Physical education class in 2 junior. Physical education in the second junior group

Synopsis of physical education in junior group on the topic "Playing with a bear"

Author: Natalya Kotlyarova, teacher of MBDOU No. 185 "Golden Grain", Nizhny Tagil.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of physical education classes for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic "Playing with the Bear." This material will be useful to educators of the younger group and physical education teachers.
Synopsis of a game plot-role-playing lesson in physical education for children 3-4 years old.
We play with a mouse.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive research, musical and artistic.
Tutorials: teach jumping on two legs across the line; reinforce walking and running skills; the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area.
Educational: respect for each child and children to each other; discipline in the performance of tasks.
Developing: development of attention and observation.
Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; adequately perceives the comments of the teacher; performs running and jumping according to safety rules.
Equipment: a toy bear, a "brook" (2 ropes 2 m long with a distance of 50 cm between them), 6 pins, 4 flat hoops (diameter 25 cm), a ball (diameter 20 cm), cones according to the number of children.
Course progress.
Children enter the hall and are built in one line.
Instructor. Guys guess the riddle:
He sucks his paw
Oh, that's how spring comes
Waking up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest ....
Everyone calls him ... (bear).
That's right, it's a bear. A teddy bear came to visit us today and brought with him a whole basket of cones. We will play with him, run, jump and jump. Let's first show the bear how we can walk beautifully. Walking next to each other.
Now let's show how fast we are. Run.
And now how smart and strong we are. Everyone stand in a circle. Now the bear will give each of you a bump. And we'll show him the bump exercises.
The cones fall from the pine
We must lift the bump.
I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms with a bump at the bottom.
B: 1- raise your hands up, stretch, release the bump from your hand, sit down, take the bump, 4- straighten up. (repeat 4 times)
A cone rolled under a bush,
Lies there quietly, hiding.
I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hands with a bear on their knees.
B: 1-2- lean forward (try not to bend your knees), put the bump between your legs, 3-4- straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6- lean forward, take the bump, 7-8- straighten up, lift the bump up. (repeat 4 times)
You have to play with the bump
She's tired of lying down.
I.p. - lying on your back, a bump in both hands above your head.
B: 1-2- raise your legs up, arms up and forward, touch your feet with a bump, 3-4- sp. (repeat 4 times)
The cones love to play
Play pranks and jump.
I.p. - legs together, a bump in one hand.
B: jumping in place (20-30 sec)
Well done boys! The bear really liked your exercises with bumps. But you know, the bear told me in secret that he doesn't know how to cross the road at all. Let's teach him how to cross the road correctly.
1. "We cross the road."
--- Look left, look right, cross the road one after another.
Walking one after another along the "brook" with the head turned left and right. (2 times)
2. "Let's run"
Here we are at the park. Let's run a little.
Running one after another on toes between pins placed in one line (arms to the sides) (2 times)
3. "Let's jump"
And now we will teach the bear to jump correctly.
Jumps on 2 legs from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt. (2 times)
The bear really liked how you were doing, and now he wants to play with the ball.
Game "Roll the ball".
Children sit on the floor in a circle, legs apart. The instructor (with a bear), holding the ball in his hands, stands in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then roll it to the bear (instructor). The game is repeated 2 times.
Instructor. Well, it's time for the bear to leave. Today we showed the bear how to deal with bumps, taught him how to cross the road correctly, run on tiptoes and jump.
The children waved and left the room.

Tatyana Chaikina
"Fun exercise". Lesson in the second junior group

Entertainment: "Cheerful physical training"

Target: Develop an initial idea of healthy way life;

Strengthen performance skills in a playful way

exercises (running, jumping, walking, jumping from a height.

Induce a positive emotional state.

Equipment: Soft toys of two kittens and a puppy; balls according to the number of children; gymnastic bench 2 pcs. ; cat mask.

Entertainment progress.

Leading: Guess guys riddle: “Who has a mustachioed muzzle striped?

The back is like a bridge?

Tail behind the bridge? (cat)

That's right, this is a cat and now we will turn into kittens. And let's see what the kittens do all day.

Leading: Wake up. Children perform movements according to

Stretched! with text.

Turned from side to side.

Sips! Sips!

Where are your favorite toys? Speaking the last words of the presenter

You jump our ball! throws balls.

And wake up the kittens!

