What does it take to grow. The most common ways to increase human height

At present, the average height of men is 176 cm, women - 164. Girls grow up to 17 - 19 years old, boys - up to 19 - 22 years old. Moreover, periods of acceleration alternate with periods of deceleration. Quite intensive growth is observed in the first year of a child's life (by an average of 25 cm), then at the age of 4 to 7 years and at the beginning of puberty (this process lasts for girls from 10 to 16, for boys - from 11 to 17 years) . Girls grow fastest between the ages of 10 and 12, and boys between 13 and 16. In subsequent years, the growth rate gradually decreases. Growth decreases with age. By the age of 60 by 2-2.5, by 80 - by 5-6 cm.
It is known that growth fluctuations are observed during the day. The greatest body length is recorded in the morning. In the evening, growth may be 1-2 cm less. After prolonged and intense physical exertion, growth may decrease by 2 or more centimeters for some time (after classes with weights, a barbell - by 3 cm or more). This is due to the compaction of the intervertebral discs.
Of great importance for growth parameters is heredity. Often the child repeats the features of the constitution of his parents. There are different formulas by which you can determine the potential growth of the child. The simplest of them: add up the height of the parents, divide by 2 and add 6.5 for a boy or subtract 6.5 for a girl. This is a very approximate calculation of height, its potential value, but deviations in one direction or another (for example, from 170cm to 190cm) are possible, depending on other factors.
The final growth of a person, in addition to the genetic factor, is also determined by a number of external factors, in particular the geographical environment, climate, diet, regimen, etc. Infectious diseases, heart defects, chronic bone diseases, etc. cause various disorders in the body and retard its growth. Growth is especially affected by diseases of the endocrine glands.

What promotes growth in childhood and adolescence.

Such factors or means of growth can be nutrition, adherence to sleep, physical education or sports, social characteristics of education (if a child is completely healthy, but does not feel love for himself, he may develop psychosocial dwarfism; this can be seen in orphanages and boarding schools) .
First, about nutrition. The diet should contain sufficient and age-appropriate amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. Those who wish to grow up are recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits 3-4 times a day - a total of about 1.5 kilograms. A good growth stimulant is cereals. Preference should be given to black bread, various cereals, except for semolina.
For good growth Growing bodies need calcium. Calcium in the bones "fits" on the so-called protein matrix. To make it complete, the child needs meat, fish, caviar every day. Naturally, foods rich in calcium must be included in the daily diet of children - milk, cheese, cottage cheese. Vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits also affect growth. A lot of proteins and a lot of yellow and red vegetables and fruits: carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, raspberries and others contain growth vitamin A. Promotes the growth and the use of vitamin-mineral complexes (vitamins A, E, C, zinc). But sweet and fatty foods inhibit the production of somatotropin and slow down growth.

The main thing is not to overeat!

It is important and necessary to limit sweets to a minimum, and completely eliminate smoking and alcohol.
Only through rational nutrition can an increase in growth by 10% be achieved.
We must not forget about the sleep pattern: the most intensive growth process occurs during sleep at night. It is believed that at night, when the retina of the eye does not experience light irritation, the pineal gland is activated, which affects the production of another endocrine organ by the pituitary gland of growth hormone - growth hormone. Therefore, one of the means of increasing growth is to comply with the sleep regime - go to bed at night and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Physical activity and sports, with rationally dosed loads, contribute to the strengthening and active growth of bones. Physical activity makes metabolic processes more intense. But it also leads to accelerated bone formation during the growth period. The load, which is dynamic and pulsating, especially affects the development of bones. These are jumping, hanging, swimming.
However, in some cases, despite the observance of all necessary conditions, there is a lag in growth. In these cases, this may be a sign of diseases of the endocrine system (diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands). Studies show that out of 100 children with stunted growth, 8 have abnormalities in the endocrine system.

Is it possible to add in growth, means to increase growth.

How can you grow at your own will even by 5 or 10 cm? - this question worries a lot of young people, and especially those who have short parents. For many men, short stature has been and is a serious problem that leads to the formation of various complexes, and even nervous diseases!
Modern science makes it possible for those young people whose growth zones have not yet been closed to grow. Basically, methods of hormonal influence on the body, psychological suggestion, nutrition are used. The suggestion of a growth mindset promotes the release of samatotropin, the growth hormone, by the pituitary gland.
The use of hormonal drugs in combination with other measures can change the situation. However, parents do not always want their child to take hormones. In addition, with closed growth zones, when there is no source for bone tissue growth, the use of somatotropin is not only pointless, but can be harmful to the body.
The medical preparations that have now appeared, containing recombinant growth hormone, allow you to add 1-2 cm in height per year. However, they are effective in case of congenital pathology of the pituitary gland and have a number of side effects. Their use can cause acromegaly (enlargement of the hands, ears, nose, etc.), and taking after puberty (after 18-20 years) does not affect growth. Active growth stops after puberty.
However, you can grow up and at a more mature age. After 22 years, you can grow mostly by correcting postural defects(stoop, scoliosis and other physical disabilities), and an increase in height can reach 5-10 cm. For this, there are specially designed simulators and tables for stretching the spine, as well as a special set of physical exercises aimed at increasing growth. Together with posture correction with these techniques, there is an active impact on work internal organs and additionally, the effect of healing the body is achieved.
Official medicine has an unequivocal opinion on this matter: at the age of 40-50 years, an increase in height without the use of surgical methods is impossible. Modern surgical methods of surgery allow you to add in height by 2-3 centimeters in six months due to the length of the legs. For this purpose, the patient is violated the integrity of the bones lower extremities and impose the Ilizarov apparatus, which stimulates the growth of bone tissue. And then very slowly, by a millimeter per week, bone fragments are bred, increasing the length of the limb. This procedure is quite laborious and painful. In addition, leg lengthening by 3 cm costs from 6-10 thousand dollars (anesthesia, hospital stay, preoperative examination, weekly dressings for 2 months). Duration of treatment - from 7 to 12 months. Of course, you can decide on an operation, but are you ready for such sacrifices, and the result of the operation cannot always be predetermined.

