Message on the topic of the sport football. Abstract: The history of the development of football

Football- this is ... Who does not know what football is? Today, there are hardly those who have never heard of this sports game. However, this is not surprising, because it is recognized as the most popular mass sport. Everyone plays football: adults and children, men and women. By definition, football is a team sport. The task of each team is to pass the ball to each other in order to achieve the main goal - to score it into the opponent's goal, and of course, not to let the ball into their own goal. The football team includes 11 players: 1 goalkeeper and 10 outfield players. Football games are held in specially equipped stadiums, with dimensions of 69-75 by 100-120 meters.

Football has been known to people for over 2000 years. Even in ancient Greece, China, Japan, in Rus' and in the countries of the Middle East they played this game. However, modern football, which we are used to seeing, was born relatively recently - in 1863 in England. It was in this year that the first official competitions were held according to the rules. The British managed to open all the virtues of football to other nations.

Thanks to the passion for football among British sailors, employees and expats, South America and all of Europe became aware of this wonderful game. Already in 1902, the first international match took place on the continent of Europe. This year the teams of Austria and Hungary, Argentina and Uruguay fought for the victory.

In 1904, the International Football Federation was founded - this is FIFA, well, or in Russian, the familiar word “FIFA” to everyone. In principle, it is not surprising that it was the European countries that initiated its creation. However, England itself joined FIFA only in 1946, while some Latin American countries - in 1912. Today, FIFA includes more than 140 countries and is rightfully considered the largest sports organization.

The program of the Olympic Games began to include football, as sports discipline, since 1908. 7 countries participated in the first tournament, more precisely 7 teams from 7 countries. The winner was the England team. In 1912 on Olympic Games England repeated the result, once again taking the lead. However, in 1920, luck changed the English team, and the victory went to the team from Belgium.

Since 1924, not only teams from Europe, but also teams from South America. So in 1928 Olympic champion becomes the national team of Uruguay.

Since 1927, there have been championships in which club teams were able to show themselves. And since 1955, international club tournaments have reached continental significance. This is how the tradition of holding the European Championships was born.

As for the World Cups, the International Congress, whose main building, by the way, is located in Amsterdam, decided in 1928 that such large-scale tournaments could be held once every 4 years. The first World Cup took place in 1930, hosted by Uruguay.

Football still belongs to those sports in which the most prestigious competition is the World Championships, and not the Olympic Games.

Now about the rules.

A football game is called a "match", consisting of two halves of 45 minutes each. The break between halves lasts 15 minutes. At this time, the teams rest, and then again go out onto the field, exchanging gates. The football field can have both grass and synthetic surfaces. A football team, as a rule, consists of 11 people, but it happens that out of 7, however, this is no longer big football. These 11 people include 1 goalkeeper and 10 outfield players. The goalkeeper is the only person in the game, of course, if you do not take the cases when the ball is put into play (for example, out), who can touch the ball with his hands in the penalty area. The task of the goalkeeper is to protect his goal. The remaining 10 people are divided into defenders, midfielders and attackers (forwards). Each position requires certain knowledge and skills from the players.

As mentioned above, the main thing for each team is to score the ball into other people's goals and protect their own from it. The team with the lead at the end of the playing time wins the match.

This is football - the favorite game of millions.


Physical Education

From a group student


Lakeeva V.A.


Football is one of the most popular team games in the world, where you have to fight fast for a small number of points. Football about l (English football, from foot - foot and ball - ball) is a sports team game in which athletes, using individual dribbling and passing the ball to partners with their feet or any other part of the body, except for their hands, try to score it into the opponent's goal as much as possible. number of times at a given time. There are 11 people on the team, including the goalkeeper. A playing, specially marked rectangular area - a field (110-100 m; 75-69 m - for official matches) usually has a grass cover. Game time 90 minutes (2 halves of 45 minutes each with a 10-15 minute break).

Generally speaking, football is a passionate confrontation between two teams, in which speed, strength, dexterity, and quickness of reaction are manifested. As noted best football player Pele, a Brazilian of today, “football is a difficult game, because it is played with the feet, but you have to think with your head.” Football is an art, perhaps no other sport can compare with it in popularity.

The history of the origin and development of football.