Children collect balls and perform gymnastic warm-up.

Warm up: Walking after a cat (20 seconds).

Run normal (20 seconds). Walking with change of direction (20 seconds).

Loose construction.

1. "The cat is playing with the ball"

I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball with both hands below.

Performance: 1 - hands with the ball up, return to and. P.

2. "The cat hides the ball"

I. p .: legs are parallel, we hold the ball with both hands below.

Performance: crouch put the ball on the floor, return to and. n. Sit down to take the ball, return to and. P.

3. "The cat is happy"

I. p .: Standing feet together, the ball lies on the floor.

Performance: Jumping around the ball.

4. "The cat is breathing"

I. p .: stand legs apart, the ball lies nearby.

Performance: Inhale through the nose. On exhalation, long to pull: "M-m-m-m-m-m-m" while simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with your finger.

Leading: And what does each of us do when waking up, and does any cat like to do it very much? (to wash)

Nose, Nose! Puppy, Puppy!

Where are you nose? Where are you Chechka?

Rotik, Rotik!

Where are you mouth? Our cat will be clean.

Did you wash your paws? Yes, washed.

Wash your ears! Tail washed! All washed.

And now we are pure fluffy kittens.

Children perform movements that imitate washing.

Leading: Tell me where do we all go every morning? (Answers children: to kindergarten, parents to work). And how are you think: What is the job of a cat? (to catch mice).

A game "Cats and mice"

Children "mice" located on one side, Leading cat (in mask). Children are offered to get out of minks.

The mouse crawled out of the mink, the mouse really wants to eat.

Is there a dried crust somewhere? Maybe there is a crust in the kitchen?

And in the kitchen near the cabinet Sees a mouse - someone's paw

The paw is motley, the claws are sharp. Hey mouse, don't yawn:

Run away quickly! Run away from these places

And the cat will eat you.

Leading: In the evening, when your parents take you home, you can play in the yard, fool around. Tell the guys a puppy can be a friend of a kitten in pranks (children's answers). Okay, look who I have (shows a toy or a picture of a puppy). Now we are going to play a game "Kittens and Puppies".

mobile game "Kittens and Puppies".

The players are divided into two groups. children of one groups - kittens, the other - puppies. Kittens are near the gymnastic wall, puppies are on the opposite side. The teacher invites the children to run easily, softly, like kittens. On word "Puppies!" another part of the children climbs over the benches, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, quickly climb onto gymnastic wall. The teacher is nearby. Puppies return to their homes.

After 2-3 repetitions children change roles. A game repeats.

Leading: While we were playing, one kitten was lost and I can't find it, can you help? (children's answers)

sedentary game: "Find a Kitten" Children move around the hall looking for a kitten (like “Cold - hot)

Leading: It's good that you found him. It's time for the kittens to sleep, and for us to go for a walk.

Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group "Birds"

Type classes: Plot

Areas of integration:

Physical development:



To teach children to jump off low objects, landing softly on bent legs;

Continue to learn to walk in a circle, keeping an even build;

Exercise in loose running;

Exercise in the task of preventing scoleosis;

Strengthen the muscles of the legs and torso.


Develop movement coordination;

Develop motor activity, flexibility.


Cultivate interest in classes By physical education;

To cultivate discipline, the ability to follow commands.

Create a joyful mood in children.

cognitive development:

Strengthen the ability to perform the movement according to the score.

Speech development:

Fix words in mobile game: « The birds dance» .

Socially communicative development:

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

artistic aesthetic development:

Learn to perform the exercise in accordance with the tempo of the music.

Health saving technologies:

Breathing exercises;

Relaxation exercises.

preliminary work:

- Browse albums: « Birds»

- Mobile game: « The birds dance» .


Soft track, signals, cat's hat, gymnastic board, balance beam (roller) for stepping over.

Guys, today we will play like this. Today you will be little sparrows, but in order for you to become them, you need to say the magic words. (1.2,3,) .Well, now you have become my little sparrows, and I will be your mother sparrow. Mother sparrow calls her children:

"Follow me, my sparrows,

Fly faster.

Today we are learning to fly.

Rather, get up in a circle and we will begin

Building in a circle. Walking in a circle with characteristic hand movements "wing flapping". Mama sparrow shows the movements and then steps aside, "looks after the kids".

