Horse photos are beautiful. What breeds are included in the ranking of the most beautiful horses? Photo: Alexia Khrushchev

The ranking of the most beautiful horses includes at least 25 breeds. Some breeds are the result of selection. Others were created by nature itself. In addition to external attractiveness, these horses are distinguished by many other qualities for which their owners love them.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes. The Bedouins used horses for military purposes. For armed conflicts, more than just beautiful horses were needed. The animals had to be very hardy.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes

Arab tribes of nomads moved from one place to another, and therefore they considered horses their main wealth. Animals could be easily distilled during the move. The prosperity of the family was determined by the number of individuals in the herd. Fine horses were to remain a national treasure. They were forbidden to sell to neighboring nations under pain of death. In addition, they could not be crossed with other breeds. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to achieve purity of the blood.

In Europe, Arabian horses appeared during the Crusades. Going on a long journey to liberate the Holy Sepulcher, the Europeans were looking for animals that could survive in the climate of the country they were going to. One of the main advantages of the Arabian horses was that these animals needed much less food than the breeds of horses common in European countries. At the time of the Crusades, representatives of the Arabian breed were smaller in comparison with their modern descendants.

Thanks to the Arabian thoroughbreds, breeds such as the Lusitano (bred in Portugal), the Shagiya (bred in Hungary), and the Andalusian (bred in Spain) arose. In Russia, the Streltsy breed originated from Arabian horses, from which the Terek breed originates.

The most incredible and beautiful horses in the world (video)


After looking at the Knabstrupper horse, many people can agree that this is the most beautiful horse in the world. The color of this animal resembles the color of a Dalmatian dog: black spots on a white background.

Denmark is considered the birthplace of knabstruppers. According to legend, a butcher named Klebe bought a horse, which he brought to a small town called Knabstrup. The animal was distinguished by agility and endurance. The offspring that the mare gave were endowed with the same qualities. Thus arose new breed horses, named after the village where the butcher Klebe lived.

Knabstrupper is considered a rare breed, not only because of its color. When the village that gave it its name fell into disrepair, the number of knabstruppers declined sharply. From complete extinction, they were saved by an ordinary veterinarian from Denmark, who founded the association spotted horses. A series of experiments aimed at improving the breed led to the fact that knabstruppers not only survived, but began to look much more attractive.

To date, not all representatives of the breed are similar to Dalmatians. Among them there are individuals with a leopard color (red spots on a light background). Horses with trout and marble color (an admixture of white hair and small spots on the main background) are popular.

marwar horse

Otherwise, this beautiful breed is called malani. You can recognize its representatives by the unusual shape of the ears, which can turn 180º. A beautiful horse appeared in India and was named after one of the regions of this country. The legend says that once an Arab ship wrecked off the coast of India, on board of which there were 7 Arabian thoroughbred horses. The animals left the place where the shipwreck occurred and were found in the Marwar region. Arabian horses mixed with Indian ponies. It is highly probable that the malani mixed with horses from Mongolia.

It is believed that the cultivation of marwari began in the XII century. Traditionally, the breed was used in agriculture and for riding. To get universal horses suitable both for working in the field and for transporting people, Marwaris are often crossed with thoroughbred riding horses. The breed is suitable for playing polo. Several centuries ago, malani were used as war horses.

In the 30s of the last century, the number of Marwar horses declined sharply. However, by the end of the twentieth century, the livestock was restored. The export of representatives of the breed outside of India has long been banned. However, in the early 2000s, an exception was made for US citizen F. Kelly. Since 2008, the export of marwari has been taken under strict control.

friesian horse

Friesians are among the most beautiful horses in the world. The breed originated in Friesland (the northern province of the Netherlands). You can recognize the frieze by the long pile at the hooves. The breed was bred during the occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. Local horses were crossbred with Spanish horses. The Frisians have repeatedly been on the verge of extinction. However, horse breeders have always managed to save the endangered livestock.

Friesians are among the most beautiful horses in the world

The first mention of representatives of the breed dates back to the 13th century. In honor of the Frisians, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Frisian races were established. The winner of the competition received a golden whip as a reward. Currently, the Frisians are used as an ornamental breed. They are often used for royal carriages, which must be harnessed by the most beautiful horses in the world. The use of friezes in sports is limited. Horses are allowed to participate in driving. Attractive appearance forces photographers to use friezes for photo shoots. Only the most beautiful individual should be in the frame next to the top model.

