Bonus codes and promotional codes for the Velobike. About daily use

    How to register?

    Use the registration on the website, at the Velobike terminals at bike rental stations or the application for iPhone and Android. Registration will require your phone number and email address.

    What to do after registration?

    What to do after registration? You will receive an SMS from Velobike with your login and PIN. Save this information in a message, notes, or phone address book: you'll need them to rent bikes. Choose for how long you want access and pay for it. Immediately after payment, you can rent a bike. Choose any bike at the bike rental station, enter your login and PIN on the handlebar, the bike will be unlocked and you can ride.

    How can I change my phone number personal account?

    Please send us an email from the email address provided during registration. We will make changes and send a response.

About money and payment

    Payment failed. What to do?

    Check if there is enough money on the card. Double-check if you entered the code from the SMS from the bank correctly. If everything is correct, contact your bank's support service and try to pay for access with another card.

    How to pay the debt?

    Log in to the app or website and select "Pay Debt" from the menu. Enter the card number with which it is more convenient for you to pay off the debt, and the security code that you will receive in an SMS from the bank. The cost of all subsequent rentals over the free time will be debited from this bank card.

    How to pay for access?

    Register on the website, in the application or in the Velobike terminal at the rental station. After registration, you will be prompted to choose access for the day, month or season. Choose the appropriate access, carefully read the User Agreement and pay with a personalized bank card.

    Can I pay for a new access while the old one is valid?

    No, you can only pay for a new access after the end of the current one. If you paid for access for a month and want to extend it until the end of the season, wait until the end of the current access.

    How do I ride my legal 30 minutes for free?

    There is no free rental in Velobike: first we will ask you to register and pay for access. After paying for access, you can ride as many times as you like up to 30 minutes at no extra charge. We will debit the payment for the additional rental time from the card with which the access or debt was paid.

    How can debt arise?

    A rental debt may arise if there is not enough money on your card or the bank rejects the payment on the card. Then we will ask you to pay off the debt before you can use the rental again.

    Can I pay for access through the application?

    Of course. To do this, enter the application with your login and PIN, select "Select access to the rental and pay for it" in the menu. If you have a promo code, enter it before choosing access. Read the user agreement and click "Pay". Next, you will need to enter your bank card details and the security code from SMS.

    Let's say I bought access for a day and rode for an hour and a half in a row. How much do I need to pay?

    For an hour and a half of continuous rental regular bike you will need to pay an extra 100 ₽, an electric bike - 200 ₽. More about surcharges - in the section.

    How much does it cost?

    Access to the rental for 24 hours costs 150₽, for a month - 600₽, for the season until October 31 - 990₽. The price includes any trip up to 30 minutes. Trips over 30 minutes are charged extra. Cm: . Last year, a new access "Season 45 minutes" appeared, which includes trips up to 45 minutes. Its cost is 1190 rubles.

    Is it necessary to put down a deposit?

    There is no need to leave a deposit, but if you do not return the bike within two days, a fine of 30 thousand rubles (50 thousand rubles for an electric bike) will be debited from the card. Therefore, we ask you to always check that when you return the bike at the station you wait for the message “Return OK” (“END” for an electric bike) on the lock of the bike and sms / push notifications about the end of the rental from Velobike.

    What cards do you accept?

    We accept personal cards Visa, Mastercard, Mir. We do not accept cash and Troika, Maestro and Electron cards.

About daily use

    How to check if the bike rental is over?

    The display will show “Return OK” (“END” for e-bike) and you will receive an sms/push notification confirming that you have completed the rental. If you now press OK on the steering wheel, the bike will prompt you to log in using your login or Troika card. Any other messages mean that the rental is not completed.

    How to return a bike?

    Find a free rack at the bike rental station and roll the bike into it until it stops. Wait for the handlebar message “Return OK” (“END” for e-bike) and sms/push notifications confirming the return. The lock will close and the bike will be out of reach. Check that the bike is securely fixed.

    How much can I borrow a bike?

    Once you've paid for your access, you can borrow a bike at no extra cost for 30/45/60 minutes, depending on the access you've chosen. 30/45/60 minutes for each trip are already included in the access. For trips over 30/45/60 minutes, you will need to pay extra according to the conditions of access. A ride is the time between picking up and returning the bike to the bike-share station. The maximum time for which you can take a bike is two days. After 48 hours from the start of the rental, a fine of 30 thousand rubles (50 thousand rubles for an electric bike) is deducted from the bank card with which access was paid. If you are going to rent a bike for a long time, consider daily rentals from private rental companies.

