Whose year was according to the horoscope. The most compatible love partners for Horses are Dog and Tiger

On January 31, 2014, on the second new moon after the winter solstice, according to the eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar, the year of the Blue Wood Horse begins.

Every little thing that happens in our lives this year will invariably be the occasion for an event much more significant. This is for everyone as a warning and as advice. Entrepreneurial people will be able to benefit from this. In the year of the Horse, you can be very lucky.

You can live the whole year quite calmly, but 2014 is energetically powerful. It is quite possible to achieve any goal, regardless of its complexity and scale.

In personal relationships, it should be noted that many moments that seem stable to us will in fact turn into illusions. In 2014, the Horse, all feelings will be greatly enhanced, which means that difficult moments will be much more difficult to survive.

In this situation, it is necessary to clearly control your emotions and not allow others to unbalance yourself. You need to save your energy.

For those who have not yet found their soul mate, the hostess of the year Horse will provide a real chance for real happiness.

THE RAT (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032...)

The rat tries to make long-term plans, to think everything over in advance. In the year of the Horse, events will change rapidly, changing circumstances. You need to quickly rebuild your plans and quickly invest your savings. This rat will be given very difficult. There will be many misfortunes and catastrophes. You can not make rash purchases, expenses and investments of capital. As financial difficulties may arise. This year can bring the Rat debts and lawsuits, disappointment in love. Love this year for the Rats is dormant, only minor burdens in social life.

BULL (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…)

The bull is always set to work hard. This year, you need to calculate your strength and not take on many obligations that will undermine your health. Fatigue can cause irritability and depression. everything must be thought out so that financial troubles and unhappy love do not arise. But still, you can’t give up, but you need to work hard. Only constancy can help out the Bulls. Most of the failures will happen in the first half of the year, and by the end of the year the situation will improve.

TIGER (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034…)

For the Tigers, this is a happy year, They are out of danger. Tigers need active action and no rest. All things will be done with great ease, you can safely take risks. Possible promotion and good money. Life will be full of both dramatic events and big victories and achievements.

RABBIT (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035…)

This year will bring happiness and new meetings to the Rabbits. use Rabbit is known for his professional qualities, the ability to show talents. In the year of the Horse, the Rabbit will be able to show his ability to quickly respond to change and deceit. You will have to devote to social life in order to increase your popularity. No great difficulties and illnesses are expected. They will have time to recover some of the earlier losses. This year, Rabbits, are waiting for more than usual travel.

DRAKON (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036…)

The dragon is always dreaming of grandiose plans for the future, boldly starts any business and enters into battle for it. In the year of the Horse, it will be difficult for him to change his "Napoleonic" plans almost every month. The Year of the Horse for the Dragon will be moderately good. There will be some bad news and unpleasant circumstances. If the Dragon is stubborn and active, problems will be settled. The dragon will be disturbed by real and imagined troubles. But, in general, this year is not considered bad.

SNAKE (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037…)

This year will bring the Snake a lot of changes and events, just do not give in to emotions. Problems and worries can affect health. Any undertaking must be carefully planned. In the year of the Horse, the Snake gets the opportunity to start implementing plans, s. Difficulties and problems will be short-lived. Friends will come to the rescue. A love story is possible.

HORSE (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038…)

This is a successful year for the Horse. Only representatives of the sign Fire Horse tragic events may follow. The rest are waiting for recognition and joy. All plans will come true without much effort. It is worth taking a closer look at new acquaintances. Happiness, promotion and recognition will come to the Horse. Therefore, one must show self-confidence; one must not break ties with any of one's partners and allies.

SHEEP (1931, 1943, 1955, 1067, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039…)

This year there will be no serious problems either at home or at work. In the year of the Horse, the Sheep can quickly and successfully adapt to the rhythm of life. . Infections and minor illnesses are possible. There will be no big misfortunes. Luck comes with business. All those around will try to entertain the gloomy Sheep.

