E and Roerich agni yoga living ethics. Helena Ivanovna Roerich teaching of life

E. I. Roerich

Agni Yoga. living ethics

Morya garden leaves

1.000. IN New Russia My first message.

You who gave the Ashram

You, who gave two lives, proclaim.

Builders and warriors, reinforce the steps.

Reader, if you do not learn, re-read, after waiting.

The predestined is not accidental, and the sheets fall in time.

But winter is only the herald of spring.

Everything is open, everything is available,

I will close you with a shield - work hard.

I said.

London. March 24. 1920

I am your blessing.

I am your smile.

I am your joy.

I am your peace.

I am your fortress.

I am your courage.

I am your knowledge.

1.001. The stone is precious, one, keep goodness in life.


I am you, you are I - particles of the Divine Self.

Howling My! Noisy life - be careful!

Danger! - the soul hears the rustle.

It is hard for the world - hurry to be saved.

I call Hosanna for you -

Salvation for you!

Life feeds the soul.

The affirmation of pure I.

Work for life and the consciousness of purity.

Leave all prejudices - think freely.

Do not kill yourself and trust.

Don't walk away from life, lead yourself in the higher way.

Both We and you - we are all here in one, in the spirit.

Shrine to everyone. All One.

The house of God is inhabited by worlds, and the Holy Spirit hovers everywhere.

Renewal of the World will come - the prophecies will be fulfilled.

The people will rise up and build a New Temple.

1.002. NY. 1921

Find happiness in life in creativity, and turn your eye to the desert.

Jealous of Christ with love, I bring joy to Christ.

You have light from the wings.

When you leave, you will see me again.

You don't have to humiliate yourself.

Find the courage to hide secrets!

Think of the great gift of love for the One God and know how to develop the great gift of insight into the future Unity of mankind.

The only salvation is to direct the spirit into the radiance of Truth.

The great gift of love lives in a single vision given to brave souls. You are the seer!

Pure art is a reliable communication of the radiant manifestation of the Spirit.

Through art you have light.

Your karma is to glorify Russia.

Bring light into the house.

World energy will save the world.

Whoever is tormented by earthly questions will not receive an answer about heavenly things.

Fate can deflect the blow from you if you help the manifestations of Christ, who gave Himself for the Truth.

My friends! Happiness is to serve the salvation of the human soul.

Leave all prejudices and, using force, spiritually help people.

Strive the ugly towards the beautiful.

As a tree renews its leaves, so people prosper on the path of goodness.

Guide your friends to good.

Do not hide Our messages.

Follow with your heart Our suggestion.

Work hard and know the light.

I will show you the way - you will understand our sign with your heart.

Know that the Teachers will open to you a lyre like a miracle, its power will endow people with the gift of trapping.

Understand you sent Grace.

About one happiness your days flow.

Loyalty is the destiny of those who want to follow the happy path of ascent.

Whoever faithfully observes Our requirements will attach his ear to the harmony of manifestations.

Bringing you happiness, We rely on your striving for good.

Truth is with you, know how to open the way for it.

As the sky is bottomless, so your strength is great.

My breath is daring to beauty.

The gift, revealed through the sacrifices of chagrin, will lift you up to the happy fortune of your quest.

Get away from the life of the dead.

Love life, sparkling with souls in the frame of the radiance of the Divine.

Be affirmed in the growth of the power of your spirit.

Know how to always remember the Gates revealed by Us.

The pure breath of Our Grace gives you living food for the manifestations of life.

Let the dance of malice droop before the Temple.

The fire of courage will light up your house.

Let us send light to him who smiles at the darkness.

Your spirit is already ascending - the cold will not compress the burning heart.

The Hand of Genesis established itself and raised the lightning of the morning.

Why follow the path of silence?

In life, drink the source of sounds and colors - the brain grows stronger.

No need to dare in ordinary life - just be.

My friends, personal matters should not stain your aura.

Get away, Flame!

Do not step in the gates of Heaven!

E. I. Roerich

Agni Yoga. living ethics

Morya garden leaves

1.000. To New Russia My first message.

You who gave the Ashram

You, who gave two lives, proclaim.

Builders and warriors, reinforce the steps.

Reader, if you do not learn, re-read, after waiting.

The predestined is not accidental, and the sheets fall in time.

But winter is only the herald of spring.

Everything is open, everything is available,

I will close you with a shield - work hard.

I said.

London. March 24. 1920

I am your blessing.

I am your smile.

I am your joy.

I am your peace.

I am your fortress.

I am your courage.

I am your knowledge.

1.001. The stone is precious, one, keep goodness in life.


I am you, you are I - particles of the Divine Self.

Howling My! Noisy life - be careful!

Danger! - the soul hears the rustle.

It is hard for the world - hurry to be saved.

I call Hosanna for you -

Salvation for you!

Life feeds the soul.

The affirmation of pure I.

Work for life and the consciousness of purity.

Leave all prejudices - think freely.

Do not kill yourself and trust.

Don't walk away from life, lead yourself in the higher way.

Both We and you - we are all here in one, in the spirit.

Shrine to everyone. All One.

The house of God is inhabited by worlds, and the Holy Spirit hovers everywhere.

Renewal of the World will come - the prophecies will be fulfilled.

The people will rise up and build a New Temple.

1.002. NY. 1921

Find happiness in life in creativity, and turn your eye to the desert.

Jealous of Christ with love, I bring joy to Christ.

You have light from the wings.

When you leave, you will see me again.

You don't have to humiliate yourself.

Find the courage to hide secrets!

Think of the great gift of love for the One God and know how to develop the great gift of insight into the future Unity of mankind.

The only salvation is to direct the spirit into the radiance of Truth.

The great gift of love lives in a single vision given to brave souls. You are the seer!

Pure art is a reliable communication of the radiant manifestation of the Spirit.

Through art you have light.

Your karma is to glorify Russia.

Bring light into the house.

World energy will save the world.

Whoever is tormented by earthly questions will not receive an answer about heavenly things.

Fate can deflect the blow from you if you help the manifestations of Christ, who gave Himself for the Truth.

My friends! Happiness is to serve the salvation of the human soul.

Leave all prejudices and, using force, spiritually help people.

Strive the ugly towards the beautiful.

As a tree renews its leaves, so people prosper on the path of goodness.

Guide your friends to good.

Do not hide Our messages.

Follow with your heart Our suggestion.

Work hard and know the light.

I will show you the way - you will understand our sign with your heart.

Know that the Teachers will open to you a lyre like a miracle, its power will endow people with the gift of trapping.

Understand you sent Grace.

About one happiness your days flow.

Loyalty is the destiny of those who want to follow the happy path of ascent.

Whoever faithfully observes Our requirements will attach his ear to the harmony of manifestations.

Bringing you happiness, We rely on your striving for good.

Truth is with you, know how to open the way for it.

As the sky is bottomless, so your strength is great.

My breath is daring to beauty.

The gift, revealed through the sacrifices of chagrin, will lift you up to the happy fortune of your quest.

Get away from the life of the dead.

Love life, sparkling with souls in the frame of the radiance of the Divine.

Be affirmed in the growth of the power of your spirit.

Know how to always remember the Gates revealed by Us.

The pure breath of Our Grace gives you living food for the manifestations of life.

Let the dance of malice droop before the Temple.

The fire of courage will light up your house.

Let us send light to him who smiles at the darkness.

Your spirit is already ascending - the cold will not compress the burning heart.

The Hand of Genesis established itself and raised the lightning of the morning.

Why follow the path of silence?

In life, drink the source of sounds and colors - the brain grows stronger.

No need to dare in ordinary life - just be.

My friends, personal matters should not stain your aura.

Get away, Flame!

Do not step in the gates of Heaven!

He created happy lives about the consciousness of the Spirit.

Don't underestimate what you don't know!

Take care of the sign given to you.

You need to wait for the awakening of a new spiritual consciousness.

Many doubts will be dispelled in further work.

I consider it necessary and inevitable rises and falls of strength.

1.010. Love each other - terribly separation.

We pay dearly for frivolity and talkativeness.

Why, O fiery One, dost thou turn away thy face?

My gaze hurts you.

Your wings are not yet free.

Do not be hardened in spirit, understand the manifestation of the Great in the Small.

Knowledge does not come soon if the spirit is agitated.

We give you ways.

Do not open random books.

And when you visit the gatherings, carefully carry the lamp given to you.

Prayer of the road to the secret precious abode.

Lord of my spirit, do not leave the wanderer!

The Guru is in no hurry to shelter me in a terrible storm.

Pain will reach the base of the heart

And the veil of the whirlwind will cover the light of Your Face.

