Exercises for too thin legs. How to make legs thin and slender at home

Most modern girls are very careful about their figure, because overweight, of course, no one is painted. However, there are those who, on the contrary, are worried about excessive thinness, for example, too much What to do in this case, and is it possible to give them a more seductive shape?

special diet

Many believe that excessive thinness cannot be a disadvantage, and even strive for it. However, it can bring no less problems than fullness. Most girls are upset by too thin legs. What to do about this problem? First, it is necessary to completely revise the diet and, most likely, radically change it. You should not assume that in order for very thin legs to increase in volume, it is enough just to eat a lot. The quality of the food you eat plays an important role. Legs should be enlarged muscle mass, and not fat, because in the latter case, cellulite, sagging and ugly appearance. Increasing muscle volume for girls is not an easy task. Therefore, in this case, you can not do without special nutrition. How to make a menu in this case? The basis of the diet should be low-fat protein products: chicken breasts, cottage cheese, fish, seafood, eggs. Fiber: vegetables, bread. rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Sometimes it can be consumed in the form of fruits or harmless sweets. It is necessary to eat fractionally (every 3-4 hours) in order to maximize metabolism.


Of course, nutrition alone will not solve the problem of thin legs. It is imperative to connect physical activity, and with weights. It is this sport that will help to radically transform thin legs. What should girls do who have always been far from sports and do not know where to start? Of course, the best solution would be to contact a trainer who will definitely tell you the options for how to pump up thin legs. But if this is not possible, you can choose the exercises yourself. Why you need it The answer is simple: they build muscle. Cardio exercises, such as running, cycling, are aimed at burning fat. They will make your legs look thinner! Therefore, the emphasis is on weight training. Many girls are afraid to “pump over” while exercising with dumbbells and a barbell. They have absolutely nothing to fear, since the female is designed in such a way that muscle mass is very difficult to increase, so they do not threaten to become a mountain of muscles, especially if they have excessively thin legs. What to do with sports equipment and where to start training?

To increase, various lunges and squats are suitable. You can do them both with dumbbells and with a barbell. You should start with the weight in which it is comfortable to do approaches, gradually increasing. The most important thing is to perform the exercises in technique, otherwise they will not be useful. To learn how to properly squat technically, you can first practice doing it without weights. Basic principles: when squatting, the knees should not go beyond the toes, and the back should always be straight. These exercises will not only help increase the volume of the hips, but also work gluteal muscles, which is also important for a beautiful and toned body.

Women are so arranged that we always want to have what we do not have. Very often we take for a complex something that our girlfriends could envy us. For example, the problem of thin legs. Women here can be divided into two categories: the first - dreams of such legs, the second - is looking for all sorts of ways to "escape" from this problem. Today we will talk about how to solve the problem of the second category of ladies, and reveal the secret, how to make legs thicker.

Physical exercises for the legs

The first way to “fix” your legs is physical activity. Do not be surprised that when solving the problem of reducing the coverage of the hips and increasing them, the same solution is offered. The fact is that in the first case, fat is burned and muscle mass is built up, which gives shape to the legs and prevents excess fat from growing all over the leg. In the second case, due to prolonged training, muscles are built up, which make the legs larger in volume. Accordingly, the result of training is directly proportional to the effort invested.

The basic rule of training!

If you want to build muscle mass, it is important to remember that you cannot exercise every day. Muscles grow during rest, so the following alternation would be the best option: 1st day - intensive training, 2nd day - rest, 3rd day - training, 4th day - rest, etc. That is, a break between classes sports should be one day.