In fact, the history of football has many centuries and has affected many countries.

ancient game into the ball.
In the annals of the Han Dynasty, which are already 2000 years old, there is the first ever mention of a game similar to football. So, we can say that ancient China was the ancestor of football. When Japan applied to host the World Cup in 2002, among its arguments was such a curious fact that fourteen centuries ago in this country they played "kennat" - a ball game somewhat similar to modern football. Of course, over several centuries the rules of the game have changed a lot, but the fact remains: the varieties of the game that we now call football have existed among many peoples for centuries, and these games have remained one of their favorite pastimes.

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were no exception. This is how Pollux describes the Roman game of harpastum: “The players are divided into two teams. The ball is placed on a line in the center of the court. At both ends of the court behind the backs of the players, each of whom stands in the space allotted to him, they also draw along the line (these lines can probably be correlated with the goal lines). For these lines it is supposed to bring the ball, and to accomplish this feat is handy, only pushing the players of the opposing team. Based on this description, it can be concluded that "harpastum" was the forerunner of both rugby and football.

In Britain, the ball game began as a pastime at the annual Shrovetide festivities. Usually the competition began in the market square. Two teams with an unlimited number of players tried to score a ball into the opposing team's goal, and the "gate" was usually some predetermined place near the city center.

The game was tough, rude and often dangerous for the life of the players. When a crowd of excited men rushed through the streets of the city, sweeping away everything in its path, the owners of shops and houses had to close the windows of the lower floor with shutters or boards. The winner was the lucky one who eventually managed to "carry" the ball into the goal. Moreover, it was not even necessarily a ball. For example, the followers of the rebel Jack Cad, the leader of the popular uprising, drove an inflated pig bladder through the streets of London. And in Chester, they kicked a “terrible little thing” at all. Here this game originated from the games in honor of the victory over the Danes, so that instead of the ball, the head of one of the vanquished was adapted.

However, subsequently, at the festivities on Shrove Tuesday, the bloodthirsty Chesterians were quite content with an ordinary leather ball.

There is written evidence that in 1175 London boys played fairly organized football during Shrovetide before Lent. They played, of course, right on the streets. Moreover, during the reign of Edward the Second, football became so wildly popular that London merchants, who feared that this “violent” game would damage trade, turned to the king with a request to ban it. And so, on April 13, 1314, Edward II issued a royal decree banning football as fun, contrary to public peace and leading to strife and anger: , from which much evil comes, objectionable to the Lord, by the highest decree I command henceforth in the city walls to prohibit this ungodly game under pain of prisonconclusions».

It was one of many attempts to abolish football, the most popular game among the people. In 1349, King Edward the Third tried to ban football because he was concerned that young people were devoting too much time and energy to this wild pastime instead of practicing the art of archery and javelin throwing. He ordered all the sheriffs of London to ban "this idle pastime." Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth and James the Third also tried to ban football, to no avail. One royal decree, issued in 1491, forbade subjects to play football and golf in the kingdom and made it a crime to participate in "football games, golf, and other indecent amusements."

However, during the Tudor and Stuart era, football, despite its reputation as "the play of the ungodly and indecent", flourished and gained popularity. Subsequently, Cromwell managed to almost completely eradicate this game, so that football was revived only in the era of the Restoration. A century after this momentous event, Samuel Pepi describes how, even in the bitter cold of January 1565, "the streets were literally crowded with townspeople playing football." At that time, there were no definite rules yet, and the game was perceived as the fun of unbridled mob. Sir Thomas Eliot, in his famous book The Ruler, published in 1564, branded football as a game that arouses in people "bestial rage and passion for destruction" and which "only deserves to be forever forgotten about it." However, hot English guys were not going to give up their fun at all. Under Elizabeth I, football became widespread, and with a complete lack of rules and organized refereeing, “matches” often ended in injuries to players, and sometimes death.

In the 17th century, football developed several different names. In Cornwall it was called the word now used for Irish grass hockey, and in Norfolk and parts of Suffolk the word which in modern parlance means "relaxation in the bosom of nature".

In A Study of Cornwall, Carew argues that the Cornish people were the first to adopt strictly defined rules. He writes that players were not allowed to "kick and grab under the waist." This probably means that during the game it was forbidden to press on the opponent, put trips and hit on the legs and below the waist. Carew also writes that the players had no right to "throw the ball in front", that is, in modern terms, to pass forward. A similar rule exists now in rugby.

