Communicative exercise "pantomime". Card file of game exercises for the development of facial expressions and pantomime for preschool children Exercises for the development of pantomime

Practical lesson "Pantomimics"

Target- to promote the development of pantomime and gestures.


Learn concepts pantomime and gestures .

Develop attention and empathy for the interlocutor and the group as a whole.

Exercise 1. "Greeting"

In this exercise, the children must come up with a new way to say hello to each other.

Exercise 2. "Memories"

In this game task, the facilitator should ask leading questions related to "magic" means of understanding.


"What means of 'magic' understanding do you remember?"

“How can we know about the mood of a person if we do not see his face and do not hear his voice?” (pantomime )

After that, the children should greet each other only with gestures.

Exercise 3. "Guess who?"

This game develops sensory and tactile images.

All children will take turns. At the beginning, one person from the group is chosen, he steps aside and closes his eyes. Then one of the guys comes up to him and holds out his hand. The driver with his eyes closed tries to remember his hand, after which speaks: "All". After that, all the participants in the game hold out their hands to him, and he must find "that", which has just "remembered".

Exercise 4. "Magic Forest"

This task helps to remove bodily barriers.

First, a driver is chosen (in principle, everyone can drive in this game in turn, and all other participants become in a close circle "Magical forest" and do not let the one who leads into the middle. But "forest" can hear and speak, he does not let the ignoramuses and rude people through. Therefore, to go to the center, you need to ask very well and kindly.

After the game, the children should definitely discuss when "forest" lets and when not.

Exercise 5. "Theater"

This exercise helps to develop a creative approach in communication with the help of pantomimes.

Children are encouraged to show how they walk (gait):

Small children who are learning to walk;

old grandfather;

Little cheerful girl;

adult girl (Mother);

Important man.

Children discuss the features of the gait of each of the characters.

Exercise 6. "Who are you?"

Aimed at expressing and understanding one's feelings through touch.

Each of the participants in the game will drive in turn. He steps aside and closes his eyes. After that, one of the guys comes up to him and tries to express his feelings with touches. After that, he returns to his place. The task of the driver is to guess who touched him, and what feeling he was trying to show.

Exercise 7

This exercise is designed to develop pantomime and understanding of others .

Children are given pictures of animals. They choose and make their own. After that, without words, only with the help of facial expressions and pantomimes they must find their own kind. For example: children depicting monkeys must find each other with the help of the image of these animals.

Exercise 8. "Roles and situations"

To complete this task, the children are divided into pairs and with the help of "magic" words of understanding, facial expressions and pantomimes play specific situations.

For example:

“You and your friend competed, you won and he lost. What will be your actions?

“What would you do if your toy was broken?”

"Grandma brought three apples: you and your friend. How will you share them? Why?"

“If you are late for a walk with friends, and the team for the game is already assembled, and you don’t have a place, what will you do?”

Exercise 9. "Conclusion"

After all tasks are completed, the group should take stock. It should be remembered about "good rules" And "magic" means of understanding.

At parting, the children come up with a new way to say: "Goodbye".

useful transformations.

We learn to imagine, depict, memorize.


This manual includes pantomime images, introduces the technology of using game moments, as well as the technology in which the performance of wellness mudras is combined with the performance of psychological tasks. They will help any teacher in explaining the material (especially in the classes of fine arts, natural history), in relaxing the muscles of the body and face during class time, in assisting the child in a situation of adaptation in a new team, in restoring benevolent, friendly relations. Performing various exercises with fingers, figures - mudras (folding the fingers in a certain order according to the Chinese method), - the child reaches a good level of development fine motor skills fingers, finger flexibility. This has a beneficial effect on the preparation of the child for drawing and writing, as well as on the development of speech (excitation occurs in the speech centers of the brain when exposed to the fingertips), as well as a healing, restorative effect on organs, the immune system and energy potential. Both the exercises for the fingers and the mudras performed have no contraindications and provide a significant therapeutic effect, because the mudras are performed by children with pleasure, in a playful way and of good will.

I came to this...

Working with children of preschool, primary school and secondary school age, had to adjust several times in one day to different age children, find ways to explain, communicate, and most importantly, set up children to work in a group (class) or a child when private lesson and be sure to get results. Knowledge and skills acquired in the course of any activity and not included in the context of the child's vital interests have no personal meaning for him and, therefore, are poorly absorbed and do not provide a developing effect and practical skills. The child cannot understand why it is necessary to draw, sculpt in this way and not in another way, even after explanations, detailed analysis and consideration. And if he doesn’t understand, it means he doesn’t do it, he doesn’t work. Therefore, before drawing any object or image (sun, bird, cloud, falling snow, etc.), you can invite the child to portray it with pantomime (play of hands and body). That is, to "turn" into this object or image - to enter a fairy tale. For example, if you need to teach how to draw the sun, invite the child to turn into the sun, imagine how it will wake up from sleep, rise and see the sky, clouds, trees, earth, people, birds and so on from a height. How the sun greets with rays with everyone it sees, distributing rays of joy and warmth to everyone from itself. At the same time, children remember that the rays go from the sun to different sides, as their hands, diverging to the sides, up, down, and not towards the sun, and further draw the sun, as it was depicted. And also children learn that it is necessary to greet everyone, respect and a benevolent attitude towards everyone and everything around the child are brought up. The child’s mood also rises, pleasant sensations and feelings arise, since the “Pure Radiance” mudra harmonizes the entire body. Children are freed from negative emotions and receive positive ones.

