The investigation does not exclude personal motives in the murder of the boxer Khetag Kozaev. Professional boxing: life is like a flash Who killed Khetag Kozaev

The investigation does not exclude personal motives in the murder of boxer Khetag Kozaev

Among the versions put forward for the murder of WBC world boxing champion Khetag Kozaev, which was committed at about two in the morning on June 13 in Vladikavkaz, there is one that between the deceased athlete and the citizen suspected of murder, a quarrel could accidentally arise directly in the premises of the karaoke club "Mirage", which is on Costa Avenue.

As the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told by a source close to the investigative-operational group, its employees do not rule out interpersonal motivation. “For each of the versions put forward, a tremendous amount of work needs to be done, based on the fact that the number of club visitors was at least one hundred people. Some assumptions based on the information collected will certainly disappear, you will have to concentrate on the most promising version, and while the preliminary picture of what happened is being restored, and we are talking about what happened in the hall, and according to what scenario the events developed already on the street," the source said.

The death of a young professional athlete was the result of the use of traumatic weapon- at least five shots were fired at Kozaev at close range, including in the head. After the deed, the offender fled - his identity was established, he was put on the wanted list as part of an initiated criminal case.

Law enforcement agencies do not specify his biography, however, it turned out that he was a native of North Ossetia, for the last few years (three to four years) he has been living and working outside of it. Before the incident, he probably did not personally know a professional boxer - their first acquaintance and verbal contacts ended in a tragic result.

During the conversation of the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent with the residents of houses located near the site of the murder, the respondents expressed their concern about what had happened. According to Alexander Kulaev, the activities of such nightclubs, located in a "sleeping" area, require increased attention from the guardians of order.

"Four years ago, not far from the Mirage, there was a stationary traffic police post, but it was removed. Perhaps such a post is not needed, but this does not mean that everything should be left uncontrolled. There is a square nearby, a very busy road, but I personally do not understand, why are there so few police if this is such a tense place," the man said.

Another interviewee, Aslanbek Dzgoev, also drew attention to the place of the murder, and one of the reasons for the incident was the low professional level of security at the nightclub. “It is completely incomprehensible how a man with a weapon walked past the guards, quarreled with someone, then went outside and started shooting, although he knows very well that the club is surrounded by residential buildings.” Referring to the opinion of his friends and neighbors, the correspondent's interlocutor also noted that the club's visitors disturb people who, in the midst of its work, rest.

"Someone put red carnations, a funeral candle on the site near the Mirage, and yesterday the club did not work all day," said another Vladikavkaz resident, Igor Polyakov. He believes that the patrons of the club, in his opinion, are those people who are able to get out of any situation, and the tragedy that occurred near the "karaoke club" will not affect its further functioning in any way.

“There used to be a casino here, and there were prize cars nearby, and someone tied a working grenade under one of the cars. Many policemen arrived, they blocked everything, the grenade was neutralized. there was a disco night club, and then something like karaoke," he explained.

Khetag Kozaev became the WBC World Youth professional boxing middleweight champion last year, and defended his title in April of this year. His brother Aslan Kozaev also performs in the professional ring.

In the photo above personal coach Alexandra Povetkina, Ivan Kirpa, read about his fate below ..

Ivan Klimov

Klimov not only had the makings of an outstanding boxer, but by the age of 24 he had already earned the love and approving nods of veterans. Three-time champion of Siberia, member of the Russian boxing team, winner international competitions"Golden Glove". This is only an incomplete list of the regalia of a fighter who walked on the verge of life and death several times. The first time the name of Klimov flashed in the criminal chronicle was in March 2013, when the boxer was seriously injured near the Angar nightclub. An unknown person shot the athlete from a Saiga carbine, after which Klimov, who was bleeding, was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of a gunshot wound to the abdominal cavity.

However, a serious injury could not affect the boxer's sporting ambitions. Just a few months later, the boxer started training again. But already in the autumn there was a second, and as it turned out, a dramatic incident involving Klimov. According to witnesses, an unknown person pierced the wheel of Klimov's car, waited for the boxer to descend to the sounds of the alarm, and then stabbed him several times. 24-year-old Klimov died before the arrival of the ambulance from deep stab wounds.

Ivan Kirpa

The personal trainer of Alexander Povetkin, Ivan Kirpa, hardly planned a career as a mentor for himself. He always wanted to be in the center of action, to fight for his name, being surrounded by the ropes of the ring. And those who have seen Kirpa in action will tell you that he did a great job. The career of one of the most talented boxers in Russia was interrupted by an unfortunate knee injury, which was later overshadowed by an unpleasant criminal incident. According to Kirpa, two tipsy people, a woman and a man, began to show aggression towards him. While the boxer was talking to the girl, the young man stabbed him in the temple, after which the girl broke the bottle and inflicted 18 stab wounds on Kirpa with a “rose”.