However, the rules did not exist everywhere. Here is how Strutt describes football in his book Sports and Other Pastimes: “When football is started, the players are divided into two groups, so that each has the same number of players. The game is played on a field where two goals are set up eighty or one hundred yards apart. Usually the gates are two sticks dug into the ground at a distance of two or three feet from each other. The ball - an inflated bubble covered with leather - is placed in the middle of the field. The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. The first team to score a goal wins. The skill of the players is manifested in attacks on other people's gates and in the defense of their own gates. It often happens that, being overly carried away by the game, opponents kick without ceremony and often simply knock each other down, so that the pile is small.

It seems that in those days the power struggle on the football field was an integral part of the game, as, indeed, in the middle of the 19th century, when a kind of football renaissance took place and modern football was born.

World distribution of football.

Modern organized football originated in the UK. With the development of communications and international travel, British sailors, soldiers, merchants, technicians, teachers and students "grafted" their favorite sports - cricket and football around the world.

The local population gradually got a taste, and football gained popularity all over the world. By the end of the 19th century football had literally invaded Austria. There was a large British colony in Vienna at that time. Moreover, its influence was so strong that the two oldest Austrian clubs bore the English names "First Viennese Football Club" and "Vienna Football and Cricket Club". From these clubs, the famous "Austria" was later formed.

Hugo Meisl played in the Vienna Cricket, who later took over as secretary of the Austrian Football Association. He recalled that the first game in Austria under real football rules took place on November 15, 1894. It was a match between the Cricketers and Vienna, which ended in a convincing victory for the Cricketers. In 1897, M. D. Nicholson was appointed to a position in the Vienna office of Thomas Cook & Sons. He proved himself to be the brightest and most famous English player in the history of Austrian football and became the first secretary of the Austrian Football Association.

Football became widespread in continental Europe thanks to the efforts of Hugo Meisl. It was he who was the main initiator of the Mitrop Cup (the forerunner of modern Eurocubes) and various national championships that contributed to the popularization of football in Central Europe.

Hungary was one of the first European countries to recognize and immediately love football. And it was brought by a young student who returned home from England in the 1890s. The first Hungarian team featured two Englishmen, Arthur Yolland and Ashton. Even before the outbreak of the First World War, some English clubs visited Hungary.
Some argue that football was introduced to Germany as early as 1865. Then it was a little organized kind of game, which English boys who studied at German schools showed to their classmates. But "adult" german football developed largely thanks to the enthusiasm of the two brothers Shriker, who even borrowed a large amount of money from their mother in order to contribute to the financing of the first overseas tour, which the Football Association team held in 1899.
Jimmy Hogan made an invaluable contribution to the development of Dutch football. In 1908, there were already 96 clubs in Holland and a fairly strong team, led by Edgar Chadwig, a former England national team player.

Football appeared in Russia in 1887 thanks to the English brothers Charnock, who owned a mill in the village of Orekhovo near Moscow. They bought the equipment in England, but they did not have enough money for boots. Clement Charnock solved this problem by adapting some of the mill equipment to a kind of darner, with which the spikes were attached to the soles of ordinary players' shoes. Russia enthusiastically accepted new game and in the 1890s. Moscow has already formed in the capital football league. For the first five years, the winners of all its championships were the Charnok team - Morozovtsy.

One of the first countries in continental Europe where truly strong teams was Denmark. The Danes were trained by English professionals, and at the beginning of the 20th century the Danish team was one of the strongest in Europe. At the 1908 Olympics, the Danes reached the final but lost to Great Britain.

Football conquered not only Europe, but the whole world. It was brought to Brazil by English sailors in 1874. However, the true missionary of football in Brazil is Charles Miller, a native of São Paulo, the son of English immigrants. He studied in England for a long time and played there for the Southampton club, and when he returned home 10 years later, he brought with him quite full set uniforms and two soccer balls. Miller encouraged the workers and employees of the Gas Company, the Bank of London, and the São Paulo Railway Authority to organize their football teams. He also attracted the founders of the Athletic Club of São Paulo, which at that time was engaged exclusively in cricket, to this cause. First "real" Soccer game took place in April 1894. The railroad workers defeated the Gas Company team.