Most children draw trees from top to bottom. Often they do not understand why they are asked or offered to draw trees in a different way. When the children "grow up", how to draw trees becomes clearer and easier. A tree and a bush grow from the ground, from a planted seed, and they pull branches (and children's hands) to the sun, and, growing up, they pull out small branches - fingers. The leaves fall from the trees, scattering in different directions (leaf fall), and do not fall like rain from a tree, in orderly rows. At the moment of depicting an object with pantomime, the child “turns” into an object, into a natural phenomenon, understands better how to draw it, get an image, and not just depict an object. He gets the skills of logical thinking, explaining why it is drawn this way, and not in another way. Also, a restrained, shy child liberates, opens up, becomes free from a number of complexes (shyness, uncertainty) after several lessons. He understands that it is possible to depict an object, as he understands, he perceives it himself, without looking back at others. And this leads to independence, faith in oneself, in one's own strength, to the correctness of actions, to thinking about one's activities. At the same time, getting the harmonization of the body, performing the “Pure Radiance” mudra.

It is important for the teacher to be consistent in his actions, the actions should be accessible and exciting for the child. They must be carried out independently by the child (it is necessary to achieve the child's desire for independence), it is necessary to wait and achieve the implementation of these actions from beginning to end, which will lead in the future to an understanding of their actions.

"Transformation" into a plant, animal or inanimate object, as well as any visual activity, is directly related to the most important mental functions - visual perception, motor coordination, speech and thinking. Any creative activity of the child contributes to the development of each of these functions, links them together. And pantomime helps the child to streamline knowledge, to form and fix the idea of ​​the world, to understand why this is done, the object is depicted. As a product of the child's creation, a pantomime mini-performance, visual activity makes it possible to identify the main problems associated with the formation of character that the child faces in the process of activity, communication, and on the other hand, to find ways to solve them, to choose the right methods of corrective work.

I “turn” with children into objects, phenomena, and this helps me to find contact with any child, to liberate, win him over and get him into the activity. This "transformation" helps in classes with children with disorders of early emotional development and with children with anomalies in the development of the brain. In creative activity, children consolidate the emotionally experienced state, feel it more deeply, clearly reflect the stages of development of visual-spatial-motor experience. For children, "transformations" are not just fun, but joy, emancipation, rest from mental or practical stress, and also creativity, a theatrical mini-performance.

Everyone knows that a decisive and unique period in the development of a child is the preschool age, as well as the age of the primary school student. At this age, the foundations of personality are laid, will, voluntary behavior are developed, imagination, thinking, creativity, and initiative are actively developing. All these important qualities are formed better, better in learning through a game, a fairy tale, "magic". At this time, the child voluntarily obeys the rules and requirements, their implementation gives him maximum pleasure and therefore makes the child's behavior meaningful and conscious.

In the work “Worttaubheit, Melodientaubheit und Gebardenagnosie”, Korepep distinguishes four stages of expressive movements on clinical material: 1) pantomime, 2) automatic, 3) facial expressions, 4) laughter, crying, etc. (*). He proves on neuropathological facts that it is possible to distinguish between these stages, both older and later. Pantomime expresses the action completely and with the whole body. Automatic movements (symbolic) express the action only partially and mainly with the hand. Mimic movements become predominantly facial. And sound - mostly voice. Not knowing yet about the work and conclusions of Korepepa, I started working with children using the same stages of expressiveness of movements (pantomime, facial expressions, automatism of movements and speech). The correctness of my actions was confirmed by the results. Children begin to think, create, believe in themselves and their abilities, non-speakers begin to make attempts to speak and then speak, because with “magic words”, “transformations”, pantomime images, the words of an adult are more understandable for a child, and it is easier, easier for him to work. There is a desire to become a magician, and along with this desire, there is confidence in oneself, in one's abilities. Children calm down, get rid of the symptoms of neurosis, from negative habits, or there is a smoothing of the symptoms of impaired emotional development. They relax at the time of the exercise, distract from the previous lesson (task) and their emotional state, concentrate their attention on their actions with their hands, body, being distracted, driving away extraneous thoughts, anxieties, worries.

Children are able to retain in their memory the images perceived earlier, and this ability is inherent in all or almost all children at preschool and primary school age.

*Kogerer. Worttaubheit, Melodientaubheit und Gebardenagnosie. Berlin, 1924, V.92

What helps to improve the emotional, physical, mental functions of the child

The hands and facial muscles are connected with a huge number of neurons in the motor cortex of the hemispheres. The hands perform subtle and differentiated functions, and the muscles of the face reflect various emotional states. The motor zone of the cortex is occupied by the head, hands, where the hands dominate in the occupied area. (*)

On our hands we have points and reflexogenic zones that have a connection with the brain. Therefore, when tired, it is sometimes advised to press with medium force on the front, back and side surfaces every finger. And with regular massage (loss, pressure), even just one thumb increases the functional activity of the brain. Therefore, due to extensive connections with the cerebral cortex, local fatigue of the muscles of the hands (during writing, drawing, or any other painstaking work) causes inhibition of the central nervous system, and as a result of this, a decrease in the overall performance of the child develops. Since our hands and fingers are the most sensitive device for biocorrection. In particular, the fingers redistribute energy, and the bends of the fingers in one place or another and at a certain angle are able to force and direct the energy flow in the body.

"Transformation" into a plant, animal or inanimate object, as well as any visual activity, is directly related to the most important mental functions - visual perception, motor coordination, speech and thinking. Therefore, "magic transformations", pantomime images, performing mudras for the development and massage of hands and fingers, i.e. any visual activity with the body and hands is directly related to the most important mental functions - visual perception, motor coordination, speech and thinking. And the use by the teacher of the proposed pantomime exercises and mudras will reveal not only the storehouse of talents and capabilities of any child, but will also give a positive health outcome.

Pantomime improves all mental functions: visual perception, representation, imagination, memory, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, communication, abstraction) (*).

In my work, pantomime is a depiction of animals, plants by body movement, an depiction of plant growth, an depiction of natural phenomena and some objects that surround us.

