So that nothing remains of the syup, not even the fence. With pioneer greetings

Victor Kurasov

Last weekend, a monumental niche with a mosaic was demolished, which is part of the fence of the Young Pioneers Stadium (YuP), this weekend Demolition of the Ice Palace.

SF was one of oldest stadiums city ​​of Moscow. In December 1895, the Moscow Ski Club was solemnly opened on the field of the future stadium. Since 1900 competitions in athletics, skiing and speed skating have been held. In 1911, Moscow handed over the building of the "Tsar's Pavilion" to the ski club with the condition free classes with kids. In the same year, the first specialized football ground in Russia was built at the stadium. In 1913, the stadium hosted 100-meter running competitions.

In March 1923, the stadium became the property of the RKSM of the Krasnopresnensky district. Work on a grand scale began in April 1926, and by July the new arena, the largest at that time in the USSR, was called the "Stadium of the Union of Food Workers named after Tomsky".

In 1934, on the initiative of the Moscow party organization, the stadium was handed over to the pioneers and schoolchildren of the city of Moscow. Since then, the stadium of Young Pioneers has become a center for the development of children's and youth sports, first specialized physical culture and sports out-of-school institution in the USSR.

All athletic facilities at the stadium were intended for classes for children and youth sports schools. With a staff of less than 100 people a day, up to 3,000 boys and girls passed through the SF. Several sports schools in athletics, gymnastics, figure skating, ice hockey, field hockey, cycling, running, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, and chess worked at the stadium. In total, about 30 circles and sections worked at the SUP.

Repeatedly, the stadium hosted competitions under the program of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, inter-district and city competitions. By decision of the organizing committee XXII Olympic Games the central sports core was included in the number of bases and facilities for games and training of field hockey teams of the countries participating in the games of the 1980 Olympics.

In 1955, the House of Sports was built for gymnastics and chess, where for many years high-class athletes were trained in gymnastics and chess. In the same year, a four-hundred-meter asphalt-cement cycle track was built. Until 1980 this track was the only one in Moscow.

In 1967 it was built and put into operation athletics arena For light athletics, all-around, steeplechase.

In 1977, instead of the old one, the Palace of Sports with artificial ice was built and put into operation for figure skating, where many world and European champions practiced: Irina Moiseeva - Andrey Minenkov, Natalya Bestemyanova - Andrey Bukin, Marina Klimova - Sergey Ponomarenko, Anna Semenovich, Irina Slutskaya and others. The great Soviet coaches T.A. worked on the ice of the SUP for many years. Tolmacheva, T.A. Tarasov.

In the 30-60s, the entrances to parks, squares, stadiums and their territory were landscaped, leading architects and artists were involved in the design.

In 1946, according to the project of the architect Yuri Vladimirovich Shchuko, a new metal fence was built, 3.7 meters high, which rests on poles and twin posts with a diameter of 120 mm located in 4 m increments with steel rods hidden under the cast-iron lining with a section of 80x40 mm, between which there is cast iron insert-filling. The center of this insert is a large disk (its diameter is 90 cm) with symbols of the pioneer organization, the rest of the space is filled with floral ornaments.

(According to the project of Yu.V. Shchuko was built in 1955. The main entrance with a metal fence of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Gorky, which is an identified object of cultural heritage. According to the projects of Yu.V. Shchuko also built the Central Pavilion (main) of VDNKh, 1939, the fountains of the central alley (14 fountains) at VDNKh, 1954, which are objects of cultural heritage.)

In the corners of the fence overlooking Leningradsky Prospekt, rounded stone niches for mosaics were built, in which in 1964 were placed mosaic panels.

The mosaic on the theme of children's sports, far from the city center, was created according to the project of the muralist, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR Elvira Pavlovna Zhernosek. ( Works in Leningrad, in Moscow “Youth. Spring. Love "- Wedding Palace, Moscow, 1966, etc.)

The mosaic closest to the center on the theme of children's sports was created according to the project of a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR Martuni Levonovich Potikyan. ( He created works for the House of Culture of the Automotive Plant. Lenin Komsomol, works in Kurchatov (Kursk NPP), Kaluga (Museum of Cosmonautics), etc. In 1981 he was awarded the title of Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR).

