Sports entertainment autumn fun. Scenario of sports entertainment “Autumn Fun” for children of the middle group

Target: Instill a love for physical education; develop speed, strength, agility, coordination of movements, spatial orientation and ingenuity; develop children's fantasy and imagination; create a need for healthy way life.

Equipment: racks, skittles, baskets, cones, leaves made of cardboard and napkins, a fake sun and clouds with rain, umbrellas according to the number of children, snowflakes made of cardboard according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

Instructor: Hello guys! Do you know what time of year it is now? (Answers). What month? (Answers). Right. But at this time it becomes so sad and depressing. It's wet and dirty outside. How are you in this weather? (Answers). I suggest you don’t be sad and play a little and have fun. We agree (Answers). And we will play in the autumn forest. Let's go.

1 Game exercise"Through the autumn forest"
Walking, alternating with running randomly between objects (cones, leaves, trees) without touching them.

2 Game exercise "Leaf fall"
Outdoor switchgear in a circle with autumn leaves

Instructor: Well done, you are doing well. And autumn no longer seems sad. Let's continue to play and help the forest dwellers make autumn supplies.

3 Game exercise "Squirrel stock"
Divide into 2 teams. Task: collect all the cones from the site into your basket. All participants run at the same time; you can take 1 cone in one race. Whoever has the most cones in the basket wins.

Instructor: Well done, they helped the squirrels and collected all the cones. But there are a lot of leaves left. Let's remove them. And the wind will help us clean up.

4. Breathing exercise"Leaf in the Wind"
(leaves cut from napkins)

In a circle, take a leaf in your hand, lift it up and blow on it so that it flies off your hand, then catch it. Take it in the other hand and repeat the exercise 4 times.

Instructor: Well done, you completed the task. Guys, in the fall the weather often changes, sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes it’s raining. So we'll play in changeable weather. When the weather is sunny, you want to walk and play, and when it starts to rain, everyone takes out their umbrellas and runs home.

5. Game "Changable Weather"
There is a shop (house) on one side of the hall, umbrellas on the other side, and a forest between them. When you see the sun, you can run and jump through our autumn forest. When you see a cloud with rain, you must run to the umbrellas and walk with them to the house.

Instructor: Yes, the weather is unpredictable. But in the fall, another surprise awaits us - the first snow falls. Let's look at snowflakes.

6. Game "First Snowflakes"
Purpose of the game: spinning in place one at a time. We need to disperse through our forest so as not to touch each other with open hands. Whoever circles the longest wins.

Instructor: The first snow has fallen. Let's collect some snowflakes as a souvenir.

7. Sedentary games"We'll find a snowflake"
Snowflakes according to the number of children. Children close their eyes. On command, you need to open your eyes and walk step by step through the forest to look for snowflakes. Whoever finds it takes a snowflake and goes with it to the bench, wait for the other players. Repeat 3 times.

Instructor: Thank you guys, you made me laugh and had fun yourself. Now we know any weather is not an obstacle for fun games. Now it's time for you to return home. Goodbye!

Chistilina Tatyana Leonidovna, physical education instructor, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 94, Orel

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Autumn Olympics in preparatory group. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Target: Cultivate children's interest in activities physical culture and sports. Preservation and promotion of children's health.
- Cultivate friendly relations between children, develop children’s interaction skills with each other.
- In a playful way, improve motor skills and abilities, develop strength, dexterity, coordination.
To grow and harden,
Let's play sports.
Toughen up, kids.
Good afternoon - Fizkult-hurray!!!
Leading: Guys, today we will have a competition between two preparatory groups. I would like to ask our teams to introduce themselves.
First command: "Wait for it".
Our motto: Well, wait a minute, team, what do you need?
Maximum knowledge, maximum laughter,
This way we will achieve success faster.
Second command: "White bears".
Our motto:“We guys go anywhere,
We always win."

Leading: Amazing. I propose to start our autumn Olympics with a little musical warm-up.
Warm-up to the song by V. Vysotsky “ Morning exercises».
We got up early today and started doing exercises,
Hands up! Hands down! Left - right, turn around!
They sat down together, stood up together, and began to bend over.
They began to jump and gallop, and then walk again.

