Horses and their breeds. Variety of types and breeds of horses

For many centuries, horses have been loved and respected all over the world. They were used as a working animal in agriculture and other industries, as well as in military affairs and for sports purposes. The diverse needs of people throughout the history of their communication with the horse have caused the need to create and form highly specialized breeds of horses. According to some agencies in 1993, there were 427 breeds worldwide. However, below is a list of only ten of the most famous and numerous.

The Andalusian horse is the most famous horse breed in Spain, originally from the Iberian Peninsula. Distributed throughout Europe. As a separate breed it was recognized in the 15th century. Throughout its history, the Andalusian horse has been highly prized among the nobility and has been known for its prowess. These are medium-sized (150-160 cm) strongly built, elegant horses with a long mane and tail. Considered one of the most beautiful breeds in the world.

The Welsh Pony and Cob is a breed of horse that originated in Wales, UK. These small horses, whose height ranges from 112 to 163 cm, are known for their endurance, courage and high level intellect.

The Tennessee Walking is a famous breed of horse that originated in the southern United States in the late 18th century. The height of the breed is 147–173 cm, weight 410–540 kg. Known for their supple disposition and soft gait.

The Morgan is a compact, refined breed, one of the earliest horse breeds developed in the United States. Known for its versatility. used as draft horse, running, ubiquitous mount, and as cavalry horses during the American Civil War. Their height varies from 145 to 157 cm.

The Appaloosa is a very hardy breed of horse bred in the United States by the Nez Perce Indians living in the eighteenth century in northeastern Oregon. The breed is known for its spotted coat. Horse height 142–163 cm, weight 450–500 kg.

Thoroughbred riding - a breed of riding horses originally from England. They are the fastest horses in the world, which are short distances able to develop average speed about 60 km/h. The absolute record belongs to a stallion named Beach Rekitu, who in Mexico City at a distance of 409.26 m has a speed of 69.69 km / h. The height of a thoroughbred riding horse is 157–173 cm, with an average of 163 cm.

Mini-horse - a breed of horses characterized by low stature (up to 86 cm). Distributed in many countries, especially in Europe and America. Mini horses are natural jumpers, they are friendly and interact well with people. For this reason, they are often kept as family pets. They are also used instead of guide dogs.

The American Paint Horse is a muscular, strong breed of horse that combines the working qualities of a cowboy horse with an elegant piebald suit. The growth of this breed varies between 142–160 cm. The average life expectancy is 31 years.

The American Saddle Horse is the most popular riding horse breed in the United States, created in the 19th century by breeding Thoroughbreds, Canadians and Morgans. It is the most numerous breed in the world (about 4.6 million individuals are registered). Their height varies between 142-163 cm, weight 430-545 kg. They have a quiet and friendly nature. Easily trainable.

Arabian horse- a universal ancient breed of horses that arose on the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th - 7th centuries. It is one of the most recognizable and well-known horse breeds in the world. Differs in high endurance, especially in runs over 100 miles. Their average height is 153.4 cm. Many of the representatives of this breed live up to 30 years.

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Since man tamed the horse, more than one hundred breeds of these animals have appeared in the world. They have different leg strength, body outlines, color, mane length, head shape and other parameters. Representatives of different breeds of horses are completely different from each other. The article contains beautiful, original and rare varieties. A photo and description will help to understand the diversity.

Ancient elite varieties

The horse has earned the characteristics of a beautiful and noble animal. A thoroughbred horse of a prestigious breed is valued at the level of an expensive car. Elite types include:

  • Akhal-Teke;
  • Frisian.

Arabian horse

Arabian horse- a popular hero of old fairy tales, ballads and epics. This is a national treasure of the Eastern peoples. He has his own birth legend. Purebred representatives of the Arabian breed of horses are by far the most expensive. Animals are distinguished by intelligence, ease of training, devotion to the owner, endurance. They are graceful and characterized by a soft step, which does not interfere with the high speed of running. The unprecedented charm of the horses is given by the cock-like shape of the tail. The horses have a neatly planted head, extremely thin slender legs.

