A set of morning yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles and internal organs. The practice of yoga with the omission of internal organs

toned figure, reducing stress, improving mood ... How yoga is useful for women's health and how to enhance its beneficial effect on the body, says a specialist in women's practice Olga Ilinskaya. “The most useful postures are those that open the pelvis and improve blood supply to the internal organs of the abdomen, while simultaneously strengthening muscles and normalizing the work of hormonal and nervous systems, - she says and offers a simple set of five yoga exercises for women's health. “You need to perform asanas in a given sequence, adhering to the suggested time.”


Technique: Sit so that the sacrum touches the blanket, folded two or three times. Connect the feet, knees pointing to the sides, and the heels stretch towards the crotch. Lower your body back. Make sure that the buttocks remain on the floor, and the back is completely on the blanket, without deflection in the lower back. The neck lies relaxed on the blanket, the arms are along the body, palms up, the eyes are closed.

Time: Three minutes.

Effect: Opens the chest and hip joints, stretches the inner surface of the thighs, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, such yoga for women's health contributes to the normalization of reproductive function, improves the functioning of the digestive system, calms and fills with strength.


Technique: Sit on the mat, spread your straight legs as wide as possible to the sides, the socks look up to lengthen rear surface legs. The back is straight rib cage disclosed. As you exhale, lean forward and grab your big toes with your hands. Look ahead. With each subsequent exhalation, try to slightly deepen the slope. Make sure that your back is not rounded and your hips remain pressed to the floor.

Time: One minute.

Effect: Opens the hip joints, stretches the spine and normalizes the position of the internal organs of the abdomen, normalizes the work of the ovaries, clears the mind.


Technique: Bend the right leg and lower the fingers of the right hand to the floor at a distance of two palms in front of the right foot. Shift your body weight to your right foot. Exhaling, straighten your right leg and lift your left leg parallel to the floor. Rotate your left shoulder, chest, and hip toward the ceiling. Stretch your left hand up and look at it. Repeat the same on the opposite side.

Time: 30 seconds each side.

Effect: Opens the hip joints, stretches and strengthens the spine and abdominal organs.


Technique: Lie on your back, arms by your side, palms up. Relax. Take a deep breath and raise your straight legs, also lifting your pelvis with your hands. Stretch your legs to the ceiling perpendicular to the floor, the pelvic bones rest on the palms.

Time: Three to five minutes.

Effect: Normalizes hormonal balance, soothes, returns the abdominal organs to physiological correct position, improves digestion, relieves swelling, stimulates the blood supply to the brain.


Technique: Cover yourself with a blanket. Lie on your back with your legs and arms slightly apart (palms up), close your eyes, and focus on relaxing your entire body from your scalp to your fingertips.

Time: A couple of minutes.

Effect: Soothes, relaxes and energizes.

Good blood circulation in the pelvic cavity is the key to a woman's reproductive health. Of course, the work of other organs also depends on the blood circulation in this area. The pelvic cavity contains the internal genital organs, endocrine glands, intestines, bladder. Poor arterial blood flow or the opposite problem - a delay in the outflow of venous blood can cause infertility, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen and lower back, hemorrhoids, and sexual disorders.

Various yoga practices offer solutions to these problems. We conducted a narrow study that examined the effects of yoga only on the reproductive functions of a woman. In particular, we checked how the blood circulation associated with this changes.

Used for diagnosis modern method- color Doppler imaging (Doppler ultrasound) - which allows you to control blood flow. According to our observations, in women who began to regularly engage in certain yoga practices, blood circulation in the small arteries of the uterus improved, which created conditions for better growth endometrium (inner lining of the uterus). And a healthy endometrium is very important, both for women's health in general, and for preparing for pregnancy, because it provides nutrition for the embryo at first.

To improve arterial blood flow to the pelvic area we recommend a "healing" complex based on one of the classic schools of yoga - Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga in the tradition of Sri Pattabhi Jois. In this case, all asanas that involve the pelvic region and hip joints are useful.

Be sure to include the following asanas in your practice:

1. Jana Shirshasana - it must be fixed longer than usual in order for the “healing” effect to appear.

2. Badha Konasana (also called "butterfly") - stay in this asana for 20-25 breaths.

3. Upavista-Konasana - stay in this asana for 20-25 breaths.

Between asanas, do "vinyasas" - dynamic ligaments, where each respiratory cycle corresponds to a movement. Vinyasas warm up the body well and activate the circulatory system.

