Altai horse description. Breeds: Altai and New Altai horse

The most popular direction of animal husbandry in Gorny Altai is horse breeding. Various breeds were often brought into the region, but only those that could adapt to the harsh mountain climate and year-round grazing were able to take root. The attraction of this region is the Altai horse. Even nomadic peoples began to use these hardy and hardworking animals for work in a team. Also, the Altai breed of horses was effectively used as saddle and pack animals. It has not lost its relevance to this day.

An Altai horse appeared, still III-IV century. BC. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, during which the remains of ancient animals were found. The formation of the breed was facilitated by the climatic conditions of the Altai Territory, with its mountainous and foothill reliefs. Habitual for animals has become herd keeping on open pastures in a sharply continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers.

Despite the fact that horse breeding has been practiced in this area since ancient times, Altai horses developed rather slowly. Until the middle of the last century, there were no significant changes in the development of the local breed, which until 1948 was called Oirotskaya, did not occur. They began to pay special attention to selection work only when natural conditions began to change.

In 1978, breeding work was started, aimed at improving the breed of Altai horses. For this purpose, stallions of Russian, Soviet and Lithuanian breeds were crossed with local females.

So in 2000, a new meat breed was bred, called Novoaltayskaya or Chumyshskaya.

This horse is well adapted to herd keeping and is very hardy.

Description and characteristics

Horses of the Altai breed are distinguished by a friendly, calm and good-natured character. They are flexible, hardworking, have good health. Altai horses are predictable, manageable, unforgiving and non-capricious, easily trained and make contact with their master, becoming strongly attached to him. They are friendly to children, willingly riding them.

The Novoaltai breed of horses is considered the most efficient, productive and unpretentious, due to which they can be kept in areas with a harsh climate and a poor food supply. They are also incredibly brave creatures, even capable of fighting wolves. There are cases when herds without human help beat off their foals from predators.


A purebred representative of the Altai breed of horses looks like this:

  • straight profile;
  • powerful body;
  • long back;
  • developed croup, slightly lowered;
  • wide chest;
  • medium sized head;
  • fleshy neck;
  • short thin legs with small brushes;
  • strong hooves (not requiring horseshoes);
  • thick withers and mane;
  • chic tail;
  • average height at the withers - 1.4 - 1.48 m (females are lower than males, approximately 5 cm);
  • body length - 1.4 m;
  • girth of the leg above the hoof (pastern): for a mare - 17-18 cm, for a stallion - 19 cm;
  • chest girth - 1.60 - 1.65 m;
  • average weight- 300-350 kg.

According to their exterior data and measurement results, Altai horses belong to the elite breeds of horses. Animals with improved breeding characteristics reach the following weight with herd content:

  • 2-year-olds - up to 425 kg;
  • 3-year-olds - up to 600 kg;
  • meat horses (Novoaltai breed) - up to 630 kg.

A feature of these horses is the coloring, which is varied. Most often there are animals of such stripes:

  • redhead;
  • gray;
  • bay;
  • black;
  • buckskin;
  • nightingale;
  • savrasaya;
  • mouse;
  • chubaraya;
  • leopard and brindle (rare color).


The Altai horse is the most popular breed used for selective breeding. Stud farms and farms are engaged in breeding selection. And the longer the Altai breeds are crossed with other breeds, the rarer it is possible to meet purebred Altai.

But there are breeders who do their best to preserve a “pure” breed, such as, for example, a spotted Altai horse of a chubar suit. This ancient and extremely rare variety of local horses, similar in color to Dalmatians, is considered the cultural heritage of the Altai Territory.

The Altai horse was actively crossed with Arabian and English horses, resulting in massive and large animals, but with the same endurance as the thoroughbred Altai. When used for breeding Russian heavy trucks, a meat-and-dairy breed is obtained.


Altai horses are bred for year-round herd keeping on grazing. This is facilitated by a large number of pastures and natural ranges. Despite this, the animals are large, tall with excellent productive qualities. The breed is mainly grown on meat and dairy farms in order to obtain meat products and products from koumiss (mare's milk). Sometimes the profitability of breeding reaches 300%. During winter grazing, herds are used for riding and transporting goods.