Attention! Arabian horses became the ancestors of various European horse breeds.

Akhal-Teke got its name from the locality of the same name in Turkmenistan. Options :

  • chestnut;
  • black;
  • gray with silver, cream or chocolate hues.


The appearance explains the horse's popular nickname - "golden". Her fur shimmers in the sun. Blue eyes add beauty to the animal. In business, the Akhal-Tekes are quick-witted, fast and hardy - real oriental horses.

friezes bred in the Dutch region of Friesland. It is also an old breed of horse. Today, it is usually used for decorative purposes: photo shoots, cinema, ceremonies, royal carriages. The use in sports and for work tasks is limited due to the small number of purebred livestock.

The color of the horses is predominantly jet black. The mane is thick, flowing in curls. The figure of the frieze is powerful and beautiful. The animals themselves are kind, easily amenable to coach training.

Attention! A distinctive feature of the Frisians is a long woolen edging at the hooves.

Modern decorative horses

According to one of the versions, intentional derivation Azeri horse no one did. Animals appeared in the former Soviet republic. Now these horses are hardy, strong, active and undemanding in food. People use them to move around mountainous areas. The Azerbaijani horse is malleable for learning. It is customary to keep it in the herd.

American riding horse or the saddlebred has been bred in the US for several decades. The difficult process eventually paid off. The horse most often has a red color that is pleasing to the eye. The wool is glossy and soft. The muzzle of the animal is neat, proportional to the body, the ears are sharp, and the eyes are set wide. According to the estimates of horse shows and ratings, the breeders turned out to be a beautiful breed.

american riding horse

Another representative of the rocks. A native of the Spanish Pyrenees has an ancestor - the Arabian horse - and often found herself in the saddle of European monarchs. It is beautiful to prance on it at the parade and move long distances. The Andalusian horse was harnessed to teams or used in sports disciplines. The horse has a gray coat color, tall, refined body shapes and a proportional head. In movement, he raises his legs high, so he looks graceful.

Rare and unusual varieties

The suit of a horse breed called knabstrupper similar to the coat color of Dalmatian dogs. Black spots on white look original. There are horses with red spots, as well as with a marble or trout suit. In the latter, the speckles are small, find each other and mix with white villi.

Breed Knabstrupper bred in Denmark, but the history of its appearance is vague. Now the spotted variety is considered rare due to declining numbers. The preservation of thoroughbred horses is carried out by a special private organization in Denmark. The body of the horse looks strong and slender.

Horses are classified as rare marwari or Malani, whose homeland is in India. Historians believe that the Arabian horse belongs to the ancestors of the breed. They fought on Malani, traveled, worked in the field, played polo. In the 20th century, the population declined. It was only possible to restore it last years, but even today the export of Marwari from India is limited. Piebald and gray specimens are especially highly valued.

Attention! The strong and graceful horse has unusual ears. They are bent inward, rotated 180° and often even intersect one with the other.

breed Falabella often confused with ponies. However, according to zoological features, this is a horse. The only similarity with a pony is its modest size. There are at least 4 versions of the origin of animals. It is believed that their size was influenced by genetic mutations, a lack of mineral components in pastures, or climate. The horses were bred in the mountainous regions of Argentina.


breeders Iberian horses proud of their purity. The Spanish breed was formed at a stage when the state was under the rule of the Moors. Black horses are born to ride. The characteristics of horses are lightness and speed.

Domestic decorative varieties

Russian horse breeders, commissioned by titled persons, also tried to breed beautiful thoroughbred horses. Notable examples include Orlovsky trotter , in the appearance of which in the XVIII century Count Orlov invested his strength and money. Today, the horse breed is included in the pantheon of the best in the world. Animals have a strong, graceful and light body. While running, they seem ready to take off, so the Orlovites are found in films and in the paintings of famous artists.