MONKEY (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040…)

This good year but there are still known concerns. You can find a profitable job, but you should not be too scattered. The Monkey will need a serious attitude to business and responsibilities. She will have to be diplomatic, getting out of difficult situations, otherwise she may become entangled in them by the end of the year. All in all, this is a good year. All troubles will be blown away. This year it is necessary to show maximum conservatism and observation in order to succeed.

COCK (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041…)

For the Rooster, the year of the Horse is a period of trials. There will be many obstacles on the way. Roosters will be able to overcome them if they are not mistaken by previous successes. The rooster brings the spirit of competition into any process. His actions are driven by the desire to receive a prize, an award and recognition. In the year of the Horse, the streak of luck will end if the Rooster listens to empty praise. This is a time of obstacles and conflicts. You have to be diplomatic and compromise. Quarrels with loved ones and employees are possible. You need to be careful so that everything ends well.

DOG (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042…)

For the Dog, this is a year of development and progress, growth and big profits. In the year of the Horse, the Dog has the opportunity to expand the scope of activities and continue a favorable period for itself. Progress is seen in everything. This is perhaps the best year for the Dog in the entire twelve-year cycle. Try to make full use of it. A dog can expect a successful marriage. But there may be trouble with relatives or a slight loss of property. Looking forward to many trips and meeting guests.

BOAR (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043…)

The year may be favorable. The boar can persistently achieve its goal. And to the end to defend the interests of his family. In the year of the Horse, the Boar's luck will be excellent. Although he will not be lucky in gambling, there will be no problems with business and finances. 2014 is a happy year for family life.

What promises to bring 2014 to all the signs of the Zodiac?


The self-confidence and cold calculation that characterize people born under this sign will remain this year, but arrogance and commercialism will be added to them. This will be noted with dissatisfaction by relatives and friends of Aries. The year promises to be specific and not easy, especially for those who have a quick temper. Partners and relatives of Aries should be patient in order to cope with such a quarrelsome person. Warming of relations towards the end of the year.


This year has a lot to teach Taurus. The main quality that these people will need is caution. There will be many provocative situations. And the representative of this zodiac sign needs to clearly distinguish between each of them, so as not to be afraid of the bait of provocateurs or scammers, and then not to reproach themselves for carelessness. This year will force Taurus to prove their worth as an individual and as a professional worker. Already from the beginning of the year, you should be patient and overcome obstacle after obstacle. The main thing is to do it consistently, otherwise, torn between family work and your own hobbies, you can lose everything.


The year for the Gemini, who clearly know what they want to achieve at this time, will be successful in their professional activities. It will become a year of prospects, activity and purposefulness. Throughout the year, Gemini's past will remind of itself, which can interfere with a person of this sign. There will be problems that prevent you from getting a prestigious job or finding out the relationship with your loved one to the end. It's all about the unwillingness of Gemini to part with the illusion and an attempt to regain a long-lost relationship.


The New Year 2014 will give Cancers peace and self-confidence. We must learn to understand people, learn to say “no” if circumstances require it. In addition, you need to learn how to separate personal life and work, without mixing these two concepts. The coming year is good for renewal, for meeting Cancer with a person who can not only ignite a storm of emotions in Cancer, but also become a real mentor for him, guide him and push him to development, which people of this zodiac sign need so periodically.

a lion

Lions in 2014 will be active and incredibly enterprising. However, they will lack the guile that distinguishes the year of the Horse. Lions, especially in the middle of the year, will have to show all the stamina that they are capable of, since very often Leo will be seduced, flirting with this person, which on the one hand will attract Leo very much, and on the other hand, stop and remind of honor and family values. Manifested weakness can cost Leo a loved one and peace of mind for the rest of the year.


