How tall is Alexander Povetkin. Povetkin spoke about his future

Alexander Vladimirovich Povetkin was born on September 2, 1979 in Kursk. Russian professional boxer competing in the heavyweight weight class. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2002).

Champion of Russia in 2000 (category up to 91 kg) and 2001-2002 (category over 91 kg), champion of the Goodwill Games (2001), absolute champion of Russia (2002), two-time champion Europe (2002, 2004), world champion (2003), Olympic champion (2004) in amateur competitions.

Regular WBA World Heavyweight Champion (2011-2013).

In 2014 he won the WBC Silver title.

Height - 188 cm. Combat weight - 100-105 kg. He played for Dynamo (Chekhov).

Alexander Povetkin - the best knockouts and moments of fights

Alexander Povetkin was born on September 2, 1979 in Kursk. He started boxing in 1992 at the Spartak sports complex in Kursk.

He was fond of other types of martial arts: hand-to-hand combat, wushu, karate, kickboxing.

His idol, like many boys of that time, was the famous film actor.

The first successes came to Povetkin quickly - already in 1995 Alexander won the youth championship of Russia, two years later he became the winner of the junior national championship.

Alexander Povetkin - champion of Russia, 1997

In 2001, Alexander moved to heavyweight. Povetkin made his debut at the World Championships, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland. In the quarterfinals, he lost on points (30:36) in an equal fight to Ukrainian boxer Alexei Mazykin. In September, in the semi-finals of the Goodwill Games in Brisbane, Alexander took a convincing revenge on Mazykin (15:6).

On the way to the continental “gold”, Povetkin won an early victory over a very skilled German fighter Sebastian Köber (in the semi-finals), and in the decisive fight he outboxed the strong Italian Roberto Camarella (20:16). At the end of the year, he won a tournament in Warsaw, in the final of which he defeated his eternal rival - Lezin.

In 2003, Povetkin took second place in the Russian Championship, losing in the final to Lezin.

In February 2004, he won the European Championship, held in the Croatian city of Pula. Only the Italian heavyweight Roberto Camarella managed to deliver certain problems to Alexander, with whom the Russian met in the final of the tournament.

But the main achievement of the Kursk athlete during his performances in the amateur ring was the victory in the Olympic boxing tournament at the 2004 Summer Games in Athens. In the quarterfinals, the Russian met with the representative of Kazakhstan, Mukhtarkhan Dildabekov. In the semi-finals, the Italian Roberto Camarelle won. In the final, Alexander had to meet with the Egyptian heavyweight Muhammad Ali. However, the “gold” of the Olympics went to Povetkin without a fight. His opponent is injured right hand and was unable to enter the ring. Thus, Alexander became the first Russian (domestic) Olympic champion in the heavyweight category.

In the kickboxing ring, Alexander participated in four championships and won gold in all.

In 2005, Povetkin made the decision to move to professional boxing.

Povetkin made his professional debut in June 2005. The first opponent of the Russian was the German boxer Muhammad Ali Durmaz. In the middle of the second round, Alexander once again hit the opponent's jaw with a right straight, sending him to the floor of the ring. Ali found the strength to get up, but referee Ernst Salzgeber decided to stop the fight.

In September, Alexander knocked out the American Cerron Fox, and in October, the American John Castle. On November 12, 2005, Alexander Povetkin defeated a boxer from Canada, Stefan Tessier, on points.

March 4, 2006 Povetkin knocked out an experienced boxer from Nigeria, Richard Bango. Less than two months later, Povetkin fought his seventh professional fight in which he defeated another well-known Nigerian boxer, Friday Ahunanyu, on points.

In June 2006, Alexander knocked out the boxer from Ecuador Livin Castillo. September 23, 2006 Povetkin won technical knockout American journeyman, former world title contender, Ed Mahone.

On December 10, 2006, Povetkin knocked out former world heavyweight champion Imam Mayfield in the third round.

In March 2007, Vityaz knocked out the American David Bostis in the second round, and two months later Alexander knocked out the Canadian Patrice L'Hero.

On June 30, 2007, Povetkin defeated the famous American veteran Larry Donald in a hard fight.

On October 27, 2007, Alexander in the first qualifying match met with the former two-time world champion, Chris Byrd. Already in the early rounds, the Russian managed to find weaknesses in the opponent's defensive formations. Throughout the fight, Alexander strongly, accurately and successfully hit on the right, alternating crosses with direct “shots” through the gloves American boxer, attacked with a variety of serial combinations, regularly surpassed the opponent in the exchange of blows. Having completely suppressed the opponent in the tenth round, Alexander completed the job in the eleventh. The next series of blows of the Russian boxer on the opponent squeezed in the corner of the ring was interrupted by the decision of Byrd's seconds, who stopped the one-sided beating of their courageous ward.

On January 26, 2008, in the final bout of the tournament, Povetkin faced undefeated American boxer Eddie Chambers. The fight for Alexander was extremely difficult. Chambers defended superbly, taking numerous Povetkin strikes on the block or moving away from them due to the work of the body. As a result, the Russian in the early rounds almost failed to get the opponent with an accented hit. Chambers defended professionally and delivered many accurate shots. At the end of the battle, Alexander, according to the scenario already worked out in this fight, went forward and attacked the opponent with multi-hit combinations, and most of the hits fell exactly on Chambers's head. As a result, all three judges felt that Povetkin deserved to win much more than his opponent.

Success in the duel with Chambers elevated the Russian to the status of a mandatory contender for the IBF world title, which belonged to Ukrainian heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko. But Wladimir Klitschko had another fight scheduled, and in order not to stand idle before meeting with the champion, Povetkin had a fight with a little-known American boxer, Sykes.

The fight between Povetkin and Sykes took place on July 19. From the very first minutes of the fight, Alexander's opponent began to frankly evade the fight. As a result, in the fourth three-minute segment of the fight, after another attack by the Russian boxer, which ended with two accurate blows from the right, Sykes again found himself on the floor and frankly did not want to get up from it until the referee's score expired. Thus, the victory of Alexander Povetkin by technical knockout was recorded.

