Anna chakvetadze husband. Russian tennis player Anna Chakvetadze - biography, achievements and interesting facts

The tennis season is in full swing. Players either rest or spend various exhibition matches, including in . We will try to choose from the information flow the most interesting news that is not directly related to tennis.


The ex-fifth racket of the world Russian woman got married. , specifying that the husband of a 27-year-old Muscovite was a Swiss businessman with Ukrainian citizenship. Recall that Anna won eight titles in WTA tournaments in singles. At the Grand Slam competitions, her best result was the semi-final Open Championship USA - 2007, after which she reached the maximum rating. Chakvetadze officially announced her retirement in 2013.


The captain of the Great Britain team in the Fed Cup, the mother of the two-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments, the Olympic champion shared her emotions from the engagement of her youngest son with Kim Sears. “I am happy with Andy's choice. His proposal was very emotional. He sticks to tradition and warned Kim's parents in advance of his intentions. I won't dance at the wedding. Recently, Andy was best man for his friend Ross Hutchins, and I waltzed with one of the bridesmaids. The wedding of Andy and Kim will take place in 2015, possibly in October. I don’t know yet if the ceremony will take place in Scotland, ”said Judy Murray.


The President of the Russian Tennis Federation (FTR) said that. “Now I am considering the option of filing a lawsuit. And if you take this step, then you need to sue in the United States. Through the court it is possible to find out on the basis of what the sanctions were applied. The only thing is not quite clear yet, against whom to file a lawsuit, I'm just working on this issue. Because the situation is funny. I did a forensic linguistic examination, which swept away all speculation. I converted the results to English language and sent them to the WTA, but these arguments were not accepted there. Neither the International Tennis Federation nor the IOC even considered this issue. Therefore, I perceive this whole story as an order, ”TASS quoted Tarpishchev as saying.


In September 2014, Australian media reported that former player top 200 ATP rankings involved in scandal with fixed matches. Then the player’s name was not named, but on the eve there was information that we are talking about the former 187th racket of the world Australian. According to the investigation, Nick deliberately lost his last match in professional career Andrew Corbittu at the Futures Tournament in Toowoomba. Note that Lindale's opponent at that moment was not in the top 1500 of the ATP rating.


18-time Grand Slam winner, former world number one Martina Navratilova entered the coaching staff of the Polish tennis player. “She is my tennis idol and it is a great honor to work with her. Her accomplishments speak for themselves and I hope I can learn from her experience. My goal is to win a Grand Slam tournament and to have someone with Martina's accomplishments on the team is a huge advantage. This will give me a boost of confidence. We have similar views on tennis and life in general. I am sure that our relationship will be successful,” said Agnieszka.


Two-time Grand Slam winner Olympic champion the Briton gave an interview to his fans on Twitter, in which he called the main success in his career, and also explained why he does not like to smile at the camera. “I consider the victory at the Olympics to be the main success in my career,” Murray wrote. Why don't I ever smile? I smile a lot, but I try not to do it on camera because I don't like my teeth,” Andy replied. “Is there any chance that I will play with Sharapova in the mixed doubles at the Australian Open? Judging by our performance in the international tennis Premier League, we will immediately fly out, ”the Briton showed self-criticism.


The Frenchman expressed the opinion that at ATP tournaments a timer should be introduced showing the time allotted for serving. Recall that this idea was implemented at the matches of the international tennis Premier League. “I think that this practice should be introduced at the ATP tournaments, because some players spend 40-45 seconds on the serve, and sometimes even a minute. This is not fair to other tennis players, because the rules are the same for everyone. The clock puts extra pressure and makes it difficult to focus on the serve, but it allows you to perform better in other aspects of the game.


The first racket of the world Serb told how he spends his free time. “I like to travel, visit new places, do other sports, but now I devote all my free time to my son. Elena does most of the work, so I try to help her. I want to be there, to see his every smile, every little achievement. My parents have done a lot for me and I want to help Stefan realize all his dreams.”

Wozniacki started dating football player

The ex-first racket of the world Dane began to meet with the player of the club of the National football league"Washington Redskins" Ryan Kerrigan. Young people together attended a charity auction organized by an American football player. Note that this was the first public appearance of Wozniacki with a man after her breakup with a golfer. Rory McIlroy. Recall that in May 2014, McIlroy broke off his engagement with Carolina after almost three years relations.


11-time Grand Slam winner Swede Bjorn Borg spoke about his attitude towards the player of the Swedish national team and the French club PSG Zlatan Ibrahimovic and also invited him to play tennis. “Zlatan is the most famous Swede in the world. Of course, he is more popular than I was in my time. I like him because he knows how to set high goals and achieve them. I was much calmer, in terms of temperament, Ibrahimovic is more like John McIlroy. I would love to play tennis with Zlatan. He is an athlete and capable of exercising various types sports. I think I should win, but you can never tell for sure. It would be fun. When it comes to football, there is no doubt that Zlatan will destroy me on the football field.”

For seven years in tennis, the young Russian athlete Anna Chakvetadze has reached truly unprecedented heights. Winner of two Federation Cups for the victory of the national team, participant in the semi-finals at the US Open, winner of 8 tournaments in the WTA series in single player, a Wimbledon finalist among juniors and the fifth best tennis player in the world in singles - all these victories speak of an incredible will to win and many years of hard work.

Anna Chakvetadze's first steps in sports

Having started training at the age of eight with Viktor Pavlov, Anna Chakvetadze will subsequently study at the Valeri Academy, the international center for children's tennis, and at the Chris Evert Academy.

Chakvetadze's junior career started very loudly - the sixteen-year-old tennis player became the champion of the Russian Federation in 2001, and the following year only confirmed this title. She submitted to many competitions in different countries of the CIS and the Baltic States. In addition, several more wins as part of the Russian national team at the European Cup among senior group juniors and the Wimbledon Cup in singles made her success literally sensational

Professional level of a tennis player

When in 2003 Anna Chakvetadze came to "adult" tennis, she was already famous. Speaking at games in the Grand Slam tournaments, Chakvetadze blocked the way in the second round at the US Open Anastasia Myskina in 2004, making her appearance at the professional level truly triumphant.

