnaya, 28/1, building 2, the second - on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 7, bldg. 1

Alexey Kovalkov

Method features: He preaches an individual approach and the normalization of metabolism by traditional dietary methods. He speaks sharply against nutritionists who begin with indispensable tests: “This is a scam for money! Propaedeutics of internal diseases allows the doctor, if he is a good diagnostician, to determine for himself what the patient needs. Several analyzes may be needed just to clarify the picture. The shop at the clinic sells dietary supplements, but Kovalkov insistently emphasizes that their use is only advisory and auxiliary.

How it started: After medical school, he worked as a corporate doctor in a financial company. The English manager, out of habit, was horrified by the corpulent figures of the Moscow "accountants" and set the task for Kovalkov: to change at any cost appearance employees. So Kovalkov was forced to study dietology. Later, by the way, he gained excess weight and helped himself to lose weight.

Known for: He has a craving for enlightenment and public speaking, many of which are posted online. I calculated that in two recent years his patients lost four and a half tons of fat.

Circle of patients:"I don't like working with artists and members of the government."

Price: 5000 rub. for a consultation

Where to find it: Since April 2010 - in his own "Clinic of Correction excess weight» at Varshavskoe shosse, 125

Margarita Koroleva

Method features: Lots of water, fractional meals, do not overeat at night and arrange fasting days- these tips can be read in any women's magazine, but the Queen knows how to work with the human factor like no one else. For example, she does not consider the theory of the need for a strict separation of proteins and carbohydrates to be scientifically sound, but she prefers not to tell patients about this for the time being: “People listen to the body’s reactions to different foods, stop eating salty sweets, and simply simply eat less.” Her clinic on Petrovka is located in a former spa center with a hammam, massage rooms, jacuzzi, exercise equipment and so on. In a word, everything is conducive to replacing the happiness of chewing a sandwich with the more refined pleasure of some kind of aromatherapy chocolate wrap. Many nutritionists say that the diet should not be flour, but the Queen went further - she tries to make a holiday out of weight loss, something like a children's matinee with songs, dances and royal crowns on the heads of those who have shown themselves to be exemplary patients. The buffet here sells "lunchies" with dietary salads and meatballs for a slimming "royal diet"; diet catering programs have recently been launched: lunch boxes with diet food are brought to home or work and they are reminded by sms six times a day: but it's time to eat cheesecakes with carrots, and after a couple of hours - cabbage-nut meatballs. All these dietary joys look, I must say, great - they are prepared on the basis of one of Arkady Novikov's restaurants, but in the near future the Queen plans to open her own kitchen factory.

How it started: Cardiologist, author of the monograph "Metabolic Syndrome in Therapeutic Practice". After giving birth, she recovered to 85 kg and lost weight with the help of shaping. Together with her twin sister, she did once popular slim massages, they were among the first to master mesotherapy; The phone number of "Rimma and Rituli" was given to each other by the actresses. In 2004, the sisters opened the Rimmarita clinic, which Rimma Moisenko now runs alone - the sisters have a cool relationship. The queen is more famous, but Moisenko makes it clear that she has always been a real specialist in their tandem.

What is famous for: From year to year she calls herself to wish happy birthday to all clients - even those who just went to her for a massage a long time ago. According to old memory, she can inject Botox or Restylane with her own hands, actresses really appreciate her as a cosmetologist: “Rituli has golden hands”

Circle of patients: Brand slogan "Margarita Koroleva - stars lose weight with her!" And there really is something like a branch of Ostankino. It is understood that Baskov and Babkina serve as an inspiring example for ordinary citizens.

Price: An hour of consultation with the Queen - 7500 rubles, the duration of the first consultation - from 4 to 6 hours: everything begins with an explanation of the basics of anatomy, biochemical processes in the body, and so on. Mandatory blood tests, including hormones, minerals and genetic factors, ultrasound examination, etc.

Where to find it: In 2005, she opened her own "Center for Aesthetic Medicine" at Petrovka, 19, building 1. A branch has recently appeared on Leningradsky Prospect (St. Konstantin Simonov, 4, building 4)

Mariyat Mukhina

Method features: Mukhina's secret is extremely simple: a low-carb, but at the same time quite balanced and varied diet, plus a ban on eating after 18 hours. The inevitable feeling of excruciating hunger is extinguished with the help of the patented "Mukhina's earring" - a needle inserted into the tragus of the ear and connecting two acupuncture points responsible for appetite. Mukhina herself explains it this way: “At the same time, a healing channel is formed between the points, which has a positive effect on the entire body.” In addition, patients are required to keep a record of each piece eaten in a special notebook and periodically come to the clinic for control measurements. If the measurement results are unsatisfactory, the doctor analyzes the entries in the diary and makes the patient an appropriate suggestion. If weight loss is going very fast, additional acupuncture sessions are performed - so that the skin does not sag in folds. When the doctor believes that the client's weight has returned to normal, the earring is solemnly removed (even if the person expresses a desire to lose another seven kilograms in order to become, for example, a fashion model). But after that, some will have to “get on the needle” again: people relax, believe that they now have a different metabolism, joyfully pounce on food and put on new kilograms. Many, however, hold on. One of the reasons is banal - sorry for the money spent.