Exercise complexes

In order to add 5-10 cm in height, specially designed physical exercise. It has been proven that with rationally dosed loads, the bones become stronger and grow better. During exercise, the pituitary gland is irritated. Physical activity makes bones grow. But all this is true as long as growth zones are active (up to 22-25 years).
Any set of exercises aimed at increasing growth includes: horizontal bar, gymnastics, running, swimming, a set of stretching exercises (and strengthening the back muscles), hanging on the horizontal bar.
Effective methods are methods based on the laws of physiology formulated by Julius Wolff, an orthopedic professor at the Berlin University Polyclinic. According to his ideas, the structure always adapts to the function and the transformational law, bearing the name of Wolff, says that with a certain impact on the bone tissue, it is possible to cause its internal restructuring.
In addition, classes according to a system based on the works of the doctor of medical sciences, orthopedist and traumatologist Anatoly Stepanovich Palko are a good way to increase growth. Unique results in increasing height are achieved through various simulators for functional direct, lateral and diagonal stretching of the spine on special vibration massage tables, stimulating the development of open growth zones, strengthening the ligamentous-muscular frame, and anti-gravity effects.
Today, there are special techniques that help grow at any age.
Also, in order to grow, they use special simulators and massage tables, which allow increasing growth by 0.5 - 2 cm in one session. If there is a desire to grow and such a goal is set, then methods for increasing growth will help in this.

Method for increasing the growth of V. A. Lonsky

Here, for example, is the story of Rustam Akhmetov. There lived a boy in Berdichev who loved athletics. He even dreamed of becoming a high jump champion. Only our dreamer did not come out tall. His father and mother were below average height, close and distant relatives too.
At the age of 14, Rustam completely stopped growing. By the age of 16, he had not added to his height - 164 centimeters - not a millimeter. Naturally, jumping results also stopped growing. That's when Rustam came to the coach with his dream and his despair.
And his coach was V. A. Lonsky, a wonderful teacher who managed to see the future champion in the stubborn boy. Viktor Alekseevich listened attentively to Rustam and asked sternly:
- Do you really want to grow up?
- Very!
- Then we can help you. Write a receipt that you undertake to grow by 8 centimeters in a year.
Of course, this was a tactical move: the coach wanted to strengthen the teenager's faith in success and stimulate his will.
Rustam wrote a receipt. The coach compiled a set of exercises that the boy began to strictly perform in the morning and evening. After a few months, he was surprised to notice that he began to grow. And in a year, as promised, it grew by exactly 8 centimeters.
Then the coach demanded a second receipt. In it, Rustam promised to grow another 8 centimeters next year. And the obligation was fulfilled again. Then the third, last receipt saw the light, which stated that Rustam was obliged to grow by 5 centimeters. The coach believed that the height of 185 centimeters is quite sufficient for a high-class jumper.
The guy fulfilled this obligation as well. In total, his height increased by 21 centimeters. He no longer did special exercises, but the next year, by inertia, he stretched out another 2 centimeters.
Rustam Akhmetov became one of the best jumpers in the world. He is the champion of the Soviet Union, the winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, a participant in the Olympic Games ...

This "Magic" set of exercises by Rustam Akhmetov :

  • 5-7 minutes easy warm-up run.
  • 18-20 minutes of flexibility and relaxation exercises. These are various swings with legs and arms, tilts, bridges, splits, shaking arms and legs.
  • Hanging on the bar for 20 seconds. Two approaches without weights and one with a weight of 5-10 kilograms. Weights must be tied to the legs.
  • Hanging on the bar upside down, the feet are rigidly fixed with the help of special belts: two approaches without weights, one with a weight of 5-10 kilograms. Each approach is no more than 15 seconds.
  • 60-70 jumps, trying to reach, for example, an ever higher mark on the wall. Of these: 2 series of 10 jumps, pushing with one foot, and 2 series of 10 jumps, pushing with two legs. Each jump must be performed, be sure to push off with all your might.
  • On the street, Rustam climbed a hill 20-30 meters high, relaxed and, picking up speed, quickly ran down, repeating this exercise 3-4 times.
  • 3 times a week, getting ready for bed, he "stretched" himself with rubber cords. One tied to the legs, the other under the armpits so that they pulled in opposite directions.
  • 2-3 times a week I swam in the pool, performing various sips in the water. For example, stretching your arms and legs as much as possible when swimming with a breaststroke.
  • He played basketball 3-4 times a week, trying to fight for every riding ball.
  • During the day, Rustam jumped into full force up to 200 times...

The method of increasing the growth of Doctor of Medical Sciences A. I. Berg

Following the complex program he created, a person can grow ... at any age! The technique of Alexander Igorevich Berg is simple, and therefore a considerable number of those wishing to grow up could already use it. The technique includes a set of physical exercises supported by autogenic - psychological training (self-hypnosis complex).