In 2006, Chakvetadze became the winner of the Kremlin Cup, was able to get a prestigious victory at the WTA competition in China, and a year later she put another WTA title in her treasury for winning in Australia.

Completion of a sports career

In addition to winning the Paris Open GDF Suez and contributing to the Russian team in the semi-finals of the Fed Cup, 2008 turned out to be generally rather unsuccessful for Chakvetadze. Several losses, a forced refusal to compete at the Beijing Olympics and personal misfortunes - an armed attack in which Anna suffered along with her family.

In 2009 and 2010, the line of failures continued - Chakvetadze could not boast of any serious achievements, and only by the end of 2010 did she finally manage to become the owner of another WTA title, return to the top 100 and reach the quarterfinals of the Kremlin Cup.

However, it was premature to rejoice - in 2011, Anna loses two competitions at the beginning of the season due to poor health. Doctors diagnosed an inflammatory process, followed by a leg injury and inflammation of the joints. Chakvetadze decides to freeze the rating for two years, but later announced the end of her career.

The world's best high jumper loves stress

This pretty athlete does not fit into the usual framework at all. 24-year-old Russian woman Maria LASITSKENE trains according to a unique technique, does not lift iron at all, does not jump over barriers, but jumps higher than anyone in the world. In mid-August, she became the first of our compatriots who managed to win the high jump at two world championships in a row. The President of Russia congratulated her on her victory in London. A little earlier, Masha KUCHINA got married and, unexpectedly for many, decided to perform under a new name.

The eminent athlete gave her hand and heart to a sports journalist, a commentator on the Eurosport Russia TV channel Vladas Lasitskas. He is older than Mary by 11 and a half years. He is a Muscovite, but has Lithuanian roots. Young people played a wedding not in the capital, but in Kabardino-Balkaria, where she was born Masha Kuchina. The celebration took place near Nalchik, in the ancient castle "Chateau Erken" on the lake. The newlyweds were congratulated on Instagram by the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yuri Kokov.

It was an unforgettable March evening, - he recalls. - Such a nice place, such emotions! Before the wedding, there was a difficult moment: I was not allowed to compete at the European Winter Championships. I passed all the doping tests, everything is clean. But the disqualification from our federation was not removed and Russia was not allowed to “enter Europe”. I was very upset. But the wedding blocked all the negativity. Vladas and I did not miss a single dance that evening! And the next morning they flew away on their honeymoon. There was complete relaxation, a real buzz. And when my husband and I returned home, the good news came: I was finally allowed to speak at international competitions. True, under a neutral flag.

Maria's world record is within easy reach. Photo: © Reuters

Maria won her first World Championship two years ago in Beijing under her maiden name Kuchina. Many advised her to leave this name, because sports world already used to it. But Masha acted in her own way. I decided to please my husband.

I have relatives in Lithuania,” said Vladas Lasickas. - And in this country, if a woman marries, she takes her husband's surname. But the suffix "en" and the ending "e" are added to it. For example, husband Orbakas, and the wife - Orbaken. Their daughter will already have a different surname - Orbakaite. In addition to the "female" ending, the suffix "ait" is added. Now in Lithuania, not all newlyweds observe this tradition. It happens that a father gives his daughter his masculine surname. The people of the old generation, the orthodox, are greatly outraged, even infuriated. Therefore, when they learned there that the world champion from Russia took a Lithuanian surname - in accordance with all the rules and traditions, they respected Masha. So far, my wife has not been to Lithuania, but my relatives are already calling her to visit.

Maria and Vladas met three years ago in the Polish city of Sopot, where the winter world championship was held. A slender brunette from Kabardino-Balkaria then won the first resounding victory career, and a journalist with a Russian passport and a Lithuanian surname interviewed her. Vladas asked non-banal questions, and it seemed to Masha that some kind of irony came through in them. And this guy looked at her strangely. At some point, their eyes met, and Maria felt a slight tremor. She realized that one interview would not end the matter.

Gennady GABRILYAN invented a unique technique for the champion. Photo:

And so it happened. Lasickas got hold of her cell phone number, began to call with or without reason, to come to her workouts - as if on business, and then invited her on a date. They both realized that they were perfect for each other.

Vladas is my man. He knows how to calm down, knows how to listen, give practical advice, - says the world champion. - I think that our age difference is normal, the husband should be older.

The wedding of Vladas and Maria ... Photo:

By the way, at first Lasickas courted another famous athlete - tennis player Anna Chakvetadze. She became famous for reaching the semi-finals of the US Open in 2007 and soared to fifth place in the world rankings that year. But after a successful season, Anya experienced terrible stress - at night, armed criminals robbed her parents' house, and the tennis player herself was there at that moment. She was almost killed. Later, fainting happened to her more than once on the court, the doctors could not make the correct diagnosis. In short, the sports career went downhill. The journalist Lasickas, who specializes in tennis, made a sincere interview with Chakvetadze, and then helped her get a job on television. Vladas' colleagues from the Eurosport Russia TV channel said that when he commented on the Grand Slam tournaments, he almost always asked his superiors to work in tandem with Anna Chakvetadze. They went abroad together, dined and dined together - they were already whispering behind their backs that, they say, the bride and groom were coming. But, as they say, the father of the blue-eyed Georgian girl intervened. Hot and impulsive businessman Jamal Chakvetadze Anechka said:

Don't rush, daughter. We'll find you another match.

...played in an old castle in the bride's homeland. Photo:

And for sure: on the advice of a caring dad, the tennis player joined the Just Cause party, and later became a confidant of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov in the 2012 presidential election. The TV commentator realized that he had nothing to catch. It won't pull.

According to our information, Chakvetadze married a Swiss businessman named Pavel, who is six years older than her. This nomination was approved by the Pope.

And Lasickas, fortunately, met Masha Kuchina. This girl, like her parents, is not obsessed with money at all.

Physical education teacher is a genius

I am glad that my husband has good contact with my coach Gennady Gabrilyan. For me it is very important, - emphasizes Lasitskene.