Child: Spun above the earth,
Autumn is a round dance again.
May health, joy, strength
Autumn sports will bring.
Child: Let everything not be given right away -
We'll have to work!
Let's run fast, together -
We really need to win!
Leading: And now I propose to begin our competition. Our teams are ready.
Children: Yes.
Leading: I am announcing the first competition. I invite the teams to take their places. You need to pass the ball to a friend, walk to the landmark and back, and not lose the ball. Then pass the ball to the next pair, the game continues until all players have played once.
Contest: "Passing the ball."

Leading: Our next competition. I invite 6 people, you need to walk like turtles, carry a bag of sand on your tummy, try not to drop or lose the bag.
Game: "We are turtles."

Leading: Now, a moment of rest - a musical break. The girls from the “Well, wait a minute” team will perform in front of us, and we will support them with thunderous applause.
Musical pause.

Leading: Well, we’ve rested a little, the competitions continue. For the next competition, we will need a bench and participants. You need to jump over the bench, feet together to the end of the bench and back and pass the baton to another player.

Leading: Now I invite both teams to join me, we line up like a snake, when you hear the words “streams”, we walk, and for the words “river” you need to form a circle. We walk, we walk...

Leading: Our autumn starts have come to an end, I propose to summarize.
Team awards.

We wish everyone good luck, victories and many, many medals.

« Autumn starts»

(senior and preparatory group)

Target: to form in children initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: improve motor skills through games, relay races, develop agility, endurance, reaction speed; promote development positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy. Strengthen children's knowledge about the seasons and people's workin autumn, about fruits and vegetables.

Equipment: paper autumn leaves for voting, 2 sheets of paper, 2 landmarks, 2 baskets, 12 ring throw rings, 12 small balls, 2 umbrellas, a hoop, sets of vegetables and fruits, a music center.

Progress of entertainment.

To the music, the children enter the hall. They are distributed scattered in pairs around the hall.


If the days become shorter,

Cold, frosty nights,

The rain is drizzling through the puddles,

The willow above the river is sad,

The leaves fly from the trees,

The bird wedge in the sky is melting,

A bear fell asleep under a pine tree,

The birds stopped singing...

What is this? It's autumn.

“Take your time, we ask her. -

Give us more warm days

For fun, for games, for adventures!”

Leading: Guys, I invite you to fun starts! Tell me, what time of year did I read the poem about now?

Children: About autumn.

Leading: Right! So our fun starts today, what? Autumn…

Finger gymnastics"Autumn":

Autumn, autumn, - three palms touching each other

Come! - take turns clenching your fists

Autumn, autumn, - three palms touching each other

Look! - place your palms on your cheeks

The yellow leaves are spinning - movement of palms from top to bottom

They lie down quietly on the ground. – stroking your knees

The sun no longer warms us, - take turns clenching your fists

The wind is blowing stronger and stronger - we move our hands apart at the same time different sides

The birds flew to the south, - cross your arms and move your fingers

The rain is knocking on our window. - tapping our fingers on our palms

We put on hats and jackets - pretend

And we put on our shoes - knock your feet

We know the months: - pat your knees with your palms

September, and October, and November. - fist, edge, palm
Leading: And, now, in order for us to start the competition, we need to do a warm-up.

Warm-up “Colorful game”

Leading: Well, now we're definitely ready to start the competition, right, guys? You are ready?

Attention! I ask the participating teams to form columns at the landmarks.

I ask the captains to introduce their teams. (representation of teams: name, motto)

For winning each competition, I will give the winning team an autumn leaf, and at the end of the competition we will sum up the results. Whoever has the most leaves wins.

Leading: So, I'm announcing the first competition called"Bring me the leaflet"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can use it from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which line up parallel to one another. The first players are given a sheet of paper on their palm, and they must quickly reach the landmark. During the game, the sheet should lie on its own in the palm of your hand - it should not be held in any way. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it on your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the sheet to the right palm of the next participant, etc. The team that completed the task faster wins.

