Beautiful toned legs exercise. Exercises for slender beautiful legs

Do you want your legs to look slim and fit? Then take a look at the exercises below. To perform them, you only need comfortable clothes, a mat, a fitness ball and dumbbells.

Mahi legs

Great warm-up exercise. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and swing your legs forward, maintaining balance with outstretched arms. Repeat the movements in each direction 10-12 times.

Crossing legs and arms

Crossing your arms and legs at a fast pace, move from one side to the other. To increase efficiency, change positions by jumping. Repeat all 25 times.

forward bends

This exercise is quite simple, which, however, does not affect its effectiveness. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and keeping your back straight. Lean forward while keeping your back straight. Repeat all 12 times.

Warrior Pose

A great option for your legs and for balance training. Stand straight, lift one leg, bending it at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Then tilt your body forward and stretch bent leg back. Try to stretch your arms forward and your leg back at the same time, while maintaining balance. Repeat the complex 10 times on each leg.

Lateral leg raises

Stand straight. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it to the side while balancing on the other leg. Lower your leg, lightly touching the floor, and lift it up again. Repeat this set 10 times on each side.


An excellent exercise that will quickly bring your legs into the desired shape. To improve performance, perform the movements as quickly as possible, while remembering to keep an eye on right position knees. Repeat for 30 seconds on each side.

Alternative lunges

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but you do not need to raise your knee up. After the lunge, you just need to return to a straight stance. Do the exercise for 60 seconds on each leg.

Jump lunges

This option is great for bringing into perfect shape not only the legs, but also the buttocks. Perform lunges as in the previous exercises, however, before changing the leg, you need to jump up.

Lunges with lifting dumbbells

This option will allow you to good shape your hands and will create additional stress on the legs and buttocks. Perform lunges, while lifting the dumbbells up. Repeat the movements 10 times on each leg.

Side lunges

These movements are great for inner part hips. Do side lunges, moving smoothly from one side to the other. For more efficiency, use dumbbells.

Side lunges with sliding

To perform this complex, you will need a special sliding disk. If you do not have one, then it can be replaced with a plastic container lid or other slippery object. Perform side lunges, smoothly sliding your foot along the floor. Perform 10 movements in each direction.

Alternative side lunges

Do lateral lunges, moving on the mat to one side and the other without using sliding movements. When doing this, make sure that your knee does not go beyond the line of your toes.

Cross leg lunges

Another option for lunges, which will tone the whole body. To improve efficiency this exercise use dumbbells. Repeat the movements 10 times in each direction.

Crossover lunge with dumbbell raise

An exercise similar to the previous one, however, when squatting, you need to raise your arm with a dumbbell as you can see in the figure.

deep squat

Set your feet wide and do a deep squat. After that, jump back to the starting position. Repeat the maximum number of movements for 30 seconds.

Deep squat with crossover

This exercise is similar to the previous one, however, during the jump, the legs must be crossed. After that, again jump into a deep squat.

Narrow squat

When squatting, keep your legs together, as this will redistribute the load on outside hips. Do three sets of 10 reps.

Chair posture

To perform this exercise, you need to sit down, tilt your body forward and, holding your hands in front of you, hook your elbow on the outer side of your thigh. How to do it right, you can see in the figure. Hold this position for a few seconds, then do the exercise on the other side.

Squat and stretch

For this movement, you need to do a squat, while keeping your back straight and making sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes. After that, you need to stretch your arms up so that they form a straight line with the body. Repeat the complex 10 times in three sets.

Jump squat

The exercise is similar to the previous one, however, after squatting, you need to jump back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times for two sets.

Jump squat alternative

In this case, during the jump, you need to touch the heels. To do this, the jump must be higher, this allows you to use more muscles.


When doing this squat, you pay special attention to the inner thighs. Make sure that the load falls on your heels.

Active plie

While doing the plie squat, try to pulsate your leg muscles. This will increase the effectiveness of the exercise several times.

Plie with a jump

Performing this exercise, you will immediately feel how almost all the muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved in the work. After you have made a plié, you need to jump up and return to the plié again. Repeat these movements 10 times.

Narrow squat with legs retracted

To complete this exercise, you need to do tight squat, keeping your feet together, and then move one foot behind you, as if you are trying to touch something from behind. Repeat all 10 times on each side.

Squat with leg raise

Set your legs wide and squat. At the same time, take one leg to the side, keeping balance on the second. Repeat all 10 times in each direction.

Rise to the platform

To complete this complex, you need a step platform. The higher the platform, the more effective the result will be. Repeat the movements 20 times with each leg.

