Qigong hard sports. About hard qigong, which I do, a selection of articles and sayings - pavel — livejournal

Techniques that are studied and practiced in our center

A basic level of

  • : the oldest "internal" wushu style, the most spectacular and effective in combat use. Extremely effective for gaining enduring health, harmony, balance at any age and for real self-defense.
  • : it is a method of strengthening the body and spirit, cultivating energy, achieving the unity of the cosmos and man, a method of gaining incredible physical superpowers. Without qigong, no significant progress is possible in martial art. Technique " iron shirt" - reliable protection from any physical, mental, emotional and other energy influences. The stage is traditionally designed for 100 days, in reality, in our conditions, its passage can take from one to four months (depending on the state of health and diligence of the practitioner). It should be said that most demonstrations of "miracles" hard qigong with breaking bricks on the head, invulnerability, etc., which are sometimes shown on television (like a performance by a group of Chinese professional athletes"Great Wall" or demonstrations of the art of Shaolin "monks") refers to the first level of training, the common name of which in our school is chu qigong ("qigong of the beginning", starting level). Almost any person in our school masters this level in a few months of training.
    Note : since the 90s 20th century in its original form (with all the nuances) this qigong available for study, probably ONLY at the Black Tiger School.
  • Phydagun: body strengthening technique, internal energy mobility training, development of resistance to pain and unexpected impacts. Methodology, reinforcing and complementing " iron shirt".After 3-4 months of regular classes (at least 2 times a week plus independent work), students are given the opportunity (optional) pass the first level hard qigong exam. Before the exam, those involved pass the so-called. procedure" closing points", thanks to which the accumulated effect remains, without exaggeration to say, for life, even if you no longer study and do not pass the exam - you will be able to pass it later at least in 20-30 or more years ...

Further education 1 (senior group):

  • Tai Chi Qigong 1 - "Silk thread": this discipline is traditionally given attention after initial full study of the first form tai chi chuan Lao Jia-i-lu. Exercises tai chi-qigong 1, against the background of the developments of hard qigong, they allow quite quickly (sometimes even from the first lesson) to feel the external energy (wai qi) and study Taijiquan at a new level, when the practitioner himself is already moving along the "lines of force" and feels the correctness of his movements... In addition, the "Silk Thread" exercises themselves also have a strong healing effect.
  • tai chi-qigong 2 - "Dantian-neigong": More in-depth work with the techniques of tai chi qigong.
  • tai chi-quan of Chen style, Laojia-er-lu (Pao-chui - "cannon strikes"): the second form of Chen style taijiquan is almost 2 times shorter than the first, with a predominance of explosive, with energy release, movements - fajin.
  • : combines work with internal energy (nei-chi) with elements of external rigidity and speed, is also the art of attack and defense. Serious attention is paid to working with acupuncture points and channels, which has a beneficial effect on health, prolongs life and has a rejuvenating effect. Shen Taijiquan is a collection of the ancient most effective internal methods and techniques of combat and self-healing. More
  • Hard qigong 2nd level(jun qigong - "intermediate level qigong" only for those who wish and have a sufficient level of physical training, the rest continue to improve in Chu Qigong, gradually complicating the exercises and increasing the load): this level is much wider and more difficult than the first, the combat aspect is more pronounced here. Apart from " iron shirt"(immunity to blows and other hard influences on the body) a person also masters the ability of his own active influence on the external environment (breaking granite slabs with his hands, head and other parts of the body, working with natural elements, gravity, etc.).
    Note : there are 3 levels of hard qigong tradition in total Wudang Panlongmen. The third level is qigong of the highest level (so far we know of only two people who practice this level).

Further education 2

(we study on regular classes in a group as well as in intensive workshops
with and in Russia and China):