On September 16, the Klitschko brothers' promotional company K2 Promotion won the IBF-established bid for over $13 million in bids, well above the Sauerland Event's bid of just over $8 million. Povetkin was supposed to receive more than $3.3 million for the fight. Povetkin and Klitschko were supposed to meet in the ring on December 13 in Mannheim, Germany. Later, Povetkin's team announced that he was injured, but the IBF retained his status as a mandatory challenger, and postponed the meeting between Klitschko and Povetkin until September 13, 2009.

At the beginning of the year, Povetkin's team began organizing Alexander's next fight. In April, the Russian who had healed his injury was due to fight with US representative Jason Estrada. Estrada was an American amateur boxing star, a multiple U.S. champion, and a Pan American Games champion. Alexander defeated Jason on points in a ten-round bout.

Povetkin also failed to enter the championship fight, and he had an intermediate fight with a little-known American boxer, Leon Nolan. Alexander won by knockout in the third round.

At the end of January, it became known that Povetkin's next fight was scheduled for March 13. The boxer's manager Vladimir Khryunov announced a temporary suspension of negotiations for a fight with Wladimir Klitschko and promised that Alexander would meet with a "worthy opponent". As a result, Povetkin's opponent was the Mexican heavyweight Javier Mora. Povetkin won by knockout in the fifth round. After this fight, Povetkin's fight with Wladimir Klitschko was scheduled for the second time, but the team did not appear at a press conference dedicated to the fight. IBF downgraded Alexander Povetkin by 10 positions in the rating and stripped him of the title of mandatory challenger.

October 16, 2010 Alexander Povetkin - knocked out the little-known Nigerian boxer Teke Oruha. On December 18, 2010, Povetkin entered the ring with an American boxer, Nikolai Firta.

In the first two rounds, Alexander was injured in his right hand - a tear in the tendon of the hand, but despite the damage he managed to continue the fight and in the eighth round he even caused trouble to his opponent in the form of a cut in his right eyebrow. That is, Alexander spent 80% of the battle actually acting with only one hand. Povetkin won on points.

After the fight with Nikolai Firta, Alexander rose to the second line of the WBA rating, displacing another Russian heavyweight Denis Boytsov. Until March, time was spent recovering from a serious injury, and Alexander spent the first training camp in March in his hometown, Kursk, where he attended the opening of a specialized boxing gym. The team of the Russian Knight planned to hold the next fight no earlier than August, and Mormeck was predicted as Povetkin's rivals, and even Hasim Rahman spoke about his desire to meet the Russian in the ring. But everything was resolved not on the sidelines of the Sauerland Event, but in the ring football stadium- "Imtech Arena" in Hamburg, where the younger Klitschko defeated David Haye, the WBA champion. And since Vladimir owned championship titles in the super heavyweight according to the IBF and WBO versions, the World Boxing Association declared him a super champion, and the regular champion title was vacant. This meant that the first and second number of the WBA rating - Ruslan Chagaev and Alexander Povetkin - could challenge the title.

On July 19, a contract was signed for a fight between Chagaev and Povetkin for the WBA regular champion title, which should take place on August 27 in Erfurt, Germany.

August 27, 2011 Alexander entered the ring with former champion peace, Ruslan Chagaev. From the very beginning of the fight, Alexander began to press and go on the attack, as planned by his coach Teddy Atlas. Until the end of the 5th - the beginning of the 6th round, Povetkin's advantage was significant and he was in the lead in terms of points. Then, however, Chagaev himself began to box much more aggressively. His high-quality attacks more and more often reached the goal, and at some point the scales tipped in his favor. However, Chagaev quickly began to tire, and starting from the 11th round, the advantage again passed to Povetkin, who, although not very strongly, but broke through Chagaev’s strong block. As a result, Ruslan added in the last round and, in general, surpassed his opponent in the quality of blows, while noticeably losing in their number. At the end, the judges gave the victory to Povetkin by unanimous decision: 116-112, 117-113, 117-113.

Alexander Povetkin vs Ruslan Chagaev

On December 3, 2011, Alexander in the first defense of the title met with the age-old American boxer Cedric Boswell. The fight took place at a leisurely pace with a slight advantage of Alexander, who persistently pursued the 43-year-old challenger, who, in turn, focused on defense and most often shot back only with a jab. After the equator of the battle, Povetkin began to act more decisively, and Boswell immediately had problems - he got away from most of the blows thanks to the work of the body, but some heavy hits of the champion still hit the target. Finally, in the eighth round, the Vityaz managed to pin Cedric against the ropes and land a decisive right hand, which sent Boswell into a heavy knockout. In a post-match interview, Alexander admitted that he acted too enslaved and was heavily charged with a blow in the first half of the fight, and also complained that Boswell moved a lot and avoided the fight, but as soon as he began to connect his right hand, everything fell into place.

February 25, 2012 Alexander Povetkin entered the ring with reigning champion world cruiserweight title, Marco Hook. only the title of Alexander was at stake. The fight did not immediately start actively, but in the second round Povetkin began to act a little more confidently. In the fourth round, the course of the fight changed: Hook landed several accurate punches that shocked the champion. The same thing happened in the seventh round. IN last rounds Povetkin began to act a little brighter, but the fatigue that he had in the first third of the fight had an effect. Alexander, during the attacks of Marco Hook, constantly leaned below the waist, thereby breaking the rules, and therefore repeatedly received blows to the back of the head from the enemy. By the championship rounds, Hook had a cut above his right eye, but this did not affect the course of the battle. Povetkin landed more punches, but the total number of bright attacks and accurate hits was on the side of the German. At the end of the 12th round, Hook carried out several successful attacks on the opponent's head, Povetkin swam and barely kept on his feet. A gong saved Povetkin from a knockout in the 12th round. According to the results of 12 rounds, the victory was awarded to the Russian by a controversial decision of the majority of judges. Both boxers expressed their desire to fight again.