Mudra is the oldest method by which you can regulate the flow of energy in order to heal and heal from all kinds of ailments. In Sanskrit, "wise" is the ritual position of the hands in the Hindu Buddhist religion. Among the many mudras, I have chosen those whose implementation does not require a special environment or room, which can be performed during an explanation or during physical exercises. minutes, physical pauses. These mudras do not cure certain diseases, but regulate the functioning of organs, harmonize energy flows, improve overall well-being, increase immunity and mood, remove depression, relieve fatigue, and increase efficiency.


*Extract from the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary pantomime(from the Greek pantomimes literally - reproducing everything by imitation), a type of stage art in which the main means of creating an artistic image are plastic, facial expressions, gestures.

pantomime- a performance reminiscent of a ballet, became widespread in the 4th - 1st centuries. BC. (Children's encyclopedia "Art").

Words and thoughts touch closely, like sound and gesture. “The mystery of the word is reinforced by a gesture that creates a common spatial energy structure that has a certain shape…. Through the word and mudra, one can find peace, relieve stress, concentrate, achieve merging with the One. ”(**)

The main thing is to always do any job with love, to believe in the capabilities of the child and never lose Hope and inspire it in every child. To fantasize yourself and teach children to fantasize, to be an artist yourself and develop artistry, to involve children in theatrical play.

And so that the desire to create, the feeling of happiness of creativity does not dry out in a person, it is necessary from childhood to develop the ability to play (role), fantasize, discover and learn about the world around him, these qualities will be useful to him in any activity.

In addition to all this, visual activity (not only painting and drawing) becomes the basis for enriching the interaction of children in the collective performance of work, children gain experience in joint creativity, develop social skills, which is very important at preschool age. At the same time, creative imagination, the ability to make one's choice, self-confidence, etc. are developed, and the child's skills and abilities of visual activity are formed, as well as universal personality traits.


*E. Kastrubin. Secrets of healing programs. M. "KSP +", 2002, p.23

** E.I. Gonikman. Lao healing mudras. M. SME Publishing House, 2002, p. 83

Pantomime exercises, wellness mudras for children of preschool and primary school age

1. Exercise "The sun says hello"

This favorite exercise all children, this exercise produces a particularly good effect on closed children who do not adapt well in a new team. Children learn ethical norms of behavior, respect for elders, peers and goodwill towards everything that surrounds the child in this world is brought up. And also children remember that the rays go from the sun in different directions, like their hands, and not towards the sun. The exercise uses the "Pure Radiance" mudra - palms are folded to each other - which harmonizes the entire body.

To perform, the children (child) are invited to squat down, put their hands on their cheeks and cover their eyes. At the same time, the teacher pronounces the words: “The sun slept soundly at night. In the morning I opened my eyes (the children open their eyes), rose up (the children, together with the teacher, rise from their haunches) and saw the blue sky. At the same time, the palms are placed in front of them, folded with fingers to each other - the “Pure Radiance” mudra. At the words of the greeting of the sun, the hands rise up, spread apart, fall down, returning each time to the position of the “Pure Radiance” mudra. "Hello sky" - hands raised up. “Hello, birds (clouds, clouds, if the weather is bad outside the window, wind, etc.)” - hands to the sides. " Hello trees" - hands slightly down and to the sides. "Hello Earth" - hands below. "Hello, people of all the earth" - arms to the sides of the chest. You need to finish the exercise by greeting the teacher (teacher, educator) and all the children of the class, group. You can continue to say hello, especially with children preschool age, with mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and each of them. Drawing the attention of children to the fact that the sun "distributes" its rays from itself, from its "heart" to everyone whom it sees, with whom it meets and whom it loves.

2. Finger exercise

You can perform it as at the beginning of classes before writing, drawing, labor activity in the lessons of labor, the world around, etc. and in the middle (physical. minute). "Ant Behavior" - a clenched fist with the thumb bent and hidden under the rest. This mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, eliminates fear. Touching the fingertips while “greeting” the index finger of the thumb is a mudra that increases the energy potential of the body, enhances metabolic processes, and improves blood circulation. The connection of the medium with the large contributes to the harmonization of the liver, stomach, gallbladder; nameless - harmonization between the system of the liver and gallbladder with the lungs and large intestine, with the little finger - stabilizes the psyche, strengthens the Spirit, physical and spiritual immunity.

Children perform the exercise sitting at tables (desks), immediately before work.

“One, two, three, four, five children came to draw; everyone raised their hands, clenched their fists.

Hands bent at the elbows are on the table, fingers are clenched into a fist.

Alternately, each finger rises to its own words:

“The finger went out for a walk” - the little finger rises;

“And after him the second” - the ring finger rises;

“The middle one went for a walk” - the middle finger rises;

“Index - behind him” - the index finger rises.

The thumb remained pressed to the center of the palm alone.

“And the thumb is still asleep.

His friends began to wake him up: “Wake up, couch potato, wake up quickly, go out for a walk, you, sleepyhead, and hear your friends.” Each finger knocks - “wakes up” 1-2 phalanges of the thumb 3-5 times.

The big finger straightens, fingers-friends "hello" with it

touching each fingertips with the thumb.

You can "hello" with the fingers of both hands.


“One, two, three, four, five, they will draw fingers” - the children squeeze and unclench their fists, the fist remains clamped on the last word.

“I draw” - the little finger rises;

“Mom is with me” - the ring finger rises;

“Dad will draw” - the middle finger rises; "grandmother" - the index finger rises;

“Where is grandfather? Grandpa is still sleeping. The thumb remained pressed to the center of the palm alone.

1 - 2 phalanges of the thumb for the phrase: "Wake up, grandfather" - each finger knocks 3-5 times.

“Grandfather woke up, stretched” - the fingers are moved apart in different directions, sipping movements are performed, spreading their arms to the sides. “And hugged everyone” - at the same time they clasp themselves with their hands. You can repeat hugging 2-3 times.