  • Tai Chi Tuishou. Those who are familiar with are probably well aware of this. base complex, which opens up combat capabilities tai chi. Accepted in our school traditional system training in which, in strict sequence, the basic forms without weapons are first studied, tai chi-qigong(“Silk thread”), then a form with a sword, and only after that it makes sense to start working in pairs. Otherwise, the time spent on the formal study of any kind of tuishou will be, at best, only a more or less general developmental power game. It is necessary that a person first feel the movement of energy in his body and around, only then tuishou will become for him a real key to martial arts. tai chi.
  • : a beautiful and spectacular sequence of fighting moves with iron fan can serve both for purely recreational purposes and for practicing combat skills, not to mention what looks like an unusual bewitching dance.
  • Emei " Qigong slimness” refers to the arts of a high level. There are very few people who own it at a sufficiently high level. This type of qigong is practiced mainly in Emei monasteries. Its specificity is that the main thing here is the internal work of attention synchronously with breathing during exercises. Need to watch the flow energy (qi) and introduce it, conduct it throughout the body, through each organ ...
  • Qigong of Bodhidharma or "Damo Yijin-ching" "Canon of muscle transformation" 1 and 2 steps." Pmuscle transformation", or"Change in Tendons" is a complex of ancient "internal" exercises that serve to develop amazing strength, increase energy potential and improve brain function. The exercises seem to be quite simple, and to test their effectiveness, you need to try them out. Over time, this set of exercises developed into a whole system. shaolin kungfu, the Shaolin art of training (correct circulation) vital energy V human body. Since qigong practice endowed a person with exorbitant strength, this art of energy training was kept in deep secrecy, and only the elite were taught high levels of this skill. But conditions have changed since then, and now qigong is available to the general public, although it often appears in a distorted form. At school " Black Tiger"the most ancient and authentic version of the exercises is being studied Qigong of Bodhidharma. Levels « Damo Yijing Ching» complement each other with more in-depth work. There are a total of five levels of this qigong (which can be accessed by diligent practitioners).
  • Qigong to improve vision: The special complex is extremely effective exercises, aimed at vision correction those who need it.
  • CHI - qigong: Another rare technique high level, the "external" effect of which is the possibility of switching to energy nutrition...

Special techniques and methods

  • Technique "diamond finger" or "iron fingers"
  • Technique "iron palm"
  • (a rather heavy and energy-intensive complex that allows you to purchase ability to reduce body weight up to levitation...)

...as well as many other methods and techniques of external and internal work...

The traditional practices of the East are distinguished by their efficiency and wisdom; this is knowledge that has been around for thousands of years.

Martial Qigong is a fundamental technique that is used to train the body, strengthen the spirit, and also in order to gain incredible physical strength. But, unlike banal training in gym or in the gymnastics section, here the emphasis is not on the size of the muscles.

Qigong for health and martial arts

The main difference between combat qigong and medical qigong is that this species qigong in the shortest possible time fills the body with energy practice Qi. While the healing complex of Chinese traditional medicine does it slowly and measuredly.

The main task of hard qigong is to raise the level of absolutely all the protective functions of the physical body and spirit. This practice gives a large amount of energy, increases the clarity of thought, increases efficiency.

Experienced professionals, as well as real Masters Chinese practice assure that hard qigong is the only efficient technique. Therapeutic qigong gives the body healing and helps a person to heal himself. Martial qigong strengthens the body, making it more resilient and strong. Hard qigong masters use it to regular workouts in martial arts.

Often, martial qigong is an exercise that helps improve physical performance when practicing wushu. Less commonly, hard qigong is practiced as an independent form of training.

For a beginner practitioner, this type of qigong can be much more difficult to master than medical and health-improving qigong. However, Masters around the world claim that even inexperienced beginners can practice hard qigong. In many ways, hard qigong is based on a technique that allows you to saturate human body powerful stream Qi. Teachers advise their students to initially engage in this particular type of practice. It is believed that hard qigong is indispensable for Chinese martial arts.

It is the systematic practice of martial qigong that allows practitioners to do truly amazing things and amaze with their strength indicators. Combat qigong is not a technique that will allow you to build muscle or gain muscle mass.

However, this is not required here. The Chinese believe that human strength comes from within and is powered by energy. qi. The more it is in the body - the stronger man, and therefore, for practice, neither your weight nor your initial strength indicators matter.

It is noteworthy that even fragile young girls practicing martial qigong can easily perform any task on an equal basis with men. So, one of the main checks is crushing a stone or wooden slab with bare hands, practicing women pass with ease.

The main effects that begin to appear after a few practices of martial qigong:

  • Increase in working capacity;
  • Reducing the time the body needs to rest;
  • Improved resistance to any diseases;
  • The body ceases to perceive pain;
  • The strong-willed spirit is tempered;
  • Increased sexual activity;
  • Strengthening the muscular frame and tendons in the body;
  • Increasing resistance to stress;
  • Filling every part of the body with energy.