How it started: Until recently, for the "earring Mukhina" had to go to Tver, where she has her own clinic.

Known for: Despite the fact that there is classical Chinese acupuncture (which is also used for weight loss), Mukhina's "golden earring" has been an object of counterfeit for several years.

Circle of patients: The widest, but mostly women.

Price: The first appointment - 6900 rubles, each subsequent - 3500 rubles. Acupuncture body shaping (with normal weight) - 6900 rubles. Acupuncture face lifting - 4000 rubles. per session

Where to find it: In clinics "Origiteya" (st. Taldomskaya, 17 and st. Koroleva, 24). However, mostly other doctors trained by Mukhina are treated there.

Marianna Trifonova

Method features: Separate meals are not welcome here. Trifonova claims: “This is a populist theory, not scientifically substantiated. The most important thing is a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables and cereals, without excess animal protein, and, of course, canned food and others. harmful products". An analysis is made for individual food intolerance - "Hemotest", a method developed by domestic medicine in the middle of the last century. 96 products are being tested - those to which the body reacts neutrally will be considered basic in the diet. The rest are recommended to be consumed infrequently and carefully: the so-called elimination diet allows you to reduce the immune load of food on the body. “She gives good results,” says Trifonova. - But if we had failures, then all of them are due to the fact that patients ignored the recommendations of a nutritionist, relying only on the results of the Hemotest as a panacea. But avoiding unwanted foods is not enough - the diet, the amount of food, normal eating behavior is important. Working with a medical psychologist is very important.” And also: massages, body wraps and physiotherapy procedures - for body shaping.

How did you start: Followed in the footsteps of her mother, Natalya Lvovna Nekrasova, who now runs a medical center in Poland; together they developed an author's technique called "Psychobiocorrection of weight". Additional medical specialty is physiotherapist.

Known for: She has a surprisingly good appearance - bright-eyed, smiling, dimpled, not too thin, but slender. He knows how to present a turnip salad with vegetable oil so convincingly, as if it were the most delicious thing in the world.

Circle of patients: She participated in television projects and advised the stars (tennis player Myskina, Dima Bilan), but in general she sees herself as a people's doctor. “My favorite patient is the middle manager,” she says. - A realist, soberly assesses his capabilities, his place. He wants to be healthy and look good not out of vanity, but in order to earn more efficiently.”

Where to find it: Chief Physician of the Center for Aesthetic and Restorative Medicine "Emerald" (Samotechnaya St., 17a)

Anatoly Volkov

Method features: A blood test is done: according to the characteristics of the reaction of erythrocytes, the so-called immunoantagonist products are detected, to which the blood gives an increased reaction, approximately like allergens. The patient is given a "red list" - he is now forbidden to eat these products for three to four months. Recommended products are included in the "green list", but here, too, everything is not so simple. Volkov himself or one of his employees will certainly cross out all kinds of sugar, honey, grapes (and therefore wine), yeast (and therefore beer) and almost always wheat (and therefore vodka). Then a diet is drawn up: in the morning - fruits and cereals; in the afternoon - cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, fish; in the evening - boiled pork or barbecue. Do not mix proteins and carbohydrates! After some time, a re-analysis and new lists. Although the Volkov method is officially approved by the Ministry of Health, it is not very popular in a professional environment. Volkov himself considers this the cost of competition and the logical price for success. However, it turns out that with the apparent harmlessness of the “red-green” principle, breaking this diet is just as dangerous as carelessly exiting fasting: attacks of acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis occur, and the situation with weight after that becomes even worse.

How it started: Started as a private pediatrician. Following his advice, hundreds of advanced parents scoured the markets in search of rabbit meat and lamb to feed their babies, and colds were treated with ice douches (by the way, quite successfully). If diathesis began in infants, Volkov recommended that nursing mothers do an analysis for hidden food allergies and exclude certain foods from the diet. It was noticed that after that, many women dramatically lost weight and began to feel much better. Actually, this is how the method of cleansing the body by identifying individual food intolerances arose. As for the analysis itself, the author of the methodology is not Volkov at all, but scientists from the biological faculty of Moscow State University.

Known for: The doctor with the "animal" surname has his own zoo in the country. The walls in his clinic are decorated with highly erotic photographs of orchids. Claiming that smoked sausage is a thousand times more harmful than tobacco, Volkov does not deny himself smoking, and he can smoke even during the reception. He still calls for ice douches, giving up pills, and promotes cooking on an aerogrill. "On Acquaintance" willingly gives free consultations.