The first all-Brazilian club (Mackenzie College Athletic Academy) was founded in São Paulo in 1898. So South American football developed simultaneously with European football.

In Argentina, football appeared largely thanks to the representatives of the British diaspora in Buenos Aires. However, the locals were initially not very interested in this game. Even in 1911, there were quite a few English players on the Argentine national team. But the popularization of football in Argentina and in some other countries of Latin America was not promoted by the British, but by Italian immigrants.

Football came to Africa thanks to the English and French colonists. Germany and Portugal made their modest but no less significant contribution to the development of football on the African continent.

The rules and order of this once unorganized "wild" game was determined in the rooms of private schools and universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Almost every school and every football club had their own set of rules. Some rules allowed dribbling and passing the ball with hands, others were categorically rejected; somewhere the number of players in each team was limited, somewhere not. In some teams, it was allowed to push, hook and kick an opponent in the legs, in others it was strictly prohibited.

In other words, English football was in a chaotic state. And in 1846, the first serious attempt was made to unify the set of football rules. H. de Wheaton and J. S. Tring from the University of Cambridge met with representatives of private schools to formulate and adopt a set of uniform rules.

The discussion lasted 7 hours and 55 minutes and resulted in a document published under the title "The Cambridge Rules". They were approved by most schools and clubs and later (with only minor changes) they were adopted as the basis of the rules of the Football Association of England. Unfortunately, no copies of the original Cambridge Rules have survived. The earliest existing document to which the current rules of the Football Association date back is a set of rules published by Mr. Tring in 1862. These were the rules of the game, which Mr. Tring himself defined as "the most simple game". They had a great influence on the development of football as we know it today.

Formation of the football association.

The Football Association of England was founded in October 1863. Its foundation was preceded by a meeting of representatives of all leading English football clubs at London's Freemasons Tavern on Great Queen Street. The purpose of the meeting was defined as "the establishment of a single organization and the establishment of a specific set of rules."

A. Pember presided over this meeting, and Mr. E.S. Morley was appointed honorary secretary. Mr. Morley was given the opportunity to write and send appeals to the leaders of the oldest prestigious private schools to join the movement for organized football. The second meeting took place a few days later. Some teams have already responded, with representatives from Harrow, Charterhouse, and Westminster all writing that they prefer to stick to their own rules.

At the third meeting of the Football Association, a letter was read to those present from Mr. Tring of Uppingham School, in which he expressed his consent to accept the rules of the Association. At the same time, the laws and rules of the game were finally formulated, published on December 1, 1863. At the sixth meeting, the first committee of the association was appointed.

It included: Mr. J.F. Elcock (Forest Club), older brother of C.W. Elcock, who later joined the Association, Mr. Warren (War Office), Mr. Turner (Crystal Palace), Mr. Steward (Crusaders - Crusaders) and Mr. Campbell (Blackheath) as Treasurer, as well as Pember and Morley.
At this meeting there was a split between the Rugby Union (as it is now called) and the Football Association. The Blackheath Club withdrew from the Association, although Campbell agreed to remain on the committee as treasurer.

Gradually, the Football Association and the game by the same rules received wide public recognition. The Football Association Cup (FA Cup) was established, and international matches began to be played. But in 1880, another crisis emerged, and the peaceful period of the gradual development of football was replaced by a decade of radical reforms.

By that time the number of rules had increased from 10 to 15. Scotland still refused to include hand throws in their rules and disagreed with the English definition of offside. Apart from these small disagreements, relations between the Football Associations of England and Scotland have been quite friendly.

But another crisis was brewing, which had a tremendous impact on the development of modern football. We are talking about the emergence of hired players who play for money - the first professionals.

By that time, the total membership of the FA, including clubs and affiliated associations, had risen to 128. Of these, 80 belonged to Southern England, 41 to Northern England, 6 to Scotland and 1 to Australia.

There were rumors that many of the northern parts of England were paying players to play for their teams. In this regard, in 1882, another one was added to the FA rules (No. 16): “Any player of the club who receives from the club any form of remuneration or monetary compensation in excess of his personal expenses or funds that he lost with the exit for a particular game, is automatically suspended from participation in cup competitions, in any competition under the auspices of the FA and in international tournaments. The club that employs such a player is automatically excluded from the Association.”

