Anton Shipulin: “I am ready to bite off the hand of anyone who touches my rifle. Anton Shipulin: “I am ready to bite off the hand of anyone who touches my rifle Shipulin rifle

Dragons, snow leopards, mountain goats and other drawings presented by biathlon heroes.

A strict version from the legend of biathlon - Emil Hegle Swensen. Which, it is possible, begins the last season in his career.

Perhaps the most original design of the rifle - Anton Shipulin and his enchanted dragon weapon. The leader of the Russian team explained: “The idea is that I hold the dragon by the throat while making it. I hold it gently, suffocating a little."

Glossy blue rifle Kaisa Mäkäräinen. The two-time World Cup winner revealed the concept: “I wanted something new after a few seasons with the gold butt. It turned out quite Finnish, I like it!”.

Weapons of the silver medalist of the Games in Sochi Selina Gasparin: "My rifle is fire!". Appreciate the play of colors from the base to the butt.

Selina's younger sisters also approached the design with a twist.

Eliza:“I love mountains. And the horns of the mountain goat are a reminder of the house. It is a symbol of our town and the personification of strength.”

Aita:“A snow leopard is depicted on the stock of my rifle. Fast and strong – this is how a biathlete should be.”

White is gaining popularity. The fashion went, it seems, from Tarja Bo a few years ago. This season, the leader of the Czech national team, a three-time winner of the Sochi Games, will perform with snow-white weapons. Ondrej Moravec.

And one of the most recognizable biathletes in the world, a married Italian Dorothea Wierer who said goodbye to the off-season with a black rifle.

Creative from Olympic champion Alexey Volkov- a speckled bed (or polka dots).

Olympic champion Anton Shipulin arrived in Yekaterinburg three weeks before the start of the Biathlon World Cup in Sweden. Today Anton will leave for Tyumen to continue training. Anton was brought to Yekaterinburg by a noble goal - her charitable foundation.

I can't ask about new season. On November 29, the Biathlon World Cup begins. Last year you came in second. Are you ready to be the champion this time?

I practiced a lot. Did a lot of troubleshooting. It must give results.

- Which mistakes?
- Last season you could have been better at shooting. The coach and I worked on the technique, changed it a bit in terms of breathing and movements. I strive for the ideal. If we talk about forecasts for the season, I don’t know if my opponents are ready, but I did my best and I will try. I hope everything works out as I envisioned.

- What will happen in documentary?
- You need to ask the authors. We filmed a lot of material when I was in Yakutia. There will be a big interview, a lot of videos from the training camp, how I train, how I communicate.

- Did you really take part in the Yakut rite?
- It's already been promoted by journalists. In fact, I went to the village of Khatystyr to communicate with the locals. They welcomed me so well! I think there was no rite of purification. We just had a round dance with the guys. It was fun, we were so warmed up. I was very pleased to take part in their folk dances.

- You have a very unusual new rifle.
- For my own reasons, I made a dragon and painted it in this color. I won't tell you what that means. I am a superstitious person, this is important to me.

"Is it true that you don't let anyone touch her?"
- During the season - yes. Now, maybe I'll let you. But when the season starts, I'm ready to bite off my hand.

You have been doing charity work for five years now. Then , then in . Why do you need this? How is biathlete Anton Shipulin different from other benefactors?
- Now I have popularity. I use it so that we can do as many good deeds as possible. I look into the eyes of the guys we help, and I see that they are really happy. This is the best motivation for me. When I was invited to the fund, I was only 23 years old. After I visited the orphanage, talked with the children, saw their life situation, I wanted to change something. People can really do a lot. But most sit and do nothing. I want to show by example that together we can achieve more.

- How difficult is it to raise money? Are people willing to donate to your foundation?
- It is very difficult to raise money. Especially now, in such an unstable situation. Many sponsors begin to refuse for obvious reasons. Of course, there are kind people who are happy to help. But the majority, to whom we turn and who have the means, do not want to help us, causing this for their own reasons. But we still try. Just with the help of the media we attract as much as possible more people. We don't collect money for ourselves. Every month I put it out of my own pocket into the fund. You have no idea how often we are asked for help! More than 30 requests per month. I'm very upset that we can't help everyone.