Leading: Oh, now the next competition"Planting Potatoes"

We all know that in the fall we need to harvest, so we will first plant and then collect potatoes (the first participant runs with a basket of “potatoes” to the holes (rings from the ring thrower) and lays out the “potatoes” in the holes, runs back and gives an empty basket to the second participant; he runs and collects potatoes in the basket, etc.)

Leading: We continue the harvest "Fruits vegetables" .

Leading: Well done guys, you did a great job! We’ve worked, and now we can go for a walk... Only, bad luck, it’s raining outside... and in order not to get wet, you need to know what to take with you? That's right, an umbrella!

And I announce the next competition"Hide under the umbrella."

The first participant leads the second under an umbrella to a landmark, hands him the umbrella, and remains in place; the second participant returns with the umbrella to the team, leads the next participant to the landmark under the umbrella and passes the umbrella to him, etc., until all participants move to the opposite side. The team that gets everyone across first wins.

Leading: You guys are great, no one got wet.

Now, let's take a physical rest and think a little with our heads - guess the riddles.

Riddles about autumn.

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

Does it rain when does it happen?


Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water.

(Autumn leaf)

He walks and we run

He'll catch up anyway!

We rush to the house to hide,

He will knock on our window,

And on the roof, knock and knock!

No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!


The clouds are catching up,

Howls and blows.

Prowls the world

Sings and whistles.


Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course.

(Leaf fall)

Leading: How talented you guys are! You know everything, you can do everything.

And now I suggest everyone to play one interesting game"At the Giraffes"

Children stand up and perform movements to the music in accordance with the words.

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.(Clap your palms all over your body.)Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.(We pinch ourselves, as if picking up folds.)On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On noses, bellies, knees and toes.(Use both index fingers to touch the corresponding parts of the body.)Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. (We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing out the fur)On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On noses, bellies, knees and toes.(Use both index fingers to touch the corresponding parts of the body.)And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.(We draw the edges of the palm along the body (draw stripes))On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On noses, bellies, knees and toes.

Leading: And now, it’s time to sum up our autumn starts and announce the winner. Children, together with the leader, count the leaves in their baskets.

Autumn. Fallen leaves

There is rustling in the garden underfoot.

Linden, birch and maple trees

They take off their summer outfit.

In a sad garden in the early morning

The birds don't sing anymore

The old willow, bending down,

He looks sadly into the pond.

The tramp wind sways

Its branches are above the water.

The rain mutters a little audibly,

Tears dripping from the branches.

Tears are dripping, dripping

To the flying garden.

There are birch sisters on the hill,

Leaning under the wind, they tremble.

And the breeze blew up,

He touched the trees with his hand.

And a golden waterfall

Leaves are flying over the ground. Raise your arms up to the sides

Then slowly lower down. Slightly

Lean forward, hands down, shake

Hands from side to side.

Raise your hands up, swing your hands over

Head left and right.

They clap their hands softly

Perform downward bends while bending the arm

They take me back.

Perform left and right turns

Hands on the belt.

Perform shaking off with hands


They knock their fists against each other.

Hands spread to the sides, then

Wrap your arms around your shoulders.

Alternately perform with hands

Wave movements.

They run in circles after each other,

Lightly swing your arms up and down.

Well, now let's sum it up... who won the competition?

Host: Look, both teams scored 4 chips. This means that friendship has won!

Congratulations guys! And because you tried so hard, I have a treat for you.

Host: Our fun starts have come to an end. I wish everyone good luck! Goodbye!

Children go to the group.

Elvira Shaimardanova
Sports leisure for senior and preparatory groups “Autumn starts”

Target : to form in children initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks :

1. Develop children's interest insports , understand the meaningsports in human life .

2. Develop agility, reaction speed, the ability to play games, relay races.

3. Strengthen children’s knowledge aboutautumn , about people's workin autumn , about fruits and vegetables.

4. Foster a sense of help and support in the family.

Equipment and inventory : plastic vegetables and fruits, small balls, hoops, two watering cans, two baskets, two umbrellas.

Move :

Children and their teacher enter the music room. Cheerful music sounds.