Dev is in for a very difficult year. Fully trusting the person of the Virgo will relax, for which they can pay. Fervor is also dangerous, because of which Virgos will often conflict with others. But they will do all this to protect themselves and their families. No one will dare to doubt that Virgo loves her loved ones and takes care of them. The year can be a time of change. The important thing is that any change in the life of the representatives of this sign will only benefit them.


Good luck awaits them in 2014. Such qualities of a wooden Horse as nobility, cunning, sparkling and the desire not to stop halfway, are very suitable for Libra. These people will be able to achieve the highest position in their careers. 2014 will be full of intimate adventures and travels.


A very busy and productive year. The dedication and risk shown by Scorpio will give exactly the result that he is counting on. People of this zodiac sign will be incredibly lucky in 2014 if they do not hesitate, fearing to lose what little they have. The first half of the year will be chaotic and incredibly active, and in the second half there will be calm, because Scorpio will be able to achieve much of what he was striving for.


The year of the wooden Horse for Sagittarius is far from ambiguous. There will be many prospects and tempting offers throughout 2014, but not every Sagittarius will decide to take this chance to change his life, because of the natural indecision and uncertainty in the future. These people will miss the chance to become happy, afraid of losing what they have. Due to self-doubt, Sagittarius may not go well with a professional career.


It will be a very promising and useful year, which will bring these people many new acquaintances, sensations and completely new activities. The horse is similar to Capricorn in its cautious, secretive nature, and this will not allow people of the Capricorn sign to sit back and not develop. Good luck will accompany the representatives of the Capricorn sign in personal life.


The beginning of 2014 will not be very successful: Aquarius will be devastated, this will be affected by poor health and deteriorating relationships with loved ones. Aquarius will feel misunderstood by others. This is especially true for talented people who will have a creative crisis. The absence of a loved one will also affect the state of mind. This mood will dissolve by the middle of spring, when Aquarians fall in love, and their life will again shine with the most colorful colors. From this period, new discoveries will begin.


The Year of the Wooden Horse will be marked in the life of Pisces by gaining a new status. Pisces will meet their love, or maybe a child will appear in their family. With such events, the year for representatives of this zodiac sign will be oversaturated. Pisces will easily change their place of work to another place, or quit altogether. This year will be marked by the unprecedented success of Pisces with the opposite sex, travel.

What year 2014, whom - what animal ....

About what animal 2014 is, how to celebrate the onset of this event, what outfit to wear and what to put on the table, you will learn right now.

Characteristics of the symbol of the coming year

To find out what the symbol of the Chinese calendar promises us, let's find out which animal is 2014. This will be the Year of the Horse. At all times, people respected her for strength, endurance and good disposition. And the animal always willingly responded to its owner in return. In addition, horses are friendly and sensitive creatures, they perfectly feel the mood of a person and relate to his problems with understanding. Albeit in its own way, in an animal way, but communicating with an animal "tete-a-tete" it is impossible not to feel it. Nobility is another “horse” of the Horse, which knows how to forgive someone who is close and dear to her. If you take into account all these qualities and try to cultivate them in yourself, then throughout the year the symbol will certainly favor you.

How to find out which Horse is 2014? Very simple. In the Eastern calendar, all years that end in 4 and 5 refer to blue and wood. Thus, we get that the blue wooden horse will patronize us in the coming period. Despite the fact that, according to tradition, we will consider January 1 as the first day of the new year, the Horse will officially come into its own and will be able to influence our destinies from January 31. In general, the animal promises us not to organize serious obstacles, but on the contrary, it will help create solid ground under our feet for the birth of everything new - in the family, career, creativity. Good luck awaits purposeful, courageous and enterprising people.

How to organize a holiday and what to wear?

Remember, 2014 is the year of which animal, and you will understand how to properly celebrate the holiday. Despite the fact that the animal loves space and freedom, it is domestic and always faithful to its owner. So that the hostess of the next year is happy with you and helps in everything, spend a holiday with your family. Not necessarily at home - you can go on a trip to warmer climes or, conversely, to ski resort. But relatives should certainly listen to the chiming clock and raise glasses of champagne next to you. Family holidays in themselves strengthen relationships, and the Horse will further contribute to this.