An example of a physical complex:

  • Starting position (I.P.) - standing, feet hip-width apart, hands at the top are clasped into the castle. Stand on your toes and stretch strongly up with your whole body, then lower your hands, clasp the lock behind your back, stand on your heels, raise your socks. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  • (I.P.) - the same, hands to the sides, rotate them forward alternately in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Repeat 10-12 times, lower your arms, relax. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  • (I.P.) - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your head to the right and left, try to touch your shoulder with your ear without raising your shoulder. Repeat 10-12 times on each side.
  • (I.P.) - legs are wider than shoulders. We lean forward, touching the floor with our fingers, repeat 20 times.
  • Legs shoulder width apart. We bend back, trying to reach the heels with our fingers (20 times).
  • Bend the right leg at the knee and press the foot to the knee of the left leg. In this position, we lean forward, trying to touch the floor with our hands (20 times on each leg).
  • Take your hands back and grab the crossbar or the back of the chair at about the level of the shoulder blades. Sit down 20 times without releasing the support.
  • Put your feet together, lean forward 20 times, trying to touch your knees with your forehead.
  • They sat on the floor, one leg extended forward, the other bent at the knee, the foot pulled back. We lean forward, touching the floor with our hands.
  • Lie on your back, legs extended, arms to the sides. Alternately raise the legs at a right angle to the body.
  • Rolled over on the stomach, legs straight, arms along the body. We raise our head, shoulders and legs from the floor, without bending them, wrap our arms around our legs and stretch up.
  • They got on their knees, leaned on their hands, spaced shoulder-width apart. They leaned forward, at the same time, sitting on their heels, stretched out their arms, touched the floor, lowered their heads.
  • They sat on the floor, legs folded "in Turkish", hands in front of the chest are closed in a "castle". We lift them up and stretch as far as possible.
  • Sitting on the floor, we stretch our legs forward, we lean forward, trying to reach the tips of our toes with our hands, and our knees with our heads.
  • Lie on your back, hands on your back. We raise our legs up, trying, as it were, to reach them to the floor behind the head.
Exercises should be repeated 15-20 times.

Exercises this complex contribute not only to growth, but also to the formation of the correct, beautiful posture, so I recommend everyone to "carve out" some time for classes. They should be done 1.5-2 hours after eating.

An example of auto-training:

It is better to do auto-training lying down or sitting, in a calm position. Lean your back and the back of your head against the back of a chair or a head cushion, put your hands on the armrests of the chair or on the bed, your toes are pointing slightly to the sides, your eyes are closed.
Before class, try to strain the muscles of the whole body as much as possible, and then relax them. Forget about everything extraneous, focus all your attention on the meaning of the spoken words, repeat each phrase to yourself 3-5 times. The session lasts 5-10 minutes.
Now about what words you need to repeat in depth, with concentration. They may be different. The proposed text is indicative, you can replace it with any similar in meaning, but you should not change the words later, during the lessons.

So we accepted comfortable posture, relaxed, we begin to mentally pronounce the text, not allowing ourselves to be distracted by any external stimuli:

    - I calm down. I'm perfectly calm (calm).
    - My legs are getting heavy. Hands become heavy.
    - Pleasant warmth spills over the left leg, gradually passes into the right leg, into the left arm, into the right arm. Warmth spreads throughout the body.
    - The body becomes warm.
    - The heart beats calmly.
    - Breathing is even, easy.
    - The trunk is relaxed.
    - The muscle strength of the arms is preserved and enhanced.
    - Now training on the simulator or exercises to develop flexibility will be especially useful for me. The body will stretch as much as possible. It has become plastic, it is obedient to my will.
When you pronounce last phrase, gently squeeze the brushes into a fist and hold for 5-10 seconds.
After auto-training, it is necessary to conduct training on simulators.
Following the method of Alexander Igorevich Berg, you can increase your height by several centimeters. At the same time, the age of the experimenter does not really matter, and the results are amazing.

General health-improving technique of Mirzakarim Norbekov.

All the exercises described below are only part of the warm-up of M. Norbekov's unique general health-improving technique. Here is what the author of the technique himself says: “After 7-8 days of training, all patients note an increase in height from two to ten or more centimeters. Of course, a person does not grow from exercises. It’s just that a person acquires a natural shape and flexibility due to the restoration of elasticity intervertebral discs.
But I am sure that these few centimeters will improve your mood and give you an incentive to continue practicing using other methods. And now it's time to get acquainted with the complex of exercises.
Exercises for the upper shoulder girdle. Only the upper part of the spine is involved.