This gives the child a feeling of love and tenderness, which is so lacking in his life. He is loved by himself, and therefore by all the people around him.

3. Exercise "The balloon is inflated"

To relax, distract from difficult or painstaking work and to further focus on completing the task, to increase self-confidence, it is good to use the exercise “The balloon is inflated”. During this exercise, the child strengthens his energy shell, protects himself from negative influences.

Invite the children to stand near the table, lower their hands and head down, relax. Hands hang freely.

The teacher imitates the “work” of the pump by saying “shih-shih-shih”. Children, to the sound of a running pump, slowly raise their heads and hands up, depicting inflating a balloon with their hands. Raising your hands up, “tie a ball” - closing your fingers above your head. The teacher depicts a breath of a light breeze and offers to depict the swaying of the ball in the wind, and the children depict the movement of the ball in a light breeze by swaying the body to the sides. The teacher informs the children that he decided to play a joke with the balloon, and pulls the string, which is untied, and the balloon quickly deflates. Children depict how the balloon deflates, wriggles and spins when it falls. The inflation of the balloon is repeated, the balloon is tightly tied and once again sways in a light breeze. Then the teacher invites carefully "strong, well-inflated balloons" to sit down in their places and continue working. While “inflating” the balloons, children can be asked to remember what shape they are and draw a balloon of their favorite shape.

4. Exercise "Grows a tree"

This exercise helps children to draw on the idea of ​​how a tree grows, to remember after the transformation that the tree grows out of the ground and stretches its branches to the sky, the sun. Children remember that trees come in different thicknesses and heights, some trees are fragile and slender, others are strong and powerful. From the depicted tree, one can understand the state of mind of the child at the time of the lesson.

Hands folded together at chest level - the Pure Radiance mudra is performed to harmonize the whole body.

To perform, children are invited to squat down (preferably in a circle), fold their hands in a boat in front of their chest. Every child is a seed. A tree sprouts from a seed after rain. The teacher plays the role of a rain cloud that "flies" between the children and "waters" every seed - touches the head of each child.

The teacher comments on the actions of the children: "The seed germinates after the rain." Children slowly raise their closed hands up, imitating the passage of a sprout through the ground. Then they rise from their haunches, without opening their palms. “The tree has grown, and large branches grow from the trunk - “hands” that reach for the sun” - the children separate their palms and depict branches going in different directions with their hands. “Small twigs appear on the branches - fingers, which the children spread in different directions.

5. Image of a bush

Doing the growth of a bush with your hands helps children remember that bushes are smaller than trees, large branches of a bush grow from one seed - dots. Palms folded together at chest level - the "Pure Radiance" mudra - which helps to harmonize the whole organism.

Children sit on their haunches or at tables. The palms are folded in a boat. When the seed sprouts, the palms diverge in different directions, and the hands close at the elbows. The fingers spread out in different directions, like small twigs of a bush.

6 Grass Picture

And again, the palms, folded together at chest level - the "Pure Radiance" mudra - helps to harmonize the whole organism. Opened hands - a mudra used for instability in the emotional sphere, depression, heart problems, and circulatory disorders.

The palms are folded in a boat. Children can depict herbs while standing or sitting at a table. When the seed sprouts, the palms diverge in different directions, remaining closed at the base of the palms. The fingers can be pressed together or spread apart, like a herbal bush.

7. "Lightbulb"

Exercise helps to relax the muscles of the back and arms, and most importantly, helps to cope with a bad mood or psychological stress.

Children stand in a circle or between rows. Hands down, depict an oval. The eyes are closed. The teacher says that he turns on the light and snaps his fingers. Hands soar up, while the child easily jumps. The fingers are connected with pads above the head, the eyes open, and a smile appears on the face of the children. At the second click, the light turns off - the hands go down, depicting an oval, the eyes close, the smile is removed from the face. The third click “turns on the light”, and in the form of a “light on”, the children are invited to take their places.

8. Turtle

Performing the “turtle” mudra helps to relieve tension and replenish energy. I use it for increased excitability of children and, if necessary, to concentrate the attention of children.

Fingers right hand intertwined with the fingers of the left hand. The thumbs are connected by terminal phalanges, as if forming the head of a turtle. The palms of intertwined hands are held parallel to the table (floor), the “head” is directed to the child’s chest.

You can check the strength of the “shell” of the “tortoise”, if time permits: push each child’s arms to the sides - all the guys really like to measure their strength with the teacher.

9. "Building a house"

We perform this “construction” before drawing, appliqué at home, especially with kids, who understand “construction”. It can also be used as a physical minute at school.

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce words and perform pantomime work on building a house.

"We will build a house, a house, we will live in it, in it" - the guys squat down at the tables or in the center of the office, their hands are placed horizontally in front of the chest one above the other.

"One brick, two bricks, three, four, five and six"- the hands alternately change places, imitating the laying of bricks, while rising from their haunches.

"We'll Build Walls"- hands rise up and outline the contour of the erected wall


"Let's make a window, look into it a little"- fingers are connected in the form of a window;

"We'll raise the roof"- hands depict a triangle;

"Let's make a pipe"- palms are placed opposite each other;

"We have built our own house, it will be fun to live in it" - children return to their seats .

10."Ice cream"

Depict ice cream from the freezer - strong, firm and "joyful" - the children stand straight with their arms up and slightly to the sides. Head up, smile on face.

But the sun warmed up, and the ice cream begins to melt, to feel sad - the children slowly lower their hands and head down, depicting sadness on their faces. At the same time, they perform smooth movements with the body, you can semi - sit down.

Then the ice cream is "whipped" - the children vigorously move from side to side - "freeze", gradually taking the original position (pose).

Or so

11. "Sparrow"

Performed in the classroom when drawing small birds.