Learn more about how to properly celebrate the New Year of the Horse 2014.

Celebrate the year 2014 according to the Chinese calendar in a dress that is not too provocative, under which put on beads, rosaries or bracelets made of wood. The symbol of the year will not tolerate if the celebration takes place in a poorly tidied apartment with leaking plumbing and at a table covered with a mint stained tablecloth. Revenge for such a "criminal" inaccuracy will be well-being, which will "leak" from your life literally through your fingers. And decorating the house with pine branches, wooden vases, figurines and other decor, you will greatly please the hostess of the year. It is better not to arrange a luxurious feast with red caviar, hazel grouse and pineapples in champagne. The horse itself is modest and thrifty and does not like a spender. Be sure to pour the oats into a wooden bowl and place in the center of the festive table.

The most successful gifts

We have already found out that 2014 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Blue Wooden Horse. This is where it should come from. The tree in Chinese philosophy is associated with the East itself, that is, the place where the Sun rises. It is in this side of the world that the Chinese sages see the main symbol of prosperity (spiritual, physical, material). Therefore, buy wooden crafts of blue horses and give them to those whom you want to wish good luck. In stores for children's creativity, you can buy unpainted blanks and cover them with paint yourself, putting a piece of your soul into the amulet.

Also for 2014 the Horse, any images of this animal are appropriate. Let your New Year's gifts be not only symbolic, but also useful. It can be, for example, a keychain in the form of a horse, a loose-leaf calendar with different breeds of horses, or a puzzle that, after assembly, can be framed and hung on the wall. An excellent gift would be a subscription to a visit to an equestrian base - and closer to noble animals, and to strengthen the physical and emotional health healthy.

To whom will the Horse bring good luck on the tail?

Unkind 2014 year of the Horse will be for rats and, ironically, for themselves horses. Trouble may await you different parties. First of all, these are monetary debts. This is especially true for those who frivolously took out bank loans or embarked on an adventure called a mortgage. So, if possible, try to close all your financial obligations this year. Believe me, it will be better and calmer. The second group of dangers is various kinds of catastrophes. As practice shows, accidents on the roads were, are and will be. So it's time to change your aggressive driving style, check technical condition vehicle and repeat the rules of the road.

Rooster And Goat good luck next year. The blue wooden horse promises that any, even the most daring, undertakings will have a successful development. And it doesn’t matter anymore whether you are going to organize your own business or plan to change your bachelor lifestyle and finally create a cell of society. And here Pig 2014 according to the Chinese calendar does not bode well. If you don’t learn in time to control your emotions, follow your words and analyze your actions, troubles in your personal life will multiply at an alarming rate. Dogs in the New Year, they will be especially sensitive to any failures, even if they occur through no fault of their own. This will greatly undermine their self-confidence.

Monkey who have long been dissatisfied with their lives, can safely let drastic changes into their lives. The search for a new, more profitable and prestigious job will end especially successfully. All opportunities to fix problems and problems will also appear in Bull. Safely and generally calmly live this period cats And Tigers. Snake, thanks to her wisdom and caution, she will be able to "survive" the unpleasant surprises and trials that 2014 has prepared for her according to the Eastern calendar. The Dragon will make a big mistake if in the coming year he does not find enough determination in himself to solve key life issues, because he has plenty of chances to realize himself as the best employee or as a happy parent.

When approaching New Year, many are concerned about one question. 2014 is the year of which animal Eastern calendar? You can already open a little secret, and boldly say that it will become a symbol of the whole next year.