Some clubs have abused this little leeway in the "reimbursement of actual expenses" rules. This discrepancy with the amateur status of the players was considered by southern clubs to be the result of an unsportsmanlike spirit among clubs in the northern and central counties of England.

Scottish teams were considered the strongest in the UK, and it is not at all surprising that English clubs began to "glance" to the north and attract the Scots in order to strengthen their teams.

At first, the FA turned a blind eye to this, but in the end the management of the Association still had to take action, since three football associations at once - Sheffield, Lancashire and Birmingham - were accused of promoting professionalism. In January 1883, a special inspection commission was appointed, which could not prove anything. However, the dissatisfaction of the leading amateur clubs grew, and some of them threatened to boycott the FA Cup just before the opening of the 1883/84 season.

The thunder came early in 1884 when Upton Park club filed a formal charge of promoting professionalism against Preston. This case attracted the attention of the general public. William Sadell, president and manager of Preston, publicly acknowledged that his club pays its players, but he said he could prove that this practice exists in almost all the strongest clubs in Lancashire and the Midlands.

Preston were suspended for a season and banned from the FA Cup, but Sadell's candid statements forced the association's leadership to admit that reality dictates its terms. At the next committee meeting, K.U. Elcock stated that "it's time to legalize professional football". He was supported by Dr. Morley, but not all members of the committee agreed with this. Passions raged for almost a year and a half, but in July 1885 professional football was still legalized.

However, the amateur and professional status of football did not stop for several more years (and not only in England, but also in other countries). In the late 1920s in Argentina, there were two official leagues - amateur and professional, which competed with each other. But gradually professionalism gained strength. And it was the development of professional football that contributed to the establishment of the World Cup.

British associations strongly disagreed with FIFA's regulation of so-called down payment: a practice in which an amateur player was compensated for the time he played football and could not receive money from his main job. As a result of the conflict, all four Associations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) withdrew from FIFA. This gesture cost them their right to participate in the first three world championships leading up to World War II.

The purpose of which is to drive a leather ball directly into the opponent's goal, acting with all parts of the body, excluding the hands. The team that scores more goals during the match wins.
Football has been consistently the most popular and massive sport in the world for quite a long time. Before modern football, there was a game called "harpastum" played in Egypt, Germany and Italy. But modern football was born only in 1863 in England, and since then it has begun to spread around the world.

Basic rules of football

Match - football game, which usually consists of two parts, the so-called halves, each of which lasts 45 minutes. Between the halves there is a break -15 minutes, after which the players change goals. The field on which players play football has grass and synthetic surfaces. In total, 22 players participate in the game, which are divided into 2 teams of 11 players. In just one team, only one player, the goalkeeper, has the right to touch the ball with his hands (but not on the entire territory of the field, but only in the penalty area). Also in football, such roles are used: defenders, midfielders, attackers. The main task of the defenders is to put pressure on opponents, to take the ball away from the opponent, not allowing him to score a goal against his own team. Midfielders tend to play in the center of the field and can either back up the defenders or assist the forwards, depending on the situation or the direction of the coach. Forwarders, in turn, are mainly located in the opponent's half of the field in order to be as close as possible to someone else's goal for scoring a goal.

If the main time of the match (90 minutes) did not determine the winner, then, depending on the regulations, either a draw is declared, or additional time is assigned - two small halves, each lasting 15 minutes. However, if between extra time and regular time the players are given time to rest, then between halves of extra time, according to the rules, time is given only to change goals. If the winner has not been determined and two additional short halves, then a penalty kick of 5 hits from each team is made. If, according to the results of these kicks, the sum of goals scored is equal, then one kick from each team is played until the winner is determined. You can also notice that, until recently, there was a Golden Goal rule (the team that scored the first goal in extra halves) and a Silver Goal (team that wins at the end of one of the extra halves).