Children stand in their seats or in the center of the room, arms along the body, slightly back with the hands. The head is drawn into the shoulders, the torso is slightly tilted forward, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Invite the children in this position to jump in place (or in a circle), then “spread” their wings, rise on their toes - “fly up”.

Other birds are depicted in a similar way, taking into account their characteristics, as well as animals.

12.Favorite and least favorite colors

To bring children closer to each other, to help the child understand himself painlessly and imperceptibly, to splash out negative emotions in relation to the offender, I conduct an exciting lesson for children and necessary, useful for the teacher.

Children (children) are invited to choose three colors from a set of paints that everyone likes, and apply them on a piece of paper of any shape (spot, stripe, flower, tricolor man, etc.). Then apply three colors that they do not like. Also any shape. While the paint dries, call one child to the center, turn him back to the children and invite him to think or mentally speak only bad things about all those present. After that, ask the guys what color this moment this child. Then ask the same child to think or mentally speak about all the best words, and invite the children to name the colors of the paints that they will give him now.

You can do this to the teacher himself, then explain to the children that our mood and those around us depend on each person. Then do the same with the children.

These “drawings” will help the teacher in individual communication with a child “eternally offended” by someone in the class (group) who is dissatisfied. It will also help the teacher find out which of the children perceives it positively and which negatively, so make comments this child it is necessary to carefully, and try to find contact with him through another (positive) person.

13.Magic of the line

On a prepared sheet of paper, invite the guys to quickly draw with a simple pencil or pen a continuous, curved line that intersects itself several times (Fig. 1a; 2a). Then, turning the sheet in a circle, consider the resulting drawing, and try to see (consider) the image, the object (1b). Highlight it with hatching, drawing straight lines, wavy lines or dots on the resulting elements (details) of the image or object (Fig. 2 a, b).

Details can be painted over with colored pencils (Fig. 1c).

1(a B C)

You can complete the task with paints, applying a continuous line with a brush and without hesitation apply any colors to the resulting elements (Fig. 3a). Let the sheet dry. And then, turning the sheet to determine what happened (3b). You can review the work and determine what happened at the end of the lesson with the whole class. You can hear several options and "discover" the author of the work a lot of interesting things in his "magic line".

2(a, b)

3(a, b)

14. Mood Ball

Exercise improves mood, with his own thoughts, wishes for himself all the best, kind, pleasant, the child concentrates his own energy. Gets charged positive emotions and gets rid of stress, fear, resentment, etc. I recommend doing this exercise before a difficult task, control work.

Invite the children to stand near their place, put their hands in front of them, palms facing each other. The distance between the palms is 15-20 cm. Hands are not tense, fingers are slightly bent, as if holding a small ball. It is necessary to listen to yourself, to your hands, and then warmth, slight tingling, pulsation, etc. will appear between the palms. Everyone may have an individual feeling, but it will be necessary. With light, pulsating movements of the hands towards each other, an imitation of holding an inflated rubber ball is created - this is the concentration of one's energy. Then invite all the guys to present something that is most pleasant and desirable for them (sweets, relaxing on the sea, river, receiving a gift, and so on). Put pleasant sensations mentally into your energy ball, feel how it slightly increased, became more elastic, and then “swallow” the ball, i.e. to put it into yourself with all the pleasant ideas and sensations.

It is necessary at the moment of “swallowing the ball” to help the guys with the words: “A pleasant warmth went through the body, penetrating into every cell of our body. There was a feeling of lightness, purity. Improved mood. Everyone has a bright head, pure thoughts, excellent mood, good heart. Everyone is ready to get the job done."

Each teacher can come up with their own words.

In the future, "Mood Balls" can be shared mentally with parents, friends, classmates, people who are in a bad mood or do not have good relationships.


All these exercises help me in working with children, in communicating with them, and the children become liberated, relax emotionally and physically, tune in to work. And also to communicate with me, with each other and with parents. All these exercises help me and my children to increase their working capacity, improve their energy balance, and harmonize the body. I really hope, I'm sure that these exciting exercises will appeal to and help both children and adults.

Success, good luck, health and good mood.

Name. Communicative exercise "Pantomime"


The procedure of group psychological training. Participants show each other a large variety of various pantomimes.

This procedure can be inserted into the training program as an independent, great exercise which takes a lot of time. In this case, the facilitator needs to tune in himself and set the participants up to the fact that the exercise can last up to 60-90 minutes or even more - until the participants are exhausted.

The procedure can also be used as a warm-up exercise. In this case, it is enough to make one circle. It can also be used in this mode: first, the exercise is carried out as a big one, then on subsequent training days it is introduced as a warm-up exercise - to consolidate the result.

Qualities. . Artistry

Many people do not use the potential of their own facial expressions and pantomimes in communication because they are not sure, doubt themselves, do not know all the possibilities of the powerful language of our body. The main goal of this exercise is precisely that the participants imbued these possibilities, so you should spare no time for this exercise.

The idea of ​​this exercise is simple and similar to a child's game - you need to depict some activity (any kind) with your body movements. The other participants must solve the riddle of what the activity is. Guessing takes place in turn - in a circle. When the other participants have completely solved the riddle, then and only then it is the turn of the next one. If you can't figure it out, this person invents and performs another riddle.

Sometimes mysteries are only partially solved. Let's say someone portrayed a person writing a love letter. Someone guessed, but guessed partially: "You are writing a letter!" In this case, the guesser makes a gesture “not quite like that” (in order not to get out of the role, let him be silent at all for the time being) - this means that the riddle has not yet been solved. You should also draw the attention of the participants - immediately or during the exercise - that you can think of similar actions: "I am writing a love letter" - "I am writing a complaint."

The exercise starts with the leader himself. He depicts something simple, like sawing wood or lifting a barbell.

There is a discussion at the end:

What are your general impressions of the exercise?

Do you regret spending so much time on it?