Gennady Garikovich for Masha is an indisputable authority. He was an ordinary physical education teacher at school No. 5 in the city of Prokhladny. There, in the first grade, Gabrilyan noticed the future star athletics. He began to train her according to a special technique, which differs sharply from the generally accepted one. In training, Masha - unlike, say, from Olympic champion Anna Chicherova- not even close to record heights. 185 centimeters is the limit.

Why in training to drive an athlete to a two-meter height? Or, even worse, for a world record of 2.10? Masha doesn’t need this at all, as well as doing barbell exercises, ”Gabrilyan believes. - She owns top scores shows at competitions when there is stress, excitement, fear. When there is adrenaline! The more strong rivals Masha has, the more important the tournament, the more it turns her on. I taught my student not to be afraid of stress. At the World Championships in London, she did not take 1m 99 cm on the first attempt, but she was not at all afraid. I decided to move the next two attempts to 2.01. And Masha calmly took this height. And then 2.03. Sports passion, a stressful situation is a great force. This is the engine of progress.

The TV commentator stuttered at the sight of Anna's blue eyes. Photo.

26-year-old ex-fifth racket of the world, winner 8 WTA tournaments Tour in an interview with "SE" officially announced the end of her professional career.

Announcing the end of a career can sometimes be difficult. Anastasia Myskina and Dinara Safina have not yet been able to say this out loud, although everyone is well aware that their return to the court is hardly possible. Anna Chakvetadze decided on this.


I don’t see myself in professional tennis anymore, so I’m ready to say: my career is over, - the two-time winner of the Federation Cup in the Russian team began the conversation. - Of course, it was a difficult decision, I tortured myself a little more, but now I have finally matured. Since she realized that there would be no turning point in tennis, she was left behind. I have a chronic back injury, which you want - you don’t want, but would interfere with my future career. So I decided to stop and try my hand at something else. A new life begins.

- When did you first have back problems?

In 2011. After a seven-month break, I started training again, and my body was completely unprepared. Against the background of physical exertion, I got an injury, which only worsened during the next season. And it happened during the OPT classes, when I threw the ball. She herself at that moment believed that she was not physically ready enough, and from the desire to quickly gain condition, apparently, she overworked. For myself, after that I realized that most of the dangerous injuries that can affect the career of an athlete, we get during physical training.

- Having received this injury, did you think that it would become chronic?

No. I always looked to the future with optimism and believed that I could get rid of all problems. But as relapses regularly occurred, optimism waned. And then everything just got boring. During that period of time I saw so many doctors who constantly told me different things. I understand that this is their job, but I still wanted specifics - they can cure or not. But there were no specifics. The doctors said: "Let's try hormonal injections, but we don't know how you will feel in six months." But tennis players need a full-fledged career. And to do something with the thought - all of a sudden in six months you will feel even worse, I was not ready. Therefore, I decided not to risk my health completely.

- What was your diagnosis?

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical and lumbar. Doctors also advised me to pump my back. I started to do it, and it seemed to get better. But then I came to the tournament, started playing well and felt that my back hurts again. So I couldn’t play 100%, even though I felt that I was gradually getting in shape. Well, in such a situation, what is the point of continuing to ride and play one or two matches at the most? You're only torturing yourself and your team with all this. After all, all this is given very difficult, including purely psychological. You come to the competition not to lose in the first or second round. So I realized: I don’t want to live like this anymore.

Did the doctors suggest surgery?

No. It was only about hormonal injections.

- Did you experience pain when serving or when hitting?

With twisting movements that tennis needs all the time. I absolutely stopped feeling my backhand, and in general it was hard for me to spin to the left side. And when serving, the back did not bother.

Do you feel discomfort in everyday life?

After I returned home from my last career tournament in Tashkent in September 2012, my back hurt a lot. I lay at home for several weeks in a special belt, as the doctors advised me a minimum of movements. But all this, of course, did not help. My parents and friends supported me then. The latter, in general, constantly came and brought various goodies - cakes, pastries ... I immediately gained a few kilograms. Firstly, I could not move, and even such food was around ( laughs). During the day I could eat the whole cake, plus the first or second and compote. I don't know if that's good or bad, but that's how it was.

Of course, in fact, none of those close to the end knew how bad I felt at that moment. I just don't like putting things on display. But in spite of everything, their support was pleasant to me. On the other hand, it was hard for me to realize that I would never play tennis again.

Then I had to start doing special exercises, to be treated and it seems that in ordinary life the back has ceased to hurt. With the exception of certain cases, when, for example, I sit for a long time. I even play tennis now. Slowly, for myself, but still. Although, of course, we are not talking about professional training.

- Did you shed many tears in those days of confinement at home?

I didn't sob. I was despondent, shall we say. I wanted to see no one and do nothing. Apathy set in. What I wished most during that period of time was to be left alone with myself. Back then, tennis was shown very often on TV, I watched and thought: I really want to take a racket and play now ... It's an amazing feeling when you can't do something, and this makes you want even more.

- And when did you decide that it was time to go out again?

When I realized that I was lying, and nothing was going on with me. And then I began to go to the doctors with the hope that with their help, at least in ordinary life, I would move normally. I was told that it is imperative to swim, although I can not stand it. But I had to - and it seemed to get better.

- In 2011, you fainted several times right on the court. Why?

At the tournament in Dubai, in the match with Wozniacki, it was just an unfortunate set of circumstances. Everything came together in one day. None of the doctors understood anything, they told me to rest a bit and be patient. But in those days, my ear hurt, which no one paid attention to at that time. Although I told the doctors about it. But we have a fight against doping on the tour, and we cannot drip anything into our ears - this is prohibited. So they told me: drop something like sea ​​water. As a result, everything worsened to such an extent that the fainting recurred in Stuttgart. A little later, finally, the doctors realized that I initially had otitis media of the inner ear, and then a complication began. I treated all this for a long time, but again, it didn’t come to the operation. Now everything is fine.


- What do you remember about your own career in the first place?

Its beginning. I especially remember my first US Open in 2004 (Then Chakvetadze entered the main draw from the qualification, after which she beat Barbara Shett and the current champion Roland Garros Anastasia Myskin, - approx. V.L.). I was then a little 17-year-old girl, and everything was quite emotional. And then, somehow, everything went on knurled.