Circle of patients: At one time, checking the menu against the “red list” was as fashionable as wearing a Kabbalah devotee's red thread on the wrist. A kind of face of the brand "Doctor Volkov" became lawyer Andrey Makarov almost doubled in weight. The fact that they are "losing weight according to Volkov" was told by Galina Volchek and many actors of the Sovremennik Theater. And after rumors that the miraculous changes in the appearance of Anatoly Chubais are also associated with Volkov, almost all public politicians, many big businessmen and journalists went through the clinic on Komsomolsky. As well as the clientele of World Class sports clubs and Azbuka Vkusa supermarkets, which have partnerships with Volkov.

Price: Basic analysis (130 products) - 15,000 rubles; for children and members Club of Doctor Volkov a discount system is provided. Testing of exotic products - for an additional fee

Where to find it: Since 2002, he has been the chief physician of the Ecolabmedtest clinic in the building of the Moscow Palace of Youth on Komsomolsky Prospekt, 28

Lydia Ionova

Method features: In addition to individual weight loss programs, there are group programs (“How to lose weight? TOGETHER!”) - and this, of course, is something very special. Members (mostly members) of the Lose Weight or Magnificent Seven groups support each other in blogs, complain, report on lost grams, consult with their doctor about the nuances of preparing diet meals and weighing diet foods, and also write fairy tales and parables - about how they defeated the hated fat in themselves.

How it started: She worked as a sports doctor and nutritionist in fitness centers. She is a cardiologist by profession and a medical psychologist by an additional specialty.

Known for: Lidia Ionova is a certified NLP master and does not hide the fact that she uses Neuro Linguistic Programming in her work with clients.

Circle of patients: Unlike many other nutritionists, Ionova does not refuse to work with diabetic patients, as well as with pregnant and lactating mothers, thereby emphasizing that here she does not just lose weight, but heals by correcting her metabolism.

Price: One-time consultation costs 5190 rubles. (the first one is free). For an additional 730 rubles. body composition (muscle, fat, water in tissues) can be measured. Participation in a group weight loss program - 19,600 rubles, individual programs - up to 177,110 rubles. (includes 13 dietitian consultations, 13 psychologist consultations and 24 massage sessions). There are consultation programs via Skype

How to find it: Since 2002, he has been in charge of the Medical Dietetic Centers Clinic of Dr. Ionova, one of which is located in Tomsk, and two in Moscow: one on the street. Krasnoprudnaya, 28/1, building 2, the second - on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 7, bldg. 1

Alexey Kovalkov

Method features: He preaches an individual approach and the normalization of metabolism by traditional dietary methods. He speaks sharply against nutritionists who begin with indispensable tests: “This is a scam for money! Propaedeutics of internal diseases allows the doctor, if he is a good diagnostician, to determine for himself what the patient needs. Several analyzes may be needed just to clarify the picture. The shop at the clinic sells dietary supplements, but Kovalkov insistently emphasizes that their use is only advisory and auxiliary.

How it started: After medical school, he worked as a corporate doctor in a financial company. The English manager, out of habit, was horrified by the corpulent figures of the Moscow "accountants" and set the task for Kovalkov: to change the appearance of employees at any cost. So Kovalkov was forced to study dietology. Later, by the way, he gained excess weight and helped himself to lose weight.

Known for: He has a craving for enlightenment and public speaking, many of which are posted online. He calculated that over the past two years, his patients have lost four and a half tons of fat.

Circle of patients:"I don't like working with artists and members of the government."

Price: 5000 rub. for a consultation

Where to find it: Since April 2010 - in his own "Clinic for the correction of excess weight" on Warsaw highway, 125

Margarita Koroleva

Method features: A lot of water, fractional nutrition, do not eat up at night and arrange fasting days - these tips can be read in any women's magazine, but the Queen knows how to work with the human factor like no one else. For example, she does not consider the theory of the need for a strict separation of proteins and carbohydrates to be scientifically sound, but she prefers not to tell patients about this for the time being: “People listen to the body’s reactions to different foods, stop eating salty sweets, and simply simply eat less.” Her clinic on Petrovka is located in a former spa center with a hammam, massage rooms, jacuzzi, exercise equipment and so on. In a word, everything is conducive to replacing the happiness of chewing a sandwich with the more refined pleasure of some kind of aromatherapy chocolate wrap. Many nutritionists say that a diet should not be flour, but the Queen went further - she tries to make a holiday out of weight loss, something like a children's matinee with songs, dances and royal crowns on the heads of those who have shown themselves to be exemplary patients. The buffet here sells "lunchies" with dietary salads and meatballs for a slimming "royal diet"; diet catering programs have recently been launched: lunch boxes with diet food are brought to home or work and they are reminded by sms six times a day: but it's time to eat cheesecakes with carrots, and after a couple of hours - cabbage-nut meatballs. All these dietary joys look, I must say, great - they are prepared on the basis of one of Arkady Novikov's restaurants, but in the near future the Queen plans to open her own kitchen factory.

How it started: Cardiologist, author of the monograph "Metabolic Syndrome in Therapeutic Practice". After giving birth, she recovered to 85 kg and lost weight with the help of shaping. Together with her twin sister, she did once popular slim massages, they were among the first to master mesotherapy; The phone number of "Rimma and Rituli" was given to each other by the actresses. In 2004, the sisters opened the Rimmarita clinic, which Rimma Moisenko now runs alone - the sisters have a cool relationship. The queen is more famous, but Moisenko makes it clear that she has always been a real specialist in their tandem.