Despite dozens of witnesses, no one dared to intervene in the conflict. Bleeding, Kirpa reached the hospital, where doctors fought for his life for 3 hours. The heavy plot of this story fades before its finale, Kirpa turned to the police, but much to the surprise of the boxer, there was no reason to initiate a criminal case. There were no face-to-face confrontations, inquests and other standard procedures. Moreover, according to the protocol, it turned out that the attack was initiated by Kirpa himself. Shocked by this attitude, the boxer decided not to continue the lawsuit.

Khetag Kozaev

The reasons for the murder of the world junior middleweight champion Khetag Kozaev are still unknown. Some say that an ordinary domestic quarrel drew a line under the life of a young boxer, others insist that it was a carefully planned murder. It is only known for certain that in 2010, in Vladikavkaz, from June 12 to 13, a boxer was killed near the VIP karaoke bar. In the conflict that happened between Kozaev and several visitors to the institution, one of the participants shot at the boxer from a traumatic and firearm.

The wounded champion was taken to the hospital, but they did not have time to save him. Some might now say that Kozaev was one of the many promising boxers, but his professional achievements indicate that the 20-year-old was something more. After a bright start to his career, the Ural-Box-Promotion promotion company signed a contract with Kozaev, in which the boxer began to show impressive results: in the first seven matches, Kozaev won seven knockout victories. Alas, the athlete did not manage to develop this success.

Maxim Limonov

Limonov was not just a good boxer, but also a public figure: the owner of a bright appearance, the aggressive nickname "Pitbull", the widespread attention of girls, and the title of Russian 2011 Middleweight Champion. Aggressive fighting style (8 knockouts in 16 fights), coupled with a lust for life, made him a very prominent person in the boxing world. But the strongest blow to Limonov was dealt by no means, not by a rival in the ring, but by life. In the same year, when the boxer became the champions of Russia, his father died. The boxer took the loss very hard, began to behave even more aggressively, which constantly provoked various incidents.

In 2012, a case was opened against Limonov under the article “intentional infliction of moderate harm”, and in the summer of 2013 a fine was imposed for attacking a policeman. Apparently, in one of these numerous brawls, the beginning was laid for what later grew into a murder. On June 17, unidentified people shot at a boxer's car in Prokopyevsk. Having driven into the yard in his car, Limonov barely had time to get out of the car, after which he immediately received three gunshot wounds. A friend who was next to Maxim at that moment did not see the faces of the attackers. She immediately called an ambulance, but it was too late. The 25-year-old athlete died in her arms.

Rasul Gadzhimagomedov

Boxer of the Russian youth team Rasul Gadzhimagomedov also did not escape the sad fate of those who live in the tough and harsh world of boxing. The 19-year-old athlete was found murdered on the streets of Krasnodar on July 19, 2014. The cause of death was a stab wound to the throat. According to the preliminary version of the investigation, the conflict occurred on the basis of monetary debt. A sad ending to such a successful career.

29.01.2010 12:15 180 (11313)

To understand at least something in the rapid whirlwind of strikes and movements that takes place in a small professional ring, one must love boxing. To appreciate all the drama of a fleeting professional fight, you need to be able to get into a tanned, bloody boxing skin and feel yourself under a hail heavy blows in the spotlight on the public, which craves blood and circuses.

The next evening of professional boxing, held on January 27 in the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Markstadt", was really spectacular, but, unfortunately, fleeting. Professional boxers once again confirmed the simple truth that only a knockout is valued in professional boxing.

In the first round, the participant of the first pair of the tournament Damir Timirbaev, the winner of the championship of the Chelyabinsk region from Magnitogorsk, literally crushed Viktor Ivanishev, champion of the Kurgan region. with a strong blow on the left side of the liver, in the very first minute of the battle, he sent his opponent into a heavy knockdown.

Viktor Ivanishev, who did not recover from severe pain in the hypochondrium, continued the fight with a contorted face. But the more experienced Damir Timirbaev, having “groped for the liver”, concentrated exclusively on it, unleashing a flurry of crushing side blows with his left hand on the weak spot of the already clearly doomed boxer. After the third or fourth booming blow to the hull, Ivanishev fell. The fight was terminated ahead of schedule by technical knockout.

In the second fight, the young Ossetian Aslan Tlatov, master of sports, champion of the South federal district from Vladikavkaz, in the very first seconds he delivered several strong and accurate blows to the head of the Chelyabinsk championship winner Vadim Murzin, after which the Chelyabinsk literally “floated”, losing orientation.