Leading : - Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our hall atsports entertainment . Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? Right,autumn . All the trees dressed in gold.

Againautumn time

The leaves are spinning

Miracle - she paints

She fascinated everyone.

Look at the carpet

Leaves at the threshold.

It's just a pity that the days are warm

A little in autumn .

Leading : Richautumn mushrooms and berries . What do people do in the garden?in autumn ?

Children : Harvesting vegetables and fruits.

Leading : Have you and your parents collected the harvest?

Children : Yes.

Leading : But I haven’t had time yet. Maybe you can help me. Let's go to my dacha.

Children sit on chairs and pretend to drive a car to the music.

Leading : Stop the car. We've arrived. Who is this coming to meet us?

A scarecrow comes out to the music.

Scarecrow : - I am a labor scarecrow - garden. All summer I stand in the garden, the kitchen garden, I guard the master's harvest. In any weather, in the sun or in the rain, I stand, don’t eat, don’t sleep, work without giving up. Yes, I have witnesses. These are the birds I chase from the garden. I protect gardening products from feathered robbers. In general, this was such a difficult job for me. The harvest was harvested, and I was left without a job. It became empty and boring. I heard you and came out to you.

Leading : Guys, let's invite a scarecrow to play with us?

Scarecrow : With pleasure.

Leading : Then we invite you to take part in ourautumn starts .

Children are divided into twoteams : "Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" .

Leading : Autumn competitions involving teams"Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" please consider them open. To begin with, we will do a musical warm-up.

Relay races :

1. "Planting Potatoes"

Leading : Before we compete with each other, guess the riddle.

What they dug out of the ground, fried, cooked.

What we baked in the ashes. They ate and praised.

Children's answer.

Leading : That's right, potatoes. Now we will start planting potatoes.

In front of each team there are hoops - these are holes. Team members take turns taking potatoes from the basket.(ball) , run up to their hole and plant a potato ball in the hole(put the ball in the hoop) . They run back and pass the baton. The team that completes the task faster wins.

2. "Water the potatoes" .

In turn, team members with a watering can each run up to their hole and"watered" her. They come back, hand over the watering can, and stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task faster wins.

3. "Harvesting" .

In turn, team members each run up to their hole and pick up their potato ball, run back, put it in the basket, pass the baton and stand at the end of the column. Who is faster.

4. "Fruits vegetables" .

On the opposite side of the hall, there are replicas of vegetables and fruits in a hoop. Children take turns running up to the hoop. One team collects only vegetables, the other only fruits. The team that completes the task quickly and accurately will win.

5. Riddles onautumn theme .

Scarecrow : Take a break from the competition, guys, and guess my fruit and berry riddles, rainy ones, the best ones everautumn riddles .

1. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land.


2. Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain,

Large, round, sweet in taste,

Did you find out who I am?


3. I am long and green, I am tasty when salted,

Delicious and raw. Who am I?


4. Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.


5. Red beads hanging

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.


6. What kind of trotter is this?

Did you fall over on your side?

He's well-fed and lettuce-y.

That's right, kids...


6. "Running with an umbrella through puddles" .

Leading : And we continue ourautumn competition between teams"Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" .

In turn, each relay participant in each team, with an umbrella in their hands, covers the distance by jumping through puddles(hoops) . Which team will complete the task faster?

Summing up the competition. Rewarding.

Leading : Oursautumn starts have come to an end . We congratulate the team... on their victory. Oh, our Scarecrow is sad for some reason.

Scarecrow : We played great today, it’s a pity to leave you guys. But it’s time for me to leave, but where?in autumn Yes, in winter there is no work for me in the garden. And what should I do, poor and unfortunate?

Leading : Come with us. Guys, let's take the stuffed animal with us kindergarten. You will sweep in the summer and remove snow in the winter. And guard the kindergarten at night.

Scarecrow : Well, then we will see each other often. I'm very happy about this.

Leading : And for us, children, it’s time to return to kindergarten. Everyone get into the car.

Children sit on chairs to the music and pretend to drive a car.

