Weight loss after caesarean section where to start. How to lose weight after a caesarean section - gymnastics

Hello everyone who visits! The story of a fat girl who became slim and improved her figure after CS)


Since childhood, I have been a fat child. The one that "friends" and classmates laugh at and say taunts (even if they are beaten for it😹) My family loves to eat, so much so that the first, second and seagulls with cookies, and in between sweets and homemade cakes, pies. Therefore, neither hormones nor genetics are to blame for my fullness, but only malnutrition in abundance.

I dreamed of losing weight, but as a child, I did nothing. I was inspired to lose weight by my classmate friend, who was also fat, but suddenly began to lose weight and receive a bunch of compliments. I immediately decided "I want the same!" 10 years ago, getting on the Internet was not as easy as it is now, and we found information about nutrition and exercise in magazines like "lose weight" or other glossy magazines.

I lost weight from 60 kg to 47 in 4 months (by graduation at school) in this way: refused bread, sugar in tea and coffee, ate one thing (the first or second but not both dishes at once) in a small portion if I wanted candy or sweetness, ate for breakfast and a little bit), did exercises for the press, joint exercises, etc. (10-15 minutes a day)

Of course, a new slender reflection in the mirror changes in better side self-esteem and quality of life in general! I liked being slim, receiving compliments and admiring questions "how did you do it? how did you lose weight?" and I didn’t quit losing weight, but on the contrary, I began to move on. I bought DVD discs with workouts that I found in my city.

The photo shows that I didn’t become very thin, I still had a little extra, as my husband says, “appetizing.” Because of my short stature, I always wore heels and loved dresses very much, besides, I naturally have a thin waist , so I seemed slimmer) my weight was 49-51 kg for several years (height 155 cm)

I was like this from 17 to 22 years old, and everything suited me in myself until I became pregnant and gave birth.

Weight loss after CS.

I gained almost the norm during pregnancy (13-14 kg), a month later I weighed 54 kg, but what was my figure ...

Recently, the narrow waist has become square, a protruding large belly and a crease above the seam, and without that an outstanding butt simply merged with the back and thighs together, fat frogs and hands in the forearms. All problem areas (legs, arms) have become fatter, the butt is just a flat board, the waist is square - my main dignity in the figure has disappeared. But there was a breast of the 3rd size (only for the duration of the GW)

This sight made me very sad, lowering my mood and self-esteem. All the old things were sitting "wrong" and trying on old dresses, I was only upset to tears.

Since there was breastfeeding, diets were contraindicated, I just tried not to eat harmful things (sweet, starchy foods - besides, this is not necessary for a nursing mother)

In the first month, my seam and back hurt, I started doing "articular exercises" in order to quickly get back to normal and start exercising.

Tell me, where did she find time for the figure? My baby was very restless, to rock him I had to jump on the fitball for half an hour (as a warm-up), then gently lie down in the crib, and sit next to him for an hour - fix the nipple, pump up in the crib, say "chi-chi-chi" at the right moment 😂 in a different way - nothing if I immediately left the crib - a terrible op and again a half-hour swing on the fitball is provided. At this time, I worked out near the crib in the dark (the desire to return the figure was so strong that I was ready for anything as far as possible)

Since there was an operation, and it was not advised to immediately load heavily, I started with simple exercises(charging + lunges, squats, push-ups, etc.) within a month or two (one month after the CS)

Then I found a wonderful site "your trainer", where in the public domain, for free, for any need (weight loss / weight gain / relief) there are many training programs for home and gym (what many insta-fitness girls offer for money) the site also has a description of each exercise + video, it is possible to ask the trainer a question for free. Overall a great site) [link] ​

I started with "beginner" workouts and small 3kg dumbbells. Since then, for 2 years now I have been changing training programs, now I have collapsible dumbbells of 9 kg each (gradually increased weight)

By the age of 6 months, I already looked "nothing"

At the end of the GV, I decided: LOSE WEIGHT!!!

