Gray suit. Descriptions of the best colors of horses

« good horses there are never bad suits..”
old Yorkshire proverb

“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!” - this call from folk tale familiar to any Russian person. Probably, every child, listening to these words, asked adults a question, why does the name of a magic horse sound so strange? The answer is found if you read the material to the end.

The color is hereditary, it is a trait responsible for the pigmentation of the skin, pile, iris, mane, tail and brushes. Hippologists divided the horses into 4 suits:

  • bay,
  • black,
  • redhead
  • gray.

They are divided into several sub-suites. Such a systematization took place in Hellenistic Greece.

Bay horse color in terms of the set of genes, it is most similar to untamed relatives. considered one of the most tireless, obedient and fast.

Many nomadic tribes who know a lot about chose this suit. Today, the bay stallion Frenkel is reputed to be the most expensive horse, its cost is $ 200 million.

The first place among centenarians is occupied by the bay Cleveland gelding Billy. The old man lived for 62 years, that is, twice as long as the due date. All his life he worked, towing barges along the shore.

Where do they come from horse color names- a fascinating topic worthy of a separate story. "Gnidor" in Latin - "smoking flame". The bodies of bays are brown, and the mane and tail are black.

The bay suit is divided into apprentices:

  • light bay;
  • dark bay;
  • deer bay;
  • cherry;
  • golden;
  • chestnut;
  • mean;
  • Karak.

With the first six, everything is clear, but with the last 2 - a moot point. The mean horses have whitened, as if burnt, areas of the eyes, muzzle, groin and elbows. The word "podlas" is the opposite of "tan", dark places.

In the photo, a horse of a low-colored suit

Karak suit of a horse suggests a deep dark brown tone of hairline in combination with black legs, mane and tail. In Turkic, "black-brown" sounds "kara-kupa".

In the photo, the horse's caracal suit

black horse just right to call a dark-skinned girl: black eyes, skin and hair. Hot-tempered, wayward handsome men have long been in demand, including among the highest of this world. black horse in the form of an offering among nomads, it was known as a symbol of deep respect and even admiration.

But in many cultures, black horses symbolized something unkind. They were associated with hunger, death and otherworldly forces. So, the Komi people have an ancient legend about three horses, alternately carrying the world: if black is starvation and pestilence, white is enmity and death, red is peace and tranquility.

black horse

Black as pitch, the horse caused horror and awe on the battlefield. According to historians, Bucephalus of Alexander the Great was one of those. Have their apprentices:

  • black (blue-black);
  • black crow in tan;
  • silver-black;
  • ash-black.

The tanned crow is so named for the brownish sheen on the upper body. She seemed to have burned out in the sun, receiving a daily portion of ultraviolet radiation on pasture. By color of horses, suit this one is easy to confuse with karakova, they are recognized by their dark skin and hair roots.

Black horse color in tan

Silver-black is a catchy suit, where the light mane and tail contrast with the anthracite color of the body. Ash-black horse - with a reflection of the color of dark chocolate. They look especially advantageous in the rays of sunset.

Silver black

Blacks are found among many breeds, but there are those for which this is the only acceptable color - and arriegeoises. Red suit horses- not a curiosity, in ancient times it was called "kissed by fire." Color varies from apricot to dark brick. The color of the mane and tail depends on the apprentice. The "solar" suit includes:

  • playful;
  • buckskin;
  • brown;
  • nightingale.

For playful color of the horse a reddish-brown color is characteristic, coupled with a light mane and tail, which have different shades: from sandy to creamy. If either the tail or the mane contrasts, the horse is also considered to be playful.

The adjective "playful" is a fusion of the Turkic "jeren" - that is, and the Russian "playful". Naming the suit, they apparently described the temperament of the horse: cautious and lively.

Playful color of the horse

Regarding buckskin suit of horses, among the Tatars "bulan" means "deer". The color of the horses is yellow-gold; legs, tail and mane are black. Dark brown horses are often mistaken for light bay horses.

In the photo a horse of a buckskin suit

The brown is confused with the dark bay, but its legs, unlike the tail and mane, have the same dark chocolate color as the body. The villi of black and red color, when mixed, give a juicy brown color.