Football in the world

In 2001, FIFA (an abbreviation for the Federation of International Football Associations) announced a list of countries in the world that play football the most:

1). USA - 18 million (7.2 million women)

2). Indonesia - 10 million;

3). Mexico, 7.4 million;

4). China - 7.2 million;

5). Brazil - 7 million;

6). Germany - 6.2 million;

7). Bangladesh - 5.2 million;

8). Italy - 4 million;

9). Russia - 3.8 million;


A well-placed tactic is the key to victory. The better the tactics are set, the better is the mutual understanding between the players. In modern football, the most common tactic is 4-4-2 (four defenders, four midfielders and two forwards). But, of course, every coach can “project” his tactics and the players must adapt to it (an example is Andriy Shevchenko, who, after moving to Dynamo Kiev, acts as a midfielder).

Varieties of football

Basically, there are such varieties of football: the most exotic look football - the so-called "football", that is, playing with two balls at the same time, then swamp football (playing in a swamp), yard football, beach football (football on the sand), also futsal (futsal), football freestyle (performance tricks). Due to the fact that the popularity of modern football is very, very high, there are many different games similar to football in the world.

Report on the topic: "Football. Rules and tactics of the game."

Football is a passionate confrontation between two teams, in which speed, strength, agility, and quickness of reaction are manifested. As the best footballer of our time, the Brazilian Pele, noted, "football is a difficult game, because it is played with the feet, but you have to think with your head." Football is an art, perhaps no other sport can compare with it in popularity.

One of the first references to playing ball with the feet dates back to 2000 BC. e. Chinese warriors used it to improve their physical form. In the period 1027-256 BC. e., during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty, kicking a leather ball stuffed with bird feathers and animal hair was a favorite folk pastime in ancient China. Subsequently, during the reign of the Han Dynasty, in the period 206 BC. e. - 220 n. e., this game became an indispensable attribute of the solemn ceremonies held in honor of the emperor's birthday, and was called "zu-chu" - "a ball punched by the foot." During the reign of the Qin Dynasty, the period 221-207 AD. e., there was a ball inflated with air, a gate and the first rules of the game, consisting of 25 points. Teams could have at least 10 players.

Start international competitions

Following the election of Jules Rimet as President of FIFA in 1921, a proposal was ratified to consider subsequent Olympic football tournaments "amateur football championships of the world". These tournaments - 1924 and 1928 - were won by the Uruguayan team . Thanks to these successes, there were no competitors in the struggle to organize the first ever FIFA World Cup (better known in Russian simply asSoccer World Cup ), which took place in 1930. The Uruguayans became the winner of the home championship, three-time world football champions and the first holders of the FIFA World Cup. This marked the beginning of a new era in football history. . Until 1970, this trophy bore the name of Jules Rimet, was also known as the "Goddess Nike Cup", but after the third victory at the World Championships was given to her for eternal storage. Instead, the modern World Cup began to be played.

Rules of the game.

Each team consists of a maximum of eleven players (excluding substitutes), one of whom must be the goalkeeper. Unofficial competition rules may reduce the number of players to a maximum of 7. Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to play with their hands, provided they do so within the penalty area of ​​their own goal. While there are various positions on the field, these positions are optional.

A separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of twohalvesfor 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the regular and extra time of the match. Between extra halves, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football, there was a rule according to which the team that scored the first goal was declared the winner (rule ) or winning at the end of any of the extra halves (rule ). At the moment, extra time is either not played at all, or is played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If no winner can be identified within extra time, a series is played. , which are not part of the match: at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, five shots are made by different players. If the number of penalties scored for both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties break through until a winner is determined.

Field.Matches can be played on both natural and artificial turf fields. According to the official rules of the game of football artificial turf should be green. The field of play is shaped . The touchline must be longer than the goal line. It was decided that the size of the field should be 100-110 m (110-120 yd) in length and a minimum of 64-75 m (70-80 yd) in width, but then this requirement was suspended.


Markup Width

The marking of the field is done with lines no more than 12 cm (5 inches) wide; these lines are included in the areas they delimit. All lines must be the same width.

Name of field lines

The two long lines that define the field of play are calledsidelines ; two short linesend lines orgoal lines , since gates are located on them .

middle line

The field is divided into two halves withmiddle line connecting the midpoints of the side lines. A mark is made in the middle of the middle linecenter of the field - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is drawn around the center of the field. From the center of the field mark at the beginning of each of the halves of regular and extra time, as well as after each goal scored , the kickoff is executed. On execution kickoff all players must be in their own half of the field, and the opponents of the team taking the kick must be outside the center circle.

goal area

goal area - the zone from which the .