The second side of circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs - varicose veins. In women, it occurs quite often, due to the fact that the walls of the veins and their valves, which delay the reverse flow of blood, respond to hormonal changes during pregnancy, with cyclic changes in the body. With venous congestion, pain and heaviness may appear in the lower abdomen, in the vulva, in the lower back. In this situation, chronic diseases are difficult to treat.

Here, inverted positions come to the fore in the practice of yoga. They create mechanical conditions for a better outflow of blood, but this is not the only thing. In inverted positions (when the pelvis is above the level of the heart), the a number of compensatory mechanisms that reduce the volume of venous blood.

1. Viparita Karani Mudra - bend your elbows and take your palms under the sacrum, placing them with your fingers outward. The sacrum, as it were, "lies on the palms", a slight deflection remains in the lower back. Raise your legs alternately up for 5 breaths, if you can - lift both legs, fix about 20 breaths.

2. If there is no problem with cervical region spine, perform Salamba Sarvangasana. Try in this position to slightly twist the body in one direction or the other. As you exhale, pull your stomach inward, forming a light “Uddiyana Bandha”. For beginners, Sarvangasana with support on the wall is suitable. Remain upside down for about 3 minutes if you feel comfortable.

3. Halasana - stay in this asana for 10-15 breaths.

4. Pincha Mayurasana is a difficult asana for beginners, so it is better for them to do it with their feet on the wall. Stay in it for up to 10 breaths.

If you have contraindications for performing inverted positions, you can do the following: lying on the floor, put your feet on a wall or on an elevation (chair, sofa), you can put a bolster or pillow under the sacrum - the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs will improve. Stay in this position for approximately 3 minutes.

A few subtleties:

  • Exercise at least 2-3 times a week.
  • If you are doing a whole complex of asanas, perform inverted positions at the end.
  • It is advisable to do just a few asanas even on those days when you did not find time for a full-fledged lesson.
  • If you decide to perform only asanas in an inverted position, then it is better to do this in the evening after a short warm-up.

This is only a small part of what our study was devoted to. I hope my knowledge will help you make yoga truly effective in solving health problems.

Marina Kruglova, practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD, Ayurveda specialist, yoga teacher and yoga therapist. Conducts seminars, online marathons and Skype consultations.

Photo: bananablondie108/instagram.com

Yoga is beneficial for people of all ages and both sexes. At the same time, everyone can find in it something special, just for themselves. For example, there is a special female yoga. It will give the greatest benefit to the fair sex, help improve the functioning of all body systems, including reproductive, improve the figure and posture.


Yoga does not tolerate excessive effort, especially yoga for women, so do not try to quickly and perfectly perform a pose, listen to the sensations. Pain is a sign to stop. With caution, slowly perform twisted asanas. During menstruation, do not practice inverted postures.

Women's yoga asanas

Asana #1: Baddha Konasana

You will need a bolster or a rolled up blanket. Sit on its edge or on a rug, so you feel more comfortable. Connect the feet, spread the knees apart. If you feel that your knees are very high, sit on a support. Place your fingertips on the back of it and stretch upwards. Open your feet and keep them apart. Press down on your hips, knees, and use your arms to lengthen your spine. Don't let your shoulders pinch your neck. The gaze is directed parallel to the floor and defocused. During menstruation, this asana is best done against a wall. Stay in the pose for 3-5 minutes.

Therapeutic effect: It makes the hip joints more mobile, opens the pelvic area, contributing to a greater flow of blood to this area and internal organs. Exercise is very useful for women planning a pregnancy.

Spread your feet wide (should be perpendicular to the floor), pull the flesh of the buttocks back and to the side. On the floor - heels, back of the knees and thighs. If you feel discomfort in the lower abdomen or back that it is not possible to stretch your back up, you can sit higher. In this position, also use the support under your arms and stretch gently upwards. Do about 3 minutes.

Therapeutic effect: This asana stretches the legs and prepares them for subsequent postures. female yoga. In addition, it is good to do during menstruation, premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Asana #3: Supta Baddha Konasana

You will need a bolster, three blankets and a strap. Position the bolster along the mat so that you can rest your head on one end. Fold one blanket and use it as a support under your head, roll two more into rolls and place under your hips. Sit on the edge of the bolster, take the strap, make a big loop and put it on so that one end of the strap is on the sacrum and the other is fixed on the outside feet. Pulling it, bring the feet closer to the pelvis. Slide down carefully. Then, leaning on the palms, forearms and shoulders, slowly lower yourself down. Stretch your arms behind your head, clasp your elbows, relax. The recommended stay in the pose is at least 5 minutes. After a while, change the grip of the elbows, remaining in the asana.