On July 14, 2012, the duel between Alexander Povetkin and the famous American Hasim Rahman was to take place. The fight was scheduled for the German arena Sporthall in Hamburg. The fight was originally scheduled at the Boleyn Ground in London on the undercard of the fight. David Haye- Derek Chisora. But due to penalties and possible problems with the broadcast, it was postponed. Less than 3 weeks before the fight, Rahman was injured and the fight had to be cancelled.

On September 29, 2012, the long-awaited duel between Alexander Povetkin and the mandatory challenger, American, Hasim Rahman, who had not entered the ring since June 2011, took place. Rahman lost weight and entered the fight in good shape, but he looked very dry and tired. The first round went with the advantage of Alexander, but Povetkin still acted as the second number, Alexander managed to shock Hasim several times, but Rahman also delivered almost all of his thrown jabs to the target. And in the middle of the second round, Povetkin began to hit Rahman more and more often. Hasim grabbed the ropes, and only this saved him from falling. The referee, looking at this, separated the boxers, but did not stop the fight. However, after that, Povetkin again attacked Rahman and delivered two accurate blows, which greatly shocked the American. Rahman tilted his head back and grabbed the ropes with his right hand to keep from falling. The referee immediately intervened and stopped the fight. Alexander Povetkin confidently won and defended the WBA regular champion title.

Prepared Povetkin for the duel with the American new coach - .

On May 17 in Moscow, Alexander Povetkin in an intermediate fight, in a voluntary title defense, met with a little-known undefeated Polish boxer, Andrzej Wawrzyk, who had 27 winning professional fights. The first round began with reconnaissance of both boxers. Wawrzyk delivered a few accurate jabs, but they did not produce any shocks. Povetkin, on the other hand, acted more economically and also delivered several accurate attacks. In the second round, the situation changed, and Alexander sent the Pole to the floor of the ring with a powerful right cross through his arm. In the third round, with a combination of punches at the ropes, the Russian again sent the Pole to the canvas. After the third knockdown at the end of the third round, the referee recorded Povetkin's victory by technical knockdown. Wawrzyk did not argue with the decision.

On October 5, 2013, the long-awaited duel between two Olympic champions and Alexander Povetkin took place in Moscow. Alexander, realizing that he would lose at a long distance, chose the tactic of rapprochement with the enemy, but it did not lead to success. Klitschko connected the opponent's attacks, leaning on him with his weight. The situation was repeated, the judge had to breed rivals many times. However, a noticeable advantage was on the side of Vladimir. In the second round, Klitschko knocked down Povetkin with a right short blow from long range. Povetkin was knocked down for the first time in his professional career. In the sixth round, Povetkin developed a hematoma above his right eye, which gradually began to close the boxer's eye. In the seventh round, Alexander was on the floor of the ring three times, but found the strength to go through all 12 rounds. In the 7th round, Klitschko carried out a series of protracted attacks, after which Povetkin tried to escape in clinches so as not to fall, but Klitschko, thanks to the work of his legs and pushes, in addition to the high rate of punches, knocked Alexander off balance, and Povetkin was knocked down three times.

Alexander Povetkin vs Wladimir Klitschko

At the end of the fight, in which Klitschko won all 12 rounds, the judges gave a unanimous victory to Wladimir - 119:104. In the 11th round, Klitschko was deducted a point for pushing. Klitschko defended the world titles for the 15th time, and inflicted the first defeat in Alexander Povetkin's professional career.

“I always have a goal - to win. But I don’t have such a thing that I lost - and that’s it, the end of my life. I know one thing: I didn’t break down, I didn’t hesitate - to finish or not - not a drop. I know that I will reach and win anyway. "What should I do? How should I be?" - I don’t have this. I took it simply: on this moment I was weaker. Both tactically and physically Klitschko was stronger.", - Povetkin commented on his defeat.

In February 2014, Povetkin signed a contract with the newly created Russian promotional company "World of Boxing", headed by Andrey Ryabinsky, for a period of 3 years, and began to train under the guidance of a new coach, Ivan Kirpa.

May 30, 2014 entered the ring with the famous German boxer of Syrian origin Manuel Charr. Alexander entered the fight in the best physical form of his career. He was lean and athletic. In the duel, he acted very diversely and actively attacked Charr. Manuel, in turn, was more economical in attacks: he acted mainly because of the block and missed a lot. After six rounds, missed punches from Povetkin began to affect and in the first half of the 7th round, Povetkin, with a protracted five-hit combination, severely knocked out Charr. From the missed blows, the German injured his jaw, and was unable to give a post-match interview.

On October 24, 2014, a fight took place in Moscow between Povetkin and Cameroonian boxer Carlos Takam for the WBC Silver title, which belonged to the Cameroonian. In the first half of the fight, Takam moved a lot, working mainly as number two. Povetkin tried to get into his distance, but the Cameroonian was often successful in counterattacks, and also actively used his front hand. As a result, after 4 rounds, Takam was in the lead on the cards of 2 judges, the third judge gave the advantage to Povetkin. In the next rounds, the fight was still quite close. After the 8th round, two judges gave a draw, and the third judge scored in favor of Russian athlete. At the end of the 9th round, Povetkin was able to shake Takama. The Cameroonian was counted out by a knockdown. Alexander knocked out Takama in the 10th round with a left hand. The Cameroonian boxer did not rise from the canvas for a long time. The Russian boxer won the victory largely due to good physical shape and a calmly sustained plan for the fight.

However, on December 17 it became known that. In connection with another positive test for doping, Povetkin's fight with the Canadian was canceled.

September 22, 2018 at London's Wembley Stadium hosted the championship match in heavyweight champion, in which Briton Anthony Joshua defended his IBO, WBA, IBF, WBO championship belts in a fight with Alexander Povetkin. .