From points within 5.5 m (6 yards) of inside each rack , at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) these lines are joined by another line parallel to the goal line. Thus, the dimensions of the goal area are 18.32 m (20 yds) by 5.5 m (6 yds).

penalty area

Each half of the field is markedpenalty area - the zone in which can play with his hands, but against the goal of a team that has committed an infringement in its own penalty area, punishable by , will be assigned .

From points at a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goalpost, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn inland. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. The penalty area is thus 40.32 m (44 yd) by 16.5 m (18 yd). Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 m (12 yds) from it,penalty mark - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). Outside the penalty area, a circular arc with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is drawn, centered on the penalty mark. This arc is used to position the players of the teams when breaking the penalty kick.

Corner sectors

In each of the four corners of the field, an arc is drawn with a radius of 1 m (or 1 yard) with a center in the corner of the field, limiting the sector for execution .

At a distance of 9.15 m (10 yds) from the edges of the corner sectors, marks may be placed at the touchlines and goal lines (with outside lines adjoining them at right angles) used to determine the distance at which the players are when a corner is taken.

Also, at each corner of the field, flags must be placed on flagpoles at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) high, without points at the top.

Fouls (violations)

The most common violations are:

    An opponent's kick or attempt

    Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

    Jump on an opponent

    Opponent attack

    Pushing an opponent with your hands

    Striking or attempting to strike an opponent

    And others

Unruly behavior

Undisciplined behavior in football can be represented by the following phenomena:

    And gestures

    And so on.


Football requires speed, strength and skill. . In England's first match against Scotland, both teams played over attacking football. Scotland played 2-2-6 and England 1-1-8 but neither team managed to score . After that, schemes like these existed, but after the offside rule was amended, the number of attackers was reduced to three or two. . At the 1958 World Cup victory for themselves, the Brazilian team played in a 4-2-4 scheme with two wingers who supplied the ball to the two center forwards advanced forward. At the 1966 World Cup, the England team played according to the 4-4-2 formation, in which there are no wingers, but there are wingers who are connected to attacks or retreat to defense .

Many clubs around the world operate schemes with the position of "libero" or "cleaner". He is located behind the central defenders and corrects their oversights. This scheme was first tested during his work at » .

During the work of Rinus Michels at Ajax, the concept of " ". This means that players can change positions on the field depending on the circumstances. Due to this, Ajax and the Dutch national team, which was subsequently coached by Rinus, achieved great success. .

The Role of the Judge

Before the match, the referees must check the goal net and markings football field and analyze weather conditions . After the game, the referees write a score sheet in which they explain all their decisions. . During the game, the referee must determine, for example, how much time will be added to the main or whether the ball crossed the goal line or not. If a player, at the discretion of the referee, has broken a rule, he must award a penalty kick. The referee may issue a warning to the player or stop the match for any reason. On average, a referee runs 10 kilometers per match.

Referee assistants

In addition to the chief referee in football, there are also assistant referees (side referees). They help to determine the position of "offside", as well as the exit of the ball over the touch and end lines of the field. They can also tell the chief referee in a situation where he did not see a violation of the rules or a goal. In 2012, UEFA increased the number of assistant referees by adding referees behind each goal.


Judges are often not forgiven for mistakes in decisive matches. Due to slow replays, it is easy for fans to see the wrong decision of the referee. For example, in one of the matches of the 2002 World Cup, a Turkish national team player hit the brazilian in the leg, and he began to hold on to his face. Unsal was shown a red card, but after watching a moment after the match, Rivaldo was fined £5,180 for simulating. Referee at the 2006 World Championships forgot to remove the player after the second yellow card, and at the next World Cup, the referee did not count Frank Lampard's clear goal.

Usage technical means

Due to the high complexity of decision-making by judges and, as a result, frequent mistakes, the question of allowing them to use technical means has been repeatedly raised - as, for example, has long been done in .