There is an ancient Eastern legend that the Buddha decided to go to his halls. And he invited all the animals to his farewell. But the next day only 12 animals came to say goodbye to him. To thank them for their respect, and to punish the rest, the Buddha named 12 years in their honor. And the countdown began from the Rat, as she was the first to come running to say goodbye to the deity. And since then, twelve living beings have ruled in turn for a whole year. But this is only a legend. In fact, it was the Eastern sages and great scientists who calculated that it takes 12 years for all the planets to be able to go around the Sun.

Also, five main elements have their own cycle in the eastern calendar, which in turn follow each other. These include: Wood and Fire, Earth and Metal, and Water. Even in the East, colors are of great importance, there are also 5 of them. These are blue, red, yellow, white and black. So it turned out that next year will be the year of the Horse. It will become wooden for a year, and this animal will be painted blue.

In the year 2014, the animal Horse can bring people a lot of trouble, because it is quite self-willed, and at the same time it can be uncontrollable. So, we are getting ready to meet this completely non-mystical animal - the symbol of 2014. Before the holiday, on December 30 or 31, you need to clean the whole apartment well, as the Horse does not like mess. This animal likes a lot of space and the company of people, so it is advisable to visit exhibitions or theaters in the last days of the old year. But at the same time, the horse is a pet, so the New Year should be celebrated directly with your family and in a fun company. The most important thing is not to forget to congratulate all your relatives and friends by phone.

Dressing up this New Year is not quite usual. Firstly, you can not wear bright clothes of yellow or orange, as Horses are afraid of such colors. But gray or blue color is suitable for a festive outfit. A good choice- green clothes, because the Horse is wooden. And, as you know, the tree symbolizes nature. The outfit can be complemented with a rich pearl necklace, although simple wooden beads will suit the lady.

During a festive dinner, greens must be present on the table. It is appropriate for the Horse to put a plate of oats and decorate it with homemade bracelets or beads. Or put in the center of the table an English dish - oatmeal. For dessert, you can serve apple pie or oatmeal cookies. But you can’t solder the Horse, because it has an uncontrollable character. What happens if she gets drunk? Therefore, you need to drink more mineral or sparkling water, but champagne is not forbidden. And the luckiest person in the new year will be the one who puts real koumiss on the table.

It is recommended to decorate the apartment and rooms with wooden souvenirs. You can safely put wooden dishes on the table. It will be good if there are pictures with painted horses on the walls. Under the Christmas tree, a figurine of a horse made of any material will look beautiful. You can hang a horseshoe on the door, which is the symbol of the Year of the Horse 2014. And the kids will also have fun with bells or bells.

IN last years horoscopes based on the ancient Chinese calendar are becoming increasingly popular. This calendar, as believed in China, connects the fate of people with the movement of the Sun and planets, including the Earth and Moon. It is assumed that the twelve-year cycle is taken on the basis of observations of the movement of Jupiter, which revolves around the Sun in 11.86 years.

All the planets in our solar system go around the sun in twelve years. Ancient Chinese scholars assigned the name of some animal to each year. Modern people already often celebrate the New Year not without looking at the Chinese moon calendar. They choose outfits and dishes for the festive table in such a way as to please the next symbol of the Chinese calendar. Many people are already interested what animal will be the next year 2014. This will be the Year of the Horse. In addition to the twelve-year cycle, the Chinese calendar also has a sixty-year cycle, on which the color of the symbol or some other qualities depend. So, for example, the future 2014 will be the year of the blue wooden horse.. Although astrologers do not have a common opinion on this issue, as some of them believe that the horse will be green, not blue. It may be very important for someone to know exactly what color the Horse of 2014 will be, but for most just curious people, two colors in one year is quite normal.

Many believe that the coming year should correspond to the nature of its symbol, the animal, which means that they will face hard work, with pressure and passion, requiring quick, swift decisions. It will be possible to do a lot, as the horse will set a good pace for everything.

What does 2014 promise us?

