Workout 4 days a week. Four-day split for mass

For experienced athletes who have been bodybuilding for more than one year, it is much harder to build mass. Athletes who started training quite recently, two sessions a week are enough and they have observed notable progress. For experienced bodybuilders, after for long years loads on the muscles, they are already accustomed to various loads and somehow, as part of normal training, it is very problematic to increase their volume. Therefore, two workouts for experienced athletes are no longer enough, just as two splits and full body workouts are not enough. In this regard, three- or four-day splits are more suitable for such athletes, otherwise it will not be possible to work out and strain muscle groups. This article aims to inform how to apply the four-day splits showing good results with an increase in muscle mass of experienced bodybuilders.

Four day split- this is the next option, when the three-split system no longer gives the desired results. Such a training system will allow you to load most of the muscles in 4 active classes during the week. Among other things, there are also options for four-day training schemes for increasing mass, depending on the nature of the movements. In this case, it makes sense to consider the most effective of them.

The main principles of compiling four-day splits

For 4 training days during the week, you need to load the 5 main and most responsible muscle groups- legs, back, shoulders and arms. Since there are 5 muscle groups, and only 4 workouts, one of these groups is distributed among other muscle groups, for example, arms - biceps and triceps, shoulders - front, back and middle beams are loaded with more voluminous muscles. A four-day split per mass is based on a seven- or eight-day period. The seven-day period prefers the following pattern - 2+1+2+2. In other words, classes start with 2 days of training, then 1 day of recovery, after that again a couple of days of training and 2 days of recovery. The eight-day cycle has the following scheme - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2.

This is practically the previous program, but with the addition of one additional day for rest. Simply put, for every 2 days of activity, there are 2 days of rest.

When performing exercises, they are carried out, as a rule, exclusively basic movements because they have the highest returns. Each exercise is repeated 3-4 times and for each time 8 to 12 movements are performed.

Four-day split for mass

Option number 1 (arms are broken into biceps and triceps)

  • Day one - chest muscles and biceps are being worked out.
  • Day two - legs are trained.
  • The third day is a day of rest.
  • Day four - the back and triceps are being worked out.
  • Day five - the main focus is on the load of the deltoid muscles.
  • Day six and seven - rest.

Option number 2 ( deltoid muscles distributed into bundles)

  • The first day - the back and rear bundles of the deltoid muscles are trained.
  • The second workout - the chest muscles are loaded, as well as the front and middle bundles of the deltas.
  • The third day is a day of rest.
  • The fourth workout is working out the legs.
  • Fifth workout - biceps and triceps are trained.
  • The sixth day and the seventh are recovery days.

These two options are suitable for effective workouts and each of the athletes can choose any of the proposed. But that doesn't mean there can't be other options. Each athlete should have their own training plan, taking into account their physical capabilities. If it is difficult to create a training program yourself, then you can seek help from professional athletes or a coach.

In the process of training, it is desirable to carry out the following movements:

  • For legs - barbell squats, leg presses, deadlifts, extensions and flexions in simulators, calf raises for standing and sitting legs.
  • For the back - pull-ups, barbell rows in an incline, traction of the upper and lower blocks in the simulator, dumbbell traction in an incline, hyperextensions.
  • For chest - bench press and dumbbells on a horizontal and inclined bench, breeding dumbbells on a bench or bringing arms together in a simulator, a crossover, a pullover for the chest.
  • For deltas - standing barbell press, seated dumbbell press, wide grip barbell chin row, tilt and standing dumbbell swings, lifting dumbbells in front of you.
  • For hands - push-ups on the uneven bars, bench press narrow grip, french press, triceps extension in the simulator, narrow grip pull-ups, standing barbell curls, bicep hammers, concentrated bicep curls.

Such exercises must be present in any program. Workouts should last no more than 1 hour, and no more than 10 different movements should be planned in each workout.

There is hope that one of the proposed schemes for a four-day split for mass will certainly be adopted by one of the athletes, if there is no desire to sit and think about the training program.