Therapeutic effect: The heart is gently massaged and the vessels are unblocked, blood pressure is leveled, and the activity of the digestive system is activated. One of the most universal (aimed at the whole body) exercises in women's yoga.

Asana #4: Supta Padangushthasana 2

Of the materials, leave only the strap. Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your buttocks away from you with your hands. Sliding your heels on the mat, lower your legs down. Keeping the right leg strong, stable, bend the left leg at the knee. Put the strap on the arch of your left foot, closer to the heel. With an inhale, straighten your leg. Keep your right leg stable. Grab both ends of the strap in your left hand, and extend your right hand in line with your shoulders, palm down. Maintain the position for several minutes. With your leg out to the side, bend your left arm as you exhale. Repeat the same with the other side of the body.

Therapeutic effect: One of the most effective and most effective yoga exercises for women. It will really lengthen your legs and make them stronger.

Asana #5: Tadasana

Stand up, unite your inner feet(during menstruation, keep them at the width of the pelvis) and big toes. Press your heel and metatarsus evenly to the floor. Balance, body weight should be absolutely perfectly distributed. Do not lean back or forward, neither to the right nor to the left. Stretch your spine up. Spend at least 2-3 minutes in this position.

Therapeutic effect: All standing postures begin with this asana. It prepares your legs, balances your mind.

Asana #6: Utthita Trikonasana

Spread your feet 1 m wide or slightly wider, depending on your height. Feet are parallel, raise your arms so that they are in line with your shoulders. Wrap the left foot inward and the right foot fully outward. With an exhalation in one movement, lower yourself down and firmly grab the shin or ankle. Gently stretching, turn your head and look over the thumb of your right hand. Maintain a stable posture. Fix the body for 3-5 minutes. Do the same exercise on the other side of the body. When turning your legs, do not turn your pelvis.

Therapeutic effect: Well strengthens the legs, hip joints, gently massages the internal organs. One of the most simple, yet giving maximum effect asanas in yoga for women.

Asana #7: Sarvangasana

You will need 4 blankets, a bolster and a strap. Fold the clothes approximately in the middle of the rug into an even pile, without folds, in one direction. This is the future support under the shoulders. Put the bolster along the blankets to make it easier to lift the pelvis. Make the belt loop so wide that it is equal to the width of your shoulders.

Lower yourself down, rest your pelvis and sacrum on the bolster and rest your back on the blankets. The back of your head and most of your neck should be out of support. Sling the strap around your right elbow, bend your knees, and using your hands to help yourself, bring your feet back so that your toes touch the floor. In this position, slide both of your hands into the strap, on your elbows. Place your palms as close to your shoulder blades as possible. Raise your straight legs up.

As you master the asana, stay in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, after it, it is recommended to relax for a while.

Therapeutic effect: Considered the "mother of all postures" in yoga. It has a good effect on the digestive, excretory, endocrine systems, especially on the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Although the main audience interested in slimming the hips are women, the yoga poses below are also suitable for men if they express a desire to work on these problem areas.

What is the benefit of yoga for weight loss? Does she work at all?

Certainly. Especially if the approach to it is appropriate. Yes, I have different types yoga - one may be more "energetic", the other more measured, but you need to understand? She does this by restoring balance in the body. Any "unauthorized" body fat- whether they are in the hips and waist or elsewhere - as a rule, the result of an internal imbalance. If you bring your body into harmony, excess fat will leave (no, the whole will not leave - the body needs something to warm up 🙂). That's all, or rather, the principle of its operation. Now the specifics.

Yoga classes at home for slimming thighs

Here are 12 easy yoga poses you can do at home. I must say right away that EXACTLY WHEN you will gain is unknown, because everything depends entirely on you, i.e. on how you follow the key success factors, which are:

  • Regularity of practice (ideally - every day or at least 3 times a week)
  • Gradual development (take your time)
  • Concentration (when doing yoga, don't do anything else)
  • Relaxation (no, well, the muscles will certainly tense, but in general, you should try to relax in the final poses, unless otherwise indicated).

If your poses don't work out well at first, don't worry! Over time, everything will work out, well, that is, they will turn out a little better. And by the way, don't forget to breathe!

So let's go, the hips are waiting!