Barbell exercises

Squats are one of the most effective and popular leg strengthening exercises. To build muscle mass as quickly as possible, you need to “equip” yourself with an additional load. It is important to know how to properly perform barbell squats to make your legs thicker:

  • Wide squats with a barbell on the shoulders. Get in front of the bar. Spread your legs wide, spreading the toes of your boots to the sides. Sit under the bar with your elbows back. Taking a deep breath, tighten your chest muscles as much as possible without tilting your torso to the sides. Arching your back, tighten the muscles on your stomach and lean forward a little with your pelvis. After lifting the bar from the rack, take one step back. Slowly bend your knees and do squats 10 times. During this exercise, all internal muscles hips.
  • Squats with a barbell on the chest. With your feet shoulder-width apart, grab the bar so that it rests on your upper chest. Pulling in your stomach and arching your back, inhale. Push your chest forward, keep your posture straight, bend your knees. Squat. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, return to the starting position while exhaling. Repeat 10 times.

Dumbbell exercises

These exercises are also widely used to "replenish" the legs. You can perform, for example, such exercises:

  • Lunges. Stand up straight. Take dumbbells in your hands. Lunge forward with your left foot. Please note that the lunge should be deep - the thigh should be parallel to the floor. Return to starting position. Lunge right foot and return to the starting position again. Repeat 20 times. You can keep your hands with dumbbells down. If you want to pump up muscle mass in your arms at the same time as your legs, you can stretch your arms forward, raise them up or squeeze them at the elbows, combining exercises simultaneously with a leg lunge.

To speed up the effect, you can enroll in Gym, where you will work out on a special simulator that allows you to pump up muscle mass on your legs.

Visual effects

Every lady loves to dress up. Some women have so many outfits that they rent apartments where they keep their wardrobe. But there will be no sense from such a collection if the style and style of clothing is not chosen correctly. We will give a couple of simple recommendations that allow you to visually make your legs thicker, hiding them in elegant outfits:

  • Long skirts and sundresses. If you have thin legs, skip the mini if ​​you haven't already. Choose long skirts, sundresses and dresses with an indirect cut. The skirt should be voluminous, so focus on outfits with pleats, ruffles and extra volume.
  • Classic pants. If in life you play the role of a serious business woman, choose classic suits with a straight cut. Avoid tight-fitting styles, give up leggings.
  • Skirts with asymmetric ornament and large pattern. Use a distraction - draw attention not to the legs, but to the clothes. Bright unusual patterns, sequins and other accents will perfectly help to look away from the legs.
  • Shoes. Do not wear huge heavy boots a la "grinders", exclude shoes with high platforms and heels. Pick up pumps with low heels - they will look great on the foot and perfectly hide the lack of volume.

As you can see, making legs thicker is not at all difficult, you just have to choose the right path. If you prefer a quick effect, just review your wardrobe and treat yourself to an unforgettable shopping experience. If, on the eve of the swimming season, you need to improve your own volumes, choose intensive training: do squats, lunges with extra weight or sign up for a gym.

Do you have a proportional torso, muscular arms and even a press with cubes, only your legs turned out to be thin? For some, such legs are the ultimate dream, but do these “two branches”, as your grandmother says, constantly upset you? In this article, you will learn how to increase the volume of excessively thin legs through exercise and proper nutrition, as well as how to make them visually fuller through clothing.


Part 1

Change your lifestyle

    Do cardio. Some fear that aerobic activity will make your legs thinner even more, but the right exercises will help build muscle, as well as generally maintain good health and fitness. Hill-climbing activities, such as cycling or hiking, will lower part your body is stronger.

    • Long running sessions will make your legs thinner. However, this does not mean that you should avoid cardio. Try to run uphill and no more than three times a week.
  1. Train hard. Since your legs take all the stress of daily walking, your leg muscles are already used to hard work, so you will have to train much harder to build muscle mass. During each workout, do two or three sets of 8-12 reps each. take Weight Limit, in which you are able to maintain the desired position and perform the exercise correctly: you should feel how the muscles “burn”.

    • After a few weeks of training, take heavier dumbbells or kettlebells to increase the load.
    • Do not overdo it. Understand the difference between pain and injury. Work with a trainer if you've never lifted weights before.
  2. Train faster. You have probably heard that strength exercises should be done slowly. However, fast and powerful movements will contribute to the speedy set of muscle mass. Perform exercises for time, trying to do as many repetitions as possible in a short period of time.