The famous "cloak" was the Karabakh mare Lisetta - the famous mare of Peter the Great. It is she who flaunts in most of the paintings depicting the emperor on horseback, the same applies to the Bronze Horseman.

The legendary Lisette was a lady with a temper and listened to one sovereign, which made life difficult for the grooms. Once, in the battle of Poltava, a mare saved the king's life by dodging aimed fire. It is not known what would have happened to Russia if this wayward beauty had not been under the saddle of Peter. The effigy of Lisetta is exhibited at the Zoological Museum of St. Petersburg.

Brown horse

Nightingale horse color, so named from the ancient Icelandic "solr" - "dirt, yellowness", has an ocher-golden pile, the tail and mane can be the color of straw, milk, smoke. Eyes are brown or amber.

The fashion for nightingals falls on the 15th century - the era of the reign of Isabella of Castile, Queen of Spain. This monarch owes the name to a rare suit, genetically interconnected with the nightingale - isabella.

In the photo a horse of nightingal color

Isabella horse color surprises with its beauty and sophistication. Only they have pale pink skin, and the hairs on the body are a pleasant champagne tone. This suit is sometimes called cream.

But the unique color of the skin and pile is not their only advantage; horses of the Isabella suit have piercing eyes of the spring sky. Less commonly, specimens with emerald eyes are born. This rare color of horses occurs in (2.5%).

Isabella horse color

What color is characteristic gray color of horses, it's easy to guess. For many, a peculiar pattern appears - light circles on a darker background - these are “horses in apples”. This coloration is typical for.

The gray suit is characterized by a change in color during life. A black foal can molt to light gray in six months. Light horse color over the years, it is reborn into snow-white.

With a new molt of gray hair on the body of the animal remains, but the skin remains grayish. This suit is common among Arabian thoroughbreds. Count Orlov acquired just such a stallion from the Turkish Sultan to create his famous breed. The light gray horse Smetanka laid the foundation for a breed that has become a symbol of Russian horse breeding.

According to history, the Roman emperor Caligula, known for his eccentricity, had a light gray Incitat (swift-footed) as his favorite. He became the only horse to be granted the seat of senator.

The gray color of the horse

White horse color- fiction. These are either greys, brightened with age, or albinos. The latter can be born from absolutely any suit, being a genetic anomaly in which melanin is not produced by the body.

White horses are prone to various ailments. How beautiful they are in the photo, just as vulnerable and vulnerable in life. They are often sterile, and foal mortality is at least 25%. It is for this reason that a truly white horse is a great rarity.

The favorite of Napoleon Bonaparte was a white stallion named Marengo. He went a long way with the great commander until he was captured by the British at the Battle of Waterloo. Like his crowned master, Marengo had unique qualities. If the emperor slept for 3 hours a day, then Marengo could gallop without slowing down, as much as 5 hours in a row.

white horse

An interesting variety of gray suit is “gray in buckwheat”. It manifests itself with age: small dark spots appear on the body of a gray horse. Instances with red speck are classified as "trout".

Domestic horse breeders, among others, distinguish another apprentice of gray horses - ermine. In addition to the lead shade of the body, it has a darker mane and tail.

The color of the horse is gray in buckwheat

Roan horse color- the result of the admixture of white hair to the main suit. The head and legs do not actually have light, retaining the original color throughout life. In the Turkic dialect "chal" - "gray hair". Russian experts distinguish the gray color of the horses- this is black with gray hair.

In the photo a roan horse

Savrasu horse color often referred to as "wild". Horses living in the wild tend to have this coloration. Savraska has a dull reddish-brown body coloration, with a dark stripe along the ridge. The lower legs, scruff and tail are darker than the base color.

In Russian, there is a catchphrase "run like a savras". In Rus', such horses were noted as frisky, swift and strong. Many saw in the zoo - an unsightly squat ocher-colored horse with dark legs, a mane and a tail. These animals fully fit the description of the savras.

Savras horse color

Famous apprentice savras - brown horse color, in which redness prevails. Mouse-colored horses are characterized by an ash-colored color with a slight brownish coating.

Brown suit

At pinto horses whitish spots of irregular shape, called pezhin, are scattered all over the body. They can be so large that it looks like a white horse with dark spots. valued by Indian tribes, they were considered lucky.