Mares reach puberty at 18 months, stallions a little later. The case of females begins from 3 years, and males at 4 years. Pregnancy lasts 11 months, during which the body of the female is sensitive to violations of the feeding regime and the rules of keeping, which can lead to miscarriage. The first 6-7 months they can work for full force, from the 9th month it is important to provide them with peace.

Sometimes, when breeding Altai horses, breeders reveal breed defects that relate to appearance and in no way affect the animal’s performance, and its general condition.

Horses with a slight curvature of the back, in the form of peculiar humps to the right or left of the vertebral axis, are considered defective.

For this reason, they are not used for breeding, but, nevertheless, such horses are distinguished by excellent performance. Thoroughbred Altai horses are bred mainly in the southern regions of Altai.


The diet should be developed in strict accordance with physiological characteristics horses. It should be based on the following products:

  • hay;
  • oats;
  • silage;
  • combined feed;
  • bran;
  • fruits and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, apples).

One horse with an average weight of 500 kg per year needs about 4 tons of hay, 2 tons of oats, 1 ton of root crops and 0.5 tons of bran.

General norms for feeding animals, depending on physical activity(feed in %):

not working35-80 20-60 To 10
Lungs50-60 10-20 15-25
Medium40-50 10-30 30-40
Heavy25-40 5-25 50-60

When feeding, you should follow these rules:

  1. Vitamin, mineral and biological supplements must be introduced into the diet. In no case should dirt and dust get into the food. It is strictly forbidden to feed moldy products. Food spoilage can be prevented by providing proper storage preferably in a specially equipped room.
  2. It is necessary to observe the feeding regimen. Altai horses, like most other animals, quickly develop habits, and a violation of the usual diet can lead to a change in their behavior and lead to stress.
  3. Animals should be fed 3-4 times a day, providing constant access to hay. It is better to reduce the single amount of food, but give it as often as possible. Thus, digestion can be normalized.
  4. A working animal should receive food 1-1.5 hours before work. Failure to comply with this rule can provoke malfunctions in the digestive tract, which will result in serious health problems.
  5. It is necessary to ensure stable access to drinking water. In the cold season, it should be heated to room temperature. The rate of fluid intake for adult horse- 30-40 liters per day. It is strictly forbidden to water animals immediately before feeding.
  6. It is important to add salt to your food. You can simply constantly add salt to the food, or you can put special licks in the feeder, which allow you to control the rate of mineral intake into the pet's body. The easiest option is to put a whole block of salt, but visually determining how much the pet has eaten is very problematic.

The Altai mountains and its territories are of great importance in horse breeding. Many elite breeds of horses were brought to this area, but only those who managed to adapt to year-round stay on pastures managed to take root. The Altai breed of horses belongs to the local species, which has proven itself to be efficient, hardy, easily adapting to pasture throughout all seasons. In the process of selection with heavy trucks and other varieties, a characteristic feature of this breed has become high growth, excellent health and balanced temperament.

During excavations at the Pazyryk mounds, it was revealed that the local Altai population bred various breeds of horses, back in the first millennium BC. e.

During archaeological research, remains of the 4th-3rd centuries BC were discovered. e, therefore, the fact remains undoubted that this breed has roots of ancient origin. Horse breeding was a common and favorite pastime of the ancient nomads, accustomed to the harsh mountain climate. The natural relief of the Altai Territory naturally formed the creation of this breed.

Until the 40s of the last century, there were no obvious changes in the breed and the whole development process was rather slow. Changes in climate contributed to the formation of new breed data. For this period, there are not so many purebred Altaians, most of them were crossed with heavy trucks, with thoroughbred horses of English and Arab origin. Greater emphasis has recently been placed on herd horse breeding.

Herd horse breeding

Horses of the Altai breed tolerate the changeable mountain climate well, are not capricious in terms of food and maintenance, nature has endowed them good health and amazing endurance, developed, characteristic of most rocks.