    Train different muscle groups on different days. If you exercise the same muscles every day, they won't have time to recover and grow in size, and the risk of injury increases. So dedicate the days of the week different groups muscles, allowing some muscles to work hard and others to rest. Rest is very important for building muscle.

    Eat enough calories. This does not mean that you should overeat; you must get enough calories from a healthy diet. When you build muscle, your body needs a lot of calories. Try to follow these tips:

    • Include in your diet lean meats, tofu, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits - and even more vegetables and fruits.
    • Limit your consumption of processed foods, sugar, wheat flour, fast food, and snacks (chips, popcorn, candy bars). They will not give you energy for training, but, on the contrary, will make you feel tired.
  3. Get enough protein. Protein is essential for muscle growth, so eat it with every meal. Eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, and other lean meats. If you don't eat meat, include tofu, legumes, quinoa, barley, and eggs in your diet.

  4. Try taking supplements, but don't rely on them too much. Some accept nutritional supplements to stimulate muscle growth, but they must be combined with a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.

    • Creatine is a substance that is naturally produced in the body for muscle growth. If you want to supplement with creatine, the safe dose of creatine is 5 grams per day for certain period time.
    • Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Part 2

Train Right

Do squats with dumbbells. If you have thin hips, then this exercise is just for you. Squats on their own are good for developing the muscles of the thighs, and in combination with dumbbells (or a barbell, if you are already trained enough), this exercise becomes even more effective. Start with those dumbbells that you can lift 10 times without having to put them on the floor. For beginners, a weight of 4-8 kg is suitable. Bodybuilders need to lift more weight to build leg muscles. Do squats like this:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells at your sides (if you are doing the exercise with a barbell, keep it on your chest or behind your head).
  • Squat down, bending your knees and lowering your buttocks to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The knees should always remain directly above the feet; do not extend your knees further than your toes.
  • Push yourself back to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 10-12 squats.
  • Do lunges with dumbbells. This exercise engages the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. You can do it without dumbbells, but remember that building muscle requires intense work.

    • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells at your sides. You can lift them up to your shoulders if you like.
    • Do big step forward with one foot, lowering the knee of the other leg to the floor. If you are walking with your right foot, lower your left knee.
    • Keep your torso upright and make sure your knee is over your foot. Do not push your knee forward beyond your toes.
    • Rise back to the starting position and immediately step forward with the other foot.
    • Make it your goal to do 3 sets of 15 reps. Over time, you can increase the number of sets to 4 or 5 of 10-12 repetitions and take more weight.
  • High jumps. This exercise allows you to increase the volume of the calf muscles with a minimum of equipment. You will need a sturdy box or exercise bench with a non-slip surface to jump on. The higher the box, the more difficult the exercise. Don't use dumbbells; your hands should be free so that you can balance if necessary.

    • Stand in front of the box with your toes pointed at it.
    • Jump hard and land on the box with the balls of your feet.
    • Jump back and down to the starting position.
    • Train until you can do 3 sets of 15 reps. Over time, you will be able to do 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Perform weight lifts while standing still. This exercise develops the muscles of the back of the thigh, which will help make your legs muscular and sculpted. Pick up a barbell as heavy as you can lift 10 times without rest. If you don't have a barbell, use two dumbbells.

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a barbell or dumbbell in front of you.
    • To lift a barbell or dumbbell, bend your knees. The back should remain straight. Engage your abdominal muscles.
    • With the weight in your hands, stand up, pushing your hips forward. The back should still be straightened, the abdominal muscles should be tense. When you straighten up, the barbell or dumbbells should be at the level of your hips.
    • Bend over again to lower the weight to the floor.
    • Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • Use leg trainers. If you're serious about pumping up your leg muscles, you might want to join a gym where you can use a variety of leg machines. On the machines, you can gradually increase the weight, thereby increasing the intensity of the load and promoting muscle growth. Start each exercise with as much weight as you can lift with your legs 8-10 times without stopping. Ask a trainer to help you find the right weight. Here are examples of exercises for the gym.

