Pond for reconnaissance fish. How to make a pond with your own hands

How nice it would be on a sunny summer day to sit on the shore of a pond located on your own suburban area, admire the sun glare on the surface of the water ... Or maybe catch a couple of fresh fish for dinner? Why not. Breeding carp in a pond in the country, as well as other fish species, has long been no longer a dream, but a reality. There would be free space, time and a great desire to make your place of rest even better.

The contemplation of water is one of the most natural, natural meditations, if I may say so. A great way to leave everything bad, relax, recharge with positive energy. Artificial reservoirs in this regard are no worse than natural ones. Especially if such a reservoir is naturally inscribed in the landscape, beautifully decorated with stones or plants. And if fish also live in it, for example, a cute trout, this is doubly valuable.

Here's what will be useful reservoirs at their summer cottage:

  1. Site decoration. It does not matter what your dacha is intended for - growing crops (and therefore physical labor), or exclusively for recreation. In any case, an artificial reservoir will be a wonderful decoration of the site.
  2. Resting-place. After work, it will be nice to relax by the pond on the site, contemplating the water and the fish playing in it.
  3. Communication of the child with nature. If you have children, the pond will be a great introduction to wildlife for them. Toddlers will enjoy watching the fish, and it will also be possible to teach them to take care of their smaller brothers by instructing them to feed the inhabitants of the pond.
  4. Communication of nature with nature. If you have pets - a cat or a dog, an artificial pond will also become a favorite place for them, especially in the heat, and watching fish (attempts to catch them are not excluded) is entertainment.
  5. Way to diversify the menu. In the country pond you can grow not only ornamental fish but also quite edible. For example, carp or trout. It is always a pleasure to cook fish for dinner, which you not only caught yourself, but also raised.
  6. Earning option. Well, a large pond in the country for breeding fish is an option for a small business or just additional income. After all, its inhabitants, both decorative and edible, can be grown not only for their own needs, but also for sale.

And of course, such a reservoir, like everything that has been done with my own hands, will bring joy and satisfaction both from the process of work and from the result.

Features of the country pond

Suppose you have enough space in your summer cottage, the desire to create a reservoir with your own hands for breeding fish - too, and in abundance. Now the main thing is to take into account all the nuances, because the place is different, and what you have may well not be suitable in its current form.

So, what should be considered before making a fish pond? First, the place must be elevated. If you equip a reservoir in a lowland, then all rainwater and dirt will subsequently drain into it. Secondly, the water area should be located in such a way that during the daytime half of it is illuminated by the sun, and the second is in the shade. As a result, the water will warm up well, and in which case the fish will have somewhere to rest from the heat.

Thirdly, the pond is made away from trees and bushes. Incorrect setting in this case will lead to the fact that the water will wash away the roots. This is harmful both for the plants themselves and for the pond. The fact is that rotting roots will lead to a deterioration in water quality, which will harm the fish. Decay processes steal oxygen. Falling leaves into the water will produce a similar result, besides being just not aesthetically pleasing.

Fourth, from the point of view of practicality, places with clay, heavy stony soil should be avoided. This is because it will be more difficult to build a reservoir on it, or rather, to dig a hole under it.

Do not be discouraged if you do not have a place on the site that would meet all these criteria. You can always redevelop the site. If desired, you can even pour it - that is, raise it. The shadow is artificially created without problems, the plants are also clearly not planted throughout the entire territory. Well, the issue of rocky soil is easily solved with the help of special equipment. But the bottom of such a pond will be stronger.

Modern landscaping is hard to imagine without water bodies, and if earlier the creation of an artificial reservoir was…

What are the reservoirs for fish

So, how to make a fish pond? There are four popular options for building this design in the country:

  1. Earth option. Simplest. These fish ponds are simply dug into the ground. The bottom and walls are compacted as far as possible. Its main drawback is that due to insufficient tightness, water will gradually go into the soil, which means that it needs to be replenished.
  2. Film sealed. An ordinary plastic, PVC or special film is laid on the bottom and walls of this design and does not let water through. However, choosing this option, you need to be prepared for the fact that the film, alas, is not durable. In a few years (on average 10), the reservoir for fish breeding will have to be completely drained, living creatures and vegetation will have to be put somewhere, the film will be changed and practically start all over again.
  3. concreted. Very practical and airtight, moreover, an easy option for creating a pond in the country with your own hands. Of course, it will have to spend more effort, time and money than in the first two options. But it will last incomparably longer. First, the bottom and walls of the dug pit are covered with a film, then they are concreted with the addition of reinforcement.
  4. Plastic. A simple and convenient option using a finished plastic container as the basis. All that is required to make a pond with your own hands is to dig it into the ground, “populate” it with living creatures and vegetation, and decorate it beautifully. However, you can’t roam here - the possible sizes of plastic containers, alas, are small. Accordingly, in terms of fish, this option is suitable only for small decorative individuals in limited quantities.

You should choose from your own capabilities, preferences, as well as the characteristics of the site. The video at the end of the article will help you choose the best option.

Three-story fish house

To make fish breeding in artificial reservoirs comfortable, first of all, for her, you need to take into account some features.

The depth of the tank for the fish kingdom should be presented in three levels, with a natural decrease and increase.

So, in the deepest part, the pond should be no deeper than two meters, but not less than one. This is necessary in order to ensure optimal wintering. At a depth with fish, nothing bad will happen in the cold. Also, a pit is necessary for breeding crayfish.

Next comes the shallow water zone - from 30 to 50 cm. This part is important, because it is at this depth that most plants feel best. And plants need to be bred to provide the pond with oxygen.

And from 30 cm to zero there is a coastal zone. Here the water warms up especially well, attracting the inhabitants of the pond. Insect larvae swim here, in particular mosquitoes that eat fish. Also, the coastal zone is necessary for rearing young animals. Fry flocks invariably "graze" closer to the shore. Shallow water is also useful for land residents of the dacha - small animals and birds can also splash and drink here.