– Do you remember the victory at the “Kremlin Cup”-2006 and the emotional away match in the Federation Cup against Israel in 2008?

Of course, this too. But you always want more. Tennis is such a sport when you host a tournament, win it and feel completely empty. You seem to be doing well, but you put your trophy on the shelf, and everything starts all over again. Do you remember what you won? Yes. But you always look forward more than backward.

- Don't you regret that you didn't manage to play at the 2008 Olympics?

No, because I was absolutely unprepared for that tournament. And it would be wrong to go to the Olympics just like that and lose already in the first round, even in relation to our other girls. Still, the competition at that time was very big, since almost four Russians were then in the top ten. And considering that we ended up taking the entire podium in women's singles in Beijing, it's even good that I didn't go ( smiling). In addition, I know players for whom the Olympics were more important than the Grand Slam tournaments and they won the Games. And for me, the Olympic Games were not something big and large-scale. True, I didn’t even manage to reach the final at the Grand Slam, although I really wanted to do it.

- So you remember your semi-final of US Open-2007 with Svetlana Kuznetsova now with special trepidation?

Yes. But I think of him more from a negative point of view. Why? Because she didn't win. Of course, getting into the top four is already a great achievement, but you will agree that getting into the final is much better. This is a completely different status. There are a lot of semi-finalists, but who remembers them all? It was my chance, but I didn't use it. And the worst thing in tennis is when you play badly in an important match, and your opponent plays the same way. That is, you end up losing a disgusting match in itself. To lose in an interesting duel, in a fight, when you play well, and your opponent is great - it's insulting, but more pleasant.

- Did you and Kuznetsova play poorly in that semi-final?

Yes. And then this wind ... The match turned out to be disgusting for the Grand Slam semi-finals. Although my friends after that fight were surprised: “Why are you upset?” And I answered - you do not understand anything. I really wanted to reach the final.

- Did the tennis tour turn out to be the way you imagined it?

I didn't think about this. I just went out to play tennis, and I didn't care what kind of people there would be. It seemed to be secondary. It was important for me to go out on the court and calmly win my match. But it was quite rare to win calmly ( laughs).

- You were very emotional on the court. Is it more from dad or mom?

I have both of them extremely emotional, so it's hard to say from whom more. But I'm loud for sure from dad ( laughs).

- And without tennis, how do you splash out emotions now?

It's hard ( smiling). Ordinary life is very difficult for me, because I have a sea of ​​​​emotions that I usually splashed out on the court. And it was visible laughs). And now I understand that if I go to work every day, I will accumulate a lot of negative or positive things that I have nowhere to throw out. Therefore, I slowly started playing tennis for myself and I became a little more comfortable. Well, at least something. Of course, in life I am quieter and calmer than on the court. But it's better not to piss me off smiling). I don’t think that if you are emotional on the court, then in ordinary life you will be calm. All this is an indicator of your personality. So I can't call myself completely calm.

- Do you easily make contact with people? Because I personally think that you are quite closed.

When I played tennis, it was like that: I was closed and I was a Sami in myself. And now I realized that I like to communicate with people, and I even like them.

- Closeness was determined by your desire to focus only on tennis?

Yes. I understand that this is a little strange and, probably, the players should communicate more with journalists, but all these press conferences were so difficult for me. You just can't imagine. I was thinking how can I improve my right hand, what needs to be changed in it, and at that moment I was asked some questions. And I answered: "Yes? What?". There were completely different thoughts in my head then. For me, the result has always been important, and what happens outside the court - cameras, shooting, and so on - is not mine. Of course, all this is important for the sport and its promotion, I understand this now, but I can’t say that I enjoyed it during my career.

- Have you watched your matches?

Yes. And sometimes I did not understand how I managed to show such good results. I once talked with Marat Safin, and he says: “I watched the record from the victorious Australian Open, so I didn’t hit the right at all. I don’t understand how I won something there at all.” Here is mine from the same series.

- Would you replay something in your career?

Your attitude towards health. Now I understand that you can not drive yourself. And then it seemed to me that the bad state of health itself will pass. Like, it's not global, so I'll go practice and everything will be fine. Although, in principle, I feel very good about my body. Perhaps, with age, we need to pay more attention to the bells that the body gives us. And now I understand that it is better to undertrain than overtrain.


- How did your father Jamal take the decision to end his career? I still have a picture before my eyes of him standing next to one of the Wimbledon courts and smoking nervously while you play.

I told him about this before, and he supported me. Dad said that if the back hurts, it means that the issue is resolved by itself. The fact is that I went with him to my last tournaments, and he saw what was happening to me. He was very worried and said: "Anya, if everything is like this, then it is better not to continue."

- But he misses what was?

We haven't discussed it with him, but I think he's bored. He loves tennis very much. In general, my parents constantly watch broadcasts on television. I used to think that they love this sport only because of me, but it turned out that they didn’t ( laughs). As sad as it is. I have a younger brother, so dad takes care of him and his own business. There is a court at the dacha and on weekends they play some matches there.

- That is, your famous home court is not empty?

No. In general, this site has a history, because initially there was a concrete court, then a dirt one. After that, all this was converted into a football field for my brother. But when it became clear that he was not interested in all this, they again made a court - with a hard surface.

- This court is located near the same house, which in the winter of 2007 broke into the robbers at night?

Did that story change you a lot?

After that, I had an absolutely disastrous season. I just got robbed at the wrong time laughs). After all, during that period, preparations for the season were to take place. And I already signed a contract with the WTA Tour, I had obligations to the association, according to which I had to perform at certain tournaments. So I played even though I didn't have any training and I was out of shape. So yes - it all influenced my future career.

- What about changes from a human point of view?

It also affected. Things were revealed to me that I didn't know before. I began to look deeper into the essence of things ... ( Pause). I do not like injustice, but, unfortunately, in our world it exists. But what happened happened. Probably, if all this had not happened, then on this moment I would be different. To be honest, at the time of the attack, I thought that everything would end there for us, but we all survived. So great - let's move on.