- How do facial expressions and pantomime differ in their capabilities?

- what did you pay more attention to when guessing and when guessing?

- how can pantomime be used in everyday life, in communication, at work?

- if a person does not understand what you require of him, can your pantomime help?

1. Communicative exercise "Pantomime" [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 08.25.2015..html (08.25.2015).

Baitova Tatyana Alekseevna
Job title: teacher additional education
Educational institution: MBOU DOD Center for additional education for children
Location: Strezhevoy city, Tomsk region
Name of material: Summary of the training session
Subject: "Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime"
Publication date: 11/16/2015

Text part of the publication

Abstract of the lesson on the topic:

"Exercises and games for development

facial expressions and pantomimics "

Designed for students 5-7 years old

additional education teacher

1. Introduction.
Dance, facial expressions and gestures, like music, are one of the oldest ways of expressing feelings and experiences. Musically and rhythmically, exercises perform a relaxation function, help to achieve emotional relaxation, relieve mental fatigue and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension, thereby improving the child's speech. The sooner the child begins to hear pleasant music and accompany it with rhythmic movements, the more actively the development of all sensory channels necessary in life will begin. "Emotions organize perception, thinking and action" - wrote K. Izard. The formation of "smart" emotions, the correction of shortcomings in the emotional sphere is one of the most important, priority tasks of education. Of all the art forms, in my opinion, music has the greatest power of influencing a person, directly addressing his soul, the world of his experiences, moods. It is called the language of feelings, a model of human emotions. Musical art plays a huge role in the process of educating spirituality, the culture of feelings, the development of the emotional and cognitive aspects of a person's personality. Features of the external manifestation of emotional states are determined by facial expressions, pantomime. Facial expressions and pantomimes mean the total expressive work of the muscles of the face, as well as the whole body. Unlike ordinary speech, it is a universal language of communication. We can convey emotions through facial expressions. The face is the most important characteristic of the external appearance of a person, therefore, along with the eyes, it is called the mirror of the soul. From the first days we understand our children just by looking at them. Their eyes and gestures, the movement of facial muscles show us whether they are well behaved.
feel what they want and so on. However, the development of facial expressions and pantomime is important not only for understanding, but also for dance activity. Dance art has its own characteristics. It uses movements and positions as the main means of creating artistic images. human body, which constitute a kind of expressive language. The origins of this language are rooted in characteristic movements and plastic intonations born in real life. The dance direction of classes with children is associated with a high expressiveness and emotionality of this form of movement, its positive effect on mental well-being, improvement of coordination of movements, formation of a beautiful gait. Rhythmic exercises and dance elements are assisted by the game form of their implementation, which represents a complete plot composition. The game character helps children to perceive music and more vividly and expressively, to show their emotions, while more clearly performing movements. Psychologist, dance-therapist, teacher of specialization in dance-movement therapy Biryukova I.V. believes that a childhood filled with music and dance helps children express joy, grieve, grow and develop. Rhythmic musical games evoke bright emotional impulses in children, a variety of motor reactions, enhance joy, cheerfulness and pleasure from movement.
2. The main part.
Topic of the lesson: "Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime." Type of lesson: combined Purpose of the lesson: to strengthen the mental and physical health children, using music and rhythmic - movements; to develop the ability to imitate movements corresponding to various emotional states of a person, as well as movements characteristic of various animals.

introduce children to the language of gestures, movements, feelings. To teach children to listen to music and coordinate movements with the nature of the music, emotionally convey game images and actions.

develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy, the ability to find their own, original movements to express the nature of the music, the game image with expressive gestures.
Raise the need for self-expression in movement to music; to form a sense of tact and respect in the process of communicating with children and adults.
Teaching methods:
Verbal, practical, visual. problem-based learning method programmed learning method
Used pedagogical technologies:
personality-oriented; technology of developing education; health-saving technologies; information and communication technologies.
Planned results:
 Subject: possession of terminology, demonstration of knowledge while solving riddles, independent motor activity;  Meta-subject: communication, independent search for information on the instructions of the teacher, analysis;  Personal: emotional mood for productive activity, the possibility of visual representation of an object (animals, insects, etc.), visual and motor memory, attention, self-organization, self-control. Vocabulary work: step on toes, step on heels, light dance run, swing legs, gallop, jump, bunnies, balls, asterisk, butterfly, frog, swallow, tree, cat-dog, spiders. Logistical support of the content of the lesson.
: music center, CD, audio recordings, visual - demonstration material (musical instruments), cards with the image of the face "facial expressions", cards with the image of animals, cards with the image of the action, cards with the names of the stages.
Lesson progress

Preliminary work.

1. Learning rhythmic movements. Learning - dance steps in the images of animals and animals. 2. Listening to musical works, children's songs - "Cheburashka", "Pinocchio", "Blue Wagon", "Chunga - Changa", "Little Red Riding Hood", "A grasshopper sat in the grass." A conversation about the nature of music and emerging images. 3. Improvisation - to convey emerging images in motion. 4. Learning rhymes, counting rhymes. 5. Learning the musical and dance game "Do as I do - do better than me."
1. Organizational moment.
a) Organizational entrance of children to the dance class, formation, bow, greeting.
With a cheerful mood, we begin the lesson, We wish everyone good health. Rhythm plus plastic, And also gymnastics, and even massage. Let's dance now!
Lesson topic message.