    1. Shoulders forward. Pull the chin to the chest. Then we bend the shoulders and head 15 times forward, 15 times back. For each movement 6 seconds. The chin reaches the chest; without breaking away, we stretch in the direction of the abdomen; the upper part of the spine should bend like a bow, and at this moment we pull the shoulders forward and towards each other, tensing. Don't raise your shoulders. Without stopping, we move on to tilting back. At first, the head rests against the back, we pull it down, and the shoulders begin to pull back towards each other. Breathing: while moving forward - exhale, backward - inhale.
    2. Raise and lower the shoulders. The head is motionless, the spine is straight. Lowering the shoulders, pull the arms down with effort. Similarly, we do the exercise, raising the shoulders up.
    3. Circular movements hands 15 times. Imagine a steam locomotive. Let's mentally turn the shoulders into wheels and start moving gradually, slowly, expanding the circle of movements. Breathe evenly, without effort.
    4. Tilts left and right, hands at the seams. This exercise is performed while standing. With your right hand, try to reach for the right foot, with your left - for the left. Of course, you will not reach the foot, but you will achieve the desired effect - the spine will become more flexible. The essence of the exercise is that when the arms do not come off the body, the upper part of the spine bends. Tilts are performed 10 times in each direction. Exhale while bending, inhale while lifting. Exercises for the middle part of the spine.
Thoracic and lumbar regions.
    1. Tilts forward, as if trying to reach the stomach with the nose. This exercise is best done while sitting in a chair. We hold the seat with our hands and pull our head to the stomach. Exhale while bending and inhale when lifting the head. Straighten your back completely. For each movement for 5-6 seconds, only 10 movements. Then we bend back, as if trying to reach the buttocks with the back of the head.
    2. Spinal rotation. Back and head in one straight line. Turn your shoulders and head to the right until it stops. When the shoulders are turned all the way, we make oscillatory movements, with a slight effort we try to capture extra centimeters in each movement. 1-5 movements on one turn, then again. After that, we turn to the left and again do two times in 15 movements. Don't hold your breath. 20 seconds for one turn and 1 second for one oscillatory movement.
Exercises for the lower spine. Lumbo-sacral region.
    1. Performed standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, fists on the kidney area, elbows behind as close as possible to each other. After the fists rest on the lower back, we begin to gradually lean back. First we tilt our head, then gradually our back. Imagine scales. Your fists play the role of the central axis: ready and the back is one bowl, Bottom part torso and legs - the second. We pull them to each other in an arc. When you feel that it is impossible to bend further, start the main exercise. Without unbending, we make oscillatory movements with the intention of capturing extra centimeters - 2 times in 15 movements. Do not hold your breath while turning, do not bend your knees while bending. Now let's move on to a simpler exercise.
    2. Performed sitting on the floor. Hands on knees, leaning forward. We put our hands on the sides of the hips and begin to bend forward. When the spine does not let go further, we add force and grab a few more centimeters. Norma - you need to get your knees with your nose, then we'll try to touch the rug. Don't be alarmed if your nose stops a long way from your knees in the early days.
    3. Tilts back with raised arms. This movement is performed while standing. Legs shoulder width apart. Breathing is free. The load is calculated on the entire spine. We raise our hands up. Fingers in the castle and, without bending the knees, we begin to move. When the spine no longer bends, we again add force.
    4. Tilts to the sides with raised arms. Performed standing. Legs and shoulders on the same line, do as exercise 3, but to the right and left.
    5. Feet shoulder width apart. try to see side surface feet on the opposite side. Turns back - to the right, then to the left.
    6. Now imagine that you are trying to look back and see your heels. For a better view, you can bend back a little. Here we come to the beginning of the necessary movements. That is, when you turn back, start oscillating movements to see the right leg from the outside and behind. Now try to see her, turning back from your left shoulder and without moving your legs. Purpose: to increase the flexibility of the movement of the spine around its axis. Attention - on the spine.
    7. Exercise is performed while sitting on the mat. Legs are spread apart. Maximum inclinations to the left, right leg, in the middle, during exhalation. Put your palms on your chest and with your right shoulder try to reach your right knee 10 times, then with your left shoulder - your left knee. Then forward, to the floor - with two shoulders. The meaning of these movements is that during their execution, the shoulders must be rotated as much as possible.
    8. And now this is the same exercise, just try to reach your toes with your shoulder.
Some advice from the author on the whole technique.
    1. Don't get ahead of things. In the first three or four days, do not draw final conclusions about yourself, your capabilities and this technique.
    2. Avoid the influence of whiners.
    3. Do not talk or be distracted during class.
    4. Mechanical performance of classes is unacceptable, without meaning and purpose.
    5. Don't overexert yourself. A sign of improper operation is a feeling of heaviness in the head.
    6. During the performance of work, do not doze, drowsiness is unacceptable.
    7. You can not do tired and hungry.
    8. Any excuses for your laziness and passivity are unacceptable.

Another way to increase height: adjustable tensile force.

An adjustable tensile force is applied to the legs during sleep for about 8 hours (sleep time). As a result of relaxation of the muscles and the spine, they are stretched, as well as stretching the ligaments, cartilage, joints and bones. Human growth increases in a few months.

    1. Take any clean old shoes that are rigidly attached to the feet (for example, boots).
    2. Take any rubber shock absorber(harness). Fasten one end of the shock absorber to the boots, and fasten its other ends to any object located on the side of the legs outside the bed.
    3. Before going to bed, put on shoes with shock absorbers. The tensile force is selected so that it is felt, but not strong. When moving the body to the head of the bed, the stretch increases, in the opposite direction it decreases. This allows you to adjust the tension force. Approximately the same can be done in the daytime, time to stretch upper part torso, holding the ends of the shock absorber in your hands.
    4. The bed should be hard so that the force is transmitted to the spine.
    5. In your desire to increase your height, a psychological moment occupies a very important place. You must master the minimum skills autogenic training, inspire yourself that the increase in growth is normal. You must be 100% sure of success. It is not necessary to measure height every morning - between measurements you need to take a break of several months so that the result is visible.
    6. Just as tender grass breaks through the asphalt, so a slight but prolonged stretching of the body will turn into a new quality - an increase in growth.
    To increase mainly the length of the legs in paragraph 4, the bed should be soft. In this case, the main stretch is applied to the legs, as the bulk of the body is pressed into the soft bed.

Another version of this technique:
To increase growth during sleep, it is necessary to raise the bed from the side of the head by 15-25 cm relative to the horizontal. It is known from physics that if a body is on an inclined plane, then a force acts on it, which in our case, acting on each part of the body as a tensile force. The mattress and pillow must be firmly fixed to the bed.

Useful Internet resources.

A person inherits from his parents skin color, eye shape, nose shape and many other features, including body length, or simply height. Therefore, it seems natural that tall parents have equally tall children, and vice versa. However, in fact, this rule consists entirely of exceptions: children are sometimes much higher than both their father and mother, sometimes lower, but exactly the same - almost never occurs. And this is very good. Because, as you will learn later, it is the "inaccuracy" in the inheritance of the length of the body that gives you a real opportunity to become taller by a whole head. But let's talk about everything in order ...

Let's start with the fact that children do not inherit any specific height figure, for example, 158 cm or 171 cm, but an approximate "program" for body lengthening: "from ... to." According to such a program, one person inherits the prospect of growing no lower than 160 cm and no higher than 180, another - from 150 to 185 cm, a third - from 130 to 170 cm, and so on. How they grow up in reality depends mainly on their lifestyle, that is, on themselves.