    Where to get bikes? Where to take them then?

    Bicycles can be rented and returned at bike rental stations. Now there are 526 stations in Moscow: find the most convenient one on the map or in the mobile application for iPhone or Android. Bicycle rental stations are installed in the center of Moscow, at the entrances to parks, at metro stations and in many districts. Before you go to the bike station, check on the map if it is open and how many bikes are available on it. If the station is empty, you won't be able to take a bike there. If the station is full, you won't be able to turn it in.

    Is it possible to leave a bicycle in a regular bicycle parking near the metro?

    No, the bike should only be returned to the Velobike rental station.

    Why is only 30 minutes included in the access?

    City bike rental was created for short trips around the city: for example, to get from Pushkinskaya to Chistye Prudy without going down the metro. Access includes unlimited rides up to 30 minutes.

    Can I take multiple bikes at once?

    Only one bike can be taken per paid access at a time. To ride in a company, everyone must have their own access.

    Do you always need to check that the bike-sharing station has accepted your bike?

    Always. The rental time starts when you unlock the bike and ends when you return the bike to the station. If the bike is not properly mounted on the rack or the rack is defective, the bike will not lock and the rental will not end. When you rent a bike, be sure to wait for the inscription “Return OK” (“END” for an electric bike) to appear on the handlebars of the bike and an sms / push notification from Velobike that the rental is over. This is confirmation that the system has accepted your bike.

    How many trips can I make?

    You can make as many trips as you like within the paid access. For example, if you have paid access for a day, then within 24 hours from the moment of payment you can take and return the bike as many times as you like at any bike rental stations. The main thing is not to forget about the 15-minute breaks between trips, which are necessary to synchronize the system data.

    Do I have to return the bike to the same bike-share station I picked it up from?

    No, not necessarily. The bike can be returned to any station where there are free stands. If there are no free stands at the nearest bike-sharing station to you, you will have to find another station. You cannot just leave the bike near the station: the system will assume that you are still using the bike, your rental will not be completed.

About the Troika card

    How to take bicycles on the "Troika"?

    On the website or in the application, go to your personal account and select the "Link Troika card" item. You will need to enter the number of your Troika. It is listed on the back of the card. At the terminal, go to your personal account, select the item "Link Troika card" and attach the card to the reader. After binding, it is enough to attach the "Troika" to the reader on the steering wheel and enter the PIN. Please note: after linking Troika, you can no longer take a bike using your usual login. If you forget Troika at home, you won't be able to take the bike without it. You will first have to untie the "Troika" in your account.

    Can I pay with Troika?

    No, you can't pay with Troika. Instead of entering a login, the Troika card can be applied to the bike lock when you take a bike at a bike rental station. But for this, you first need to link it to your login in your personal account. It is important to remember that when you have Troika linked, the login is not valid. To return to the login, you must first untie Troika.

Problems at the bike station

    I returned the bike on time, and then I received an SMS about writing off a thousand rubles. For what?

    It is likely that the bike-sharing station did not accept your bike and did not complete the rental. To prevent this from happening again, when returning the bike, always wait for the message “Return OK” (“END” for an electric bike) and sms / push notifications about the end of the rental.

    I took the bike and it turned out to be broken

    Thank you for noticing! We will fix this bike soon. What to do now: 1. Return the bike to the rack and park it 2. Wait for the message "Return OK" ("END" for the e-bike). You will also receive an sms/push notification about the end of the rental 3. Report a breakdown to the Velobike support service by phone: +7 495 966 ​​4 669 or via the Telegram chat bot . We will ask you for the station number and bike number, and a description of the problem. 4. Take a serviceable bike at the bike rental station and ride.

    There are no free bikes or racks at the station to return the bike

    This happens during weekends and peak hours. Look at the map to see which nearby stations have free bikes or racks. The map is always at hand on the site, in the application for iPhone and Android. If you don't feel comfortable looking for another station, wait a few minutes: someone else will come to the station to drop off your bike, and you can pick it up right away. Or someone will rent a bike and empty the rack. Just in case, check in advance if there are bikes or free racks at the station you need.