With You I do not fear my ignorance,

Ghosts do not show their face.

Lead, Blessed One, along the path.

Touch your eyes to see Thy Gates.

Russia will be the guardian of the destinies of the world.

The daughter of the world can eliminate fate.

The New World is coming. The sacrifices made are the step of ascent.

Trust will help growth if the spirit is open to receive.

Do not consider materialization a significant phenomenon -

Words of wisdom are more important.

Why do you need materialization when you have wisdom?

Is it possible that in Russia they will not understand spirituality and will prefer appearance?

Why do you need masks if you have wisdom?

My friends, quickly pass the first steps and, pure, ascend to the glory of the motherland;

And if I offer you gold, coins, flowers and stones, dodge.

1.014. Revealing the spear of life, with a smile we breathe in the sun's healing ether.

Take the spear at sunrise.

And direct the horses of the morning into the midday heat of life.

And the lilies will grow on the stone,

And open the cell to the first beam.

And the birds will sing the glory of labor.

Learn from the signs of life of the Wisdom of the Creator.

The executors of a voluntary mission take off the make-up from the image of the earth, beholding the meaning of the life they have passed.

1.015. Strengthen the consciousness of Our presence in your life.

Invoke that power in your deeds.

Rejoice, you who understand!

Live full life and experience.

In cases of bewilderment We will explain in life, but pay attention.

We will show miracles in your life, but be careful.

Consider the heart as the main judge and faith as the power.

Be content with exact whispering instructions to your spirit.

A happy road was directed to Me by friends.

It is necessary to teach striving into My World - the World of the Spirit of Understanding.

Existing temples must be created on the happy, pure soil of Russia, in your life.

Persistently open the Gates to seeking hearts.

I know when the New Gate is to be opened.

Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich

Agni Yoga. sacred signs

"Cryptograms of the East", "Parting words to the Leader", "Fundamentals of Buddhism", "Cup of the East", each of which is priceless for a person who has accepted the Teaching into his heart.

The collection of notes by Nicholas Roerich, dedicated to travels to the heart of India - the Himalayas, prophecies and legends about Shambhala and the history of Buddhism, are perfectly complemented by the poems of the "Flowers of Morya" cycle.

A wonderful read for the mind, soul and heart…”

Helena Roerich

Cryptograms of the East

Often the so-called apocrypha retain many of the features of reality that have been removed from official texts. In these unexpected stories and parables scattered among the peoples of Asia, we learn what kind of images live in the minds of the people.

From Altai to Ceylon, people dream of Great Teachers, recalling from antiquity the features of their life and bringing the exposition closer to the character of their country.

To collect these cryptograms of great thoughts is to look into the souls of peoples.

1. Pages of the Secret History of Lord Buddha

The beginning of the way

Lord Buddha really left his native city. Really contemplated under the tree of wisdom. Really taught in Benares. Indeed, he graduated from His Teaching in Kushinagar, but the ages have added many fables.

Vladyka left his native city on horseback, accompanied by a sent servant. The road lay to the northwest along the river valley. The fast track continued for two weeks. When they passed the mountain crossings, the horse path ended, the hunting path led further.

Here the revealed servant left Him, but said goodbye; "Brother Prince, go and when you find the hunter's hut, give him this piece of wood." And he gave Him a piece of wood with three marks.

Vladyka walked for seven days along the path. On the eighth day he reached the hut. The door was open, and a tall old man, dressed in an old, dirty coat, was chopping wood.

Vladyka addressed with greetings, according to the custom of India. But the hunter laughed and pointed to the tree. Vladyka remembered the piece of wood and handed it to him. The old man carefully examined the signs and good-naturedly pointed to the table in the hut. Vladyka understood the invitation and tasted the game and honey. Then the old man signaled to Vladyka to rest.

When Lord Buddha woke up, the sun had just lit up the snow. The hunter was not in the hut, but the sound of his ax was heard from the yard. But then his figure appeared at the door and gave the Lord a drink of honey. Then the old man took a bag and a spear and pointed to the sun. Vladyka realized that it was time to go, and, taking his staff, he left the hut. The old man bowed to Him three times and indicated to follow.

As he approached the bushes, he parted the branches, revealing a narrow path. He made a sign to Vladyka to follow him and quickly walked forward, pointing at the sun. So they walked until noon, the forest began to thin out, and the sound of the river began to be heard, they came ashore.

The old man drew his bow and sent an arrow. They waited in silence. Vladyka took off the remaining jewelry and handed it to the old man. But he ordered to throw into the river.

Then a tall man appeared on the other bank, put forward a canoe and headed towards them. His caftan was trimmed with fur and his face was very swarthy and broad. Having reached the shore, the stranger bowed to the Lord and invited him into the boat.

Vladyka wanted to say goodbye to the hunter, but he disappeared unnoticed. The stranger also remained silent. Having reached the shore, they mounted their horses and began to climb the mountain.

At night they reached the limit of the snows and at dawn descended to the Abode.

Bequeathed Maitreya

The eyes of the Tsarevich-child were early opened to the wonders of the world. Nothing escaped His penetrating attention.

The king said: “Insight is the crown of the Lord, but the strength of his hand is his shield. Let him strengthen his hand on the string of the bow. Let the children of noble Kshatriyas compete with the Prince.”

The Queen Mother added: “If insight is the crown of the Lord and the strength of the hand is his shield, then the radiance of the Lord is mercy and knowledge. I would prefer to see my descendant surrounded by the Virgins of Wisdom who wrote the Vedas.”

Then the old sage turned to the King, saying: “Mother, revered, and you, Lord, order me to unite your desires. Command me to introduce to you the one we call the daughter of the Great Naga. Which we took into our house, and for seven years now, how we are amazed at her wisdom and the strength of her arrow. Truly she is worthy of the hand that traced the wisdom of the Vedas.

"Bring me," said the King.

The wise counselor brought the young being and said. "Maitri, send the best regards to our King."

It was unusual to see a seven-year-old girl, dressed in white, with a bow in her hand and a dagger in her belt. The headdress of dark hair did not obey Nag's hoop, and his eyes looked sad and stern.

The king ordered, "Maitri, if you can shoot an arrow, then pierce the peacock."

Maitri bowed to the King, saying, “I cannot take the life of an animal. But allow me, King, to pierce the apple on top of the apple tree.

King Maitri ordered to be with the Tsarevich and was much surprised at the wisdom found on the shore of the lake.

The Prince spent many years with Maitri, calling her either formidable, or shining, or a warrior, or a soothsayer of the wisdom of the Nagas. And the door of the Path was opened by Maitri.

When the mighty Lion returned and covered the mountains with the roar of Truth, Maitri kept His best disciple and said: “She will glorify the place of Your labors.”

The Lord of Truth said: “Maitri, manifest Guide and Holder. You, who hid your wisdom from the crowd, You will take My place, as the Lord of Compassion and Labor. Maitreya will lead the nations to the Light, and the stele of achievement will bring the apple of Knowledge.”

What has been said is as true as the Temple of Knowledge will be erected near the place of glorification of the Teacher.

This is as true as the disciple of the Blessed One will give her name to the Temple of Knowledge.

The foundation of the manifestation of Truth is fixed by the labors of life.

Given in Cherten Carpo.

When the time to leave approached, the Blessed One said to his wife, "Let's go."

And he said three times - through the darkness of the night, under the heat of noon and in the ray of sunrise.

But at night the tigers roared. The snakes crawled out in the heat. And in the morning the monkeys crowded.

"I'm still afraid," said the wife, "today."

“It is also for the good,” said the Blessed One, “that without a call, you will carry the Teaching with your tread.”

And the elephant trumpeted seven times, announcing the date of a new meeting.

“Well, I praise you, Ananda, for the affirmative comes without a call.”

And the Blessed One saw on the scarf in the Sky the fate of the Light of the Mother of the World.

* * *

Here the Blessed One conveys: "All for all, always."

“Notice the four Laws. The Law of Containment, the Law of Fearlessness, the Law of Proximity, the Law of Good.

Election for deed

How did the Buddha choose disciples for achievement? In the midst of classes, when fatigue was already taking possession of the students, the Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and wait for a speedy answer.

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E. I. Roerich

Agni yoga. Community

Traveler friend, let's go together. The night is near, the animals are all around, and the fire of the fire can go out. But if we agree to share the watch of the night, we will keep our strength.

Tomorrow our journey will be long and we may be weary. Let's go together. We will have a holiday and joy. I will sing you the song of your mother and wife and sister. You will tell the legend of the father about the hero and the feat; our path will be common.

Don't step on the scorpion and warn me about the echidna. Traveler friend, remember that we must come to one mountain village.