Alexander Povetkin - boxing territory

Personal life Alexandra Povetkina:

Married with a second marriage. His first wife's name was Irina. In a marriage with her, Alexander had a daughter, Arina.

Alexander Povetkin and first wife Irina

“Irina and I are both from Kursk, we met there. We signed in 2001. At first everything was beautiful, and then - as always. Soon I was offered to move to the Moscow region, to Chekhov, there good conditions for training. Well, I left. I went to Kursk for the weekend, but it so happened that at some point each of us began to live our own lives. For me, friends have always come first, I spent a lot of time with them, and Irina was jealous, "said Alexander about his first marriage.

In July 2013, a wedding took place with Evgenia Merkulova.

“When I was already officially divorced, I met her in a common company. To achieve at least some kind of location, I had to work hard. I was married, have a child - not everyone likes it, at first they ignored me. But I was not used to backing down,” Alexander said about meeting with Evgenia.

The wedding took place in the Czech Republic, in the castle Chateau Mcely (Chateau Mcely), which is located an hour's drive from Prague. Alexander was led to the altar by his mother - Irina, Eugene - father Yuri and younger brother Mark. The wedding was held in a very narrow circle, only relatives and closest friends were present.

Alexander Povetkin and Evgenia Merkulova

5 years before that, Evgenia won the title of "Miss Audience Choice" at the contest "Miss Kursk - 2008". Has two higher educations. Evgenia's father is Honored Master of Sports in judo Yuri Merkulov.

Boxing is a game for real men with good physical training And strong character. It is necessary to withstand the duel with dignity and at the same time show the viewer a bright fight. Russia is famous for its boxers all over the world, vivid examples are Nikolai Valuev and Alexander Povetkin. They belong to the heavyweight category.

Young years of a boxer

Povetkin Alexander Vladimirovich was born on September 2, 1979 in the city of Kursk. From childhood, the boy liked karate and hand-to-hand combat. At the age of thirteen, he began boxing. He was too thin and tall for his age. But in the character of Alexander there was courage and determination. Initially, he went to training with his younger brother Vladimir, whom the coach considered more promising. But due to illness, the career of the youngest came to an end. So Alexander continued to box himself. Initially, he did not take this sport seriously, but the first tournament brought him victory - in 1995 in youth championship Russia.

Alexander Povetkin always led the preparatory training before the fight in the most serious and thorough manner. He specifically chose opponents who were stronger, this helped to temper and demand more from himself. It was this approach that made it possible for Alexander to win in all fights.

In 1997, Povetkin took part in the European Championship among juniors, but unfortunately lost. Such an event did not break the athlete, but only pushed him to more intense training. And three years later he achieved his goal - he won the professional European championship.

Povetkin's 2001-2005 victories in amateur boxing

In addition to playing sports, Alexander also studied at the branch of the Moscow Law Institute in Kursk. It was not difficult for him to combine his favorite business with classes, so the athlete successfully graduated from the university and received a higher education.

In amateur boxing, the biography of Alexander Povetkin is associated with heavyweight. In this weight category, Alexey Lezin was the unchanging leader for a long time. But Alexander is used to winning - such is his character. He was able to achieve recognition among heavyweight boxers. In 2001, Povetkin won the next battle and achieved the desired result - he ousted the leader Lezin. In the world of boxing, this was the most unexpected news, and Sasha was immediately included in the national team.

The year 2002 was no less successful for the athlete. In February-March, he won two international tournaments x - in Rome and Plovdiv. In May, he secured the title of Russia's strongest heavyweight at the national championship. And in August he won the European Championship.

In 2004, boxer Alexander Povetkin participated in Olympic Games and in the European Championship, where he also showed brilliant skills and became the winner.

Up the career ladder

When Povetkin was 27 years old, he began to box at a professional level. He performed under the auspices of a German promotional company. The competitions were mainly held in Germany. In all sixteen fights, the athlete won. In the professional world of boxing, Alexander Povetkin did not change his manner: he often attacked, was aggressive. This athlete moves well in the ring, anticipates the opponent's blows. Permanent grueling workout give positive results. From 2005 to 2010, he had nineteen professional fights. It is important to note that in all the fights he won the victory for the most part by knockouts.

Opponents of Alexander Povetkin

For all my time sports career boxer fought with strong opponents. He believed that a professional should choose a decent pair. After all, the stronger the opponent, the more pleasant the victory.

Discussing the fights of Alexander Povetkin, the press and Russian experts often put forward their own versions of the development of events, trying to predict who will win, which of the boxers will have what tactics.

In Athens (at the Olympic Games), Alexander defeated the Kazakh Muktarkhan Dildabekov. This is the silver medalist of the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. The boxer also defeated his longtime opponent Roberto Camarella (Italian).

In America, in New Jersey, Alexander Povetkin and Mariusz Wach met in sparring. The Russian and the Pole, under the supervision of their coaches, staged an incredible fight. After the fight, Vakh stated that it was an honor for him to work in tandem with Povetkin. He considers him one of the strongest heavyweight boxers in the world.

Upcoming fight with Klitschko

Gradually, year after year, the athlete improved his skills, trained more and more diligently. And in 2013, the most long-awaited fight took place - Alexander Povetkin against Wladimir Klitschko. For more than five years, the fans, and the boxers themselves, have been waiting for this battle in the ring. Newspapers came up with intriguing titles for articles. There was a constant discussion of the upcoming battle on the forums.

Boxing experts said that Vladimir had more chances to win. After all, Klitschko has more experience, and he has a higher class. Bookmakers gave Povetkin about 15 percent of the opportunity to win.

Physically, Klitschko is stronger than Alexander, he is taller, his arms are longer, the blow is harder. But there was one "but"! Povetkin's desire to win was twice as strong.

On the eve of the fight, Alexander was constantly trying to help kind word. Experts advised him what to do, how to behave. Many believed that in order to defeat Klitschko, you need to knock him out. Sounds a little arrogant and self-confident, but it was worth trying to do it.