The fence is a one-of-a-kind example of a metal fence with mosaic corner niches that uses a pioneering and sporting theme.

The fence is partly within the boundaries and partly runs along the border of the united protective zone of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) No. 266 and is completely located within the boundaries of the development regulation zone No. 011, ( Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 1999 No. 1215 “On approval of zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Moscow (on the territory between Kamer-Kollezhsky Val and the administrative border of the city)»).

When the SUP was finally sentenced by the SLC to demolition and development, despite all the objections and opposition of the residents of the district, the city defenders made an attempt to preserve at least its historical fence. In February 2016, an application was submitted to the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage (DKN) to grant the status of an object of cultural heritage (CHO) to the metal fence of the “Young Pioneers Stadium” (forged, cast) in stone pillars with rounded stone corner niches with mosaics.

By order of the DTC No. 521 dated July 7, 2016, the fence was denied the status of an identified CHO. To put it mildly, the strange and incomprehensible position of the DTC surprises. The Department persistently defends the restored outer wall of the former (demolished) stands as a significant element of the urban environment and refuses to protect a monument worthy of preservation. The remake, built in 2008, turned out to be more expensive than the original fence of 1946 and the mosaic of 1964 by famous architects and muralists.

It is worth noting that the DTC not only actually allowed the demolition of the fence, but also agreed on the barbaric development of the entire SUP. Until May 12, 2009, the joint security zone ran along the ends of the now demolished stands and the currently standing track and field arena. In fact, a wide (60-70 meters) protective strip remained along Leningradsky Prospekt. But taking into account the decisions of section N 1 "Historical and cultural expertise of objects declared for inclusion in the register of objects of immovable cultural heritage" under the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (minutes of November 27, 2008 N 1/30) and section N 3 "Expertise of lands of historical and cultural significance and zones of protection of cultural heritage objects" under the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (minutes of December 4, 2008 N 3/19) the borders of the united security zone N 266 were adjusted(Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.05.2009 N 420-PP) and a wide strip turned into a small rectangle around the identified OKN “The Tsar's Pavilion of the XV All-Russian Trade, Industrial and Art Exhibition, 1882, arch. A.E. Weber, A.S. Kaminsky”, allowing the developer to design an array in the shape of a well - a horseshoe around the identified CPV.

The most interesting thing is that the construction is not carried out in an open field, but in one of the protection zones - the development regulation zone, which, in accordance with Art. 34, Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation» is defined as the territory within which the regime of land use is established, restricting construction and economic activity .

It so happened in the practice of the Moscow construction complex and the body for the protection of Moscow antiquity DKN that when they say - a development regulation zone, then for some reason they mean - an open field. Therefore, according to the already established Moscow tradition, 19-21-storey skyscrapers grow 20-30 meters from the one-story OKN "Tsar's Pavilion". But no one has been worried about this for a long time, just as it doesn’t care that the project documentation does not contain a mandatory section on ensuring the safety of the identified CHO, including an assessment of the impact of construction that has passed the state historical and cultural expertise.

They attached a mathematical calculation to the project that the subsidence of the soil would be less than 10 millimeters, and that's it, the issue is closed. This is the Moscow specificity of our attitude to the historical heritage. But in Begovoy now there is a new town-planning dominant. Let the “Royal Pavilion” be lost against its background, let the already overloaded area suffocate in traffic jams - the problems of the Indians of the sheriff do not care.

At present, the fate of the fence is at the mercy of the developer. Entire sections were cut out of it twice, either to arrange an additional entry/exit, according to the workers, or to install a pavilion for the sales department. With difficulty, thanks to letters and calls from residents, it was possible to restore it.

According to the representative of the developer, only the entrance group and three sections of the fence that fall into the rectangle outlined by the DTC will be preserved. Everything else, including the remaining corner niche, will be demolished. The passage of the boundary of the buffer zone along the SUP fence (according to the MRP) is interpreted as not entering the fence itself into this zone. Those. after the demolition of the fence, the border between the protection zone and the development regulation zone will run along a virtual, imaginary line.