Over time, each athlete has difficulty building up muscle mass. The fact is that experienced athletes already have a long training experience, which means that the muscles adapt better and it is much more difficult to shock them than athletes. entry level. Therefore, the load should change periodically, it can be diversified different ways. One of them is the distribution of muscle groups on separate days, the so-called split. In this case, we will consider a four-day split for mass.

For those who have just started their training, this program is not suitable, it is better for them to use a full body or a two-day split. On initial stage training muscles are not so adaptive, only after a certain period of time you need to change your program. When you can no longer shock your muscles, you need to switch to a 3 or 4-day split for mass. There are many options for building a four-day split, consider the main ones and make up detailed program exercises for every day.

Four-day training program: what is it for?

Four-day split is a logical continuation three day splits. The only difference is an additional training day, during which you can pay more attention to pumping a specific muscle group. There are only five main muscle groups, and there are 4 training days, which means you can split one group and train along with other large muscle masses.

You can separate the training of the arms, consisting of biceps and triceps, and attach to the training of the back and deltas. And you can train biceps after the chest, triceps after the back. Or divide the deltoids into three days, each head on a different day. A 4-day mass split is basically done in a 2-1-2-2 pattern, two days of training, 1 rest, then 2 workouts again and 2 days off. There are many splits, here are some popular examples:

The options considered are as follows:

  • In option No. 1, we divided the hands into 2 components and combined them with other groups;
  • No. 2 divides the shoulders into 2 days with a logical relationship (during training, the rear deltas tighten, so we combine them, training the chest, the front deltas work, so we combine them);
  • #3 divides the leg workout into 3 parts (hamstrings, quads, and calves).

The main principle of muscle distribution in a four-day split is the absence of a load on the muscle being trained on the previous or next day. Those. if you train chest today, you don’t need to pump triceps tomorrow, because today your triceps have already worked so much, so they need rest. In general, it should be so that the muscles being trained do not overlap with the next workout. Now let's move on to the exercise program.

Four-day split for mass

The four-day muscle building program is done with an average of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise. Follow the sequence as indicated in the table, first the basic movements, after them the shaping / isolating - this is the main thing. This complex can be redone for other splits, just choose the exercises for those muscles that you want to transfer to another day. From the considered splits, we will write a set of exercises for No. 1:

Monday: back/triceps Sets/Reps Rest (sec)
Belt pull 4/8-12 90
Pull-ups 5/8-12 60
Block pull to the chest with a narrow handle 4/12-15 75
Shrugs 4/10-12 75
Hyperextensions 4/15-20 60
Close Grip Press 4/8-12 90
french press 4/10-12 75
Bench press in the block 4/12-15 60
Tuesday: legs
Weighted squats 4/8-12 120
leg press 4/10-12 90
Romanian draft 5/10-15 60
leg extension 4/12-15 60
Leg curl 4/12-15 60
Rise on socks 4/15-20 60
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: chest/biceps
Incline bench press 4/8-12 90
Horizontal press 4/8-12 90
Pullover 5/10-12 60
Mixing in the simulator 4/12-15 60
Lifting the projectile for standing biceps 4/10-12 90
Hammer curls 4/12-15 60
Concentrated Lifts 4/12-15 60
Friday: deltas
Projectile press up 4/8-12 90
Pull to the chin 4/10-12 60
Wiring to the sides 4/12-15 60
Raising the projectile in front of you 4/12-15 60
Tilted piping 4/12-15 60
Saturday, Sunday - rest

Let me tell you right now, this is not perfect option split, but a nice template that you can customize. Before training, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes, before starting training another muscle group, do a warm-up approach with light weight. The duration of the workout should not exceed 60 minutes. Do not forget to drink water, preferably with amino acids diluted in it. If you are straight and do not use sports nutrition then add honey to the water. The press can be trained on any days convenient for you.