- You talk about it with a slight smile, but I have a feeling that you still haven’t let go of this whole story. So is it?

Hard to tell. I don't think it's still weighing on me psychologically. Maybe then a few days there was some kind of stressful condition. Probably, nevertheless, I let go of this situation, but, of course, it is still not pleasant for me. But firstly, it was a long time ago ... I will even say this: I don’t like the fact that people who do unpleasant things towards others then live in peace. I believe that if you did something wrong, you should bear some responsibility for it.

Have you found the thieves yet?

- Do your parents still live in this house?

Yes. It seems that the unpleasant feeling is gone, but I don’t really like this house. It takes a long time to get there and so on. I do not get any pleasure and come there only because my parents live there. If they weren't there, I wouldn't go there.

- Didn't they ask them to move?

Told them about it. But they felt that they wanted to live there and further. I did not insist and moved myself. Now I live in the city and it is much more convenient for me.

Did your family become more cautious after that attack?

Parents are still closed for eight hundred locks. Of course, security systems are much better now, because there was practically nothing before. Yes, I have become more careful. But after all, a person is so arranged, you can not think about this or that topic until it somehow hurt you personally.

- The story of the attack is not the only trouble that happened to you in those years ...

Yes. In 2006, the day after I won the Kremlin Cup, our car was stolen. We then went with dad to one designer in order to take clothes, as I was supposed to have a television shoot. We went into the store for literally 15-20 minutes, we leave, but there is no car. I then flashed only one thought: "I hope he was taken by a tow truck." But it turned out that the car was stolen. In the end, she was not found either. And a year later, something happened to an attack on the house. But nothing else happened to us laughs).

- Have you decided what you want to do after the end of your career?

Not to the end. First, I want to try my hand at coaching. Plus, I started commenting on tennis on TV and I love it. There are thoughts about certain projects, but I have not yet fully systematized it in my head. So I don't know what it will look like in the end. Now I am a freelance artist, but I want to build a certain system. You see, the result is very important for me, because I do not like work in vain. I want to see if I'm doing something well or not. For example, when commenting on tennis, I just enjoy watching matches, expressing some of my thoughts and learning the trade from good people.

Have you started coaching yet?

Yes. I started with one junior. Have I looked at tennis differently? Definitely. And all this became interesting to me, I began to analyze my mistakes. I have had various coaches in my career, but our cooperation was mostly short-lived. Probably because of my character and mismatch of views. And now I'm interested in trying my ideas on someone else. See if it works or not. Of course, all this takes time, but there are thoughts and knowledge that I would like to convey.

- The last question is traditional: what do you recommend to young tennis players?

You can play tennis well, but if a player has no character, he will never achieve good results. Now I understand it very clearly. There are about two thousand players on the tour and you can find something in each of them. Someone has speed, someone has a serve or a separate blow. But if you are not ready to fight to the end, somewhere you can’t even step over something and go through, then it’s better not to do it. You have to really love what you do. And at the same time, everyone should be very motivated. If this is not the case, it is difficult to become a good athlete.

Russian professional tennis player.

She started playing tennis at the age of 8, after her mother sent her to the section. Trained at the Valeri Children's International Tennis Academy. Champion of Russia - 2001 (under 16 years old), 2002 (under 18 years old). Winner of the International Youth Games of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Baltic States and regions of Russia under the patronage of the IOC (2002).

Winner of the RTT Cup 2002 (under 18). Multiple winner of the European Cup as part of the youth national team of Russia (in the age category of 16-18 years). Winner of six ITF junior singles tournaments - one 2nd category, one 3rd category and four 4th category. Finalist of the junior Wimbledon - 2003. Winner of one ITF junior tournament of the 4th category in doubles.

In 2004, at her very first appearance at the Grand Slam tournaments, she sensationally knocked out Anastasia Myskina from the second round of the US Open with a score of 7:6 (3) 6:3. She entered the top 100 tennis players in the world in the WTA rankings on September 13 at number 91. She entered the top fifty on June 6, 2004 at number 44. In August 2005, she was number 24 in the world classification.

In 2006, she achieved victories over Elena Jankovic, Daniela Gantukhova, Ana Ivanovich, Nadezhda Petrova and Shahar Peer, who are ranked higher than Anna.

October 1, 2006 Chakvetadze won her first WTA title in Guangzhou, China, defeating Spaniard Anabel Medina Garrigues in the final, and on October 15 won the Kremlin Cup.

In 2007, Chakvetadze had a very successful start to the tournaments, immediately winning her third WTA title at a tournament in Hobart, Australia, beating compatriot Vasilisa Bardina 6-3, 7-6(3) in the final. In the summer, Anna won her first grass tournament - in Hertogenbosch, Holland, beating Jelena Jankovic in the final. The American part of the season turned out to be successful for Anna. She won 2 tournaments: in Cincinnati and Stanford. She also performed extremely well in the Grand Slam tournaments, reaching the quarterfinals at the Australian Open and Roland Garros, as well as the semifinals of the US Open.

Chakvetadze prefers grass courts. He goes to tournaments with his father. Personal coach- Pavel Ostovsky. Speaks English.

Personal life of Anna Chakvetadze today it's training and flights from tournament to tournament. She likes to spend time at home in Moscow, but the tennis player does not succeed very often. But Anya constantly feels parental care, wherever she is - her parents and brother are always there. Father for Anna Chakvetadze is the best mentor, and mother is the most close person, to whom you can always complain if something does not work out or failures follow. Roma's younger brother, who cheers for her at all competitions, creates excellent support.

In the photo - tennis player Anna Chakvetadze

This year, Anna turned twenty-seven years old, and she has already managed to become the owner of numerous prizes and titles. Chakvetadze is the ex-fifth racket of the world in the singles ranking, a two-time winner of the Federation Cup as part of the Russian national team, a semi-finalist of one Grand Slam tournament in singles.