Sports experts predicted a tough fight, because each of the boxers had something to prove! Everyone was interested in the outcome of the battle, because Alexander Povetkin, Wladimir Klitschko are strong athletes. The duel was supposed to be bright and spectacular. Millions of Russians and Ukrainians were looking forward to this fight.

Briefly about Povetkin's opponent

Wladimir Klitschko is a professional boxer with vast experience. During his career, he spent 62 fights, 60 of them won (50 by knockout). This is a strong contender. Vladimir defeated such famous boxers, like Ruslan Chagaev, Mariusz Wach. He is the owner of WBO, WBA, IBO, IBF championship titles. Klitschko's height is 198 centimeters, weight - 109 kilograms, arm span - 206 centimeters.

Vladimir also owns the championship belt according to The Ring magazine. Such an adversary should not be underestimated. And Alexander treated Vladimir with great respect, but without fear.

Long awaited fight!

And on October 5, 2013, a duel took place between Povetkin and Klitschko. It was a really interesting professional fight. Alexander was defeated, but survived all twelve rounds. Over the past five years of Klitschko's career, Povetkin was the third opponent to hear the last gong while standing on his feet. Prior to that, it was high-class boxers David Haye and Mariusz Wach.

Each round of the fight between Klitschko and Povetkin was tense, the audience froze in anticipation. The fight heated up and became more interesting, it was difficult to predict the result. Although the slight superiority of Vladimir was still noticeable. In the seventh round, there was a difficult moment for Alexander, he could not resist the blow of the Ukrainian boxer. But the Russian got up and continued the fight. Vladimir said at a press conference that if he could finish the fight ahead of schedule, he would not miss such a chance. But Povetkin proved to be a worthy opponent.

The intentions of the Russian boxer

After the defeat, the athlete did not lose heart, but only intensified his training. Alexander
really wants to fight Vladimir again and win. Today, Povetkin is predicted to have a successful future in professional boxing. After all, in this difficult battle, he saved face. The organizer of the fight, Andrey Ryabinsky, made it clear that, regardless of the result of the fight, Alexander would be a welcome client of the World of Boxing company.

Now it is important to determine the path of the athlete himself - to understand what road to lead him to receive the championship belt. Alexander Povetkin's coach Konstantin Dzyu was removed from his post. The boxer's team initially wanted to invite Freddie Roach, but they could not agree with him. Then the American Stacey McKinley was invited to strengthen the training. He worked with Guillermo Jones, who defeated Russian Denis Lebedev in the ring. McKinley in the press said that his new ward - Alexander Povetkin - will be able to defeat Klitschko by knockout in the tenth round.

Outstanding fights

On October 27, 2007, an amazing fight took place in Germany. Alexander Povetkin met in the ring and from the first minutes of the fight, the Russian boxer was able to guess the weaknesses of the American in defensive formations. Alexander hit accurately and strongly, alternating crosses with straight punches. Already from the sixth round, Povetkin's advantage was visible. Bird showed miracles of stamina, and he even managed to land a few successful strikes. But in the eleventh round, Alexander simply crushed his opponent, and Chris' seconds stopped the fight. Thus, Povetkin automatically won.

On September 29, 2012, an equally spectacular battle took place between Alexander and From the second round, Povetkin began to accurately hit the American. Hasim constantly kept his hands on the rope so as not to fall. There was another fight. The referee separated the boxers, but did not stop the fight. After that, Povetkin simply pounced on Rahman and made two accurate blows, after which the American could not continue the fight. The referee stopped the fight, and Alexander defended his WBA title for the third time.

Fights with Cedric Boswell and Ruslan Chagaev

In 2011 took place best fights Alexandra Povetkin. In Finland, he fought 43-year-old Cedric Boswell, whom he easily knocked out in the eighth round. The Russian was noticeably in the lead throughout the fight, while the American only tried to defend himself. On August 27, in Germany, Alexander Povetkin met in the ring and the fight was very interesting: the Russian was in the lead until the sixth round, then the advantage passed to the opponent. By the end of the bout, Povetkin again surpassed Chagaev in the number of punches. As a result, the judges unanimously gave the victory to Alexander.

Povetkin - strong boxer, his professional boxing career is still The athlete trains, sets goals and stubbornly goes to them.

Born on September 2, 1979 in Kursk. He started boxing at the age of 13. At a certain stage of his career (1997-2000) he preferred kickboxing, won the amateur world championship (1999) and the European professional championship (2000). He was not selected for the boxing tournament of the 2000 Olympics due to an injury, he went to the Games as a sparring partner. In the next Olympic cycle, he won three Russian championships (2000-2002), Goodwill Games (2001), two European championships (2002, 2004), a world championship (2003), as well as a number of prestigious international tournaments . In 2004 he became an Olympic champion. For amateur career held 132 fights, won 125 victories in them. Honored Master of Sports. In 2005, he switched to professional boxing, performing under the auspices of the well-known German promotional company Sauerland Event. As of March 14, 2010, he held 19 professional fights, won all of them (14 knockouts).

Education - higher legal education (Moscow Law Institute, Kursk branch). Married, has a daughter.

Amateur career

The first successes came to Povetkin quite quickly - already in 1995 Alexander won the youth championship of Russia, two years later he became the winner of the junior national championship. But international titles obeyed him later. Moreover, failing to win on youth championship Europe in 1997, Alexander considered it necessary to focus on kickboxing for a while. In this sport, Povetkin won many high-profile victories. However, the prospects for participation in the upcoming 2000 Summer Olympics made the Kuryan again focus on boxing. Unfortunately, Alexander was not destined to perform in Sydney. Received in the pre-Olympic period, an injury to the right hand deprived Povetkin of the opportunity to compete for a place in the ranks of the national team. As a result, he went to the Olympics as a sparring partner for the first number of the national team in the first heavy weight of Sultan Ibragimov.

The new Olympic cycle began for the Russian boxer in the fall of 2000. In November, Povetkin, speaking in the weight category up to 91 kg, won his first national championship among adults.