Traveler, be my friend.
We dispel superstition, ignorance and fear. We forge courage, will and knowledge.
Any desire for enlightenment is welcome.
Every prejudice of ignorance is exposed.
Worker, do the foundations of cooperation and community burn in your mind?
If this flame has already enlightened your brain, learn the signs of the Teaching of Our mountains.
Worker, do not get tired of the puzzle of some expressions.
Each line is the highest measure of simplicity.
Hello workers and seekers!
3.001. Family, clan, country, union of peoples - each association strives for peace, for the improvement of life. Every collaboration and cohabitation needs improvement. No one can show the limit of evolution. Thus, the worker becomes a creator. Let's not be afraid of the task of creativity. Let us find uncluttered paths for science. Thus, the thought of perfection will be a sign of joy.
3.002. Discouragement is the enemy of every improvement. There can be no structure in doubt. There will be no learning in fear. Observation is a step towards justice. Selfhood is a betrayal of selflessness. Without feat there is no way.
3.003. Monasteries were often called communities. Community life was already a sign of cooperation and mutual respect. So every workshop will already be the germ of a community, where everyone brings his skill. Friendliness is needed in order to give one's skill to a common cause.
3.004. Unity is indicated in all beliefs as the only bulwark of prosperity. can be approved best achievement if there is confidence in the unity of employees. There are many examples where faith in employees helped high decisions. The way people from the hearth to spatial predestinations remember the value of cooperation. The grain of labor dries without the moisture of reciprocity. Let's not look back too much. We hurrying companions will get tired if we push each other. Let us realize the wonderful meaning if we can pronounce the great concept of friend. A community can be made up of friends.
3.005. The way of life is mutual help. Participants in a great work cannot be misanthropes. Such a definition of shameful hatred is long. Maybe people will remember to be ashamed.
3.006. Let us also not forget that cognition is simplified by a clear consciousness. But let's not lose the shortest path. Valuable time. We cannot deprive someone of our clumsiness. Sloth and ignorance sleep in the same cradle.
3.007. Malice admits both the plague and leprosy. Anger turns a peaceful hearth into a gathering of snakes. The properties of malice are not good for a community. The Common Cause is the Common Good.
3.008. Cooperation must rely on a strong charter. This position teaches order, that is, it helps to enter the rhythm. Thus, even in daily work, the great laws of the universe are expressed. It is especially necessary from an early age to get used to constant work. Let the best evolution be built on labor as a valuable measure.
3.009. And another indispensable condition must be met. Labor must be voluntary. Cooperation must be voluntary. The community must be voluntary. No violence should enslave labor. The condition of voluntary consent must lie at the foundation of success. No one can bring decay into a new house. Workers, creators, creators will become like eagles, soaring high. Only in a wide flight does the dust and rot of corruption subside.
3.010. And high quality will enter into pure labor through favorite craftsmanship. A wonderful quality will be affirmed throughout life. Nothing will be left in the dark. Ignorance will be a shameful crime. If darkness is contagious, then Light is attractive. Thus, let us affirm our beloved mastery, which will uplift all life.
Science, indicate the best quality. Science, attract the strongest energies. Let the knowledge of the spirit shine over every working machine.
3.011. Many slanders have accumulated around the concept of labor. Until recently, labor was despised and considered unhealthy. What an insult lies in recognizing labor as harmful! Not work is harmful, but ignorant working conditions. Only conscious cooperation can heal sacred work. Not only should the quality of work be high, but the mutual desire to make the conditions of work clearly understandable must be strengthened. You can’t curse with work, you need to distinguish the best worker.
3.012. Thus one must imbibe respect for craftsmanship in order to understand it as the highest distinction. The ancient working communities-shops left evidence of their vitality. You can see how people excelled in perfection. They knew how to protect each other and kept the dignity of their community. Until people learn to preserve the dignity of their co-worker, they will not understand the happiness of the Common Good.
3.013. The concept of justice will prove to be worthwhile on the basis of labor. Also, courage easily increases with mutual responsibility. It is all as one, but everyone will bring their own abilities. We will not erase, but we will warm.
3.014. The feeling of lack of specialty is Our feeling, for We live for the whole complex of life. Each specialist approaching Us inevitably loses one-color glasses. Therefore, try to make your specialty already now one of the dishes of your meal. Like birds above the earth, like bees above all flowers, We can absorb the wholeness of the universe.
Without a specialty, it is easier to prepare for the next task of evolution - for communication with the distant worlds and for the transformation of the world of dark earthly remnants. The inclusion of the concept of the community will constitute the Gateway to the next achievements, and their timing depends on the people themselves. Therefore, we accept all searches for community.
3.015. I undertake to make a grove out of a lush thicket, but a stone polished by humiliated foreheads will not give birth to grain.
3.016. Among the mechanical achievements of modern civilization Special attention deserve transportation.
This devouring of space is already a certain victory over the supermundane spheres. Of course, the circle of low materiality plunges these conquests into the limits of low matter and does more harm than good. The main danger of this acceleration of movement lies in the heightened sense of irresponsibility. Going beyond the usual, a person becomes light, but due to the coarseness of feelings, he loses consciousness of responsibility.
Whoever can fly at four hundred miles an hour or soar higher than others acquires the psychology of a boxing champion, and the consciousness of spiritual responsibility leaves him.
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by depriving it of any sportiness and directing it to work. Rush to the rescue of the unfortunate, fly to unite humanity! Then these conquests will enter into evolution, for people must bring into use supermundane aspirations, not forgetting about responsibility. So far, these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people understand where and why they should fly, then it will be possible to multiply the number of flying machines.
You can suggest a lot of useful experiments in the layers of space. Atomic energy, prana condensation, colored rays in space, harvest due to repeated explosions and many other things destined for mankind.
3.017. You have heard many times about following Our instructions, and you could be convinced that the exact execution of the decree is practical and useful. This is the first step. After it, self-action should begin. Knowing the foundation of Our Teaching, one must turn out to be disciples who create in complete commensurability and immutability. When the Teacher says: "Now show the results of My decrees yourselves," this does not mean taking out old clothes, quarreling, puffing up and infringing on each other. That can be left to the Mulemen. You should remember Our Community and imitate in harmonious work. When the time comes to change the course of the ship, the decree will come. But about the patch on the sole, do not wait for the decree. Otherwise, we will soon begin to congratulate each other on the day of the angel.
It is necessary to assimilate forever the importance and dignity of the present work and to archive the habits of childhood.
It is possible, without changing the principles, to find hundreds of worthy solutions. I want to see you on the next step.
3.018. Some dream of falling at the feet of the Teachers, but they do not dare to go into battle with Them. But now it is a fight, and we can only call for a fight. Full of study of the truths of the good, for personal responsibility, We approve the fight, but legal.
3.019. Learn how to stay fresh throughout the Battle. The Light Battle is just beginning - millions are in it, not knowing about the final result. You know, and this knowledge should make you wise, should make a worthy decision. Your spirit must fledge in the name of truth.
How can one ascend by the feat of the evolution of the world? My Beam asks not to be hindered from shining. Instead of the wings of achievement, it is easy to grow black horns - the wings of a false mind. The lower spirits have black emanations like horns.
3.020. We must strive for the most absolute. The most absolute inclination will be towards the distant worlds. Earthly beauty is lost in the radiance of the rays of the stars. Earthly science, which hardly remembers yesterday and does not know tomorrow, is insignificant in the course of emerging luminaries.
How can one approach the said Absolute? Technique is impossible, earthly science is impossible, visual art is impossible. It is possible only by the expansion of consciousness, when the earthly being is absorbed by the emanation of distant spheres. Therefore, those who approached Us, or rather, to the boundaries of the Earth's orbit, lose their specialty. Only in the consciousness of universality can the brilliance of the luminaries be endured. But in order to contain this brilliance, one must kindle one's inner fires.
The element of fire is the most striking, the most transcendent, and if you want to classify Our Community according to the elements, then refer it to the great fire, which gives everything, purifies everything and requires nothing.
3.021. We are not lovers of the world of bodily survivals, but it cannot be bypassed in spiritual development, like everything that exists. The world of bodily survivals contains certain elements necessary for intercourse with the worlds. For example, a method of transportation, little perceived by the inhabitants of the Subtle World. Having the opportunity to strive upward, they are busy building dark houses, imitating earthly ones. But if they had expanded their consciousness during their lifetime, they could have measured the hem of the Mother of the World.
The best possibilities can be awakened by those who can sense with spiritual consciousness. But in order to preserve consciousness, one must feel it during life. Then the state modern world bodily vestiges will almost be erased. Do not "rest with the fathers", but "teach in the space of Light". With all your consciousness, remember the tasks of evolution. When the desire for peace disappears, then the Gate will approach.
3.022. We can be reached only in agreement. We do not need worship, but a certain quality of the spirit, as well as a lamp of concordant tension. The flashing lamp is unbearable during long sessions. The laws are the same in everything, but according to the law of justice, a flashing lamp harms itself. I can advise My lamps not to blink. The dynamo does not deteriorate from the quality of the lamps, but the inconsistency of the volts of the lamps often ends in a plaintive “ding”! And the base metal must be put anew. The laws are the same in everything.
3.023. There is no soulless justice, but only radiant expediency. Precisely beautiful expediency can not tyrannize, but open beautiful Gates. And the call of expediency fills space with a victorious feeling. Not small decrepit fragments, but precious parts of the Cosmos are events and creations that have understood purposefulness.
