World Skateboarding Day in Russia. World Skateboarding Day in Russia 21 June International Skateboarding Day

Human - interesting creature. Sometimes it is boring for him to just live, satisfying his needs for food, shelter and communication. Many do not have enough risk, danger, adventure, and they find a way for themselves to get thrills. For some, watching horror films is enough, while others go in for extreme sports: skydiving, climbing mountain peaks, rafting down rivers. In addition, there are many ways to initiate the release of adrenaline in the body through boarding: surfing, snowboarding, mountain boarding and, of course, skateboarding. The incredible popularity of skateboarding has led to the fact that fans of this extreme sport have professional holiday.

Who is celebrating

International Skateboarding Day is a holiday for all skateboarders. The most popular board culture among young people. But even among the older generation there are a lot of fans to ride and do a couple of impressive stunts. The solemn date is celebrated by extreme sportsmen all over the world, arranging public skating and competition.

history of the holiday

As a sport, skateboarding has its origins with surfers. Wave conquerors were looking for something that could replace surfing for them in the absence of a good wave or even the sea. As a result, they came up with the skateboard.

The first boards appeared in the 50s of the last century and had very limited functionality. But this did not prevent skateboarding from gaining wild popularity among the population and developing into a powerful street movement. He appealed to bold and risky people who constantly came up with complex and spectacular tricks and thus attracted new members to the skateboard community.

However, over time, the tricks became more and more dangerous, the number of broken arms and legs steadily increased, which led to a ban or restriction on this. extreme sports in some countries. Many believed that boarding hurts not only skaters, but also ordinary pedestrians. Skate stoppers and prohibition signs were installed everywhere. In protest, skateboarders changed the words on the prohibition signs "No Skateboarding!" on "Go Skateboarding!", which attracted public attention and contributed to the establishment of a professional holiday.

About skateboarding in Russia

Thanks to the Iron Curtain, skateboarding came to the USSR only in the 80s. The first domestic skateboards were called "Bend" and differed significantly from their American counterparts. Soviet youth, after watching foreign films about skaters, ran to the garages to design home-made boards. The second boom of this extreme sport occurred in 1996, when foreign countries became accessible to Russian youth. The skateboarding movement is quite popular these days.

International Skateboarding Day 2020:

Historical reference.

Officially, as a separate event, skateboarding was decided to be put forward in 2004. The corresponding initiative was made by the International Association of Skateboarding Companies. "International Skateboarding Day" immediately gained general popularity, as there are enough fans of "boarding" in any major city and country in the world.

As a separate sport, skateboarding has its origins among surfers. At the very beginning of the 50s, when the “wave conquerors” movement had just arisen, they were looking for an affordable means to continue training even during calm, or in general, being away from the sea coast. This is how the famous board on wheels appeared.

At the initial stage of its formation, sports discipline experienced a number of difficult moments: many citizens were very skeptical about skateboarders rushing through the crowd of pedestrians, and the fans themselves active rest, due to the imperfection of the design of the board and the lack of high-quality protective equipment, they became regulars in emergency rooms and emergency departments of hospitals and hospitals.

But in the late 70s, the design and shape of the board were improved, and special helmets with knee and elbow pads appeared in the arsenal of skaters, which made skating and performing tricks much safer, and the movement was truly massive.

Skateboarding in our country.

In the USSR, the force of political isolation, the first "boards for skating" (that's what skateboards were called in Russia then) appeared only at the very end of the 80s. They immediately became an element of popular at that time mass and at the same time protest pop culture, and not only young people, but also quite respectable “honored workers” and even politicians aspired to “test the board”.

Due to the difficult economic situation and the banal lack of skateboards (as well as everything else) in Soviet stores of that time, many skateboarding fans were forced to make boards for themselves on their own.

Once upon a time there were people in all countries who valued an active lifestyle. The American representatives of this large cohort could not come to terms with the government's ban on skateboards and their pilots on the streets of American cities.

An unexpectedly simple solution to the problem was found in 2004 by US West Coast skateboarders: on all prohibition posters, they changed (in the English version) the first letter in one day. And a miracle happened. Instead of a ban (“No Skateboarding!”), a very promising call (“Go Skateboarding!”) turned out to be very promising. Since then, June 21 is considered a holiday for fans of this outdoor activity. Later, the International Association of Skateboard Companies even had to approve a professional holiday, about which there is a corresponding document, given for preservation to the Washington Library. The holiday came to Russia only two years later and became one of the most beloved for lovers of extreme sports.