Plants suitable for this are planted around the pond, a stone border is laid out, and other decorative design elements are used. There are no strict requirements here, it all depends on the personal preferences of the owners.

Water and more

Any water is not suitable for growing fish in a home pond. It is not recommended to take it from natural sources, as it may be infected with something. For the same reason, you should not take plants and fish from nature, but it is better to purchase them in specialized stores.

For breeding fish with your own hands, tap water is suitable, but purified and prepared. There are special additives that make it possible to make an unusable liquid suitable for a country pond.

It is important to remember that it is impossible, having barely filled the container with water, to immediately populate it with fish. In order to form the correct microclimate and silt layer, you must first plant the plants and wait.

It will take at least a month for conditions favorable for fish to form in the reservoir. Then the water should be drained without damaging the sludge and the container filled with clean water. When it settles a little, it's time to let the residents in.

The choice of plants is a responsible matter. They saturate the pond not only with oxygen, but also with nutrients. Often, the plants themselves are eaten by fish. What greens should be planted in a country pond? Water lilies will be a real decoration. Suitable water hyacinths, water chestnut, yaskolka, telorez, water mint, chastuha, marsh marigold, fir panicle and others. To prevent overgrowing of a large area, special bags are made in which gravel is placed, and then vegetation is planted.

Growing fish in the country requires constant monitoring of the quality and composition of water, its hardness and acidity. There are additives that improve these indicators. An aeration device will also be useful. This is especially important in winter to avoid mass death of fish due to lack of oxygen, as happens in wild nature. It is also necessary to feed your pets with special feeds.

A reservoir is a small closed ecosystem, within which a certain balance must always be maintained. The most important…

The best fish for your pond

… And now everything is ready. The pond is equipped, the plants are earing, the water is optimal. It's time to move in residents! What types of fish for a pond in the country are best suited? To begin with, you should decide what goals you are interested in: the aesthetic pleasure of observing living creatures or eating them. For the first, decorative fish are needed, for the second, edible ones.

Decorative types include:

  • goldfish;
  • koi carp;
  • minnow;
  • top;
  • orp;
  • sun perch.

Unconditional favorites are goldfish, conquering with their color and unpretentiousness. Koi breeding is also gaining popularity. These are large (up to 80 cm) fish with magnificent variegated coloration. A shallow pond is not suitable for them. The depth for carp should be about 2 meters. These aquatic inhabitants are very voracious and omnivorous. In the presence of plant food, they will be content with it, in the absence they can eat other fish and fry. They are interesting in that after some time they begin to recognize their owner - when feeding, they almost take food from their hands.

There are also plenty of fish species suitable for growing for food. Pay attention to unpretentious, hardy carp and tench. They do not require a large amount of oxygen and special feed. At the same time, they grow rapidly. This also includes common carp. Only he needs more space, like pike perch, which grows to an impressive size. Ruffs, gobies, minnows are unpretentious and omnivorous.

Is it possible to breed trout? Yes, trout feel good in such conditions. There is only one but. If you dream of raising trout for food, nothing will come of it. This fish needs to travel to cold northern rivers and streams to spawn. Under normal and comfortable conditions, trout do not breed. Therefore, it can be grown only for decorative purposes and periodically replenish the trout “stock”.

And for crayfish, a rather deep pit is required - at least a meter, and cozy places for "houses". These creatures live one by one, everyone needs a reliable shelter under a stone, a snag. Therefore, at the bottom it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of loopholes and building material. They also need to be fed - meat, fish.


If you follow all the rules and approach the matter with all responsibility, then a fishing hobby, whether it is breeding crucian carp, trout in a pond, crayfish, koi or any other species, will bring joy, satisfaction, and can also diversify the menu and even bring a little additional income.

Learn all the information in advance on how to properly equip a fish house. Learn about the features of different types, and most importantly - their compatibility. After all, a charming-looking creature can turn out to be a formidable predator that will ruthlessly destroy all its competitors.

You should also take care of devices and additives that will ensure the correct composition and properties of water, feeding, and wintering. And most importantly, even if your goal is to make a profit, do not overpopulate the pond. Fish need space to thrive.

DIY Fish Pond: 4 Ways to Build a Pond with Instructions + 5 Benefits of Film Insulation + 9 Pond Construction Tips.

Starting your own business can be very difficult.

Some ideas are very profitable, but only in the long run. And how to make money drip to you in a couple of months?

The fish pond will be one of the the best options , What . Today we will analyze how you can make this idea a reality.

Detailed instructions and advice on arranging a pond for fish breeding will allow you to build a main component your business project.

Popular Fish Pond Destinations

In Russia, fisheries have been at a high level since ancient times.

Strong competition from foreign producers has forced large companies supplying fish products out of the market. This event gave an impetus to the development of small businesses aimed at providing regions where importing fish from afar is not a financially feasible solution.

What are the directions in fish breeding:

  • Pond cultivation.

    Suitable for most species that are bred on an industrial basis.

  • .

    Suitable for river species such as pike, crucian carp, perch and others.

  • cage fish farming.

    Requires placement on natural reservoirs, which is not always convenient.

  • Homemade mini ponds.

    They have non-standard proportions in terms of structures.

Today we are considering the first direction - growing fish in a pond.

It is optimally suited for implementation and does not require large expenditures. The advantages include the high rate of payback of the reservoir.

Where to start building a fish pond?

The first thing to take care of is the place where the pond will be located.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special here, and absolutely any site will do. But if you want the pond to serve you for a long time, you should pay attention to the generally accepted principles for the construction of such structures.

How to choose the best place for building a pond:

  • Start construction on a hill, otherwise rainwater and dirt may flow into the pond.
  • Near the place where the building will be located, there should not be shrubs and trees.