Aslan Tlatov, a 21-year-old resident of Tskhinvali, who managed in his life, in addition to boxing fights with a machine gun in his hands, to defend his city from Georgian aggression in 2008, finished off his opponent with a hard and accurate right side blow to the head, sending him to "rest" in a deep knockout.

Third fight of the evening between Alexey Martynov And Kirill Artemiev turned out to be quite even and lasted all the allotted four rounds. Professional debutant in professional boxing, Martynov from the Southern Federal District of Russia has a serious past in amateur boxing.

Only five losses out of 60 fights. European Championship medalist, champion of Russia.

His athletic rival Artemyev, the champion of Udmurtia, has 12 professional boxing fights in his record. By unanimous decision of the judges, the victory in this fight was given to the more technical Alexei Martynov, although I personally really liked the stubborn and tough Kirill Artemiev.

From the fourth fight of the tournament - between the winner of the championship of Kazakhstan Viktor Izhak from the Chelyabinsk club of professional boxing "Champion" and the winner of the championship of Kazakhstan Rustam Starikov, the winner of the Russian championship in Thai boxing, - experts were waiting for blood, and it spilled.

Izhak, nicknamed the “hammer fighter” for heavy knockout blows, stubbornly hunted his opponent for all four rounds. But the debutant skillfully resisted, showing his teeth.

The puncher Izhak himself at the end of the first round ran into two good side blows with his left to the head and “swam”. But all the same, the undoubted advantage was for the champion from the Champion club.

The oncoming straight line on the right literally stunned Starikov, and when Viktor then stopped him with a straight left, it became clear that the main task of the Thai boxer was to simply hold out and not fall. Which, however, he succeeded.

Izhak's coach Yuri Kabulov was very dissatisfied with the fight of his pupil: “If Viktor had worked freely throughout the fight, the result could have been better. You can't go after a knockout like that. And Starikov turned out to be a strong guy.”

In the main battle of the tournament - between the world youth champion and the Baltic champion from Tskhinvali Khetag Kozaev and the winner of the championship of the Khanty-Mansiysk district Denis Balandin, - as expected from the very beginning, the “star boy” had a clear advantage. Kozaev moved well, attacked a lot.

And Balandin, it seems, "burned out" even before the battle. At the end of the first round, Khetag Kozaev struck three accurate blows from below to the liver, spleen and jaw.

After that, the Chelyabinsk obviously “floated”. It was clear from Denis' clouded eyes that he did not see an opponent, and in order to protect his boxer from possible injuries, Yuri Kabulov reasonably removed him from the fight, much to the regret of the audience who wanted to watch all six rounds of a beautiful fight.

According to the strict rules of professional boxing, Balandin can be fined for withdrawing at the very beginning of the fight. After the fight, Khetag Kozaev went into the locker room to Denis Balandin and apologized for having "punched" him.

Khetag Kozaev is truly a rising star in world boxing, he has a great boxing future ahead of him. But it is no less important that the nineteen-year-old resident of Tskhinvali is simply a very good and well-mannered young man who is sincerely loved and respected in the world of professional boxing.

Vladimir Filichkin.
Photo by Vyacheslav Nikulin.

The entire domestic boxing still cannot recover from the shock caused by the tragic death of the rising star of the ring, WBC junior middleweight world champion 19-year-old Khetag Kozaev.

Let me remind you that the young champion was shot dead on the night of June 13 in Vladikavkaz. According to investigators, the murder took place near the Mirage club after a conflict in a karaoke bar. Presumably, Kozaev was shot from traumatic and firearms.

The seriously injured boxer was taken to the hospital, but he died in the emergency room. On this fact, criminal cases were initiated under articles 105 (“Murder”) and 222 (“Illicit trafficking in firearms”). A 29-year-old resident of Vladikavkaz, who is put on the wanted list, is suspected of committing a crime.

So unexpectedly and unfairly ended, perhaps, one of the most striking biographies Russian boxing recent years. Kozaev made his debut in the professional ring in 2008, then spent 10 fights, won all of them, and 9 times by knockout. By the age of 19, Khetag has already managed to get two prestigious belts according to the World Boxing Council - junior and the countries of the Baltic region.

Khetag last fought on April 24, when he successfully defended his WBC World Youth title in the weight of 76.2 kg in Krasnoyarsk. The representative of South Ossetia and the club of the Vladikavkaz club "Ariana" already in the second round knocked out a very strong Argentine Victor Mujica.

Personally, I happened to work twice as a host at matches in Noginsk, where Khetag boxed. And every time it was a real spectacle. Fans have already gone specially “to Kozaev”, and in 2009, the President of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, even came to the fight. The rare talent of the middleweight surprised even worldly-wise experts.