Orlovsky trotter

At the end of the 20th century, the breed almost ceased to exist. She was saved by enthusiasts from Russia and France. Now the Oryol trotter is again sold at auctions, exhibited at world competitions. However, the population size has not yet made a qualitative breakthrough.

Other types:

  • Donskaya. On the Don they are proud of the Cossack breed of the same name. The Don horse is strong and beautiful. Red mares are especially valued, whose hair casts a golden sheen. Animals are easy to care for, trainable, loyal.

Welcome to the extensive section on horse breeds. It's no secret that all horses differ in various ways. To group breeds, many classifications are used, based on origin, structure, economic and productive use, distribution areas, and so on.

In our country, breeds are traditionally distributed according to zootechnical classification proposed by A. S. Krasnikov (1978):

  • Forest.
  • Mountain.
  • Steppe.

Factory and transitional:

  • Riding.
  • Horse harness.
  • Uryazhenye.
  • Trotting.
  • Heavy.

Any breed can easily be assigned to a certain group according to the sum of the signs, often even the names of the breeds indicate the belonging according to the classification. For example, the Ukrainian riding breed, the Soviet heavy truck, the Belarusian draft.

Some breeds of horses have been known since ancient times, but the main variety of breeds appeared in the eighteenth-twentieth century. Since the second half of the twentieth century, sports breeds have acquired the greatest promise, this is due to the decrease in the importance of cavalry and the development of mechanization.

In modern horse breeding it is known about 300 breeds of horses, less than half of which are the most numerous and popular. Common in Russia about 50 breeds horses.

To choose a horse breed, you should thoroughly study all the features that depend on the history of origin, on the features of use and maintenance, on the current state of the breed, and much more. All this information is contained in full in the descriptions of the breeds in this section of the site.

The history of the origin of the breed is important for understanding some of the characteristics of a particular breed. So, for example, knowing the suits of the breeds involved in breeding new breed, you can say for sure which suits will appear in the breed, and which ones cannot be. Or, taking into account the characteristics of native breeds, for example, the strong hoofed horn of the mountain, one can expect the appearance of these signs in transitional and factory breeds that carry the blood of those local breeds.

Each breed has a purpose, a sign on which the selection was carried out.. Therefore, when choosing a horse breed, its economic importance plays an important role. After all, using a thoroughbred riding horse to transport logs is unlikely to occur to anyone, just like demanding high results from percheron in show jumping. But there are quite versatile breeds that can perform various tasks with good performance. So, friezes are good in the harness for which they are bred, and comfortable under the saddle. Often such versatility is inherent in draft breeds and aboriginal ones.

Horse breeds also have external differences, such as height at the withers, characteristic colors, and many others. So, the friezes can only be black, the Mavari has a very remarkable shape of the ears, some of the horses of the Transbaikal breed are distinguished by curly hair, and they mostly have golden colors. The average height of horses of factory breeds is 155-180cm, aboriginal 130-150cm, but there are exceptions. Shires, Brabancons, Percherons are huge, and Falabella are the tiniest horses.

Horse breeds have differences in character and temperament. This is also an important indicator for choosing a breed. considered ardent, hot, horses - persistent, honest, friendly, most breeds and phlegmatic.

Photos of typical representatives of the breeds give a visual representation of the horses. Exterior photographs are presented, photos in motion and at rest, as well as helping to comprehensively evaluate the breed.

Breeds differ in terms of maintenance and care. So, the Akhal-Teke and breeds have different comfortable ambient temperatures. Some breeds do well on a poor, meager diet, while others are demanding on the nutritional value of the feed.

All these and some other characteristics and features of the breeds are described in detail in the section and will help you determine your breed preferences or choose the breed of horses you like best.

There are many breeds of horses on earth. Some appeared by mixing different breeds, others - thanks to nature. In the circle of true connoisseurs of these animals, disputes do not stop about what breed of horses can be given the palm for beauty. It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question, since each of these breeds deserves to be the first.

Relying on the opinion of experts and horse lovers, you can make a list of the most beautiful breeds in the world. In order not to give priority to any particular breed, the five most beautiful horses will be presented in alphabetical order.