    I'm renting a bike. I park it on the counter but nothing happens

    Check that the bike is level and fully inserted into the rack, as is done with neighboring bikes. If this does not help, try parking your bike at another free stand closer to the terminal. If not, please proceed to the nearest bike-share station. If this does not help, call the Velobike support service: +7 495 966 ​​4 669

Problems during the trip

    I had an accident, the bike was not damaged

    If you are injured, call immediately ambulance call 112. If you cannot return the bike to the bike rack, ask passers-by to help you - you just need to park the bike on the rack and get the message “Return OK” (“END” for an electric bike). If the bike rental station is far away or you are not sure that they can help you, call the Velobike support service: +7 495 966 ​​4 669. We recommend buying extended access with insurance.

    I had an accident, the bike is broken

    If no one was injured, call the Velobike support service and tell about the incident +7 495 966 ​​4 669. If someone is injured, immediately call an ambulance at 112.

    Some hooligans ruined the bike while I was leaving. What to do?

    From the moment the rental starts, you are fully responsible for the safety and completeness of the bike. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, call the Velobike support service: +7 495 966 ​​4 669. You can also write a statement to the police.

    Bicycle stolen

    Call the police at 112 and the Velobike support service: +7 495 966 ​​4 669. You must write a statement to the police and take a notification coupon.

    I see an abandoned bike on the road

    If there is a Velobike rental station nearby, return the bike to the station - you will help someone not to spend extra money. If there is no station nearby, call the Velobike support service: +7 495 966 ​​4 669.

Electric rental

    How to rent an electric bike?

    Just like usual: 1. Register and pay for access 2. Choose an electric bike at the nearest electric bike station 3. Enter your login and PIN on the steering wheel. The bike is unlocked 4. Ride. You can return an electric bike only at one of the twelve electric bike stations. Use the counter marked "E-Bike Seats".

    What if the battery runs out while driving?

    You have to constantly pedal, like on a regular bike.

    Do I need to register separately?

    No. To use an electric bike, additional registration is not required. Enough paid access to the city bike rental.

    But what if I still return the e-bike to a regular rack?

    We will ask you to pay a fine of 1000 ₽.

    How long does the battery take to charge?

    The battery charge time to 100% is up to 4 hours if the battery was completely discharged.

    How is renting an e-bike different from a regular one?

    Basically - nothing, except that you need to monitor the battery level.

    What are electric bikes?

    These are bikes with a motor and a battery, maximum speed- 25 km/h. Electric bicycles have a limited range of travel - a full battery charge is enough for about 35 km. When the battery runs out, the electric bike turns into a regular one.

    How to determine the battery level of a bike?

    All parking racks are numbered at the top. The charge indicators are located on the parking stands on the right side and correspond to the number of the parking stand. If the indicator is green, the bike is charged. If the indicator flashes green, the bike is charging.

    Can the e-bike be returned to regular stations?

    No, the electric bike must be charged at a specially equipped electric bike station. You can return the electric bike only on it to a special rack with the inscription "places for electric bikes". If you return to a regular station, we will write off a fine of 1000 ₽.

    Why are there so few electric bike rental stations?

    So far, this is a pilot project. If electric bike sharing becomes popular, new stations will appear over time.

    How to check if the bike rental is over?

    The display will show "END" and you will receive an SMS/push notification confirming that you have completed the rental. If you now press OK on the steering wheel, the bike will prompt you to log in using your login or Troika card. Any other messages mean that the rental is not completed.


    I got into an accident on a bicycle, I have access to an insurance program, what should I do?

    You must inform the Velobike support service by phone +7 495 966 ​​4 669 about the occurrence of an accident, call the traffic police and, if necessary, an ambulance.

    Where to apply in case of an insured event?

    In case of an insured event, you need to contact the insurance company directly at tel. +7 495 644 44 40. You will be told what documents you need to provide and where to bring them.

    What are the types of access with the insurance program?

    Now you can buy four accesses - "Safe Day", "Safe Month", "Safe Season" and "Safe Season. 60 minutes."

    How much am I insured for?

    You are insured against an accident resulting from an accident: for "Safe day" access in the amount of 50,000 rubles, for "Safe month", "Safe season" and "Safe season. 60 minutes" accesses in the amount of 70,000 rubles.

    How can I purchase access with the insurance program?

    You can purchase access in your personal account on the website (soon in the mobile application), the purchase is not available at the terminal. It is necessary to select access and activate "Advanced access" by checking the box, and without fail agree with the terms of the insurance program, user agreement and consent to the processing of personal data. Access with insurance cannot be paid for with bonus points, the cost of access with insurance is non-refundable.