The friezes are human-oriented. Ease in training does them convenient for training. Horses are taught the so-called carriage ride. Animals should move gracefully and beautifully when they are carrying a carriage or a rider.

norwegian fjords

The fjords are not only the most attractive places for tourists in Norway, but also the most beautiful horses in the world. An individual of this breed is considered the oldest heavy truck on the planet. The fjords are peaceful in nature, which did not prevent the Vikings from using them during hostilities. But then the representatives of the breed began to be exploited exclusively for peaceful purposes - for riding and in agriculture. In modern Norway, fjords are used for certain sports.

There is an assumption that some breeds of horses in Iceland and England are descended from the Norwegian fjords. The Vikings brought their horses to a foreign land, which were crossed with local horses. Norwegian horses are unpretentious, and thick wool allows them to endure cold weather. Due to their compact size, fjords are often referred to as ponies rather than horses. The harsh Norwegian nature does not provide enough food for herbivores. Fjords do not need much hay or cereals. You can even feed them dried fish.

Presumably, the fjords are descended from wild horses that were tamed 2,000 years ago. Animals have retained a considerable number of features in appearance and character from their wild ancestors. The main feature of the breed is a mane with black hair in the middle and white on the sides. The mane is usually cut very short to emphasize the unusual coloring.

The rarest and most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Iberian breed

Some Spanish horse breeders tend to believe that the Iberian breed of horses formed independently in the territory of modern Spain. Animals are completely purebred, because they were constantly isolated. However, it is very difficult to believe in such a version.

In the 8th century, the Moors came to Spain with conquests. They brought with them Barbary and Arabian horses, which mingled with Spanish horses. The modern Spanish school of riding was formed under the influence of the style of the Moorish occupiers. After the liberation of the country from the conquerors, the heyday of Spanish horse breeding begins. The Iberian breed was valued no less than the Arabian and Barbary horses. Representatives of this breed are beginning to replace the heavy friezes on which the knights moved. After the discovery of both Americas, Spanish horses set off to conquer new continents. On the northern mainland today you can meet the descendants of English and Arabian horses. IN South America Iberians are much more common.

In the 18th century, baroque came into fashion. During this period, tastes change dramatically. Fat horses with heavy croups are beginning to be in great demand. Representatives of the Iberian breed looked too graceful and did not fit into the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal horse. In the 19th century, the Spanish riding school gradually fell into decay. Iberians are no longer interested, as English thoroughbreds have received recognition.

Until the end of the twentieth century, the Iberians preferred to use for agricultural needs. However, by the end of the century, the Spaniards begin to show interest in the breed that was popular with their ancestors. Equestrian sport is in vogue. He is preferred by many people in the country. In the early 1970s, the Royal Andalusian Riding School was established.

The Iberian breed was able to win the hearts of modern Spaniards thanks to equestrian bullfighting. The skill that the rider demonstrates is no less spectacular than playing with an angry bull.

Gallery: the most beautiful horses in the world (25 photos)

Falabella horses

Falabella horses became popular in the 1970s. These horses are often confused with ponies due to their compact size. However, Falabella is an independent breed of horses, which has significant differences from ponies. One of the main ones is that Falabella has a physique ordinary horse: massive croup, graceful limbs, elongated muzzle, etc. Ponies have dense short limbs. The croup is not as massive as that of an ordinary horse, and the muzzle is not elongated.

The breed got its name from the name of the Argentine horse breeders, who were the first to breed mini-horses. There are several versions of the origin of Falabella:

  1. The progenitors of small horses were found in one of the remote valleys of the Andes. All animals and plants of this valley differed in miniature size due to the peculiarities of the local climate.
  2. Wild horses were isolated in one of the canyons by a landslide. Animals could not return to the habitat to which they were accustomed. Cacti became the only available food. Due to the lack of mineral components, each next generation of horses became smaller in relation to the previous one. As a result, serious genetic changes occurred. A herd of mini horses was discovered by farmer José Falabella. He freed the animals and drove the herd back to his farm. Despite proper nutrition, new generations of horses were never able to regain the growth of their ancestors.
  3. Great-grandfather Jose Falabella, for unknown reasons, drove his horses to land that was not suitable for pastures, and left them there forever. He bequeathed to his descendants to return the herd. When Jose and his family went in search of horses, he was able to find small specimens. It is likely that such animals managed to survive in harsh conditions. Little horses didn't need a lot of food.
  4. The Irish settler Newton, who was distinguished by his love for horses, saw a small horse in a strange herd. Despite its size, the animal did not look sick or handicapped. Newton stole the horse and then gave it to his daughter for her wedding. Miss Newton was going to become the wife of one of the representatives of the Falabella family, whose surname gave the name to the breed.