Congratulations skateboarders
With their cheerful, glorious day.
Let it warm the rides
The sun is a gentle ray.

Let the drive give you speed
Injuries I wish you do not know.
No matter how life turns around
Don't leave your favorite skate.

real skateboarder
The twist is dancing on the slopes of the mountains.
His cool turns
Nobody can repeat.

In pursuit of adrenaline
He is looking for new trampolines.
How brave do you have to be
To love skateboarding!

Skateboarding is a sport for the strong in spirit,
For those who are not afraid of death
For those who love challenges
And I'm used to working on myself.

For those who endure snow and wind
From all sides that are blown,
For those who are steep mountains
They only provide pleasure.

For those who rush without looking back,
When the soul goes to the heels;
Dispelling fear like smoke
Adrenaline rushes through the veins!

Today I congratulate you
Happy day of speed, movement, freedom,
All this skateboarding gives you in full,
He is not afraid of the tricks of the weather.

And on this day you still have victories,
Smooth roads, vivid impressions,
So that the green light burns everywhere,
So that it was the best mood!

We wish everyone good luck
And of course drive fast.
So that everything works out without injuries -
Happy Skateboarders Day!

Let there be whole knees
The arms are not broken.
And skateboards are cool
Behind the transport.

Don't take unnecessary risks
Perform cool tricks.
Eat fun, beautiful,
After all, skateboarding is power!

Happy Skateboarding Day! May speed and freedom
They will be faithful companions in fate.
Light rain and other bad weather
Do not interfere with the ride on the board!

You, like a skater, do not know boredom at all,
After all, your friendship with the board is not for centuries.
Perform only masterfully your tricks,
And let the sun shine in the clouds for you!

Happy Skateboarding Day! Let sport give health
For skiing, expanse will stretch,
And the board, like a good friend, does not fail,
For you, the sun dances with rays,

Let nature please the glorious weather
And today, and at any time of the year,
So that you and your friends can ride happily
And do not part with the board longer!

Board, wheels and road,
And the headwind hits in the face.
It's great on a skateboard
He will rush to his beloved on the porch.

Bruises, abrasions and fractures,
All this so that it does not come again.
Let the road be without obstacles
So that happiness finds you more easily.

Have fun and try
All tricks are skill.
I wish that the ideas of your plans,
They burst into life as if through a window.

All now I'm skateboarders
On a bright holiday, congratulations
New tricks and tricks
I wish you a difficult sport.

Open you with a skate
All abilities, talents.
Try it in your program
Fancy options.

Congratulations skateboarders,
Happy holiday to you,
Let the drive excite you
May you always be attracted by speed.

I want to wish extreme
Joy, beautiful starts,
I want you to ride
With inspiration and passion.

Flatland, vert, freestyle, street -

So skateboarding tells you to live,

Style of freedom, meaning in movement,

The strength of the spirit to achieve ...

Adrenaline, mortal danger - all this attracted people. And maybe that's why they started inventing devices to help them experience all these emotions.

One such device that gives extreme sensations is a skateboard. "Board on wheels" is so fond of many inhabitants of our planet that recently all over the world June 21st is International Skateboarding Day. Go Skateboarding Day).

History of Skateboarding Day

Year of birth of the first skateboard considered to be 1958. In fact, a skateboard is nothing more than a reincarnated surfboard. It was surfers who attached wheels to the board in order to imitate riding on the waves on asphalt during calm.

However, later it turned out that such a device also had a number of advantages: it was possible not only to drive a fairly long distance, but also to increase speed, and even go uphill.

And, although the first skateboard did not look like a modern analogue, and it was considered the most dangerous trick to move down the hill without falling, even then the skateboard began to be popular. And already in 1959, the first production model - Roller Derby.

But besides the fans, there were those who did not welcome this extreme sport. Perhaps it was because of the numerous injuries, popularity of skateboarding in the 60s went into decline.

But already in 1974 Frank Nasworthy came up with polyurethane wheels for skateboards, which gave a new impetus to the development of this hobby. The domestication of the skateboard began - old tricks were honed and new ones were invented, more advanced models were produced.

Skateboarders were not only sliding down the slides, but also jumping without the help of hands, sliding along the board and spinning around their axis. They had their own parks where they honed their skills. And when these parks began to close, skaters took to the streets, making boarding a new culture, a way of life.