With tennis personal life Anna Chakvetadze is associated with the age of eight, when she began training at the Children's International Tennis Academy under the guidance of coach Viktor Pavlov. In 2011, Anna had to suspend professional career due to health problems, the athlete fainted several times at important tournaments. During this break, Anna collaborated with Russian television, helping to comment on tennis-themed programs." align="" src-original=" width=">

But now Anya is happy and calm to live the way she lives, and the athlete does not really think about what will happen next. Anna believes that tennis, which takes up almost all of her time, is enough for her so far. Anna Chakvetadze has no doubt that in the future her life will somehow be connected with sports. Perhaps she will become a commentator on television, especially since she already has experience in this work, and she enjoys it.

On the eve of the finals of the Roland Garros tournament, the Teleprogramma magazine met with the ex-fifth racket of the world. In 2015, Anna became the Russian voice of these competitions - she comments on the matches on the Eurosport channel

On the eve of the finals of the Roland Garros tournament, the Teleprogramma magazine met with the ex-fifth racket of the world. In 2015, Anna became the Russian voice of these competitions - she comments on the matches on the Eurosport channel.

About the commentary profession

I have always enjoyed analyzing games. Since childhood, I have listened to the comments of professionals. After a series of injuries and the end sports career There was a time in my life when I wanted to try something new. At first I worked on TV as an intern, and then there was my first broadcast on Eurosport ... The Australian Open tournament was on. It was a little uncomfortable, I was very nervous, but overall I liked it, and I decided to stay. I gained experience, learned to cope with excitement, and now I feel much easier at the microphone.

About preparing for broadcasts

Before the games, my teammates and I study the statistics of the matches. I think that the audience should definitely be told about the tournament layouts, interesting numbers, the results of personal meetings and, of course, about the tennis players themselves. After all, tennis is a personal sport. There are only two, maximum four players. And the task of commentators is to show them in all their glory. Many I personally know, I played with someone at the same tournaments, so I have a huge number of stories. Although, of course, not everything can be discussed in live(smiles).

About friendship with tennis players

It seems to me that friendship requires personal presence. And since lately I don’t go to tournaments so often, I can’t say that I’m fully friends with any of the tennis players. Basically with everyone Russian players I maintain good relations… For example, in the spring I flew to a tournament in Rome for a couple of weeks. There she talked very nicely with everyone with whom she once went to court. I had dinner with Victoria Azarenka (athlete from Belarus. - Ed.), I saw Elena Vesnina (Russian tennis player. - Ed.). Girls come to tournaments to win, not to relax. Therefore, I do not want to distract them once again.

About favorites in the world of sports

I do not like "shock", power tennis, I prefer a tactical game. I like the varied style (I probably played in this style myself), so I'm interested in watching Vika Azarenka. It is always unpredictable: you don't know what the next blow will be. I confess that I was subdued by Stan Wawrinka (Swiss athlete. - Ed.), Who won the Australian Open and beat Novak Djokovic in the semifinal match. His backhand is very good.

About criticism

It's impossible to please everyone. Your actions are constantly commented on. Someone does not like the game, someone is unhappy with your behavior. But sports
shifts are calm about this, because since childhood we have been in full view. Moreover, the negative is even useful. You can take a closer look at yourself and think: maybe there really is some truth in this? The most important thing for an athlete is to save energy. Therefore, even when you communicate with fans or journalists, there is a wall between you that allows you to never relax.

About keeping fit

I don't do sports much now. fed up physical activity by exercising six hours a day. Having finished my professional career, I see no reason to go to Gym and do it for yourself. First, I don't like doing things for nothing. It used to be that I had to train to show results. And secondly, you can follow the figure by controlling your diet. The main thing is not to eat sweet, starchy foods and ... potatoes. Lately, I have become very fond of meat. Ready to eat it 2-3 times a day. Apparently it's from my dad. When I participated in competitions, he insisted that I eat meat products. Then I really didn't want to. Of course, I also love flour. But because of the diet, you have to give up the joys of life.

About the Caucasian character

My dad is a colorful Georgian. Although he did not grow up in Tbilisi, he has peculiar notes of Caucasian people in his character. They are quite selfish! Emotionality and temperament I inherited from my dad. My mother, in turn, is very patient. And over time, I realized that without patience in sports it is impossible to achieve good results. With age, I become calmer, I want to change for the better ...
As a child, I was not spoiled much. Although everything is known in comparison. Dad always believed that a child should not be deprived of his childhood. Do you want to play tennis? Play! Do not want? No need. I never experienced pressure from my parents. Despite the fact that my mother is quite strict, her pressure still has not gone away.

About little brother

My brother Roman is 11 years younger than me. The age difference definitely makes a difference. I want to teach him something, to help. Now my brother is 17 years old, at this age all the guys and girls are original. I think that he will outgrow his difficulties and difficulties. Roma is a very interesting young man. And unlike me, very private. A loner, he decided not to celebrate his birthday, and still does not want to communicate with his peers, it is easier for him with older people - me and my husband. Maybe it's for the best.

About her husband and future children

My chosen one - Pavel - has nothing to do with the world of tennis. He is 34 years old and comes from the business world. We met through mutual friends. May 22 was the anniversary of our family life.
Of course, we are thinking about children. But it seems to me that we are still quite young people. And you shouldn't rush into it. Pasha is loyal to my business trips, because I don’t leave so often, we comment on most of the games from Moscow.

About communicating with parents

As a child, I spent a lot of time with my parents - when I "traveled" to tournaments. With dad, who accompanied me everywhere from the age of 14 - especially. We were just inseparable. So now we decided to take a little break from each other. In addition, I got married a year ago and now I can’t meet my parents every day. I try to see my mom, dad and brother about once a week. My parents live not far from me, and when I have free time, I can come to them for dinner, talk, discuss some news.

About social networking

For me, the Internet is primarily information. I rarely turn on the TV. If I watch, it's only sports channels. And the information, naturally, I receive from the Network. Firstly, it’s faster, and secondly, you can get several opinions at once.
Do I have a social media addiction? It seems to me that more or less actively I began to show myself there only recently. When I played tennis, I did not want to be distracted, so I rarely wrote anything or posted photos.