I went on Kim Protasov’s diet for 3-4 weeks (it was just summer, the vegetables were home-made, I didn’t want to eat in the heat, the diet was easy), I worked out from the site according to the “for weight loss” program and lost weight so that I hung a little before pregnant things) But what is most pleasant, the body from training with weights has changed a lot for the better:

I got a butt, albeit not perfect, but better than before pregnancy! The whole body became drier and juicier, as if "formed", shoulders and knees got prettier. I can't say that I became a straight fitness girl with dry abs and broad shoulders. But now I like the figure more than it was before pregnancy and sports.

And I'm far from being a professional in sports, I'm rather an amateur, so I do it at home. At times, I am overcome by laziness or fatigue, and I abandon training even for a couple of months, or I do it haphazardly (when I remember, even once a week) I can go into a binge.

I can’t say that I have reached some heights, or I have a heartbreaking story “how I lost weight from 100 kg to 50”

My story is that everything is possible, you just have to want, and I move on to my ideal, I see more large field for work, although everything suits me in myself, but this also slows down further improvements (I think sometimes "it's so good, I eat a chocolate bar at night and don't do it")

By the way, my stomach did not become perfectly flat, I have diastasis, which may have slightly decreased from my efforts (pp, exercises, vacuum exercise for the abdomen)

About PP.

There was a time when, like crazy, I made my own food separately from my husband according to pp-recipes. Now I don’t bother like that anymore, I’m not drawn to junk food (such as fried potatoes, fried meat, everything fatty that I cook for my husband and cook in other families, and I also draw much less on sweets and cookies) I like my wholesome food , I enjoy it. But it took time, and I think it's force of habit.

Approximate my diet for the day

Morning: oatmeal (I love it with cottage cheese)

Snack (maybe none, maybe 2 snacks) fruits unlimited (or something else)

Lunch: protein (breast or other meat / eggs / fish) vegetable salads, complex carbohydrates (cereals) according to mood

Snack: may or may not be, or 2 fruit snacks

Dinner: cottage cheese or meat with salad. I can make cottage cheese with jam, but stevia from fitparad is best.

Maybe it's not 100% correct, but I'm so comfortable. To change your attitude to food, I advise you to read the books "Goodbye diet" or "Eat less. Stop overeating." - Riley Gillian.

Now, if I don’t “lose weight by summer”, I can eat sweets every day (a couple of sweets or cookies. Before reading the books I spoke about earlier, I could eat a kilogram of sweets in a sitting)

Other "things" for a slim figure.

After the operation, when it was allowed to wet the seam, I did a daily scrub (coffee, salt) - this helped the skin to contract and be elastic. Now I do a coffee scrub once or twice a week (coffee + honey + oil), recently I did a course of home wraps and was delighted with the velvety and elasticity of the skin)

My opinion on lip augmentation

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The birth of a baby is a wonderful period for every woman, but how to lose weight after a cesarean and remove the stomach is acceptable, fast way so that exercises and massages do not affect the seam? Obstetrician-gynecologists do not recommend lifting more than 2 kg, but do not be upset, there are ways to help remove a hanging belly and restore its former figure. And classes can be done at home.

How to remove the stomach after cesarean

Women get discouraged when they see a big belly after caesarean section. The skin on the sides is also stretched, does not go away, ugly folds have formed. On top of that, there are a number of prohibitions that do not allow a woman to train intensively or starve. Wondering how to get rid of the stomach after a cesarean is not worth the first three months. At this time, all metabolic processes are being established, hormonal changes begin, and the process of lactation is carried out.

Even in this case, in a completely natural way, you can lose some weight. It is important to note that during lactation, fat is released into the mother's milk. The child will naturally rid the young mother of excess lipids contained in her body. For proper sleep, the child should often walk on the street - this is a great opportunity to lose weight. Together with the stroller, you can do long walks on foot.

Is it possible to remove the stomach after a caesarean section

After three months, you can do gymnastics, it will help restore slim stomach after caesarean. Regular trips to the pool will help well, water procedures contribute to the restoration of the whole organism as a whole, strengthening the muscle corset and losing weight. You can’t sharply load the body with serious workouts, everything needs to be done gradually, without harming general condition health.