    Leaves that fall into the pond will provoke the process of decay, which will negatively affect the general condition of the reservoir.

  • It is desirable to have an artificial shadow.

    It should not cover the entire area.

    The best would be a permanent location of about 30% of the space in the shade throughout the day.

  • The soil is better to pick up without large stones or clay.

    The process of digging a hole for construction will be simplified many times over. But here it is at the discretion of the owner.

The depth of the pond for normal operation must exceed 160 cm.

There should be no impurities at the bottom, but the vegetation in the finished pond will always be in place.

The location must be suitable not only for keeping animals. The fish must be able to go through its entire life cycle, including spawning.

4 Ways to Build a Fish Pond

Method 1. Fish pond without finishing.

The simplest in construction. It is only required to make a recess for the future reservoir and cover its walls with clay, mixed with turf.
But let's still consider the technology in more detail.

What materials will be required:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • mixture - clay with turf;
  • tubes for water supply / drainage;
  • shovel for leveling the walls of the pond.

This is just an approximate list. If you are planning a large pond, digging can be done using large construction equipment.

Construction scheme:

  1. Draw the boundaries of the future place for construction.
  2. Dig indentations along the lined borders.
  3. Lead channels from the pond to the place of water supply.
  4. Place the tubes along the dug channels.
  5. Combine clay with turf in a ratio of 50% to 50%.
  6. Use water to get the right consistency. Make sure the mixture does not become too liquid.
  7. Lay out the bottom and side walls of the recess with the resulting mixture.
  8. Adjust the problem areas to the desired proportions and level everything with a spatula.

To carry out facing or not - it's up to you. The resulting pond is already a full-fledged reservoir where you can breed fish.

Method 2. How to build a fish pond with film decking?

The most flexible of the options that will not require special construction instructions. The scheme is elementary in implementation, even for those who do this for the first time.

What materials will be required:

  • digging tools;
  • pipes for drainage;
  • film 0.5 - 1 mm thick, preferably black;
  • pegs or stones.

The flexibility of this method lies in the ability to make borders of any irregular shape. The film will lie around the perimeter and, when filled with water, will acquire the outlines of the recess relief.

To build you will need:

  1. Outline the boundaries of the future pond.
  2. Dig a recess with an arbitrary relief of the walls.
  3. Lay drainage channels.
  4. Cover the recess with a film and make holes at the junction points of the water supply pipes and the pond space.
  5. Fix the edges of the film with pegs or stones.

Experience in the fish industry has shown that polyethylene is the best option for insulating a pond. For large spaces, a custom-made film with increased strength indicators is used.

What are the advantages of polyethylene waterproofing:

  • low material cost;
  • simplified installation procedure;
  • after laying the pond is immediately ready for use;
  • the material is very durable;
  • easy to carry out repairs with the material.

In addition, the film is non-toxic to fish and safe for aquatic vegetation.

On request, you can order a special waterproofing with increased strength.

Method 3. A fish pond using plastic.

Unlike the options described above, here the main difficulties may arise at the stage of fitting the shape of the recess to the relief of the plastic.

Plastic frames are usually made to order. It will not be superfluous to think over how you want to see your reservoir, and discuss the points with experts.

The toolkit is not particularly different from the construction by other methods. The main component is a plastic frame, under which all other parameters should be adjusted during the construction of the pond.

Construction algorithm:

  1. Take measurements of the frame, such as length, width, diameter.
  2. Make markings on the ground according to the shape of the plastic frame, taking into account the dimensions.
  3. Dig a hole, observing the shape and depth of the workpiece.
  4. Make an allowance of 6-7 cm around the perimeter for further adjustments.
  5. Place the mold and draw channels to accommodate the water supply pipes.
  6. Connect the pipes and finally level the space along the perimeter of the structure, filling in the gaps between the plastic form and the shore.

The downside, perhaps, is the fixed size of the pond. If you have plans to expand a large business, this method of construction will not work.

Although the construction is durable compared to other options, the cost of plastic frames is quite high.

Method 4. Construction of a pond for breeding fish from a concrete mixture.

The most time-consuming method to achieve the goal.

The result is a highly durable and high quality fish pond. Particularly serious is the choice of location and the procurement of materials for construction.

What materials will be required:

  • digging tools;
  • sand with fine gravel.
    It will be required to strengthen the base at the bottom in the presence of soft areas;
  • tubes for collecting / draining water;
  • waterproofing material.
    The ideal option there will be a film with a thickness of 0.6 mm;
  • cement with filler (sand or fine gravel);
  • spatula for leveling the surface of the pond;
  • containers for mixing components;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • liquid.

The process of building a pond for breeding fish in this way is a phased one, and can take up to 1-2 weeks.

The technology should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid problems with the fish breeding pond in the future.

Algorithm for building a pond for breeding fish:

  1. Using a pointed tool, draw the boundaries of the future reservoir.

    Choose the form of your choice.

  2. Dig the 1st test layer along the perimeter of the borders by 1 bayonet.

    The bevel of the side walls should be no more than 25 degrees.

  3. Dig water inlet and outlet channels for pipes.
  4. Position the pipes inside the channel.
  5. Dig a hole to the depth you need.
  6. At the bottom, the soil should be compacted manually or using special tools.

    If the bottom is soft, it must be strengthened using sand and gravel.

    A layer of stones is covered with sand no more than 1-2 cm thick.

  7. Cut the insulating film according to the shape of the bottom of the pond with a margin for the walls.

    Press the material well to the ground and fix it at the top with pegs or stones.

  8. Mix concrete.

    For harvesting, use 1 part cement to 3 parts sand (the filler may be different).

    Mix everything thoroughly and add liquid to obtain the desired consistency.

  9. Spread the resulting solution evenly on the surface waterproofing material not more than 1 cm thick.

    After application, allow the concrete to dry before proceeding with the next layer.

    Continue the process until the thickness of the concrete pavement is about 9-10 cm.