Love and jealousy, passion and calculation - all this promises people horoscope for 2014. The horse is graceful, picturesque and graceful. It will help us make our life more beautiful, make us work, think faster, show the way to success. Good luck will come to someone, someone will find a new job, or even change their profession. But the Horse is not only hardworking, it is also fickle, changeable. Success will smile at people who think extraordinary, creatively. But the Horse is unfavorable to spenders, and if they do not want to anger the thrifty mistress, then they should avoid unnecessary spending. It is necessary to enter into conflicts less, because the Horse has a hot temper, and it will not be easy to stop. In the future, you may very much regret the scandal that flared up from scratch.

The horse loves traveling, changing places, she needs new experiences. You will have the opportunity to spend your vacation on the shores of the gentle sea, away from home. And if you are lucky and this year love will come, then it will be passionate, passionate, endless. For all the gifts of fate that the Horse will bring you, be grateful to her, do not fall into pride and do not abuse the gifts received, otherwise she will certainly throw off the cruel, arrogant rider and avenge her insults.

Element of the Year Horse- this is a tree, more precisely, even a pine. The tree also has its own characteristics. Pine burns easily, and this symbolizes sharpness, aggressiveness, irascibility. But at the same time, wood is a very practical material, and, therefore, thrift and calculation will be held in high esteem.

A what else can you expect in the Year of the Horse? Big changes. For some, this will be a change in the family, and for someone at work. People in power can radically change the economy or politics of the country, and thus our lives. In the year of the blue horse, a strong financial shock is possible, which will force you to carefully plan your expenses, and in order to stay afloat, you will need to analyze all the possibilities and prospects.

How to meet the next New Year 2014 to earn friendship with a capricious horse. This year should be celebrated with family, at home. The horse appreciates good family relationships, love and home comfort. Next year, it will provide you with many opportunities to meet friends, but you need to start the year among relatives.

Be sure to do a general cleaning, and especially pay attention to the taps, if necessary - fix them, because water takes away well-being from the house. Sociable and inquisitive, the Horse loves entertainment and beauty, communication. Therefore, before the New Year it is not bad to go to an exhibition or to the theater, to visit some social, festive event with the children.

In clothing, blue, green or purple colors, or any of their shades, are preferred. Beware of wearing yellow, red or orange. When celebrating the New Year, the year of the blue wooden Horse, put on wooden beads, or jewelry with wood elements. And, decorating the house, put wooden souvenirs or figurines. Not necessarily from noble varieties of wood. Remember, the tree is a symbol of well-being in the coming year. The oats, poured into a separate wooden plate, which can be put on the table, will not hurt either.

closer to new year holidays even the most intelligent and skeptical people wonder - 2014 who? In the sense of which animal according to the eastern zodiac horoscope. We will not only tell you who will manage 2014, but also reveal the secrets of the character of the owner of the year, as well as the secrets of attracting good luck and success in the coming 2014.

2014 - Year of the Horse

Swift and free, strong and fast horse will host the New Year 2014. And although this will only happen in February, according to the Chinese horoscope, and not on our New Year's Eve, we need to know what the coming year has in store.

  • In many beliefs, a horse is not just a draft force or agricultural livestock, but an animal that helps the soul travel. Therefore the horse eastern horoscope symbolizes the power of the intellect and the strength of the mind, and the swiftness of her movements only emphasizes these qualities. In addition, the Horse is distinguished by a high degree of adaptability to the changing conditions of the surrounding world, therefore it symbolizes the exchange of information and communication.
  • The coming year of the Horse means a new breakthrough. This animal is movement itself. She is active, persistent and dynamic. But her life does not mean movement for the sake of the process itself. The horse is moving towards the goal. If you have grandiose plans, be prepared that in 2014 they will come true, perhaps in the most unexpected way. After all, the Horse is a free animal and jumps where it wants.
  • So the time left before the Year of the Horse comes into its own is the most reasonable thing to devote to ideological planning and the development of tactical measures to realize your dream. It will not be superfluous to strengthen the physical shell. The horse sets the frantic pace of life, which you still need to be able to withstand. So start doing morning exercises and harden the body if you want to achieve something next year.
  • 2014 will bring success to all who work towards it. The saying that the one who is lucky is lucky is as relevant as possible in the year of the Horse. However, do not lock yourself into a tedious routine. The horse requires work with passion. Courage and drive will bring more benefit than painstaking diligence.
  • In general, 2014 is a year of success for those who know how to invent something new, have enough energy to make efforts to achieve their dreams, and have physical endurance in order to withstand the pressure of the events of the year. Creative people, enthusiasts of all directions, cheerful innovators with an adventurous streak - your year is coming. A riot of ideas and freedom of spirit - this is what the year of the Horse is.