  • 1 Game titles
  • 2 General
    • 2.1 History of football
    • 2.2 Rules of the game
    • 2.3 Football in the world
    • 2.4 Tactics
  • 3 Football structures
    • 3.1 Organizations
    • 3.2 Clubs
  • 4 Competitions
  • 5 Varieties of football
  • Notes


Soccer ball

Glass soccer ball- a prize for the victory.

Football(English) football, "kickball") - a team sport in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with the legs or other parts of the body (except for the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and massive sport in the world.

1. Names of the game

Complete English title(English) association football) was invented to distinguish this game from other varieties of "kickball", especially rugby (eng. rugby football). In the 1880s, the abbreviated name " soccer" (eng. football), which is now widely used in a number of English-speaking countries (excluding England, where fans consider it disparaging).

In other languages, the name of the game is:

  • or by borrowing an English word football, as in Russia - football, in Portugal - the port. futebol.
  • or a translation of the word football, as for example in German it. Fussball, Greek - Greek. ποδόσφαιρο , Finnish - Fin. jalkapallo, Hebrew - Heb. כדורגל ‎, Karelian - Karelian. jalgamiäččy and Adyghe - Adyghe. lapeeu.
  • or derived from the words "kick", "leg", etc., as in Italian ital. calcio, Croatian - Croatian. nogomet.

"Football" as the official international name for the game is used by FIFA and the IOC.

2. General part

2.1. History of football

Games similar to modern football have existed for a long time among different peoples, however, the first recorded rules date back to 1848. The birth date of football is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up. The history of football began a very long time ago. So, for example, in Egypt, and in Germany, and in China there were games similar to football. The most successful of them was called harpastum and was invented by the Italians. But when modern football appeared, harpastum was forgotten. When the British came up with football, they immediately began to popularize it in all countries, including Russia. At that time, many English teams participated in the championship. Football in Russia was first mentioned in the book of one of the doctors [ whom?] “ball games in the air”.

2.2. Rules of the game

A separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

Football is played on a grass or synthetic turf field. The game involves two teams: each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (the goalkeeper) may play with his hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. Defenders are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposite team. Midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the game situation. Forwards are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the regular and extra time of the match. Between extra halves, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football, there was a rule according to which the winner was declared the first team to score a goal (the "golden goal" rule) or who won at the end of any of the extra halves (the "silver goal" rule). At the moment, extra time is either not played at all, or is played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If it is not possible to determine the winner during extra time, a series of post-match penalties is held, which are not part of the match: five shots are made at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters by different players. If the number of penalties scored for both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties break through until a winner is determined.

2.3. Football in the world

child playing football

According to FIFA, in 2001, about 250 million people played football on the planet. Of these, more than 20 million are women. About 1.5 million teams and 300,000 professional clubs are registered.

In the distribution by country, the United States ranks first (approximately 18 million, of which 40% are women), followed by Indonesia (10 million), Mexico (7.4 million), China (7.2 million), Brazil (7 million), Germany (6.2 million), Bangladesh (5.2 million), Italy (4 million), Russia (3.8 million).

2.4. Tactics

Since football is a team game, mutual understanding of the players, the ability to conduct competent joint actions come first. In this case, the tactical formation of the players is important. The most common tactical scheme in modern football is a game with four defenders, four midfielders and two forwards - 4-4-2. There are a great many schemes, but the very concept of a scheme, as well as the concept of the role of players, is quite relative. Depending on the qualifications of the players, their duties on the field can go far beyond the role. So, often according to the plan of the coach, midfielders, especially the extreme (and sometimes even central defenders) play the role of attackers. In connection with the development of the theory of football and the universalization of players, some previously widely known schemes (for example, the Brazilian attacking scheme “double-ve” or the defense system with a free defender) and many football terms (“insider”, “libero”, etc.) have become an anachronism. .).

3. Football structures

3.1. Organizations

There are a number of organizations that control, manage and promote football. The main one is FIFA, located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international competitions on a global scale, in particular the World Cup. Next come continental organizations and organizations by country, region and city, etc. Each has responsibilities for organizing relevant football competitions, controlling the activities of their member clubs, and spreading and popularizing football in the region.

3.2. Clubs

Football club - the base cell of the entire football structure. He is the link between players, staff and organizations. In fact, this is a team of football players that is part of one of the organizations that has a certain infrastructure and staff.