Outwardly, Altai horses do not stand out in any way.

Altai horses are not tall (grow up to one and a half meters at the withers), weigh about three hundred to three hundred and fifty kilograms. Their distinctive feature is a very broad chest, massive body, strong and hind. The head is medium, with a thick muscular neck. A straight back, a long loin, dry and short legs with hard hooves - all this makes a short horse a real heavy truck. They have surprisingly thick manes and tails for rocks.

bay suit

Difficult mountain conditions led the Altai horse breed to the ability to quickly gain weight. Distributed, gray, savras, piebald, mouse and, leopard and tiger individuals are considered rare. One of the features of this breed is the presence of spots on the skin, scattered throughout the body of the horse. Because of this, Altai horses are sometimes called Dalmatian horses.

Chubara suit

The Altai horse is the best working breed. She is unpretentious in care, her needs are minimal, she is very hardy and excels in harsh climates. This is an undeniable advantage in comparison with other varieties.

This breed has a brave spirit, they are able to protect their entire herd from wolves and will not allow attacks on relatives.

Despite their lively nature in relation to the enemy, they get along remarkably well with people, let children and adults approach them without any problems, allowing them to ride on their backs. They are very reserved, kind, have a calm disposition and are easy to train.

The evolution of this breed, gave them very strong hooves, endowed them with brushes and a special structure of the legs. This allows them to work in the most difficult mountainous areas, without the use of horseshoes.

They easily tolerate frosts, have remarkable vitality and adaptability, but despite this, with a decrease in immunity and deviations in the development of the skeleton, there may be a problem with the joints. Special attention should be given to the vascular and cardiac systems, hoof care. There is also a danger of laminitis, morbillivirus pneumonia, mating disease, joint diseases.

Unpretentiousness in content

Horses of the Altai breed are very good-natured, hardworking, easily cope with a large amount of work. Their unpretentiousness and ability to understand people well make them ideal horses for work. Today, they are most often used by reindeer herders; Altai horses are indispensable for long trips through the mountains, which explains their popularity among tourists.

In addition, in the summer, Altai mares can give eight to ten liters of milk per day, which is why this breed also serves on dairy farms.

Selection work

In the twentieth century, scientists began to work on improving the breed. Attempts to cross the Altai horses with horses from England led to the appearance of large, but obedient and unpretentious horses. Heavy trucks were brought to the Altai muscle mass- the weight of such horses reaches five hundred and fifty kilograms.

They all year round are in the pastures. As a result of crossbreeding, Altai horses acquired a high rate of weight gain and rapid growth. There are very few purebred horses currently preserved, but experts are making every effort to revive the population of Altai horses.

Without exaggeration, the Altai horse is the breed that is especially actively used in breeding in Russia. The priority qualities of this breed of horse are their increased endurance, trainability and extraordinary performance. All these characteristic features can be traced in those horses that are bred by crossing the Altai breed with Arabian horses, Russian heavy trucks and riding breeds.

A feature of this breed is the presence of a hump, fluctuating in size. For selection, this is a defect in the animal, although this does not affect the qualities necessary for the workhorse in any way.

In Russia, there are horse breeding farms and farms that are engaged in selection work in their herds. Naturally, the beginning of experimental work in breeding entailed a decrease in representatives of the breed that are purebred. To date, there are very few horses of this level.

In the Altai Mountains, there are special farms designed to preserve the purebred of this breed. Thanks to them, it became possible to revive the most beautiful spotted horses of the chubar suit, which was legendary and had mentions in local epics. Chubary horses from the ancient epic are not only an opportunity to earn money, but they are also a kind of symbol of the Altai culture.

IN the most beautiful places Altai Mountains has been inhabited by a horse of the Altai breed since ancient times. The nomads of ancient times traveled through the steppe and mountain expanses of the region, using hardworking hardy animals. The ancestors of the modern inhabitants of Altai transported belongings over long distances, produced fermented milk products from mares' milk, and ate horse meat.

The nomadic tribes of the ancient Altaians bred horses.