The further fate of the dismantled mosaic panels is also unknown. Currently, they are in the developer's warehouse, but where they will be recreated is not yet known for certain. In booklets and presentations, mosaic panels were supposed to be recreated on the very expensive DKN decorative wall. But according to the representative of the developer, this issue has not been agreed, so where the mosaic panels will be restored is a big question.

This is how, step by step, historical buildings, human memory and children's sports. Under bravura slogans and speeches for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Moscow is losing its stadiums. Within a radius of less than a kilometer between the SF and Dynamo, instead of one children's and two adult full-size football fields, now there is only one field left - VTB Arena. Former sports fields and spaces are overgrown with apartments, offices, hotels and shopping centers.

At the joint meeting of the Development Council held on December 8, 2015 physical education and sports and the organizing committee "Russia 2018" on the problems Russian football for the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup V.V. Putin said: However, the basis of everything, the main resource in the development of football has been and remains mass sports. should be given Special attention improving the system of youth and children's amateur tournaments, such as, for example, the "Leather Ball", to stimulate and maintain children's interest in football as one of the types of active, useful recreation and leisure and create the necessary infrastructure for it

Unfortunately, everyone understands the words of the President in different ways. Considering that currently 90% of the developer's shares are owned by VTB Real Estate LLC, 100% of which is owned by PJSC VTB Bank, the controlling stake of which is owned by the Russian Federation, there is little hope that the former pioneers D. Medvedev and A. Kostin will leave the once huge children's stadium of Young Pioneers at least its fence as a memory for hundreds of thousands of Soviet children about their happy sports childhood.

The Moscow authorities have finally cleared the territory where the Young Pioneers stadium, which has a half-century history, was located in the Soviet years. The last to be demolished were steles with mosaics - this is all that remains of the first out-of-school institution in the history of the USSR sports institution. Now a luxury residential complex is being built on this site.

On May 13, workers removed a mosaic by sculptor Elvira Zhernosek from the fence of the former Young Pioneers stadium on Leningradsky Prospekt. The dismantling of the panel was carried out as part of the construction work. Back in the 90s, a business center and a car dealership were built on Khodynskoye Pole. Now an elite residential complex is being built next door.

Local residents tried to protest against the construction, held rallies and wrote appeals to the authorities. Developers and local officials promised that they would build a sports and recreation complex on this territory, and the mosaic would be preserved and returned to its original place after the construction was completed. Muscovites do not believe in this promise and note that it is impossible to restore the author's work.

The stadium "Young Pioneers" was the first specialized sports out-of-school institution in the USSR. It was erected on the site of the Tomsky stadium, where football was played in post-revolutionary Moscow. Old-timers say that it was there that "the Moscow Spartak began." “We, boys, played football and bandy there,” said Otto Fischer, the oldest fan of the red-and-whites, who is now 102 years old.

In the 1960s the stadium was renovated. Under the Soviet regime, an athletics arena was built there and two mosaic panels were installed. At the 1980 Olympics, the stadium hosted field hockey competitions. Now a high-rise building is being built on this historic site, and instead of one mosaic panel with cyclists, runners and a girl with a jump rope, there is a parking lot. The second panel with football players by Martuni Potikyan should be demolished in the near future.

A member of the Moscow Union of Artists, a specialist in the field of monumental and decorative art, Marina Terekhovich, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, said that the organization sent a letter to the departments of culture and cultural heritage of Moscow, as well as to deputies about mosaics, but there was no response from officials.

The problem is that there is no law for the preservation of such monuments, and when new owners buy land, they are not informed that this is a work of art. As a result, the owner acts with works of art at his own discretion.

The press service of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow said about the demolition of the mosaic that it is not an object of cultural heritage and "there is nothing to comment on."

The destruction of the mosaic of the stadium "Young Pioneers" caused indignation among the tired coach of Russia Tatyana Tarasova. She called those responsible for the demolition "cattle and pests."