The above applies to you as well. If you are “dissatisfied” with your height and want to grow up, you need to complete the “body lengthening program” inherited from your parents to the maximum, in other words, achieve the maximum possible height for you. How to do it? In previous issues, we talked about how physical education and sports, hardening, disease prevention, and special sets of physical exercises can provide help to those who want to grow up. Today we will get acquainted with other ways to increase growth.

To grow, the body needs "building material" and energy. He gets them from food, and thus growth depends on nutrition. So the more you eat, the faster you grow? It turns out, no, too much food is just as bad as too little. If a person is undernourished, he loses weight, and growth stops, if he overeats, he begins to get fat, and this leads to diseases that inhibit growth.

How do you know how much you need to eat in order to grow well? To do this, it is enough to measure your height once every 3-4 months and weigh yourself in the school medical room or in the clinic. The doctor has tables showing what weight is normal for a certain height. If your indicators correspond to the table, everything is in order, if they do not match, the doctor will tell you what to do: it is better to eat or moderate your appetite.

But for growth, it is important not only HOW MUCH a person eats, but also WHAT he eats, what foods. So, the Japanese, eating for many centuries traditional rice dishes, were undersized people. In recent decades, they have changed their diet in accordance with scientific nutritional recommendations. Result? Today's 13-year-old Japanese are 17 centimeters taller than their peers who lived at the beginning of the century.

Of course, you want to know what you need to eat in order to grow faster? The answer given by scientists may surprise you with its... simplicity. The main thing in proper nutrition is variety. This means that your menu should include dairy, meat and fish products, butter and vegetable oil, bread, eggs, various cereals and always fresh vegetables and fruits. We also need sweets (sugar, honey, sweets, ice cream), but in very small quantities. Because their excessive use inhibits the release of growth hormone, and hence the growth itself. This should be remembered by all the sweet tooth.

No matter how important height is for teenagers, study is still more important. And then it turns out that, taking care of increasing growth, you are quietly helping ... study. This is due to the fact that study is mental work. Therefore, its quality, that is, your knowledge and grades, depends on the state of the nervous system. The better this state is (less fatigue, higher efficiency, easier perception and memorization), the more successful things are going at school.

“But what does height increase have to do with mental work?” - you can ask. Imagine straight. To see this, let's see what happens in the body when you try to grow up. During physical exercises, nerve cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and are cleansed of toxic toxins. hardening protects nervous system from germs and toxins, proper nutrition provides it with everything it needs. Good posture straightens the chest, improves breathing, blood circulation, creating favorable conditions for the brain to work. In short, everything that is done to increase growth has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Is it by chance? It turns out not. The nervous system controls the body, including its growth. Factors that negatively affect the nervous system (poor nutrition, fatigue, lack of oxygen, intoxication) inhibit growth, and, conversely, everything that improves its condition simultaneously promotes growth. But, on the other hand, as you know, the better the state of the nervous system, the more successfully it copes with mental work. So it turns out that by taking care of your growth, you create the conditions for academic success. It remains only not to be lazy.

Having told how important the state of his nervous system is for each student, I want to give a few more tips on how to deal with it. You can be sure that the implementation of these tips will have a positive effect on your growth. So, firstly, to maintain the nervous system in good condition, eight to nine hours of sleep a night in a ventilated room is necessary. By the way, people have long noticed that "children grow up in a dream." The way it is! Secondly, no matter how passionate you are about reading, TV shows, working in school clubs or other "sedentary" activities, do not forget about walks, weekend trips out of town, work and play on fresh air. Third, don't get too carried away with "noisy" music. I am not against rock bands, ensembles and discos, but it has been proven that excessive noise, loud music destroy the nervous system, and, as you know, "nerve cells do not recover." In addition, discos, to put it mildly, are dusty and stuffy. All this can negatively affect not only growth, but also health.

Fourth, along with food, some young people consume another group of substances that are truly terrible. Their introduction into the body is usually called "bad habits", but it would be more correct to call it suicide. These are smoking, drinking alcohol, chemicals and drugs. Each of the mentioned substances is a poison! A poison that poisons the entire body and its nervous system, undermines health, stops growth. If you want to be a strong, strong, healthy person, the use of any of these substances must be categorically and forever excluded!

Finally, fifth, to make school less tiring, use breaks to active rest(run, jump, play with the guys). When doing homework, don't try to do everything in one sitting. It would be better if every 40-50 minutes of classes take a break, filling it, for example, with the growth exercises given in this issue of the Gym.

1. Swinging on the crossbar. Make 6 - 8 swings.

2. Jump from a deep squat. Run 10 - 12 times.

3. Hanging on the bar on the left and right hands. Performed 2-3 times on each hand.

4. Jumps over jump ropes on one and two legs. Just 100 - 150 times.

5. Stand on tiptoe, pull your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale. Perform 3 - 5 times.

Some babies are tall, while others remain the smallest for a long time. Short stature makes parents worried and causes discomfort to the child himself. This problem is especially acute in adolescence, when appearance becomes the most important. Are there for children? Is it possible to change this indicator upwards? If so, how to increase the height of the child? Find the answers in the article.

Children's growth

Most noticeable in just 12 months, they gain about 25 centimeters. After that, the growth rates are noticeably declining every year. This is normal, and all moms know about it. By two years, the growth is approximately 10 centimeters, by three - about 7, and by four - only about 5.

Caring parents periodically measure their heirs with a centimeter tape or special rulers. It is better to do this annually on the same day (for example, on the morning of June 20). So the data will be more revealing. But how do you know if a child is tall or too short? In such a case, pediatricians and pediatricians use central tables. They record such indicators as height, weight, age. The table can be common or different for girls and boys.

Growth rates up to 11 years

If you want to know if your children meet the age standard, use the special formula.