Wall squats

Although this exercise seems very simple, it really isn't. Almost after the start of the movements, you will feel a burning sensation in the thighs. To do this, lean against a wall and place your feet in front of you. Begin to squat until your knees form a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat all 3 times.

Lateral plank on the elbows with leg raises

A rather difficult but effective exercise. To do this, stand in a side plank, while leaning on your elbow, and lift your leg up. Repeat all 15 times in each direction.

Running on towels

A very effective exercise for almost all leg muscles. Place small towels under your feet and start sliding across the floor as quickly as possible, changing the position of your feet. Repeat 10 times on each leg for three sets.

Leg raises with knees

Get down on your hands and knees, and then begin to raise your legs, forming an angle of 90 degrees. Repeat all 20 times on each leg (for three sets).

Side kicks

Get on your knees and hands. Raise and move your leg to the side, then straighten your knee as if you were trying to hit a wall. Repeat all 10 times in each direction.

Plank with leg raise

For this complex, you need to become a plank, while resting your feet on the fitball. Forming a straight line with your body, begin to lift your legs up one by one. Repeat the movements 10 times in each direction.

Lifting the fitball with your feet

Try lifting the fitball with your feet while lying on your side. Since it is difficult to maintain balance, it involves a huge number of muscles in the work. Repeat all 10 times.

Fitball transfer

This exercise works almost every muscle in your body. To do this, it is necessary to transfer the fitball from foot to hand, as can be seen in the figure. Repeat all 10 times for two or three sets.

Bridge with an emphasis on fitball

Lift your hips off the floor, while leaning on the fitball. Repeat all 10 times for three sets.

superman pose

Lie face down on the floor. Hold the fitball with your feet and stretch your arms forward. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


Lie face down on the floor and imitate swimming movements. Repeat all 20 times.

Cross Leg Raise

Lie on the floor and raise your legs, as shown in the picture. Repeat all 10 times on each side.

Compression Bridge

Do a bridge while squeezing a pillow or something similar with your knees. Repeat 20 times for several sets.

Leg raise from lying position

Lie on your side and lift your legs up, as shown in the picture. Repeat 20 times on each side.

One leg bridge

A very effective exercise. After you have become in the bridge, take one leg and stretch it forward. Repeat all 15 times on each side.

Sliding lunges

Do lunges, as shown in the figure, while touching the floor with your hand. Repeat 30 times on each side.

Romanova Vera, fitness club instructor Fitness Territory, certified FPA trainer (Association of Fitness Professionals) will share with us basic but effective exercises. Performing only 5 exercises, you will achieve a guaranteed result. All you need is 20 minutes a day and weights.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks

1. Squats

Starting position: feet hip-width apart. On inspiration, we squat to the parallel of the thigh with the floor, the knees do not go beyond the edge of the foot, we transfer the weight to the heels.

Final position: Exhale as you return to the starting position. As weights, we take a dumbbell or bodybar.


2. Lunges

Starting position: feet hip-width apart.

Final position: step foot back and lower the pelvis while inhaling. IN lowest point both knees form a right angle. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. After the desired number of repetitions, change the leg.

3. Lying pelvic lifts (shoulder bridge)

Starting position: legs bent, arms along the body or holding weights (disc, body bar, dumbbell).

Final position: while inhaling, we raise the pelvis up, contracting the gluteal muscles, while inhaling, we return to the starting position.

4. Leading the leg to the side

Starting position: lying on your side.

Final position: put the weight closer to the knee joint, shorten the foot and on the exhale move the leg to the side. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

5. Back leg swings

Starting position: kneeling with support on the palms or forearms.

Strong, beautiful legs are the first sign of excellent healthy and good health. physical fitness person. Slender legs have one who knows in practice what physical education is, and who is not too lazy to play sports in order to maintain muscle tone.

Exist . They have several features that are dictated general physiology person.

People have to pay dearly enough for walking on two legs. This organ of support and movement must be subjected to daily loads of 10-30 thousand steps (approximately 5-15 km). Nature, creating us as we are, by no means meant that a person would be able to overcome great distances in a sitting position. Due to the lack of elementary physical activity legs lose their natural beauty.

Excessive loads in the form of standing in one place for many hours, intensive walking with sharp pauses are also harmful. A long stay of the leg muscles in tension contributes to stagnation of blood. This inhibits the processes of evacuation of waste products (decay) of cells. They remain in the muscle fibers for a long time and disrupt the free functioning of capillaries.