Varieties of hard qigong

Combat qigong has two varieties, which differ from each other in exactly where the practitioner directs energy. qi. They are called external and internal styles.

If the practitioner uses the external style, he concentrates all his thoughts and consciousness, directing all qi into certain muscles of your body located on the limbs, thereby filling them with energy and incredible strength. Using this style allows you to achieve extremely unusual effects, such as resistance to piercing and cutting weapons, phenomenal strength, and so on.

However, real Masters do not welcome the use of only one external style. Since the physical body is limited in its capabilities, and sooner or later there is a moment when one or another muscle of the limb is filled with energy. qi maximum, and the practitioner continues to feed it with this power. Consequently, there is a dispersion of such a valuable qi, and the muscle frame of a practitioner who uses only an external style begins to age rapidly.

The internal style of martial qigong avoids this and prevents energy dissipation. qi. When using this technique, the practitioner directs all the energy into his torso and from there qi distributed evenly over all limbs.

This style is a little more difficult than the outer one, as it requires more concentration and experience from the practitioner.

In order to properly distribute energy from the trunk to the limbs, the practitioner must minimize the use of muscles. But using only one internal style is also not recommended by the Masters, because after a while the moment comes when it is necessary to energize the muscles of the limbs directly, without the participation of the body.

External and internal styles are inextricably linked with each other, like Yin and Yang, so they should be given equal attention, the importance of these two practices is equal.

Using two styles long years and centuries carried practical benefits only for combat, and the impact on health was ignored, it was perceived only as a positive by-effect. It is only recently that Masters and disciples have noticed the enormous health benefits of martial qigong practice.

Since in martial qigong the main place is occupied by the rapid flow of qi, then when practicing this type of practice, much attention is paid to the study of the meridians of the body, because they are the channels that allow energy to move. Also, during the practice of hard qigong, increased attention is paid to the navel center, because this area is responsible for will and strength.

You can use martial qigong not only to protect against direct attacks or during combat. This practice strengthens all weak areas on the body, increasing its elasticity, making it invulnerable.

In China, the ancient monks followed their martial traditions steadfastly. Even men of advanced age and lean physique were remarkable for their remarkable strength and endurance. Hard qigong allowed Taoist monks to avoid injury and injury in a defensive battle, and for ordinary soldiers it was the only way to return home safe and sound.

It is noteworthy that even now the Masters of martial qigong at first glance seem too frail to have such amazing capabilities. But, as indicated in the article above, in China, physical strength has never been correlated with muscle size. And while the enemies of the country relied on debilitating power training, the graceful Chinese preferred to act more wisely, drawing their strength from the life source qi.

A true martial qigong teacher is unlikely to surprise you with his powerful figure. However, he will be able to demonstrate to you such incredible abilities that many people will find impossible.

Many who watched the Masters' training from the outside noted how great inner strength lies in an ordinary physical shell. In an experienced practitioner, the strength of the spirit is so pronounced that even piercing and cutting objects cannot touch or injure him.

Swords and daggers seem to bounce off the surface of the Master's skin. This is the amazing ability of martial qigong. Outwardly, your body does not transform at all, so it is unlikely that anyone will guess about the hidden power that is inside you.

Combining the inner and outer styles, the practitioner will be able to achieve truly amazing results. Legends about monks walking on hot coals, on sharp fragments, or easily lying on a board with protruding nails - this is not a myth or fiction, all this is possible and real when using force qi.

Complex of hard qigong for the protection of vulnerabilities on the body

Iron chest work

"Breast Massage"

  1. Any position.
  2. The left hand is pressed with a palm to the chest, the right one covers it from above.
  3. There is a chest massage in a clockwise direction, pressing intensifies over time. At the same time, Qi should be controlled.

"Punch on the chest"

  1. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes the chest. At this moment it happens sharp exhalation and release of qi.

"Strikes with a bamboo stick on the chest"

  1. Stand up straight, body relaxed.
  2. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes with a stick on the chest. At this moment, there is a sharp exhalation and release of Qi.
  3. Repeat until pain sets in.

"Blows with a bag on the chest"

  1. Stand up straight, body relaxed.
  2. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes with a bag on the chest. At this moment, there is a sharp exhalation and release of Qi.
  3. Repeat until pain sets in.