Only realization of the cosmic personality can illumine the steps of evolution. Otherwise, in the earthly understanding, evolution will remain only a profitable investment of capital. But you already know that capital devoid of expediency is only a millstone around its neck. And just as the manifestation of infection produces spiritual and bodily ulcers, so the appearance of the madness of covetousness brings harm to the spirit and body.
On Earth, we also take care of the body, therefore we must penetrate into the origin of diseases.
The doctor could tell the patient: you have an attack of greed, or anemia of self-conceit, or stones of betrayal, or gossip itch, or a blow of hatred.
In cemeteries, we so love to commemorate the dignity of the lying, it would not hurt to put the true cause of illnesses - the spectacle would become instructive.
Friends, I repeat: keep your thoughts pure; it is the best disinfectant and the most famous tonic.
3.024. What is a prophecy? Prediction of a certain combination of particles of matter. Therefore, any prophecy can be fulfilled, but also spoiled by an unsuitable attitude, just like in a chemical reaction. This is precisely what people cannot understand, although they have included the meaning of the barometer.
Prophecies can be divided into urgent and perpetual. When we are dealing with an urgent prophecy, it means that we must understand all the interterm conditions. A long term consists of small terms, therefore it is right to observe a small term. It must be remembered that the dark ones are working on small deadlines, trying to complicate the big one.
3.025. Can prophecies remain unfulfilled? Of course they can. We have a whole repository of lost prophecies. True prophecy provides the best combination of possibilities, but they can be missed.
The theme of the fulfillment of prophecies is very deep, it combines cooperation and higher knowledge of the spirit. The foolish will say: "What a kitchen!" But the kitchen easily turns into a laboratory.
Prophecies have long been coming from Our Community as good signs to humanity. The paths of prophecies are varied: either instilled in individuals or mass feelings, or manuscripts, or inscriptions left by no one knows. Prophecy best informs mankind. Of course, the symbols are often obscured, but the inner meaning creates a vibration. Of course, the fulfillment of prophecy requires vigilance and striving.
3.026. If matter is everywhere, then even light leaves its protoplasm. All light phenomena cannot be looked upon as accidents. Some eyes catch a web of light. According to the nobility of the energy of light, all these formations are very beautiful. Dissonance of sound is much more common. The protoplasm of light is not something abstract; its sediments adorn the vegetable kingdom. The rhythm of waves and sands and the crust of the planet are significantly normalized by the knots of light. Learn to love the formations of light. It is not so much the images imprinted on the canvas as the peeped vibrations of light that matter. The quality of the gaze is completely unappreciated - it is like a beam for a photographic film. It must be remembered that with a spiritual gaze we establish the appearance of elemental spirits. In the same way, the physical gaze detains a network of light in space. The meaning of this cooperation must be known. Every human movement is connected with the essence of the elements.
I will also point out how important the game of the Pythagoreans was at sunrise. Light for sound is the best cleansing filter. Only the savagery of mankind can lock sound into the dust of darkness.
3.027. Pure thought, imbued with beauty, points the way to truth. The teaching of renunciation presupposes indulgence towards the inferior. With an expanded consciousness, it is not a phenomenon of fading, but walking without prohibitions. Decorated lives allow you to leave freely, generously, in order to come victorious. One who walks with the consciousness of beauty cannot be embarrassed. Only confusion can block the way.
It is wrong to say: "Beauty will save the world", it is more correct to say: "The consciousness of beauty will save the world."
Through the obstacles of ugliness, one can go to the beacon of beauty, scattering seeds without number. When you can make a beauty garden, then there is nothing to be afraid of. You won't get tired when the garden of the spirit will let new aliens in!
3.028. The phenomenon of necrosis of the Earth has reached its extreme limit. We believe that extreme measures are needed to awaken the spirit again. Smiles do not reach the Teaching. The appearance of deserts has long marked the beginning of savagery. The signs were given long ago, and time was given to think again. There were manifestations of decrees, but no one heeded.
3.029. The Teaching of the New World will cover all inconveniences. Truly, only the shield of the Community can comprehend the stay on Earth.
How unheard of beautiful to think about cooperation with the far-off worlds! This co-operation, begun consciously, will draw new worlds into the orbit of intercourse, and this heavenly co-operation will endlessly expand its possibilities.
If all possibilities are conditioned by the community, then their manifestation will occur through the channel of the spirit. It is said that the sound will reach first. Let these fragments be rudimentary, like the first notches of the Eolith. Let whole years pass before the concept of a complex meaning, but it is undeniable that this conquest will not begin in observatories and not in optical shops. The hearing of the spirit will bring the first news not for master's theses, but for the life that forges evolution. The Teaching can say to those who are sensitive: when you awaken, remember the far-off worlds; when you go to sleep, remember the far-off worlds.
Having heard any fragments of sounds, do not reject them, for each fragment can increase the possibilities of mankind.
Gradually unknown words may penetrate; this should not be surprising, remembering that in other times the consciousness also expanded.
You understand that the Earth cannot live without community. You understand that without the expansion of the heavenly ways, existence becomes insignificant.
The New World needs new borders. Seekers must have a path. Is it narrow across the sky? The happiness is that the seekers do not have to put their ears to the ground, but can turn their eyes to the spiritual heights. It is easier for the beam to search for raised heads. And every movement of the world is conditioned by the community.
3.030. Congratulations on the expansion of consciousness. No laboratory can give this feeling of continuation of limitless possibilities. One can only personally, consciously and freely accommodate the continuous steps from space. The Teaching can open the door, but only one can enter.
Not a reward, not justice, but the law of indisputability carries the embodied spirit in an ascending spiral, if he has realized the need for movement. The Teacher can do nothing to move this consciousness, because each suggestion would violate personal achievement.
It is one thing to talk abstractly about the distant worlds, the other is to realize oneself as a participant in them. Only he who has not closed his path to beauty can understand how close the manifestation of the far-off worlds is to him.
With the ear one can catch fragments of the Great Breath, but the knowledge of the spirit will give man a place in the midst of infinity.
It is useful to turn back to distant epochs when this consciousness was waking up. We will see that not in the days of the flourishing of science, but in the days of the proclamation of religion, the cosmic consciousness awakened, for not hypotheses, but only the knowledge of the spirit leads to the stellar paths. I regret that no astronomical calculations will advance the moment of intercourse, just as an ant will not fire from a giant cannon. It is valuable that such a feat should be manifested by the means of the spirit.
Here we are talking as if materially, but without the spirit it is impossible to apply this energy. It is spirit that gives a certain quality to matter. The condition of the Earth requires an unheard-of doctor. The planet is sick, and if it were not possible to move it, then it is better to temporarily turn it off from the chain - maybe like the moon. The hotbeds of the lower strata of the Subtle World have become dangerously unbearable. It is also impossible to forget how humanity fell under the influence of the lower strata of the Subtle World.
The community will help everything, but the expansion of consciousness will help the community.
3.031. The Teacher appreciates the desire to wash the dust from great faces. The Teacher appreciates the desire to affirm the simple expression of great words, the Teacher appreciates the desire to concentrate verbosity. To isolate the essence, one must approach from the immutable.
You can know one thing: not a single monument has reached without mutilation. It is possible, as from clay, to squeeze out the impressions of a community of intelligent cooperation and striving beyond the limits of the visible.
The teaching can be expressed under the motto: "Let the dissenter prove the contrary." It is better to measure backwards than to fall asleep with indelible dust. Indeed, the knowledge of the guiding principle will illuminate the mutilated symbols.
You know how they say about you during your lifetime, what will happen in the ages? But the principle inevitably grows, and the shocks of its growth shake the earthly firmament.
The departed peoples left a patina on the freedom of the spirit. Ask: "Where are the persecuted?" Follow these signs. You will see the persecuted early Christians and Buddhists, but when the temples turned away from Christ and Buddha, then the persecution ceased.
I will direct the Teaching to be kept simple, there is no need for complex expressions, for life is beautiful in simplicity. Often you have to dig a plant, because repetitions are inevitable.
3.032. What is important is the evolution not of earthly humanity, but of the humanity of the universe. If this simple formula could be contained in human hearts, the whole vault of the stars would become tangible. Verily, it would be easier for the beings of other worlds to pierce the stuffy atmosphere of the Earth if the calls of the earthly incarnates would rush towards them.
Where are the nearest worlds where we could direct our consciousness? - Jupiter and Venus.
Think about the word man - it means a spirit or a person, transient through the ages. The whole change of incarnations, the whole value of consciousness is expressed in one word. Can you name another language where an incarnate inhabitant is also named spiritually?
Other languages ​​express little the idea of ​​action. The teacher can name hundreds of names, but they will either be self-important or inexpressive.
3.033. Why are miracles contrary to nature? Here is a miracle when you can sit on a horse and with a manifested sword you can defend the Community of the World. Also, the New World will just begin. Like ripe fruits, the facts will be collected.
The doctrine of magnets, of course, is not a miracle, but a manifestation of the law of attraction. Do not block the manifestation of the spirit, and the sword will serve the ascent of evolution.
I can give joy only to those who have accepted the community not in spells, not in incense, but in the life of the day. The teacher can send a ray to help, but he will not fight if the sword that is revealed turns against the friends of the community, the sword will curl up into a whip of lightning. So tell the other warriors. The Teacher wishes to send the Teaching throughout the World, there can be no changes in this outline.