Tatyana Tarasova called the Young Pioneers Stadium in Moscow a “place of worship” and a home for teachers and young athletes. “It was this place in Moscow that had to be destroyed? Creatures that have no memory, no respect for the history of their native city, respect for the glorious beginning of our Soviet and Russian Olympic movement! Why can't we save? Why do we know how to destroy? ”, - said the honored coach in an interview with the portal.

“We lived there, it was our home. These urban aliens are thinking of throwing away our lives and jobs. They expelled the fans, broke and destroyed the children's stadium. Brainless cattle! Temporary workers! Bastards and pests of Moscow!” added Tatyana Tarasova.

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In Moscow, the Young Pioneers stadium, which was opened back in 1934, was demolished, and a residential complex will be built in its place.

The stadium "Young Pioneers", in the north-west of the capital, not far from the metro station "Dynamo", was destroyed. This started two years ago, and recently the last steles with mosaics were dismantled.

For sports Moscow, it was a landmark place that was reconstructed several times. Football sections worked here and figure skating, shooting and athletics, you could go ice skating, play volleyball, basketball and tennis. In winter, hockey.

Many sports stars started at the SUP - that's how the stadium was briefly called. He was especially dear to skaters. Here is what honored coach Tatyana Tarasova wrote about SUP in her first book, The Four Seasons.

“There is no place in Moscow more expensive and beloved. Here, I know, people need it, here are my students, here I spent most of my life. What happiness - to return from a trip to the native ice rink. The Young Pioneers Stadium is my life.

I am now walking along the SF, as I walked thirty years ago, along the Central Alley past the bust of Lenin, but how my SF has changed! To my left are the same low stands of the stadium, but now an artificial turf has been laid on the field, and to the right stretches a long transparent building of an indoor arena for athletes and, finally, a blank rectangle of our indoor ice rink.

What was the skating rink at SUP in those years? There were two. One even then, thirty years ago, was closed, with artificial ice, but the site is much smaller than the current one, and only top athletes. The rest were engaged in outdoor stadium, A car was adjacent to the skating rink. There were antique armchairs in it, a huge framed mirror hung. Choreography lessons were held at the other end of the stadium, in the House of Physical Education, a rebuilt church, where gymnasts and acrobats trained on the second floor, below there was a choreography hall, with mirrors and a machine along the wall.

It was always noisy on the SUP and people were running everywhere. Who plays volleyball, who plays basketball. In winter, the skating rink at the stadium was flooded not only for figure skaters, but tracks for skaters were laid along the edges. The skaters were friends with the skaters - they are on the ice all day and so are we. Sometimes we, completely undeserved, had classes on a small patch of land. artificial ice- they came as awards, they were not missed.

The love for their stadium and skating rink is so strong in Syupov skaters that when it opened new ice rink, everyone who once trained on an old site gathered for the celebration. I was invited many times to work as a coach at CSKA and Dynamo, but I can’t change the SUP.”

A few nostalgic shots of what the SUP was like in the Soviet years. When he lived a full-fledged stadium life, taking thousands of children daily.

1934, demonstration on the occasion of the opening of the Young Pioneers stadium in Moscow.

The same famous school of figure skating.

The SF was an Olympic venue. Yes, yes, in 1980 field hockey competitions were held here.

1999 Palace of Young Pioneers next to Petrovsky Park.

Famous mosaic panels could be seen on both sides of the fence; there were cyclists, football players, gymnasts, a girl with a rope and runners.

The section of monumental and decorative art of the Moscow Union of Artists sent a letter to the departments of culture and cultural heritage of Moscow about the fate of the mosaics in Leningradka. But never received an answer. Steles with mosaics do not have the status of a cultural heritage site. However, representatives of the development company assure that the mosaic has been carefully dismantled and will be used in the beautification project of the future building. How exactly is the big question.

Now the Palace of Young Pioneers is a large construction site.

And in place of the panel - a fence.

Tatyana Tarasova, annoyed by the demolition of the SF, wrote a long post on Facebook. He was naturally very emotional:

“It was this place in Moscow that had to be destroyed? Creatures that have no memory, no respect for the history of their native city, respect for the glorious beginning of our Soviet and Russian Olympic movement! Why can't we save? Why can we destroy?