What is famous for: From year to year she calls herself to wish happy birthday to all clients - even those who just went to her for a massage a long time ago. According to old memory, she can inject Botox or Restylane with her own hands, actresses really appreciate her as a cosmetologist: “Rituli has golden hands”

Circle of patients: Brand slogan "Margarita Koroleva - stars lose weight with her!" And there really is something like a branch of Ostankino. It is understood that Baskov and Babkina serve as an inspiring example for ordinary citizens.

Price: An hour of consultation with the Queen - 7500 rubles, the duration of the first consultation - from 4 to 6 hours: everything begins with an explanation of the basics of anatomy, biochemical processes in the body, and so on. Mandatory blood tests, including hormones, minerals and genetic factors, ultrasound examination, etc.

Where to find it: In 2005, she opened her own "Center for Aesthetic Medicine" at Petrovka, 19, building 1. A branch has recently appeared on Leningradsky Prospect (St. Konstantin Simonov, 4, building 4)

Mariyat Mukhina

Method features: Mukhina's secret is extremely simple: a low-carb, but at the same time quite balanced and varied diet, plus a ban on eating after 18 hours. The inevitable feeling of excruciating hunger is extinguished with the help of the patented "Mukhina's earring" - a needle inserted into the tragus of the ear and connecting two acupuncture points responsible for appetite. Mukhina herself explains it this way: “At the same time, a healing channel is formed between the points, which has a positive effect on the entire body.” In addition, patients are required to keep a record of each piece eaten in a special notebook and periodically come to the clinic for control measurements. If the measurement results are unsatisfactory, the doctor analyzes the entries in the diary and makes the patient an appropriate suggestion. If weight loss is going very fast, additional acupuncture sessions are performed - so that the skin does not sag in folds. When the doctor believes that the client's weight has returned to normal, the earring is solemnly removed (even if the person expresses a desire to lose another seven kilograms in order to become, for example, a fashion model). But after that, some will have to “get on the needle” again: people relax, believe that they now have a different metabolism, joyfully pounce on food and put on new kilograms. Many, however, hold on. One of the reasons is banal - sorry for the money spent.

How it started: Until recently, for the "earring Mukhina" had to go to Tver, where she has her own clinic.

Known for: Despite the fact that there is classical Chinese acupuncture (which is also used for weight loss), Mukhina's "golden earring" has been an object of counterfeit for several years.

Circle of patients: The widest, but mostly women.

Price: The first appointment - 6900 rubles, each subsequent - 3500 rubles. Acupuncture figure correction (with normal weight) - 6900 rubles. Acupuncture face lifting - 4000 rubles. per session

Where to find it: In clinics "Origiteya" (st. Taldomskaya, 17 and st. Koroleva, 24). However, mostly other doctors trained by Mukhina are treated there.

Marianna Trifonova

Method features: Separate meals are not welcome here. Trifonova claims: “This is a populist theory, not scientifically substantiated. The most important thing is a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables and cereals, without excess animal protein, and, of course, canned food and other harmful products. An analysis is made for individual food intolerance - "Hemotest", a method developed by domestic medicine in the middle of the last century. 96 products are being tested - those to which the body reacts neutrally will be considered basic in the diet. The rest are recommended to be consumed infrequently and carefully: the so-called elimination diet allows you to reduce the immune load of food on the body. “She gives good results,” says Trifonova. - But if we had failures, then all of them are due to the fact that patients ignored the recommendations of a nutritionist, relying only on the results of the Hemotest as a panacea. But avoiding unwanted foods is not enough - the diet, the amount of food, normal eating behavior is important. Working with a medical psychologist is very important.” And also: massages, body wraps and physiotherapy procedures - for body shaping.

How did you start: Followed in the footsteps of her mother, Natalya Lvovna Nekrasova, who now runs a medical center in Poland; together they developed an author's technique called "Psychobiocorrection of weight". Additional medical specialty is physiotherapist.

Known for: She has a surprisingly good appearance - bright-eyed, smiling, dimpled, not too thin, but slender. He knows how to present a turnip salad with vegetable oil so convincingly, as if it were the most delicious thing in the world.

Circle of patients: She participated in television projects and advised the stars (tennis player Myskina, Dima Bilan), but in general she sees herself as a people's doctor. “My favorite patient is the middle manager,” she says. - A realist, soberly assesses his capabilities, his place. He wants to be healthy and look good not out of vanity, but in order to earn more efficiently.”

Where to find it: Chief Physician of the Center for Aesthetic and Restorative Medicine "Emerald" (Samotechnaya St., 17a)

You won't find anything. This nutritionist works with showbiz stars, not us laymen. And you can’t go to the first nutritionist you come across. There you will lose not only money, but also health! Believe bitter experience.

