Taekwondo Olympics Russian participants. Most dramatic fighter

The 2016 Summer Olympics will be held from August 20 to 20 at the Arena Carioca 3 in Olympic park in the Barra da Tijuca area. 128 athletes will compete for eight sets of medals: 4 for men and 4 for women.


date August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20
Category\Time 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05
up to 58 kg 01 !
up to 68 kg 01 !
up to 80 kg 01 !
over 80 kg 01 !
date August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20
Category\Time 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05 09:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 20:00 - 23:05
up to 49 kg 01 !
up to 57 kg 01 !
up to 67 kg 01 !
over 67 kg 01 !


Overall standings

(Bold allocated the largest number of medals in their category; host country also highlighted)

Total medals
Place A country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 2 0 3 5
2 2 0 0 2
3 1 1 1 3
4 1 0 2 3
5 1 0 1 2
6 1 0 0 3
7 0 1 1 2
0 1 1 2
9 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
14 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
Total 8 8 16 32



Discipline Gold Silver Bronze
Up to 58 kg
Up to 68 kg
Up to 80 kg
Over 80 kg


Discipline Gold Silver Bronze
Up to 49 kg
Up to 57 kg
Up to 67 kg

An excerpt characterizing Taekwondo at the 2016 Summer Olympics

Everyone stood in gloomy silence. The tall fellow moved his lips and staggered.
“I should have asked him!.. Is that himself?.. Why, he asked! two mounted dragoons.
The police chief, who went that morning on the count's order to burn the barges and, on the occasion of this order, rescued a large sum of money that was in his pocket at that moment, seeing a crowd of people advancing towards him, ordered the coachman to stop.
- What kind of people? he shouted at the people, who were approaching the droshky, scattered and timid. - What kind of people? I'm asking you? repeated the chief of police, who received no answer.
“They, your honor,” said the clerk in a frieze overcoat, “they, your honor, at the announcement of the most illustrious count, not sparing their stomachs, wanted to serve, and not just some kind of rebellion, as it was said from the most illustrious count ...
“The count has not left, he is here, and there will be an order about you,” said the chief of police. – Went! he said to the coachman. The crowd stopped, crowding around those who had heard what the authorities said, and looking at the departing droshky.
The police chief at this time looked around in fright, said something to the coachman, and his horses went faster.
- Cheating, guys! Lead to yourself! shouted the voice of the tall fellow. - Don't let go, guys! Let him submit a report! Hold on! shouted the voices, and the people ran after the droshky.
The crowd behind the police chief with a noisy conversation headed for the Lubyanka.
“Well, gentlemen and merchants have left, and that’s why we’re disappearing?” Well, we are dogs, eh! – was heard more often in the crowd.