Bye "sparrow" looks, children perform walking in a circle.

The sparrow fell asleep, and the sparrows only need that. They spread their wings and scattered in all directions. Sparrows fly all over

hall. (scatter run) .

- "Sparrow" wakes up:

Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,

What's the noise, what's the scream?

Get in the circle soon (pause)

I fell asleep for just a minute

The sparrows went wild in earnest.

I will strictly follow you now,

So that you grow obedient as sparrows.

And now, sparrow charging

2nd part of outdoor switchgear

1. We clean the feathers: And. By. With. Make a spring, tilt your head to the right, and. p., the same to the left. Dos. 4 times.

2. Spread your wings: And. n. - feet at the width of the foot, hands below. Raise right hand up, look, and. p., also with the left hand. Dos. 4 times.

3. We wash ourselves: And. n. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward - characteristic movements - washing, and. n. Dos. 5 times.

4. Find a seed: And. By. With. Sit down, tap your fingers on the floor, and. n. Dos. 4 times.

5. Learning to fly: And. p. - the same. Jumping in place waving your hands.

6. Blow on your feathers: And. n. - legs together, hands in front of you. Inhale - exhale, blow on the hands.

Basic movements:

We will fly in a friendly flock,

Let's stand together one after another.

Behind me in a column one by one

Line up one at a time.

To a distant meadow

Let's go now.

Snake walking between signals.

There is a fallen tree ahead, let's jump over it (Jumping over a log) .

Let's cross the narrow bridge across the river. (Walking on the gymnastic board) .

Let's go along the narrow path and jump off it. (jump off the track gently, landing on half-bent legs).

Here we are with you and came to a wonderful clearing. This will be our home.

P / s "Sparrows and a cat".

Relaxation to the soundtrack "Sounds of nature".

Sparrows ran in during the day, played enough, wanted to sleep. They sat down and closed their eyes. The sparrows began to fall asleep. And they dreamed of a wonderful clearing, green grass, beautiful flowers. It became warm and cozy for the sparrows, it's time to turn back into children. 1,2,3,4,5 sparrows, turn into guys. (get up calmly, go to the formation)

Related publications:

"Fast Bugs". Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group Educational activities in the second junior group "Fast bugs". (According to L. Penzulaeva and Lesson No. 11. November. P. 35.) Instructor.

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Summary of physical education classes in the 1st junior group “Let's teach the doll Katya and her friend Masha physical education” Purpose: To teach children to jump in length from a place, to exercise in walking on the board, to develop a sense of balance, eye, dexterity and coordination of movement.

Larisa Polskova
Synopsis of physical education classes in the second junior group (3-4 years)

Krasnodar city

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 77"

Polskova Larisa Alexandrovna

Target: To form the desire for physical activity in children junior preschool age.


1. To cultivate motor activity, dexterity.

2. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

3. Generate interest in performance physical exercises using the artistic word.

4. Develop children's emotional responsiveness.

5. Develop fine motor skills children through games.

6. Develop attention.

Material: ball, hoop, gymnastic bench, bags.

I. Line up.

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears (shows).

It's cold for a bunny to sit

We need to warm up the paws (shows

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump (jumping on 2 legs like bunnies).

Foxy red cheat,

Cunning and dexterous. (walking in circles on toes).

Mishenka bear is waddling

Raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much. (walking on outside bearish stops).

ORU with a ball.

1. "ball up". I. p. legs slightly apart, the ball is below, 1-2 - rising on toes, lift the ball up; 3-4 - return to I. p. 7 times.

2. "Side Turn". I. p. feet shoulder width apart, the ball in front of the chest in outstretched arms. 1,3 - turn to the right; 2.4 - return to I. p. 7 times.

3. "Put down the ball". I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, ball below. 1-2 lean forward, put (take) ball. 3-4 - I. p. 7 times.

4. "Springs" I. p. legs - heels together, socks apart, ball in front. Sit down slightly 3 times, 4 - I. p. 7 times

5. "Ball to the chest". I. p. sitting, legs apart. 1 - bend your arms with the ball at the elbows, 2- I. p. 7 times

6. "Look at the ball". I. p. lying on your back, the ball at the chest 1-2 - slowly lift up, look. 3-4 - I. p. 7 times

7. "Jumping around the ball". I. p. o. With. hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs around the ball in both directions. Before jumping in the other direction, a short pause.