In 2001, Alexander moved to heavyweight, in which for a number of years an experienced master, a three-time European champion and bronze medalist Sydney Olympics Alexey Lezin. Tough competition did not shake Povetkin's determination to stake out a place in the national team in the most prestigious weight category. As a result, in March 2001, at the Russian Championship held in Saratov, where trips to the world championship were played out, Lezin's experience gave way to Alexander's youth, who won a sensational victory in many ways. The won "gold" became a serious argument in favor of including the Kursk boxer in the application of the national team. Three months later, Povetkin made his debut at the World Championships, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland. In the first round, Alexander won with a clear advantage of the Irishman Felvi, but in the quarterfinals he lost on points (30:36) in an equal fight to the Ukrainian boxer Alexei Mazykin, thus failing to break into the number of winners. However, Povetkin has proven that he can learn from defeat. Already in September, in the semi-finals of the Goodwill Games in Brisbane, Alexander took a convincing revenge on Mazykin (15:6). In the decisive match of the Games, the Kuryan resident defeated the Uzbek athlete Rustam Saidov on points (22:9), and then ended the outgoing year with bright victories at tournaments in Podolsk and Nizhnevartovsk. At this stage, an important step in Alexander's career was his transition under the banner of the Vityaz boxing training club, located in the city of Chekhov near Moscow. It was there that the athlete found an experienced mentor, Honored Coach of the USSR Valery Ivanovich Belov, under whose guidance he subsequently won all his most resounding victories.

2002 was also successful for Povetkin. In February-March, Alexander won two prestigious international tournaments in Plovdiv and Rome, in May he confirmed the title of Russia's strongest heavyweight in the national championship, and in July he brilliantly performed at the European Championship held in Perm. On the way to the continental “gold”, Povetkin won an early victory over a very skilled German fighter Sebastian Köber (in the semifinals), and in the decisive fight he outboxed the strong Italian Roberto Camarella (20:16). In the mentioned battles, Alexander demonstrated good speed, physical fitness, high percussion technique. In addition, before the end of the year, the Russian managed to win a representative tournament in Warsaw and become the champion of the absolute championship of Russia held in Vladivostok in November, in the final of which he defeated his eternal rival - Lezin.

In 2003, Povetkin continued his international winning streak. During the period from February to April, he won three prestigious tournaments - in Plovdiv, Warsaw and Helsinki. At the May Russian Championship, the winners of which received an excellent chance to travel to the world championship in Thailand, Alexander was the main favorite in his weight category. But in the final, in the next series of confrontations with the veteran of the domestic amateur ring Alexei Lezin, Povetkin was defeated. Speaking at home (the championship was held in Ulyanovsk, in the homeland of Alexei), Lezin prudently moved away from close combat during the fight, moving perfectly around the ring, and at the same time constantly disturbed the opponent with a jab. As a result, Povetkin, tired of his own fruitless attacks, failed to deliver any significant problems to his opponent. However, it was Alexander who went to the World Cup. The coaching council of the national team considered that at the final pre-tournament training camp and in control sparring, the native of Kursk looked more convincing than Lezin.

From July 4 to July 12, 2003 in Bangkok, Alexander Povetkin fought for the title of the world's strongest heavyweight. In the first round of the competition, the Russian with a powerful blow from the left in the second round sent Jamal Majidov from Ukraine to a brutal knockout, while breaking his opponent's jaw. Later, on the way to the final, Povetkin confidently defeated the Pole Grzegorz Kilsa (20:9) and Rustam Saidov (Uzbekistan) (30:10) on points, and in the main fight he met with the Cuban boxer Pedro Carrion. The opponent significantly surpassed Alexander in height and arm length, which to a certain extent leveled the technical superiority of the Russian. Rushing to get close to his opponent, Povetkin was constantly met by a strong jab and the right hand of Carrion, however, in the middle and close range powerful right straight and left side of the native of Kursk also caused significant damage to the Cuban. Ultimately, according to the results of the first, second and fourth rounds, the judges gave the opponents equal points, and in the third, due to a warning issued to the representative of the island of Freedom for illegal actions in the ring and several accurate hits of the Russian, Alexander excelled, which allowed him to win the fight with a score of 29: 27 and win the "gold" of the world championship.

2004 is considered to be the high point of Povetkin's amateur career. In February, he brilliantly won the European Championship, held in the Croatian city of Pula. Only the Italian heavyweight Roberto Camarella managed to deliver certain problems to Alexander, with whom the Russian met in the final of the tournament. For three rounds, Povetkin's rival maintained the intrigue of the fight, hard attacking the 2003 world champion with a “working” left hand, as well as unpleasant double blows. However, Alexander's much more weighty hits eventually did their job. In the fourth two-minute segment of the battle, Camarelle was somewhat "hooked" physically, which in a number of episodes allowed the Russian's right direct and left side blows to "catch up" with the head of an opponent who had lost mobility. As a result, the judges saw the victory of Povetkin with a score of 30:26, which brought Alexander the second consecutive title of the champion of the continent.

But the main achievement of the Kursk athlete during his performances in the amateur ring, of course, was the victory in the Olympic boxing tournament at Summer Games 2004 in Athens. Already in the first round of the competition, Alexander fully confirmed his status as a favorite, having won ahead of schedule against Sergei Rozhnov, who fought under the flag of Bulgaria. In the course of the fight, the referee was forced to count out three knockdowns to Povetkin's opponent, the last of which caused the premature end of the fight in the fourth round. In the quarterfinals, the Russian met with the representative of Kazakhstan, Mukhtarkhan Dildabekov. Alexander's rival had a good start to the fight, but later on Povetkin noticeably surpassed the silver medalist of the 2000 Olympics in all aspects of boxing skills, and as a result, he celebrated the victory on points with a devastating score of 31:15. In the fight for the right to participate in the final of the tournament Russian athlete met with his longtime opponent - the repeated winner of the championships of Europe and the world, Italian Roberto Camarella. From the very first minutes of the fight, Alexander neutralized the main trump cards of the opponent - speed and the ability to conduct a distance fight. Acting in an aggressive, assertive style, Povetkin skillfully approached Camarelle and actively pressed him with powerful aimed blows from both hands. The Italian boxer sometimes succeeded in successful counterattacks, but the score of 31:19 set by the judges in favor of the Russian clearly reflected the balance of power in this confrontation. In the final, Alexander had to meet with the Egyptian heavyweight Mohamed Ali. However, the “gold” of the Olympics went to Povetkin without a fight. His opponent was injured in his right hand and was unable to enter the ring. Thus, Alexander became the first domestic Olympic champion in the heavyweight category.