  10. After 4-5 layers of concrete mixture, a reinforcing mesh should be laid.

    It will be a good support for your pond.

    Position the mesh along the sides of the bottom, and by pressing lightly, adjust it to fit the shape of the recess.

    Top with the next layer of concrete and let the mixture harden.

  11. Locate the water inlet/outlet pipes in the channels.

    Adjust the joints of the holes between the walls and the pipe.

    Cover the gaps with concrete and level with a spatula.

  12. Use a spatula to line the entire pond with concrete mix.

Minor nuances and errors can be resolved after filling the pond.

The construction is very strong and durable. If you wish, you can decorate the shores beautifully and, in addition to trading, start providing tourist fishing services.

All 4 methods of creating a reservoir for breeding fish with the proper level of perseverance and diligence are easy to implement.

Based on the size of the desired design, it is worth choosing the most rational ways to build a pond.

Arranging a fish pond

We have considered how you can create a pond for breeding fish, and now let's dwell on the issue of its construction and arrangement at all stages of construction.

1) What equipment is needed for arranging a pond?

Have you filled the pond and want to start breeding fish?

Animals living in open water bodies have their own characteristics, which are displayed in living conditions. You should learn more about the type of fish you are going to breed and prepare the best conditions for it.

Indispensable in any pond will be gravity filter.

Mobile mounted device for filtering water in a pond when breeding fish. The price of such a mechanism is in the range of 4,000 - 6,000 rubles.

The next indispensable attribute of any place where aquatic animals are bred will be compressor. It will prevent the death of organisms by saturating the water with oxygen.

Well, the 3rd necessary element - ultraviolet sterilizer, which will not let the water bloom. For a price, count on 20,000 - 30,000 rubles, depending on the power and coverage area.

Other components for your pond depend on the species of fish you are going to breed. Information about each species can be obtained individually from specialists or by attending fish farming training seminars.

2) Water quality requirements for fish.

Water is the main component of success when breeding fish. Optimal conditions will allow living creatures to gain weight and multiply well.

Foreign impurities such as bleach, methane and hydrogen sulfide must not be allowed to enter.

A. General requirements.

Water for fish should not have strongly pronounced odors and bright shades in the color scheme.

Farmers often add carbon dioxide to improve the condition of the liquid, but its excess can also harm the microflora. The maximum allowable value of carbon dioxide is 15 mg per 1 liter.

b. The reaction of water to pH.

There are 3 possible states of water in the pond - neutral (PH=7), acidic (PH 7).

The optimal value is within 5 - 7 points. To lower the level of acid in the liquid, the installation of special lime filters is required.

c. iron level.

When filling a fish pond with water, pay attention to the iron salt content.

When reacting with water, oxidation occurs with a high absorption of oxygen, which negatively affects the condition of the fish. With acid reactions, a brown coating settles on the gills, which interferes with respiratory processes and leads to death.

To prevent such situations, periodically aerate the water.

Plants are essential for a stable bioflora in a pond.

A list of acceptable representatives of the flora can be found in the table below:

Periodic analyzes for microbiological and mineral indicators of the state of water will help to track problems in time. Experts will give advice on how to correct the situation and improve the situation.

Industrial ponds are not distinguished by beauty in design. Their main goal is to create the most comfortable conditions for breeding fish.

Our tips will help you properly build and design your pond.

9 tips for building a fish pond:

    Do not exceed the water level in the pond.

    The construction of a catchment canal will allow to keep this factor under control.

    Its width can reach 70 cm, and its depth is not higher than the optimal value in the reservoir.

    The side walls are at a slope of 20-30 degrees and are reinforced with materials of your choice.

    The maximum depth of the pit should not exceed 3 meters.

    These are optimal conditions for wintering and breeding fish.

    About 30% of the area must be taken aground to a depth of 0.5-1 m.

    This will allow the fish to spawn and make feeding easier for you.

    Make at least one of the banks flat.

    The procedure diversifies the flora and improves general condition pond.

    Give priority to building a pond with the ability to divert water.

    To simplify the process of fishing, make a small depression in the center of the pond below the level of the drain.

    It is in it that the fish remaining after draining the water will be located.

    A couple of times a year, clean the bottom of silt and other precipitation.

    Silt is a very useful fertilizer for plants and another source of income for your business.

    Clean the perimeter of the shore near the pond.

    During the construction of the pond, the earth from the pit should be used to strengthen and form the banks.

    The optimal geometric solution would be an oval pond design model.

    If you are counting on collecting rainfall, then use a rectangular shape.

These tips will help you avoid common problems with pollution and the extinction of farmed fish in the pond.

Be careful about the type of fish you are going to breed. It is possible that special conditions will be required for their cultivation, which will entail the purchase of additional equipment.

How to build an eco-pond on the site with your own hands?

A detailed guide with a practical example will inspire you and give you the answer to this question:

fish pond is a good source of regular income. Which method of building and breeding you choose is up to you.

The payback of the fish business is on average 3-7 months, depending on sales volumes.

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2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

By approaching the formation of the pond correctly, studying the parameters of the water and preparing everything for the launch of the fry, the owner will be able to grow the fish to the optimal size. Careful maintenance and cleaning of the artificial reservoir will increase the number of fish for sale, which means increasing the amount of profit.

At the moment, many experts in the field of fish farming consider the fish business to be quite a promising area. Therefore, by creating conditions for its development, it is possible to solve the problem of providing the state with fish and help fish farms in such a difficult task as growing various fish species.

Previously, it was popular to breed fish in artificial reservoirs, but in this case, poachers interfered with the growth and development of young and grown-up individuals, it is for this reason that fish farmers began to engage in organized reproduction and rearing of fish on mini-farms and at home. But in order for fish breeding to be successful, a novice fish farmer needs to study the breeding instructions and adhere to all prescribed rules. Without what home fish farming will not bring the desired results?