  1. Take a step with your right foot and turn the body to the left, while slapping your partner on the chest with your right hand. The partner does the same.

Working out an iron belly

"Belly massage"

  1. Any position.
  2. The left hand is pressed with a palm to the stomach, the right one covers it from above.
  3. There is a massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, pressing intensifies over time. At the same time, Qi should be controlled.
  4. It is performed within 30-60 minutes.

"Belly Punches"

  1. Stand up straight, body relaxed.
  2. Raise your right fist while inhaling.
  3. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes the stomach. At this moment, there is a sharp exhalation and release of Qi.
  4. Repeat until pain sets in.

"Strikes with a bamboo stick on the stomach"

  1. Stand up straight, body relaxed.
  2. While inhaling, raise your right hand with a stick.
  3. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes with a stick on the stomach. At this moment, there is a sharp exhalation and release of Qi.
  4. Repeat until pain sets in.

"Blows with a bag on the stomach"

  1. Stand up straight, body relaxed.
  2. While inhaling, raise your right hand, in which there is a bag half filled with metal filings, and the other half with beans.
  3. The arm bends at the elbow and strikes the stomach with a bag. At this moment, there is a sharp exhalation and release of Qi.
  4. Repeat until pain sets in.

Assisted Training Methodology

  1. Stand facing your partner at a distance of one step.
  2. Take a step with your right foot and turn the body to the left, while slapping your partner on the stomach with your right hand. The partner does the same.
  3. Repeat the same for the left side.

Working out the iron back

"The sun is walking, the stars are moving"

  1. Sit down, close your eyes, hands should be pressed to the lower back.
  2. Rub inward 36 times, then outward 36 times.
  3. With extended phalanges of the index and middle fingers, strike on the lower back.
  4. Repeat the rubbing cycle.
  5. Repeat hitting and rubbing 3 times.

"The Golden Boy Beats the Drum"

  1. Take a soft wooden mallet with a vine handle.
  2. Direct all Qi to the back.
  3. Apply light blows to the back, strengthening them over time.
  4. Do this until the pain becomes unbearable.

Working out an iron crotch

"Raise and lower the anus"

  1. Sit with your legs folded.
  2. Lift the anus and hold your breath for 5 seconds. The testicles are also lifted.
  3. As you exhale, relax your entire body. The testicles descend slowly down.
  4. Repeat the exercise 18 times.

"The Well Gate Raises the Bucket"

  1. Tie a small weight to the base of the scrotum.
  2. Swing the load back and forth for 20 minutes.
  3. Gradually increase the weight of the load.

"Clapping the testicles"

  1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent.
  2. Using a wooden stick, lightly pat on the scrotum and penis. Gradually intensify the blows.
  3. Carry out this procedure for 5 minutes.
  4. Move the patting area to your stomach and inner part thighs until numbness sets in.

Combat qigong: video lessons and scientific experiments

Interesting facts and Scientific research, you can see the wonderful possibilities of the main Masters of martial qigong in the video below.

Qigong master showing ability

No less interesting is the video from the National Geographic channel, where the presenters held real experiment shocked the scientific world.

Combat qigong: video for beginners from Master Andrey Levshinov

Martial Qigong is a practice that will allow you to gain incredible physical ability, will strengthen the body. A powerful defense system, formed in China before the beginning of our era, is popular and relevant to this day.

Hard (hard) qigong is a must for all who practice martial arts especially for the art of wushu.

But for an ordinary person, this type of training is best protection of your body.

Weak and vulnerable places in our body are like fragile links in a chain; without their proper strengthening, a person runs the risk of suffering from even the smallest incident or unforeseen circumstance. In China, the ancient monks were well aware of this, so they took care to protect themselves and get rid of such fragile links. Now their powerful practice is available to any modern person.

Which of the men in childhood did not dream at least for a day to be in the place of Superman, Iron Man or the Hulk? It turns out that this is quite achievable in real life.