In Europe, piebald stallions were called "gypsy", "cow" and even "plebeian", the demand for them was small. You will not find this suit among breeders, it is typical for ordinary outbred hard workers.

pinto horse

Extremely rare are gray-piebald horses, in which snow-white asymmetric blots are scattered on a silvery background. In Russia, such horses were called porcelain.

Gray piebald suit horses

Other motley horses are dappled. Here nature has had its fun. Chubaraya color of horses It is distinguished by small egg-shaped spots scattered throughout the body. Color can be anything, like specks. The name is also taken from the Turkic "chubar" - "spotted".

There are also quite a few apprentices here: snowy, leopard, spotted-black-black, chubaraya in hoarfrost. It is worth mentioning the breed, for which the chubar suit is the norm. This is a knabstrupper, they have black or dark brown spots appearing on a white background. What can I say, and among the horses there are!

In the photo a horse of a chubar suit

Astrakhan suit of horses(it is called curly, curly), it is distinguished by dense hair in curls. Genetics is an interesting thing: in these “lambs” curly hair can appear not only on the body, but even on the eyelashes, tail and mane.

Astrakhan horses are gentle, docile and friendly. They are ideal for the village children's sports and various presentations. They are also used for hippotherapy. The smell of "insulated" horses, like sheep. Two breeds with "fur" are known:

  • Transbaikal curly;
  • american curly.

Astrakhan suit of horses

Summing up, I want to believe that many wonderful names are now quite understandable, and everyone can imagine both a gray gelding and a piebald mare. With regard to the fabulous Sivka-Burka, it can be assumed that the horse was gray-brown-red in color, and then - who has any imagination.

Nature endowed horses with a huge color variety, and artificial selection only emphasized the beauty of these animals. Each breed, like the suit, has its admirers.

Do not get tired of being surprised by wealth suits of horses. Photos and names such graceful creatures leave absolutely no one indifferent, because as one of the classics said: “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a galloping horse, a dancing woman and a sailing ship ...”

One of the key signs of a horse that makes it possible to distinguish one breed from another is its color - a combination of the color of the animal's hairline with the color of the eyes and skin. This property is inherited and develops in the process of growing up: it is difficult to determine the color of a foal at birth. More confident conclusions can be drawn after the first molt (as a rule, after 7-8 months from the moment of its birth).

Horse colors with photos and names are of interest to many lovers of these strong, hardy, strong and unpretentious animals.

Suits: general information

The most common are bay, gray, red and black horses. With photographs and names, acquaintance with the types and breeds of pets is greatly facilitated.

The juiciness of the color of the main suit, the uniformity of color, and specific features are indicated by subsuits (more than 50 species), which are erroneously referred to as suits in conversation, although we are talking about the varieties of the latter (for example, red-brindle, gray in apples).

Sometimes, for a more reliable and correct description of the color, two or more names of horse colors can be used at the same time (for example, dark golden bay, light brown in apples). There are breeds that have absorbed one suit:

  • playful - haflingers;
  • black - friezes;
  • red - Donchaki.

The color may predominate in the breed. A striking example:

  • Budennovskaya (80% redheads);
  • Andalusian (80% gray);
  • Russian riding (most of the blacks).

There are also different breeds. In particular, the Akhal-Teke horse is worthy of attention. The suits collected in this breed: black, red, bay, gray, isabella, buckskin, nightingale, karakov. Akhal-Tekes were bred more than 5 thousand years ago and had an important impact on the development of many breeds.

Oh you black horse

The black color of horse breeders is the most popular and is recognizable by the uniformly black, with a brilliant bluish tint, the color of the body, mane and tail.

A black horse is associated with something mystical, often in a negative way. Since ancient times, riders on horses of precisely black color have been catching fear and causing panic among others. The headless horseman from the movie Sleepy Hollow, the Nazgulls from The Fellowship of the Ring, Woland and his retinue from The Master and Margarita - they all sat on black ravens. The same suit was the famous Bucephalus - a real historical character who died while saving his beloved master Alexander the Great.

The carriers of only the black suit are the Frisians - beautiful, blue-black, without a single horse mark, bred in Holland.