Archaeological excavations of the Pazyryk burial mounds revealed the skeletons of ancient horses, dating from the 4th century BC. BC. It has been found that the ancestors of today's animals are much larger than their descendants. The horse has evolved, adapting to natural conditions.

The very nature of Altai suits herd keeping. A sharply continental climate with harsh winters and hot summers is nothing to these unpretentious animals. From time immemorial, they have been free-range grazing, using rocks, forests, and reeds as shelters. Meadows, meadows with lush grass offered horses food all year round. In winter, they forage for food from under the snow, raking it with brushes over their hooves.

The most valuable breeds of horses were brought to Altai, but only the most hardy ones were able to take root. The development of the breed was slow. And only at the beginning of the forties of the last century did they begin to pay increased attention to selection work with Altai horses.

The modern Altai horse contains the blood of Lithuanian, Russian and Soviet breeds.

In 1978, work began on breeding a local breed with improved qualities of endurance and adaptability. In 2000, the selection was completed, the Novoaltai breed of horses was officially registered. It was obtained by crossing local mares with stallions of Lithuanian, Soviet and Russian breeds.


Due to the existence in mountainous conditions in a harsh climate, local horses are short, height at the withers is 148 cm. Like other breeds, mares differ from stallions in size. They are smaller. The volume of the chest is approximately the same - 165 cm. The diameter of the leg above the hoof is 19 cm in the stallion and 18 cm in the female. The growth of "girls" is five cm lower. Average weight 300 - 350 kg.

Improved breeds with a herd content reach a weight of:

  • two-year-olds 425 kg;
  • three-year-olds 595 kg.

The weight of meat animals reaches 620 kg.

The representative of the Altai breed of horses has a straight profile. long back, strong loin, short slender legs with such strong hooves that they do not need horseshoes. Centuries of existence in rocky mountainous areas have genetically developed similar "shoes" of animals. The pride of the horses was a thick mane, a luxurious tail.

The Altai horse has strong hooves and does not need horseshoes.

The discreet appearance of the Altaians does not in the least detract from the other advantages - diligence, endurance, complaisance, good health, calm character.

Suit these horses:

  • redheads;
  • bay;
  • speckled;
  • mice;
  • black;
  • buckskin.

Occasionally there are tiger and leopard suits.


Horses of the Altai breed have a gentle, calm disposition. Hardworking kind animals enjoy the love of their owners. They are easy to get along with - they are not capricious, predictable, attached to the owner.
These horses are considered the best working breed. Due to their unpretentiousness, adaptability, they are able to work productively in harsh conditions. Despite the good nature, these are surprisingly brave creatures. In the conditions of herd existence, they fearlessly beat off their foals from wolves, without resorting to human help.

Horses always remain true friends, they are easy to train. Their unpretentiousness makes it possible to breed Altai breeds in the food-poor areas.

You can not complain about the nature of these animals. They are manageable, unforgiving, affectionate with their owners. With pleasure ride children and adults.


Altai is one of the most used breeds in breeding. Animals learn surprisingly quickly, instantly adapt to harsh conditions, without losing their incredible performance. Breeders seek to instill these qualities in newly bred breeds.

Tribal breeding is carried out by farms, stud farms. The longer it is carried out, the rarer representatives of thoroughbred horses are found. But there are enthusiasts who are doing painstaking work to preserve such “pure” Altaians as spotted horses chubara suit. They are remarkably similar to Dalmatians. Horses from the epic of the ancient inhabitants of Altai are extremely rare and are considered a heritage of the Altai culture.

Purebred "Altaian" has a beautiful spotted color.


The history of breeding the Altai breed dates back to the 8th-9th centuries. ad. The qualities that distinguish this breed have been laid down for centuries. The man scrupulously selected the individuals that best met the requirements.

In the last century, breeders actively crossed Altaians with the Arab, English breed. This gave large offspring while maintaining friendliness, unpretentiousness, and efficiency.
When breeding meat breeds of Altai, crossing with Russian heavy trucks was used.