3.034. How can you move hearts? Without losing the simplicity. Luck does not follow magic, but the word of life. We can complete our lesson by being able to approach the simplest. I will think of how to give the radiance of the distant worlds to the workers. When the most bent one looks into the sky, then one can expect a rainbow ribbon from the far-off worlds.
3.035. Paracelsus liked to say: "Per aspera, ad astra." After this significant saying became the motto of shields and coats of arms, having lost all meaning. True, having understood its meaning, it is difficult to tie oneself to one Earth. Like fumes into a chimney, the cognized spirit rushes into manifested space. What size are earthly garments for him? What kind of mobility can he show on the earth's surface? What thoughts can he de-pour in the earthly sphere?
It will be asked, why do We lose so much energy over the Earth? Not for the sake of the Earth, but to correct the path. When an attacker mangles the rails, often the engineer takes a lot of time to fix it.
If We could transfer those who have the consciousness of the Cosmos from the Earth immediately, would it be possible to delay Our desire?
So, Our desire is to speed up this process. I sense that perhaps soon the cosmic conditions will make it possible to begin these works of communication with the far-off worlds. At the same time, all considerations about beauty, about the swiftness of self-sending are needed. True, over the so-called beauty there is a covering concept - the improvement of the Cosmos. The beam of the rainbow can exceed the imagination.
Silver giving birth is the beginning of the rainbow. The rainbow, visible in terrestrial conditions, resembles makeup up close. Few people can anticipate an overground rainbow.
3.036. I feel how the stratification of events carries waves of acceleration. These waves will serve the cosmic structure.
I write My Possibility Notes and come to the conclusion that everything is possible now. It is rare when the highest faith goes along the path with the highest unbelief. When blasphemy and doxology can be in the same choir. When rage and silence give birth to joy.
When failure is a sign of good fortune, when remoteness is a sign of nearness, then the streams of emanations of the luminaries combine with the inner fires. Such a time signifies a new cycle, and the community itself, not yet contained, serves as a bridge.
Let's end with a joke. Is it possible to say on Jupiter about stock market speculation or on Venus about brothels? There are concepts that are simply obscene. Even a chimney sweep, going to visit, will wash his face. Are people worse?
It's time for the Earth to get ready for a new path.
3.037. Distant sending abilities are quite rare. As always, one must distinguish between the quality of the consequences.
There are sendings as restless as flies, they are brushed aside; some are as heavy as the lid of a coffin - they are horrified; they happen like the whistle of arrows - these excite without understanding. Rarely are the premises clear; seldom do they cause the cooperation of the respective centers. This can be partly attributed to the auras, but the main significance is in the quality of the sending. This quality is called the usefulness of the will, which is the understanding of the number of volts of the voltage of the correspondent.
In order for an electric lamp to flash, you need a match of volts. Not only the content of the package, but the quality is important. The knowledge of the spirit makes the sending useful. The result of the usefulness of the sending will be the joy of perception, for everything proportionate will be joy.
3.038. The manifestation of the Pure Teaching must be combined with trust. Then it will be necessary to develop such confidence that the evidence itself should not shake it. My Ray can know where it's bad.
3.039. Create an atmosphere of readiness for action. When the blow is started, many old shutters fall unexpectedly. Many battles behind, many more ahead. Every atom of the Cosmos is beating. The peace of death We do not know.
3.040. The New Teaching honors the bearers of the old testaments, but goes without the baggage of the past times. Otherwise, the caravan of benefits will take indescribable proportions. The most practical thing would be to destroy all commentaries made after three centuries of the departure of the Master. I need to clean the shelves sometime. From this cleansing, the forms of the Teachers of Light will grow.
3.041. We will cast out all fear. We will send all the colorful feathers of fear into the wind. Blue feathers of frozen horror, green feathers of shifting trembling, yellow feathers of secret crawling, red feathers of frantic thumping, white feathers of silence, black feathers of falling into the abyss. It is necessary to repeat about the diversity of fear, otherwise there will remain somewhere a gray feather of obsequious babble or a fluff of hasty fuss, and behind them the same idol of fear. Every wing of fear carries down.
The blessed Lion, dressed in fearlessness, commanded to teach the manifestation of courage.
Swimmers, if you do your best, where can the most destructive wave carry you? She can only lift you up. And you, sower, when you distribute the grain, you will wait for the harvest. And you, shepherd, when you count your sheep, you will kindle a clear light.
3.042. Cosmos is created by pulsation, in other words, by explosions. The rhythm of explosions gives harmony to creation. It is the knowledge of the spirit that transfers the thread of Cosmos into manifested life. It is necessary to separate the stage of generation with a sparkling sword. One must realize when to hold on to the flowers of light, otherwise they will again decompose in the mists of the elements.
The gardener knows when it is time to pick the flowers, for he has planted invisible seeds. Not the one who bought grain at the market; not the one who, in laziness, ordered the seeds to be sown, but the gardener-nickname of the spirit, who, in early bad weather, hid the seeds under the spring earth.
Yes, yes, he, the gardener of the spirit, will know the time of sunrise, he will distinguish young stems from weeds, for he has done the most hidden work and the best flower belongs to him.
Truly, it is a great thing to flash a sword in a moment of scent, to raise a hand at the time of the explosion.
Verily, here again the streams of Cosmos descend to the ready Earth, that is why the knowledge of the spirit is valuable. This is a heavenly rainbow, reflected in drops of earthly dew. Doesn't the knowledge of the spirit divide the Light? Materia Lucida is to the wild spirit a curly chaos, but to the knowing spirit it is the harp of Light. Like beaten strings, the waves of luminiferous matter strive, and the spirit creates secret-sounding symphonies from them. Between the worlds, like threads, Materia Lucida is stretched. Only exorbitant distance merges the waves of threads into the vibration of a heavenly rainbow.
One can begin to strive for the far-off worlds, following the thread of Light realized by the spirit – this is a very scientific experience. As has been said, small actions need aids and apparatuses, but nothing external is needed for a great action.
3.043. I feel that the Teaching can be a heavy hammer for the timid. Until recently, horror would have pierced the heart at the mere utterance of the word community, but now several barriers have already been broken. The rejection of old property is followed by another difficult test for humanity.
Assimilation of the meaning of the spirit, it is especially difficult to refuse miracles. Even the arhats chosen by the Buddha found it difficult to part with this opportunity.
The three arhats continually asked the Buddha to let them experience the miracle. The Buddha put everyone in a dark room and locked them up. After a long time, the Blessed One called them and asked about what they had seen. Each told a different vision.
But the Buddha said: “Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you have not experienced the main miracle. For you could experience being beyond the visible, and that sensation could direct you beyond the Earth. But you continued to recognize yourself as sitting on Earth. And your thoughts attracted waves of elements to the Earth. The swelling of natural forms caused upheavals in different countries. You have destroyed the rocks and destroyed the ships of the hurricane. So you saw a red beast with a fiery crown, but the fire you pulled out of the abyss burned down the houses of the defenseless - go and help! You saw a lizard with the face of a maiden, you made the waves wash away the fishing boats - hurry to help! So you saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane demolished the crops of workers - go and repay! Where is your benefit, arhats? The owl in the hollow had a better time. Either you work in the sweat of your brow on Earth, or in a moment of solitude you exalt yourself above the Earth. But useless disturbance of the elements should not be the occupation of the wise.”
Verily, a feather that falls from the wing of a small bird produces thunder in the far-off worlds.
Inhaling the air, we join all the worlds. The wise one goes up from the Earth, for the worlds will reveal their wisdom to each other. Repeat this parable to those who demand miracles.
3.044. The essence of aspiration to the far-off worlds lies in the assimilation of the consciousness of our life on them. The possibility of life on them is for our consciousness, as it were, a channel of approach. It is this consciousness, as a channel, that must be pierced.
People can swim, but a significant proportion of them do not swim. Such obviousness as distant worlds does not attract humanity at all. It's time to throw this grain into the human brain.
Those same rootless and unfortunate people can better accept this idea. Earthly bonds are not strong for them. Worst of all are well-to-do people. The blind can perceive this thought quite easily, but the oblique ones are most difficult of all, for the false crossing of currents will always violate the range of aspiration. Try to cut the cannon into different spirals - the result will be bad. Of course, the above applies to a certain degree of strabismus, which affects the nerve centers.
3.045. I will point out that it is important to send good arrows in time, why the spirit then feels relieved.
Fragments of other people's thoughts, like a gray swarm, are tumultuous; gradually they obstruct the space and show the contamination of the air; then the arrow of the spirit is like lightning. It reaches not only the appointed person, but also clears the space. This cleansing of space is no less significant. A purer arrow, like a stronger magnet, draws gray fragments to itself and carries them back. Thus, gray thoughts return to the original source with their burden, but without harm to others. These gray thoughts, like fumes, settle on the aura, and the one who sows reaps.
It is wise to send the word do not touch! It is this formula that contains the least backlash. This is exactly the ancient defensive formula. It is practical to send either a good call or a protective formula. Any malicious premise is impractical. True, one can allow the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, because the indignation of the spirit wears out the shell.
3.046. I never spoke about the ease of bringing the new consciousness into being. Not destroyers, but moldy, conditional virtue is the enemy. Destroyers know the fragility of what is being destroyed, and the principle of bestowal is easier for them. But ruddy virtue loves the chest of savings and will always defend it eloquently. They will say the sacred words of the scriptures and find subtle evidence why they are ready to give not to this one, but to another, not living person.
Conditional virtue is an excellent self-interest and loves to invent. And such ruddy, good-looking teachers of virtue, and affectionate as butter; feat, human feat is not known to the teachers of virtue, and their magnificent clothes are starched with slavery!