Representatives of the black color of horses (the photo and name indicate the variety of animal colors) are found among many breeds, including:

  • Karachay;
  • Kabardian;
  • Ariege (French Ariegeois);
  • shires;
  • percherons;
  • kladrubskaya;
  • Hanoverian;
  • trakehner.

Black color palette

Voronaya in a tan (“brown” in old Russian) is an apprentice, characterized by reddish, sun-bleached ends of hair. In the summer, with prolonged exposure to sunlight, and also due to the instability of the coloring pigment, the horse may temporarily change color to dirty brown. In winter, the color of the animal is restored.

Crow-piebald - an unusually elegant variation of the suit, distinguished by large white spots randomly scattered over the body. The bright contrast between black and white invariably attracts attention, especially with the same unequal color of the limbs.

Ash-black is a black suit, characterized by a less saturated color with a specific chestnut or dark brown tint.

Crow-roan. The horse's body appears to be ashy, although in reality the hairs of the coat are alternately colored white and black.

Karakova - a type of black suit, recognizable by:

  • black color of the body, mane, tail, limbs;
  • light brown marks around the eyes and nostrils, in the groin and on the belly.

Many experts distinguish this type of color as a separate suit, but some consider it the darkest variation of the bay suit.

Bay suit and its variations

Horse colors with photos and names are of interest to many fans of these luxurious animals. If the horse is completely painted red-brown, and its mane, tail and sometimes legs (in the lower part) are black, then the animal can be safely attributed to the bay color. The bay color of a horse is widespread and occurs in almost all breeds, and only the Cleveland (Great Britain) has no other colors - this is the hallmark of the breed.

  • A dark bay horse is characterized by rich brown, in some cases almost black coloration of the back, croup, sometimes sides, upper part of the head, and neck. The rest of the body is characterized by a lighter tone.
  • Light bay - the animal is evenly colored in a reddish, light or gray-brown tone. The lower part of the abdomen, the areas around the eyes, the muzzle are a few tones lighter. There is an admixture of brown hair in the mane and tail. The color of the legs is a mixture of black and brown.
  • The deer-bay combines variations of the bay color: the muzzle, throat and abdomen are painted in a light tone; back, croup, sides, neck, top part heads are dark brown
  • Podlasaya - stands out with very light, almost white tan marks around the eyes, mouth, in the inguinal zone, internal parts limbs. Sub-growth is also observed in karakov, red or game-colored horses.

The photo and the name of the breeds colorfully convey the specific features of animals sincerely loved and revered by man.

Red suit and its derivatives

Representatives of the red suit are characterized by a uniform red coat color (from yellow and light apricot to dark chestnut tones). The mane and tail may be darker in color, although there are specimens with a white tail and mane that acquire this color depending on the season. The key difference from the bay suit is the identity of the color of the body and legs. The most common shades are light, dark, golden red.

The red color of the horse is characteristic of many breeds:

  • Breton (France);
  • Suffolk (England);
  • Belgian (Belgium);
  • Russian and Soviet (Russia);
  • Frederiksborg (Denmark).

A variation of red is a brown suit, found in dark and light colors. The darkest version of the brown suit can be mistaken for a dark bay: the body is chocolate, the mane and tail are close to black. The difference lies in the color of the lower part of the legs: in a brown horse, their color matches the color of the body.

The light brown coat is recognizable by the light brown coat color, without the presence of red tones.

Playful suit: signs

The names of the colors of horses are varied and include such a name as "playful" in their extensive list. An animal of this color is characterized by a body of a brown or red hue, a mane and tail of a smoky or white color. The latter, unlike the red horse, does not change during the year. In its pure form, the playful suit is found only in 2 breeds: the haflinger and the heavy-duty Belgian.

Breeds that have horses of a game color in their population:

  • Russian Soviet heavy truck;
  • Germanic Jutland and Schleswig;
  • Austrian Norian.

Description of gray horses

The color of the horse in black and white is inherent in the gray suit. The combination of shades in different proportions and configurations is also found in the ermine (light body, almost black tail with mane) variants. The admixture of white hairs may increase with each molt.

Dappled gray is the most common and incredibly beautiful variety of gray, characterized by the presence of light spots on the body that duplicate the network of subcutaneous blood vessels.

The gray color is widespread among Oryol trotters(1/2 livestock) and Arabian horses (more than a third). Colors of horses with photographs surprise with a variety of colors and shades.