1 competition “Pass the flag”

Run with the flag to the object and back. Pass the flag to the next player; The team whose players finish the distance faster wins.

2nd competition "Snipers"

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing the cone right hand, trying to get into the basket. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Result: whoever has the most points wins.

3 competition “Bring a piece of paper”

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can use it from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which line up parallel to one another. The first player of each team is given a piece of paper on their palm. During the game, the sheet should lie on its own in the palm of your hand - it should not be held in any way. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it on your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one moves to the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

4th competition "Ants"

Both teams stand in a line at arm's length, facing each other. At the beginning, each team has 15 flags, and at the end there is a box. By whistling, the first player passes the flag to the second and so on until the flags run out. The team that passes all the flags the fastest wins.


Autumn is an adult.

Buyers, sellers, grandmother, girl, potatoes, berries, mushrooms - children.

Autumn greets children in the hall.

Autumn: My dear children!

I invite you to my holiday.

Round dance “Hello, autumn” music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by L. Nekrasov

1 child: Hello, Golden Autumn,

It's good that you came.

Bright yellow leaves

I brought it to all the kids.

Child 2: How beautifully you decorated the hall!

Thank you for inviting me to visit you.

We will have fun with you from the bottom of our hearts,

It’s not good for us to be sad during the holiday.

Children sing the song “Autumn in the Forest” by muses. V. Zhubinskaya, lyrics. S. Vladimirova

(children sit on chairs)

Autumn: Dear guests, I am glad to see you,

Hello autumn friends!

Thank you for your warmth, your care, your kindness.

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

You brought me fun and joy.

But I wasn’t lazy either and I worked hard!

There is a market in the center of Lyantor,

People are rushing there in the morning!

There are carrots and cabbage, everything is ripe, oh, how delicious!

Grapes, cherry plums and plums, how bright and beautiful everything is.

Watermelons, melons, peaches are here,

It’s simply impossible to count how many products there are!

Go to the market, don’t delay, don’t yawn,

Stock up on vegetables and fruits for winter.

Here are the fruits of my labors, the harvest has long been ready.

The autumn fair opens, the sale begins.

(The curtain opens, counters and sellers stand)

1Seller: Here are watermelons, here are watermelons, sweet as honey,

Anyone who tries a piece will immediately understand everything.

2Seller: Greetings from Uzbekistan! It's too early for you to grieve.

We will bring you watermelons and feed the northerners in winter.

3Seller: But here are plums, pears, grapes,

Whoever tastes it will be very happy.

4Seller: But these are the apples, liquid, painted,

They are very sweet, buy them quickly.

5Seller: Take carrots and cabbage.

When you pickle it, it's very tasty.

6Seller: Eggplants, peppers, onions,

Whoever doesn’t take it will be stupid!

7Seller: And my potatoes, although a little dirty

Which one is on the table...

You boil it and steam it, or if you want, fry it in oil.

8 Seller: Here is a forest treat,

The berry is simply delicious!

And cloudberries and blueberries, blueberries and lingonberries.

Come, choose, buy quickly.

9 Seller: Our mushrooms are good, straight from the taiga!

Russula and honey mushrooms, there are saffron milk caps and boletus.

10 Seller: The porcini mushrooms here are surprisingly good!

There are boletus boletus, how many of them - do not count!

11 Seller: But the autumn flowers, the latest,

Even if you go around half the world, you will not find better than these.

Autumn: People came to the market, began to ask for goods.

Girl: How much does your watermelon cost, and what does it taste like?

1st seller: Very sweet my watermelon, tastes great!

2 seller: For your smile, I give you a watermelon.

Girl: Hey guys, don't yawn,

Take all the watermelons apart!

And we will pay you with a song,

Sing together together.

Children perform the song “Smile” Music: V. Shainsky. Words: M. Plyatskovsky.

(Granny approaches the counter)

Grandma: What do you have here?

Seller: Potato.

Grandmother: Something a little dirty.

How much are you selling for?

Seller: How many kilograms are you taking?

Grandmother: Two kilograms, son.

Seller: Stock up, grandma, for future use!

You can take ten kilograms and live through the whole winter.