In 2005, Povetkin made the decision to move to professional boxing.

Professional career

In May 2005, information appeared in the Russian sports media that Povetkin would begin his professional career in England, under the auspices of the well-known promotional company Sports Network. On the official website of this organization, it was reported that its leading promoter Frank Warren signed a contract with Alexander. Even the preliminary date and place of Povetkin's debut in the professional ring was called. On June 4, in Manchester, the Russian was supposed to perform in a show, the highlight of which was the fight between Ricky Hatton and Konstantin Tszyu. Rydell Booker, a strong American, who had more than 20 professional fights, was predicted to be Alexander's rival. However, Povetkin himself, having begun preparations for the fight, was in no hurry to sign his contract with the Sports Network. The boxer's lawyers, having carefully studied the agreement, finalized the document in order to comply with Alexander's interests, which did not meet with understanding from Warren. Ultimately, Povetkin committed himself to the German promotional organization Sauerland Event, which arrived in time with its contract offer.

Povetkin made his professional debut on June 11, 2005 at the age of 25. He spent most of his fights (16) in Germany, three fights in Russia. In professional fights, Alexander did not change his aggressive, attacking manner. His strengths include high speed of movement around the ring, a rich technical arsenal, the ability to attack an opponent with a series of accented blows. Among the shortcomings, not always clear actions in defense can be noted. In addition, Povetkin does not have a pronounced knockout punch.

Alexander's manager in professional boxing is Vladimir Khryunov, the coach is the boxer's "amateur" mentor Valery Ivanovich Belov. Since the summer of 2009, Povetkin's coaching staff has been headed by the most experienced American specialist Teddy Atlas.

2005 year

Povetkin's first opponent in his professional career was to be Czech heavyweight David Vicena. But three days before the fight, the expected opponent of Alexander, for unknown reasons, refused to enter the ring. On the day of the fight, information appeared that the Russian would meet with a certain Darko Antonich. However, in the end, 24-year-old German boxer Muhammad Ali Durmaz went to compete with Povetkin, who at that time had four professional fights on his account, two of which he won, and two more lost to promising compatriots Rene Dettweiler and Marco Hook.

Taken from athletes before and after their fight.

As stated on the official website of VADA, Povetkin and Joshua were tested before and after the fight. All doping tests showed a negative result.

Recall that Povetkin and Joshua met on September 22 in a duel for the title of world champion according to WBA Super, IBO (3rd defense of Joshua), IBF (6th defense of Joshua) and WBO. The fight ended with the victory of the British in the seventh round. Joshua defended his championship straps, and the Russian suffered the second defeat in his professional career and the first ahead of schedule.

After the defeat of Povetkin, the boxing world literally divided into two camps: those who advised Alexander to end his career, and those who wanted Vityaz to continue the spectacle. The first, by the way, turned out to be an overwhelming number.

“I think he needs to end his career. He would become a wonderful ambassador of sports and boxing, ”quotes the former absolute champion World Heavyweight Champion Lennox Lewis.

At the same time, Povetkin himself preferred to stay away from talking about his future. Later, Alexander nevertheless made an official statement, saying that he did not intend to end his professional career.

“Health is excellent, mood too. I'm not going to quit boxing. I will have a fight, most likely in April in England, with whom I don’t know yet. It's hard to say how many more fights there will be. I think everything will depend on my mood. So far, it is. I think there will be more than one fight or two,

Povetkin said.

You have to understand that the fight with Joshua - for the title of absolute world champion - the Russian went his whole career. Recall that in May 2016, Povetkin was unable to fight with Deontay Wilder, as his doping test showed the presence of meldonium. The fight was canceled, and Povetkin was later acquitted, but a trial was opened between him and Wilder, as a result of which the Russian was awarded $ 4.3 million.

The duel with Joshua was probably Alexander's last chance to compete for the crown, since everything was at stake.

At the same time, only an inveterate fan believed in his victory. Joshua is a rock modern boxing, and not a "pumped weightlifter", as he believes. He is a very smart athlete, which he showed in the duel with Povetkin: even after missing a blow and losing a few rounds, the Briton skillfully clinched and dried boxing, and then knocked Alexander down. Although Povetkin is an outstanding boxer, it is still old school. He will never deliberately clinch or run around the ring waiting for a moment of rest. It was this that killed him in the duel with Anthony - when in the seventh round the Briton bitingly and powerfully kissed Povetkin's face, Alexander continued to attack, although he was already barely on his feet.

The new smart box won here.

To be fair, Povetkin really surprised everyone in this fight. It is far from a secret that champions are not defeated on points - they are knocked out. Alexander squeezed everything out of himself to send the Briton to the floor. Yes, and lasted until the seventh round, when he was predicted a deep knockout in the first three, made Joshua be vulnerable. Russian Vityaz will prepare well, which played an important role in his decision to continue his career. He went to the main fight in his career not with the thought that this fight would be the last - in his actions there was a wonderful physical form, motivation to keep fighting.

But Povetkin is no longer a boy - in September he turned 39 years old. In comparison, Joshua recently celebrated his 29th birthday only. This defeat certainly caused Alexander both psychological and physical damage, and definitely lowered him greatly in the world rankings.