Huge spaces of natural ranges and pastures make it possible to keep horses in herds. Farms improve breeds through crossbreeding. Dairy products from mare's milk, meat products from horse meat are popular. Mares give 8-10 liters of milk per day, dairy farms work, producing koumiss and other products. Therefore, grocery horse breeding is gaining momentum in the Altai Territory.

The production of local horses is necessary for delivery to other regions, which provides additional benefits to farmers and horse breeders.


Altai horses are not afraid of rocks, they are very tenacious. If they get sick, they recover quickly. But they have dangerous diseases of the heart, joints, even fainting. From a young age, the owner must carefully monitor the animal. The slightest changes and inconsistencies in the skeleton, location, size of the muscles indicate the need for examination by a veterinarian. Horses experience eczema, dermatitis, and skin rashes. With hypothermia, pneumonia is possible. Therefore, these horses need care, care, like all other pets.

Novoaltai breed

At the end of the last century, work began on breeding a new meat breed of horses. For this, the "Altaians" and representatives of the Lithuanian, as well as Russian heavy breeds were used. From heavy-duty stallions, the offspring took on massiveness, high growth, and the ability to quickly build muscle mass. And from the Altai mares received incredible endurance, meek disposition.
Novoaltaians have a large body, a long body. Rib cage broad, croup slightly forked. Strong muscles are visible under the skin.

Animal parameters:

  • 156 cm height at the withers;
  • 200 cm bust;
  • 23 cm pastern circumference;
  • 167 cm torso length;
  • 620 kg weight.

The uniqueness of the breed is that it is the only one bred in the harsh conditions of the mountainous regions of Altai. Animals are bred with year-round herd maintenance on pasture. At the same time, they are tall, large, retain excellent productive qualities.

In addition to the main meat direction of animals, they are successfully used for the transport of goods and under the saddle. For example, during the winter grazing of herds. The breed is successfully used for the production of koumiss. The profitability of breeding "Altaians" in some years is 300%. There are six lines of genealogy in the breed. According to the exterior and measurements, it fully meets the requirements for the elite.

The Novoaltai breed was bred for the carriage of goods. This breed is also used for meat.

Selection work is carried out in Kazakhstan, Russia. Scientists of the Altai Territory cooperate with scientists from the Department of Horse Breeding of the Moscow Agricultural Academy K.A. Timiryazev, leading its history from the end of the nineteenth century. The Novoaltai breed is considered the largest of the productive species, the pearl of Altai. The breeding of such animals is a great merit of zooengineering not only in the Altai Territory, but also in the country.

Sale, purchase

With the development of selection of thoroughbred horses, it becomes less. But mixed ones appeared, capable of satisfying a variety of needs. There is a horse market where you can buy live weight or breeding horses.

Novoaltai and purebred Altai breeds are in great demand. Farmers willingly buy them for the transportation of goods, the production of meat, koumiss, and other products. Compliant character, good productive qualities are the key to successful trade in unique animals.

An unpretentious horse with a light character has become a favorite of adults and children in the expanses of the former CIS and some regions of Kazakhstan. It is perfectly adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of Altai, Siberia, and the Far East. It is used in various areas of the national economy, where it fully shows its indispensability.

Today, Russian horse breeds surprise with their diversity. In addition, these animals always show strength, power and are very useful for housekeeping. Most breeds meet not only these requirements, but also delight in a special way. appearance.

Most Popular Breeds

The most common are the following varieties.


The Caucasus is a special mountainous region that has become home to original breeds. Kabardian, existing for 3 centuries, is one of the most interesting breeds. She appeared thanks to aboriginal, as well as Arab and Akhal-Teke stallions. Over time, Karabakh blood was added.

Note! Kabardian horses are distinguished by strength, endurance and impeccable health. This was facilitated by year-round grazing on pastures, because in summer you could try forbs, in winter - scarce, but important food.



The Karachay breed is a worthy result of Russian selection, which has been carried out over several centuries. The breed appeared thanks to the steppe horses and Arab, Akhal-Teke blood. Karachay horses are very important for the Caucasian peoples, because they help to graze cattle, make long journeys and carry out field work. Sometimes Karachays of the riding type are used in equestrian tourism and peculiar local games, horse races. various distances. This breed is noted for endurance and energy.