A graceful horse is not the result of a single genetic mutation or a successful breeder experiment. The beauty of an animal largely depends on care, balanced nutrition and a good attitude of the owner towards his pet.

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1. Akhal-Teke horse, or (Turkm. Ahal-teke aty)

Akhal-Teke horse known for its incredible suit, which has a metallic sheen. Because of the lean body, this breed is called the "super model" among horses. This hardy breed was bred in Turkmenistan.

Photo: Olga_i

Photo: Penella22

The beautiful mane of this breed resembles a poodle, which is especially beautiful in winter. The Bashkir horse comes in different colors. Some scientists claim that this breed is hypoallergenic, that most people with allergies can work with this breed.

Photo: Lindsayanne

3. Black Forest horse

The lush mane and tail are ideally suited to the muscular body of the Black Forest horse. The breed is known for its dark chestnut color and light mane.

Photo: Monika Dobry, Rickenbach

4. Camargue (fr. Camargue)

The Camargue is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. Today they are bred in semi feral conditions under strict supervision.

Photo: Neil Burton

5. Exmoor pony(English) Exmoor pony

photo: Graham

Another very rare breed that lives in semi-feral conditions. These little horses are native to the British Isles. During the Second World War, this breed was used as food for soldiers, which led to a decrease in the population.

photo:Julia Livesey

6. Falabella

Photo: Alexia Khrushchev

Falabella is one of the smallest horses in the world. The breed originated in Argentina in the mid-1800s. They perform in the circus and can pull carts and even push very young children around.

Photo: Olga_Phoenix

7. Norwegian Fjord

Photo: Ron Rowan Photo

The Norwegian Fjord Dog has a beautiful grayish brown coat with a two-tone mane. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

photo: docentjoyce

8. Gypsy Vanner

Photo: Elizabeth Sescilla

The breed is known for its beautiful black and white coloration (there are different colors), and hairy legs below the knees.

The horse is a real miracle! They accompany a person for centuries, becoming a witness to many historical events. Perhaps that is why legends say about horses, stories multiply, they say in fairy tales, and the most beautiful legends are about horses. We also decided to celebrate the role that this animal plays in our lives by providing a variety of photos and pictures of horses. We will tell you what the most ancient myths claim about their origin, what different breeds horses are, we will tell you what significance a horse has in our age of machines.

Running horses are truly a mesmerizing sight. Such photographs about horses not only look amazingly beautiful, but they have the magic of the moment: it seems that in another moment, and the herd will disappear beyond the horizon, only a cloud of disturbed dust will remind us that just before our eyes, a magical action took place. No one doubts that this was a demonstration of great strength by horses.

The horse is powerful and courageous, it belongs to the group of higher animals, in which life experience prevails over instincts, which means that the horse is able to learn. In the ancient stories of different peoples, its qualities symbolize: dynamic strength, speed of thought, purposefulness in achieving success. And his rapid run reminds of the most beautiful moments of life that fly by like the wind.

One has only to look at the photos of beautiful and frisky horses, as legends about Pegasus, fairy tales about Bucephalus, myths about unicorns become clear. They don't need wings to fly, they just hover above the ground. Even a foal in anger is terrible, he is ready to trample his enemy. But with friends, he is always kind, as if he is ready to fulfill their any desires. The Arab legend says that this is what these unusual animals were created for, this is their purpose. And for all of us, pictures about horses are not without meaning, they have grace, grace and some kind of stunning pride.

Breeds of horses. The rare and most beautiful breeds of horses prove not only that the gene pool of these animals is huge, but also clearly testify to the love of people for their eternal companions. What beautiful breeds scientists have not brought out! There is also a Black Forest with a lush mane, and a Bashkir with curly hair. There are small Falabellas and squat ponies, and there are tall ones, such as the Alkhateke, taller than her shire. A frisky trotter, with curved ears, a Marwar, with hairy "socks" a gypsy wanner.