The carriers of the gray suit are the following breeds:

  • Lipizzan (Spanish);
  • Percheron, Camargue and Boulogne (French);
  • shagia (Arabic, grown in Hungary);
  • Lusitano (Portuguese);
  • Andalusian (Spanish);
  • Terskaya (Russian).

The white color of the horse is a variation of gray and is characterized by a natural white color. In the West, even the corresponding breed has been bred - the American White. Mistakenly such animals are called "albinos", but in reality this is not so.

The specifics of the gray suit

A gray-colored foal may be born black, but as it grows older, due to growing white hairs, it will brighten, becoming light gray by its “age of majority”, and after a few years - gray. The head and abdomen are the parts of the body that turn gray the fastest.

The speed of clarification of gray horses is individual, some become completely white by 3-4 years. Moreover, small dark spots may appear on the body. Other horses remain dark until old age.

Buckskin suit

The buckskin suit against the background of the rest is distinguished by the yellowish-sand or golden color of the body, emphasized by the black color of the mane, tail and lower legs. A dark stripe called a “belt” is allowed along the back. The suit has different color schemes, including reddish or light bay. There are brown horses of bright yellow color with a golden tint. There may be zebra stripes on the legs, inherited from tarpans - extinct wild ancestors.

  • Light brown. The color of the main background is pale yellow, light sand, right down to white. Dark color belt. There is sometimes an admixture of blond hair on the legs.
  • Dark brown. It has a reddish or brownish-yellow color of the body, a black belt.

Other horse colors with photos and names


Representatives of the nightingal suit (otherwise referred to as "palomino") are characterized by a golden-yellowish uniform color of the body, a white mane, and the same tail.

Nightingale horses may be born white, with pinkish skin that darkens over time. Presumably, the nightingal color originates from Arabian horses.


Cream coat, pink skin, blue or green eyes. The suit is quite rare, one of the purest and strongest in the genetic line, combined with nightingale and bulan. By the way, the rest of the suits (except piebald and chubara) are inherent grey colour skin.

Isabella are found among the Akhal-Teke horses, Kean horses, and some breeds of ponies. The suit is named after the Spanish Queen Isabella Clara Eugenia, who, according to an old legend, vowed not to take off her white shirt until her husband took a major Belgian port. The siege lasted 3 years, during which time the shirt changed its color. After all, it was during the reign of Queen Isabella that yellow suits were popular.


"Wild" suit, which has the characteristic features of aboriginal breeds. A prominent representative is the Przewalski's horse. Uneven pale-red color of the body, lighter in the abdomen. The lower regions of the limbs are black, the same color, sometimes with a mixture of brown and light strands at the tail with a mane.

On the body along the ridge there is a black-brown, clearly defined stripe (“belt”), there are zebroid stripes on the legs. Sometimes there is the presence of a black edging of the ears, "wings" - transverse, slightly blurred stripes of dark color on the shoulders and "hoarfrost" - white tail strands.


The horse has a second name - "red-savrasaya". Its representatives are characterized by a reddish color of the body and legs, a brown-red mane with a tail. Be sure to have a "belt" reddish-red. Some specimens may show "zebroid".


"Wild" suit, well recognizable by the ash-gray (in some specimens with a brownish tinge) coat color. Mane with tail - black. The body is painted unevenly. There may be a "belt" and "zebroid" markings on the legs. Another name for the suit is the crow-savrasaya.


A sign of a roan suit that does not change with age is a rich admixture of white hair against the main background of any color. At the same time, white hairs are practically absent on the legs ( lower parts) and head, retaining their basic tone.


It is formed on the basis of "background" suits. On the body of the animal are randomly scattered small spots of irregularly oval shape, having the color of the main suit. The background is formed by the admixture of white hairs to the main color.

Also a characteristic feature of the chubar suit is a symmetrical white mark in the area of ​​​​the sacrum. Sometimes it can be located on almost the entire body of the animal. The horses of the chubar suit have a pink (speckled) skin color, as well as a “longitudinally striped” color of the hooves.

The Appaloosian breed of horses (America) belongs to the chubar suit. This suit is found in some lines of the Austrian breed - Noric. Of the native breeds, a bright exotic color is inherent in the Kazakh, Mongolian, Altai. This fact involuntarily leads to the idea that the chubar color originated in the territory of Central Asia.