Everyone is running and we will run: the main exercise for slender legs

In nature, few people walk in slow pace. Basically everyone is running. The person must run. This is one of the needs of the body. Running is a workout for the muscles of the legs, joints, cardio - vascular system. However, running is different. Slim legs in two to three weeks with running exercises is real.

Before starting a workout, take care of warming up your muscles. Jogging for 20-30 minutes will be enough. Then pay attention to stretch marks:

The best exercises for beautiful legs:

Do you want beautiful legs? Walk on your toes night and day

In fact, a load for the legs equal to their own human weight is not effective for building up. muscle mass or the formation of a beautiful muscle relief. There are two effective ways increase the load on the legs - use shells or reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport for the whole body (stand on the toe).

If you start walking on your toes in crowded places, some misunderstandings and embarrassment are quite possible. However, no one will disturb you at home. Walk on your toes from room to room, raising your arms up from time to time and stretching. So you will make your legs slender in a week of exercises.

Remember the leg muscles are the largest and strongest human muscles. It takes a lot of work to work it out. There are many methodologies for training.

The main principle of training is to force the muscles of the legs to work, to strain.

The following tricks work great on the legs:

1. Grand plie is the first exercise taught in ballet schools. We place our legs shoulder-width apart. We stand on our toes and squat. When folded knee joints take a little to the side. We perform three approaches, in each 20-30 repetitions.

2. "Donkey" squats. We find any fixed stop on which you can lean and lean forward. We put a stand under our feet (a small elevation) and stand on its edge with socks. The legs should be slightly bent at the knees. We do 2 or 3 sets of 20-40 exercises each. It all depends on your weight. You should feel a sharp, unbearable pain in the calf muscle. Perform the exercise with high quality, and beautiful legs are provided to you.

3. Squat with shells. We take a barbell or dumbbells. We place them on the trapezius muscles. Legs shoulder width apart. While squatting, keep your back straight, trying to bring your pelvis as close to the floor as possible. We take maximum weights. For one approach, you need to do 8-12 repetitions. We carry out three approaches. Perform the exercise correctly, and in three to four weeks you will get not only beautiful legs, but also a very attractive ass.

Despite the fact that the goal of many people is six pack on the stomach, your dream may be beautiful slender legs And tightened buttocks. The following five exercises are designed specifically for flawless legs! Test them for yourself!

Slim give the lower body a seductive athletic curve, improve appearance of the whole body. And it's worth the time and effort!

By doing a few basic exercises, you a short time get maximum results.

5 exercises for beautiful legs

1. Deep squats

One of the biggest execution mistakes is working at half amplitude. Most squat only to the parallel with the floor. This option is suitable for those who have knee problems. However, if you are healthy, try to squat as low as possible.

Those very last centimeters really make the hips work and bring the muscles to maximum tension. For more intensity while squatting at the lowest point, hold for a second. When you get used to this load, and it becomes easy for you, take another pause halfway up.

Tip: This form of exercise is quite difficult, so do fewer repetitions or use lighter weights.

2. Squat with a barbell on one leg

Another great exercise for beautiful legs and buttocks is this. You simply put one foot on the bench or platform behind you and work with the foot in front.

Take in each hand on or on the shoulders. Slowly squat down with your front leg. Lower yourself as low as you can, then return to the starting position. Do required amount repetitions with one leg, then the other.

3. Walking uphill

The best cardio for toning the muscles of the legs is considered walking uphill (or running, if you are fit enough), such a load perfectly works out not only the legs, but the whole body.

After 30 minutes or more of cardio, your muscles may become stiff, especially if you have not experienced such loads before. Therefore, after training, be sure to take time to stretch.

4. Deadlift with a bar using a block

The next exercise for beautiful legs is. If you want to work harder on your muscles rear surface hips and increase the intensity, place your feet on a block or board.

Tip: If you want to develop strength, it is better to work without an additional support and use more weight. If you are focused on working out the muscle, do this option from time to time.

5. Bench raises with dumbbells

This exercise is great for developing and will be a great addition to the deadlift mentioned earlier. You can work both with dumbbells in your hands and with a neck on your shoulders. Stand directly in front of a bench or platform. From this position, place one foot directly on the top of the bench, this foot is the supporting one. Then pull the other leg onto the bench and place it next to you. You can go back down both from the other leg and from the one you went up with. Whichever option you choose, the load on both legs should be equal - do the same number of repetitions and approaches.

Training program for beautiful legs


If your goal is beautiful and slender legs, pay attention Special attention to the exercises in this article. To avoid overtraining, it's best not to do all five exercises in one session. Include a few of these in every session. effective exercises for beautiful legs, the result will not keep you waiting!