And the purpose of the animals is different. There are: walking; heavy trucks; racing; sport horses. The attitude towards thoroughbred stallions is reverent. After all, no matter what the purpose of breeding is, but the main thing is aesthetics. The most beautiful horses are shown at exhibitions, filmed to make beautiful pictures, used in the creation of film projects.

Photos of beautiful horses are incredibly diverse, as each breed has a number of advantages. Who can be called the most beautiful horses in the world? For some it's Arabic Thoroughbreds, for another - a knabstrupper, for still others - the Norwegian fjords or friezes. All of them are attractive in their own way. And it's not always about the features of the patterns on the croup, color, height, mane or pile on the legs. But also in the nature of these favorites.

Horses are still used in farming. And that is where the photographer sometimes finds them. You can talk and admire endlessly about photographs of horses carrying children or hay. They are natural and have a special style of Provence and will be suitable as a desktop wallpaper.

On our resource you can download pictures in excellent quality for free. We offer to get acquainted with how they still serve in modern world horses. There is a photo selection of circus and sports pegasus. We are ready to offer pictures of horses on your phone. Among them there are professional "models" who serve in this art form with full dedication, which is why the pictures of the horse are amazing, you want to admire them, considering every detail.

Joke about an office worker:

An office worker complains about a New Year's corporate party to the owner of the company:

Since I have been working for you, I have constantly felt remorse...
- Why?
- It seems to me that I am depriving at least three horses of work.

The horse is beautiful!

100 photos, a kaleidoscope of interesting and little-known facts about horses, favorite treats of animals

The horse is not only an astrological symbol and a sign of the zodiac and a symbol of 2014, it is a beautiful animal.
We immediately renounce the authorship of the photos - all the photos in this collection are collected from the "fields" of the Internet. We've only put in the effort to collect the top 100 horse photos we've come across on the web search engines.
An attentive viewer will easily notice a certain pattern in the system for placing photos of Horses. The pictures are divided into four groups and, according to some unknown natural laws, coincide with the seasons - Winter, spring, summer and autumn.

On planet earth, horses have existed for 60 million years.
The prehistoric horse - Eogippus (Horse of Dawn) was no more than a dog.
The equine progenitors have all died out or evolved.
The only kind of horse that has never been tamed is the Asiatic wild horse.
All other modern wild horses- these are feral individuals that have escaped from under the yoke of man.
At first, man hunted horses, like other animals, for meat and skins.

But the natural kindness and charm of the animal made him friends with man about twenty-five centuries ago in the Middle and Far East.

If you rank the most favorite treats for horses, then it will look like this:
In the first place, we pour a handful of refined lump sugar.
With the help of sugar, you can easily make friends with any horse.
Then you can put Watermelon - horses like both the pulp itself and the watermelon skin.
Watermelon is much healthier than sugar, but it does not happen all year round.
We cover the third step of the pedestal with ripe apples. An apple keeps well and you can treat your favorite horse with an apple all year round!
The next in the ranking of “dishes” is carrots!
Carrots are the perfect combination for the Horse of taste and health.
After carrots, you can treat your pet with bread! Here it is better to take rye bread, bran bread or black bread, but any horse will also enjoy a bun. Only hot, freshly baked bread should not be given to an animal.
After bread, we have an unexpected overseas fruit in our rating assortment - a banana!
It is better to give bananas with a skin - there are a lot of useful things in the skin!
And for the dessert of our rating, we serve dried fruits available at any time of the year.

We have collected almost a hundred interesting, informative and little-known facts about horses and placed them in the captions under the photos.
So enjoy the beauty, grace, splendor of these animals and get to know them better by reading the interesting things about horses that we have collected.
May the coming year of the blue Horse (according to the Chinese horoscope) bring you peace, joy, harmony and fulfill your cherished dream!

- joke about horses:

There are two horses:
- Absolutely the owner stopped by me! And he rides, and carries hay, and makes you plow! I'll die from work soon!
- So contact the Society for the Protection of Animals!
- What are you! If he finds out that I can write, he will also make me work in his office!