Bashkir breed

In Transbaikalia there is also an aboriginal breed, which is Bashkir. She managed to get used to severe frosts, because even in winter the horses grazed in the steppes. Horses can shovel snow with their hooves to feed on snowy grass. Bashkir horses participated in Patriotic war 1812 and were known as frisky, bold, obedient. This character has continued to this day.

Yakut breed

Yakut horses are among the northernmost. In winter, their coat can grow up to 15 cm. In addition, there is a thick undercoat, which guarantees resistance even to the most severe frosts.

In Yakutia, horses can be kept on pasture even in winter. In addition, they show resistance to long hikes without the slightest rest, equestrian games and competitions. Sometimes animals are bred for quality meat and milk. During the lactation period, mares can produce more than 2500 liters of valuable milk.

Horses of the Budenovskaya breed

The Budennovskaya breed was created in 1948. S. M. Budyonny contributed to the appearance of such thoroughbred horses.

For your information! To create the breed, the Don and thoroughbred horse. As a result, we managed to get a decent army breed.

Among all the breeds of horses in Russia, Budenovskaya is considered one of the most worthy. Her main breed differences:

  • increased resistance to adverse conditions of detention;
  • optimal riding qualities;
  • agility and the ability to quickly cope with any tasks.

Today, the Budenovskaya breed is universal, which is why it is so important for equestrian sports and other areas.

Russian riding

The Russian riding horse appeared thanks to Count A. G. Orlov-Chesmensky. His main task was to create a breed that would be ideal for military operations and even riding in arenas. By the end of the 19th century, Russian riding horses, distinguished by their graceful appearance and complaisant character, began to win in Russian and international exhibitions. After the revolutionary events in Russia and the Second World War, the breed practically disappeared, but since the 1980s. its restoration began. Now such horses in the Altai Territory are considered one of the best.

Russian riding


The Oryol horse is an amazing horse that has become the owner of world records in races. Such a trotter is a worthy pride of horse breeding throughout Russia. These horses are graceful, valiant, good-natured and devoted.

The Orlovsky trotter was named after Prince G. G. Orlov, who in 1778 built the Khrenovsky stud farm, where he transported the best horses of various breeds that had previously been bred in the Mediterranean and various Asian countries.

Note! The Orlovsky trotter appeared thanks to the Arabian horse Smetanka. The stallion was crossed with 4 mares of different breeds and even heirs. From the resulting offspring were selected the best representatives. The efforts paid off.

The description of the trotter is amazing:

  • height at the withers reaches 160 cm;
  • powerful dry physique;
  • thick and soft wool;
  • broad forehead;
  • ears are small;
  • straight profile with a small hump;
  • long neck and legs.

The Oryol horse is one of the most worthy in all of Russia.

Ukrainian riding

The Ukrainian riding horse is recognized as one of the most worthy. She has the right movements and can be dynamic in strong and fast jumps. Many breeders noted her lively temperament. Currently, work continues on the selection and selection of horses in order to improve performance.

Main differences:

  • fighting character;
  • height at the withers reaches 175 cm;
  • beautiful expressive head and long neck;
  • long straight back;
  • strong legs, characterized by pronounced joints, tendons, even hooves.

The Ukrainian riding horse undoubtedly deserves popularity.

Ukrainian riding

Russian heavy trucks

Russian heavy trucks are worthy horses for active agricultural work. As a rule, these horses are unpretentious, prolific, energetic. The name of the breeds speaks for itself, because a horse can pull a load weighing up to 20-26 tons. Some experts are sure that a heavy truck is an ideal heavy draft horse, the care of which will be as easy and fast as possible.

Transbaikal curly

The Trans-Baikal curly horse has existed since 1940, when its appearance was documented. It has Mongolian roots, as it originates from Transbaikalia. And today, among the horses of Primorye, it is the curly-haired Transbaikal that stands out to a greater extent.