Andalusian horse

The homeland of the Andalusian horse is one of the provinces of Spain. They participated in royal parades, carried kings, took part in knightly battles and witnessed conquistador campaigns.

There are many ancient descriptions about the version of the origin of this breed. According to one of them, in 711, Spain was subjected to a Muslim attack. The invaders were on their horses, which appearance were similar to the Portuguese ponies Soraya. It is possible that local horses were crossed with Muslim counterparts. After that, a lot of events happened before the Andalusian breed of horses received official recognition in the second half of the 20th century.

Andalusian horses are very beautiful and graceful. A special decoration of these animals is a long thick mane and a lush luxurious tail. This gives them irresistibility and pomposity.

The main characteristics of the breed:

  • The height of the Andalusian horse ranges from 155 cm at the withers to 160 cm.
  • Weight about 400 kg.
  • The head is medium in size, with high-set ears.
  • The eyes are expressive, large and almond-shaped.
  • The neck is well developed and strong, with a beautiful and smooth curve passing into the back.
  • The chest is wide and powerful, with well-developed muscles.
  • Legs are a little short.

These horses are bay, dark bay or black. Occasionally you can find a buckskin, red or isabella suit.

Andalusian horses have a Spanish temperament - they are strong, bold and energetic. By nature, they are very kind and sociable. They are easily trained and quickly get used to the owner.

Bright representatives of this breed are used for performances in the circus, various parades, festivals and in filming. They also take part in driving competitions.

Arabian Thoroughbred

This breed is rooted in antiquity (fourth century AD). Their homeland is the Arabian Peninsula.

Their hallmark is a concave head, large eyes, slender legs and a cock-like tail. They have special endurance, strength and good health. Black, chestnut and gray suit are essential for this breed. These graceful horses have a friendly disposition, good memory and great mind.

The Arabian Thoroughbred has a high life expectancy. Some individuals live up to 30 years. In addition, they have a high fertility. The mare is capable of producing offspring until old age.

Representatives of this breed have typical divisions:

  • Siglavy is a horse of medium build (the most common).
  • Coheilan is an animal with a strong physique and excellent racing abilities.
  • Hadban - taller and stronger than siglavi. The horse has endurance with excellent athletic qualities.
  • Coheilan Siglavy - This breed is a cross between a Coheilan and a Siglavy. Possesses high working capacity.

Arabian horses are used mainly for horse races and races. This breed of horses is widespread throughout the world, including in Russia. Here they are bred at stud farms in Moscow and Tver.

Akhal-Teke horse or Akhal-Teke horse

This breed was bred about 5 thousand years ago in Akhal-Teke (modern Turkmenistan). The Akhal-Teke horse belongs to purebred breeds, since during this time it has not crossed with anyone. Despite the fact that the sultry heat is familiar to these horses, they adapt well to other climatic conditions.

Akhal-Teke horses cannot be confused with any other breed. The graceful forms of Akhal-Teke horses resemble a cheetah. Due to the slender build and the presence of long lines, this horse breed is called a supermodel:

  • The height of an adult at the withers is from 155 cm to 160 cm.
  • Chest circumference of at least 175 cm.
  • The head is large, with a curved profile.
  • The ears are thin and set high.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, intelligent.
  • The neck is high, long, flexible.
  • The legs are long and strong.

Most often, among the Akhal-Teke horses, there are golden-red, tan, golden-bay and black colors. In rare cases, you can find isabella suit. The coat is smooth and beautiful and has an unusual satin sheen.

Compared to representatives of other breeds, Akhal-Teke horses are rather wayward. They have great affection for the owner. A stranger is not allowed to approach him for a long time. It also happens that the change of the owner negatively affects the psyche of the animal. Horses of this breed are very smart, proud and self-respecting. They are from the category of animals whose trust must be earned. Only by becoming a friend, you can see the eternal devotion and love of this horse.