How to Attract Good Luck in the Year of the Horse

This animal is an example of egocentrism. She likes things to be done the way she wants. Therefore, the main rule for those who want to succeed in 2014 - do not count the Horse.

  • If things don't turn out the way you wanted, don't worry. Let them develop according to their own scenario. This does not mean that you should wash your hands, not at all. Work and help the inevitable happen, but don't try to turn the shafts. All the same, it will not work to over-stubborn the Horse. So just stay in the saddle.
  • The horse loves to be beautiful and showy. Adjust your wardrobe in this direction. But no metal decorations. The year of the wooden Horse is coming, and the metal has an energy that is exactly the opposite. In general, this year it is better to prefer clothes made of natural fabrics, bright, with floral ornaments or ethnic patterns. Let the decorations be made of Murano glass, natural stones and wood. Get close to nature - Horses will love it.
  • The only talisman that can be made of metal is a horseshoe. Take her to your luck. Although, to be precise, in the eastern horoscope, a horseshoe was not considered happy in the year of the Horse. On the contrary, she was a symbol of the captivity of the wild and free spirit. A horse's hoof was considered to bring good luck, and not a horseshoe at all. If you cannot find a decent hoof as a talisman, then limit yourself to its image. Although it would be more accurate to simply start a horse figurine. Then there will be as many as four hooves available.
  • The horse loves adrenaline, danger, competition. Therefore, if you definitely decided to do everything to attract the attention of the capricious mistress of the year, then let your motto for 2014 be the phrase: if you want to get what you never had, do what you never did. Go on unexpected trips, take up karate and Japanese, find yourself a new hobby, change your haircut and hair color, make a bet and win it, learn how to operate a tower crane and play the guitar - there are many things in the world that you have never done . In the year of the Horse, it's time to try.
  • Although the Horse is a savage, she is a devoted mother of the family. Therefore, no one canceled family values. Let your adventures be limited to trials of the spirit. The horse will not tolerate betrayal, its punishing hoof can overtake at the most inopportune moment.

What to do in the Year of the Horse...

Based on the wild temper, great strength and energy, brilliant mind and completely unbridled character of the main animal of the year, let's sketch out a list of what you need to do in 2014.

  • Generate ideas. The horse will help to carry them out.
  • Work with pleasure. The horse does not tolerate lazy people and bores.
  • Support physical form. The horse loves the strong and hardy.
  • Travel. Even just around the city and its environs. The horse loves new experiences, what can you do - a freedom-loving nature.
  • Do unexpected things.
  • Eat more plant foods! Vegetables, fruits, cereals should be actively present in the diet. This will not only help you maintain great shape, but also goes well with the overall energy of the year.
  • Read more books in the year of the Horse - she is an intellectual being, and appreciates the same as she does.

... and what to do is contraindicated

  • Lie on the couch or spend all your free time at the TV or computer.
  • Limit your intellectual development.
  • Indulge in idleness.
  • Work at a job you hate.
  • Pay little attention to family
  • Do not play sports or at least exercise

2014 will be an active, interesting, unpredictable, but very successful year for all those who find the courage to change their lives. The horse will definitely appreciate your efforts and generously reward them.