On the evening of September 1, after his meeting with Kutuzov, Count Rastopchin, upset and offended that he was not invited to the military council, that Kutuzov did not pay any attention to his proposal to take part in the defense of the capital, and surprised by the new look that opened to him in the camp , in which the question of the calmness of the capital and its patriotic mood turned out to be not only secondary, but completely unnecessary and insignificant - upset, offended and surprised by all this, Count Rostopchin returned to Moscow. After supper, the count, without undressing, lay down on the couch and at one o'clock was awakened by a courier who brought him a letter from Kutuzov. The letter said that since the troops were retreating to the Ryazan road beyond Moscow, would it please the count to send police officials to lead the troops through the city. This news was not news to Rostopchin. Not only from yesterday's meeting with Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Hill, but even from the battle of Borodino itself, when all the generals who came to Moscow unanimously said that it was impossible to give another battle, and when, with the permission of the count, state property was already taken out every night and the inhabitants left halfway, Count Rostopchin knew that Moscow would left; but nevertheless this news, reported in the form of a simple note with an order from Kutuzov and received at night, during the first dream, surprised and annoyed the count.
Subsequently, explaining his activities during this time, Count Rostopchin wrote several times in his notes that he then had two important goals: De maintenir la tranquillite a Moscou et d "en faire partir les habitants. [Keep calm in Moscow and expel from If we admit this dual purpose, any action of Rostopchin turns out to be irreproachable. Why weren’t the Moscow shrines, weapons, cartridges, gunpowder, grain supplies taken out, why were thousands of residents deceived by the fact that Moscow would not be surrendered, and ruined? in order to keep calm in the capital, answers the explanation of Count Rostopchin. Why were piles of unnecessary papers taken out of government offices and Leppich's ball and other objects? - In order to leave the city empty, the explanation of Count Rostopchin answers. One has only to assume that something threatened people's peace, and every action becomes justified.
All the horrors of terror were based only on concern for the people's peace.
What was the basis of Count Rostopchin's fear of public peace in Moscow in 1812? What reason was there to suppose a tendency to rebellion in the city? The inhabitants were leaving, the troops, retreating, filled Moscow. Why should the people revolt as a result of this?
Not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, when the enemy entered, there was nothing resembling indignation. On the 1st and 2nd of September, more than ten thousand people remained in Moscow, and, apart from the crowd that had gathered in the courtyard of the commander-in-chief and attracted by him, there was nothing. It is obvious that even less one should have expected unrest among the people if, after the Battle of Borodino, when the abandonment of Moscow became obvious, or at least probably, if then, instead of disturbing the people with the distribution of weapons and posters, Rostopchin took measures to the removal of all sacred things, gunpowder, charges and money, and would directly announce to the people that the city was being abandoned.
Rostopchin, an ardent, sanguine man, who always moved in the highest circles of the administration, although with a patriotic feeling, had not the slightest idea about the people he thought to rule. From the very beginning of the enemy's entry into Smolensk, Rastopchin in his imagination formed for himself the role of the leader of the people's feelings - the heart of Russia. It not only seemed to him (as it seems to every administrator) that he controlled the external actions of the inhabitants of Moscow, but it seemed to him that he directed their mood through his appeals and posters, written in that jarring language, which in its midst despises the people and whom he does not understands when he hears it from above. Rastopchin liked the beautiful role of the leader of popular feeling so much, he got used to it so much that the need to get out of this role, the need to leave Moscow without any heroic effect took him by surprise, and he suddenly lost the ground on which he stood from under his feet, in resolutely did not know what to do. Although he knew, he did not believe with all his heart until the last minute in leaving Moscow and did nothing to this end. Residents moved out against his will. If government offices were taken out, then only at the request of officials, with whom the count reluctantly agreed. He himself was busy only with the role that he had made for himself. As is often the case with people endowed with ardent imagination, he knew for a long time that Moscow would be abandoned, but he knew only by reasoning, but he did not believe in it with all his heart, he was not transported by his imagination to this new position.
All his activity, diligent and energetic (how useful it was and reflected on the people is another question), all his activity was aimed only at arousing in the inhabitants the feeling that he himself experienced - patriotic hatred for the French and confidence in itself.
But when the event took on its real, historical dimensions, when it turned out to be insufficient to express one’s hatred for the French in words alone, when it was impossible even to express this hatred in a battle, when self-confidence turned out to be useless in relation to one question of Moscow, when the entire population, as one person , throwing their property, flowed out of Moscow, showing by this negative action the full strength of their popular feeling - then the role chosen by Rostopchin suddenly turned out to be meaningless. He suddenly felt lonely, weak and ridiculous, without ground under his feet.

RIO DE JANEIRO, August 17 - R-Sport, Oleg Bogatov. Three representatives of the Russian national team - Alexei Denisenko, Albert Gaun and Anastasia Baryshnikova - enter the fight for medals at the taekwondo tournament in Rio de Janeiro.

More than a hundred 128 athletes (16 in each of eight weight categories) from 63 countries of the world will compete in the competition, which will be held August 17-20. The largest quota (five) was received by representatives of South Korea.

The teams of France, Mexico, Great Britain, the USA, China, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Australia and Iran have four participants, three each for the teams of Russia, Egypt, Croatia, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisia, the Dominican Republic, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Belgium.

Point of reference - three awards

Russian athletes for all the years of performances in Olympic tournaments(the first of them took place in 2000) climbed the podium three times. The first ever award to the national team was brought in 2000 by Natalia Ivanova, who became the silver medalist of the competition in the weight category over 67 kilograms. And in 2012, at the games in London, Alexei Denisenko (up to 58) and Anastasia Baryshnikova (over 67) achieved bronze success.

Olympic laureates won quotas

Denisenko and Baryshnikov again won the right to compete at the Olympic Games. They intend to replenish the medal collection in 2016. But the athlete in the new cycle moved to a heavier - up to 68 kg - weight category, in which he continues to perform successfully. Evidence of this is the silver medals at the 2014 European Championship in Baku and the 2015 World Championship in Chelyabinsk, as well as bronze medals at the 2015 European Games.

Baryshnikova will perform in the category up to 67 kg, and in the inter-Olympic cycle she has won the European Championship in 2014 and the European Games in Baku.

The third member of the Russian squad - Albert Gaun (up to 80) - is the vice-champion of the European Games in this weight, the champion of Europe-2014, the silver medalist of the World Championship-2013 and the bronze winner of the world championship-2015 in the category up to 74 kg.

The first rivals are from Venezuela, the USA and Germany

According to the results of the qualification selection, the Russians take high places in the Olympic ranking: Denisenko and Gaun are in fourth positions in the starting list, and Baryshnikova is in fifth.

Denisenko will open the performances of the Russians on Thursday - his opponent in the 1/16 finals will be the Venezuelan Edgar Cantreras. Baryshnikova on Friday in a similar round will meet with the bronze medalist of the 2013 World Championship and the 2014 European Championship (albeit in the category up to 62 kg) German Rabiya Gulech.

The most titled opponent in the first stage of the competition at Gaun is the Olympic champion in Sydney and Athens, the bronze medalist of the Beijing Games, the world champion in 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009, American Steven Lopez. However, at the world championships in 2013 and 2015, the athlete completed the fight for awards in the quarterfinals.