Fizminutka "Monkeys"

(children repeat everything what the poem is about)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet

We all clap our hands

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Bring the finger to the temple

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say word three

All freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

II. ATS (puzzles)

1. She does not walk - jumps.

And in the cold and in the heat

Hiding a child in a bag

Mom ... (Kangaroo) jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop

2. He is not an animal, but a bird.

He is not afraid of the cold.

In the land of snow and ice

Goes funny... (Penguin) walking with the ball between the knees

3. Goes calmly, slowly -

let everyone see how good it is!

Comfortable and durable shirt

in which he walks... (turtle) crawling on all fours gymnastic bench with a pouch on the back

Well done boys! Let's play a little!

Mobile games: "The mother hen and the chicks"

Purpose of the game: teaching in a playful way the main types of movement (walking, jumping, developing the imagination of children.

On the playground, pull the cord at a height of 40-50 cm (between two uprights, between two trees, etc.). Behind this cord is "house" hens and chickens.

Selected "The mother hen" and "Kite" from children, the rest are chickens. The mother hen is the first to leave "house" in yard: goes around him, and then calls the chickens to peck at the grains. The chickens are coming out "house", crawling under the cord, run up to the hen, and then disperse around the yard (playground). They jump on two legs, squat down, make rhythmic head tilts, pretending to peck grains. They straighten up and squat again. At the words "Kite", the chickens run into the house for the cord, and the mother "hen" tries to protect her chickens.

A game repeated several times. The teacher observes that all the children are in motion, correctly perform jumps, bends, encourages them.

"At the bear in the forest"

Rules: A bear is selected from the children. On one side of the site, a house for children is marked, on the opposite side is a house for a bear. The bear sits in the house and pretends to be asleep.

Children come out of their houses and slowly approach the bear with words:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And looks at us.

While the children are reading the text, they depict how they pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket.

As soon as the words "looks at us," the bear wakes up and runs to catch up with the children. The children run away to their house, where the bear can already catch them.

Rice. 3

As a rule, when performing exercises on an elevated support (board, bench), it is not recommended to jump off the bench, it is better to take a step forward - down (Fig. 3). Teacher insurance is required. As you master the exercises in balance, you can offer children to jump from the bench, but always on a soft support - a rug or mat.

When performing exercises in balance, the teacher is always next to the children, helps, encourages, and carries out insurance. The position of the hands can be different, for example, hands on the belt, but mostly to the sides for balancing.

One of the difficult tasks is walking on a cord laid straight and in a circle, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, as well as walking on a board laid obliquely (height 25-30 cm) and on a log.

Balance exercises are carried out in a streaming way in a column in one or two columns (depending on the tasks of the lesson and the availability of benefits). They contribute to the development of courage, confidence, dexterity, orientation in unexpected situations.

jumping exercises

Children 3-4 years old are available different types jumping, they are able to jump in place and moving forward a certain distance; jump from a small height; long jump from a place; jump over objects (cubes, cords) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

In jumping in place, children make frequent and low jumps, imitate bunnies, squirrels, etc. with pleasure. Usually, the teacher first shows how to perform the exercise. Sets the rhythm and pace of jumps by striking the tambourine, rhythmically saying or using musical accompaniment. The teacher performs several jumps with the children, then the children jump on their own.

Jumping with forward movement gives a high motor load. Not all children cope well with the task: they do not bend their knees enough, which leads to a landing on straight legs, while their hands do not participate in movement much. However, in some babies in jumping forward, there is a clear coordination of arms and legs, which indicates good innate coordination of movements.

In the second quarter, a significant place is given to jumping from a small height. The main task is to land on your toes, bending your knees (preferably on a rubber track or mat). Exercises in jumping from a small height are carried out with small groups, since it is important for the educator to see the main mistakes of the children, correct them, and, if possible, provide assistance and insurance if necessary. It is also advisable to use game tasks - "sparrows jump from the fence", "bunnies jump from stumps", etc.

Long jump from a place - through a stream, a groove. The width of the stream, the groove is small - 15-20 cm, since children 3-4 years old do not yet have the skill in this type of jumping. The main attention is paid to the correct starting position - it is necessary that before the jump the children bend their legs well at the knees and land simultaneously on both half-bent legs with their further straightening and maintaining a stable balance. The movements of the hands at the same time in children are still inconsistent.