04:17 24-12-2006 Alyonka,

The clinic of Margarita Koroleva is not advertised. It is practically impossible for an ordinary person to get there. Lucky people from show business pay 3500 rubles per visit. Enrollment is huge. But the results are amazing! !! !! !

01:44 04-01-2007 Vika,

Fine. .. ..
what kind of blade then really gives results? Can anyone tell me the phone number? .. .

23:25 16-01-2007 Elena,

I want to lose 30 kg, I weigh 100! Help! !! !! !!

12:38 14-02-2007 Oksana,

The diet of Margarita Koroleva is the method of the RIMMARITA medical center - TYPE THE NAME OF THE CLINIC ON THE INTERNET AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS. These are two twin sisters who have been dealing with weight problems all their lives, only it so happened that one sister in the medical center drags all the patients on herself and finds everything new and new, and the second sister - Queen Margarita hangs out with the stars and in the end everything is for some reason they think that this diet is the Queen, but in fact the locomotive of this whole diet is Rimma - Margarita's sister (by the way, few people know that Rimma became the "Person of the Year" in 2006 - there is an article about this in the final magazine "Persons of the Year" , and at the presentation ceremony one could observe Rimma, the sister of Queen Margaret). And if you look at the website of the RIMMARITA clinic, you will not find excerpts from Valeria and Prigozhin's recommendations on nutrition, but you will find complete serious articles and publications that Rimma writes. I don't understand why a doctor in the show business community (I'm talking about Margarita Koroleva) presents the developments of Sister Rimma as if they were his own. And the fact that Vinokur lost weight with Babkina at Koroleva’s is not at all an example - in the Rimmarit center at RIMMA, unpopular people (bankers, businessmen, deputies and ordinary wives by 10, and 20 and 40 kg) are losing weight. I myself am a witness. So what do you think, is it worth it for you to chase the star Queen when her sister and the developer of this whole system, Rimma, works nearby.

16:21 22-05-2013 Angelica…,

Oksana, hello! Found your review by accident! I agree word for word! True, I have known Rimma Vasilievna since 2009, but I have always had only a good opinion of her! She had a huge impact on me when I came to her for a consultation! A very talented doctor, nutritionist, and just a great person!

18:26 01-07-2013 Victoria…,

"Rimmarita" is a wonderful center, I am a regular customer and am very satisfied. I noticed that now the Center has a new beautiful website. There appeared new information, "Terms of franchising." I asked the administration - they told me that, indeed, the center had launched this vector of development. I am interested in this because I have my own spa in the Moscow region, and I am considering expanding the range of services. Franchise clinic "Rimmarita" - an interesting proposal. There, partners will be taught the famous author's method of losing weight by Rimma Moisenko, which has helped many women lose weight, including me. And it will be great if specialists of such a class as Rimma Moisenko appear in the regions. After all, together we will bring more people to beauty and harmony! I am seriously thinking about opening the "Rimmarita" Center in my city. I hope everything works out for me!

Rimma Moisenko is the leading nutritionist of the Lost Too Much project on Channel One in the Health program with Elena Malysheva. Thanks to her advice, all project participants managed to achieve amazing results - everyone lost weight! Rimma Vasilievna, like her sister, the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, helps many stars, politicians and businessmen not only find a dream figure, but also establish harmony with themselves and others. Having developed own methodology, the author solved her problems with extra pounds many years ago and continues to look great today. Now these secrets are available to you! Rimma Vasilievna offers not just another newfangled diet, but knowledge that will teach you how to lose weight comfortably and as quickly as possible. The author is sure that one diet is not enough to achieve this goal: you need to know all the pitfalls that prevent you on the path to harmony. And for this, you just need to determine your psychotype according to the attached descriptions and adjust the program of Rimma Moisenko for yourself with the help of the tools that you will find in this wonderful book.

On our website you can download the book "My slimness program" by Rimma Moisenko for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

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"Golden method of harmony"

The long-awaited book from the creator of the popular and effective method weight loss "Golden Needle", Doctor of Medical Sciences, reflexologist, nutritionist, author of more than 30 scientific works MM. Mukhina. In the book, Dr. Mukhina will reveal to the reader the secrets of his unique method and talk about how to lose weight without hunger, without stress on the stomach, without exhausting exercises, without stress and breakdowns! The publication contains a special diet and a unique body cleansing system, and most importantly, describes in detail the method of acupressure at home by massaging the necessary points, which makes it easy to reduce appetite and solve many other problems that arise in the process of losing weight.

"My fitness program"

Rimma Vasilievna, like her sister, the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, helps many stars, politicians, businessmen and ordinary people not only to find a dream figure, but also to establish harmony with yourself and others. Having developed her own technique, the author solved her problems with extra pounds many years ago and continues to look great today. Now these secrets are available to you! Rimma Vasilievna offers not just another newfangled diet, but knowledge that will teach you how to lose weight comfortably and as quickly as possible. The author is sure that one diet is not enough to achieve this goal: you need to know all the pitfalls that prevent you on the path to harmony. And for this, you just need to determine your psychotype according to the attached descriptions and adjust the program of Rimma Moisenko for yourself with the help of the tools that you will find in this wonderful book.