This place was busy. There was and is a church at the stadium, we did choreography there and prayed for our teachers, who gave us a profession, and we gave others a profession and prayed for our happiness. We lived there, it was our home. These urban aliens are thinking of throwing away our lives and jobs. They expelled the fans, broke and destroyed the children's stadium. Brainless cattle! Temporary workers! Bastards and pests of Moscow!

A coach who has services to the fatherland, Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. Forgive me for not being able to protect this piece of the Motherland!”

Photo: RIA Novosti / RIA Novosti, Vitaly Karpov; (3-5); (6-7, 12-13);; (9.11);

Print out the flyer and hang it in your driveway!

This is important because stadiums are for sports and recreation. There is no place for offices, apartments and residential complexes (including elite ones).

Now there is a process of destruction of the stadium "Young Pioneers" on Leningradsky Prospekt! This is an old stadium in Moscow, its remaining elements of architecture are a monument of architecture of Moscow in 1936 (fence of the territory and mosaic panels at both ends of the fence “Sport” (artist Zhernosek Elvira Pavlovna, born in 1931)). The Tsar's Pavilion of the 15th All-Russian Trade, Industrial and Art Exhibition is located on the territory. 1879-1882 years. Arch. Kaminsky A.S., Weber A.E. is an object placed under state protection as a cultural heritage site.
All this is under direct threat of destruction by construction equipment that works on the site. The attempts to demolish the fence led to the need to restore it by the construction company. It's all thanks to the locals!

The construction of a multi-storey multifunctional complex (MFC) has begun on the territory by the customer CJSC SRC “ASGARD” (technical customer JSC “MR-GROUP”, contractor LLC “UK AVTOREISE”). Construction work is being carried out and was carried out earlier with gross violations!
This is important because stadiums are for sports and recreation. Offices, apartments and residential complexes (including elite ones) have no place on them!
The stadium "Young Pioneers" is the sports heritage of Moscow. The 1980 Olympic field hockey competitions were held here. In Soviet times, the stadium had a lot of sports sections where the best athletes of the country trained.

History: The Young Pioneers Stadium is a stadium in Moscow, in the Begovaya district. An ice rink is open in the arena in winter, a football field is open in summer and Treadmills for athletics. In Soviet times, many sections worked at the stadium - mainly football and figure skating, as well as shooting, athletics, speed skating. There were volleyball, basketball and tennis courts. In winter they flooded for hockey. The 1980 Olympic field hockey competitions were held here.

About construction:

In the northern administrative district of the capital on Leningradsky Prospekt, there is a modern residential microdistrict "Royal Plaza". The transport links of the microdistrict are quite well developed, thanks to which the residents of the microdistrict can easily get to any point of the city and beyond. The nearest metro station is Dynamo. It can be reached on foot.

Address of the new building: SAO, Leningradsky Prospekt, 31.

LCD "Royal Plaza" is a multifunctional monolith-brick residential area with a height of 14 floors, built on an individual project. According to the development plan, apartments of various layouts and areas are located in the microdistrict. To date, the construction of the complex has not yet begun.

The new building with an original architectural style will be located on a fenced and guarded area of ​​more than 50,000 square meters.
The residential part of the new building "Royal Plaza" consists of apartments and apartments, in addition, part of the space is intended for offices and private infrastructure facilities. The developer will place flats and apartments in the inner part of the landscaped area away from the noisy avenue. In the central part of the complex is the Royal Pavilion, around which there is a recreation area.

The stadium "Young Pioneers" is the first specialized out-of-school physical culture and sports institution in the USSR.
It is located in the Begovaya district of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, not far from the Dynamo metro station.
On October 12, 2015, on the eve of its 90th anniversary, it was finally closed and actually destroyed. (note - on the anniversary, mind you! a special treat, perverts)

On December 16, 1895, in Moscow, on the territory of the current Young Pioneers Stadium, the grand opening of the first organization in the country leading the development of skiing, the Moscow Ski Club (MKL), which became one of the first in Russia and one of the most famous before the revolution, took place. sports clubs. This official date is considered to be the birthday skiing in Russia.