    • Leg extensions. Find a leg extension machine and set it to a lighter weight than you would normally need to start. Sit on the machine, bend your knees and place your feet under the bottom bar. To lift the weight, straighten your legs, but keep them slightly bent at the knees. Hold this position until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles. Then bend your knees to lower the weight to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
    • Standing leg curl. Find a leg curl machine that allows you to lift weights by attaching a special cable to your ankle. Set a weight that you can lift about 10 times without rest. Attach a cable to your ankle and grab the bar with your hands. Bend your knee towards your buttocks to lift the weight, then straighten it back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Repeat the same for the other leg.
  • Many want to be slim and toned legs, but to achieve this in a week seems almost an impossible task.

    Significant weight loss will certainly take a long time. However, the following helpful tips and little tricks will really help legs look slimmer in just 7 days.

    1. Set realistic goals

    In how the figure looks, an important role is played by genetic predisposition. If you have thin calves and full thighs, then in a week you will not change their shape.

    Want to get results quickly? Set real goals, for example, to tighten the muscles of the legs or reduce their volume in a specific area.

    2. Move more

    Physical exercise is one of key points to achieve slim legs.

    It can be a whole complex or individual exercises, the main thing is more movements!

    3. Choose the right types of physical activity

    From cycling and sprint legs become stronger and more muscular. Therefore, if your goal is to reduce volume and reshape their contours, avoid these sports.

    The best options for you will be walking, or.

    4. Stretch

    With intense physical exertion, it is important to stretch after each session - this will help the muscles recover.

    Stretching relieves pain and protects against possible injuries. In addition, it will help stretch the muscles so that they do not increase in volume.

    Do this slowly, spending 15-20 seconds on each zone.

    5. Strengthen muscle tone

    Instead of muscle-building exercises, tone them up to give your legs a leaner shape.

    For this, stretching, yoga or Pilates is suitable.

    6. Wear high heels

    A smooth walk in high heels is another way to achieve slim legs.

    Heels will make you look taller and your legs will look beautiful.

    7. Match your pumps to your skin tone

    The similar color of the shoes and your skin will create a continuous color line, and make the legs visually longer, thinner and slimmer.

    8. Wear opaque tights

    Another little trick that will help make your legs thinner is to wear opaque tights with a dress or skirt.

    They should be black or a contrasting color to make the legs look slimmer.

    9. Avoid Capri Pants

    They visually cut the line of the legs.

    In such trousers, especially with flat shoes, the legs will appear shorter and thicker.

    10. Wear long pants

    These pants will help visually lengthen the silhouette.

    If you are wearing high heels, your trousers should almost cover them.

    Pants in combination with ballet flats should reach almost to the floor.

    11. Choose A-Line Clothing

    The silhouette of clothing plays an important role - it can be used to emphasize certain parts of the figure.

    Wear skirts and dresses that flare out at the bottom, which will make your legs look thinner.

    12. Choose the right skirt length

    The length of the skirt also matters: the maxi visually shortens the legs, the midi separates their line, and the mini is suitable only for those who have a good figure.

    In order to make the legs look slimmer, the skirt length just above the knee is ideal.

    13 Choose Colors That Slim

    Some colors and shades can visually make the figure more toned. These are dark colors or contrasting combinations.

    According to this theory, wear black or dark-colored clothes below the waist.

    14. Wear dark jeans

    Dark, evenly dyed jeans can visually lengthen the legs.

    15. Fake tan

    Self-tanning is one of the most quick ways make the figure visually slimmer. So why not use it on your legs?

    You can apply it yourself, but at the same time Special attention focus on "difficult" areas - knees and feet.

    16. Use bronzer

    You can change the volume and contours of the legs with the help of a bronzer.

    Apply it along the shins and on upper part hips to give the appearance of longer, thinner legs.

    17. Customize your clothes

    Clothes that don't fit well don't make you slim.

    Don't be afraid to buy pants that seem a little big to you - they can always be adjusted to your figure.

    Choose a pair of pants that fit well on the widest part of your legs, and then adjust the rest of the details.