The “iron shirt” qigong complex will help turn a dream into reality. Those who read about the Shaolin monks may have heard of him. This is really hard qigong! The method is based on stuffing the body with sticks. Sounds a bit masochistic, but effective. Due to such regular training, it is possible to increase the pain threshold, develop indifference to pain and significantly increase concentration when performing strikes and blocks. The latter occurs due to the fact that during a blow with a stick, the muscles instinctively contract sharply, and with constant training, this affects the final fixation when reproducing any movement. Also this complex qigong relieves psychological blocks before pain. Agree, if you regularly beat yourself with a stick, then the fear of someone else's blow decreases significantly. The pain becomes something familiar, the body learns to interact with it, and not run away on instinct. Yes, the “iron shirt” qigong complex is not for wimps ... But it’s also not worth overdoing it, hitting anywhere and with all your might. There are points on the body that should be avoided. Therefore, carefully read the technique, watch the video before starting training.

Have a look also here:

In the old days, it was practiced inside wushu schools. The fighter had to be able to take blows, otherwise you won’t last long in the profession. Each school had its own stuffing system, otherwise nothing. In the 19th century, wushu began to decline - firearms appeared. Great damage was done during the "Boxer Rebellion" at the beginning of the 20th century. The uprising was led by wushu masters, but with pikes and sabers and bare hands against rifled weapons and you can’t trample machine guns much, and they drowned him in blood. Many wushu masters died. Hard qigong did not help either. It was then that the separation of hand-to-hand techniques and body hardening techniques began.

During the Qing Dynasty, in order to take an officer's position, the contestant passed an exam in fencing, hand-to-hand combat, and had to confirm knowledge of treatises on the art of war. Among other things, he passed an exam in general physical education: bricks, slabs were beaten on him, he broke something, that is, he passed a "test" in hard qigong. Such examinations still exist within the framework of hard qigong schools. I gave up myself. At the Panlongmen School to Master Wang Xiang. Even in old China there was such a topic: some citizens sold all kinds of drugs in the markets, and in order to buy better, they performed with a theatrical show with the above tricks with breaking bricks, slabs, sticks, etc. on themselves. Later hand-to-hand combat and hard qigong completely separated into separate schools. And somewhere they even compete, only they can’t take a blow very well and because of this there are a lot of injuries, other guys are hefty strong, but they don’t know how to fight.

I learned hard qigong from Wang Xiang, he from Zhang Jialing, and Zhang Jialing from a certain Taoist monk. Zhang Jialing now runs a school in Hunan called Tianhesi (Heavenly River Monastery).

Hard qigong (I’m talking about Panlongmen, because I’m not knowledgeable in others) is certainly a useful thing, but maybe not very useful, even dangerous to health, if you approach it anyhow, besides, there are contraindications. Exercises are powerful, safety precautions are required. It is very important to strictly observe the technique different types breath, especially on a delay. Time and place to practice are important. You can’t practice at noon and midnight, you can’t practice in a thunderstorm, near open large reservoirs, on high places, in the wind, in the rain, in drafts, etc. and so on. You can not talk on time and after, run to the toilet, drink water, wash and eat before and after class.

Traditionally training process divided into three hundred days. Why hundred days? Because the body has time to renew itself during this time, and the skill acquired during the exercises is fixed. For a hundred days, twice a day, you do a complex, and it is quite peppy - push-ups, abs, hitting your head, stuffing your body. You can’t miss it, for one missed workout - you add five days to a hundred, for a missed day - ten. I scored three days in a hundred days, it doesn’t matter if I fell ill there, work - start from the beginning, the result is reset to zero. By the 80th day you curse everything in the world, fatigue accumulates, by the 100th day the crisis passes, and you thresh yourself. Strong tea, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs are not allowed - once - and reset to zero. No sex for a hundred days - you can’t. It was impossible to explain this to the then wife - they divorced in the end. Young guys can have wet dreams - from such a life everyone dreams at night. Wang Xiang gave special pills for this, but three such accidents - and that's it, goodbye, start from the beginning. One freak, excessively hot, stretched out the first 100 days for as much as two years and became the absolute record holder. We usually didn’t do it for a hundred days, 120-130. You stuff yourself with herbs before hitting the sand bag with your hands, steam your hands in a herbal solution, or even stand on the bridge on a special bag of grass and twist your head. From this, hands are not washed at all, but on the head the bald head is rubbed, and it is also always dirty from the grass. The view is still the same. Then closing points. You do tunqi (swallow saliva) first 50, then 100, then 200 times, and in between, Wang Xiang painfully presses on all sorts of points. How to preserve the result. And so three times a hundred and twenty. good time was.