Program exercises are distributed taking into account the gradual complication. From lesson to lesson, children acquire motor experience, which allows them to master individual elements of technology in a certain sequence. The requirements for performing jumping exercises for children of the second younger group are still low, in accordance with their skills.

Throwing exercises

Children 3-4 years old enjoy playing with the ball if exercises with it do not require complex actions, simple in structure and tasks. The simplest and most accessible tasks are rolling balls in the forward direction, to each other, into the goal, throwing balls to the teacher. More difficult exercises- throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands. The most difficult are throwing balls at the target and at a distance. All these exercises develop dexterity, speed, eye.

Rolling balls in the forward direction and each other are the most simple exercises, however, to complete them, the child must push the ball with a certain force and in the right direction. In addition, during the exercises, there are difficulties in organizing children. For example, children should be located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters in two lines - one opposite the other. To mark the starting position, you can use slats, cords and other items, which are then quickly and easily removed. Rolling balls to each other, between objects, children master not without difficulty. The teacher repeats these exercises so that the muscle sensations are fixed in the kids, which contribute to the formation of the necessary skills.

Children 3-4 years old learn to throw the ball to the teacher and catch it back. The main mistakes when performing this exercise are a weak throw, uncertain movements, lack of initiative. Sometimes the child does not dare to throw the ball, and the teacher has to say to the kid several times: "Throw it!"

When catching the ball, children, as a rule, prepare their hands in advance, putting them forward, pressing the ball to their chest. After repeated repetitions and individual lessons The guys do a better job. The throw is more confident, sometimes quite strong, the direction of movement is maintained and overall coordination improves, but the exercise requires frequent repetition, since the skill is not yet stable. Usually exercises are repeated outside of class, on a walk.

One of the difficult exercises for children of the fourth year of life is throwing the ball up and on the ground and catching it. It is difficult for kids to throw the ball to the right height, such that it is easy to catch, and they throw it much higher. When throwing a ball on the ground, children also cannot differentiate muscle efforts, and an insufficiently developed eye does not allow them to make accurate throw around the legs (near the socks). Visual cues are offered to help children - flat hoops with a small diameter (25–30 cm), colored squares, etc.

In the summer, a significant place is given to exercises in throwing balls, bags, cones into the distance, a horizontal target.

climbing exercises

A variety of exercises in climbing develop strength, agility, coordination of movements; strengthen small large muscle groups. In children 3-4 years old, these qualities are still poorly developed.

In the first quarter, exercises are carried out in crawling on all fours, mainly with support on the palms and knees. At first, the children perform a forward crawl in an arbitrary way, and some children pull up both legs. If the child does not succeed in the exercise, then the teacher deals with him separately. Usually, after a few repetitions individually, children do a better job.

To perform crawling under the arc of the cord, the teacher draws the attention of children not only to the correct starting position, but also to the marked line (initial line), from which the exercise should begin. Cords, slats, colored stripes, etc. can serve as a guide.

Kids climb the sloping ladder in an arbitrary way. The focus is on the correct grip of the hands on the rail - thumb from below, the rest from above and setting the foot (middle). In this case, the teacher must carry out insurance. Exercises in crawling, crawling are carried out in line and frontal ways, climbing on an inclined ladder and a gymnastic wall - in small groups. The rest of the children at this time can play with balls, being in the field of view of the teacher.

Approximate content of physical education classes


Lesson 1

Tasks. Develop orientation in space when walking in different directions; to teach walking on a reduced area of ​​​​support, while maintaining balance.

1st part. Walking and running in small groups in the direct direction behind the teacher. The guys enter the hall together with the teacher, without building - "flock". Chairs are arranged on two sides of the hall (according to the number of children). The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs, take their "houses". The game "Let's go to visit" is being played. The teacher approaches the first group of children, invites them to stand up and go with her "to visit". Approaching the second group of children, the kids greet and show their hands. To the words: "The rain has gone!" - children run to their "houses" and take any places.

Then the teacher invites the children of the second group to go "visit". The game is repeated.

2nd part. Walking between two lines (distance 25 cm). From the cords (rails), the teacher lays out two paths 2.5–3 m long along the hall, parallel to one another. The distance between the tracks is at least 3 meters (Fig. 5).