Home fish farming from scratch

The most important resource for growing any breed of fish is water. The growth, development and health of young animals will depend on its quality.

Step one. Creation of an artificial reservoir.

Before you start creating a pond, you need to take the time to fully analyze the water, having studied all the indicators and quality standards necessary to populate the reservoir with new residents.

For this purpose, it is best to contact the Epidemiological Surveillance and ask specialists to conduct the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and give advice on how to improve it, if necessary. If the quality of the water does not meet the standards, do not fall into despair. It is enough to aerate and clean the pond and everything will return to normal.

Step two. Determination of the quality of water resources.

The water in a fish pond must necessarily have the following characteristics:

  • The optimal ratio of salts;
  • Regular and irregular temperature conditions;
  • The total number of microorganisms living in it and PH;
  • General transparency;
  • The presence of minerals necessary for future fish;
  • color qualities;
  • The ratio of gases dissolved in water;

If all these characteristics correspond to the declared standards, then it will be possible to grow fish without any problems.

Step three. Baby launch.

Before you start the fry into the pond, you need to know what temperature regime is suitable for the breed of fish you have chosen. There are fish that are more suitable for cold water, and there are fish species that will only feel comfortable in warm water.

Cold-loving breeds include grass carp, carp, catfish, crucian carp, sterlet, silver carp, trout, and peled. Heat-loving fish need to ensure the water temperature is not lower than twenty degrees, and for those who prefer cool waters from ten to twenty degrees. Wintering in the reservoir will also be determined by fish species.

Step four. Stages of growing fish.

In order to properly build your own mini fish farm, you need to know that when growing fish, the breeding stages are taken into account. First, the fish spawn, then the fry appear, then the wintering stage follows, the next growth stage, and experienced fish farmers consider the feeding stage to be the last step.

Taking them into account, it is possible to clearly distinguish between these periods and create the necessary scheme for the growth and development of young and reared individuals. For each of these stages, it is best to equip your own pond or use plastic pools.

In a pool or reservoir for spawning, fish farmers are engaged in breeding fry from eggs. The hatched fry are transplanted into a pond where they will grow. Upon reaching a certain age, they are placed in a nursery pond, where they will gain weight. When the generation gets stronger and it will no longer be possible to worry about its health, it is transferred to a feeding pond, but for wintering a special wintering pond with appropriate conditions for fish is used.

In order for the fish to grow and develop well, the water in the reservoir must be clean and enriched with oxygen. Also, it should not contain hydrogen sulfide and methane. To avoid their appearance, the pond must be created in the appropriate area, which can be determined using a geodetic map. Also in the pond there should be appropriate vegetation that will saturate the water with substances useful for fish.

Step five. Feeding.

Not only water plays an important role in fish farming, but also the use of appropriate feed additives. In order to grow healthy fish, it is necessary to use feed mixtures appropriate for each breed. They are made up of fats, fiber, legumes, grains, proteins, minerals and vitamins needed by fish. The secret of success is simple: in order for the fish to grow well, fish farmers fertilize the reservoirs and mineralize them.

For each age of the fish, it is necessary to use their own feed additives, as well as to raise immunity, they use therapeutic stress food that helps the fish cope with the disease and gain immunity to it. That, in principle, is all that fish farmers who decide to grow fish at home need to know.

Farming fish at home as a business

For growing fish, water is the most important thing; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build an artificial reservoir suitable for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but this idea is better left. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as many fish as possible in your reservoir. For this reason, it is best to forget about renting a pond from government agencies. Moreover, the cost of a business on the basis of state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond in your suburban or summer cottage. The creation of an artificial reservoir will also be expensive, but it will still require much less material and nervous costs from you, and you will also be 100% sure of the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It also needs to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost a lack of three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipping the reservoir. But before proceeding with its creation or purchase, you need to find out: what kind of equipment and materials you will need.

Pond equipment

Purification of water in the reservoir should be carried out using a gravity filter. Installing it is quite simple and it won't take you much time. It costs about five thousand rubles. It is used not only to purify water, but allows you to remove microorganisms that cause water blooms and the appearance of mud.

In order to saturate the water with oxygen, compressor equipment is used. Its cost can reach ten thousand rubles. In order to prevent the water in the reservoir from blooming, sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes are used. To pump water from a reservoir, you need to purchase a hydraulic pump (about five thousand rubles). You can also make it yourself by assembling it from tubes. In this case, the reservoir will be filled with water from underground sources and springs. Feeders can be purchased at stores that sell fishing tackle. Also, do not forget about the drain equipment.

Costs and fish farming technology

The benefits of fish farming are obvious. In the market, let's take, for example, sturgeon, a kilogram costs about two hundred rubles. Buying fry or breeding them yourself, you can get up to a ton of fish per year, which is about one and a half thousand kilograms, which means three hundred thousand rubles.

By spending one hundred and fifty thousand on your fish business, you can work off the costs for the year and still make a profit. The main thing is to find sales points and then you don’t have to worry about profits.

Of course, only those people who understand all the risks and are ready to take them can engage in fish breeding, because this type of business is quite competitive. And if you are not ready to fight and breed really high-quality and selected fish, it is better not to start it.

And now, finally, you have made a firm decision to create your own fish farm. What documents will you need? Since you will be starting a business, you will need to register your business. This will also incur additional costs. You will also need a license to grow fish, which will need to be issued. And when you get the first "harvest", you will still have to go through product quality control and obtain special permission from the relevant structures.

What is the best fish to breed?

If the cost of creating an artificial reservoir is easy to calculate, then the cost of acquiring and growing fish is very difficult. It is for this reason that a clear business plan is essential.

The most unpretentious fish in food and maintenance is carp. It is also available at a cost. When buying a ton of carp fry, you will need to spend about a thousand dollars. Moreover, this fish breed will not begin to multiply immediately, but only after three years. In addition, in the cold season, carps grow twice as slowly.