- Good afternoon guys! The theme of our lesson is “Exercises and games for the development of facial expressions and pantomime”, and in order to find out what these words mean, we must go on a journey into a magical labyrinth. Where surprises, unexpected obstacles, horror, surprise, joy and laughter await us.
Teacher: -
Everyone is ready to travel to the magical labyrinth.
Teacher: -
Then, let's hit the road. And in order to enter the labyrinth, we need to prepare our body, how to stretch ourselves in order to be strong and courageous.
Teacher: -
We've put on the record and we're going to warm up! (There is a warm-up in a circle. Children perform the exercises on their own - the usual step, step on toes, step on heels, light dance run, gallop, jumps.) Exercises are being performed to the sound of a phonogram.
Teacher: -
Enter through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, breathe deeper, and then, step in place slowly, if the weather is good!
(Children enter the maze).
Stage 1 - "Through the Looking Glass"
(cards depicting facial expressions are laid out on the table. The teacher shows a card, the children repeat the image and say what facial expressions are depicted: - laughter, surprise, horror, etc.).
Teacher: -
Guys, what good fellows you are! We coped with this task, and now we have a game to fix facial expressions. I suggest you split up in pairs. The game "Crooked Mirror" - children become pairs against each other. One of them is the leader. The leader in each pair makes some kind of movement (shows his left eye with his right hand, makes a muzzle, etc.). The child standing opposite should show a “mirror image”. Then they switch roles.
Teacher: -
You guys are great! Our labyrinth skips us further. (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
Stage 2 - "Plastic study",
(cards with the image of animals are laid out on the table).
Teacher: -
I will make riddles, and you show me the answers with your movements. (Children guess the riddle by showing a card on the table, then depict the animal with their movements). 1. Who is cold in winter, Walks angry, hungry. (wolf). 2. My white brother lives in the ice, And eats sea fish, And I love bee honey, And wild berries. (bear). 3. The yellow hostess came from the forest, counted all the chickens and took them away with her. (fox). 4. Who is white in winter, gray in summer. (hare).
5. He is friends with the owner, guards the house. Lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed. (dog). 6. Does not sleep at night, guards mice. (cat).
Teacher: -
We all stood together in a circle, Turned at once suddenly, And how do we say: "hop, hop, hop!" Guess whose voice? (the teacher makes a riddle - the children, guessing it, make a sound). 1. I wake everyone up on time, Even though I don’t start the clock. (rooster). 2. Itself motley, eats green, gives white. (cow). 3. Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by. (owl). 4. There is a nickel, but he does not buy anything. (pig). 5. A small ball fumbles under the bench. (mouse). 6. Green eyes, thunderstorm for all mice. (cat).
Teacher: -
Guys, you are great! We coped with the task again and our magical labyrinth shows us the direction where to go next.
Teacher: -
Let's move on or turn back.
Children: -
(No, let's move on). (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
3. Stage - "Gestures".
The teacher shows hand gestures and certain movements, the children guess what the teacher is doing (greeting, drawing, scolding, stroking, clapping, etc.).
Teacher: -
Well done, the guys coped with the task, and now I suggest you play a game where everyone will be the leader.
The game "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." The children alternately draw cards with the image of the action, the rest of the guys guess what the leader is performing (play the guitar, drum, chop wood, dance, fly, etc.).
Teacher: -
How great we did! Guys, now you and I know what the words mean - facial expressions, pantomime and gestures. And our labyrinth invites us to the next stage. (Children move to the next stage and together with the teacher pronounce the words: - I go, and you go: 1,2,3 - I sing, and you sing: 1,2,3 - We go, and we sing: 1,2 ,3 - We live very friendly: 1.2.3.
Teacher: -
Can you guys hear the music somewhere?
Children: -
Teacher: -
Let's all jump and kick our legs. And clap your hands and stomp your feet. We raise our hands, we lower our hands. Let's shake our heads and start again!
Teacher: -
This is our next stage- "Merry". Where we should consolidate our knowledge and skills. I invite you to a disco. The game "Do as I do better than me." A phonogram (potpourri) from children's songs sounds, where children dance on their own, depict, copy, actions from songs.
Teacher: -
Guys, you are all great! How well you dance. And I think that the labyrinth will let us out of its magical path. We have completed the task.
Teacher: -
Let's all smile at him and wave the hand. (Children say goodbye to the maze).
Final part.

Teacher: -
Our journey through the magical labyrinth has come to an end.
Lesson summary:

- Guys, you enjoyed our trip.
- (Yes).
What was the name of our trip?

- What do you remember most about the labyrinth?
- What stages did you go through?
- What seemed difficult at these stages?
- What animals did we depict with you?
- What do the words mean - facial expressions, pantomime, gestures?
- (children's answers).
- Today you all actively played, guessed riddles, performed exercises well, danced. Show me your mood. Smile at each other! Well done!
creative work
, (the guys are invited to take the stars - stick the red one on the stage that they liked the most, and the green one on the stage that was difficult to pass).
- Our lesson is over. Bow and exit from the hall.
List of used literature
. 1.Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. The best musical games for children - Moscow: IKTC LADA LLC, 2006. 2. Bodrachenko I.V. Music games V kindergarten for children 5-7 years old.- Moscow, 2009. 3. Bogomolova L.V. Fundamentals of dance culture - Moscow, 1993 4. Vetluchina N.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.L., Komissarova L.N. Methods of musical education - Moscow, 1989. 5. Gorshkova E.V. From Gesture to Dance - Moscow, 2002. 6. Gogoberidze A.G., Derkunskaya V.A. Musical education of children of early and preschool age Rostov-on-Don LLC Phoenix, 2008. 7. Dinits E. V, Ermakov D. A, Ivannikova O. V. ABC of dances - Moscow: "Stalker" 2004. 8. Zhukova R. A . Dancing for children - Volgograd: ITD Corypheus, 2010. 9. Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises. - Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center 2001. 10. Raevskaya S.D., Soboleva G.N. Musical and motor exercises. - Moscow, 1991.

Subject "Mysteries Without Words"

Development of pantomime skills

Target: to teach to reproduce mimic and pantomimic movements according to intonation; consistently perceive the scheme of the face; match the face and emotion.