3.047. Schools should teach respect for the spoken concept. After all, parrots can senselessly rush into the space of concepts, often of great significance. But people must understand that every word is like a thunderous arrow, and every word is like a pedal of thought.
The loss of the true meanings of concepts has greatly contributed to modern savagery. Like sand, people pour pearls. Right, it's time to replace many definitions.
3.048. Precisely without fear and, if possible, on their own. The phenomenon of personal responsibility is correct. No miracles, no quotations, no manifestations, but a statement reinforced by personal example. Even a mistake in boldness is easier to correct than a stoop in mumbling.
Precious action that does not need apparatus and assistants. The one who discovers the precious formula cannot shout it out the window, for the harm will cover the best benefit.
Just like a closed vessel, like a mountain that has not been plundered, like a bow strained with an arrow, so stand. And that the drink of the vessel is fiery, and that the mountain is inexhaustible, and that the arrow is deadly - so act! For who dares to assert that difficulty is not a speedy achievement! Milky rivers turn sour, and jelly banks are uncomfortable for sitting. So, in the chain mail of personal responsibility, we will hurry.
Note that luck was only where full courage was shown. Petty doubts give birth to slavish timidity.
It is in the days of the grave illness of the planet that one must be filled with courage. Feeling cannot pass, but the sword can cut through harmful veils. Very important point and all courage must be exerted.
3.049. Let someone give more, he will receive more. But the nations have forgotten how to give, even the smallest thinks how to receive.
Meanwhile, the planet is sick, and everything is drowning in this disease.
Someone wants to avoid the last struggle by infecting the entire planet. Someone hopes to sail away on the wreckage, forgetting that the ocean will also leave. It is easy to imagine that the planetary body can be sick like any other organism, and the spirit of the planet corresponds to the state of the body. How to call the disease of the planet? Best of all - hot poisoning.
The suffocating gases from the heaps of the lower strata of the Subtle World cut off the planet from the worlds that can bring help. The fate of the Earth may end in a gigantic explosion, unless the thickness of the veil is breached. Monstrous acceleration causes all lines to oscillate. It could be expected that acceleration is needed for any one country - it is needed for the planet.
3.050. It doesn't matter how the New World enters - in a caftan, in a frock coat or in a shirt. If we establish the cosmic significance of the community, then all the details are no more than a speck of dust under the sole. Any absurdity can be forgiven if it is not against the New World.
3.051. When I repeat one word many times, it means the filling of space. This is a lost rhythm degenerated into a muttering. It's like the surf of the waves destroying the rocks. Also in the procession there should be a rhythm of sound. The rhythm of sound delays the crowd from idle talk.
3.052. How can one penetrate the secret of the spirit? Only extraordinary. The legend of the holy robbers is based on a spirit sharpened by the unusual. Meanwhile, the soft baker rarely gets the key to the spirit, unless the daily play of the flame gives him the light of the elements.
Suitable grass must be taken, but its place of growth must be sought without prejudice.
3.053. Let me explain why we call Purusha's attack. It would be good if people could learn the same principle of general tension. The phenomenon of a common danger must cause the same general tension.
The first condition for success is liberation from ordinary occupations. The usual brain centers must droop so that a new combination of nerve currents can emerge. The same principle as in avoiding fatigue. And such a new tension, if it is devoid of a personal beginning, is called the attack of the Purusha.
To find a hidden wand, a seeker must seek, but not a hidden one. It is not for nothing that the Hindus call the supreme being the Player. Verily, the Earth is saved by earthly hands, and the powers of heaven send the best manna, but, uncollected, it turns into dew. How can one not rejoice when there are collectors; when bypassing ridicule, these seekers go, remembering Our shield.
One can never evoke the tension of the Purusha without the mobility of thought.
The spirit must strive along one channel, like a nucleus - along the screw of the trunk. The occurrence of superimposed circumstances should not spoil the spirals of the propeller.
3.054. Light extinguishers are special servants of the dark forces who are engaged in extinguishing fires in the Subtle World. The stronger the onslaught of darkness, the more they destroy every bright point. We do not know a darker time in the Subtle World. All false Olympus sank in the twilight. But now is not the time to deal with them, now the earthly plane is next in line. The state of the world is like the sea in a storm.
3.055. Aspiration is the boat of an arhat. Aspiration is a manifested unicorn. Aspiration is the key to all caves. Aspiration is the wing of an eagle. Aspiration is a ray of the Sun. Aspiration is the chain mail of the heart. Aspiration is a lotus flower. Aspiration is the book of the future. Aspiration is the manifest world. Aspiration is the number of stars.
3.056. Why is finding the signs of the future like a cloth? In weaving work, the basis is a certain color, and groups of threads are distributed by paint. It is easy to determine the basis, it is easy to find a group of threads, but the pattern of this group allows various combinations, depending on a thousand current circumstances.
Of course, the internal attitude of the subject himself is the main circumstance. But if his aura fluctuates too much, then the prognosis will be relative. Then it will be like a well-known game where you need to find a certain figure from several scattered points.
Now, where is the best enzyme that holds the aura vibration together? The best ferment is striving. The striving body cannot be pricked or broken. Striving in motion reaches lawfulness, and, becoming a law, it becomes unstoppable, for it enters into the rhythm of Cosmos.
So go in the small and the great, and your fabric will be unique, crystal cosmic, in short, beautiful.
Nothing else, except for aspiration, gives the overcoming of the elements, because the main quality of the elements is aspiration. And in this state you coordinate the elements with the highest creativity of the spirit or you are the holder of lightning. A man will come - the holder of lightning. Believe me, only by striving will you conquer.
3.057. Is it not the alarm that is heard in every movement of the planet? Does not anxiety ring out in every movement of existence? Does not revolt sound in every movement of spirits leveled to the ground? Have there been better times?
It is better if the abscess breaks and you can fill up the hole. But the pus must be called out, therefore We do not take half measures.
We expect broad action, and during the tocsin one should not think about a piece of yarn.
3.058. You already know the usefulness of obstacles, you already know the usefulness of troubles. Maybe even the usefulness of horror. Of course, for Us and for you there are no horrors in the ordinary sense. On the contrary, horror without fear turns into an act of cosmic beauty. Is it possible to think about beauty without a chord of admiration?
Now We are shouting, We are sending signs of battle, but above all – admiration before great decisions. Courage opens all doors. “It’s impossible,” we pronounce ourselves, meanwhile, everything that exists screams: “It’s possible!”
Each era has its own word. This word is like a key to constipation. Ancient Teachings constantly talked about a powerful word, which is contained in a precise and concise formula. Invariably, like a crystal of known composition; you cannot rearrange the words of these formulas; cannot be lengthened or shortened. The guarantee of the Cosmos is in the casting of these signs. Absolute darkness itself hesitates before the blade of the World Order, and it is easier for rays and gases to strike darkness where the sword of the world has struck.
We do not bend down to accept the order of the Cosmos, but violently! Therefore, the time is coming when the Light-power burns the darkness. Inevitably the time has come, and the hour cannot go back.
One can follow the secret words of all epochs, and one can see the spiral of penetrating light. The legion of worms does not change the tip of the spiral, and the barriers only strain the beam of light. The law of reflection creates new forces. And where the speaker is silent, there the dumb will speak.
3.059. A clear, concise order is difficult, but it is stronger than a magic wand. An affirmation is easier, but an order is like an unexpected column of flame from a volcano. A concentrated sense of personal responsibility lies in the order. An indication of the uncorrupted power is given in the order. The striving of the Cosmos is revealed in the fury of the command, like a crushing wave. Wipe away the tears of goodness, We need sparks of indignation of the spirit!
What a dam regrets make, but wings grow at the end of a sword! Sands can kill, but for Us a cloud of sand is a flying carpet.
3.060. Much can be forgiven for those who in the darkness have preserved the concept of the Teacher. The teacher raises the dignity of the spirit.
Our concept of the Teacher is like a lamp in the darkness. Therefore, the Teacher can be called a beacon of responsibility. The bonds of the Teaching are like a life-saving rope in the mountains. The teacher appears from the moment the spirit is kindled. Since then, the Teacher has been inseparable from the student.
We do not see the end of the chain of Teachers, and the consciousness filled with the Teacher exalts the achievement of the student, like a precious, all-penetrating fragrance. The connection of the student with the Teacher forms a link in the protection of the connecting chain. Deserts thrive in this defense.
3.061. My hand will send a solution among the rocks of the world. Consider a plank roof harder than iron. Consider the lesson minute longer than the hour. An elongated path is shorter than a straight abyss.
Ask: why riddles, why esotericism? The ball of events is full of colorful threads. Each bucket from the well is a different color. Among the events there are many hurried ones; these distant friends, unrelated in appearance, fill our basket, and the final light triumphs.
3.062. One can rejoice when the suggested thoughts merge with one's own thinking. For with cooperation there are no boundaries for the division of labor, but there are only consequences. It is impossible to dismember the functions of the Cosmos when actions flow like a river.
What is the significance of the construction of waves carrying a useful object? It is important that the item does not die!
3.063. The main misunderstanding will be that work is rest. A lot of entertainment will have to be cancelled. The main thing to understand is that works of science and art are education, but not entertainment.
A number of entertainments should be destroyed as a hotbed of vulgarity. The education front must clean up the dens of beer-drinking fools. Also, the phenomenon of swearing should find a more severe punishment. Also, the phenomenon of narrow specialization should be condemned.
3.064. Need to say about the need for commensurability. I consider it necessary to distinguish things that are repeated from things that are not repeated. You can put aside a household item, but the calls of the dates must be caught without delay. It can be argued that the moment of cosmic possibility is irreplaceable.
There are foods that can only be digested in a certain order. And the catcher does not go hunting from idleness, but finds best hour and nothing will stop the catcher.