This breed is used as a horse, so it can be seen in all types of equestrian sports. Every year the best representatives Akhal-Teke breed take part in the beauty contest, which takes place in their homeland - in Turkmenistan. There are monuments to Akhal-Teke horses in Ashgabat and other cities of the republic.

These graceful thoroughbred horses are bred in many countries of the world. IN Russian Federation they are bred in the Moscow region, the Stavropol Territory and Dagestan.

Orlovsky trotter

The name of this breed was given in honor of Count Alexei Orlov, who put a lot of effort into the development of these horses. The Oryol light draft horse was bred by mixing several breeds, such as Danish, Arabian, Dutch, Mecklenburg and others. She received worldwide recognition in the 18-19th century.

Orlovsky trotter has a fairly large size:

  • The growth of an adult animal reaches from 162 to 170 cm.
  • Weight from 500 to 550 kg.
  • Long, muscular, strong body.
  • The legs of these horses are beautiful and strong.

As a rule, Oryol trotters are beautifully built and have a frisky run. The color of this breed is gray, dappled gray, dark gray, light gray.

Oryol trotters are very hardy and fast thanks to the Arabian genes in their blood. Friendliness, complaisance and diligence are the main character traits of these horses.

Thanks to the ability to hold the head correctly and evenly and the beautiful bend of the neck, Oryol trotters look great in harness and are used in equestrian sports. They are also widely used for tourism.

They are also very popular at international auctions and exhibitions. As a rule, they always take prizes. The Orlovsky trotter is the pride, symbol and national treasure of Russia.

Friesian breed

This breed of horse was bred in the 16th-17th century in the north of the Netherlands, in the Frisian province. The Friesian horse appeared due to the crossing of a local breed with Spanish horses, at a time when the Netherlands came under the rule of Spain. The Frisians have been under frequent threat of extinction, but they have always managed to be saved.

The Friesian breed is considered the most beautiful in the world among draft dogs, for which it received the name "Black Pearl". They are all like a match - black, which in sunlight reflects a dazzling brilliance. This breed belongs to heavy trucks and has one feature - lush and long processes of wool falling on the hooves. In addition, they have a bushy tail and thick mane. At the first glance at the black giants, beauty and majesty are felt. a brief description of breeds:

  • The height of an adult horse is about 160–165 cm.
  • Weight about 600-680 kg.
  • The head is large, elongated. The profile is straight, with short ears.
  • The neck is muscular, with a beautiful bend.
  • The back is strong with an elongated body.
  • The legs are strong with powerful hooves.
  • The coat is short and shiny.

The Frisians are famous for their good nature to both adults and children. They are very energetic and learn to ride with ease. These horses have excellent memory and working capacity.

Now they are used as an ornamental breed. They take part in exhibitions, parades and various photo shoots. Also friezes are allowed for driving.

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    Numerous types of horses have been helping a person in housekeeping for a very long time. When the domestication of these animals occurred is not exactly clear. But it can be said quite rightly that the benefits from them are enormous: they help to pull the plow in the field, and in cities, and even serve in the mounted police. All breeds of domestic horses are divided according to various criteria, which you will learn about on our website.

    Classification of horse breeds

    IN modern world the main breeds of horses are in the amount of 300 species, and about five dozen of them are bred in countries former USSR. Some unified classification of horse breeds has not yet been established. However, in the countries of the former Soviet Union they were still divided, highlighting factory and local species.

    The group of factory animals includes animals bred in conditions artificially created by man. These types of horses have high performance and are divided into 4 groups according to their productive qualities:

    • heavy draft;
    • draft;
    • horse harness;
    • riding.

    Local breeds were formed in conditions close to natural. They also have good working qualities and are also well adapted to certain climatic conditions. In this category, such groups of horses are distinguished as:

    • forest;
    • mountain;
    • steppe.

    From the colorful and interesting articles on our website, you can learn in detail about the most popular horses and their features. Well, briefly about some breeds of horses with photos and descriptions, we suggest reading right now.

    factory breeds

    Each breed of factory horses corresponded to the task assigned to it. So, riding horses are intended purely for riding and participating in equestrian sports events. They have a lighter build, increased agility and dense muscles.