You can do squats in the morning, worth a try breathing exercises. Regular classes yoga allows you to do exercises after a cesarean section for weight loss at any convenient time, for example, when the child is sleeping. A balanced diet, including only healthy foods for a woman's body, will also help to look slim and fit.

Is it possible to tighten the stomach after cesarean

Abdominal surgery can be done both at the individual request of the expectant mother, and on the recommendation of a doctor. Whatever the reasons for the operation, the recovery of the body in the postoperative period is much longer than with natural childbirth. It is impossible to immediately tighten the stomach after a cesarean or natural childbirth. This can harm the abdominal muscles and internal organs.

Pulling the press will contribute to bleeding and inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, urinary system. Wearing a bandage or slimming underwear is allowed only after two months postpartum period, corrective underwear should be bought from natural fabrics. It visually removes the apron in the lower abdomen. It is important to know that not everyone can wear compression stockings, before buying your favorite model from this fabric, you should consult a doctor.

Exercises for the abdomen after a caesarean section

Losing weight after caesarean is possible with the plank exercise. To do it correctly, you need the help of a coach. The specialist will help to find out if there is still diastasis or not. It is important not to forget that exercises for the abdomen after a cesarean section should be done after 3 months. Such a long period contributes to the restoration of the abdominal muscles in a natural way. Remove fat from the sides and make the tummy flat gradual load with the help of such exercises:

  • "Bridge";
  • "Kegel Exercises";
  • "Forward bends".

Abdominal massage after caesarean section

Daily physical labor to care for the baby also gives its result, contributing to weight loss. The baby completely changes the diet and daily routine of his mother. To relieve fatigue, tighten sagging skin, you need to do a massage after a cesarean. It is important to remember that this method is acceptable only after 6 months, when the seam on the mother's body is completely healed. Moreover, a doctor should look at it, only then every week you can visit a massage room.

How to lose weight after a caesarean section

When the folds of the skin after the healing of the scar continue to hang, it is worth trying wraps based on natural ingredients, such as blue clay. You can also lose weight after a cesarean section with the help of white clay. It is important to remember that wraps cannot be carried out using anti-cellulite products. They contain components that can pass through the blood into milk, as a result of feeding the child may have a stomach ache.

The procedure is done every other day (a course of 15 wraps), then a break for 20 days. You can not eat one hour before the start of the session. When a mushy mixture of clay diluted in water is applied to clean skin, a vacuum must be created using food film. Then put on top warm clothes, as an option, you can lie down for an hour under the covers. After the time has passed, you need to remove the film and rinse in the shower.

How to lose weight breastfeeding after caesarean

The calorie content of foods during breastfeeding plays a big role. It is clear that a large amount of nutrients should enter the baby through milk. A young mother is faced with a dilemma of how to feed a baby so as not to get better, but to lose weight. Most mothers who have passed this stage recommend removing sweets and starchy foods from 12:00, plus do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. By adhering to these recommendations, you can lose weight while breastfeeding after a cesarean; at home, the weight can go away in a matter of months.

Diet after caesarean section for weight loss

There is another option that suggests how to quickly lose weight after a cesarean section. It is worth making an appointment with a nutritionist, the doctor will help you choose products, plus write down how many grams each serving of food should be. To avoid bad result you should not deviate from the recommendations of a nutritionist, avoid adding your products to the diet. A diet after a cesarean section for weight loss can also be according to ready-made recipes.

The psychological attitude and motivation will tell you how to lose weight after a cesarean and clean your stomach. Adviсe:

  1. It is worth eating 5 times (fractionally), breakfast consists of: fat-free cottage cheese with fruits or cereals on the water with baked vegetables. You can make an omelet from proteins and milk with a fat content of 0.5%.
  2. The second breakfast is vegetables, hard cheese, dried fruits.
  3. Lunch should consist of lean meat, buckwheat or rice. Porridge can be replaced with baked potatoes.
  4. For the second lunch, you can drink low-fat yogurt.
  5. 3 hours before bedtime, you should have dinner: stewed vegetables and boiled meat.