You can find My Stone in the desert, but again you will not see the Stone unless you pick it up immediately. Those who know Me understand the meaning of immediacy, but the new ones must remember this law if they want to get closer.
Truly I say: the time is short! I say carefully: do not miss the hour, for the threads of the ball are multi-colored. Not in the pleasantness of rest, but in the darkness of the storm, My voice is useful; know how to hear!
I know people who missed the call because of the stew. But My arrow flies in the hour of need. My hand is ready to lift the veil of consciousness, therefore, the commensurability of the small and the big, the repeatable and the non-repeatable is needed. Strive to understand where it is, big! I say time is short!
3.065. Our condition for co-workers is a complete desire to apply Our foundations to life; not theory, but practice.
The Teacher carries the flame of inextinguishable achievement. Teaching is not interrupted by weariness or grief. The heart of the Teacher lives in achievement. He has no fear, and the word afraid is not in his vocabulary.
3.066. The evolution of the world consists of revolutions or explosions of matter. Each evolution has a progressive upward movement. Each explosion in its design acts in a spiral manner. Therefore, every revolution in its nature is subject to the laws of the spiral.
The earthly structure is like a pyramid. Now try to lower the four faces of the pyramid from each point of the translational spiral. Get, as it were, four anchors lowered into the lower layers of matter. Such construction will be illusory, for it will be built on the layers of the obsolete.
Now let's try to build a rhombus from each point upwards - we will get a body of conquests of the upper layers, which outstripped the movement of the spiral. It will be a worthy building! Of course, it must begin in the unknown, expanding along with the growth of consciousness.
Therefore, construction in a revolution is the most dangerous moment.
A multitude of imperfect elements will force the constructions below, into the layers of spent and poisoned matter. Only the folly of courage can turn the construction upward, into untried and beautiful layers, the content of new elements. Therefore, I speak and will continue to speak in order to avoid decrepit forms in the construction. Lowering into old receptacles is unacceptable.
You need an understanding of the New World in all its severity.
3.067. What is required in Our Community? First of all, commensurability and justice. Of course, the second follows entirely from the first. Of course, one must forget about kindness, because kindness is not good. Kindness is a substitute for justice. Spiritual life is commensurate with commensurability.
A person who does not distinguish the small from the big, the insignificant from the great, cannot be spiritually developed.
They talk about Our firmness, but it is only a consequence of Our developed co-measurement.
3.068. Understand the name of the son of fear and doubt. Regret is his name. It is the regret of entering the great ministry that cuts off all the effects of former labors. The doubter ties a stone to his leg. He who fears draws his breath. But he who regrets his work for the great service ends the possibilities of approach.
How can one fail to recognize the courage that leads to achievement? How not to remember the hand that held the dagger of the enemy? How not to girdle the power that gave everything to the growth of the world? Understand - I will repeat endlessly until the rainbow bridge embodies all colors.
Cedars store healing resin, but smile when the miraculous juice is used to lubricate shoes.
So we will store the main paths, applying the details to the utility.
3.069. Roar and animal screech fill the Earth. An animal roar replaced the human song. But how beautiful are the fires of achievement!
3.070. My hands do not know rest. My head supports the gravity of the deeds. My reason seeks firmness of decisions. The power of experience breaks the weakness of others. At the limit of damage, I fill new possibilities. On the line of retreat, I build strongholds. In front of the eyes of the enemy, I wave the banner. I call the day of exhaustion a day of rest. I admit the phenomenon of misunderstanding, like rubbish on the threshold. I can hide the secret in the folds of work clothes. A miracle for Me is just the footprint of a horseshoe. Courage for Me is just a bow in a quiver. Resoluteness for Me is the bread of the dinner.
3.071. First of all, forget all nationalities and understand that consciousness develops by perfecting invisible centers.
Someone is waiting for a messiah for one nation - this is ignorant, because the evolution of the planet has only a planetary size. It is the phenomenon of universality that must be assimilated. The blood flows as one, and the outer world will no longer be divided by the races of the primary formations.
3.072. Community-cooperation can unheard-of accelerate the evolution of the planet and provide new opportunities for communication with the forces of matter. One should not think that the community and the conquest of matter are on different planes. One channel, one banner - Mait-reya, Mother, Matter!
The hand that sorts the threads reveals the path to Our Community. Of course, we will not talk about the exact time when Our place appeared. The cataclysms created favorable conditions, and with Our knowledge it is possible to protect the Center from uninvited guests. The appearance of bright enemies enabled Us to close the entrances still more tightly and to teach the neighbors good silence. To violate and betray means to be destroyed.
3.073. The Being of the New World contains a void called the node of stillness; deposits of phenomena of misunderstanding of the tasks of evolution are collected there. If the brain touches these paths to the point of not understanding the spirit, then access to Our sendings is almost lost.
Will people really forget creativity aimed at beautifying life?
3.074. Need to follow up urgently. You need to keep personal enthusiasm. Everyone needs to go independently - there is no palm on the shoulder, no finger on the lips. Woe to the detaining guard. Woe to the one who poured rice on the shield. Woe to him who wears water in a helmet. The most grief is gray fear.
Verily, the net of the world is thrown. They can't lift it without a catch. Truly, not the slightest thing will be forgotten. Paid for grain. Violence is not allowed. Let everyone go, but I regret those who do not come. How dark is the way back! As I do not know worse than to cross the neighboring path.
Tell everyone: go yourself until the Master's decree. You should rejoice at the hiss of the sea. Show understanding of the great time. Raise the cup. I'm calling you.
3.075. Verily, one can wait for the fulfillment of all the prophecies. I don't see when the dates will change. Think about the shell of events and understand how the appearance is not important, only the inner meaning is responsible. The sowing of generations begins to sprout, the grain begins to rise.
3.076. You need to know one of the battle techniques, called the overthrow of the rocks. When the battle reaches a certain tension, the leader tears off parts of the aura and throws them at the hordes of enemies. Of course, the auras of the warriors also come off strongly, and therefore at this time the protective network is not strong, but the enemies are hit especially hard. The fabric of the aura burns stronger than lightning. We call this technique heroic.
No need to think that we are riding in a soft train - we are walking along the plank over the abyss. The wisps of aura are like the pierced wings of an eagle. We must remember that we go to the walls without cover. Each broken glass does not rattle immediately, but when it reaches the low gorges, then the fragments gnash. Understand the rest yourself.
The biggest forces in the Battle for the salvation of mankind.
3.077. The phenomenon must be understood as obvious not to the eye, but to consciousness. This is the difference between your and Our understanding. You call a fact its consequence, but We can distinguish the true fact, invisible to you.
A blind person judges lightning by thunder, but a sighted person is no longer afraid of thunder. Thus one must learn to distinguish true facts from their consequences.
When We speak about a predestined event, We see its true beginning. But whoever judges only by visible results will lag behind in judgment.
When We say: go against the evidence, We want to say: do not fall into the illusion of past events. We must clearly distinguish the past from the future. It is precisely this limitlessness that humanity suffers, revolving in the illusions of consequences.
The creative spark lies in the manifestation of an event, but not in the effect. Humanity occupied with consequences is like a blind man who feels only thunder. One can imagine the difference between judging by events and by consequences.
Tell your friends to learn to observe beings by the occurrence of co-existences. Otherwise, they will remain readers of a newspaper compiled by a rogue.
Strain your consciousness to catch the occurrence of events if you want to join the evolution of the world. One can name without number examples of miserable, criminal and tragic misunderstandings, from which terms were confused.
An oak grows from an acorn under the ground, but a fool only notices it when he stumbles over it. Many trips stain the earth's crust. Enough mistakes and misunderstandings in the hour of world tension!
You need to understand how to use energy carefully. One must understand as soon as the necessary doors lead to the rest of the Common Good.
3.078. Every book should have a chapter on irritation. It is necessary to take this beast out of the house. Severity welcome, also determination. I show you how to banish mocking jokes. Everyone should be helped to get out of the difficulty. Every sprout of vulgarity must be stopped. We must give everyone their word to say and find patience. Cut off empty rumors and find ten words against each word that defames the Teacher. It is not to remain silent on the arrow against the Teacher.
Mother and Teacher - these two concepts should be protected by each book. We will not put out the light of greatness.
3.079. During cosmic constructions, service obliges to change the consciousness. There may be mistakes. The biggest mistake can be justified if the source is pure. But this purity can be measured only by enlightened consciousness. The joy of service can manifest itself only with an expanded consciousness.
It must be remembered that each three years represents a stage of consciousness; likewise, every seven years is a renewal of the centers. Have time to understand that the terms of consciousness are unrepeatable and therefore unmissable.
It is fair to ask a man who is thinking of embarking on the path of great service what he is thinking of giving up. Or does he only hope to get his sweetest dreams come true? Or is it convenient for him to appropriate earthly wealth for a grain of faith and occupy a position unusual for his consciousness?
It is impossible to enumerate all the ways of expanding consciousness, but in everything lies the consciousness of truth and selflessness.
3.080. It is necessary to understand the clarity of thinking and apply it to the future - in this way one can avoid the roughness of the mode of action. You have to go differently. Valuable every grain of determination.
I want to fill you with courage. It is better to be considered unusual than to dress up in a vulgar uniform.
You need to read My Teachings. One must strive to apply them to every manifestation of life, not only on holidays. Tell yourself: is it possible to rush in the morning and parrot in the evenings?
3.081. It is wise to draw a line between the past and the future. It is impossible to list everything done, it is incommensurable. It's better to say de