    The horse harness, as the name suggests, is capable of both competing and pulling light weights. Draft horses, on the other hand, have working qualities and a more phlegmatic character. Heavily drafted thoroughbred horses are used in heavy work and therefore have a massive body with a slightly loose constitution. We offer you to get acquainted with the list, which shows the breeds of horses, their photos and descriptions.


    Name and photoDescription
    ThoroughbredIt was bred in Great Britain for the needs of the English army, which needed very fast horses. Most of their formation was played by the love of the British for racing: according to their results, the best individuals were selected for breeding. A thoroughbred horse is distinguished by a small mass, a height of about 160 cm and well-defined muscles.
    AkhaltekeThe birthplace of this breed is Central Asia, where the Akhal-Teke horses were bred to participate in the races. Living conditions have made them resistant to the harsh conditions of the desert and therefore they are very hardy. This horse also stands out for its appearance: its beautiful, subtle body on high legs.
    ArabicIt is considered one of the oldest, and was often used in horse breeding to improve other breeds. Its distinctive feature is excellent fertility and long life. The Arabian horse is famous for its graceful and smooth movements, which can be seen on videos on the Internet.

    horse harness

    Name and photoDescription
    Hungarian half-breedAs the name suggests, this horse was bred in Hungary by crossing local horses with Hanoverian and Holstein breeds. The average height of these horses is 160-163 cm. The Hungarian half-breed is a very smart and extremely quick-witted breed that has achieved great success in international equestrian competitions.
    WielkopolskaThis half-bred horse was first bred to help in agricultural work, as well as to work under the horseback and in harness. Now it is bred in thirty factories located in Poland. Five of them focus solely on her participation in sports, such as driving.
    MorganThe horse, which was one of the first bred in the USA. In the history of this country, they were used everywhere: for riding in a harness, as a mount, and also for participating in races. This breed had a huge impact on the formation of other lines. thoroughbred horses. Morgan is the symbol of the states of Vermont and Massachusetts.


    Name and photoDescription
    Russian trotterThis breed was obtained in the 90s of the XIX century, from crossing Oryol trotters with imported American stallions. Due to its performance and excellent sports qualities they were very widespread. Now they are often used to improve other draft breeds.
    ThorianA breed bred in Estonia, which adopted its name from the plant where it was obtained. They are distinguished by a harmonious physique and excellent working qualities. Now they are successfully working in the Swedish police, as well as in the Moscow circus. They are often used as walking ones, and, thanks to their kindness, they will never refuse to be photographed or videotaped.

    heavy draft

    Name and photoDescription
    Vladimir heavy truckHorses with great strength, created for the processing of heavy and fertile soils of the Vladimir opolye. Many foreign breeds participated in its creation. Individuals are large, with an energetic temperament, strongly built, may have brushes in the area of ​​the fetlocks.
    PercheronIt is considered one of the best horse breeds in France, and, today, is the most common species in its territory. In addition to chores, they often participate in sports, various show events and are filmed like real stars.


    Local breeds, due to their natural formation in certain climate conditions, are perfectly adapted to work in the steppe, mountainous or forest areas. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them, which will help the list of horse breeds presented below.

    Name and photoDescription
    It belongs to the northern forest species and is perfectly adapted to the harsh climate of Yakutia. This is a short horse, covered with thick hair, capable of working both under saddle and in harness. In addition, warm clothes are sewn from her fur in her homeland, and the meat is eaten.
    AltaiLocal rock, formed in natural conditions of the mountainous regions of the Altai Territory. Typical representatives of these horses are usually low, about 140 cm at the withers, and show themselves well under saddle, pack and harness.
    KazakhThe breed of the steppes, which is still very popular in its homeland. There are 2 different types: adaev - a riding horse with a light constitution, and jabe - little Pony with thick coat and muscular compact body.