It is unnecessary to observe all the nuances of this program, because you cannot do some exercises for any reason. Therefore, it is important to feel your muscles and give them everything they need. The 4-day mass split suggests some adjustments you should make use of:

  • Split options. You have the right to edit a 4-day split for mass at your discretion, because everyone has their own characteristics of the body and the sequence of trained muscles should be comfortable. Training should not strain you, experiment and choose the best split for yourself;
  • Other movements. As already mentioned, you can change the exercises at your discretion, the main thing is to follow the basic principle - change the basic ones to the basic ones and with the rest as well. For example, triceps press, you can replace back push-ups with weights, information for the chest can be performed in a bow tie or in a crossover, or you can finish it off with wiring. If you need hints, ask in the comments;
  • Various projectiles. We recommend periodically changing the equipment used, for example, replacing the barbell with dumbbells in the bench press, you will get a different load, which will positively affect the training. You can also change the exercises. Thus, the muscles will not be able to adapt to the loads, and each workout will be a shock for them, and this is what you need;
  • Reps and rest. This four-day split for mass shows the principle of building training and rest. There is nothing critical in the fact that you will increase the duration of rest by 15-20%, because some athletes really need to rest ten seconds longer. And the repetitions vary from the range indicated in the program.

Perform each set almost to failure, you could do a couple more times, but you don't have to. Finish muscles to complete failure only in the last approach of each exercise. Use a 4-day mass split for no more than six months, then rest for a couple of weeks to work and work on pumping or sculpting.

4-Day Relief Split

To make your muscles more prominent, you need to slightly modify the training regimen. You also need to additionally use cardio workouts in the program, which should be done after a power load. The set of exercises can be left the same as in the 4-day split for mass. You just need to increase the number of repetitions in each exercise by an average of 5, you will get 15-20 depending on the type of movement. Thus, you get a wonderful four-day split on the terrain.

After strength training (every second workout), do twenty minutes of interval cardio. Use treadmill And elliptical trainers rowing or jog with gym home. The principle of interval load is to periodically increase the intensity of traffic. For example, first run moderately for 3 minutes, then 2 at an average pace, 2 as fast as possible, 3 moderately, 3 quickly, etc., select the amplification sequence at your discretion, the duration of cardio is 20 minutes.

Sports mode

To achieve the maximum return from training, you need to follow some rules:

  1. A well-composed four-day split for mass;
  2. Proper nutrition;
  3. Sufficient rest.

Consider these points, because only when the muscles are attacked from all fronts, you will get a guaranteed increase in mass. Go all out for training and work to failure in the last sets. Provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, because carbohydrates and protein need to be supplied in large enough quantities and drink plenty of water. The main food products are cereals, milk, and meat. Muscles grow during sleep, so lie down on your side at 10-11 pm. Sleep with empty stomach, for this do not eat food after 7 pm.

That's all, it remains to wish success and hope that our four-day split to the mass and recommendations for it helped to realize our plans.

Masses to you and relief!

Is there a ready-made weight training program 4 times a week? Yes, there is such a program. It is designed for 10 weeks, after which the program should be changed and switched to regular training, and after 6-12 weeks of regular training, you can apply this system again.

Method Essence

The proposed program is complex and effective, designed for well-trained athletes. For beginners, it may seem complicated, but you can try, and then navigate according to your condition. If after 2-3 workouts you feel very tired and you have to do a couple of light sessions, don't be discouraged. This is quite normal, because after intensive training, muscle recovery does not occur immediately. Work in harmony with your body, because without recovery it is impossible to gain mass. If you need a couple of lightweight exercises, then do them, you should not overstrain. Those who start from scratch should not be engaged in the proposed program, it will not bring such people great achievements. In the first 3 weeks of training, beginners should only strive to get in shape. No specialized training should be carried out before your body tunes in to sports. The correctness of this recommendation is confirmed by research in this area.

Special exercises

Exercises for gaining muscle mass of this complex are interesting in that it contains the "pyramid" principle: 12-10-8 repetitions. The fewer repetitions, the more weight is taken. At the beginning of the "pyramid" execution, you should execute 2 warm-up exercises 15-20 times with light weight.