end of introduction

Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich

Agni Yoga. Life Transformation (compilation)


Helena and Nicholas Roerich entered the history of world culture and art as the founders of the Teachings of Agni Yoga ( Fire Yoga, also called Living Ethics). According to the authors, the texts of the books were created in the course of their conversations with Mahatma Morya, one of the "Teachers of Timeless Wisdom", "Ascended Masters".

The foundations of the doctrine were set forth in a series of works published in succession from 1924 to 1938 in Paris, Urga (Mongolia) and Riga and united by the common title "Living Ethics".

The first three books: Leaves of Morya's Garden. The Call”, “Leaves of the Garden of Morya. Illumination" and "Community" - were included in the collection of works by Helena and Nicholas Roerichs "Living Wisdom", the book "Agni Yoga" is included in the collection "The Great Heritage", the books "Infinity" and "Hierarchy" - in the collection "On the Eternal".

The reader can find the books "Heart" and "Fiery World, Part 1" in the collection "The Banner of Peace".

This new collection includes the 2nd and 3rd parts of the book "The Fiery World" by Helena Roerich. Continuing the journey through the world of Fiery Yoga, the reader comes into close contact with the "substance of fire" (higher psychic energy), which controls all processes occurring in the Cosmos.

The works of Helena Roerich harmoniously complement the articles, essays and letters of her husband, the famous philosopher and artist Nicholas Roerich.

One of the most important themes of his work - connection, interaction, correlation of modern and timeless, eternal phenomena in history, culture and society - found its expression in a selection of his works, united under the title "Transformation of Life".

The affirmation of the Feminine Principle is one of the central provisions of the Living Ethics Teaching, and in the articles collected under the title “Guardian of the Mother of the World”, the author’s call to women not only to join the struggle for restoration of their rights, but also to think about their true, cosmic destiny sounds.

One of the little-known aspects of Nicholas Roerich's work is his collection of fairy tales and legends from different peoples and writing his own. The reader can get acquainted with them by opening the section of this book “Legends, parables, fairy tales”.

Helena Roerich World of Fire

Part two 1934

Usually people do not know how to use the Teaching given to them. When they hear information that seems to be familiar to them, they arrogantly exclaim - again everything is the same, known to everyone! They do not try to test themselves to what extent this familiar has been realized and applied by them. They do not want to think that a useful Teaching is given not for novelty, but for building up a worthy life.

Not a collection of unheard-of utopias - the Teaching of Life! The existence of mankind is very ancient, and throughout the ages, all kinds of sparks of Wisdom have been shed on the Earth, but each circle has its own key.

If anyone can recognize the real key as familiar to him, then let him rejoice and thank for the indication close to him. It seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. People love to listen to novelties and receive toys, but few people agree to refine their consciousness.

It cannot be that some element does not come to the fore in the Teachings. So Fire was mentioned thousands of times, but now the mention of Fire is not a repetition, for it is already a warning about the events of planetary destiny. No one will say that in his heart he was already preparing for the Fiery Baptism, although the most ancient Teachings warned of the inevitable Epoch of Fire.

10.001. Thus, let us proceed even closer to the consideration of the conditions of the Fiery World. The division of the spirit may raise a number of questions. Of course, one might wonder how much the chemism of the Luminaries influences the separated parts of the spirit. During long-distance flights, parts of the spirit can be subjected to a variety of influences. Indeed, fiery bodies, even they do not avoid various influences, but an open consciousness will always help find the best vibes. But from the earthly state it is difficult to guide individual parts of the spirit, therefore, most often these messengers of the spirit themselves adapt to local conditions. Therefore, sometimes they can be clear and audible, but sometimes very foggy in all manifestations. Such a condition comes not from the spirit of the sender, and not even from the receiver, but from the chemistry of the currents. Even the most Fiery Beings are subject to cosmic currents. This does not detract from their High Nature at all, but only reminds them of immutable laws. It is necessary to be so imbued with the greatness of the Universe in order to recognize the law of the great Luminaries. When we marvel at Chinese chiseled balls, we must imagine how great the effort of the will to condense the mass in the formation of celestial bodies!