Video: how to restore a figure after a cesarean section

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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If you have had a caesarean section, this does not mean at all that gymnastics for weight loss is contraindicated for you. Yes, the operation is an additional limitation, and it will be harder for you to recover from it than after natural childbirth. But if you do gymnastics in the very first days, you will feel how beneficial it will affect your well-being.

Make sure you respect the restrictions from day one. After all, a caesarean section is an abdominal operation, after which the body recovers gradually. Consider the fact that the body at this time copes with the effects of anesthesia and is cleared of medications.

To avoid additional problems, remember some rules that will help you recover faster:

  • In the first months after childbirth, do not make sudden movements and active exercise. You can only make smooth movements, do not rush.
  • Do not lift weights (maximum - 4 kg), do not use weights (dumbbells, water bottles) when doing gymnastics. When lifting weights, the seam can disperse and will be badly scarred - this threatens the formation of an adhesive process.
  • Forget even about light physical exercises if the operation entailed complications. Start gymnastics only after the permission of the doctor.

Stop dieting for weight loss. After all, you are a young nursing mother, so stick only to a diet that provides your child with good nutrition. Lose those extra pounds with regular exercise.

In the early days

Do not delay with the start of classes. A few hours after the operation, sensitivity will be restored - you will feel if you touch your stomach, you will move your legs again and walk. On the same evening, do the first exercises at home. When practicing, remember to be careful.


Wear a special postpartum bandage. It tightens the muscles stretched during pregnancy and prevents them from weakening even more. At first, even putting on a bandage requires tangible effort, but over time you will get used to it. Wear a bandage for several months.

Breathing exercises


Combine breathing exercises with massage. Make light taps and strokes on chest to help cleanse respiratory tract. Do not ignore the lower back, do strokes in different directions to relieve muscle tension.

Sleep on your stomach

If there is no sharp pain in the lower back, roll over and sleep on your stomach. Or just lie down. This position helps to contract the muscles of the uterus and strengthens the stomach.

Walking with a stroller

Don't ignore outdoor activities. Walking in moderate pace- this is a natural movement included in the complex. It does no harm and leads to muscle tone. Long walks help to get rid of excess weight.

A week later

When a week has passed after the caesarean section, start performing more active exercises. But do not overdo it - it's too early to strain the press. Do this exercise for 10-20 minutes several times a day.

  • Develop feet - bend, unbend, rotate.
  • Stretching your legs in front of you, bend and straighten the right, then the left.
  • Make similar movements with your hands: bend, unbend, work with your fingers, tighten your shoulder blades, shake your hands.
  • Use Kegel exercises - tighten and relax your pelvic muscles. Start with 3-5 sec. and bring the execution time to 20-30 seconds.
  • Perform exercises for which you do not need to strain the press - turns,.
  • Always keep your back straight correct posture tightens the stomach.

After two months

In two months, the seam was tightened, so you can start more active gymnastics. Gradually connect the exercises on the press - 10-20 minutes a day. But it is still impossible to strain the abdominal muscles too much.

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs and slightly spread apart, put your feet on the floor. Cross your arms and wrap them around your stomach. Inhaling, raise your head and shoulders, and squeeze your sides with your hands. After a few seconds, exhale and relax.
  • Keeping your hands on your stomach, raise your head as you exhale, and lower it as you inhale. After a month, complicate the exercise by lifting the body to a sitting position.
  • Keep one leg bent and lift the other to your chest and straighten. Then change.

In three months

When 3 months have passed after the operation, add the “bicycle” exercise to your classes. You know it from childhood: lie on your back and spin the wheels of an imaginary bicycle with your feet. Do some jogging or walking.

  • We recommend reading:

Always, while doing exercises for weight loss, watch the body: if pain occurs, stop the gymnastics or change the types and degree of loads.