Training is based on basic exercises. Rest days are Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday. You can create your own schedule by defining the four days that work for you. Nutrition during this workout should be enhanced, and meals should be at least 5 per day. You should really eat a lot.

Training schedule:

  1. 1. Monday - chest and triceps.
  2. 2. Tuesday - back and biceps.
  3. 3. Wednesday is a day off.
  4. 4. Thursday - shoulders and forearms.
  5. 5. Friday - legs.
  6. 6. Saturday is a day off.
  7. 7. Sunday is a day off.
Monday (chest and triceps)
Exercises Approaches Number of exercises
Bench press in a horizontal position 4 10, 8, 8, 6
Bench press on an incline bench at an angle of 30-45 degrees 3 8, 8, 6
Bench press on an incline bench head down, an angle of 30-45 degrees 3 8, 8, 6
Dumbbell row in 3 previous positions 2 10
"Pullover" 2 8
Extension of arms on a block device for triceps. More efficient this exercise it will be if you grab the straps instead of the handle of the simulator. You should lower your arms down, then spread them out to the sides, this way you will work all 3 heads of the triceps. 4 10, 8, 8, 6
Triceps push-up with a narrow stop 3 10
Reverse push-ups from the bench 3 8
Tuesday (back and biceps)
Exercises Approaches Number of exercises
Pull-ups 2 8
Bent over one dumbbell chest row 3 8
Pull on the block device to the belt 2 8
Bent-over barbell row, wide grip 2 8
Thrust with a wide grip on the head on a vertical block device 3 10, 10, 8
Standing bicep curl 3 8, 8, 6
Bending the arms on a cattle bench 3 8, 8, 6
Bent over arms 2 12-14
Concentrated Biceps Curl 2 10
Thursday (shoulders and forearms)
Exercises Approaches Number of exercises
Seated Barbell Press 3 10
Incline dumbbell side raise 3 8-10
"Schwung" ( army press) barbell standing 4 10
Breeding dumbbells to the side while standing 2 10
Shrugs with dumbbells 2 10
Barbell pull to chin 2 10
Wrist curl with barbell behind back 4 10
Bending the arms at the wrists with a barbell 4 10
Friday (legs)
Exercises Approaches Number of exercises
Upper legs
Squats 5 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
Leg extension on the simulator (front of the thigh) 3 12
Bending the legs on the simulator lying ( rear surface hips) 3 12
Lifting on socks on a special block simulator or with a bar 4 12
Alternate lifting on socks with a dumbbell 2 12

Nutrition rules

Here a recommendation was given to eat a lot, but strictly following the diet. You don't need to build fat, it's not the same as muscle. Lean more on meat and cottage cheese, these products contain protein and amino acids necessary for muscle growth. Beef is especially useful for gaining muscle mass, the rabbit is also very nutritious, although it belongs to lean meat.

From fish, pollock, carp, herring are best suited. The latter is not only rich in amino acids, but also helps to remove cholesterol from the body. This is very important for a bodybuilder, as a bodybuilder's special diet implies a high intake of cholesterol. This is one of its negative features. Tuna is rich in protein, contains omega-3 fats, which protect the heart during training. Hard cheese is rich in amino acids. Therefore, these products must be in your diet. Also eat rye and bran bread.

Do not eat pickled foods and smoked meats. They are harmful to everyone.

Oatmeal and various cereals (except semolina) also feel free to include in your menu. Dried apricots contain a lot of potassium, and it stimulates muscle growth. This product also contains vitamin C, and it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This is very important because sport puts a lot of stress on the heart. Kiwi is generally the athlete's favorite fruit. Apples are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, all these fruits should be on your table. To enhance the effect of training, drink protein shakes.

But remember that when you consume a large amount of protein, the body uses more calcium, so you need to provide sources of calcium in your diet. Otherwise, the body will begin to “wash out” the amount of calcium it needs from the bones, and this increases the risk of various injuries during exercise. Sources of calcium are cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurts, linseed oil. If these recommendations are followed, this complex will be especially effective.