Dedicated to the memory of my spiritual mentor and heartfelt friend Valentina Tolkunova

One day I came to the conclusion that the main goal of a doctor is to learn to listen to the soul of the patient in order to make him happy.

Not just cure, but make happy!

Rimma Moisenko

From the publisher

You were not mistaken, dear reader, when you picked up this book! And now you will find out why. Are you concerned about your own overweight, your " overweight»?

And you decided to get rid of them - once and for all. Therefore, you get acquainted with the literature on weight loss. After all, any worthy deed is not done just like that: special knowledge and theoretical training are needed. After all, you want to achieve your goal in the shortest possible way and as comfortably as possible, without harming your health. And if you have already had a chance to fight obesity and each time you failed ... You want to know first of all how to cope with difficulties on the way to your health and how to make sure that the lost kilograms do not come back to you again.

But here's the thing: there are a huge number - more than three thousand - weight loss methods and diets that promote weight loss. Thousands of monographs, manuals, popular science publications on the topic of weight loss and obesity treatment have been published - a sea of ​​literature! And the sea of ​​people follows the recommendations of experts.

According to the WHO, today every third inhabitant of the planet Earth is overweight, and one in ten is obese. In Russia, in the army of people with overweight includes 20-25% of our compatriots. And in Russian cities, 20% of men and 40% of women of working age are obese. And this army is steadily growing year by year!

What's the matter? What is the reason for the failures of those people who are trying to get rid of extra pounds? And what recommendations, diets and weight loss methods to follow so as not to repeat the mistakes of others?

You can answer these questions?

Throw away the excess!

Do you like to watch the television program “Health” on Sundays, hosted on Channel One by our dear “chief TV doctor of Russia” Elena Malysheva? If so, then surely every time your interest increases sharply at the very end of the transfer. After all, the last section in it is dedicated to those who are struggling with overweight. "Drop the excess" - this is the name of this unique TV project.

Every year we are approached by a huge number of men and women who dream of losing weight. They dream of returning to themselves - beautiful and young. And of course, we are always ready to help.

What is the help of "Health" for those who want to lose weight? For more than two years, the transmission portal “Health info” (www.zdorovieinfo.ru) has been operating on the Internet. Every day it is visited by 30-40 thousand people. Those who wish to lose weight register on the portal as a participant in the Internet project “Drop Elena Malysheva. The “Health” program of September 10, 2005 is superfluous”, after which they get the opportunity to maintain their own blog, talk about themselves and their problems in it, participate in discussions on the forum, get acquainted and communicate online with “comrades in misfortune”. The blogs of the project participants are read by thousands of people. For those who are most interesting to them, they cast their votes in the rating voting. And every year, in October - November, Elena Malysheva invites 12-14 winners of the All-Russian vote as participants in the project "Drop the excess" - in the program "Health" on Channel One television, in front of millions of viewers!

Let's go

And here, for the future heroes of the program, the most interesting begins. In Ostankino, weight loss and improving the health of the chosen lucky ones are taken seriously. Patients undergo a comprehensive medical examination, they are placed in the hands of the lead nutritionist of the Lose Excess project. And she is far from an ordinary specialist! Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko - leading nutritionist, head and chief physician of the Center for Aesthetics and Health "Rimmarita", candidate of medical sciences, doctor the highest category, cardiac resuscitator and expert in medical and diet food, Member of the Russian and International Societies of Mesotherapy, Dermatocosmetology and Physiotherapy. All the possibilities and resources of the medical center headed by her, and most importantly, the knowledge and professionalism of Rimma Vasilievna herself and her colleagues, are at the service of the project participants. High-class diagnostic and physiotherapy equipment, advanced Russian and international experience in weight loss and obesity treatment, the best pharmaceutical preparations for weight loss…

And, as they say, let's go... A deep medical examination, lectures, psychotraining, the passage of a general program of detoxification of the body, the preparation of individual weight loss programs, physiotherapy procedures...

I could not even imagine that everything would turn out like this, starting from yesterday. More precisely, since the day before yesterday, when they donated blood again and did various studies. Yesterday, there was no way to even think about food. At 8 am, work began at Rimmarit, and then the training. It is impossible to describe in a nutshell… I arrived home at 11 pm, and now at 7:30 I am flying back to the Center.

Petr Kucherenko, participant of the project "Drop the excess 2010", from entries in a personal blog

Project participants visit the Rimmarita Medical Center for examinations, consultations and procedures according to a carefully drawn up schedule, based on individually designed programs. And once a week they visit Ostankino to tell the audience in the Health program about their successes.

Millions of viewers watch week after week how the "lucky project" lose weight. But not only, of course, they observe: from the rubric they learn a lot of useful things about proper nutrition, eating behavior, attitudes towards diets and the principles of losing weight - they learn the system of knowledge that Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko built for them. And, of course, they can see with their own eyes that all this works, because the project participants get rid of unnecessary body fat right before their eyes!