Adherents of this style have their own slang, their own style of clothing. They began to get together, showing their skills, held competitions, and soon this resulted in separate sport.

Moreover, the public recognized skateboarding so much that in 2016 it was promised to be included in the program. Olympic Games, but for now there are already world championships in downhill skiing on a skateboard.

The idea is to celebrate International Skateboarding Day was born only in 2004, when the opponents of boarding began put up skate stoppers and prohibition signs. They considered that such skating is dangerous not only for those who practice it, but even for ordinary pedestrians.

In response to their bans, skateboarders on America's West Coast have only begun to redesign the " No Skateboarding!" on « Go Skateboarding and just then International association companies related to skateboarding - International Association of Skateboard Companies - was able to negotiate with the US Congress and announced June 21st International Skateboarding Day.

The tradition of celebrating Skateboarding Day

The main event dedicated to this day is, of course, skateboarding. On June 21, skateboarders from all over the world take to the streets of their cities in order to show what they are capable of.

Special areas are being built for various tricks, where exciting competitions are held and prizes from sponsors are distributed.

For those who have never stood on the board, but dreamed about it, free master classes are offered. Everything is done in order to more people interest in this fascinating, although extreme view sports.

Interesting Skateboard Facts

1. Highest skateboard jump is 5 meters 5 millimeters.

2. longest jump was made with acceleration at a height of 12.5 meters and with a fixed airbag-brake at the end of the track. He made 16 meters 11 centimeters.

3. The fastest speed on a skateboard in a standing position - 113 km / h - the Brazilian Douglas de Silva was able to develop in 2007.

4. In the years when there were no special tracks for skating, American skateboarders preferred to ride in ... pools. Of course, there was no water in them, but the form for tricks was ideal - deep and with rounded walls.

5. Hardest skate trick ever, called "900", was performed in 1999 by Tony Hawk after 13 years of grueling practice. It consisted of jumping and doing a 900-degree flip.

6. First official skateboarding competition took place in 1963.

7. In the 50s of the last century, skateboarding was viewed solely as fast way get to the supermarket.

8. The most famous skateboarder in the world considered cartoon character Bart Simpson. The entire series, starting in 1989, he rides a skateboard.

9. Among the most popular sports in the world skateboarding takes an honorable 6th place.

The feeling of flight, gusts of wind, adrenaline rushing through the roof - all this gives such a seemingly simple board with wheels, and this is what attracts modern young people. ' will cover the whole world.

Where to go on the main holiday of skaters

If you think that every day is a holiday for skaters, and they don’t need special occasions for noisy fun, you are generally right. However, on June 21, fans of these maneuverable boards stray into clans around the world and destroy curbs not just like that, but in honor of world day skateboarding.

Photo: niffgurd @

Serial production of skateboards began in the 60s, Zephyrs burned with might and main in America in the 70s, and even in the USSR, boards appeared before sex - in the 80s, but everyone thought of establishing an international skateboarding day only in 2004. For the past nine years, every June 21, a wave of festivities has swept the world, skate brands from all over the planet compete in originality, and riders storm spots in megacities. In our material - several ways to spend this day in Russia with benefit.

Emerica Go Skateboarding day

Boardshop Squat annually approaches the World Skateboarding Day as thoroughly as possible: last year a wave of Osiris-mania swept across Russia, and this year the burning on the streets will be under the auspices of Emerica.

All participants of this version of the skate day will have a big train around the city with contests at architectural spots dear to the heart and prizes from the sponsor. Four-wheel fever will sweep over more than 20 cities of Russia - to find out the turnouts and passwords, it is better to check the data of the official public Go Skateboardind Day 2014.

Freak ride on longboards

  • Where: Moscow, VDNH, Friendship Fountain of Peoples
  • When: June 21, 13:30

Longboard lovers could not afford to stay away from the World Skateboard Day: the Long City Life community is organizing a freak ride around VDNKh on longs. To be clear, the worse you look, the better. Owner of the

X3M Boardshop has a longboard to give you a strange costume - so dust off last year's Halloween outfits and go in search of adventure.

Skateboarding Day at Puma Social Club

  • Where: Moscow, Gorky Park, Puma Social Club
  • When: June 21, 18:00

If you are suddenly not ready for large-scale events with a large number of participants, go to the "house party" at Puma Social Club. To begin with, from 18:00 in the evening there will be dancing to the incendiary surf tunes from the Hut group,