Horses can please with amazing endurance, powerful body build. In addition, they are ready to adapt to almost any conditions of detention and even to harsh weather conditions. In winter, horses can graze on pastures, because they are ready to eat almost all feeds.

Note! The horse will be an adult at 5-6 years old. By that time, they reach 140 cm in height and weigh 400 kg.

The curly-haired horse's appearance is significantly different from other breeds. They have strong strong legs and long body. Such differences of the Transbaikal horse allow us to count on its successful maintenance and amazing help.


Altai horses are native to the mountain region of the same name in Russia. In this area, horse breeding has been successfully developing since the time of the ancient nomads. Altai nature ideally contributes to the development of horses due to meadows, mountain onions, river valleys.

The main differences of the Altai horse:

  • medium height at the withers;
  • long powerful body;
  • wide chest;
  • strong legs, distinguished by strong hooves.

It may seem that the horse is unsightly, but in reality it can adapt to almost any conditions of detention. Horses can even carry out transport and cargo work, despite the mountains in the area.

Important! These horses also produce large amounts of milk. For example, in the summer you can get 8-10 liters of milk per day. It is for this reason that horses are successfully used on dairy farms.

Currently, the breeding of horses of the Altai breed is concentrated in the southern part of the Altai Territory. In the central and northern parts, you can find horses with an admixture of trotting and Don breeds.



The Terek breed is universal, so such horses can be found in the Samara region and other regions of Russia. Horses have an attractive appearance. In addition, they can be used for riding and sledding. At present, horses are truly worthy representatives in Russian cattle breeding. This type appeared more than 65 years ago and is still being improved. The main differences between horses:

  • strong and athletic body;
  • a head with a concave profile, and the horses are distinguished by their particular elegance;
  • height reaches 154 cm;
  • withers are developed, which smoothly passes into a wide back;
  • an even croup with a short lumbar part, which is the main difference in the appearance of the horses;
  • dry and developed legs.

Terek horses in the Smolensk region and other parts of Russia are ideal for learning to ride and organizing horse races. In addition, they can be trained, thanks to which they successfully participate in circus numbers.

Russian trotter

The Russian Trotter is a breed that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to Oryol breed, crossed with an American trotter and a Dutch Friesian. As a result, it was possible to create a breed that pleases with a beautiful appearance and amazing speed. Initially, the horses could not please with decent speed, but over the past couple of decades, non-systematic crossings of Russian and American breeds have been carried out. As a result, it was possible to improve the agility of horses and even transform their exterior. Now the breed cannot be called purely Russian.

Note! Russian trotters are especially popular in Tyumen. This is where you can buy a purebred stallion.


The Don breed is a worthy variety of horses. Horses are large and tall, healthy and unpretentious to the conditions of detention. They are ideal for creating cavalry regiments and mounted police.

The ancestor of the Don breed is the steppe horse. Active selection occurred in the 18-19 centuries. The steppe horse crossed with Turkish, Persian, Karabakh and Turkmen breeds, thanks to which today its special appearance and amazing agility are noted.


Among the horses of the Kaluga region and even the northern regions of Russia, many note the Tavda breed. Northern draft horse distributed in the Sverdlovsk, Perm and Tyumen regions. Horses show resistance to the harsh climate and minimal conditions of detention, but at the same time, feeding and caring for them must be at a decent level. Tavda horses can live in swampy and forested taiga regions of Russia, and they are almost always successfully used in cattle breeding and farming.

Tavdinka perfectly tolerates even the most severe frosts. Despite the meager winter nutrition, she can remain well-fed and efficient.

Horses are undersized, but are characterized by:

  • deep body;
  • broad chest and croup;
  • developed muscles;
  • dry strong legs with strong ligaments, hooves.
  • Note! Horses are the shortest in Siberia, but their physique surprises with its massiveness. Weight sometimes reaches 350 kg. Even the head and neck are muscular.

    The Buryat breed is considered ideal in the following areas:

    • horseback riding;
    • draft trips;
    • production of meat and milk.