In the project "Lose excess 2009" twelve participants dropped a total of 428 kg in a year! And therefore, viewers who are burdened by excess weight, following them, also begin to follow the advice from the Health program.

But how much can you tell about such a multifaceted process as getting rid of excess weight in a few minutes of air time once a week? And here the Internet comes to the rescue. Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko leads the “School of Beauty and Slimness” on the website, gives “Slimming Lessons”, answers questions from visitors to the portal. Participants of the project "Drop the excess" in their blogs talk in detail about how the process of getting rid of extra pounds goes. They generously share their knowledge and experience gained from Rimma Vasilievna with their virtual guests. And there are a lot of these guests! The participants of the project in the matter of losing weight are followed by thousands and thousands of visitors to "Health info" - from all over Russia, from the CIS countries, from far abroad!

Dear chubby girls, let's declare war on fat! Lose weight with you on the other side of the screen!

From the forum entries of the “Reset the excess” heading of the Internet portal “Health info”

And people get great results! So if you, dear reader, are not yet a member of the project, do not get lost! Connect to the Internet, register on the Health info portal and lose weight together with the participants of the Lose Excess project - under the guidance and online consulting support of Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko.

And now about the most important thing: why do you need a book that you hold in your hands.

About the most important

This book was written by Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko, a brilliant specialist, under whose patronage the participants of the television project “Lose Too Much” have been successfully losing weight for the third year already, as well as thousands of people who follow her program and instructions on the Internet.

But the question is: are there many brilliant specialists in the world? How is this book different from the three thousand scientific and non-fiction books about weight loss that we talked about?

It is distinguished by the uniqueness of the author's approach given in it to ... no, not to the physiology of weight loss. And not even to the process of getting rid of excess weight.

And then why?

Not for what, but for whom ...

Remember famous saying Albert Einstein? " It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.”

This book was written by a doctor who solves the problem of excess weight "according to Einstein." And the “next level” (or know-how) of the Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko weight loss program lies in a unique approach to the patient himself. To you, dear reader. This approach is so effective that just by reading about it, you will lose a couple of extra pounds - without resorting to any diets, without changing your eating behavior and food habits! But what it consists of, you will learn from the book itself. Now it is enough to say one thing: remember the professional credo of the author, it is formulated in the epigraph ...

“If all doctors were like her, then people would not be afraid to contact them. I have never met doctors who love their patients so much. Rimma Vasilievna already sees her wards as slim and healthy. And so they begin to believe in themselves and they really succeed in something that did not work out before.

Oksana Ponomareva, Chief Editor Internet portal "Health info"

After reading this book, you will not only gain the knowledge necessary for successful weight loss. First, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself. Secondly, you will be able to look at yourself as if from the outside, understand and accept this “stranger” person to you. And you will clearly see how you can help him. And therefore - thirdly - one day you will find yourself in a new - beautiful! - quality.

Are you intrigued?

Then follow the call, which in this short preface is repeated by the refrain: “Read on!”

Opening remarks by Elena Malysheva

I met Dr. R.V. Moisenko more than two years ago. It was a difficult time for the project "Reset the excess", which was on the program "Health" on Channel One. We were looking for a competent doctor who could take responsibility for 12 people. All people with overweight first of all unfortunate, and only then complete. All project participants were not only overweight, but also had many different diseases, as well as domestic problems and so on.

I will not hide the fact that already at the first meeting I really liked Rimma Vasilievna. She is not just a nutritionist and specialist in aesthetic medicine, she is a resuscitator, candidate of medical sciences. In a word, as a professional, she immediately approached us. And then the hard work began. Losing weight came to us every month. They underwent complex examinations and procedures at the clinic of Dr. Moisenko, they complained about life to her, experienced all their family problems with her. It always amazed me that this woman had high spirits every day, she found time to talk to everyone personally! Her mobile phone was at all losing weight, and they all called her daily many times !!!

Probably, Rimma Vasilievna is exactly the doctor that every person dreams of: she treats not only with medicines and devices, but also with a word. The result is just wonderful! Everyone is losing weight!!!

Many participants of our project, having shed their excess, got married, met new friends, founded their own business. And behind each victory of each patient was the enormous work of this beautiful and intelligent woman. On television in the Health program, we showed a thousandth of what was in the project. Work remained behind the scenes, and in the frame - only the victories and achievements of our thinners.

Together with Dr. Moisenko we worked for two years. And I am glad that she wrote a book - this is not only television, this is everything that she did before us and will do after us. The book contains the main thing that a woman wants to know about how to change and start a completely different life. Read and you will change! Today Rimma Vasilievna is a person with whom I am just friends. I often see her as a patient. After all, I am also getting better and losing weight and also need professional advice. And every time we think, is it not worth it to repeat our two years of experience on television in the project "Drop the excess". Most likely, we will start again, because getting rid of extra pounds is more than losing weight! It means seeing yourself as a different person - happy and independent. This is the opinion of an excellent doctor - Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko. And all her patients agree with her, including me.