It is distinguished by large white marks of irregular shape, randomly scattered over the main background of any of the suits. This is a piebald horse color - eye-catching, bright, with an exotic appearance.

In America, the painthorse is very popular and is loved by avid horse breeders - the breed skewbald horses. In past times, the piebald color, mainly common among native breeds and workhorses, was unloved among the population, was considered "gypsy", "cow", "plebeian".

The light gray color of the horse has many shades, each of which is as close as possible to the classic gray color. However, in the whole number of tricks there are two rather interesting tricks that break almost all stereotypes.

This article will consider one of them, namely the light gray color of the horse.

We must immediately make a reservation that the shade of a light gray horse is not a pure white color. It's more of a white shade on dark skin. This color is quite rare, because this trick comes with age. Thus, we can talk not about the suit as such, but about the shade, since the light gray horse becomes closer to old age.

In fact, the light gray color of a horse is an exceptional graying of the horse of all, which, in turn, can be born in absolutely any color. But there are also excellent opinions about the primary color of the horse. Many believe that this type of graying can only be observed in the classic gray suit. However, the early graying gene is epistatic. Therefore, the primary suit can be any.

As for the process of breeding light gray horses, one of the parents of such a horse must be gray.

There are several important features by which horses are distinguished. One of them is the colors of horses. They may be inherited. The suit is determined by several features, including the color of the body, the color of the legs, mane, tail and eyes. They have pronounced boundaries (as well as species), there are no transitional forms. For example, a bay colt with a light mane does not exist, and a red horse cannot have black legs.

skewbald horses

The formation of the color of horses is carried out in the course of his growing up. However, closer to old age, the likelihood of changes in this trait increases. Often there are situations when a foal is born with an ambiguous combination of shades of different parts of the body. In this case, it is difficult to immediately attribute the animal to a specific color group. There are 4 key colors of horses.

The gray suit is one of the key ones. From it formed a lot of tricks. gray horse may be a Lipizzan breed. The red horse is a representative of the second main group. Animals are only the corresponding color. The red horse may have darker long hair. The limbs do not differ in color from the body. Black horses are animals of the third main suit. Their body is completely black. Eastern black horses stand out from the rest. The bay suit is the fourth main group. Isabella color, brown color and others already belong to the suits.


The black suit is characterized by a completely black coat color. There is a uniform distribution of color, including on long hair Oh. Black horses can have a different color of hooves: coal or with pale dots. The described color trait is inherited in 70% of cases. A black stallion that does not have a single brown or red hair on its body is a rare occurrence. A bay or red horse is more homogeneous in this respect.

Black horses have a uniform black color

A black horse that does not shed under the rays of the sun exists. It is unaffected by weather and light. These animals will not be named " black suit in a tan." Foals that are resistant to these phenomena are born with a smoky or bluish tint. The black horse will shed only under adverse weather conditions: bright sun and other phenomena. You can recognize such an animal at birth. These black horses are born ashen or black-bay, sometimes brown. The molting process has individual variations, but the black color loses its durability.

Not in vain, black horses "in tan" are highlighted in separate group. They are notable for the fact that under the action of sunlight, the ends of the hair are dyed red. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that some black horses have an extremely unstable black tint. In summer, the color of the body of the animal turns into brown. Only the tail, mane and limbs remain pure black. With the onset of winter, black horses return to their native color.

These animals have always been respected. High-ranking and strict persons had black horses. Their occurrence is not the highest. Black horses may be of the Friesian breed.


The red horse was named so due to the corresponding body color and long hair. The intensity of the shade may vary. Usually, if the horse is red, then the color of the mane and tail will match the shade of the body. However, the brightness may vary. Occasionally there is such a case: the horse is red, and the mane and tail are brown.

Red horses, unlike bay horses, cannot have black legs.

These horses have a noticeable difference from the bay. The red horse has brown limbs. There are also dark brown representatives. If the horses are red, then there is an admixture of black hairs in the coat. However, the mane and tail are dark brown inclusions. Black horses and brown horses are so similar that they can be confused because the shade is too dark. However, it is known that the origin of these two suits is different. Light brown horses have a light brown body tint.