12 weeks after the operation, doctors already allow more active, but not too intense training:

  • Dance. The music is not too fast to dance smoothly. If you like sports dancing, then postpone it for 5-6 months after the operation for now, and for now just move to light romantic music.
  • Classes and help to lose weight, and have a beneficial effect on the spine. After all, when they did a caesarean section, he also suffered greatly. Before starting classes, choose a competent and experienced trainer, since yoga after surgery is in the nature of therapeutic exercises.
  • Pilates It's kind of slow fitness. This is a set of exercises that strengthen muscles and are performed smoothly and slowly. It helps the body recover and, of course, lose weight.
  • Swimming and water aerobics(gymnastics in water) have practically no contraindications. Water relieves muscle tension and tones, movements in water do not tire and bring a lot of positive.

This is how 6 months will pass unnoticed after your child was helped to be born with the help of a caesarean section. Talk to your doctor, and if he approves further active sports, continue to do gymnastics - it's the best way to lose weight!

Your feedback on the article:

Pregnancy is a time when weight gain can only please. But this joy also has its limits. So, extra weight women during this period should average 10-12 kg. It includes the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, placenta and uterus. Everything that is recruited from above will remain after the birth of the child and will become the object of eternal struggle. It is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to immediately lose weight after childbirth with breastfeeding. It is necessary to saturate the diet with foods that make milk nutritious. At the same time, one must be able to comply with the norm so that the excess is not deposited on the mother. How to do it?

Let's first understand what we have to build on. What happens to a woman's body after the birth of a child? As we have already said, purely physiologically, about 10-12 kg is lost immediately after childbirth. Normally, she should return to about her pre-pregnancy weight. However, do not immediately be afraid of the numbers on the scales. extra fat necessary for a woman so that the body does not deplete when producing milk.

But in most cases, after giving birth, a nursing mother has to think about her weight. In practice, women often gain 20 or more kilograms during their entire pregnancy, and losing 20 kg after childbirth is an extremely difficult task.

The main reasons why they do not lose weight are as follows:

But in most cases, weight after childbirth can be restored by traditionally regulating nutrition and physical activity.

Weight Loss Formula

How to lose weight after childbirth at home? Here you can use the same principles that guide conventional weight loss. It is enough to go to any forum about healthy way life and find suitable references. We will present the most popular ones.

Body&Mind Practices

Most programs designed in the spirit of "lose weight after childbirth" involve the simultaneous use of exercise and meditation practices. Yoga, Pilates and other gentle exercises are recommended as physical exercises. They help relieve stress, immerse yourself in yourself, which is so necessary for a mother with a small child.

In addition, they have no contraindications, some of them can be performed at home on their own. There are even special programs how to quickly lose weight after childbirth with the help of these practices.

Physical exercise

Looking at any forum, you will see a lot of options on how to lose weight after childbirth using exercise. The most effective among the loads are:

These are the basic rules of physical activity for those who do not know how to remove the stomach, sides after childbirth.


It is enough to see one photo on the Internet on the topic of how much a woman lost weight after giving birth, how despair and panic arise: why am I not able to achieve such results? As already mentioned, problems can be hidden in a low level of metabolism, which is transmitted genetically, individual characteristics, daily routine.

But in most cases, the problem lies in the excessive consumption of calories. And if during feeding they are additionally spent on milk production and the lactation process itself, then upon its completion without changing the diet, everything begins to be deposited in the form of fat.

Therefore, the main principle for both first-borns and those who are wondering how to lose weight after the second birth is to adjust their diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude allergen products from it: honey, fruits, berries, brightly colored vegetables, cocoa products, nuts, chocolate, exotic fruits, as well as foods that mom has an individual intolerance to. You should also remove products with chemical additives, including fresh vegetables / fruits grown with the addition of chemicals.

Don't try to eat for two. Why is it useless? Because the body made the necessary reserves during pregnancy, and everything that you eat now is deposited with fat on the sides.