Grandmother: I won’t tell you, son.

Seller: I'll help grandma.

Hey, potatoes, come out, run straight to grandma.

(Potatoes come out)

1Potato: You’ll find out, I’m a potato, although a little dirty.

Of course it doesn’t matter, people always need me.

2 Potatoes: You can boil and steam us,

If you want to fry in oil!

3 Potatoes: You can’t live without potatoes, they are very tasty.

Fries, potatoes and mashed potatoes will always be seen on the table.

4 Potatoes: The four of us will sing a song for you about potatoes.

Song “Potato” (Musical and literary composition “Osenins”, music by R. Gutsalyuk, lyrics by N. Solovyova /CD)

(two customers approach the mushroom counter)

Customer 1: We want to buy mushrooms,

Salt them for the winter!

Seller: Hurry up and take my mushrooms!

Customer 2: Why is the fungus beautiful to look at, but not poisonous to the taste?

Seller: All my mushrooms can be eaten, my friends!

I'll show you a mushroom that you shouldn't take home,

Although it looks beautiful, it is terribly poisonous!

Not a robber and not a thief called fly agaric!

I’ll show it to you: admire it, friends!

Children perform the fly agaric dance (“Song about fly agarics” music and lyrics by K. Kostina)

Customer1: What kind of berry do you have?

Seller: Lunch, just great!

Buyer2: We want to make jam, it will be delicious without a doubt.

Buyer1: In winter, when frost comes, we won’t be able to go for a walk.

We'll drink tea and jam together in the evenings.

Buyer2: Wild berries, come to us quickly.

And dance merrily for all the guests today.

Dance of the berries (Polka by R. Strauss)

Flower seller: But these are the autumn flowers, the very latest!

Hey guys, don't yawn, hurry up and sort out the flowers!

Invite our Autumn, let her dance with us.

Children, together with autumn, dance the “Waltz of Autumn Flowers” ​​by the muses. Y. Slonova

Autumn: Thank you for your kindness, for your care, your warmth.

I’m not leaving you, I’ll be friends with you until winter!

Children sing the song “Autumn has knocked on our door” music by I. Smirnova, lyrics by T. Propisnova

Autumn: The day is finally getting dark

And our market will soon be empty,

And it's time for me to say goodbye,

I'm leaving you for a year, kids.

But I won't leave without gifts,

I'll give everyone a goodbye treat!

(Autumn distributes food, the children thank them and return to the group.)

Scenario of autumn physical education leisure in the preparatory group

Physical education "Golden Autumn" (preparatory group)

Description: Autumn themed entertainment for children of the preparatory group, the action takes place in an unusual or sports garden where children harvest the crops, meet the hero Scarecrow Garden, solve riddles, play relay races with him (they help harvest the crops), get acquainted with the history of the Scarecrow and why it is needed.