At the weigh-in after the fights, I talked a lot with Khetag personally, interviewed him. By the way, he was always with his brother, also a champion, Aslanbek Kozaev. So, first of all, some kind of adult wisdom of this young man, mature reasoning beyond his years, was striking. He paid much attention training process was disciplined. Here is a good example that reveals the character of Kozaev. Having defeated in Noginsk “only” on points a very strong Belarusian Konstantin Makhankov, Khetag was almost upset to tears that he could not win by knockout for the first time.

And all the friends and coaches young man unanimously noted in him a heightened sense of justice, exceptional decency. He could, without hesitation, tell the scoundrels in person that they are scoundrels, stand up for the honor of an elderly person or girl.

It is possible that something similar happened at the Mirage club that tragic night. But Khetag paid a very high price for his maximalism.

He was a real fighter...

| Direct speech

Volodymyr Kushnir, Honored Coach of Ukraine: “I immediately saw a rare talent in this kid”

I met Khetag two years ago in Chelyabinsk, where we held an installation meeting. And even earlier, my friend, Honored Coach of Russia Gennady Savin, told me very enthusiastically about him.

In amateur boxing, Kozaev performed brilliantly, becoming the champion of Russia, Europe and the world among young men. Can you imagine?! But he did not get into the adult team, so he decided to immediately go to the pros. In the ring, Khetag represented South Ossetia, trained at the Ariana club (Vladikavkaz), while he was under a contract with the Ural Boxing Promotion company.

The boy came to the first training camp in Chelyabinsk with a little cold, did not train in full force, but I immediately saw in him a rare talent. Tall (180 cm - "Sport"), mobile, sharp, subtly feeling the distance. He was right-handed and therefore boxed in the left-handed stance, but, if necessary, right in the battle he could suddenly switch to the right-handed stance. This is a sign of class, and he was only 17 years old. Even then, he fought selectively, improvised a lot. And then with a clear, accented blow, he sent the opponent to a knockout. It is no coincidence that out of ten of his fights in nine he won ahead of schedule.

In three or four years, Kozaev would undoubtedly be the world champion, and here such a tragedy ...

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my condolences to the boxer's family and friends and, of course, to his mentors, my good comrades - Gennady Savin, Igor Dzagoev, Vitaly Slanov.

But you know, and I still don't believe that Khetag is no longer with us. It seems to me that he went somewhere far, far away to the training camp and is preparing for a title fight.

|Rating « Sports»

A bullet sends a knockout

The most high-profile murders of the great boxers

The most mysterious and still unsolved crime in the world of boxing. On the eve of the new year, 1971, the legendary heavyweight, multiple world champion Sonny Liston was found dead in his house. There were traces of blood on his face and chest, and a .38 caliber revolver lay on the bedside table. At the same time, Liston's official cause of death was ... a drug overdose. According to another version, it was the mafia who paid off Sonny, who did not want to participate in contractual battles.

A native of Kostroma, Sergei Kobozev had a brilliant pro career (22 wins, 18 knockouts, just one loss). In New York, Russian Bear trained for the WBC cruiserweight title while working as a security guard at a restaurant in Brooklyn. During another noisy drinking bout, Kobozev stood up for the musician, to whom the local brother climbed to sort it out. A few days later, the bandits decided to take revenge on Sergei. Only four years later, the FBI discovered the remains of the boxer, buried in the garden of a country house.

In the rank of world champion WBC in the first middle weight, Vernon Forrest tragically passed away. The titled boxer was shot dead by robbers at a gas station. Vernon was inflating his car's tires when two villains jumped out of an approaching car and tried to steal the champion's Jaguar. Forrest had a gun with him and started chasing the robbers. In the ensuing firefight, seven or eight bullets were fired at him, one of which hit the middleweight in the head. Forrest's funeral was attended by one and a half thousand people, among whom were Evander Holyfield, Antonio Tarver and many other famous boxers.

The great Argentine boxer Oscar Natalio Bonavena was shot in the chest with a powerful hunting rifle. The tragedy happened in the infamous Mustang Ranch brothel. The trigger was pulled by a bar guard who suspected the champion of having an affair with the owner of the establishment. "Drama in Nevada" interrupted the brilliant career of Bonavena, who went down in history with his epic fight against Muhammad Ali in 1970. The tragic events formed the basis of the sensational film "Love Ranch".

On the emigrant street of Brighton Beach at four o'clock in the morning at the entrance to the Arbat restaurant, Oleg Korotaev, a three-time USSR light heavyweight champion, European champion, world championship finalist, was shot in the back of the head. During the investigation, a representative of the New York police officially stated that a hired killer was acting, who did not arouse Korotaev's suspicions. Perhaps they even sat at the same table. Therefore, once on a night and deserted avenue, the killer calmly took out a gun and pulled the trigger. Korotaev was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.