- You are contacted only by sports topics?
- No, they turn to us with different questions, but we have chosen our direction. Not to be sprayed. The foundation helps children who want to go in for sports, but they don't have the opportunity. The fund has a charter, which is registered with the Ministry of Justice, and we cannot deviate from this charter. Therefore, we work within our limits. Our main goal is to win children over to our side. At the age until consciousness is finally formed, you can pick up the guys - and drag them from beer and cigarettes to the side healthy lifestyle life, where a good future awaits them.

Dragons, snow leopards, mountain goats and other drawings presented by biathlon heroes.

Creative from the Olympic champion Alexei Volkov - a bed with speck (or polka dots).

A strict version from biathlon legend Emil Hegle Swensen. Which, it is possible, begins the last season in his career.

Perhaps the most original design of the rifle is Anton Shipulin and his enchanted weapon with a dragon. The leader of the Russian team explained: “The idea is that I hold the dragon by the throat while making it. I hold it gently, suffocating a little." Who is cooler - Anton or Volkov?

Timofey Lapshin painted the rifle almost to match the color of the new (not very successful) uniform - blue-orange.

The weapon of the three-time European champion Alexei Slepov is blue with a stock in tricolor.

"It's not a joke, the internet is really evil." How does the most unusual Russian biathlete live?

Another option in national motifs is Kaisa Mäkäräinen's glossy blue rifle. The two-time World Cup winner revealed the concept: “I wanted something new after a few seasons with the gold butt. It turned out quite Finnish, I like it!”.

The weapon of the silver medalist of the Games in Sochi Selina Gasparin: “My rifle is fire!”. Appreciate the play of colors from the base to the butt.

Selina's younger sisters also approached the design with a twist.

Eliza: “I love mountains. And the horns of the mountain goat are a reminder of the house. It is a symbol of our town and the personification of strength.”

Aita: “A snow leopard is depicted on the stock of my rifle. Fast and strong - this is how a biathlete should be.

White is gaining popularity. The fashion went, it seems, from Tarja Bo a few years ago. This season, the leader of the Czech national team, three-time winner of the Games in Sochi, Ondrej Moravec, will perform with snow-white weapons ....

And one of the most recognizable biathletes in the world, married Italian Dorothea Wierer, who said goodbye to a black rifle in the offseason.

Photo:;;; Sorokin;;

Dragons, snow leopards, mountain goats and other drawings presented by biathlon heroes.

Creative from the Olympic champion Alexey Volkov- a speckled bed (or polka dots).

A strict version from the legend of biathlon - Emil Hegle Swensen. Which, it is possible, begins the last season in his career.

Perhaps the most original design of the rifle - Anton Shipulin and his enchanted dragon weapon. The leader of the Russian team explained: “The idea is that I hold the dragon by the throat while making it. I hold it gently, suffocating a little." Who has it better - Anton or Volkov?

Timofey Lapshin painted the rifle almost the same color as the new () uniform - blue-orange.

Weapons of the three-time European champion Alexey Slepov- blue with a butt in tricolor.

Another option in national motifs is a glossy blue rifle. Kaisa Mäkäräinen. The two-time World Cup winner revealed the concept: “I wanted something new after a few seasons with the gold butt. It turned out quite Finnish, I like it!”.

Weapons of the silver medalist of the Games in Sochi Selina Gasparin: "My rifle is fire!". Appreciate the play of colors from the base to the butt.

Selina's younger sisters also approached the design with a twist.

Eliza:“I love mountains. And the horns of the mountain goat are a reminder of the house. It is a symbol of our town and the personification of strength.”

Aita:“A snow leopard is depicted on the stock of my rifle. Fast and strong – this is how a biathlete should be.”

White is gaining popularity. The fashion went, it seems, from Tarja Bo a few years ago. This season, the leader of the Czech national team, a three-time winner of the Sochi Games, will perform with snow-white weapons. Ondrej Moravec….

And one of the most recognizable biathletes in the world, a married Italian Dorothea Wierer who said goodbye to the off-season with a black rifle.