About own tennis school

In the near future I plan to open my own tennis school. I really want children who want to become professionals to come to me to study. After all, tennis is very popular in the world. In Italy, there is tremendous interest in him; in America, he is constantly among the five most popular species sports. In Russia, according to my feelings, tennis has ceased to be given due attention. But who knows, maybe things will change soon. And major federal TV channels will begin to show world-class tournaments more often.

About money in sports

In sports, everything is simple: the better you play, the more you earn. And you can have a big salary by the age of 18. In sports, money is synonymous with success. Athletes put in tremendous effort to get rich, nothing falls from the sky. I don't like reckless spending. Even buying a dress should carry a certain meaning.
Before the robbery that happened in 2007, when they took everything from us, I liked to buy jewelry. But they weren't too expensive either. After that unpleasant incident, I finally realized that this was just a waste of money.

About discovered talents

After the end of my sports career, it turned out that I am such a multifaceted personality! (Smiling.) Together with familiar designers, she created a line of outfits with beautiful prints for the whole family. Our collection even participated in the Mercedes Fashion Week show. By the way, it was a pity for the little kids-models, who, poor things, arrived at 6 o'clock in the morning to prepare for the fashion show. I used to think that only athletes work hard ... The modeling business is also very difficult.
My clothing line is far from being a full scale project. The process is very difficult, you need to delve into everything, but I don’t have enough time now. Although this direction is very interesting to me.

About distant countries and native Moscow

Recently I prefer to rest in Europe. I don't want to fly too far, I've already traveled all over the world. True, she had not been to the United States for a long time, three years. Maybe I'll go in September. From European countries, I like Italy. And in general, I prefer the southerners, they are so relaxed, they have good food, warm weather ... Previously, it seemed that the weather in Moscow completely suits me, because I spent 3-4 months here a year. And she was happy. But when you constantly live in this city, you feel that the weather is not happy. Summer lasts only 2-3 months, and there is no need to wait for more heat. In Moscow, everyone is gathered, they are in a hurry somewhere, they are running. There is a certain beauty in this. The capital is interesting because here you can find a lot of things to do.

Private bussiness

Anna CHAKVETADZE was born on March 5, 1987 in Moscow. Finalist of the junior tournament "Wimbledon-2003". In 2007, she reached the semi-finals of the US Open tournament. Two-time winner of the Federation Cup as part of the Russian national team (in 2007 and 2008). Was the fifth racket of the world in the singles ranking. In 2007, armed robbers attacked the house where the Chakvetadze family lived and took out a large amount of money and jewelry. After a series of injuries and fainting on the courts in 2012, she decided to end her career as a professional tennis player. Currently - commentator, fashion designer. In 2014, Anya married a businessman named Pavel. The couple has no children yet.

Style: Daria Nagornova and DRESSLAB. Make-up: Irina Nikishina.

Anna Chakvetadze is a Russian tennis player whose titles can be listed endlessly. Anna reached the position of the fifth racket of the world and won the Federation Cup as part of the Russian national team, the girl has a huge number of victories on her account. However, fate prepared for the athlete not only a triumph, but also the bitterness of defeat, as well as serious health problems. Fortunately, even leaving big sport, Anna found herself and continued to do what she loved.

Childhood and youth

The future tennis star was born on March 5, 1987 in Moscow. Anna's family is multinational: the athlete's father is from Georgia, while her mother was born in Ukraine. In addition to Anya, the parents raised two sons.

In an interview, the athlete repeatedly admitted that, although tennis appeared in her life quite early, Anna did not plan to associate her biography with him. For the first time Chakvetadze entered the court at the age of 8. The coaches did not distinguish the girl from other children: Anna did not win a single match in children's tournaments for a long time. Twice Chakvetadze was even expelled from the group, and the parents had to transfer their daughter to another section.

Fortunately, after a while, Anna still managed to demonstrate her own talent, and soon experts and just fans of this sport started talking about a promising young tennis player.


In 2001, Anna Chakvetadze became the champion of Russia among athletes of her age. The further career of the athlete developed rapidly: a year later, the girl again confirmed this title, and also won several victories in various international competitions.

Also, 2002 brought Chakvetadze a number of triumphant matches of the European Cup, where the girl played as part of the Russian team. And a year later, Anna took second place in Wimbledon tournament, finally winning the hearts of the fans.

In 2004, Anna Chakvetadze's photos reappeared on the pages of sports publications. This time the reason was the victory over Anastasia Myskina on the way to the gold of the American tournament. Unfortunately, here Anna only managed to get into the third round of the base, but even such an upward movement ensured Chakvetadze a place in the top 100 tennis players in the singles ranking.

2006 was also successful for the athlete: the girl won the first WTA (Women's Tennis Association) title at competitions in China. But two years later, in 2008, the girl had to face failures and even misfortunes. The girl's house, where she lived with her family, was attacked by armed men. Fortunately, everyone survived, but the robbers who carried out the attack were never caught.

In sports, fortune also turned away from Chakvetadze: after a couple of victories, a series of unfortunate defeats followed. The rating of the Russian woman has seriously decreased, the girl even refused to participate in the main sporting event - Olympic Games, which, of course, was not easy for Anna.

This trend continued a year later. Health problems also added to the troubles, Chakvetadze had to recover from several injuries. The following seasons cannot be called successful: victories alternated with defeats, special sports achievements in the piggy bank of Anna did not increase, and the rating of the tennis player inexorably fell.

In 2011, it became clear that something serious was happening to the health of the tennis player: the girl began to faint right during the tournaments. For a long time, doctors could not diagnose Anna, and there were even rumors in the press that Chakvetadze was feigning an illness.

However, Anna's reputation was soon restored: it turned out that the girl had severe otitis media, which manifested itself with similar symptoms. Unfortunately, otitis was not Chakvetadze's only problem - soon the girl was again unable to go to court. This time, old back injuries made themselves felt.

In 2013, Anna Chakvetadze officially announced the end of her sports career. As the girl later admitted, this period was not easy, but the sports character of the tennis player, tempered by many years of tournaments and training, did not allow Anna to lose heart.

Soon the girl again found a job to her liking: Chakvetadze began to work sports commentator on the popular Eurosport channel. Vladas Tashev, an experienced commentator and sports journalist, often became her colleague on the air.