    What is the advantage of access with an insurance program?

    The insurance program provides life and health insurance (accident as a result of an accident) of the User for the duration of the trip and bike insurance in case of theft or accident, and you also get an additional 15 free minutes of rental.

    I have a valid access, I want to change to an access with an insurance program.

    You will be able to purchase access with the insurance program only after the expiration of the current access.

    How much does access with the insurance program cost?

    The cost of access with the insurance program: "Safe day" - 200 ₽, "Safe month" - 700 ₽, "Safe season" - 1390 ₽, "Safe season. 60 minutes" - 1490₽.

    What is the duration of the insurance program?

    The insurance program is valid for the period of validity of access, i.e. 24 hours from the date of purchase, 30 calendar days and until October 31 inclusive for "Safe Day", "Safe Month" and "Safe Season", "Safe Season" accesses. 60 minutes" respectively.

Velosite ( is an online store of bicycles and goods for outdoor activities. In addition to the website, the company also has an offline store and a workshop where all types of bicycle maintenance and repair work are carried out.

The main office and retail store of the Velosight company are located near the Sokol metro station at the address: Moscow, Volokolamskoye shosse, house 6. To contact the specialists of the online store, you can use the phones:

Having made friends with the online store, you will be among the first to learn about new products in the catalog, profitable promotions, news from the cycling industry, communicate with Velosite employees and customers.

To make the purchase of a bicycle and accessories for it more profitable, promotional codes for the Velosite store will help. These are special combinations of numbers and letters, which, when entered into the appropriate field in the Shopping Cart, will make your order cheaper.

It's very easy to get a benefit. To do this, you only need to periodically visit our website, open your favorite promotions and copy discount codes. And if you subscribe to our newsletter, promotional codes will be sent to you by e-mail. And all this is completely free.

Assortment of Velosite store

The online store features over 400 adult and over 100 children's bikes. Among them are mountain, two-suspension, cargo, folding, hiking, tourist models, cruisers, BMX, fatbikes, electric bicycles. Both budget brands (for example, Cronus, Stels, Haro, Merida) and premium brands (Cube, Trek, Bulls, Giant and others) present their products in the online store.

The Velosite catalog has various accessories for bicycles. These are wheels, baskets, trunks, lights, holders, first-aid kits, helmets, gloves and much more. You can order accessories together with professional services to install them on the bike.

Cycling is becoming more and more popular every day. It is useful to ride a bicycle, many people prefer cycling with the whole family in the summer. Not everyone can buy bicycles for everyone at once, so rental points have been created where you can rent a vehicle for a certain period. Currently, bike rentals are open in almost all amusement parks. Renting a bike, you can ride on a Sunday afternoon through the picturesque streets of the park. Such a walk will be useful, because cycling tones the muscles, improves blood circulation. Walks with the family bring together, charge with vivacity and energy.

Bicycle rental is a very convenient service, you can choose any model, ride and return the bike. There is no need to deliver the bike home, to store it. Rental points are equipped with modern, serviceable bicycles of various brands. Premium mountain bikes available. Such models are ideal for those who want to go on a country bike ride. Mountain bikes with disc brakes, 24 speeds, variable landing geometry, they will be able to drive along forest and mountain paths.

For trips around the city, you can rent a city bike. Such a bike will allow you to move comfortably at any speed during long trips around the city. You can choose a female and male model of a bicycle, a bicycle with a child seat, there are tandems for two. In order to contact the rental point, you must leave a deposit, sign a rental agreement, and pay the rent. The Couponika project will help you save on bike rental. Here are coupons for which you can get up to 65% discount.

Want to ride a bike but don't have your own two-wheeler? Hurry up to use the services of Moscow rental! For this you only need mobile phone and bank card. After registering in the system and paying for access at the terminal, you can take a bike at one of the company's stations.

By the way, you can also return the bike at the nearest rental point, total which exceeds several hundred. Forget about any inconvenience and waste of time! In the event of a breakdown, contact technical support: experts will quickly help you fix the problem. In order to use the bike rental at the lowest prices, activate the bonus code.

Treat yourself to useful and outdoor activities without compromising your personal budget! On this page you will find the latest Velobike promo code for September 2019 for an amazing bonus.