If the horse is red, then this does not guarantee that it belongs to the corresponding suit. Look at the color of long hair. The nightingal suit is distinguished by their white tint. There are other similarities:

  • playful and dark nightingale;
  • isabella suit and light nightingale.

The nightingal color is characterized by the light and white color of the foals. Their skin goes from pink to dark. The nightingale horse has brown eyes. However, there are representatives in which they are amber or light brown. The nightingale was made that way by a single cream gene. The red horse under its action changes suit. The animal receives the typical snow-white mane and tail, as well as a slight sheen of the rest of the hair on the body. According to the indicated signs, it is possible to establish whether it is a nightingale or a playful trick of the horse.

The nightingale horse has a light tail and mane


The gray color is formed as a result of the simultaneous presence of white and black hairs on the horse's body. With age, their color undergoes serious changes - gray hair appears. A gray horse brings foals of various shades, but after a while they acquire a color typical for the suit. The hue varies from almost white to dark gray. The gray suit has another distinguishing feature - dark skin.

Upon reaching 9 years, the animals noticeably turn gray. If the gray horse was light, but it becomes almost snow-white.

In some individuals, the body is covered with dark spots. The gray suit in this case is called "in apples." In elderly animals, the body can be showered with "buckwheat" - small black dots. A gray horse changes hair color over the years, but the skin remains dark. Only age-related pigmentation is observed. Gray suit has another characteristic feature - susceptibility to certain types of feed (buckwheat straw causes allergies in the form of a rash).

A gray horse can become white with age


The savras suit looks like this: rather light hair on the body. Many have a belt on their backs and zebroid legs are noticeable. Savrasaya horse has a color of the tail, mane and head, typical for the main suit. This phenomenon is made possible by the action of the "wild color" gene, which dominates and makes the coat lighter. Savrasaya is otherwise called "wild color".

Described change appearance leads to the best disguise in natural conditions. Savrasity always accompanies a number of "primitive marks":

  • Strap on the back. Represents dark stripes.
  • Zebroid limbs - horizontal stripes on the legs. This sign may not always be noticeable or even absent.
  • "Wings" - a strip in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe withers or shoulders, running across the body.
  • "Gossamer" - a dark-colored mesh on the forehead.
  • The presence of strands of white in the mane and tail.

Savrasaya suit has many distinctive features


The Isabella color of the horse got such an interesting name thanks to the Queen of Spain. Horses have this color Akhal-Teke breed, Kinsky and others. The Isabella horse appeared in Turkmenistan many millennia ago. Animals are purebred, which not all breeds can boast of.

The Akhal-Teke horse of isabella suit tolerates the summer heat well.

If you look closely, the effect of iridescent coloring of various shades becomes noticeable. With age, the color intensity intensifies. Isabella suit is combined with pink skin and blue or gray eyes. Competent care of the animal will serve as a guarantee of a beautiful coat. The Isabella suit is inherited, but albinos are not rare in the offspring.

Isabella suit is very beautiful

Other suits

The number of suits is large, so we give brief description some of them:

  • The bay color is characterized by a brown body and black tail, mane and legs. Such horses have an admixture of black hairs on the body. The shade of wool can be anything from light to dark brown.
  • The mouse suit is distinguished by the presence of black, gray and brown hair on the body. Tail, mane, legs and head are black. The mouse horse sometimes has a zebroid appearance.
  • Buckskin suit of horses. It is characterized by a sandy-gold coat, black tail, mane and ends of the legs.
  • Piebald color of horses. You can recognize it by white spots of different configurations. This is partial albinism. There is no name of a certain breed for which the suit is characteristic.
  • Playful. Has red or brown hair. The playful horse has white or grayish long hair. The red horse has similar features, only his long hair color can change. The playful suit is characteristic of the Haflinger breed.
  • Kauraya. Close to natural color. The brown horse has a special gene that determines its color. The main shade is red. Kauraya suit has blond hair only in some parts of the body. The tail, mane and limbs are darker. The brown mare may have wild markings. This color is very rare, not all breeds possess it.

Breeds of horses and excuses have a large number of combinations. There are also quite rare colors of horses (for example, kaurai). This information will help you understand the differences between them.