Exercise 1: Chair (sitting) Pose - Utkatasana

It looks simple, but it can still require a lot of effort for your legs, especially on initial stage(which, in general, is what we need). Over time, it will become easier, flexibility will also increase.

Technique: Stand up straight, feet together. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head. Keeping your arms up, bend your knees as you exhale until you reach a position as if you were sitting in a chair (which, in fact, is not). That is, you need to get to a position where your knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Keep your knees together. This may be difficult at first, so bend to an acceptable angle. This is the final position.

Stay in the final position for 30-60 seconds, breathing evenly, then as you exhale, return to a standing position, inhale, and as you exhale, lower your arms to your sides. You can repeat it 3-5 times, just do not overexert yourself.

Exercise 2: Pavanmuktasana (option)

Lie on your back, arms along the body, legs almost together. Relax. Close your eyes.

As you inhale, lift your left leg so that it becomes perpendicular to the floor (or as much as you can), the foot “looks” at the ceiling. Right leg at this time, do not tear off the floor (but try not to strain your right leg).

As you exhale, tensing your abdominal muscles, bend your left leg at the knee so that the thigh reaches the chest. At the same time, grab your left foot with your hands, raise your head, and touch your left knee with your nose. Hold for 5-10 seconds (you can hold your breath or breathe normally).

On a deep breath, lower your head to the floor. As you exhale, straighten your left leg and lower it to the floor. Repeat the same with the right leg.

Exercise 3: Deep Squats

Stand straight, feet 30 cm wide, put your hands forward, in front of you, parallel to the floor, palms looking down.

Inhaling deeply, sit down - try to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. After a full squat, as you exhale, immediately return to the starting position.

Exercise 4: Ananda Balasala or Happy Child Pose

The exercise is relatively simple. But it is better not to do it on a hard floor.

By the way, there is an exercise with a similar name, but different technique - (Balasana).

So lie down on your back. As you exhale, bend your knees and bring them to your chest. Grab your feet with your hands (closer to your toes). Hands should be in front of the shins, and you hold on to the feet from the outside.

Inhale, and as you exhale, pull your feet towards you, while “spreading” your shoulders on the floor. Continue moving towards you, spreading your knees towards your armpits. The ankles are above the knees.

Stretch your back along the floor, trying to touch the floor with your tailbone. In the final position, hold for a minute, if possible, breathing normally, then, as you exhale, gradually release your feet, straighten your legs, and relax.

Exercise 5: Virabhadrasana 1 or Warrior Pose (Option 1)

Exercise 7: Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose

You perform the usual downward dog pose, while in the final position, as you exhale, raise first one leg, then the other, in turn. Hold in a position with a raised leg for 3-5 breaths.

Exercise 9: Baddha Konasana or Cobbler's Pose (Butterfly Pose)

The full version of this asana can be difficult for most yoga beginners, so just try to do it as best as you can.

Technique: Sit on the floor, pull your legs towards you so that the feet touch. Now try to bring your feet closer to you - ideally, they should be right next to the crotch. Alternatively, you can try to approach the feet together by using your hands, but be careful.

When you reach the final position, as in the photo, stay in it for as long as you feel comfortable, breathing freely. Then slowly straighten your legs, shake them lightly.

Exercise 10: Shalabhasana or Locust Pose (option)

Lie on your stomach. Hands along the body, legs together. As you exhale, raise your head, shoulders, arms, chest, and legs off the floor. Hold for a few seconds, and as you inhale, lower yourself to the floor. When lifting on the floor always remains Bottom part belly.

Repeat the pose 3-5 times, but do not overdo it. If you have high pressure or heart and back problems, be especially careful. This is an option; usually put your hands on the floor.

Exercise 11: Warrior Pose Variation

Take Virabhadrasana 2, then gently bend back, placing your left hand on the back of your left leg and raise your right hand above your head. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Exercise 12: Utthita Parshvasahita

The name is interesting, I don’t even know how to translate it for you.

Technique: stand up straight, while inhaling, raise your left leg in front of you, while exhaling, try to grab hold of thumb left leg with your hand (or ankle), then rotate your left foot 90 degrees to the left, supporting it with your left hand. Right hand on the belt. Turn your head to the right.

Hold the end position for a few seconds, breathing freely, then return to the starting position and repeat with the right leg.

That's all! Of course, this is not to say that the hips are limited to this - no, there are many different poses that can make your hips slimmer, but the fact is that not all of them are suitable for beginners, and even these, with regular practice, may well be sufficient. By the way. these poses are also yoga for slimming legs in general. Good luck!