In industrial terms, all varieties of sturgeon are considered the most profitable fish species. An adult sturgeon weighs an average of five hundred grams. A kilogram of sturgeon in wholesale will cost about ten dollars. In your artificial pond, you can grow about a ton of such fish in six months. And this means that this business can really be called profitable.

Growing fish at home on a mini-farm: how to organize it correctly?

If you follow all the above tips, then growing fish in your pond or pool is not a problem. This is exactly what farmer Mikhail Atamanov does, growing sterlet and trout on his farm in Yaroslavl. For a year he grows and sells up to ten tons of fish and is not going to stop there. According to him, such a business brings him not only tangible profits, but also pleasure.

Breeding fish in a pond as a business is not the easiest thing, but it has a good profitability.

Russia is a country rich in natural resources. In terms of water reserves, it ranks second after Brazil. A large number of reservoirs with fresh water allows you to breed fish. This type of agriculture is little developed among modern entrepreneurs today, largely due to severe competition from foreign fish suppliers.

From the point of view of profitability, breeding fish in a pond allows you to get about 20% of net profit. This business can be done in the southern and northern regions of the country. More preferable is the zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

In the article, we will consider the features of fish breeding in a pond, find out why this particular breeding format is most preferable, calculate profitability, study growing technologies, and information about feeding.

There are 2 areas of fish breeding - in artificial and natural reservoirs. The latter option is quite difficult to implement due to serious administrative barriers. Renting a pond is very difficult. It will take time for the collection of papers, approvals. And you can get the right to rent a particular reservoir only after winning the competitive bidding.

If the entrepreneur does not want to deal with all this paperwork, then he can independently create an artificial reservoir for keeping fish. Today it is grown in one of the following ways:

  • in ponds (allows you to grow a large number of fish, including different types, has a high level of profit and lower cash costs);
  • in pools;
  • cage breeding (usually this method is used for breeding large individuals);
  • breeding in barrels and baths (almost always does not involve the possibility of making a big profit).

Businessmen who have decided to seriously engage in the cultivation of fish stop at raising fish in a pond. This is the most promising and profitable method.

What is the best fish to grow?

Before choosing a place to breed fish, you need to decide what kind of fish to breed. The most popular in the market today are:

  • trout;
  • carp.

The ideal option is to grow fish of these two varieties at once. But it is available only if there is a fairly substantial initial capital. If this is not possible, then the following features should be considered:

As you can see, both breeding formats have their advantages and disadvantages, so the breeder must make the final decision himself, assessing the level of his knowledge, starting capital and responsibility.

Choosing a place to fish

Surely even novice fish breeders know that the rate of increase in the number and mass of individuals, as well as their health, depends on the level of water temperature and its acidity. It is quite difficult to assess these factors on your own, so it is better to use the services of a specialist who can give a fish-biological justification at the end of his work.

The choice of location directly depends on the type of fish. For example, trout feel best at temperatures from 16 0 C to 19 0 C. It is better to keep it in a pond with a depth of at least 15 meters.

But the carp is more thermophilic. It must be kept at a temperature of 24 0 C - 25 0 C. They do not require great depth. One and a half meters will be enough.

It is better to breed any fish in a release pond, so it will be much easier to collect individuals for further sale.

If the entrepreneur has already decided that he will breed fish in the pond, then he has a few more unresolved issues. He must:

  • choose a growing method;
  • properly equip the reservoir;
  • buy necessary inventory;
  • develop a nutrition system in accordance with the recommendations of more experienced businessmen in this field.

The growth rate and further productivity of adults will depend on the amount of food, the correctly chosen climatic zone and the quality of the water.

Fish breeding method

The growth rate of fish depends on the conditions and place of residence. If it is contained in a pond, then it takes about 1.5-2 years to grow. That is how long it takes the fish to reach a significant mass. To breed individuals in a pond, one of the following methods can be used:

  1. extensive (the fish eats food from the reservoir, no additional additives are used in this case) - almost does not require current investments from the businessman;
  2. intensive (reclamation of the reservoir is carried out to enrich the feed, purchased feed is additionally used) - requires more investment than in the first method, but allows you to increase the growth rate.

In addition to methods, there are also several technologies for growing fish: traditional and continuous.

The traditional format consists of a growing cycle of 2 to 3 years. This technology is used for breeding exclusively herbivorous fish. This technique is not so common today, as it requires a long time. It consists of several stages, ending with the descent of water from the pond. In this case, it is necessary to use several types of ponds - wintering, feeding, fry. During the transplantation of fish, their high mortality is observed.

Increasingly, fish breeders today are using continuous technology, as it is much easier to apply. According to this method, young animals are grown separately, and then planted in a feeding pond for their further growth and reproduction.

Features of the selection of a site for creating a pond

Fish breeding is possible not only outside the city, but also within it, provided that you have your own large plot. The presence of plants in the pond is a must. In no case should there be peat and silt at the bottom. It is important to make sure in advance that the reservoir is suitable for growing and incubation, and not just for keeping individuals.

The decorative elements of the pond can be chosen at your discretion, but during construction, you must take into account the following tips from more experienced entrepreneurs involved in fish farming:

  • the most suitable pond volume is from 30 to 50 m 2, a smaller pond will need to be carefully monitored, and a larger pond will result in serious costs;
  • you need to have a pond in a low area;
  • there must be a shade so that the fish can hide in it in the hot season;
  • it is better not to make a flat bottom, but to make sections with thresholds, ledges;
  • each species of fish requires the creation of a reservoir with different types soil.

When breeding fish in an artificial pond, it will not do without special equipment. The entrepreneur will need:

  • gravity filter (will filter water, simple and convenient to use);
  • compressor (will saturate the water with oxygen);
  • ultraviolet sterilizer (will not allow the reservoir to bloom).