    Tailored clothes will make you look much slimmer.

    18. Be patient

    While this article provides tips on how to achieve lean legs in a week, the reality is that it often takes significantly longer.

    Patiently go to the intended goal, and in the meantime, use the tips and tricks described here, which will help so far only visually make the legs slimmer!

    19. Love lunges

    To reduce the volume of the hips, you need not just to move a lot, but to do special exercises.

    If you want to get thinner thighs fast, love lunges!

    A variety of lunges - back and forth, from side to side and reverse, will strengthen the tone of the muscles on the hips, and the legs will look slender and toned.

    20. Do Pilates

    Special exercises for the inner and outer thighs and smooth movements will help you quickly reduce the volume and reshape the legs.

    For Pilates, you don't need any special equipment to get the desired effect. Buy a video course for beginners or try to learn from videos on You Tube.

    It seems easy, but it works wonders when you need to lose weight in the lower body.

    21. Walk and run daily

    In order for the legs to lose weight, ordinary movements are not enough.

    Requires cardio, walking or running - every day for at least 30 minutes. They will help to quickly and effectively give the legs harmony.

    22. Eat right

    Even from frequent and intense exercise, the legs will not lose weight if you eat the wrong way.

    The genetically female body is designed in such a way that excess fat deposited mainly on the thighs.

    Believe it or not, slimming is 80% diet and only 20% physical activity.

    Starchy carbohydrates are stored in the body as excess fat.

    Eliminate starchy foods from your diet and limit your carbohydrate sources to sweet potatoes (yam), whole grains (brown rice), and quinoa seeds.

    Reduce daily portions and include vegetables, whey protein, low glycemic fruits (berries and apples), and healthy fats so that you don't feel hungry all day long.

    23. Do Squats

    In addition to attacks, great exercise for legs - squats.

    In addition to regular squats, do squats with legs wide apart - knees shoulder-width apart.

    Do 25 squats of each type, while keeping your back straight. If it allows physical form, squat with dumbbells, lowering them down, parallel to the body.

    These exercises are effective for strengthening the tone and slimming of the legs, and also tighten the gluteal muscles well!

    24. Use Natural Diuretics

    Excess fluid increases the volume of the thighs, and they seem fuller than they really are.

    Instead of taking strong diuretics, eat natural foods that have a diuretic effect, which are also rich in beneficial nutrients and electrolytes - they maintain the body's water-salt balance and energize.

    These foods include: celery, asparagus, parsley, cucumbers, and dandelion greens.

    25. Do more housework

    Sounds funny, but this method works.

    Do at least a little housework every day: cleaning, cooking, laundry.

    The more you move, doing housework, the faster your legs will lose weight. In addition, the house will always be clean.

    Do not forget that the natural shape of the body largely depends on how you look. So set yourself realistic goals.

    Regular physical exercise, healthy eating, useful tips and little tricks will help you move towards your goal - to achieve slimmer legs in a week.

    Do you have suitable advice?

    Thin legs or thighs most often due to a lack of adipose tissue or underdevelopment of the muscles of the lower extremities. If, with a miniature figure as a whole, this drawback is not so clearly evident, then with a heavy upper body, such an imbalance of the figure looks extremely ridiculous. The unattractive appearance of the legs is largely determined by the unnecessarily thin shins or thighs. Correction of such an aesthetic defect is carried out by methods plastic surgery. Increasing the missing volume and giving the desired relief lower limbs achieved through lipofilling or endoprosthesis replacement of the legs/femurs.

    General information

    Not all people are naturally endowed with beautiful legs. Even if in youth the legs were slender, with elastic muscles of the lower leg and thigh, then with age they can noticeably lose their shape. Thin legs and hips "dictate" their unfair conditions in the choice of clothing and lifestyle: long skirts, wide trousers, rejection of high heels, visually slimming legs, self-ban on going to the beach or sauna, where too thin legs can become the subject of close attention of others .