Child's height (cm) = 5 x B + 75 (cm).

Here B is the age, the number of full years.

5 - the average annual increase for the growth of children.

75 is the average body length that babies reach by the age of one.

It should be borne in mind that this formula is only true for younger children. school age(up to 11 years old inclusive). For older children, the calculations will already be incorrect. Also, in addition to the formula, you can focus on the plate.

For girls

For boys

0 months

0 months

6 months

6 months

Growth rates from 12 years

If you want to know the parameters of a teenager from 12 years old (height, weight, age), the table will tell you what they should be like.

For girls

For boys

From the table it can be seen that the students are stretched in turn. In girls, increased growth begins at the age of 11-12. After the growth zones are closed, and the bones increase quite a bit. But the boys are accepted to reach up. Peak growth occurs at the age of 13-14 years. For a year, young men can become 10-15 centimeters taller, and some - by all 20-25 centimeters.


To find out the approximate one, just look at dad and mom. Basically, it is heredity that determines how tall children will be. If the parents are very short, then you should not expect the child to stretch out like a basketball player. Although there are exceptions to the rule.

There are also formulas by which you can determine the genetically predetermined height of children. For girls and boys, the calculations will be slightly different. Before you find out what height the child will have, it should be borne in mind that the error is quite large. It can vary from 5 to 10 centimeters.

Boys = (father's height (cm) + mother's height (cm))/2 + 6.5 (cm).

Girls \u003d (father's height (cm) + mother's height (cm)) / 2 - 6.5 (cm).

However, the calculations can be very different from the actual size of the child. This is due to a number of factors. It is they who change the genetic program and frighten parents, forcing them to run to doctors in search of an answer to the question: “How to increase the height of a child”?

Health status

Growth is strongly affected by health problems. This is especially true for chronic diseases of blood vessels, heart, respiratory system And gastrointestinal tract. The systematic use of drugs that contain hormones glucocorticosteroids also affects. An example is a drug to eliminate asthma attacks.

Often those babies who at birth had small indicators of body length and weight do not grow well. Even with proper care, such children are unlikely to be the tallest in the class. Doctors can also diagnose constitutional growth retardation. This is not a pathology, but rather a developmental feature. In a child with such a diagnosis, everything happens later: both growth and puberty. That is, some kind of treatment is not required here, and the norms are no longer appropriate here.

Visit to the endocrinologist

Somatotropic hormone (or growth hormone) is responsible for growth. Also important are substances such as insulin, thyroid gland and androgens, progestogens, estrogens. Deficiency or excess of at least one hormone leads to growth retardation. Without appropriate treatment, a child will never become tall.

With an endocrine disorder, boys grow up to 140 centimeters, and girls - up to 130. But, fortunately, such a delay is very rare. To dispel all doubts, it is better to play it safe and contact an endocrinologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, GH injections will be prescribed. They will increase the chances of the baby to have an average or even tall height.

It should be borne in mind that with an endocrine disease there is a pattern. If the first child is short, then the second will be born without a hormonal problem.

Proper nutrition

If your child is short, pay attention to what he eats. With chronic malnutrition in several generations, the growth of children born will gradually decrease. It is also important to consider the quality of the food you eat. It must contain all the necessary substances for good growth:

  • Dairy products. They are an excellent source of calcium and form the basis of bones.
  • Protein. If it is not enough, the child will not only lag behind in growth, but will also become dystrophic. Protein foods include eggs, meat, fish, cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables and fruits. They are suppliers of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, in the diet they should be varied and in large quantities.
  • Vitamins. For growth, A, E, C and D are most useful. They can be purchased in liquid form at a pharmacy, but you need to know the dosage. Some foods are also rich in these vitamins. This is sour cream, butter, liver, oysters, parsley, fish fat and much more. Parents do not always know which vitamins for the growth of the child are present in a particular food. Even worse is the situation when children refuse to eat healthy foods. The output will be ready-made vitamin complexes in the form of dragees, which contain all the necessary substances.
  • Sugar. But it is generally not useful for growth and even slows it down. Therefore, you need to limit the use of all kinds of sweets.

Healthy sleep

If the growth standards of children and the size of your child do not match, pay attention to the rest of your child. Until the age of 12-14, the body needs at least 10 hours of sleep. Teenagers need at least 8 hours of sleep. In this case, the body should be in a state of sleep at night, and not during daylight hours. Daytime rest can only be an addition. You need to try to convey this to your children if they want to become tall.

Most of the growth hormone is produced during deep sleep between 10 and 12 pm. So go to bed better hours at 9 to sleep soundly in an hour. But, unfortunately, many schoolchildren neglect such a simple truth and remain small. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to increase the growth of a child of 9-11 years old, first normalize his sleep.


There are several sports that help grow. These are badminton, basketball, volleyball, swimming and buckle in length and height. But weightlifting and wrestling, on the contrary, inhibit growth. When choosing a sport, the preferences of the child should be taken into account. If he does not like the loads and make him overstrain, then they will not do any good.

An alternative to sports can be physical exercises that stimulate the growth zone. These include all kinds of stretching and jumping. You just need to do them regularly to see the result. Complexes of exercises stop the ossification of the cartilaginous layers and give several years to increase the necessary centimeters.

Do you still doubt whether it is possible to increase the growth of a child with the help of sports? See for yourself, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Atmosphere in the family

Specialists often diagnose "psycho-emotional short stature." Its cause is by no means a deficiency of hormones, but a bad atmosphere in the family. Unfortunately, many parents do not take this fact into account. They take into account what height and weight should be, the child is forced to lead healthy lifestyle life. At the same time, they constantly shout at him and do not understand why he is still small. You need to objectively look at your family from the outside. Maybe you need to rethink how you communicate.