Target: to form motor skills in children in accordance with their individual characteristics. Develop physical qualities and the need to take care of your health.
- educational: teach children to run races overcoming obstacles, strengthen children’s ability to run easily and quickly complete tasks.
- wellness: develop muscle strength and coordination abilities, relieve emotional stress, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body;
- educational: to develop the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully. Cultivate friendliness and organization.
Cognition: consolidate children's knowledge about pests of crops in the garden, about vegetables, about the concept of "garden scarecrow"
Communication: evoke an emotional response to a work of oral folk art (riddles).
Socialization: enrich children’s active gaming experience with a variety of relay games, teach them to act in concert, and take turns.
Safety: consolidate safe behavior skills in games and relay races (do not push a friend, clear the way for a running child).
Health: to form an idea of ​​health, its value, and ways to strengthen it.
Music: use rhythmic exercises accompanied by music.
Preparation: the hall is festively decorated - autumn is depicted on one wall of the hall (leaves, inscription), the hall is decorated with yellow and orange balls.
Previous work: conduct conversations with children about the garden, autumn, harvest, vegetables, riddles about autumn.
Inventory: picture with the image of a garden scarecrow, landmarks 2 pcs., 2 buckets, 2 potatoes, 6 rings (holes), 2 jump ropes, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 beets, 2 apples, 6 green rubber balls, 4 medicine balls 2 spoons, an envelope with riddles, treats - apples, tape recorder, CD - disk.
Participants: 2 teams of 10-12 people (5 girls, 5 boys or 6+6), presenter, jury, teacher - the hero of “The Garden Scarecrow”.
Gym decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, balloons (yellow-orange); on the wall there is an inscription “Golden Autumn”.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music (arranged in a semicircle)
They read poetry.
Leading: Hello guys!
Tell me, what time of year is it now? Right.
Autumn is very beautiful time year, it's harvest time.
What do you think, in order to be strong, healthy, strong, what should you do? (Do sports, exercise, eat vitamins).
What contains the most vitamins? (in vegetables and fruits).
Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden).
I suggest you visit the vegetable garden today, but the garden will not be an ordinary one, but a sports one. Today you will see that vegetables can not only be eaten, you can have a lot of fun with them. So, we're going to the garden.
Who can we meet in the garden?
Listen to the riddle - hint:
Standing in the garden
Does not say anything
He doesn't take it himself
And he doesn’t give it to the crows
Children: Garden scarecrow!
It turns out to be a scarecrow.
That's right, guys - I, the garden guard, scare away crows and other birds so that they do not destroy the crops and peck at the harvest.
The history of the appearance of the garden scarecrow goes back to the deep past. WITH in English scarecrow translates as “to scare away crows” Therefore, ever since the advent of farmland and crows, there has been a need for an inexpensive bird scarer. Old, worn-out clothing found its final use in making a stuffed animal, giving it a human figure. Moreover, making a garden scarecrow with your own hands is not at all difficult: simple materials and a little imagination.
How to make a garden scarecrow
Two poles are fastened crosswise.
The head is made of a rag, which is tied with rope, stuffed with straw and placed on a vertical pole.
Then the clothes are put on a crossbar, stuffed with straw, and the sleeves and legs are sewn up with thread.
And all that remains is to create the mood for your garden scarecrow with waterproof paints.
Whether the scarecrow is scary or, on the contrary, cheerful, depends entirely on the creator. The chosen clothes and the painted face will convey the character of the scarecrow, expressing the mood of their creators. Each garden scarecrow is unique, especially if it exists in a single copy.
Look at pictures of scarecrows (stuffed animals) for the garden (show the children the picture)

Scarecrow: Look guys, this is what a wonderful harvest we have grown. (Children look at pictures of vegetables).
Scarecrow: I'm guarding the harvest, and now it's time to harvest it, will you help me harvest it?
Children: Yes!
Leading: Guys, the scarecrow has prepared some kind of surprise for us, I see he has an envelope!
Scarecrow: And this is not a simple envelope (takes out) there are riddles in it! Can you solve riddles? Then help me solve them:
1 riddle:
Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but... (bow).
Leading: Onions are very healthy vegetable, it treats colds and kills germs. I suggest you work on the onion bed (displayed for musical warm-up, the drawn onions on the floor serve as a guide)
Children line up for musical warm-up.
(rhythmic gymnastics to the song “Radiant Sun”)
Scarecrow: Thanks guys! Well done guys, they did a good job collecting the whole garden bed.
Leading: Please, scarecrow, we are always happy to help, and our participants today are unusual:
Team: "Dachniki"
Team "Gardeners"