It is possible to wonder how to lose weight after a cesarean section, first, second, third births only in the second week after the birth of a child, when the mother's body is fully recovered from stress.

Nice addition

In addition to a regulated diet and exercise, mothers can use additional ways to lose weight. They are also suitable for those who do not know how to gain weight, as they are aimed at improving the functioning of the whole organism.


It can be done in the salon or on your own. It improves blood flow, speeds up metabolic processes, removes excess fluid from massaged areas. As a result, you can reduce the volume by a couple of centimeters and start the process of normalizing weight.

It must be carried out by massage lines hands or special massage tools: roller tapes, massagers, brushes.

SPA treatments

They can be carried out not only in salons, but also at home. These are scrubs, peelings combined with massages. It is allowed to take an aromatic bath, but only in warm water - hot water is contraindicated for a nursing mother.


They can also be made independently with the help of cling film and special tools. It is easy to prepare them, taking clay as a basis and adding honey, essential oils to it, if you are not allergic to these components.

Wraps are best done after water procedures for a clean body.

How not to lose weight

Unfortunately, some mothers think too late about the question of what to do with overweight. Looking for the fastest and most effective way, they go to the first forum they come across, are tempted by photos of supposedly thinner people and purchase various dubious means for losing weight, resorting to extreme diets. In fact, you don’t need to believe the photo, you need to rely on common sense and listen to your body.

So, how can you not lose weight after childbirth?

In many ways, the question of losing weight for a woman after childbirth depends on how much she recovered during pregnancy. If this indicator is from 30 kg or more, a specialist should deal with weight loss.

  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • The desire of a woman to recover as soon as possible after childbirth and regain lightness and excellent physical shape is quite understandable. At the same time, there are no differences in which way a woman gave birth - naturally or by caesarean section. All new mothers want to be slim, beautiful, fit and desirable again. But the recovery process physical form after caesarean section has its own limitations and rules. We will talk about how to lose weight after this operation, remove the stomach, in this article.

    Features of the recovery period

    After natural childbirth, recovery is also more natural. Usually the question of weight loss is not acute, because everything happens smoothly and in due time. After a cesarean section, which is a serious surgical operation and a gross intervention in the nature of the female body, the recovery is longer and more specific.

    Of course, losing weight quickly will not work, especially if a woman has gained a solid supply of extra pounds during pregnancy. In the first days after the operation, the puerperal is shown a sparing regimen of physical activity. You can only get up 8-10 hours after the surgical delivery.

    The woman has two stitches after the operation. One is outside and the other is inside, which she cannot see. Only a day later, the internal suture, sutured with special absorbable surgical sutures, begins to tighten at the level of fibrin filaments. A week later, it begins to acquire myocyte cells and connective tissue, the circulatory network is restored, collagen appears in the scarring area, which gives the scar elasticity. Complete healing of the internal suture takes about 2 months, and the formation of the scar continues for two years.

    It is in the first two months that a woman needs to avoid excessive physical exertion, infections, sexual contacts in order to minimize the risks of forming an inconsistent scar.

    The external seam on the abdomen heals on average 20 days after the operation. The sutures are removed on days 7-9, but this does not mean that a woman can immediately do anything to lose weight, because the internal scar has not yet healed.

    The presence of scars as such greatly complicates the task of getting rid of excess weight, but nothing is impossible, the main thing is not to forget about the restrictions that the rehabilitation period after a cesarean section imposes on the whole lifestyle of a newly-made mother.

    What can not be done?

    When a woman in childbirth is interested in how to quickly lose weight after a childbirth operation, she forgets to add a simple but important word to the question - safe. Losing weight after a caesarean section is not necessary quickly, but first of all safely. Therefore, to begin with, let's clarify what it is absolutely impossible to do for weight loss:

    • go to the gym, exercise on simulators, lift dumbbells, barbells, pump the press (up to 7-8 months after surgery);
    • lift any weight more than 3-4 kilograms;
    • squat sharply, bend down;
    • visit the pool, bath, sauna (up to 3 months after the operation);

    • massage the abdominal muscles (up to 6 months after surgery);
    • use vacuum cups on the stomach (up to a year after the operation);
    • go on mono-diets and strict fat-burning diets if a woman is breastfeeding a baby;
    • take hormonal drugs to suppress hunger, all kinds of goji berries and laxative teas if a woman is a nursing mother.