Looking forward to medals

On the eve of the tournament, President of the Russian Taekwondo Union Anatoly Terekhov told the R-Sport agency that one silver medal would be a success for the team following the results of the main competition of the four years. But both the head of the organization and the head coach of the Russian national team Vadim Ivanov are sure that Denisenko, Baryshnikova and Gaun set themselves only the maximum tasks and aim to pave the way to the top of the Olympic podium.

“In general, the results of the draw can be called successful for us. But this is not luck, this is a consequence of the good work of our athletes over the past three and a half years, which allowed them to take high places in the world rankings,” he said in a conversation with a R- correspondent. Sports "Vadim Ivanov.

Taekwondo is martial arts, which originated in Korea quite recently. The basic principles are based on karate, but unlike it, taekwondo has many different kicks. The word itself is translated as "the way of the fist and the foot." The discipline was added to the Summer Olympics in 2000.

Participants in taekwondo games

128 taekwondo wrestlers will attend the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Of these, there will be 64 men and women, each group in 4 weight categories. In total, 8 sets of medals will be played.

One country can send no more than 8 athletes to the Summer Olympic Games: one in each weight category. To do this, it is necessary that the selection confirm their right to participate in competitions. The main part of the places in the competition goes to the winners of several continental competitions, each of which the Olympics regards as a qualifying tournament:

  • World ranking;
  • European qualification of the competition;
  • African qualification;
  • Oceania qualification;
  • Pan American Qualification;
  • Asian qualification.

Additionally, athletes can take part in the Games based on the rating or by decision of a special commission.

Taekwondo competition calendar

Taekwondo competition lasts 4 days, from 17 to 20 August. On each day, the finals of the competition for one weight group for men and one for women begin and end. Competition schedule:

  • August 17th. Men: up to 58 kg. Women: up to 49 kg;
  • 18 August. Men: up to 68 kg. Women: up to 57 kg;
  • August 19. Men: up to 80 kg. Women: up to 67 kg;
  • August 20th. Men: over 80 kg. Women: over 67 kg.

The martial art of taekwondo originated in Korea. The main feature of this art is that most of the strikes are done with the feet. All kicks are qualified higher than any others. If a punch and a kick are compared, then a kick gives an advantage.

A jump kick is rated higher than if it is taken from the ground. If a fighter makes a series of punches, then this is evaluated in the same way as one kick. But in a series of kicks, each is evaluated separately.

Competitions are held on a square tatami with a side of 12 m. It has an elastic coating.

One round lasts three minutes, for a total of three rounds in a match. In men's competitions, a pause of one minute is made between rounds, and in women's - two minutes.

Taekwondo has a lot in common with karate. This system also has several belts of different colors, which the participants receive when they master the wrestling technique. olympic taekwondo sport different from the traditional one. The Taekwondo Federation has developed a special version of this wrestling for the Summer Olympics.

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Another 72 licenses (9 in each weight category) will find their owners based on the results of the continental Olympic qualifying tournaments (within the continental quotas: Europe - 16, Africa - 16, America - 16, Asia - 16 and Oceania - 8). Four licenses (two for men and two for women) will be distributed according to the quota of the Trilateral Commission. The minimum quota of the host country is also two licenses for men and women.

According to the WTF rating, each country can win the maximum number of licenses - eight (four for men and women), and through qualifying tournaments - a maximum of two (for men and women). Countries that have won no more than one license in the WTF rating for both men and women are eligible to participate in continental qualifying tournaments. If, for example, according to the WTF rating, two licenses are won for men and one (none) for women, in the continental qualifying tournament, the country can only be represented in the women's part of the competition.

Type of Olympic license: nominal

National federations and the Olympic Committee have the right to redistribute a license won on the basis of the WTF Olympic ranking from one athlete to another, but who is not lower than 20th in the WTF ranking.

Olympic licenses of the Russian team

1. Men, 58-68 kg - Alexey Denisenko

2. Men, 68-80 kg - Albert Gown

3. Women, 57-67 kg - Anastasia Baryshnikova

Among the Russian taekwondo athletes in the final "TOP-6" (December 2015) in the Olympic rating based on the results of three stages and the Grand Prix Final in their weight categories entered bronze medalists The 2012 Olympics Alexei Denisenko (up to 68 kg) and Anastasia Baryshnikova (up to 67 kg), as well as the 2014 European champion and two-time winner of the world championships Albert Gaun (up to 80 kg). The listed athletes guaranteed themselves and Russia Olympic licenses. Another Russian woman Olga Ivanova (over 67 kg), who claimed an Olympic ticket, lost this opportunity, performing unsuccessfully at the continental qualifying tournament in Istanbul (January 16-17, 2016)

Head coach of the Russian national team Vadim Ivanov

Team preparation for Olympic Games going according to plan. Four years ago we incorporated the medal plan into the targeted comprehensive program - one silver medal and one bronze. And if we manage to raise the bar of achievements compared to the London Olympics, this will be a worthy result for our team.