You can, of course, just do physical education every other day, but the effect is not at all the same.

Now the boys (and girls) and I practice twice a week in Qinglong. It's still good, OFP, good spirits and all that.

And further. There is no need to wind super miracles and super abilities on hard qigong. That, they say, you can take any blows. Not any, and not in all places, but it is possible. In the economy, the thing is certainly not superfluous - it’s better not to miss blows, of course, but anything can happen. It is possible to withstand one blow quite strong, but, alas, it will not work out very well. They write about sharp objects that, they say, you can prick and cut - armor! Lies, don't be fooled. On the skin, of course, scars are formed, spears are there, swords can be bent to the public. This is what we can do. But one citizen of ours pierced his stomach with a spear, how nefig to do, they sewed it up. There must be technology.

They also write that, they say, the spiritual path and enlightenment in the end. Lies and deceit! Wang Xiang said: the first hundred days is jing (seed) is transformed into qi (energy), the second hundred days is qi is transformed into shen (spirit), the third is the shen returns to the lower dan tian and the pill of immortality is formed. That is, a full cycle of energy transformation, spiritualization of the body. But in three hundred days this path can make one in a million. And so, in practice, for the first hundred days qi is formed, on the second muscle, on the third tendon, as a result, some kind of iron shirt. Excellent, very high-tech, incredibly practical, but OFP! Treat it that way.

Any Path is a transformation of the animal nature of a person into a divine one, but it is still somewhat different… Although… Why not start with OFP?

In hard qigong, as in Chen taiji, in general, there is nothing but gongfu. There is no need to expect something special and demand the impossible from fate. Only gongfu, hard everyday work. I cannot promise people anything but hard work, just as my teachers did not promise me any mountains of gold. A deal will not work here: I am for you - and you are for me. The universe is not to be bargained with. Only sincerity. But the world is funny. You don’t demand from him, but he gives you life enrichment for kung fu. For some reason, the grass is greener, and the sun is brighter, the girls are prettier, and the food is tastier. The energy is overflowing. For the fulfillment of desires, energy is needed, and its heaps. The Tao Te Ching says: "The enrichment of life is called happiness." What else does a person need?

Reading time 3:50, 98% useful
  • Qi eruption (peng qi)
  • Swallowing Qi (Tun Qi)

Based on the Iron Shirt technique

The Art of the Iron Shirt is one of the ingredients of this approach. The effectiveness of the training methods outlined in this book has been tested over thousands of years by generations of warriors, professional fighters and healers. The breathing practice of internal energy filling, which is the basis of the Iron Shirt technique, is the practice of the conscious application of natural methods of subtle energy self-regulation of a person, and therefore can be successfully used to amazingly increase the effectiveness of both any method of general psychophysical training, and any purposefully combat system, in in which the practitioner uses his body as the main weapon - professionally or simply for general development.

In different schools and directions of "hard qigong" there are some differences in methods. There are exercises for singles and pairs; basic and special methods; there are exercises on bent legs, and there are also exercises with striking; there are exercises to develop the strength of the fingers and hands, as well as to train the strength (strength) of the crown. The usual order of practicing "hard qigong" is as follows.

First step: training in basic exercises, such as, for example, stances in the “horseman pose”, in the “archer pose”, etc., training in kicks while bending the lower back, etc .; This is the hardening system of the body.

Second step: with the help of concentration and mental accompaniment, develop the strength of the fingers and palms. For example, sticking fingers and palms into a pile of green beans, coarse sand, or iron filings.

Third step: concentrating attention and directing thoughts, with palms, fists or a stick, strike at different parts of the body, thereby training muscles, bones, skin, raising their strength and endurance.

Fourth step: use a wooden pole or club to strike the palms, shoulders, dan tian, legs and other parts of the body in order to develop their immunity to blows.

Fifth step: hang a sandbag or stone, strike it with palms and fists to push it away from you; when the bag begins to return, it is necessary to stop it by substituting the part of the body being trained or the dan tian. At this time, combine the internal work of moving qi and the external work of the parts of the body so that they merge into one; when touched, exhale loudly (heh). Train until it comes naturally.