Elena Malysheva,

host of the Health program on Channel One, professor

Opening remarks by Tatiana Vedeneeva

We met Rimma Moisenko 2 years ago on the set of the TV program "Health", where we were both invited as experts in proper nutrition. Rimma Vasilievna - as an excellent nutritionist, me - as a manufacturer of high-quality sauce. It is a great happiness when in life you manage to meet a like-minded person and a kindred spirit. And although starting from the age of 17, having acted in films for the first time, I solved the problem with weight once and for all, I irresistibly wanted to continue communicating with this extraordinary woman.

Rimma Moisenko is not only a high-class professional, she is a "accumulator" of positive energy, which she generously shares with others. This is a rarity these days. I began to constantly visit the Rimmari-ta clinic, to surrender to the caring hands of the staff, who support my external beauty. Often I understand that I just want to talk with Rimma Vasilievna, smiling and light, in order to relax my soul, to balance my thoughts and inner feelings.

Yes, to be healthy and look good, you can not do without a diet, but this is only half the battle, even just a part! Next, you need to understand and realize with your whole being what proper nutrition and the right way of life. But that's not all. It is important to find incentives, moral support and understand what kind of like-minded society of people you are striving to become. And here, dear readers, I want to tell you - CONGRATULATIONS!

You are lucky that you took this particular book off the shelf, because you will receive not only knowledge and highly professional advice. You will communicate with a person who, through the pages, will transfer part of his soul, his energy, and this will help you not only lose extra pounds, but also mountains of other problems!

Tatyana Vedeneeva

Opening remarks by Barbara

Today there is a lot of talk about the right way of life. The fact that each of us strives for the best, and for some reason this best eludes us. We hear a lot about harmony, but only a few know what it is and how to achieve it. The path to achieving this state is different for everyone, but the advantage is the same. When a person is in harmony with himself, the world around him also acquires the features of orderliness, and people, accordingly, become more successful and happy. To find the desired harmony, you should pay attention to how you react and what you feel in this life today. Personally, I live in the present, not in the past or the future. Going out onto the balcony, I take a deep breath of air, look at the sun, rejoice in the rain - this is what surrounds me now. And it is in this “now” that I live, and not in my ideas and aspirations. I feel the joy and charm of moments, I love what I have, and I have long ceased to suffer about what I don’t have. I try to erase all negative experiences. I have long since given up saying things like “this makes me mad,” “I hate my job,” “I don’t have any friends,” “I’m unhappy,” or “no one loves me.”

I say only positive phrases that express how I would like to see myself: for example, “I am a happy person”, “I succeed in everything”, “I have everything I need”. Thoughts are material, so our head should have as many bright ideas and desires as possible.

I have been very lucky in my life. I met a large number of kind, bright people. A few years ago, on tour in Bashkiria, I met a real, kind, very wise woman, a great artist Valentina Vasilievna Tolkunova. The tours were hard: every day moving, buses, road, hotels, spectators. But I noticed that, despite the general, I would say massive, fatigue, Valentina Vasilievna was always with a smile on her face, always in high spirits, with a full visual parade. She was positive and infected everyone around her with it. For 10 days of touring, I never noticed sadness and fatigue on her face. In the morning she fed the birds, in the evening she took a walk before going to bed, talked a lot about her life, recalled funny things and laughed wonderfully. She always and everywhere was in a good mood. Her internal positive attitude also affected external data. Valentina Vasilievna was a bright, very beautiful, always fit and elegant woman. For me, it became a confirmation of the truth that a person looks exactly the same on the outside as on the inside. If he carries good energy in himself, then no wrinkles are afraid of him.

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko, my teacher and mentor, also a positive and joyful person. Even in the most difficult moment, he will not show the weaknesses of his character, will not give up weakness and will not fall into despair. He taught us, his students, the main thing - DO NOT DESPAIR and DO NOT GROW. “You are the masters of your own life. And it will be as you want, ”the master inspired us.

There is another person in my life who made my world harmonious. This Rimma Vasilievna Moisenko- a woman who changed me and in many ways determined my life priorities. She taught me how to react, look, eat, experience and “chew”. There are no unnecessary details in her work. Everything has its place and meaning. She is a good friend, doctor, psychologist. When you come to her medical center, you feel the sincerity and sincerity of people. Rimma managed to gather real like-minded people around him. Together they are able to enrich any person, make him stronger, better, wiser. Her philosophy of life largely determined mine. I stopped being afraid of what used to shock me, I know how to get rid of the excess and how to emphasize the best.

You can achieve harmony and peace with yourself with the help of this wonderful book, so carefully written by a high-class nutritionist and a wonderful person who understands how important it is for each of us to feel support, tune in to the rhythm of harmony with the world around us and ourselves. I am sure that people who want to change their world for the better, having familiarized themselves with the approach and advice of Rimma Vasilievna, will be able to achieve the most best results. And most importantly, they will find answers to the most pressing questions and learn to see the beauty of this world.