    Ideally, the line of the lower leg should flow smoothly into the line of the thigh, while the lower leg should have sufficient muscle volume, and the thigh should not be unnecessarily thin or loose. A smooth flow and docking of the lower leg with the thigh is provided by the knee. The smooth contours of the legs and thighs, when closing the legs, should form 3 spindle-shaped "windows": between the calves, knee joints and thighs of the right and left legs. The upper "window", formed by the inner contours of the thighs, should be the narrowest.

    Unfortunately, due to genetic characteristics, not all leg muscles are amenable to change even with very intense physical activity on them. If the hips are more exposed age-related changes, then the shape of the lower leg is often a hereditary feature. The reasons for the presence of excessively thin legs and thighs may be anatomically determined underdevelopment of muscles, muscle atrophy due to past diseases (trauma, poliomyelitis, etc.). It is possible to influence the shape of the lower leg only in childhood Therefore, outdoor games are so important in childhood: running, jumping, skipping ropes.

    Plastic correction of thin shins

    Today it is possible to correct the shape and give volume to thin shins with the help of cruroplasty - plastic surgery to increase the shins by endoprosthetics. Calf surgery is quite popular among men involved in bodybuilding.

    The first leg augmentation operations with silicone implants were performed in 1979 by French plastic surgeon J. Glitzenstein. Today, the technique of plastic correction of the lower legs has been worked out in detail, it gives high aesthetic results with the lowest possible risk of side effects.

    Cruroplasty is indicated for thin legs, disharmonious with the body; varus (vaulted) or valgus (divergent) deformities of the legs, asymmetric legs.

    The problem of thin legs during cruroplasty is solved by installing silicone implants, the pore structure is similar to those used in plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Silicone calf prostheses can be oblong or round in shape, with a smooth or textured surface. An experienced plastic surgeon will easily select the required size and shape of the endoprosthesis in accordance with best results and wishes of the patient. Implants have an elastic silicone shell with a gel-like, viscous filler inside, they are prepared to order or individually selected in length and thickness from existing samples.

    Endoprosthetics of the legs is the only, safe and effective method, allowing to increase the volume of thin legs and improve their shape. In the future, the implants do not interfere with walking and are not felt in any way during sports.

    Install implants from the incision in the popliteal fossa; after the release and expansion of the muscle tissue, the endoprosthesis is placed between the muscles of the lower leg. Properly selected endoprostheses compensate for the lack of the patient's own muscle mass and correct the irregular shape of the lower leg.

    Endoprostheses are installed exclusively from the side or rear surfaces shins. Implantation is not performed on the anterior surface, since there are initially no muscle tissues and the nerve plexuses pass. Walking is allowed the next day after the operation. For better and faster recovery, it is recommended to wear tight stockings or stockings for 7-10 days.

    After tissue healing, cosmetic sutures in the natural crease under the knee are invisible, and the implants are resistant to damage and elastic.

    As a result of the correction of thin legs by the cruroplasty method, thin legs acquire a pleasant volume, and curved legs - a harmonious shape.

    Plastic correction of thin hips

    Aesthetic correction of thin hips with the help of arthroplasty is performed much less frequently than cruroplasty. For hip augmentation, gel-filled silicone implants are also used, which are sewn between the muscles on the medial surface of the thigh.

    Indications for plastic correction of the hips are constitutional and involutional deformities of the muscles, insufficiently pronounced muscle contours of the thigh. The course of the postoperative period is similar to that after cruroplasty. Much more often, a tightening of the soft tissues of the thighs is performed, giving them a more elastic and tightened contour.

    Requirements for plastic correction of thin legs and hips

    In cases where plastic surgery cannot correct defects in the legs and hips (for example, if the deformities are caused by bone curvature), an orthopedic operation is performed to change the shape of the lower extremities.

    After plastic surgery of the legs and hips, you should refrain from high-heeled shoes for some time and wear tights with a supportive effect. Sports activities that create excessive loads on the muscles of the legs, in order to avoid deformation or displacement of the implant.

    Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the lower extremities are strict contraindications for endoprosthesis replacement of thin legs and hips.