    As you can see, almost all the most popular ways to lose extra pounds fall into the restrictions. But this does not mean that you need to come to terms with weight, learn to live with it and not even try anything with it for six months or a year. extra pounds do. It is entirely possible to lose weight without exhausting workouts, exhausting starvation diets and setting a world record for bench press. Let's look at the right and safe ways to lose weight after a caesarean section.

    How to lose weight correctly?

    The correct approach to weight loss after surgery is always complex. Do not think that only a diet or only exercise will help get rid of the hated kilograms. The approach should be multi-layered and systematic. This will allow you to reduce up to 2-3 kilograms per week. You can start 6-8 weeks after the operation, when the internal sutures are already sufficiently elastic and you can not be afraid of their divergence.

    It is most reasonable to deal with weight loss issues after a preliminary consultation with a doctor who will confirm that the young mother does not have any postoperative complications.

    Fix starting weight(in the morning, on an empty stomach, after the toilet and preferably naked). Start a diary-notebook, enter the initial weight and date, and for each day plan the duration and type physical activity, diet and other ways to remove a sagging stomach and fairly protruding buttocks and hips.

    Physical activity, sports, gymnastics

    Start your morning with a light workout. It should include walking in place, torso to the right and left, forward, circular motions hips. In a sitting position on the mat, you can reach your knees with your hands. All exercises that tighten the press are unacceptable in the first six months.

    After this period to physiotherapy exercises(and in fact, your light exercise will be one) you can gradually, smoothly add leg lifts from a prone position, and then move on to torso lifts (the standard way to pump the press). Even a light exercise lasting 5-7 minutes will give noticeable results in a couple of weeks.

    After removing the external seams, the woman needs to start walking. Long walks are a great fat burner. Combine this process with walking with the newborn.

    It is only important to remember that you cannot carry a stroller up the stairs to the apartment on your own, and try to carry the child in your arms less often.

    Walking in the park for half an hour, and then an hour (provided that the woman does not stand still, sit with her neighbors on the bench in unhurried conversations while the child sleeps), allows you to burn almost a third of the calories consumed per day.

    If a woman has the opportunity to leave her child for a couple of hours with a nanny or grandmother, this should definitely be used and added to the program. physical activity swimming (3 months after surgery). When the baby grows up to 7-8 months, the mother can safely enroll in the nearest to the house Gym and engage in a gradual increase in load. At first - only mobile dynamic exercises on an ellipsoid, an exercise bike, then you can include dumbbells in the program if you wish, but only under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

    This is quite enough to make a tasty and healthy menu for both mother and child, in which the baby will not lack vitamins and minerals, the mother will not be hungry and angry, and the weight will gradually go away. The main thing to remember about 400 grams. That is, lunch will be like this: 100 grams of vegetable soup with meatballs, 100 grams of stewed zucchini, 120 grams of boiled chicken breast and about 80 grams of apples, pears or gooseberries. According to this principle, make 5-6 meals every 2.5-3 hours, make the last meal light before bed - only yogurt or only an apple.

    Other effective ways

    Additionally, if there is time, money and desire, you can take advantage of the achievements of cosmetology and physiotherapy. The following procedures will help to quickly reduce weight and bring the skin on the abdomen back to normal (all are applied three months after the operation and not earlier!):

    • wraps (honey, chocolate, kelp, etc.);
    • ultrasonic cavitation on the thighs and abdomen;
    • vacuum massage with cups (after 12 months from the date of the operation);
    • laser lipolysis.

    Before deciding on one or another auxiliary method, you should definitely check with your doctor whether you can already carry out such a procedure after the operation or if you should wait.