    The breed has a short but frequent step. Usually, when traveling long distances, it is possible to overcome 5-6 km in 1 hour. At the same time, Buryat horses overcome 11-14 kg at a trot, and 20 km at a gallop in 1 hour.

    In June - July, mares give about 11 liters of milk per day.


    The Obvinskaya breed is considered primitive, as it appeared as a result of natural selection. No selection has been made for this horse.

    It is believed that these horses appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, that is, in the 18th century. In any case, the Obvinsk horses are forest animals. Before Oryol trotters they were considered the best for draft work, but even now they are used for the same purposes.


    Nogai horses became the progenitors for many modern horse breeds in Russia. They are initially distinguished by adaptability to various conditions and amazing speed, thanks to which they are successfully grown and actively work for the benefit of people.

    Russian silver horse

    The Russian silver horse, with its silvery mane and surprisingly beautiful appearance, also deserves special attention. It is easy to maintain and can be used in different purposes. She is considered a worthy horse.

    Thus, the variety of horse breeds in Russia is amazing, and each variety turns out to be worthy due to proper natural selection or successful selection.

Steppe part of Altai has long been the largest area for wheat production, an area for dairy and meat cattle breeding and fine-wool sheep breeding, but in the mountains, especially in valleys and peculiar mountain steppes, where conditions for agriculture are not very favorable, pastoral animal husbandry, including herd horse breeding, retains its importance.

Horse breeding in Altai has been developed since very ancient times.. Even in the first millennium BC, as established by the archaeological excavations of the Pazyryk burial mounds, the ancient inhabitants of Altai had horses of various breeds.

Along with small horses, similar to modern Mongolian ones, the leaders of nomadic tribes had large riding horses. The latter, obviously, were brought from the more southern regions of Asia. However, due to some historical events in the following centuries, the conditions for horse breeding, as well as the general rise in the economy and culture in Altai, were unfavorable.

Horses of the best imported breeds, which needed careful care and good feeding, could not exist there, but animals adapted to grazing throughout the year survived.

The modern local Altai horse is undersized. The weight of these horses is 300-350 kg.

Two types are quite clearly distinguished in the breed: in the southeastern regions, a small horse similar to the Mongolian is common, and in the western regions - a larger one, approaching the Kazakh one.

The local Altai horse is characterized by a large head, a short straight neck, a wide, strong back, a lowered, wide croup, legs are short, but dry and bony, the hind legs are often saber; the hoof horn is strong, thanks to which unshod horses move freely on rocky ground, ford stormy rivers with a rocky bottom.

The mane and tail of the Altai horses are thick, the brushes are not long. In winter, the hairline throughout the body develops significantly, which allows herd horses to easily endure the cold Altai winters in the open.

Suits - bay, red, gray, savras, mouse.

Altai horses are distinguished by their endurance in work and have slow, but even and calm gaits, which are convenient for the rider when moving in mountainous conditions.

Mares are high milk: according to A. A. Zhilinsky, during the koumiss-making season, from May to October, mares are milked 7-10 times a day, from 6 to 22 hours. The best mares are allocated to koumiss farms, from which in the summer they milk an average of 8 and even 10 liters of milk per day.

Altai horses perfectly tolerate tebenevka. In the mountainous areas of herd horse breeding, horses are kept on pasture all year round, often without feeding. The mating is practiced freestyle or mowing, and the stallions are with the mares throughout the year. The load per stallion ranges from 13 to 28 mares.

At present, in most regions of Altai, local undersized horses have been replaced by improved crossbreds (at first, local horses were crossed with horses of the Don, Budyonny breeds, and then with trotters and heavy trucks).

They raise improved horses, like local ones, on pastures throughout the year. According to V. 3. Borkum and Yu. V. Kurapov, when growing improved Altai horses in herd and pasture conditions, the average weight of yearlings after spring feeding is 277 kg, two-year-olds - 351 kg, three-year-olds - 386 kg, which indicates a satisfactory precocity these horses.

Some two-year-olds weigh up to 425 kg, and three-year-olds - up to 595 kg with maximum weight adult horses 601 kg.