In 1914, a factory and craft exhibition was held here, for which new pavilions were built. In 1916, it was planned to hold the All-Russian Exhibition, unprecedented in scope, but with the outbreak of the First World War, this grandiose project was naturally curtailed.
In 1901, the Skiing Society (OLLS) was founded.
Since 1902, individual championships of Moscow have been played, in which from 5 to 25 athletes took part. Team championship Moscow has been played since 1910. It was a relay race around Moscow. Well, since Moscow at that time was much smaller, the distance was 60-70 miles. In the same year, the first ski championship of Russia took place: 12 Muscovites, one from St. Petersburg and one from Nizhny Novgorod rolled 30 miles along the Khodynka field. Moscow firmly stood on skis: out of 28 participants in the last pre-revolutionary championship of the country, 25 were Muscovites.
On March 21 (March 8), 1909, the popular newspaper " Russian word” under the heading “Moscow News” published the following news:
The skiers.
The Society of Skiers received from the city for its club the Tsar's Pavilion on Khodynka Field for rent for 8 years. In addition to the pavilion, the city gives skiers for cheap rent half a dozen of land with the obligation to provide free skiing there to students of city schools.

From this moment begins the official sports history this part of the Khodynka field.
The Moscow team championship in 1916 became the largest pre-revolutionary ski competition: eight sports societies fielded about 100 skiers to participate in it.

Having received the land and the pavilion at its disposal, the MKL immediately began to equip the territory. A playground, a jumping sector, a throwing sector, the first and only three-hundred-meter cinder track in all of Moscow appeared (even at the games of the 2nd Russian Olympics in Riga, runners competed ... on the sandy path of the local hippodrome, pitted with hooves). In 1911, the first field in Moscow specially designed for playing football appeared here.

In March 1923, the MKL stadium complex became the property of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM) of the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow. But the Komsomol members did not get their hands on the stadium, it was never restored.

The spring of 1926 was marked by another reorganization sports movement in USSR. In mid-April 1926, the presidium of the ISFPC decided to dissolve those sports organizations, which were not built according to the production principle, the so-called district circles. These included Krasnaya Presnya, OPPV, Dynamo, TsDFK, Krasnye Sokolniki, Spartak, MOSNAV ​​(former MGSFC) and some other clubs. All members of the district teams had to move to trade union circles, depending on their place of work. A special commission was created to implement this resolution. As you can see, the powerful law enforcement agencies - the OGPU and the Voenved - eventually retained their commands. It is possible that Krasnaya Presnya would have retained its independent status, but the innovative decisions of the MSFFC coincided with the appointment of the chairman of the Krasnopresnensky executive committee, Nikolai Pashintsev, as chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union of food workers. Pashintsev loved football and in his previous position he devoted a lot of time to the team. He also helped her in this difficult situation by organizing a transfer under the wing of the food workers' union. So Krasnaya Presnya changed its owner and name. From now on, the best team in Moscow began to be called "Pishcheviki", and in full - the Team of the Central Club named after Tomsky (MP Tomsky at that time served as chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions).

At the same time (in 1926), the union of food workers received the ownerless stadium located in Petrovsky Park and the territory adjacent to it from the RKSM of the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow.

Grandiose in scale work began in April 1926. And by July, a new arena, the largest at that time in the USSR, was built, having received the name - the stadium named after the Tomsk Union of Food Workers (STSP).

Part sports complex when it was completed, included: 3 football fields(one main and two training), 2 athletics tracks, special areas for certain types of athletics, 4 basketball courts, 4 volleyball courts, a pushball court, a croquet court, 4 tennis courts, 3 concrete playgrounds for playing gorodki, specially equipped places under a canopy for summer wrestling, boxing, weights, a bowling alley, a 200-meter shooting range, a 500-meter velodrome. But the main pride of the Tomsk Stadium (at that time the chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions) of the Union of Food Workers - UTSP - was the central arena of the stadium - a football field measuring 85 by 115 meters, bordered by stands (only one stand was built at the time of opening). 13,000 spectators could watch football matches at the same time (later the stadium had stands for 8,000 people and an embankment where another 15,000 could sit), while Krasnaya Presnya, which was taken over by the Union of Textile Workers and Trekhgorka, could accommodate only 3,000. The Pishchevikov player Sergei Yegorov became the head of the stadium for many years.