Most often, psycho-emotional short stature occurs in dysfunctional families where children are not taken care of at all. Every child needs regular nutrition, broadening their horizons and getting positive emotions from mom and dad. As soon as the situation in the house improves, and the factors that irritate the psyche are eliminated, growth will noticeably accelerate.

How to increase the growth of a child visually

When a teenager is embarrassed by his own growth, you can’t resort to any tricks. Visual magnification can help a lot:

  • Heels. Girls can be encouraged to wear stilettos and platform shoes. In this regard, women are more fortunate. Boys will be able to add only 2-4 centimeters in height by wearing boots with a small heel. By the way, it is considered orthopedic and is recommended for everyone without exception.
  • Insoles. Not everyone likes heels, and there is an orthopedic development for such a case. The insole, thanks to a special design, raises the heel by several centimeters. This is a great replacement for a small heel. But there is one drawback - you will have to buy shoes a couple of sizes larger.

  • Proper clothing. Since ancient times, women have known tricks on how to increase height. The child can also be introduced to them so that he feels comfortable. Visually increases the growth of tight-fitting clothing with vertical stripes. But because of the horizontal lines and large geometric ornaments, on the contrary, you seem even smaller.

Growth patterns

Perhaps only visual methods are suitable for stretching your persona throughout your life. In other cases, you need to understand that you cannot increase growth indefinitely. Otherwise, everyone on the planet would be giants. Men on average grow up to 18-22 years. And women - only up to 15-19 years. In men, there is sometimes a slight increase (up to 2 centimeters) after 25 years. But most often this occurs in those whose puberty came with a delay.

Now you know the growth rates of children and how to approach them. But do not complex because of appearance. As soon as you stop being a teenager, you realize that behavior and inner qualities are more valued.

We continue our regular column on increasing growth. And today we will touch on such a topic -

How to stretch the spine.How to grow up after 25

This post was inspired by a huge number of different growth centers that offer decent money to stupid people to increase their height by stretching the spine by at least 10 cm.

Only few of these people think that they are being deceived ...

Extend the spine by 10 or more cm from the area of ​​fantasy... And now you will see it.

Now we will find out whether it is possible to stretch the spine not from the point of view of theory. But from the point of view of professional people who have a medical education. And they face this issue every year. The spine is their profession.

So how to stretch the spine

Opinion of an experienced Kazan vertebroneurologist Gulnaz Muzafarova

“This is not a natural anomaly, but a scientifically proven fact. My friend, teacher Liana Rakhmanova, grew by 4 centimeters in a year at the age of 27. For a comment from KV, they turned to an experienced Kazan vertebral neurologist Gulnaz Muzafarova.

- Doctor, how old is the average Russian?

According to scientific data, healthy people in our country grow up to 25-26 years. After this age, cell aging begins. The spine dries out and microcracks begin to form. The general process of aging of the organism develops. If a person stopped growing before the age of 25, this is either an exception, or hereditary factors and a disease associated with the spine played a role. I have patients and acquaintances who stretched 2-3 centimeters after 22 and even after 25 years.

- And what are the key factors hindering human growth?

There are many reasons for growth. One of the main ones is diseases of the spine. For example, scoliosis, curvature of the spine to the right or left. Kyphoscoliosis, curvature of the spine in the anterior or posterior directions. Unfortunately, more than half of the population of Russia suffer from these diseases to a greater or lesser extent. Of course, genetics plays an important role. If your parents and grandparents are short, then you are unlikely to be model height. Lifestyle has a big impact. Most Russians and students have a sedentary lifestyle. And to increase and maintain your natural growth, you need movement. At least a five-minute warm-up and stretching for the spine.

- With the help of what procedures can you grow or maintain your growth?

Until the age of 25, everyone has a chance to stretch through stretching exercises. I can advise the exercises of my colleague Dr. Berg, who compiled a special technique for stretching the spine with the help of physical activity. A set of exercises is easy to find on the Internet or books on therapeutic gymnastics. In adulthood, a person can grow in two cases. The first is when he cures a disease of the spine. The second, when he begins to engage in kinesiotherapy and isometric muscle relaxation. In the treatment option for scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis, the human spine is straightened. Due to this, a person becomes taller, and also moves more freely, does not stoop. In the case of other techniques, relaxation and stimulation of the muscles also occur. By stretching, they help bones and joints to properly position and stretch them.

- Is it possible to grow at home and is it worth it to lean on everyone's favorite carrots?

First, you need to urgently change your lifestyle. Even if you have to sit for a long time, every hour or half an hour you need to get up, walk and do light exercises. Secondly, contact a specialist - an orthopedist or a vertebroneurologist - for advice and examination. The doctor will create a special set of exercises for you. At home, autorelaxation will help to maintain or slightly increase growth, as well as give rest and exercise to the muscles. This is self-relaxation of the muscles.

Everyone knows such exercises: tilts, stretching the arms and legs using muscle resistance. Carrots, unfortunately, only help children and teenagers to grow. The fact is that the microelements and vitamins contained in it so necessary for us contribute only to the general formation of the body. In any case, you need to seek the advice of a doctor. After all, there are a number of diseases in which growth exercises are prohibited.

The problem of short stature today excites quite a few. Short people often worry about this and look for any available means that can help correct the situation. Parents are often concerned about the question: how to grow up their child if he has stopped progressing in this indicator and looks much lower than his peers? However, to study the factors that affect human growth, it is necessary to consider a number of important issues, such as genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, the presence of diseases, etc.