Alexander will no longer fight for the crown, but will have several fights.

The head of the promotional company "World of Boxing" confirmed his intention to organize fights for Povetkin, but did not name specific names.

“We are not yet ready to announce the names of future opponents, but I can say that the fight with Joshua made a very serious impression on the English fans. They were impressed that Sasha is so bold, brave and fighting. Fighters who fight to the end are highly valued all over the world. We thought it was time to finish our career, but the organizers in England started talking about having one or two more fights, because there is a very big request to see Sasha again. So let's box some more, ”Ryabinsky quotes.

Recall that Povetkin made his debut in the professional ring in 2005. Since then, he has spent 36 fights, in which he won 34 victories and lost twice. His assets include fights with such eminent rivals as Joshua, and. Who will be the next opponent of the Russian is not yet known.

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Childhood and family of Alexander Povetkin

The future heavyweight boxer was born in Kursk and was a thin boy as a child. This made him turn his attention to contact sports. In one of his interviews, he recalled: "I started boxing at the age of 13 in order not to be beaten." By this time, he had already learned wushu, karate and hand-to-hand combat. This path was not easy also because the collapse of the USSR, which fell on this decade, left the sport without support, coaches without salaries, and schools without the ability to organize trips to competitions.

The support of his father (unfortunately, the late Vladimir Povetkin), who passionately loved sports and managed to find himself in the turbulent perestroika years, helped Alexander overcome this period. Vladimir Povetkin helped not only his son, but also all Kursk athletes.

The path of Alexander Povetkin in sports

The first money, a student scholarship, Alexander received while studying at a vocational school, where after the 9th grade he mastered the profession of a driver-mechanic. Having received the rights, he gradually worked on the car, and by the time he graduated, he became a member of the Russian national team and was already receiving a state scholarship.

Since 1992, he has been boxing and already in 1993 he participated in a boxing tournament, breaking his opponent's arm in one of the fights. So the fans first saw his later famous "Povetkin's kick". In his native Kursk, Povetkin won all the tournaments in which he participated. Even in his youth, he always focused only on strong opponents, and this helped to increase his skills. In 1995, Alexander became the winner of the Russian Youth Boxing Championship. Then he again became the first in the national championship of juniors.

Failure in 1997 at the European Junior Championships forced Povetkin to return to kickboxing for a while. He quickly achieved notable success in this sport, became the winner of the European Championship among professionals, and then won the World Championship as an amateur. In 1998, at a tournament in Krasnoyarsk, the future Vityaz of Russia received his first really solid fee. It was a prize of $4,500 and a 50-gram bar of 999 gold. The athlete still keeps this ingot as a memory and a talisman.

Alexander Povetkin in big boxing

In 2000, Povetkin returned to boxing and became the champion of Russia, in 2001 - the champion of the Goodwill Games. This was followed by loud victories at the European Championships in 2002 and 2004. At the World Championships in Thailand in 2003, Alexander again struck his opponent with his inevitable blow - Jamal Majidov, who played for Ukraine, left the ring with a broken jaw. Alexander became the world champion in 2003, and then he received the championship title at the 2004 Olympics in Athens. In the final fight of the 2003 World Cup, Povetkin defeated Cuban Pedro Carrion, being 15 cm shorter than his opponent and 25 kg lighter. He went to Athens, firmly counting on the first place.

Indeed, he managed to defeat both Roberto Camarella from Italy and the silver medalist of the 2000 Olympics Muktarkhan Dildabekov from Kazakhstan. He became the first Russian boxer to receive in 2004 Olympic gold in the heaviest weight category - the most prestigious in boxing. After receiving the gold Olympic medal Povetkin moved from amateur to professional boxers in the heavyweight division.

Today, experts call Alexander Povetkin the most promising heavyweight boxer. His most likely opponents, Oleg Maksaev and Nikolai Valuev, are already ready to end their professional careers by age. To defeat Klitschko, Chagaev, Ibragimov, he only needs to gain a little more experience. He already has this - Povetkin's results are among the most stable today. Of the 27 fights, he won 26 victories, among them 17 by knockout. Once, only Wladimir Klitschko managed to defeat him. Povetkin has such advantages as fast movement around the ring, a series of his own "signature" strikes and excellent mastery of fighting techniques. Alexander Povetkin has state awards. He has the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, he was named an Honorary Citizen of the Kursk Region. In 2005, the boxer was awarded the Order of Friendship by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The list of awards for his sporting victories deserves a separate page.

Personal life and hobbies of Alexander Povetkin

Today, Alexander Povetkin is known as the "Russian Knight", he enters the ring to the song "Rus", written by Nikolai Emelin. He calls himself a patriot of Russia, and of all the signs he uses only one - to be baptized before going out to battle. The athlete never smoked and almost never drinks - he says "I just don't like this business."

Povetkin graduated from the Kursk branch of the Moscow Modern State University, Faculty of Law. He is happily married for the second time, has a beloved daughter and does not like public speaking. The boxer's wife's name is Evgenia. The boxer's daughter from his first marriage is called Arisha. The daughter loves to watch her father's fights and always congratulates him on his victory. She even saw several fights from the audience. “I live for Arina,” Alexander admits. The family has a dog - pit bull Kim. A boxer in his free time is fond of a variety of extreme sports. His favorite toy is a Yamaha motorcycle. At which he develops a breakneck speed - up to 250 km / h. But he tries not to break the rules, especially while driving a car. Now the boxer has a Mercedes, bought with money won in the ring.

His wife also has a car - also a “prize” for fights. He was fond of dog fights, skydiving at different times ... Dad taught Povetkin to drive. When the boy was only 12 years old, his father put him behind the wheel of the family Volga. Alexander has a brother Vladimir, he also connected his life with boxing. Vladimir Povetkin competed in the professional ring in the first heavyweight (up to 90.7 kilograms). He owns the victory over the German Fadil Kazema in a rating 4-round fight in Berlin. In total he won 6 fights.