Sixth step: in depending on which part of the body needs to be trained (head, neck, chest, stomach or arms and legs), to carry out directed impacts with the tip. After long sessions, the trained part acquires the ability to withstand enormous pressure and piercing and cutting blows. This means mastering the art of “knife and gun do not take” (“bullet and knife do not enter”, “power capable of stopping a thousand jin”).

The method of "hard qigong 18 arhats", explained by Sun Wu, involves moving qi to the crown of the head, spewing qi, and swallowing qi. These three methods are interrelated and complement each other. These are the specific exercises.

Prepare a belt 5.5 chi long and about 2 cun wide. Before starting the lesson, wrap it tightly around the lower back, stand up straight, then slightly loosen the belt so that you can put two little fingers in.

Moving Qi to the Crown of the Head (Ding Qi)

Training Methods

1 ) Stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Put the left hand on the belt, lower the right hand down, rest the tip of the tongue against the palate with tension.

2) Inhale. The breath should be slow, deep and long, while the chest naturally rises.

3) Qi of the whole body is concentrated in the right and left hands (from the elbow to the forearm). Right hand tightly pressed against the right side of the lower back, palm facing left, fingers pointing forward; move the palm to the lower abdomen, then the fingers move up, along the midline of the abdomen rise to the level of the eyes and then to the top of the head. Simultaneously with raising the arms up to the top of the head, light shaking of the head in both directions is performed.


  • When moving qi to the crown, it is important to pay attention to the fact that all the qi energy in the body moves to the bai-hui point.
  • When performing the exercise, you should concentrate your thoughts on the top of your head as much as possible.
  • The stance should be straight, the head is also set straight, both cheeks are slightly drawn inward.
  • On initial stage classes, unpleasant sensations in the head, swelling and redness of the face, and other symptoms are possible. This is a common occurrence, after a crescent of classes, they will disappear. However, focusing on the bai-hui point is best done under the guidance of a teacher.

Qi eruption (peng qi)

Training Methods

  • Spread your legs, turn your toes inward, heels outward; sit down, knees slightly bent, in the “horseman pose”; both hands are lowered down, the tip of the tongue rests against the upper palate with tension.
  • Inhale. When inhaling, the lower abdomen is drawn in, the chest is straightened, the shoulders are separated to the side in such a way that they form a straight line, the fingers are brought together, the palms are turned up.
  • Hands move forward and inward, describing an arc, while a chopping movement is made in front of the chest; the place where the chopping palms fall is 1.5 cun below the middle of the line connecting the nipples.
  • The chopping movement of the palms in front of the chest is combined with the eruption of qi; qi should be expelled through the nostrils, with the lower abdomen sticking out.


  • Qi eruption is key point this type of qigong. It makes all the muscles of the body work and contract intensively, expands the chest cavity, blood and qi are in abundance.
  • When performing movements with strength, it is necessary to concentrate on the shoulders and palms.
  • When performing a stance, make sure that the chest is slightly retracted and the back is straightened; you can not protrude the chest and put forward the stomach.
  • At the initial stage of training, chopping movements of the palms should not be performed with excessive force, one must go from weak movements to strong ones, observing gradualness. Otherwise, unwanted sensations may occur in the chest area.
  • If in the process of training you suddenly experience ringing in your ears, and tears appear in the corners of your eyes, do not worry, this is a common occurrence.

Swallowing Qi (Tun Qi)

Training Methods

  • The legs are shoulder-width apart, the palms of the hands are slightly pressed on both sides to the chest, the tip of the tongue rests lightly on the upper palate.
  • Inhale. Inhalation should be slow, even, Bottom part the abdomen at the same time naturally moves forward. Simultaneously with inhalation, both hands, pressed to the body, move to the lower abdomen.
  • When both hands reach the lower abdomen, the mouth and larynx simultaneously make such a movement as when swallowing food in order to “swallow” qi inside.


  • The head and chest should be relaxed; the qi is lowered into the dan tian to bring the qi and blood down.
  • Care must be taken not to use force when using the will; so that the muscles of the whole body are completely relaxed, the eyes are slightly closed, thoughts are gathered together, the mind is concentrated on the dantian.
  • During classes, phenomena such as belching, gas, rumbling in the intestines, etc. are possible. This is due to the movement of qi in the body and should not cause concern.

In general, the exercises for moving qi to the crown and releasing qi require effort, while swallowing qi requires meditation, but not force.