Human growth primarily depends on genetics. You can often notice that tall parents have the same tall children. The same is true for small families. But this rule has its exceptions, since such a pattern does not always justify itself. To learn how to grow fast, you need to study more important details.

growth progression

Over the past century, the acceleration of human growth has become clearly visible, especially this indicator has been progressing for the last forty years. The appearance of modern children and adolescents is significantly different from their peers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. For example, the boys of 1882, living in Moscow, at the age of 17 had the same height as modern guys at 15. For example, it is worth citing statistics: in 1882, teenagers at 15 had a height of 147 cm, in 1923 - 156 cm , and now these figures have risen to the mark of 170 cm. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average height of a man was 168 cm, while now it reaches 171 cm. Looking at these figures, one can understand that modern people significantly increased in growth compared to previous centuries.

Causes of human growth

To find out how to grow in height, you need to understand what is the reason for the acceleration that allowed today's man to become taller than his ancestors. The main answer to this question is the improvement of living conditions. At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, the inhabitants could not afford to live and eat as well as people in modern times. Now living conditions have improved significantly, moreover, almost everyone has the opportunity to purchase fairly cheap products. Of course, such a progression is noticeable mainly among the peoples of economically developed countries. Although the world population as a whole has become higher, in many disadvantaged regions, for example, in some African countries, such a clear acceleration of growth has not been observed. To figure out how to grow, you need to talk about a diet that promotes growth.

Proper nutrition to increase growth rates

Below is a list of the most significant products:

  1. First of all, animal protein affects the development of growth. People who consume this product in abundance are much taller and larger than those who neglect it.
  2. Amino acids and calcium strengthen bones, and therefore also promote growth progression.
  3. The body needs various vitamins that allow a person to always be in good shape.
  4. For more strength and energy, you need to use walnuts.
  5. Chicken and quail eggs are rich in vitamin B, and therefore are necessary for use.
  6. Vitamin A must be consumed in food. The best products for this will be carrots and fish oil.

Diet variety and moderation

There are many more healthy foods that will help both grow at home and start eating right. The main thing is to diversify your diet. You do not need to eat the same foods day after day, because their diversity is much more favorable for the body. Even sweets in small doses will be useful. But it is important to know that the principle does not work here: more is better. Overeating also has a detrimental effect on the state of the body, as well as nutritional deficiency.

What age do people grow up to?

It is extremely difficult to answer this question, because there are a lot of opinions on this matter in the world. However, the most popular indicators are 25-26 years old - at this age a person stops growing completely, since the aging process of the body begins. And of course, trying to increase your height to these fatal numbers will be much more effective. But this does not mean that those who are interested in how to grow in height after 25 will not be able to add a centimeter or two to themselves. In general, progression is possible at a later age, but the older the person, the more difficult this process.

Factors affecting growth disorders

There are many reasons that affect the deterioration of growth, but one of the main ones is a disease of the spine. Scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis are diseases that affect a large percentage of the Russian population.

A sedentary lifestyle is very destructive. It distorts the posture, thereby disrupting the progress of growth. Special Tip for Parents: Before You Search detailed information about how a child grows up, studying the Internet or consulting with specialists, it is worth making sure that he sits at the computer less. If a teenager spends a lot of time behind the monitor, you need to take care of his hourly rest. To do this, it is useful to get up from the table, walk around, stretch and do a set of exercises for growth (a list of them will be given below). It is also important that the child is regularly in the fresh air.

Improper nutrition or a lack of calories and a vitamin necessary for health contributes to the deterioration of growth. Magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, iron, chromium, as well as vitamins A, B, K, E should be regularly ingested with food or in the form of capsules.

Bad habits are one of the main reasons for the pernicious growth of a person. Tobacco, alcohol and any other drugs not only kill the dream of how to grow up, but also worsen the condition of the body as a whole. The work of the heart, kidneys, liver, brain and other vital organs is disrupted, which ultimately provokes a whole list of various diseases. Such a state of the body will not allow a person to fully add to his anthropometric data.

The reasons mentioned above are far from the only negative factors affecting human growth, but they are the most significant. If you approach the question of how to grow up quickly, with full responsibility and dedication, then you need to streamline your lifestyle. It is important to avoid stress, bad habits, long sittings at the computer and start eating right and exercising special exercises to stretch the body. To achieve the goal, one desire is not enough, willpower, a clear attitude and a competent approach are important.

Height Increase Exercises

This section will provide a short list of exercises designed to show you how to do it in order to grow. For best result they must be performed daily, otherwise the sense of training complex will be few.

List of the most popular exercises:

  1. Vis. It is necessary to hang on the crossbar and relax the body. It is also useful to rotate from side to side. The number of approaches can be determined independently. The vis lasts 3-4 minutes. In the future, it is recommended to perform it with weight.
  2. Jumping. Jumps are performed on one or two legs. At the moment of bouncing, you need to stretch your arms as high as possible, as if you are trying to throw the ball into a basketball hoop.
  3. Raising the legs. Starting position - lying on your back. First, the left and right legs alternately rise to a right angle. Then you need to throw your legs behind your head and try to get the floor with your socks. The second part of this exercise is performed lying on your stomach. Here you need to stretch your arms and legs as much as possible, thereby forming an arc. Then the hands fall and rest on the floor, and the back bends along with the legs extended.

It is important to find about half an hour every day to do these simple, but at the same time very important exercises. There are a number of other complexes. Each of them includes a huge number of different activities that a modern busy person simply cannot find time for, and therefore will soon give up. To solve the problem of how to grow, you need to perform this small complex constantly. The second and third exercises are done at home. For the first task, you will need a horizontal bar, which can be found on any playground.


By becoming familiar with the factors that increase growth and the detrimental effects on it, it will be easy to start a new and healthy life. Proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and lung performance A set of exercises will help not only increase growth rates, but also improve the condition of the body as a whole. Do not believe the myths about how to grow in a week, because this laborious process requires a long time of training. It is important to check your growth every 3-4 months to monitor its progress.