Tutorials: learn to navigate the pictograms of human emotions, moods. Develop the ability to imitate movements corresponding to various emotional states of a person, as well as teach children to interact in the process joint activities;

Developing: To develop the ability to understand and depict the emotional state of a person through facial expressions, pantomime, speech. Development of imagination, creative thinking, confidence in oneself and in one's abilities;

Educators: to bring up the simplest emotions in children: sadness, fear, surprise, joy; teach them to express;

Corrective: correction of mimic and pantomimic movements,correctionspeechesAndvision.

Methodological support of the lesson: mirror, drawings, audio recording, tape recorder, pencils and markers.

Content and course of the lesson

Organizing moment: Hello guys! We begin the lesson on the development of facial expressions and pantomime. The topic of our lesson is “Riddles without words” and today we will continue to develop facial and pantomime skills. Because, what from that, how well we will express our emotions, This is how the people around us will perceive us. And our mood also affects the mood of the people around us. Therefore, I propose to perform exercises to train emotions and raise the tone of facial muscles:( It sounds calm.)

1 . Relax completely and think about something pleasant.

Tighten up while thinking about something unpleasant.

2. Relax your facial muscles and yawn widely, while thinking "How you want to sleep."

3. Relax your facial muscles and smile broadly while thinking of something joyful.

4. Relax your facial muscles and purse your lips into a tense "O"

5. Relax your facial muscles, open your eyes wide, while thinking with surprise. Quietly close your eyes.

6. Relax your facial muscles and loosely close your eyes (squint), while straining your nose and think: “How tired I am of all this!”.

7. Relax your facial muscles, pull your lips into a tube, and then stretch into a smile.

Smiling and laughter prolongs a person's life, so smile more often and give people joy.


- Today we will talk about emotions. Word"emotions"comes from the Latin wordemoveo, and means"shock, excite".

1. How do we express our emotions?

Is it possible to understand by looking at a person what he feels at the moment, what emotion he is experiencing?
What helps determine this?

facial expressions facial expression of a person. Your face expresses various emotions.

Look at this man's face

(The "Joy" icon is shown). What do you think this person's face is like? (Answers of children). Yes, joyful. And how did you guess?(Answers of children).

Yes, right. Well done. When we have a happy face, we smile broadly,Gour eyes become narrow, they squint. Let's try to show joy on our face.


All participants sit in a circle. One player depicts "joy" and passes this expression to the neighbor on the right, he must repeat the emotion he saw on the neighbor's face as accurately as possible.

Teacher:(Shows the "Angry" icon) Look at the face on the card. How does the person in the picture feel?

(Answers of children).

- Look at the expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes?

(Mirror work)

You have to draw the emotion that is indicated on the card (joy, sadness, surprise, anger), first think about how to depict a person’s eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and also choose the right color for this emotion. The drawing must be schematic.

During execution, the melody "Fairy Tale" sounds

4.TASK "Define the mood."

- Is it possible to find out about the mood of a person in a photograph? Here are pictures of children.See how the child is feeling.


MIs it possible to learn about a person's mood by the way he speaks, with what intonation he pronounces words? Try to say the phrase "TODAY IS GOOD WEATHER" from the face of the child in the photo (offended, enthusiastic, jubilant, sad, desperate, anxious, frightened, dissatisfied).

Gymnastics for the eyes

1. Look up - down, left - right.

2. Circle the outline of the balloon with your eyes, clockwise and counterclockwise 3 times.


Etude "What are we?"

We are goats - what are you like? - horned

We are donkeys - what are you? - eared

We are hedgehogs - what are you? - prickly

And we are wolves, oh! - toothy.

Etude "Playing musical instruments" ( imitation of movement in the text)

The cat plays the button accordion, the pussy plays the drum.

Well, the bunny on the pipe is in a hurry to play with you.

If you help, we will play together.

Etude "Different Moods"

Oh, how the baby cries - that the bear growls.

And the kid laughs - that the stream murmurs.

And the tears are flowing like it's raining.

The baby smiles - as if the sun will rise.

Well done boys. What emotions did you show with facial expressions and pantomime? (Surprise, resentment, sadness, joy).

Etude "What did the bunny do?"

Bunny, Bunny, where have you been?

This bunny went to the forest.

This bunny drank water, this bunny cooked soup.

This one swam in a fast river, this bunny slept in a bed.

Etude "The Greedy Dog"

Greedy dog ​​brought firewood.

He applied water, kneaded the dough.

Baked pies, hid in a corner.

And he ate himself - gam-gam-gam.

- Oh, how bad it is to be greedy. And you guys are not greedy? AtCan you share toys, sweets?

7. TASK Guess the game

- PI suggest to play the game "Guess - ka". You have to close your eyes and listen carefully and identify the sounds.

(Birds singing, train sound, car motor, bear roar, dog barking, cat meows, lamb bleats, pig grunts, blizzard,)

8.TASK Gymnastics

Well done boys! You correctly identified all the sounds. And now I propose to perform physical exercises. Imagine that you have turned into frogs.

Here two frogs woke up, two green girlfriends.

Smiled "Good morning!" we wish you well.

Go out for exercises, quickly kva-kva-kva.

They stomped their feet, they patted their paws,

Lean to the right - left, smile at all the neighbors.

Here is the secret of health, hello sun, hello everyone!

9. TASK "Rhythmic Claps"

I really liked the way you clapped your hands, and I want to offer a game for the development of musical ear.

(Students repeat the given rhythm after the teacher)


Did you like the lesson? Show facial expressions.

- Hthat was the most interesting for you?

- Can you imagine a person who never laughs, never cries, never wonders, never gets angry, never afraid?...

Do our feelings affect the people around us?

What can be shown with the help of pantomime? (Feelings and actions)

I am very glad that you liked the lesson and I am grateful to you for your active participation.

Show your feelings of gratitude to our dear guests and say goodbye with gestures.