Additionally, other devices may be needed, here everything will already depend on the type of fish grown.


One of the most important factors for rapid growth is proper feeding of the fish. There is no universal solution here. It all depends on the species grown, because each variety has its own food preferences, grows to a certain size. Of course, much depends on the conditions of detention. If a businessman wants to accelerate the growth of individuals, then it is worth adding protein-rich feed to food.

Fish do not require a lot of food. So, to increase the mass by 1 kilogram, the diet must have a value of at least 4,500 kcal.

It is important to monitor the amount of amino acids in food, since it is they that cause appetite and directly affect the rate of weight gain. It also prevents many diseases in fish, especially fry.

A healthy diet should also include:

  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • fiber (the volume of its consumption depends on the type of fish farmed, the minimum amount is 20%, for some species this value may be higher);
  • biologically active substances (these can be enzymes or premixes);
  • cereals (for example, you can add bran to the feed, they will be an excellent source of carbohydrates);
  • vitamin B;
  • products of meat origin (special flour, low-fat dairy products).

Such a balanced diet will allow the fish to grow quickly, maintain their health and reproduction.

Diseases as a cause of high mortality in fish

Sometimes entrepreneurs underestimate the impact of disease on reproduction rates and mortality rates. But when breeding fish in a pond, the risk of disease is very high. That is why it is necessary to check the condition of individuals at least once every 10 days. Freshwater fish are most often characterized by the following diseases:

Disease name

Symptoms of the disease


Bulging of the eyes, the skin is inflamed, dropsy begins, small hemorrhages appear.

gill rot

Death of the edges of the gill tissue, pallor of the gills. Large individuals refuse to eat, become inactive.


Gill tissue is injured. The disease is especially dangerous for young animals.


White bumps appear on the body.


Decreased activity level, exhaustion, anemia of the gills, sunken eyes. It usually appears during the hot season. Young individuals are most susceptible to this disease.

Fish marketing channels

Farmed fish are fairly easy to sell. Most often, entrepreneurs use the following sales channels:

  • fish shops and kiosks;
  • supermarkets and small shops;
  • restaurants;
  • sale to local residents;
  • internet trading.

To be eligible to sell fish, you must register officially. As a form of tax, it is better to choose ESHN.

The influence of business seasonality on its payback and financial results

Breeding fish in a pond is a seasonal business. The peak of growth activity occurs in spring and summer. But even in winter, individuals need to be looked after: feed them, make holes on the ice. Fish are usually sold in the autumn period.

The cost of a kilogram of fish will depend on the season of sale. The lowest prices will be in September, October and November. But in the remaining months, the cost will be slightly higher, which will allow you to get a higher profit for selling the same amount of fish.

It is seasonality in this area of ​​business that is its main drawback, which negatively affects the development of individual farms. Real income is possible for only 3-4 months. All other periods of time will need to be invested.

So that the enterprise does not turn out to be unprofitable, it is necessary to think through all the nuances in advance, draw up a detailed business plan with accurate calculations. We must not forget that the level of competition in this area is very high, so working in fishing industry worth it for those who are confident in their abilities and are ready to work for the result.

Due to the presence of seasonality, it will not be possible to return your investments quickly. The payback period can reach 6-12 months. And without special knowledge in the fishing industry, you can completely go into the red.

The main cost items will be:

  • purchase of fry;
  • purchase of feed and all kinds of additives to them;
  • purchase of special equipment;
  • the cost of arranging the pond and its maintenance.

It is possible to hope for high incomes only in case of proper maintenance and care of fish, a constant increase in their numbers. This type of business requires special attention by a businessman or hired staff.

A reservoir, even a small one, many would like to have on their suburban area. A small pond can not only create a wonderful microclimate right next to the house and diversify the landscape. Very often it also becomes a source of income. All that is needed for this is to arrange a pond for fish. not too simple, but if you have the desire and certain knowledge, it is quite feasible.

Where to begin?

First of all, you should decide on the shape and size of the future pond. If desired, you can arrange round, square, oval, etc. water. Success in such a business as fish breeding does not depend on the shape, but on the size of the pond. It should be borne in mind that the option is smaller than one meter and already ten in this case is completely unacceptable. The larger the reservoir, the faster the young growth will grow in it and the easier it will be to care for it. The best option is a pond for fish about 25-50 m 2 in size.

Pond device. Basic Rules

When constructing a reservoir, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of experienced fish farmers. This will make the growing process much more efficient. Success in fish breeding is only guaranteed if a number of conditions are met.

  1. Correctly selected soil for the bottom of the reservoir.
  2. The bottom of the complex relief is arranged. Shallow areas should alternate with deep ones.
  3. The right place for the reservoir itself.

How to choose the right place

A pond for breeding fish should definitely be arranged in open areas. In this case, it is best if during the day one part of it is illuminated, and the other is in the shade. It is also very important to ensure that shrubs and trees do not grow in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir. The fact is that their roots, penetrating into the water, will certainly begin to cause decay processes, which will negatively affect the weight gain of the fish. In addition, rotting foliage constantly floating on the surface of the water will not decorate the pond in any way.

When choosing a place for a future pond, it is also necessary to take into account such important point as an opportunity to supply electricity. It is useful for aeration device in winter period time.

Types of ponds for fish

So, you have decided where to arrange a pond. it will be successful only if you have taken into account all the above recommendations. Now you need to decide what exactly the reservoir will be. To date, there are several varieties of ponds suitable for breeding fish.

  1. With concrete base. The device of such a reservoir is somewhat laborious. However, the result will be guaranteed durable.
  2. Plastic pond. It is mainly suitable only for breeding ornamental fish, since the size of such a reservoir is limited.
  3. The pond, arranged using Can have an arbitrary shape and large enough. However, the service life of the film is limited to 10 years.
  4. Unlined reservoir. This option is ideal for a site with a high level of groundwater. The bottom and walls in this case are coated with clay and lined with turf.