In addition, in 2011, Anna entered the electoral list of the Just Cause political party, and a year later became a confidant of Mikhail Prokhorov, one of the candidates for the presidency.

In 2015, Anna returned to big sport, however, this time as a coach. The athlete opened her own tennis school, where she transfers her accumulated knowledge and experience to the younger generation of future champions. And in 2016 Chakvetadze became a coach in physical training for a chess player.

Personal life

The personal life of Anna Chakvetadze has developed happily. In 2014, the girl got married. The Chosen One slender beauty(Anna's height is 171 cm, and her weight is 63 kg) was a man named Pavel.

It is known that the beloved tennis player is far from the world of sports: Chakvetadze's husband owns his own business abroad. The athlete prefers not to advertise the details of the wedding and relationships with her lover, but she admits that she tries to devote as much time as possible to her family and home.

Anna Chakvetadze now

Now Anna continues to share her experience with pleasure and comment on the current situation on tennis tournaments. So, recently Chakvetadze shared a detailed analysis of the game, Karen Khachanova at the main tournament of the year - Wimbledon 2018.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, Anna spoke rather sharply about the situation with a Russian curler who did not pass doping tests. According to Anna, the use of doping cannot be justified by anything, and athletes who tell stories that they accidentally took the drug are like a storyteller.

News about professional life Anna can be recognized in her

Anna Chakvetadze is a Russian tennis player whose titles can be listed endlessly. Anna reached the position of the fifth racket of the world and won the Federation Cup as part of the Russian national team, the girl has a huge number of victories on her account. However, fate prepared for the athlete not only a triumph, but also the bitterness of defeat, as well as serious health problems. Fortunately, even leaving the big sport, Anna found herself and continued to do what she loved.

Childhood and youth

The future tennis star was born on March 5, 1987 in Moscow. Anna's family is multinational: the athlete's father is from Georgia, while her mother was born in Ukraine. In addition to Anya, the parents raised two sons.

In an interview, the athlete repeatedly admitted that, although tennis appeared in her life quite early, Anna did not plan to associate her biography with him. For the first time Chakvetadze entered the court at the age of 8. The coaches did not distinguish the girl from other children: Anna did not win a single match in children's tournaments for a long time. Twice Chakvetadze was even expelled from the group, and the parents had to transfer their daughter to another section.

Fortunately, after a while, Anna still managed to demonstrate her own talent, and soon experts and just fans of this sport started talking about a promising young tennis player.


In 2001, Anna Chakvetadze became the champion of Russia among athletes of her age. The further career of the athlete developed rapidly: a year later, the girl again confirmed this title, and also won several victories in various international competitions.

Also, 2002 brought Chakvetadze a number of triumphant matches of the European Cup, where the girl played as part of the Russian team. And a year later, Anna took second place at the Wimbledon tournament, finally winning the hearts of the fans.

In 2004, Anna Chakvetadze's photos reappeared on the pages of sports publications. This time the reason was the victory over on the way to the gold of the American tournament. Unfortunately, here Anna only managed to get into the third round of the base, but even such an upward movement ensured Chakvetadze a place in the top 100 tennis players in the singles ranking.

2006 was also successful for the athlete: the girl won the first WTA (Women's Tennis Association) title at competitions in China. But two years later, in 2008, the girl had to face failures and even misfortunes. The girl's house, where she lived with her family, was attacked by armed men. Fortunately, everyone survived, but the robbers who carried out the attack were never caught.

In sports, fortune also turned away from Chakvetadze: after a couple of victories, a series of unfortunate defeats followed. The rating of the Russian woman has seriously decreased, the girl even refused to participate in the main sporting event - the Olympic Games, which, of course, was not easy for Anna.

This trend continued a year later. Health problems also added to the troubles, Chakvetadze had to recover from several injuries. The following seasons cannot be called successful: victories alternated with defeats, there were no special sports achievements in Anna's piggy bank, and the tennis player's rating inexorably fell.

In 2011, it became clear that something serious was happening to the health of the tennis player: the girl began to faint right during the tournaments. For a long time, doctors could not diagnose Anna, and there were even rumors in the press that Chakvetadze was feigning an illness.

However, Anna's reputation was soon restored: it turned out that the girl had severe otitis media, which manifested itself with similar symptoms. Unfortunately, otitis was not Chakvetadze's only problem - soon the girl was again unable to go to court. This time, old back injuries made themselves felt.

In 2013, Anna Chakvetadze officially announced the end of her sports career. As the girl later admitted, this period was not easy, but the sports character of the tennis player, tempered by many years of tournaments and training, did not allow Anna to lose heart.

Soon, the girl again found a job to her liking: Chakvetadze began working as a sports commentator on the popular Eurosport channel. Vladas Tashev, an experienced commentator and sports journalist, often became her colleague on the air.

In addition, in 2011, Anna entered the electoral list of the Just Cause political party, and a year later became a confidant of Mikhail Prokhorov, one of the candidates for the presidency.

In 2015, Anna returned to big sport, however, this time as a coach. The athlete opened her own tennis school, where she transfers her accumulated knowledge and experience to the younger generation of future champions. And in 2016 Chakvetadze became a physical training coach for a chess player.

Personal life

The personal life of Anna Chakvetadze has developed happily. In 2014, the girl got married. The chosen one of a slender beauty (Anna's height is 171 cm, and her weight is 63 kg) was a man named Pavel.

It is known that the beloved tennis player is far from the world of sports: Chakvetadze's husband owns his own business abroad. The athlete prefers not to advertise the details of the wedding and relationships with her lover, but she admits that she tries to devote as much time as possible to her family and home.

Anna Chakvetadze now

Now Anna continues to share her experience and comment on the current situation at tennis tournaments with pleasure. So, recently Chakvetadze shared a detailed analysis of the game at the main tournament of the year - Wimbledon 2018.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, Anna spoke rather sharply about the situation with a Russian curler who did not pass doping tests. According to Anna, the use of doping cannot be justified by anything, and athletes who tell stories that they accidentally took the drug look like a storyteller.

News about Anna's professional life can be found in her