Which means they are dexterous, fast, hardworking!
The guys will help you cope with the harvest today, ask us riddles quickly!
Scarecrow: Listen!
Riddle 2:
And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed
Dig a little
Under the bush... (potato).
Leading: It's time to harvest the potatoes. People say potatoes are the second bread. You can cook a lot from it delicious dishes. And what can be prepared from potatoes? (children answer: cook soup, make mashed potatoes, fry and bake) And today we will plant and harvest potatoes.
Relay race “Potato harvesting”.
Two teams are participating.
The first one runs, places the potatoes in the holes, returns to the team, and passes the basket to the next one. The second one runs, collects the potatoes in a basket and passes them to the other.
Scarecrow: How deft and quick you were in completing this task. Thank you for harvesting potatoes.
Listen to the following riddle:
Riddle 3:
Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first herald of warm days.
Of all the migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms. (Rook)
What other migratory birds do you know?
Leading: In autumn, many birds fly to warmer regions. But they do not fly alone, but gather in flocks, let's take the birds to warmer climes.
Relay: “Birds of Migratory”
The 1st participant - the captain (leader) with a gymnastic rope runs around the pin, returns to the team, the 2nd participant takes the rope, and they run together, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th.
The results of the boys completing the distance are summed up.
The relay race is being held for the 2nd time, the role of migratory birds is played by girls.
Leading. Guys, we harvested vegetables from the garden and sent migratory birds south. What other vegetables are harvested in the fall?
Children name what they harvest in the fall (cabbage, beets, carrots, onions)
Leading. Guys, do you like riddles?
Children. Yes!
Leading. Then try to guess my riddles:
1. All striped from the showers
The tenth month has come to us,
We are running home through puddles,
The little umbrella got wet.
So, what month is it today?
Have you come to visit us, my friend?
2. Without a path and without a road.
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,
Only feet on the ground.
3 . A horde across the skies.
Sacks with holes are running,
And it happens sometimes
Water is leaking from the bags.
4. I'm colored under my hat.
I'm standing on my own leg.
I have my own habits -
I always play hide and seek.
5. Above you, above me.
A bag of water slipped through.
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared.
6. Gold coins fall from a branch.
7. Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
8. Prowls across the field,
Sings and whistles
Breaks trees
Bends to the ground.
Do you like guessing? Now I want to know how you make riddles.
Each team asks 1 riddle.
Scarecrow: How savvy you are, you solved all the riddles, well done!
Now listen to my next riddle
They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
Leading: The watermelons have ripened, and it’s time to pick them too.
Relay race: Picking watermelons
Now we will collect watermelons, but not one at a time, but three at a time.
The first participant has 3 rubber balls in his hands different sizes Having run around the pin, he passes the “watermelons” to the second one.

Scarecrow: There is a yellow ball in the garden,
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious.
Leading: But not only watermelons grow on melon fields, so we will harvest pumpkins. But the pumpkin is heavy and we will not carry it, but roll it.
Relay: “Pumpkin Harvest”
1st participant rolls medicine ball around the pins, passes to the second one.

Leading. Children, in the field, in the garden, in the melon patch, we collected the harvest. Where is it still left, not removed?
Children: In the country.

Leading. Right. At the dacha, we also need to harvest, but very quickly, because in the fall it gets dark quickly. Can you help me cope?
Children: Yes!
Relay race: "Harvesting on summer cottage»
One participant per team participates blindfolded. In turn, you need to transfer carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, nuts, apples, pears, etc. from hoop to hoop.
The team can give you hints.
Leading. Guys, while you were harvesting, someone baked the potatoes you were harvesting. It's probably grandma. But these potatoes are still very hot and you need to take a spoon to get them.
Relay: "Hot Potato"
Transferring potatoes in a spoon. The first one runs around the pin with a spoon, passes it to the second one, etc.
Scarecrow: you quickly harvested the entire harvest from the garden, well done, and our garden scarecrow drives away not only crows, but also hares that came to our garden to feast on......and guess what now?
Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

Relay: “Take it quickly”
A carrot is laid out in a circle, the participants of 2 teams stand in a circle and at a signal run in one direction, and at the 2nd signal they take one carrot each, etc. until there are 2 participants left. The team that remains in the game wins.
(Children stand in a circle)

Leading: We have reaped the harvest, we have worked hard, it’s time to rest.

Relaxation (sounds of nature, birdsong)
“Lie down on the floor, close your eyes and remember what kind of sports garden we had today. We warmed up in the onion patch, planted and harvested potatoes, collected carrots, watermelons and zucchini in the melon patch, transported the harvest to storage and, of course, rested. They pulled their hands up, opened their eyes, and stood up. While you were resting, the scarecrow prepared you a treat, these juicy, delicious apples.
Goodbye. Until next time.