Most often, a concrete pond for fish is arranged at their summer cottage.

The device of a concrete pond in stages

In the selected place, the contours of the future reservoir are marked out using pegs and a cord. Next, proceed to the excavation to the required depth (the depth of the pond plus the thickness of the concrete). The side walls are made inclined (an angle of about 20 °). The soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully tamped. In the event that it is too soft, it is necessary to perform additional reinforcement with crushed stone. The latter is also rammed and covered with a layer of sand on top.

For pouring, take a concrete mixture in a ratio of 1 * 3 (cement * filler). At the bottom, on wooden blocks, they are installed from a wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm (step 30 cm). Next, pipes are laid in those places where there will be holes for the inflow and outflow of water and the bottom is poured with concrete.

After everything hardens, proceed to the installation of formwork for the walls. You can make it from ordinary boards. lay in layers of 10 cm and carefully tamp. This way you can get a very durable pond for breeding fish of any shape, size and depth.

The formwork is removed after about two weeks. The sides and bottom of the pond must be plastered. To do this, use a concrete mix also in the proportion of 1 * 3. The thickness of the plaster in this case should be about 2.5 cm. Experts advise adding a special waterproofing additive to the solution. This will increase the life of the bottom and walls of the pond.

Breeding fish in ponds. General information

Success in breeding fish in a country pond, as in any other, depends primarily on such a criterion as water quality. In this case, the most important parameter can be considered the amount of oxygen dissolved in it. Its deficiency will necessarily lead to a stop in the growth of fish or even to its death. Oxygen can be wasted in the process of decay. Therefore, it is very important to be on time from pollution. In addition, you should purchase in special. shop aerator corresponding to the size of the pond capacity.

Also, for the normal life of fish, various kinds of minerals are needed - iron, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, potassium and calcium salts, etc. It is also important to consider such an indicator as the level of acidity of water. For most fish species, a neutral reaction (PH7) is suitable.

Launching fish into the pond

So, we figured out how to make a pond for fish. Next stage is its launch. Of course, aquatic plants must first be planted at the bottom of the pond. They can become an additional source of oxygen. Water poured into the reservoir for the first time should stand in it for about a month. During this time, natural silt forms on the walls and bottom, and the plants take root. After standing, the water is drained and a new one is poured. Fish are introduced into the reservoir gradually, starting with no more than three or four individuals. It is best to do this in the spring, after waiting for the water temperature to reach about 25 °.

What fish is best to breed in a country pond

The following fish can be bred in the country pond.

  1. Sudak. For a year, young growth reaches a length of 30 cm. This fish is very voracious. When growing pike perch from the larval age, you will need 300 pieces of juveniles of other fish.
  2. Perch. Very unpretentious fish, feeding only in the daytime.
  3. Som. When growing it, the pond is usually populated with small fish that feed it - bleak, stickleback, etc.
  4. Gobies and ruffs. Pretty good fish

All of these species can survive in a small body of water and even breed in it. However, carp, tench and crucian carp are most often bred in country ponds. These are the most unpretentious, not too voracious and fast-growing fish. We will talk about how to properly care for them below.

Tench breeding

Tench is a sedentary fish and is quite capable of existing in water bodies with a very low oxygen content. For successful cultivation and breeding, a pond one meter deep and 3 * 10 m in size will be enough. In the case of tench, the second parameter can be considered more important. The larger the area of ​​​​the reservoir, the faster the young will gain weight. This fish grows quite fast. Already by the second year of life, it is gaining a commercial mass of 150-180 g. However, this is only if all the necessary breeding conditions are met. Those who wish to grow tench in the country should know that this fish loves warm water very much. In well-heated reservoirs, it grows much faster.

Breeding fish in ponds, including tench, begins with the selection of producers. Launching into the reservoir is carried out in the spring. For a small pond, 1 female and 2-3 males will be enough. Tench spawning begins in late May - early June.

The fry that appear in the pond will need to be fed. You can use for this grain waste, as well as seeds of weeds. In addition, the tench is fed with a mixture of vegetables, passed through a meat grinder. For this purpose, beets, potatoes and carrots are just perfect. You can also use compound feed. These types of food are always given in a strictly defined place, in shallow water. Otherwise, the fish pond will quickly become dirty and silted up. To catch the tench, the water from the reservoir will need to be drained. This fish is very fond of digging into the silt, especially in autumn, on cold days. Therefore, capture should be done as carefully as possible.

Carp breeding

Carp is also a fish bred in ponds quite often. Its distinguishing feature is rapid weight gain and unpretentiousness. For getting good result when breeding, it is necessary to ensure that there are no more than two individuals per square meter of the reservoir, and even better - one. The optimum water temperature is 24-26 degrees. Too cold habitat carp does not tolerate. At a temperature of 12 ° simply stops eating. This fish does not need a particularly deep pond. It will be enough 1-1.5 m. Carp can be fed with compound feed, as well as legumes and cereals once or twice a day. In order for the fish to develop food, it is necessary to throw it in the same place.

Breeding carp

Kras is perhaps the most unpretentious, and therefore simply ideal for breeding in a suburban area, fish. Even in a very small pond, up to two dozen fish (weighing up to 300 g) can be settled. They feed carp in the same way as carp and tench. From time to time, in addition to other types of food, you can throw pieces of bread into the pond.

Very often, the owners of summer cottages release fish caught in lakes and rivers into the pond. In this case, you need to follow one simple rule. Be sure to equalize the temperature of the water in the container in which the fish is transported with the temperature of the water in the pond. The package is simply placed in the pond and wait a bit.

Breeding fish in a small pond is a fascinating and profitable business. If you wish, you can arrange a pond for fish with your own hands in the country and start carp or carp in it in just one season. The finished reservoir will surely become a real "highlight" of the suburban area.