Stadium them. Tomsky. All-Union Spartakiad of 1928. Final race for 100 meters. Shamanova in the foreground.

Athletes at the Tomsky stadium, 1926
Stadium them. Tomsky (SPOTLIGHT) Now the stadium bears the proud name of "Stadium of Young Pioneers".

In August 1926, the all-Union championship of food workers took place for the first time, which took place at the Tomsky stadium. His program also included a football tournament, however, for the title best team only Muscovites and Leningraders argued.

Of the events that took place in the life of the Pishcheviki before the start of the 1929 championship, it is worth highlighting friendly match with KOR (2:0), held on May 12, 1929. It was carried out as part of a large sports festival dedicated to the opening of the reconstructed and modernized stadium. Tomsky.

In 1931, by decision of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the unified trade union of food workers was liquidated. It broke up into two dozen small branch trade unions. Under the new conditions, Pishcheviki came under the wing of the All-Coprom Council (MSPC). From now on, the team became known as "Promkooperatsia". The reform also affected the staffing. To the team of the Dukat factory. She performed in the 2nd group and now she has at her disposal the stadium. Tomsky.

After classifying Mikhail Pavlovich Tomsky as an "oppositionist" in 1929, it was forbidden to mention his name, later the stadium was renamed the stadium "Young Pioneers" and from an adult it turned into a children's one.

The stadium almost immediately "got into history"! Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov in the manuscript and the first editions of the novel "The Twelve Chairs" contain the phrase: "The cyclists flew noiselessly from the Tomsk stadium, from the first big long-distance match", in later editions instead of the "Tomsk stadium" - "Young Pioneers Stadium".

In April 1929 Comrade. Tomsky together with t.t. Bukharin and Rykov were recognized as "right deviators"; M.P. Tomsky was removed from his post, and since then he has not played in big politics (and in 1936 he completely committed suicide). His name also disappeared from the name of the stadium of the Voluntary Sports Society "Pishchevik". And soon, in the early 1930s, within the framework of the policy "all the best for children" by the party and the government, it was decided to focus the complex on working with children and youth.

This is how the Young Pioneers Stadium (YuP) appeared on the map of the city of Moscow. Which already at the very moment of its birth had every right to be considered an object of cultural and historical heritage!

a lot of history in two parts

View of the Young Pioneers Stadium and Petrovsky Park, 1999

for comparison with the same point 2016

the 1980 Olympics field hockey competitions were held here

FIRST SCHOOL of figure skating 1956


Parade of athletes 1936-1938




March 1976 SUP (stadium "Young Pioneers"), Moscow. Group " Olympic reserve". Children 5-6 years old

Skating parade, 1949

Stadium Pavilion, 1980

Mosaic panel "Sport and children"
Year of completion: 1964
Artist: Potikyan Martuni Levonovich (b. 1928)

Composition / content: in the lower left corner of the mosaic, two girls with gymnastic hoops are depicted. One of the girls stands straight, holding a hoop in her left hand, and the second girl is depicted in a dynamic pose, performing an exercise with a hoop. The central part of the mosaic depicts a goalkeeper who catches the ball flying towards him during football match. In the upper right corner, three boys are shown doing exercises with balls.
In the lower right corner of the mosaic there is the signature of the author of the work "Potikyan 64" Potikyan Martuni Levonovich.
Status: "An object with signs of a cultural heritage site", 2016
Mentions: the mosaic is listed in the list of works by Potikyan M.L. in the album "Moscow monumentalists", author-compiler Terekhovich M.L., 1985 and in the catalog of works by Potikyan M.L. late 2000s.

Running day at the Young Pioneers Stadium. Due to the absence of the IFC Monarch in the background, behind the low yellow wall of the still existing cycle track, house 6 along 1st Botkinsky Proyezd is visible on the right. September 13, 1999. Author's photo